Understanding US thread-III

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Lalmohan »

actually zynda - i didn't say the US was a police state, i remarked on the robustness of its law enforcement officials and sometimes high handedness
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:58 A.M.) – Iran’s foreign minister rebuked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday (12 March) night after he claimed that Tehran is committed to annihilating the Jews.

Iran’s Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, slammed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claim that his country wants to annihilate Jews.

“Some 2,500 years ago in ancient Persia, there was an attempt to wipe out the Jews, which did not succeed, and which we commemorate with this holiday,” said Netanyahu in last’s week’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow.


“Today there is an attempt by Persia’s heir, Iran, to destroy the state of the Jews,” he added. “They say this as clearly as possible and inscribe it on their ballistic missiles.”

Zarif took to twitter to dispel Netanyahu’s claim.

https://twitter.com/JZarif/status/84100 ... wsrc%5Etfw

“Once again, Benjamin Netanyahu not only distorts the realities of today, but also distorts the past – including Jewish scripture”, Zarif hit back wrote.

“It is truly regrettable that bigotry gets to the point of making allegations against an entire nation which has saved Jews three times in its history.

“The Book of Esther tells of how Xerxes I saved Jews from a plot hatched by Haman the Agagite, which is marked on this very day; again, during the time of Cyrus the Great, an Iranian king saved the Jews – this time from captivity in Babylon; and during the Second World War, when Jews were being slaughtered in Europe, Iran gladly took them in.”
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Yagnasri »

Iran can not have cake and eat it too. One way it openly threatens to use Nukes etc. on Jews and another way it says it inherited the legacy of Cyrus saving Jews. Both can not true.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by JE Menon »

Actually Yagnasri, that is indeed the issue. Both are true.

Both countries have to find a way to live with and deal with each other. Patience is required not propaganda by both sides. They will find a way.

It is Iran that will have to take the first steps here. ONE single act of political courage, and the dynamic will adjust quickly
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by ramana »

Khomeini's Islamization has sought to legitimize itself by going after Israel. Its the Islamism in Iran that causes the rift.

Shah of Iran and Israel were best of friends.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by GShankar »

hmm.. the latest travel ban is also banned. Interesting times ahead. Hope this is not the excuse for some morons to mess with few more PIO.

http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/ ... gers-today
Updated at 10:00 p.m. ET

U.S. District Court Judge Derrick K. Watson has issued a nationwide temporary restraining order, preventing President Trump's revised travel ban from taking effect at midnight Wednesday. Trump's executive order would have temporarily halted the U.S. refugee program and travel from six Muslim-majority countries.

Trump, speaking at a rally in Nashville, Tenn., called the restraining order "unprecedented judicial overreach." He said, "The law and the Constitution give the president the power to suspend immigration — when he deems — or she, fortunately it will not be Hillary, 'she' — when he or she deems it to be in the national interests of our country."

He said he would fight all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.

Department of Justice attorneys had argued that the ban was necessary to protect the nation's security and that it had been revised to address legal concerns. State attorneys general and immigrant rights activists argued the travel ban amounted to an unconstitutional Muslim ban.

Justice Department spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores released this statement after the ruling:

"The Department of Justice strongly disagrees with the federal district court's ruling, which is flawed both in reasoning and in scope. The President's Executive Order falls squarely within his lawful authority in seeking to protect our Nation's security, and the Department will continue to defend this Executive Order in the courts."
Executive order was revised after court defeat

After a federal district court and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals blocked the first travel ban, the revised version temporarily suspended entry by travelers from six mostly Muslim countries, not seven, as the original did. (Iraq was dropped from the list.) And the new order made clear that it didn't apply to lawful permanent residents, also known as green card holders, or to people holding valid visas issued before the ban's effective date.

It still suspended the U.S. refugee program for 120 days. It also cut the number of refugees the U.S. would accept this year by more than half, from 110,000 to 50,000.

Refugees from Syria were no longer banned indefinitely. And the revised order dropped language that was intended to favor religious minorities, which Trump had signaled would apply to persecuted Christians from the Middle East.


Judge Watson wrote that the state of Hawaii, challenging the executive order, has a strong likelihood of succeeding in pursuing the claims that the president's action would violate protections against religious discrimination and would hurt state businesses and universities, as well as the tourism industry.

The judge concluded, based on the historical context of the travel ban and public statements made by the president, that "a reasonable, objective observer ... would conclude that the Executive Order was issued with a purpose to disfavor a particular religion[.]"

Lawyers for the Justice Department had argued that Trump acted within his powers to set immigration policy and protect national security. They also argued that Hawaii's claims of harm were speculative.

But attorneys for Hawaii offered the case of Ismail Elshikh, the imam of a Honolulu mosque. His mother-in-law has applied for an immigrant visa from Syria. Elshikh said that she would be barred from the United States if the executive order were implemented.

Along with Hawaii, courts in Maryland and Washington state have heard challenges to the new revised travel ban.


Federal District Judge James L. Robart, who had blocked much of the White House's first travel ban last month in Seattle, is also handling two cases challenging the new ban. One case involves four citizens or permanent residents who argue that access to visas for their family members would be disrupted. The other challenge comes from Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson — along with his counterparts from Minnesota, New York, California, Maryland, Massachusetts and Oregon.

"What we're looking at is what Donald Trump said when he was running for president," Ferguson told NPR's Morning Edition. "He said he wanted to create a Muslim ban." Ferguson argues that's "strong evidence that the intent behind these executive orders was actually less about national security and more about a Muslim ban."


In a case before U.S. District Judge Theodore D. Chuang in Maryland, Department of Justice lawyer Jeffrey Wall argued that the executive order "doesn't say anything about religion" and "doesn't send a religious message."

In that case, the plaintiffs are two refugee rights groups being helped by the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Immigration Law Center. They maintain the order is a Muslim ban, like Trump proposed on the campaign trail. Lee Gelernt of the ACLU tells NPR that the context of the order, including Trump's campaign statements, should be considered and makes the order's intent clear.

"The purpose of this was to ban Muslims and we are hopeful that the judge, like other courts, will ... not turn a blind eye to what's happening — that the administration just made certain tweaks to get around a court order but still has the same policy purpose," Gelernt said.

National security

When the White House announced the second travel ban last week, Attorney General Jeff Sessions offered some new support for the temporary freeze on refugee resettlement. "More than 300 people who came here as refugees are under FBI investigation for potential terrorism-related activities," Sessions said. But the Department of Justice declined to provide further information about the nature of those cases or which countries those refugees came from.

Refugee resettlement organizations argue that there's no legitimate reason for the ban. They say it would cause lasting harm to them and the people they assist.

"It's not just about picking up refugees at the airport," said Mark Hetfield, CEO of HIAS, one of the nine major resettlement agencies and a plaintiff in the Maryland case. On a conference call with reporters, Hetfield said that agencies like his offer a range of services, such as help locating and furnishing apartments, finding a job and getting kids signed up for school. If the refugee program is suspended, Hetfield says, it will be "very difficult to get things going again."

Lawyers for DOJ said a travel ban gives time to shore up vetting procedures for travelers from six countries that either are state sponsors of terrorism or have harbored terrorists.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

ramana wrote:Khomeini's Islamization has sought to legitimize itself by going after Israel. Its the Islamism in Iran that causes the rift.

Shah of Iran and Israel were best of friends.
why did the islamic revolution happen in iran ? and why did the kabul elites of zahir shah & then communists get swept out?

I think the west likes to pretend a tiny thin layer of corrupt westernized elites in capitals is proof that the whole nation is liberal and western and democratic but 10 miles outside the capital scene is very different. religion and ethnic ties are powerful. they think if they are able to engage with and pay off these creamy elites & control the optics via media their job is done. things dont work out as planned.

damascus, teheran, islamabad, kabul, lutyens zone all sides of the same polygon... in india all the non-congi rulers have non-Lutyens people - namo, abv, the janata govt leaders, even PVNR one could say.... in india we had peaceful but tough changeovers, in other places like pindi the elites continue, in others like teheran they were swept aside.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

and let us not mistake the non-sunni strains of islam as more tolerant and such....the number of public hangings and beatings in iran continue to be high, they are not into the saudi beheading/amputing thing thats all. zorastrians those little who survive are hounded.

all strains of radical islam come down very hard on minorities and other competing strains esp on civilians.

perhaps due to more exposure on the mediterranean rim, the lebanese and syrian coastal sunnis/shias are among the most "liberal" in islam
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Arjun »

In the context of the H1-B debate:

America's Top High School Science Students Are the Children of Immigrants
The organization found that 33 of the 40 finalists of the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search--the leading science competition for U.S. high school students, run by the Society for Science & the Public and now known as the Regeneron Science Talent Search--were the children of immigrants. Specifically, 30 out of the 40 finalists had parents who worked in America on H-1B visas, the option that is no longer available for expedited processing due to a recent policy change from the Trump administration.

"The science competition has been called the 'Junior Nobel Prize,'" the Foundation says. "These outstanding children of immigrants would never have been in America if their parents had not been allowed into the U.S."
Though generalizing to "immigrants" as the driver for next-gen science in the US is too broad a brush - its pretty much Indian and Chinese American.
Last edited by Arjun on 17 Mar 2017 09:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Arjun »

The full report released a few days back, which is referenced above:

http://nfap.com/wp-content/uploads/2017 ... h-2017.pdf
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by arun »

What’s sauce for the Goose is sauce for the Gander.

North Korean newspaper Rodong Sinmun on “White paper on human rights situation in the U.S. in 2016” prepared by the DPRK Institute of International Studies:
Mar. 17, Juche 106 (2017) Friday

White Paper on Human Rights Situation in U.S. in 2016

The DPRK Institute of International Studies Wednesday released a "white paper on human rights situation in the U.S. in 2016".

According to the white paper, the U.S. presidential election in 2016 was recorded as squandering the largest sum of money in history.

About USD 5 billion was consumed in the presidential election in 2008 and USD 6 billion in 2012, whereas in the last presidential election it amounted to USD 10 billion. Advertisement for the presidential candidates cost USD 4.4 billion, and the earnings by websites, radio stations and newspapers for political advertisement amounted to USD 1.2 billion, USD 916 million and USD 882 million, respectively.

The turnout for the last presidential and general elections was 60% and 30~40%, respectively.

Terming the U.S. a human rights desert where even elementary human rights are not provided, the white paper said:

In the U.S., in one week of December 2016, 275 000 persons joined the chronic contingent of the unemployed numbering 7.9 million; 18.8% of the total number of the unemployed was young people.

Last year the number of persons without shelter exceeded 560 000, and 322 000 persons in 17 northern counties in Florida are maintaining a bare existence with the help of "charitable organizations."

According to the statistics made public by economists jointly in the end of 2016, the average annual income of the wealthy people accounting for 1% of the total population was 81 times that of those under the middle class, a considerable increase from 27 times 36 years ago.

Over the past 25 years, school expenses skyrocketed to 440%. About 6 million young people less than 24 years old do not think about going to school and 1.2 million high-school students give up further studies every year because of the exorbitant school expenses.

The situation of medical service in the U.S. is a graphic testimony to the system's anti-human nature.

It costs USD 500 to have a tooth pulled out, tens of thousands of dollars for appendectomy, USD 1 000 for a day in hospital for first aid, and USD 100 000~200 000 for an operation on the emergency case in the first-aid room.

The "health insurance" has become a legal tool for emptying the people's purses.

The Department of Justice made public that from the end of June 2016 management personnel of medical organs and doctors numbering 301 were prosecuted on suspicion of health insurance fraud.

Though women occupy 57% of the workforce, their salary is 81% of that of their male counterparts, and it is 69% and 58% for the Afro-American and Hispanic women.

About 6 million women fall victim to violent crimes every year.

A UPI dispatch disclosed that the cases of human trafficking in 2016 increased by 35.7% compared to the previous year.

Noting that 2016 was a blood-soaked year ridden with cases of gun-related crimes in the U.S., the white paper disclosed that more than 58 120 cases of gun violence took place nationwide, claiming 15 039 lives and injuring 30 589.

On the U.S. institutional discrimination aimed at obliterating other races, it said:

According to a report by the Expert Group on African Descendents of the UN Human Rights Council, 40.4% of the homeless in the U.S. are Afro-Americans and their unemployment rate is double that of the whites'. And as for the same offences, the imprisonment rate of black men is 5.9 times higher than that of white men and the rate of black women, 2.1 times higher than white women.

Most of the 256 people who fell victim to police shootings in the first three months of last year were black.

The above-mentioned violations of human rights in the U.S. are the tip of the iceberg, and they are by no means accidents that were witnessed in 2016 alone.

These criminal offenses, which run counter to human dignity and intelligence, are the inevitable outcome of the American-style "democracy" and the U.S. social system based on the law of the jungle and extreme individualism.

The U.S. is loud in its advocacy of "universal respect for human rights," publishing "annual reports" that deal with the human rights situations in other countries. However, it can never cover up nor negate its own human rights situation that has been the subject of international criticism and condemnation.

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

the trump budget has slashed budgets for all areas except defence.

EPA is 30% down...less than when it was started 30 years ago :)

other 'social services' oriented stuff down 10-20% haircuts
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by komal »

Singha wrote:the trump budget has slashed budgets for all areas except defence.

EPA is 30% down...less than when it was started 30 years ago :)

other 'social services' oriented stuff down 10-20% haircuts
All chump change. $ amount of cuts is completely insignificant. My children and grandchildren are going to be paying for the deficits Trump will run up.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Lalmohan »

someone posted a tweet on cost of security for melania staying in new york > cost of elderly meals that have just been scrapped
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by komal »

Lalmohan wrote:someone posted a tweet on cost of security for melania staying in new york > cost of elderly meals that have just been scrapped
About 500 years of Meals on Wheels could be funded.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Dipanker »

The guy is absolutely nuts. Whatever he is "saving" by cutting the budget of almost all agencies, he is spending all of it on defence (~$52 billion increase on top of $521 billion) and homeland security (~$3 billion increase) and VA.

Cuts in the Health & Human Services and Housing & Urban Development will definitely swell the overall % of poor people by a few points, number of homeless will also go up.
Last edited by Dipanker on 18 Mar 2017 00:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by hanumadu »

^^^This was the first indication for me that Trump may not be serious about his election promises.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by komal »

Dipanker wrote:The guy is absolutely nuts. Whatever he is "saving" by cutting the budget of almost all agencies, he is spending almost all of it on defence (~$52 billion increase on top of $521 billion) and homeland security (~$3 billion increase).

Cuts in the Health & Human Services and Housing & Urban Development will definitely swell the overall % of poor people by a few points, number of homeless will also go up.
Trump will give more money to TSP annually than to keep US water clean and the elderly fed.

The Japanese, Chinese, KSA are laughing -- not sure who he thinks is who to buy all Treasury paper his government will issue.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Lalmohan »

well it looks increasingly like wiretapgate will bring the administration down... flynn can only absorb so much of the blame...
get ready for president pence
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Manish_P »

My children and grandchildren are going to be paying for the deficits Trump will run up.
I thought they were already slotted to do that for the deficits run up so far by the Bushes/Obama..but perhaps all that will be cleared up by you and your generation..
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by komal »

Manish_P wrote:
My children and grandchildren are going to be paying for the deficits Trump will run up.
I thought they were already slotted to do that for the deficits run up so far by the Bushes/Obama..but perhaps all that will be cleared up by you and your generation..
The GOP has had two main themes since Reagan -- deficits do not matter and the TSP is our greatest ally.

My generation did put an end to the GOP deficits -- but alas, Bush the Son and his followers, in a single year, undid that. And he found a way to pay hundreds of billions of dollars to the TSP.

Trump has already found a way to send money to TSP while cutting back on programs that feed the elderly.

Even though we are a majority, my generation cannot fight those who hold beliefs (perhaps, including your good self) such as that tariffs on Mexican goods will be paid by Mexicans and that "Obummer' was born in Kenya.
Mort Walker
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Mort Walker »

Singha wrote:the trump budget has slashed budgets for all areas except defence.

EPA is 30% down...less than when it was started 30 years ago :)

other 'social services' oriented stuff down 10-20% haircuts
The DT administration has NOT announced a budget, but rather an overall guideline of what it would like. It is more of a press release than an actual budget which will be presented to congress in mid-May 2017. This is the starting point for negotiations. Every POTUS in the last 40 years had their budget declared DOA when first presented.

Remember that it is the US Congress which appropriates funding for the executive branch agencies. Debt servicing and entitlement programs are eating up the budget.

EPA should be shut down as it is not a scientific agency and more of a regulatory agency full of idiot attorneys.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by GShankar »

komal wrote:
The GOP has had two main themes since Reagan -- deficits do not matter and the TSP is our greatest ally.

My generation did put an end to the GOP deficits -- but alas, Bush the Son and his followers, in a single year, undid that. And he found a way to pay hundreds of billions of dollars to the TSP.

Trump has already found a way to send money to TSP while cutting back on programs that feed the elderly.

Even though we are a majority, my generation cannot fight those who hold beliefs (perhaps, including your good self) such as that tariffs on Mexican goods will be paid by Mexicans and that "Obummer' was born in Kenya.
w.r.t to the bolded part, here is what I found in wikipedia. Comments?

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Neshant »

Good lord, that felt awkward.

US has had enough of simply importing the world's stuff and exporting nothing in return.

Trump​ refuses requests for a handshake with Angela Merkel​

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by chanakyaa »

He later shook hand after the official press conference. And, unlike his other handshake, he did not forcibly pull the victim towards him :) . Other than that not responding to the handshake request felt like more of a media nautanki
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by komal »

GShankar wrote:
komal wrote:
The GOP has had two main themes since Reagan -- deficits do not matter and the TSP is our greatest ally.

My generation did put an end to the GOP deficits -- but alas, Bush the Son and his followers, in a single year, undid that. And he found a way to pay hundreds of billions of dollars to the TSP.

Trump has already found a way to send money to TSP while cutting back on programs that feed the elderly.

Even though we are a majority, my generation cannot fight those who hold beliefs (perhaps, including your good self) such as that tariffs on Mexican goods will be paid by Mexicans and that "Obummer' was born in Kenya.
w.r.t to the bolded part, here is what I found in wikipedia. Comments?

You will see the dip in the mid 1990s to 2000 in all the lines. The dip is fairly obvious to all who didn't vote GOP and who don't believe that tariffs on Mexican goods are paid by Mexicans.

Accomplishing that dip was like turning an oil tanker around. Bush the Son, who was appointed by the GOP Supreme Court (Regan and Bush the Father appointees) in 2001 and the lines again start turning upward -- the dip was erased.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

Washington: An American man has been charged with hate crime for assaulting an Indian-origin man and hurling racial slurs. Jeffrey Allen Burgess, 54, of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, has been accused of intentionally harming a man named Ankur Mehta on November 22 because of his "perceived race, colour and national origin".

A federal grand jury yesterday indicted Burgess of a hate crime charge in connection with the alleged assault at a Red Robin restaurant in South Hills Village, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported.

Acting Assistant Attorney General Tom Wheeler of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division and acting US Attorney Soo C Song for the Western District of Pennsylvania announced the indictment.

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At the time of the incident, police said, Burgess was sitting next to Mehta inside the Red Robin restaurant when he began insulting him and then repeatedly elbowed him in the head.

"I don't want you sitting next to me...you people," Burgess was quoted as saying by witnesses in addition to his anti-Muslim racial slurs, according to a criminal complaint filed by Bethel Park police.

Witnesses told police Burgess struck Mehta four or five times and repeatedly abused him, according to the complaint.

Mehta was treated at St Clair Hospital for a laceration to the upper lip and a loose tooth. Mehta is of Indian descent, police said.

In addition to the slurs, Burgess told Mehta "things are different now," police said, which authorities believe was a reference to the election of Donald Trump.

If convicted Burgess faces a statutory maximum sentence of 10 years of prison, a fine of $250,000 or both.

Burgess also faces state charges of ethnic intimidation, public drunkenness and simple assault stemming from the same incident.

The indictment of Burgess comes amid a series of suspected hate crime cases targeting Indian-Americans.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by GShankar »

Today's dose of anti-india atrocity literature broadcast by chacha.

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Austin »

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

In ARIZONA Republic? Where the paint above the door is in RedWhiteNBlue? This must be a happy, supportive sign then. Those must be thunderstorms, not other types of "mushroom clouds" since it is Arizona. They probably dream of those.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by saip »

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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

GC woman sentenced to 10 yrs for illegally voting and could be deported

https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/18/us/v ... -news&_r=0

the woman was stupid. all she had to do was ask someone. her mother had already been deported years ago after arrests.

many of these former hispanic illegal turned GC / aakrama sakrama types have a real sense of entitlement like our neo-India bangladeshis. they want to brazen it out. works in EU perhaps not in a police state like US.

the other illegals atleast know when to lie low and do taquiya
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by habal »

>> many of these former hispanic illegal turned GC / aakrama sakrama types have a real sense of entitlement

you may be right there. They seem the types who snitch on their neighbours and call the cops at an odd relative wondering outside. They also have deep inferiority complex and are acting 'whiter than white' most of the times. After watching a few 'first amendment audit' (activism) videos on net, it seems it is hispanic grannies most likely to call the cops on strangers in neighbourhood. They are eager beaver nosey parkers and love to see others have a tough time.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

A wonder they don't execute her. After all it IS Texas, and as everyone knows, You Don't Mess With Texas.
Makes one wonder about Hizzoner, handing down a sentence like that, he really put the Ass in Texass.
I think this will end in a deal - she gets deported to avoid jail.
Or maybe they will strike a deal where she testifies that she was only doing what 10,000,000 of her relatives did in California and Nevada. Then the fat would really be in the fire.

The obvious question is why not make her a citizen since (a) she votes and (b) she is clueless about the Constitution etc and doesn't give a sh1t about rules as a natural Free American Republican, but that won't occur to anyone in Tex-Ass.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by darshan »

Let us see what LULAC does about this. In the south US, there have always been different shades of justice system. One for whites and another for non whites. I always like to remind Hispanics that white courts treat muslims better than you who have more legitimate right to this lands than anyone else after native americans. Everyone is out there championing rights for muslims while forgetting rights of latinos, blacks, asians, Indians, etc.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

Waiter in posh l.a restaurant refuses to serve 4 hispanic women without proof of residency

http://m.ndtv.com/world-news/california ... topstories
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by Singha »

since we do not have a aussie thread

In an apparent hate crime, an Indian Catholic priest was attacked by a 72-year-old man while leading the Sunday mass in a Melbourne church, according to media reports.

Racism may be the reason the priest was stabbed in the neck moments before he was about to say mass at a Melbourne church, reports News.com.au.

According to the report, it is believed that the offender told the priest that because he was Indian, he must be a Hindu or a Muslim and therefore can't be saying mass.

The man has been charged for stabbing Rev Tomy Kalathoor Mathew, 48, in the neck moments before the priest was due to give the 11 am Italian-language mass on Sunday.

He has been charged with intentionally and recklessly causing injury and bailed to appear in the Broadmeadows Magistrates' Court on June 13.

Father Tomy is recovering from non life-threatening injuries in hospital.

The attack was described as "appalling" by the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne.
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Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

A wonder that CNN has not blamed that on ... U No Hu :eek:
BRF Oldie
Posts: 14045
Joined: 11 Aug 2016 06:14

Re: Understanding US thread-III

Post by UlanBatori »

Singha wrote:Waiter in posh l.a restaurant refuses to serve 4 hispanic women without proof of residency

http://m.ndtv.com/world-news/california ... topstories

This jeenius was simply acting like an Aphsar e- State of Arizona or Gorgia, where one has to Prove Legal Residence to get any State or Local Service. For example, to get a Bijnej license renewed, the bijnej must get a Notarized Affidavit that the CFO is a Citjen Lawfool Rejident. Republican Paperwork/Bureaucracy Reduction at Work: in the past they also demanded documented proof. EVERY YEAR. :roll:
Last edited by UlanBatori on 20 Mar 2017 18:02, edited 1 time in total.