Terroristan - June 20, 2017

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by sanjaykumar »

I asked them and the Sikhs said that only when Indian Sikhs come they bring Sri Guru Granth Sahib with them and then take it back. It has been desecreated so many times that they have decided to not keep it there.

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by abhishek_sharma »

Department of State‏Verified account @StateDept 2h2 hours ago
.@StateDeptCT has designated Hizbul Mujahideen - also known as Hizb-ul-Mujahideen & HM - as a Foreign Terrorist Org. https://go.usa.gov/xRdMd
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Now It's Pakistan's Time To Face Its "Toilet Facts" :twisted:

The dirty truth: 41 million Pakistanis without toilets
(old article but still relevant; in light of the new census results, the number 41 millions seems "highly under-exaggerated" :mrgreen: )
Recently, a Unicef warning announced that an alarming 41 million people in Pakistan lack access to adequate toilets; forcing them to defecate in public. Pakistan is in fact the third largest country, behind India and Indonesia, where people are forced to defecate in the open.
This troubling practice which has become the norm for 41 million Pakistanis has profound health and nutritional consequences. Open defecation has significant consequences and it is imperative that we explore this topic. (The massa based author should be well-advised to bring all necessary tools and equipment from USA for this "exploration" :mrgreen: )
The city of Lahore is home to millions of people and has only 21 public bathrooms. ( are these "21" functional !) Many of these are in dire condition and in a state of chronic decay. It is tragic that in a country that receives millions of dollars of aid annually, we have failed to provide the most fundamental necessities such as clean bathrooms to our people! Forcing individuals to seek out places to defecate leads to stool withholding behavior, constipation, and stunting. La-Whore is the "culture capital of Pakiland", the "food capital of Pakistan and a showpiece to foreign visitors :shock:
These consequences have lifelong implications and must be addressed immediately. Local Pakis will not definitely welcome intrusion into their "domestic - and the washing of the "dirty laundry- affair" by this "burger- Paki :mrgreen:
When children are confronted with psycho-social stressors such as not being able to defecate in private or adequately; they have a tendency to develop stool withholding behavior – they refuse to defecate in a setting where they are uncomfortable or embarrassed, causing them to reflexively withhold bowel movement. These "buzz words" make no sense in the "desi environment" of Pakiland :mrgreen:
For a child to defecate in open, it is very embarrassing and anxiety-provoking. This can lead to serious problems known as Encopresis, in which children begin to soil their undergarments. Ditto to above !
The colon normally removes water from our faeces, but stool remaining in our gut for too long from conditioned withholding will inevitably lead to constipation. The stool becomes so hard that it is difficult to expel and stretches the colon, impairing the sensations associated with a normal bowel movement. As a result, softer stool often leaks around the blockage, soiling a child’s undergarments. This "expert opinion" should rather be discussed in a reputable medical journal. These words do not belong in a "family style" newspaper !
The health ramifications of constipation are severe, and unfortunately, frequently overlooked.
Our colon is home to a bacterial flora which is essential for maintaining gut health. Constipation leads to an imbalance in this bacterial flora giving rise to unfriendly strains of bacteria and impaired gut health. The normal helpful bacteria within the colon is disturbed when hard stools associated with constipation persist. Constipation can lead to abdominal pain and a decreased desire to eat as well. In cases where constipation goes unchecked, forceful straining and attempts to evacuate stool can lead to tears and bleeding around the lining of the rectum. The newspaper should have put "Reader Discretion Advised " - in case someone wants to read this "detailed piece" in front of the dining table . :mrgreen:
A child’s degree of stunting can be evaluated by calculating a child’s height for age as a percentage of the population median. The severity of stunting is determined as a percentage of the expected height for age.Stunting, along with wasting, is a universal marker of protein energy malnutrition in a child.Chronic malnutrition is frequently characterised by stunting. Due to open defecation, children are unable to adequately wash themselves and consequently, a bacterial contamination of water ensues. This leads to chronic diarrhoea and malabsorption states in children. Such chronic malnutrition leads to cognitive deficiencies and insufficient brain development. Educational Lecture Tour of Pakistan, sponsored by the Paki Medical Association , is being recommended for this Massa based and Massa trained "hakimji", so he can "share" this knowledge with the local doctors :mrgreen:
Open defecation must be discouraged. And, massive efforts must be implemented to create behavioural change, provide adequate facilities, and increase awareness about overall hygiene. :((

Most telling reader comment is below :
Mar 10, 2015 04:19pm

atleast India realized to fulfill these needs and construct heavily on public health awareness, we are not even bothered to discuss this issues. before we show our fingers to India we have to correct from our mistake. nukes wont give hygiene :lol:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Tarek Fatah, In His Column, Admonishes The Premier Of Ontario, Canada For Failing To Criticize Pakistan.

Ontario’s premier failed to stand up for freedom
Perhaps it was an act of political desperation considering her low popularity ratings. But in visiting the Consulate General of Pakistan and speaking at a flag-raising ceremony on Aug. 14 -- Pakistan Independence Day -- Premier Kathleen Wynne may as well have endorsed the recent military-backed judicial coup in Islamabad. Dipping into ethnic vote banks is a time-tested routine of Canadian politicians, of all stripes.
The awkward, “Namaste, Ni hao ma” and “Salaam Alaikum” greetings they deliver at such events, where visiting politicians do not talk of economic or social policy, but of their love of the sari and samosa and cultural diversity, may be demeaning.
But what Wynne did on Pakistan’s 70th anniversary on Aug. 14 took ethnic politics to a new level. She went to the Pakistan Consulate of Toronto in Vaughan and joined Pakistani diplomats to help raise the Pakistan flag..Her timing could not have been worse. The ceremony took place barely a fortnight after the Pakistan military used its muscle to force the Supreme Court of Pakistan to dismiss duly-elected Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, on charges Sharif did not live up to the standards set by Prophet Muhammad in the 7th Century.
The Zia era "Sadiq and Ameen" clause :mrgreen:
Wynne could have done other things to redeem herself. She could have publicly raised the plight of Asia Bibi, a Christian woman who has been on death row for seven years in Pakistan, accused of committing blasphemy. Wynne did not.She did praise Pakistan’s founder, M.A. Jinnah, as an embodiment of equality. But she ignored the disparaging remarks uttered by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan on Aug. 8, who said he could not utter the word “Hindu”, implying their impurity. Wynne could have raised eyebrows by mentioning the genocide unfolding in Balochistan, where thousands have died. Then again, there are more Pakistani Canadian than Baloch Canadian voters. At the Federal level in Canada, Justin Trudeau the current PM goes out of his way to court pro Khalistani and Pro Pakistani votes, and his cabinet is riddled with Paki and Khalistani sympathizers !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

US adds Hizb-ul-Mujahideen to terrorism blacklist, slaps sanctions
WASHINGTON – The United States on Wednesday named Hizb-ul-Mujahideen as a Foreign Terrorist Organisation and a Specially Designated Global Terrorist group, a little more than 50 days after adding its chief Syed Salahuddin to its list of designated global terrorists.
“Today’s action notifies the US public and the international community that Hizb-ul-Mujahideen is a terrorist organisation,” the US state department said in a statement, adding such designations expose and isolate terrorist groups and individuals, and “assist the law enforcement activities of US agencies and other governments”.This designation is welcomed by authorities in India. :D .The US had named the group’s 71-year-old leader Salahuddin alias Mohammad Yusuf Shah as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist on June 26, just hours before Prime Minister Narendra Modi met President Donald Trump at the White House.
The designation of the Hizb came two days after the two leaders spoke on phone — Trump called to congratulate Modi on the 70th anniversary of India’s independence and announced the setting up of a new dialogue mechanism to elevate the strategic ties between the two countries.The issue was being discussed between the Indian side and the Trump administration for long, sources said. National Security Adviser Ajit Doval and foreign secretary S. Jaishankar had taken up the designation of terrorists with their US counterparts. The New Foreign Minister Of Pakistan has been "invited" to DC. Maybe, more surprises are in store for him there. :mrgreen:
By adding the Hizb to the list, the US seeks to “to deny Hizb-ul-Mujahideen the resources it needs to carry out terrorist attacks”. All its properties and interests in properties subject to US jurisdiction will be blocked and Americans will be prohibited from “engaging in any transactions with the group.”
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

The Mullah Brigade May Not Like It , But It Is Definitely A First For "Islamic Pakistan" :mrgreen:

Pakistan registers transgender man officially as male for the first time, issues male identity card
LAHORE – For the first time in the history of Pakistan, a transgender person has registered himself with National Database & Registration Authority (NADRA) as a male.
Born a girl, 32-year-old Mani received his new Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) Wednesday after more than two months of ‘legal endeavours’. The acknowledgement of members of the transgender community follows years of activism that forced the country’s legal system to recognise gender on the basis of self-identification. This calls for a "celebration", along the lines of a "national holiday" that used to be proclaimed every time Pakistan beats India in a kirket match :mrgreen:
Mani told Daily Pakistan that he always had a dream to become a man. “I cannot disclose the details right now,” Mani said, adding that he didn’t want to “scandalise” the authorities who helped him materialising his dream. Without disclosing the details, he said the decision to give him a male identity card doesn’t come from any particular court “though courts were involved in the long procedure.” “It was a long procedure,” he added.“My family doesn’t support me, but I am an adult male and can make my decisions on my own.” Did some "greasing of the palm" (between the applicant and the clerk ) took place or was everything "clean and kosher" :wink:
Modern-day transgender people in the country claim to be cultural heirs of the eunuchs who thrived at the courts of Mughal emperors that ruled the Indian subcontinent for two centuries until the British arrived in the 19th century and banned them. In 2009, Pakistan became one of the first countries in the world to legally recognise a third sex, allowing transgenders to obtain identity cards, while several have also run in elections. They number at least half a million people in the country, according to several studies. Are the Mullah Brigade not protesting this UnIslamic "concession" :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Unknown assailants martyr kill police constable in Bannu
BANNU – Unknown assailants on Wednesday gunned down a police constable performing his duty at a check post in Bannu district of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, local media reported.
According to The Express Tribune, a check post in Yak Qabar village of the district was stormed in the early hours of the day. The attack was carried out when the constable was alone on the scene. Mehran Khan had been recently assigned duty at the check post, the sources said.Police have registered a case at the Mundain Police Station against unidentified gunmen, while further investigations were underway. Motive could be political or personal. Remains to be seen !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Dus Percenti Rules Out Cooperation With Deposed Ganja :D

Not willing to be in contact with Nawaz Sharif any more, says Asif Zardari
LAHORE – Former president and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) co-chairman on Wednesday denied joining hands with ousted prime minister Nawaz Sharif in the prevailing situation.
As per reports, the former president, who reached Lahore yesterday, chaired a high-level huddle at Bilawal House in Lahore and discussed the political situation of the country.During the meeting, Zardari said that he was not willing to have any more contact with the former prime minister. He further made it clear that PPP will not be part of any grand national dialouge.“Why did Nawaz Sharif not think about Article 62 and 63 of the Constitution and grand dialogue while staying in power?” Zardari questioned.“Not democracy, but politics of Nawaz Sharif is in danger,” Zardari said. It is true that Ganja is opportunistic ! Why did he not not put in a word for PPP and Zardari , when he ( Dus-Percenti ) was under pressure from the fauj and had to temporarily flee Pakiland "when Raheel was after him " !
On Tuesday, PPP’s central Punjab President Qamar Zaman Kaira said that there was no possibility of any meeting between Asif Ali Zardari and Mian Nawaz Sharif though both the leaders happen to be in the same city. :roll:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

To Mark Independence Day, The Farce Of " Mithai Exchanges" Under The Auspices Of "Aman Ka Tamasha" Continues !

Indian Border Troops Present Sweets To Their Pakistani Counterparts .
In continuation of a traditional custom, Indian troops presented sweets to Pakistani troops at the Wagah border to celebrate their Independence Day.Every year, border troops from the neighbouring countries exchange sweets at the Wagah border on their respective Independence Days as well as other special occasions. The sweets were exchanged this year as well, despite tensions at the Line of Control and on diplomatic fronts.
Indian Border Security Force (BSF) Commandant Sudeep presented sweets and shook hands with Pakistan Rangers Wing Commander Bilal during a ceremony to celebrate India's Independence Day at the India-Pakistan Wagah border post on Tuesday. The "daily show" at the Wagah - Attari Border is a big tourist draw!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Gagan »

Nawaz Sharif's political career is over.

In the past, he has been deposed by a Dictator, who was himself in power, illegally. So when the Dictator was no longer in power, Nawaz could come in.
But Nawaz, he has been dismissed from office by the Supreme Court - albeit in a trial with very suspicious trial methodology - but hey, this is Pakistan, where the worst terrorist is not only found innocent, but glorified and feted by the justice system, and innocent people are sentenced to death

Given that the Supreme court is here to stay, and until some future wazir-e-azam or sadar requalifies Nawaz in an equally funny and twisted manner, he is currently out and his political career may be deemed to have ended.

A word of caution though:
Anything is possible in Pakistan and its legal system. Raymond Davis' case can shift from the British origin Pakistan penal code to Islamic sharia code, halfway through the trial, Kulbhushan yadav can be given a death sentence on the basis of "confession" extracted without due access to legal and consulate access (this would be deemed to be obtained under duress and hence deemed invalid and inadmissible in court), and there must surely be a few hundred in prison or on death row for blasphemy, all based on hearsay

No wonder then, that Zardari (future quaid-e-azam of Sindhudesh) does not want anything to do with Nawaz.
Once Zardari finds out that the establishment does not want him back, or give his pappu a chance, his inner Qaid-e-azam will come to the fore and we will be given a demonstration of Khappe vs Na-Khappe again, until the establishment relents in some way.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

This "Amreeki Comedian" Just Can't Get Enough Of Pakistanayat (even when he was "served" tap water, masquerading as "bottled water" !) :mrgreen:

The Express Tribune > Life & Style
American comedian Jeremy McLellan is a true Pakistani Paki at heart!

If you haven’t been following American comedian Jeremy McLellan and his quirky, travel-blogger-esque updates from his ongoing trip to Pakistan, you’ve been missing out! His quick wit, local references, warm anecdotes and willingness to try everything and anything that is Pakistani has made us fans almost overnight.
Jeremy is an American comedian based in Charleston, South Carolina Jeremy McLellan , where he won the 2015 and 2016 Charleston Standup Comedy Competition. For the past 14 days though, he’s been touring different parts of Pakistan conducting stand-up comedy shows organised by Kuch Khaas and updating his international fanbase about his daily experiences on social media.
Now, this guy may be Caucasian on the outside but he is a true desi at heart. Who else would enjoy shuttling in rickshaws and biryani and chai so much? And not to mention, he sure knows how to celebrate Jashn-e-Azadi with the true spirit of a ‘Pindi boy.’ Any chance of him getting an Green Passport and settling permanently in the Land Lund Of The Pure :mrgreen:
“I’ve wanted to come to Pakistan for years because of how many good friends and fans I have who are Pakistani and Pakistani-American. Also, I love the chai here! It’s nothing like when you buy it in the US,” Jeremy told The Express Tribune. “I finally got the chance to come when my dear friend Dr Sultan Chaudhry told me about his humanitarian mission in Islamabad, with a team of dental professionals. I jumped at the chance to join their team and also do shows in Pakistan at the same time.”
So while making people laugh, Jeremy has been providing free dental care to villages around Islamabad through a fundraiser as well. Talk about amazing
While the high-spirited Jeremy seems to be having the time of his life, he did encounter some typical,first-world-person-meets-third-world Pakistaniyat ! problems. For instance, he was served tap water bottled in mineral water packs and like every American cousin of yours that has ever visited Pakistan, he too fell severely ill. This might be his first, but surely won't be his last ( Pakistaniyat ) problem, specially if he visits KP, where he may be "offered" a game of Bacha - Baazi :twisted: !
Fortunately though, Jeremy was back in high spirits as soon as he recovered. “My best experience so far has been driving through the streets of Lahore on Independence Day, on top of a car, immersed in the collective joy of the nation. Never seen anything like it,” he shared. When asked if he is adjusting well to spicy Pakistani cuisine, Jeremy responded, “I eat desi food all the time in the US so I’m used to the spices. It’s amazing to have it for every meal here though.” Jeremy, like POTUS, obviously likes to hyperbole !
It’s strange but the comedian seems to be a long lost Pakistani reverting back to their roots. He’s up for trying everything! Asked what is the one memory he can’t wait to share with his friends and family back home, Jeremy said, “I haven’t shared the interactions and discussions I’ve had with my host family on the progress the country, particularly the progress of the outspoken and educated Pakistani women. I touched on it briefly when I was marvelling at how the majority of the dental students were female, compared to the majority of American STEM students who are male.” He should "watch his steps" lest he be accused of "eve teasing" or "corrupting the morals of Paki Ayeshas" :mrgreen:
Another thing about Jeremy that has gripped us from the beginning is his knowledge of Pakistan and Pakistani jokes. Although the comedian seems to be right at home in Lahore and Islamabad, he does get minor spells of culture shock and homesickness. “Lots of stray dogs here and I haven’t seen any pet dogs yet. In the US, you’d see people walking their dogs on leashes. What I’m saying is… I miss my kutta,” Jeremy wrote in one of his posts. “They put broken glass on top of walls to keep people from climbing over….Seems like it’d be easy to do it anyway. Not gonna try,” he said in another. Just wondering,( if he is a "believer in the theory of reincarnation) if he was a Paki in his past life, or will be born in Pakistan, in his next life !
When asked whether he is adjusting well to the heavily spiced Pakistani cuisine, Jeremy told us, “I eat desi food all the time in the US so I’m used to the spices. It’s amazing to have it for every meal though.” Jeremy, like POTUS, obviously likes to hyperbole !
Jeremy also joked about making many new friends. “Small lizards called chipkalis are in a lot of the houses. Nice little friend while I’m taking a shower.” And the man has a fine taste in clothes too. “Kurtas are comfortable and great for high-waisted men. Wish they’d catch on around the world. I’d wear them all the time.” This guy looks and sounds too much a typical American. And the Pakis are lapping it like there is no tomorrow ! There has to be a catch somewhere. :twisted:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

I.T (Information Technology) At The Service Of The Other I.T ( International Terrorism) :roll:

KP Citizens Can Track Their MPA’s Performance With This App
Students from different public sector universities have developed an application called TrackReps which would help the public in tracking the performance of elected members of the KPK Provincial Assembly. The young IT developers presented the application at Peshawar Press Club which contains all the data of the elected representatives and their activities and performance, from passing bills to ongoing projects etc. All of this information will be available to the public soon So, the Aam Abduls ( the "educated onlee" kind !) can keep a track, whether the "MPs" are jihada enough or not to get elected next time around :mrgreen:
This app has the potential to facilitate the public in making informed decisions during the next elections, which bodes well for not just KPK, but for all of Pakistan.Shehroz Rashid, the founder of TrackReps believes that this application can help ensure the much-needed transparency which is lacking in Pakistan. This Application will surely help Pakiland, become "more green" !
Talking about the possibility of scaling up the idea, Hamail Raza, the local engagement analyst said, This idea can also be scaled to National Assembly of Pakistan, representing the whole nation. Since the model is to monitor the performance of public representatives, it can also be introduced and replicated in other countries both developed and developing. Any invention, discovery, gadgets etc "rising" from The Land Lund Of The Pure, will be looked upon by the "rest of the world" with a healthy skepticism, to say the least :mrgreen:
Having transparent data in hands is a rare thing in Pakistan and this application can provide insights to how well the people’s representatives are performing during their tenure. No comment !
With more than 40 million internet users in Pakistan – with 31% of the 116 million phone users with smartphones – such applications bring hope for a better Pakistan.The app is available for Android phones only and can be downloaded from the Play Store here. :((
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

I.C.C's No- Confidence In Paki Security Companies :roll:

ICC hires security company to aid resumption of cricket in Pakistan
The International Cricket Council (ICC) has hired an international security company on a three-year term in order to aid the resumption of international cricket in Pakistan, Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) chairman Najam Sethi said on Tuesday. Sethi told a local daily that the security company will visit the country during either the last week of August or the first week of September. “It’s a step by the ICC for the revival of international cricket in Pakistan,” Sethi said, “The company is based in three countries – the United Kingdom, New Zealand and the United Arab Emirates – and has a good repute.” Will the designated security company be provided "fool proof" security on their visit to Pakiland :mrgreen:
“A representative of the Federation of International Cricketers (FICA) will accompany the security company to personally monitor the security situation in Lahore,” he added. “It will be a four-day visit where the security company will work with the Punjab government to get assurances that all the recommendations submitted by security experts of the different countries who visited Lahore to watch the final of the second Pakistan Super League (PSL) season have been incorporated by the government in its SOPs, or not,” Sethi said.Just like all the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) were dutifully followed by the Highway Transportation Authority staff in the recent oil tanker mishap at Bawalpur :mrgreen:
Sethi disclosed that the security team will visit the country each year and the ICC would pay them US$400,000 for every visit, making it a total of US$1.2million for the full three-year term. PCB chief hails this move, said that it will lead to resumption of international cricket in country. Wow! Surely Nanga Bhooka Pakistan is not footing this gigantic bill !!!
“On the report of the security company, it would pave the way for resumption of international cricket to the country, clearing the way for the PSL to be played here,” Sethi added.“The inclusion of the FICA representative is to satisfy the foreign players’ concerns over visiting Pakistan.” The country’s cricket chief said the recommendations made by foreign security experts who came for the PSL final had been incorporated in the SOPs of the Punjab government.
He said the visit of the ICC World XI was almost on the cards but he could not, at this point in time, disclose the exact dates of the tour. The World XI is to play three T20 matches in Lahore next month. Meanwhile, about shifting of the Asia Under-19 Cup to Malaysia from India, the PCB chairman said the decision was taken with consensus to avoid any controversy.Sethi said the Indian delegates, who attended the ACC meeting, agreed to shift the event to Malaysia. He said the decision was taken in a friendly atmosphere and there was no acrimony. He said that although Sri Lanka could have been the next hosts of the Under-19 event, the decision to hold it in Malaysia was taken to promote cricket in the small cricketing nation. He said the PCB would also help Maldives in promoting the game of cricket in the tiny island.
Hope the "helping" is only going to be in the game of cricket , and not in any other "dept" :twisted:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Shake - Up In Paki Protocol Procedures Announced By Interior Ministry. No More "Drinking Deep At The Public Trough" !

No Protocol for VIPs and Government Officials on Airports: Interior Ministry. :mrgreen:
The Interior Ministry of Pakistan has issued a notice to all zones of Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) directing them to provide no protocol for VIPs and government officials at airports across Pakistan. Anyone found providing any protocol to VIPs will be dealt with severe action, :roll: (another one of those "buzz word" from the Paki Dictionary !) said the ministry.
Immigration counters at all airports will be monitored and any immigration staff found violating the order will be suspended along with the shift incharge with immediate effect.The passengers leaving the country are not to be harassed by the FIA, reads the statement. The ministry will ensure that the airport staff complies with the instructions. What about those with "high sifarish". How are those going to be "handled" :roll:
KPK government ( where Immy wields the "danda" :mrgreen: ) has been setting the standards in this regard as their ministers and even the Chief Minister of the province are often accompanied by a small security squad. More often than not, they have been seen in public without any protocol, something the government has managed to change in recent years.
Recently, the Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal was seen travelling on a Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) flight from Islamabad to Lahore without any protocol. FIA had also dismissed an official on account of mishandling two Norwegian nationals at Islamabad Airport. No amount of "rule setting" will solve the problem if the "culture of sycophancy" is allowed to prevail in Pakiland !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Philip »

German cover-up of mass rapes by Islamic "refugees" is a shocking story of a so-called democracy where truth is supposed to reign supreme.If this was exposed in full,there would be abso chaos in Germany where the Far Right,Alternative For Deutschland (AFD)has just become the 3rd l;argest party.Merkel who invited the refugees to "invade" Germany-so that she could get immigrant votes,is now backtracking desperately.

The same is being done in Britain where immigration was the key issue that resulted in BREXIT. The fear of being swamped by hordes of uncouth,violent Islamists ,spreading terror amongst the Brits. However,the terror has actually entered Britain a long time ago! The terror attacks a few years ago shocked Brits when it was found that "local" Paki origin/Muslim Brits were responsible for terror acts and they were reasonably well educated not disenfranchised nobodies,but had been brainwashed by the imams of the rapidly spreading network of mosques around the country.One would imagine that the Tories,would be fathering this missive,but no,its a Labour leader,Labour who depend upon the immigrant vote for their existence,who's just been sacked for her forthright views,that Pakis are raping white women in Britain!

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/08 ... pakistani/
Sarah Champion forced out of Jeremy Corbyn's shadow cabinet after warning Pakistani men are raping white girls
Sarah Champion has quit the shadow cabinet

Steven Swinford, deputy political editor Kate McCann, senior political correspondent
16 AUGUST 2017 • 11:24PM
Jeremy Corbyn has forced one of his senior ministers to resign after she claimed that some Pakistani men groom and rape young white girls, it has emerged.

Sarah Champion, the Labour MP for Rotherham and former shadow secretary of state for women and equalities, was asked to resign after writing an article in The Sun newspaper warning that more must be done to stop gangs of Pakistani men targeting young girls for sex.

Issuing a desperate plea she called on the Government to investigate why so many men who share the same cultural background are behind bars for abusing young girls.

But following the Labour leader's demand Ms Champion stepped down from Mr Corbyn's top team.

A source close to Mr Corbyn confirmed he requested she leave his top team, adding that it was not appropriate for Ms Champion to have suggested that Pakistani men are largely responsible for the grooming and rape of young white girls.

Ms Champion apologised for her "extremely poor choice of words" and said she was concerned that continuing in her shadow cabinet role would distract from the "crucial issues" around child protection.

But a source close to the MP said her words had been stripped of "nuance" in the article.
Writing in The Sun she said that Britain has a "problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls".

However critics have warned the Labour MP was hounded out of her position and punished for telling the truth about the issue, which has been the subject of a number of Government reviews and high-profile TV dramas.

It came after fellow Labour MP Naz Shah wrote an open letter to the editor of The Sun, crticising numerous articles which she claimed were Islamophobic.

A subsequent petition was signed by Mr Corbyn, who posted on Facebook: "In recent days, The Sun has published statements that incite Islamophobia and stigmatise entire communities. That is wrong, dangerous and must be condemned". The Labour leader was thought to have included Ms Champion's article in this.

Critics accused Mr Corbyn of "stalinist" tendancies after he demanded his shadow minister resign for speaking out.

Trevor Philips, the former chair of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, told The Telegraph: "I am absolutely gobsmacked, this is not the Labour party I know, even in the darkest days I don't remember people being asked to stand down for trying to represent their constituents, which is what I think Sarah Champion was trying to do.

"We shouldn't have to have an argument about free speech, what this feels like is what we used to call democratic centralism in the Labour party, in other words Stalinism".

Writing in The Sun, Ms Champion said: "Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls.

"There. I said it. Does that make me a racist? Or am I just prepared to call out this horrifying problem for what it is?

"For too long we have ignored the race of these abusers and, worse, tried to cover it up. "No more. These people are predators and the common denominator is their ethnic heritage.

"We have to have grown-up conversations, however unpalatable, or in six months’ time we will be having this same scenario all over again."

Commenting on her decision to resign Ms Champion said: "I apologise for the offence caused by the extremely poor choice of words in The Sun article on Friday.

"I am concerned that my continued position in the Shadow cabinet would distract from the crucial issues around child protection which I have campaigned on my entire political career.

"It is therefore with regret that I tender my resignation as Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities."

Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Labour Party, said: "I have accepted Sarah Champion's resignation and thank her for her work in the shadow cabinet. I look forward to working together in future."

A spokeswoman for The Sun said: "Sarah Champion's column, as it appeared on Friday, was approved by her team and her adviser twice contacted us thereafter to say she was 'thrilled' with the piece and it 'looked great'.

"Indeed, her only objection after the article appeared was her belief that her picture byline looked unflattering. Her office submitted five new pictures for further use."
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

PAF aircraft crashes near Sargodha, pilot safe
ISLAMABAD: A Pakistan Air Force (PAF) F7 PG aircraft, while on a routine operational training mission crashed near Sargodha, a statement from the spokesperson said.
The pilot of the aircraft ejected prematurely safely, it added.
No loss of civilian life and property has been reported on ground and a board of inquiry has been ordered by Air Headquarters to determine the cause of accident, he said.
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Fewer Pakistanis finding work in Saudi Arabia
KARACHI: The export of manpower sharply dropped in the first half of the current calendar year, latest data from the Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment shows.
In particular, the manpower export to Saudi Arabia in the first six months of 2017 was just 17 per cent of the total workers who went to the kingdom in entire 2016. Pakistan exported to Saudi Arabia 77,600 workers in January-June as opposed to 462,598 workers in entire 2016.
The drastic decrease can adversely impact remittances, which registered a year-on-year decline in 2016-17 after 13 years of growth. Inflows from Saudi Arabia during the last fiscal year dropped 8.3pc.
Job opportunities shrank in Arab countries after oil prices crashed. Pakistan relies heavily on remittances to meet the current account deficit, which amounted to $12.1bn in the last fiscal year. Remittances from the Middle East amount to about 63pc of total remittances that Pakistan receives every year.
This leaves little hope for the country to maintain its foreign exchange reserves to ensure at least three months of import cover.
Overseas workers have started coming back to Pakistan after losing their jobs. With mounting economic pressure, the Gulf countries are trying to provide the maximum number of jobs to Arabs. No official data is available for returning overseas workers. But sources claim that about 260,000 Pakistani workers returned home during the last couple of years.
According to the bureau, the manpower export to Malaysia was 3,243 in January-June as opposed to 10,625 in entire 2016.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by manju »

There were unconfirmed rumour in the Paki press that Immy and Jemima want to re-tie the knot but IMO, it will be political suicide for the Kaaptan !
:rotfl: wonder which mullah will get to do the Halal niqah... the mullamards must be salivating at the thought :rotfl:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Suresh S »

This lady champion is 100% correct about paki men. On the ground experience . shiv will confirm that, paging him.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Gagan »

If Immy the dimmy triple talaqued jemina, does jemina have proof of remarriage and consumation of such marriage before re-marrying dimmy?

I am sure that several mullahs in Bartaniastan and pakistan will be willing to offer their services so that the two may be united
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by rsingh »

Falijee wrote:This "Amreeki Comedian" Just Can't Get Enough Of Pakistanayat (even when he was "served" tap water, masquerading as "bottled water" !) :mrgreen:

The Express Tribune > Life & Style
American comedian Jeremy McLellan is a true Pakistani Paki at heart!

If you haven’t been following American comedian Jeremy McLellan and his quirky, travel-blogger-esque updates from his ongoing trip to Pakistan, you’ve been missing out! His quick wit, local references, warm anecdotes and willingness to try everything and anything that is Pakistani has made us fans almost overnight.
Jeremy is an American comedian based in Charleston, South Carolina Jeremy McLellan , where he won the 2015 and 2016 Charleston Standup Comedy Competition. For the past 14 days though, he’s been touring different parts of Pakistan conducting stand-up comedy shows organised by Kuch Khaas and updating his international fanbase about his daily experiences on social media.
Now, this guy may be Caucasian on the outside but he is a true desi at heart. Who else would enjoy shuttling in rickshaws and biryani and chai so much? And not to mention, he sure knows how to celebrate Jashn-e-Azadi with the true spirit of a ‘Pindi boy.’ Any chance of him getting an Green Passport and settling permanently in the Land Lund Of The Pure :mrgreen:
“I’ve wanted to come to Pakistan for years because of how many good friends and fans I have who are Pakistani and Pakistani-American. Also, I love the chai here! It’s nothing like when you buy it in the US,” Jeremy told The Express Tribune. “I finally got the chance to come when my dear friend Dr Sultan Chaudhry told me about his humanitarian mission in Islamabad, with a team of dental professionals. I jumped at the chance to join their team and also do shows in Pakistan at the same time.”
So while making people laugh, Jeremy has been providing free dental care to villages around Islamabad through a fundraiser as well. Talk about amazing
While the high-spirited Jeremy seems to be having the time of his life, he did encounter some typical,first-world-person-meets-third-world Pakistaniyat ! problems. For instance, he was served tap water bottled in mineral water packs and like every American cousin of yours that has ever visited Pakistan, he too fell severely ill. This might be his first, but surely won't be his last ( Pakistaniyat ) problem, specially if he visits KP, where he may be "offered" a game of Bacha - Baazi :twisted: !
Fortunately though, Jeremy was back in high spirits as soon as he recovered. “My best experience so far has been driving through the streets of Lahore on Independence Day, on top of a car, immersed in the collective joy of the nation. Never seen anything like it,” he shared. When asked if he is adjusting well to spicy Pakistani cuisine, Jeremy responded, “I eat desi food all the time in the US so I’m used to the spices. It’s amazing to have it for every meal here though.” Jeremy, like POTUS, obviously likes to hyperbole !
I think Chinese biznisman and Arap sahazadas gave an earful to Bakis.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Religious freedom under attack in Pakistan: Rex Tillerson
The Express Tribune
Citing the marginalisation of Ahmadis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Tuesday said religious freedom is “under attack” in Pakistan. ( This has been said many times by many other persons as well !).Tillerson made the comments at the State Department while introducing the agency’s annual report on religious freedom, required by a 1998 act of Congress. The report is the first to be released during the Trump administration and covers 2016.He further stated that US allies including Saudi Arabia and Bahrain did not uphold principles of religious freedom in 2016, while Islamic State (IS) has carried out “genocide” against religious minorities.
The report said Saudi Arabia has used counter-terrorism laws to target atheists and Shia Muslims. The United States and Saudi Arabia have long been close partners in counter-terrorism efforts and the kingdom was the first stop on US President Donald Trump’s maiden international visit.Tillerson singled out another Gulf Arab state, Bahrain, saying it “must stop discriminating against the Shia communities.”
Bahrain’s foreign ministry said Tillerson’s remarks were “inappropriate” and showed “a deep misunderstanding of the facts.” It called on the State Department to discuss such matters directly with the kingdom before making statements. :roll: Massa has a "big" Naval Base there !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Election Commission Of Pakiland Rejects Nomination Papers Of "The Other Nawaz Sharif" :mrgreen:

NA-120 by-polls: Nomination papers of Kasur’s ‘Nawaz Sharif’ rejected
The nomination papers of ‘Nawaz Sharif’, candidate in NA-120 by-polls, have been rejected by Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP).According to details, on second day of checking of nomination papers, the Returning Officer (RO) rejected the nomination papers of ‘Nawaz Sharif’ from Kasur on bases of being underage and not a voter of NA-120 constituency.The candidate is 21-year-old while minimum age for applying for MNA seat is 25 years. Furthermore, Mr. Sharif is not a voter of NA-120 hence his papers are being rejected, RO officer remarked. The candidate, however, has the right to file a review appeal against decision by RO. :roll:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Massa Based Paki Professor Pontificates On Partition :roll:

How a British royal’s monumental errors made India’s partition more painful

Adil Najam
Dean, Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University
Disclosure statement
Adil Najam does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations ( Has he disclosed himself as an "unpaid agent" of Pakistan!) :roll: beyond the academic appointment above.

The "Professor" has no hesitation in "bad mouthing" Lord Mountbatten and convey the (wrong) impression that only he and the British were solely responsible for the division of India; nothing said about the obstinate "Founder Of Pakistan", who by hook or by crook wanted to "break India". And of course, Najam laments the "loss of Kashmir to India" . !n keeping with his "high status" as a Dean, he cannot come out openly and show his Pakistanayat ( only reserved for his visits back home :mrgreen: )
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

One More Social Sector Out-Sourced To A Foreign Government . This Time It is Australia To The Rescue :mrgreen:

Australia helping Pakistan improve nutrition

The Express Tribune > Pakistan.

The "beggary" never stops !!!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Author Doubts Paki Sincerity .

China contributes to doubts about Pakistani crackdown on militants
By Dr. James M. Dorsey
Aug 16, 2017
China, at the behest of Pakistan, has for the second time this year prevented the United Nations from listing a prominent Pakistani militant as a globally designated terrorist. China’s protection of Masood Azhar, who is believed to have close ties to Pakistani intelligence and the military, comes days after another militant group, whose leader is under house arrest in Pakistan, announced the formation of a political party. (Reference to Hafiz- ul- Suar. !)
The two developments cast doubt on the sincerity of Pakistan’s crackdown on militants a day after a suicide bomber killed 15 people when he rammed a motorcycle into a military truck in Quetta, the capital of Balochistan. Balochistan, a troubled province in which the military has supported religious militants an anti-dote to nationalist insurgents, has suffered a series of devastating attacks in the last year. (Good Terrorists and Bad Terrorist distinction !)
Taken together, the developments are unlikely to help Pakistan as the Trump administration weighs a tougher approach towards the South Asian country as part of deliberations about how to proceed in Afghanistan where US troops are fighting the Pakistani-backed Taliban.
“The president has also made clear that we need to see a change in behaviour of those in the region, which includes those who are providing safe haven and support bases for the Taliban, Haqqani Network and others,” Mr McMaster said.
Mr. McMaster said that the US wanted “to really see a change in and a reduction of their support for these groups…. They have fought very hard against these groups, but they’ve done so really only selectively,” he added.
Pakistan’s military and intelligence have used militant groups to maintain influence in Afghanistan and to support protests as well as an insurgency in Indian-administered Kashmir. China’s repeated veto of a UN designation of Mr. Azhar, whose group, Jaish-e-Mohammed, has been proscribed by the international body as well as Pakistan, is not only bowing to Pakistani wishes but also a way of keeping India on its toes at a time of heightened Chinese-Indian tension.
Mr. Azhar, a fighter in the anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan and an Islamic scholar who graduated from a Deobandi madrassah, Darul Uloom Islamia Binori Town in Karachi, the alma mater of numerous Pakistani militants, is believed to have been responsible for an attack last year on India’s Pathankot Air Force Station. The militants, dressed in Indian military uniforms fought a 14-hour battle against Indian security forces that only ended when the last attacker was killed.
Mr. Azhar, a portly bespectacled son of a Bahawalpur religious studies teacher and author of a four-volume treatise on jihad as well as books with titles like Forty Diseases of the Jews, :roll: was briefly detained after the attack and has since gone underground. "Gone underground" conveys an wrong impression that he is in hiding. There is suspicion that he has been reined in by the Deep State and is "protected from harm" and kept in "reserve" for future use !)
Freed from Indian prison in 1999 in exchange for the release of passengers of a hijacked Indian Airlines flight, Mr. Azhar is also believed to be responsible for an attack in 2001 on the Indian parliament in New Delhi that brought Pakistan and India to the brink of war. JeM despite being banned continues to publicly raise funds and recruit fighters in mosques. And of course, he has fought the US in Somalia also !
JuD sources said the charity’s transition to a political party was in part designed to stop cadres from joining the Islamic State (IS). They said some 500 JuD activists had left the group to join more militant organizations, including IS. They said the defections often occurred after the Pakistani military launched operations against militants in areas like South Waziristan.
Pakistan listed LeT as a terrorist organization in 2002, but has only put JuD "under observation." Pakistan's media regulator in 2015 banned all coverage of the group's humanitarian activities by the country's news media.
Treating men like Mr. Azhar and Mr. Saeed with kid gloves is unlikely to earn Pakistan any goodwill in Mr. Trump’s Washington. China’s protection of Mr. Azhar, moreover, undermines its sincerity in claiming that it is cracking down on militancy despite its harsh policy in the restive province of Xinjiang. If anything, it could put Beijing in Mr. Trump’s crosshairs too.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

D' Jinnah Is The "Thorn Between The Two Roses" :mrgreen:

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

Looks ghostly, doesn't he?
Falijee wrote:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

Fewer Pakistanis finding work in Saudi Arabia
Where's their unity in ammah?
The export of manpower sharply dropped in the first half of the current calendar year, latest data from the Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment shows.
Note what qualifies as "paki export". NO wonder the goberment does not want to stem the population growth because that is one export line item that is "growing". 220 Million of them with unofficial 20% unemployment.
The manpower export to Saudi Arabia in the first six months of 2017 was just 17 per cent of the total workers who went to the kingdom in entire 2016. :((
Inflows from Saudi Arabia during the last fiscal year dropped 8.3pc.
A major drop in the number of workers registered for overseas employment was witnessed mostly in the Middle East, particularly Saudi Arabia, which is the biggest source of remittances.
Raw-heel should do something about this. Its all about money. Ammah and ummah be damned. How about exporting retired sunny PA personnel to fight al saud's wars? Aam ke aam, ghutli ke daam!

https://www.dawn.com/news/1351745/fewer ... udi-arabia
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

AJK PoK protesters rally to condemn blacklisting of Hizbul Mujahideen by US

“Hizbul Mujahideen is a not a terrorist organisation but stands for the sentiments and aspirations of Kashmiris and is the centre of their hopes,” read a banner carried by protesters.
I thought the banner read - "Please bomb us; we are inbred idiots and useful tools"?
You can withhold our properties and [bank] accounts if there are any..., but you cannot force us to give up our legitimate struggle for freedom” :rotfl:
"The days of America acting as the 'Big Brother' are numbered as another superpower, which supports the Kashmir cause, is on the rise," Rehman said, referring to China. :roll:
https://www.dawn.com/news/1352145/ajk-p ... deen-by-us
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Child Abuses Detailed

111 child abuse cases reported in Sheikhupura in 2017 111 child abuse cases reported in Sheikhupura in 2017
More than 100 cases of violence against children, including cases of murder and sexual abuse, were reported during the ongoing year in the Sheikhupura region, which comprises the Sheikhupura, Nankana Sahib and Kasur districts, Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG) Shahzad Sultan told the Senate's Standing Committee on Human Rights on Wednesday.
The 111 cases reported document instances of horrific violence against children. For example, two boys and five girls were killed after being raped in Kasur, whereas three children in Nankana Sahab and 11 in Sheikhupura survived murder attempts after being raped, the police official, along with Kasur's senior superintendent of police, told the Senate committee. Apart from "listening" to these disgusting details, what is the so-called toothless "Senate committee" doing about these abuses . Another "funding case request" being prepared for An UN Agency or a gullible NGO . :mrgreen:
Sharing the details of investigations conducted so far, the police officials said that most instances of child abuse took place in evening hours. The officials further said that the majority of child abuse crimes take place in under-construction areas. They revealed that close relatives were found involved in the majority of cases, and in one particular case, a grandfather was involved in raping and murdering the victim. Have these perpetrators been booked and sentenced ?
A total of 135 suspects have been nominated in the 111 cases, of which 115 have been arrested, they added. The senators present for the briefing expressed deep concern over the rising rate of child abuse cases and the absence of a child protection commission in the province. The committee members vowed to amend the law if the prevailing laws were found to be soft on rapists and murderers. They also decided to visit the province to analyse the on-ground situation with regard to child protection measures. Another "excuse" to travel on state expense !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Wild - Life Conservation Debuts In Pakiland With This Animated Film .

Wonder, if the characters were "Pakistanized" for domestic audiences . Then found the answer in one of the reader's comments:

Ahmed about 14 hours ago
Copy of animated movie Delhi Safari and Mogli. Disappointed.

Next One is even better :

Hazafa about 18 hours ago

I have been waiting for something like this. :lol:

Whether true or not, but it reinforces Pakistan's "special reputation" as a first class plagiarizer :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Kashi »

A cursory glance at the Paki commentaries in print and visual media, the prachaar is now shifting more and more from threatening of war and nukes to the bharat mein badhti inteha-pasandgi.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

Another tayyara, allah ko pyaara.

PAF jet crashes while on training mission near Sargodha, pilot survives
A Pakistan Air Force (PAF) jet crashed near Sargodha while on a training mission on Thursday
a PAF F7-PG aircraft, while on a routine operational training mission, crashed near Sargodha
A little over a week ago, a senior PAF officer had embraced martyrdom when his aircraft (F7) crashed near Mianwali while on a routine operational flight.
About 10 or 11 F7-PGs/FT-7PGs have been lost during their 15 years in service. The PAF has more than 50 of the Chinese-made aircraft in its fleet.
The losses of F7-PGs/FT-7PGs in air crashes are within normal limits 8)
Is anyone keepin count?

https://www.dawn.com/news/1352107/paf-j ... r-sargodha
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Paul »

Baylaag is off the air? New episodes not getting uploaded on youtube.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by arun »

arun wrote:
arun wrote:Op Ed in the Sun by UK Labour party MP Sarah Champion who is the Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities on the subject of Pakistani Origin Mohammadden’s indulging in acts of paedophilic sexual grooming of Non Mohammadden children in the UK.

UK MP with descent originating in the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan Naseem "Naz" Shah is greatly upset with Labour party colleague and fellow MP, Sarah Champion, for very correctly pointing out the very materially significant role played by Mohammaddens of Pakistani descent in the paedophilic sexual grooming of Non-Mohammadden children in the UK.

Naseem "Naz" Shah will be well advised to devote time for ensuring the cessation of the significant problem of paedophilic sexual grooming of Non-Mohammadden Kaafir children carried out by members of her own Pakistani origin Mohammadden community rather then fulminnate against disclosure of the significant problem of paedophilic sexual grooming of Non-Mohammadden children by Pakistani descended Mohammaddens residing in the UK.

Naseem "Naz" Shah will be also well advised to note that making factually correct statements about the significant problem of paedophilic sexual grooming of Non-Mohammadden children by Pakistani descended Mohammaddens residing in the UK is very much less likely to “set them up to fail” than following sexually exploitative Mohammadden belief based doctrine of “Mā malakat aymānukum” aka “What the Right Hand Possesses” and/or following example of founder of Mohmaddenism of consumating marriage, per Mohammadden Haadith of Al Bukhari, with a 10 year old child named Ayesha aka Aisha.

Labour MPs go to war with each other over profiling Pakistani men as sexual abusers of young white girls : 'I also have two sons. Blanket racialised loaded statements like these set them up to fail'
Craven Dhimmi-like behaviour in the Islamic Emirate of England, held Scotland, Wales and English Administered Ireland induced by communal belief based vote bank politics in order to capture electoral support of those with origins/descent in the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

UK Poltician Sarah Champion who rightly called out various predatory gangs of Momin Mohammadden men with origins and descent from the the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan who have repeatedly indulged in the paedophilic sexual grooming of Kaafir Non-Mohammadden children in various UK Towns , is forced to stepdown as Shadow Secretary:

British Lawmaker Forced To Step Down For Calling Out ‘British Pakistani Men Raping White Girls’
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Paki Army "Muscles In" On The Lucrative Bakra Eid Cattle Market Business In Karachi. !

The Biggest Cattle Market in Pakistan Gets A Hike in Entry Fee
The days before Eid-ul-Azha are full of fervour as both, the young and the old, visit cattle markets set up in their respective cities and villages to buy sacrifice animals of their choice. One hindrance, like previous years, is the price hike, not just for the buyers but for the vendors as well.
The largest cattle market in Asia, located along Super Highway in Karachi, is now open and is bustling with all varieties of animals. The market was inaugurated in a colourful opening ceremony on Wednesday. With over 70,000 cattle already present at the market – which is spread over 26 blocks and 800 acres of land – even more vendors are coming from all parts of the country to sell their cattle. ‘VIP’ animals worth more than Rs 1 million are placed in 30 VIP tents. :!: Big names in the cattle industry like Sindh Dairy, Afridi, Dilpasand, Surmawala, Kainat, Jinnah Cattle etc. have displayed their cattle in these tents.
The market supervisor Malir Cantonment ( A Fauji Enterprise, headed by Brigadier Wassim Bhatti.“I praise the market administrator for taking deep interest into the ... President, Malir Cantonment Board, Brig Wasim Bhatti said: “It was a difficult ... :roll: ) hires a private firm for administrative control, which was awarded to Hasan Brothers this year after a tender. Syed Irshad Ahmed is the market administrator, nominated by Hasan Brothers, to monitor the proceedings. As noted here, the Cantonment Board sub contracts the "whole thing" to a private firm and just sits and collects the "gravy" - reflected in the price hike for both buyers and sellers. IMO, the Fauj targets specific industries, where money can be easily made and then uses its clout to muscle out "competitors" !
The main issue faced by the sellers is the entry fee for animals, which has been increased after five years to Rs. 800 from Rs. 600 for each sheep and goat, and Rs. 1400, up from Rs. 1000, per animal for cows and bulls.The price hike is a bad news for the vendors coming from far flung areas with a large number of animals. A vendor from Raheem Yar Khan named Moen Ahmedani who has come with 525 cows believes that an increase of Rs. 400 is surprising. He further said:
With the increase in the entry fee, we will also have to increase the price of our animals. However, the customers will not understand that. An increase of Rs. 400 per animal may not matter much to those who bring few animals but for those traders who bring hundreds of animals, the price hike is not affordable. Ultimately the pious Aam Abduls are paying for all of this . Like liquor and drugs, the demand for this " Eid product", in economic terms is inelastic (an increase in price has no affect on the demand of the product !.) The fauj know a "good bargain" when they see one :mrgreen:
. In the past, this "mela" has even attracted the attention of foreign TV channels, who have done a "piece" on this , interviewing the animal owners as well as the customers !

Cattle traders deplore excessive mandi fees
“People ask me why the animals are so expensive and I tell them it’s the mandi administration which is to blame for the high animal prices,” said a goat trader.