Levant crisis - III

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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Singha »

Al masdar news

BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:05 A.M.) – Thousands of Islamic State (IS) terrorists are now trapped inside the Syrian Desert after being expelled from the western bank of the Euphrates River, a military source in Damascus told Al-Masdar News on Thursday morning.

According to the Syrian military source, the Islamic State has moved most of their forces to this vast desert region in the western countryside of Deir Ezzor, as they anticipate losing the eastern bank of the Euphrates and their last pocket in Iraq.

The IS forces are now confined to a 7,200 square kilometer area in western Deir Ezzor that has limited resources, while also being a prime target for airstrikes.

From this large pocket, IS will likely wreck havoc on the Sukhnah-Deir Ezzor Road in order to constantly force the government to close this highway.
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by ramana »

So can this be attacked by Syria? For they gain the most if ISIS is destroyed.
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Austin »

Russian Su-35 chased away rogue US F-22 jet: MoD blasts US Air Force for hampering Syria op
A US F-22 fighter was preventing two Russian Su-25 strike aircraft from bombing an Islamic State (IS, former ISIS) base to the west of the Euphrates November 23, according to the ministry. The ministry’s spokesman, Major General Igor Konashenkov described the episode as yet another example of US aircraft attempts to prevent Russian forces from carrying out strikes against Islamic State.

The F-22 launched decoy flares and used airbrakes while constantly maneuvering [near the Russian strike jets], imitating an air fight,” Konashenkov said. He added that the US jet ceased its dangerous maneuvers only after a Russian Su-35S fighter jet joined the two strike planes.

The major general went on to say that “most close-midair encounters between Russian and US jets in the area around the Euphrates River have been linked to the attempts of US aircraft to get in the way [of the Russian warplanes] striking against Islamic State terrorists.” He also said that the US military officials provided no explanation for the November 23 incident as well as other, similar encounters.

The statement came as a response to the Pentagon’s claims about “an increase in unsafe behavior” by Russian warplanes. “We saw anywhere from six to eight incidents daily in late November, where Russian or Syrian aircraft crossed into our airspace on the east side of the Euphrates River,” Lt. Col. Damien Pickart, the spokesman for US Air Force Central Command, told CNN earlier on Saturday.

Konashenkov said that any claims made by US military officials concerning the fact that there is “any part of the airspace in Syria that belongs to the US” are “puzzling.” Konashenkov also said that “Syria is a sovereign state and a UN member and that means that there… can be no US airspace ‘of its own.’ Unlike the Russian Air Force, the US-led coalition is operating in Syria without any legal basis,” he added.

Pickart also said that the US’ “greatest concern is that we could shoot down a Russian aircraft because its actions are seen as a threat to our air or ground forces.” Earlier, he also told the New York Times that it has become “increasingly tough for our [US] pilots to discern whether Russian pilots are deliberately testing or baiting us into reacting, or if these are just honest mistakes.”

The New York Times also listed several cases of what the US describes as “unsafe behavior” by the Russian jets, citing the data provided by the US air base in Qatar. The US accused the Russian pilots of “crossing into the airspace east of the Euphrates” and flying “dangerously close” to the “allied forces,” adding that such actions could be interpreted as “threatening” and the US pilots were “in their rights” to fire in “self-defense.”

Konashenkov said in response that the US Air Force should rather focus on destroying Islamic State in Iraq than provoking close encounters between the US and the Russian jets.

Pickart said to CNN that the US military regularly talk to their Russian counterparts “in the daily de-confliction calls.” However, the Russian military repeatedly pointed out that the US is reluctant to share its plans for combat aircraft operations, and acts secretively in Syria.

The US and the Russian military have traded jibes over various incidents involving both countries’ warplanes in the Syrian skies. Washington accused Russian jets of not carrying transponders allowing air-traffic controllers to identify them, while Moscow repeatedly said that the US military only “occasionally” indicate the time period and an approximate area of their air operations without even giving the types of aircraft and their affiliation.
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Austin »

A Still from a claimed Video of Syrian Pantisir-S1 intercepting Israel Lora Missile

Source : Keypubs

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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Singha »

ramana wrote:So can this be attacked by Syria? For they gain the most if ISIS is destroyed.
This area has no adjacency to al tanf and will be attacked
From all sides once the units near al bukamal clean up
The areas near euphrates
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Singha »

syrians modified a UR77 meteorit mine clearing system to carry a heavy charge at the front , tied to a inert cable and blew a island apart in DEZ.
the normal explosive filled cable was not used.
https://muraselon.com/en/2017/12/video- ... r-battles/
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Singha »

#BREAKING - English translation of #US Backed #SDF negotiate ceasefire with #ISIS in Hasakah, Northern #Syria to prevent hostilities between the two forces in specified areas. #ISIS is permitted to attack #Syrian government from their territories under ceasefire with #SDF.
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by deejay »

LATimes has a good article on Islamic State and how some Americans were backing it to take down the regime:

http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la ... ssion=true
John Bolton, former United Nations ambassador under George W. Bush, insisted in the New York Times that “defeating the Islamic State” is “neither feasible nor desirable” if Assad remains in power. Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham asserted that “defeating Islamic State also requires defeating Bashar Assad.” Kenneth Pollack of the Brookings Institution prescribed a policy of “building a new Syrian opposition army capable of defeating both President Bashar al-Assad and the more militant Islamists.” Similarly, Max Boot, a contributing writer to this newspaper, argued that vanquishing Islamic State was futile unless the U.S. also moved to depose the “Alawite regime in Damascus.” Like other regime-change salesmen, he pitched a no-fly zone across the country to facilitate airstrikes against the Assad government, while boosting aid to the so-called moderate rebels.
The notion that Assad “won’t fight” Islamic State was always wrong. The notion that “defeating Islamic State also requires defeating Bashar Assad” was, likewise, always wrong. By now it should be obvious that the Syrian Arab Army has played a role in degrading Islamic State in Syria — not alone, of course, but with Russian and Iranian partners, not to mention the impressive U.S.-led coalition. In marked contrast to pundit expectations, the group’s demise was inversely related to Assad’s power. Islamic State’s fortunes decreased as his influence in the country increased.
Some of the best political science research over the past couple of decades finds that militants are less likely to emerge in response to political grievances than from propitious conditions for them to organize. For Islamic State, the “opportunity model” of terrorism was always a better fit than the “grievance model.” After all, this is a group that set up shop in the desert, far away from the Syrian military; preyed on soft targets like the Yazidis who never oppressed the Sunni population; and planted affiliates in countries known not for their anti-Sunni government, but the lack of a functioning one.
The Realist paradigm reminds us that the U.S. need not share the same ideology of a nasty international actor to countenance working with him against a mutual foe. With its sensitivity to overspending and blowback, Realism also emphasizes the dangers of militarily picking foreign governments around the world.

Although the Islamic State’s caliphate is dead, Assad’s war on terrorists in Syria is very much alive. Let’s hope future analysis of this conflict avoids the kind of anti-empirical ideological advocacy that helped give rise to Al Qaeda in Iraq and then Islamic State in the first place.
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by periaswamy »

From LAtimes article:
By now it should be obvious that the Syrian Arab Army has played a role in degrading Islamic State in Syria — not alone, of course, but with Russian and Iranian partners, not to mention the impressive U.S.-led coalition.
Isn't that a load of BS? If anything, the US lead coalition was protecting ISIS from the Russians and the SAA. Pravda in its heydey has nothing on the American media's disinformation to the US public.
Last edited by periaswamy on 11 Dec 2017 10:35, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by deejay »

The SDF (US backed coalition did fight ISIS in Raqqa. However, south of Raqqa they have had a very different approach. The US Coalition cannot claim to have proactively bombed ISIS oil supply routes either.

While you are right, from an American POV, they did do something to claim "Kilroy was here".
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Austin »

For the US Terrorist or Islamist are people who must be used as opportunity as the moment provides , Taliban/Osama were brave Mujhid till it foughts Soviets and post that till such time 9/11 happened , Kashmirs were freedom fighters and not terrorist in 90's and early ,Chechnians were freedom fighters fighting for independence as long as it fought Russia , similarly was for IS too ......the narration keeps changing depending on how it suits their national security interest at that time of the day week and year.

You cant reason out with USG on your own national security interest just carry a big Stick and use it and then things will follow or may not but you will do what you have to do for your own sake dont expect others to fight it for you
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by periaswamy »

The US is welcome to support all the terrorists it wants to, and surely this won't be the last time either -- first they created the mythical "al qaeda" and then partnered with "al qaeda" in Syria where they had a hand in creating and supporting ISIS. It is just amusing to see the mofos pretend that they are part of the solution when they are part of the problem -- you certainly would not get that impression if you faithfully swallowed the propaganda in US newspapers.
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Singha »

the next phase of the game in syria is playing out separate in east and in idlib
http://www.moonofalabama.org/2017/12/sy ... -line.html

tiger forces btw are headed back to khanassir desert axis to strike for abu duhur airbase on idlib-hama border which functions as a major logistic node and storage depot . ruaf has heavily bombed it recently. seems to be the Uqayribat of the idlib war, a well defenced fortress.
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Singha »

Al masdar news
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:11 P.M.) – ISIS forces operating in northwest Syria have broken through rebel lines and advanced swiftly into the province of Idlib. The event marks the first time in almost four years since the self-declared caliphate has had a presence in the region.

Following a renewed offensive operation against Ha’yat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda) that commenced three days ago, the Islamic State’s enclave in northern Hama province has rapidly expanded in both the direction of Idlib and Aleppo provinces.

Today, ISIS militants made another powerful push, capturing from Ha’yat Tahrir al-Sham the settlements of Huways Ibn Hadib, Qal’at al-Huways, Huways Um al-Jarn and Jabal Huways.

Some sources say that Ha’yat Tahrir al-Sham militants simply fled their positions after ISIS charged them in the area.

By this advance, Islamic State forces have officially entered the province of Idlib, the first time they have held a foothold in the region since withdrawing in early 2014.
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Singha »

^^ seems to me syrian plan is to let the ISIS remnants from homs create mayhem in Idlib and get mixed in with the remaining jihadi formations to deny them any political air cover and then go in and blast them all together. maybe even supply some materials to get them started

for a so called bunch of dregs who sneaked across the khanassir desert highway from Uqayrabat side into a toehold in north hama, they seem to be doing unusually well.

or could be pro-govt tribal fighters rebadged as ISIS for unknown reasons.
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by deejay »

^News of "moderate rebels" joining ISIS has already started to come in from Idlib. Infact recent ISIS gains in NE Hama and Idlib for ISIS is being attributed to this.
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by deejay »

Putin has made an unannounced visit to Syria and declared withdrawal of all Russian troops.

https://www.rt.com/news/412690-putin-sy ... -khmeimim/
Putin orders withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria during surprise visit to Khmeimim Airbase
Published time: 11 Dec, 2017 09:59
Edited time: 11 Dec, 2017 10:25

Russian President Vladimir Putin made a surprise visit to Khmeimim Airbase in Syria’s Latakia province on Monday morning. He ordered the start of the withdrawal of Russian troops from the country.
“I order the defense minister and chief of the general staff to start the withdrawal of Russian troops to the site of their permanent deployment," Putin stated, speaking in front of Russian military personnel at Khmeimim.

The Russian leader said that in the space of two years the Russian and Syrian militaries have “defeated the most battle-hardened grouping of international terrorists.” Putin added that he had made the decision that a significant number of the Russian military contingent in Syria should return to Russia.

After a short visit to Syria, the Russian president headed for Cairo, where he is scheduled to hold talks with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Austin »

Watch Putin visit Russian troops at Syria’s Khmeimim Airbase (VIDEO)

https://www.rt.com/news/412697-putin-vi ... ase-syria/

Very interesting Putin travelled on twin engine Tu-214PU instead of 4 engine Il-96-300PU which he normally does even for short distance , must be to avoid any one picking up of him traveling to Syria.
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Austin »

Full Video of Visit

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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Austin »

Sergey Surovikin on Withdrawal of part of Russian forces from Syria

Withdrawal of: -

23 airplanes of different modifications(around 10 stay in Sy) -
2 helicopters (Ka-52) -
Military Police -
Special Force -
Military Hospital -
Center for Demining.

https://twitter.com/warsmonitoring/stat ... 1719934977
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Singha »

https://muraselon.com/en/2017/12/map-up ... or-desert/

the hunt for the rats still lurking in the desert has started on the ground.

ruaf continues to support saa in the north hama and idlib theater nearby. it remains unclear whether they will support a general battle for idlib and western side of aleppo which is a must have for the persians - they are not going to give up on fuah and kafraya for sure. its a blood fued thing with sections of the idlib jihadis.
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Singha »

is Erdogan still letting the idlib jihadis get men and materials across bab al hawa border ?
what are his intentions wrt to idlib...he has been all smoke and no action so far.
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by deejay »

Singha wrote:is Erdogan still letting the idlib jihadis get men and materials across bab al hawa border ?
what are his intentions wrt to idlib...he has been all smoke and no action so far.
Someone tweeted he has 02 primary objectives:

- Deny space, access and freedom of action to YPG
- Ensure Turkish backed groups remain in control on border region so that no unintentional reverse flow happens in Turkey.
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Philip »

You've gotaa give it to him.The would-be Sultan of Ottomania is jez de maan,the world's "Sultan of Swing!" One day he swings high to Israel,the next day he swings low to ISIS,swings east to Russia,swings west to NATO.This Ottomaniac should really be Time's " (Otto) Man of the year what?! :rotfl:
His latest tune is "Woe to thee,israeli and Yanqui!"

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world ... 03096.html
Recep Tayyip Erdogan: US recognising Jerusalem as Israel's capital makes it a partner in bloodshed
Damning comments from Turkish leader and US ally come as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrives in Brussels for talks with EU foreign ministers regarding status of contested city

Bethan McKernan Beirut

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan waves as he exits a mosque following Friday prayers in the city of Komotini, Greece on 8 December 2017 REUTERS
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called the US a "partner in bloodshed" over President Donald Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel .

"With their decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel's capital, the United States has become a partner in this bloodshed," Mr Erdogan said at an event in Ankara on Monday.

"The statement by President Trump does not bind us, nor does it bind Jerusalem."

Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Jerusalem decision not a sign that US is pulling out of peace process
Mr Trump declared that the US would break with decades of established foreign policy and international law last week by recognising Jerusalem as the Israeli capital and relocating its embassy there from Tel Aviv.

While welcomed by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, many other world leaders, including US allies such as Turkey, have expressed concern that the controversial move could spark renewed violence in the region and wider Muslim world.

Protests have been held across the globe and four Palestinians killed in violent clashes with Israeli security forces in the West Bank and Gaza.

Israel annexed east Jerusalem in 1967 in a move that has never been recognised internationally. Both Israeli and the Palestinians claim it as their capital.

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Friday it would still be up to the Israelis and Palestinians to hammer out all other issues surrounding the city in future talks.

Protests erupt after Trump recognises Jerusalem as Israel's capital
A meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) later this week should prove a "turning point" in the crisis, Mr Erdogan added.

The firebrand Turkish leader has been critical of both the US and Israel since last week's announcement.

During a rally in the Turkish city of Sivas on Sunday he called Israel a "child-murderer state".

"We will not abandon [Jerusalem] to an occupier state," he added.

Israel hopes violent protests by Palestinians are 'calming down'
Mr Netanyahu responded that he would not be lectured on morality by a man who "bombs Kurdish villagers in his native Turkey, who jails journalists, who helps Iran go around international sanctions, and who helps terrorists, including in Gaza, kill innocent people".

The Israeli leader is currently in Brussels for talks with EU foreign leaders. He is urging EU member states to follow the US' lead in recognising Jerusalem as Israeli.

On his arrival on Monday he told reporters that Mr Trump's move made peace in the Middle East possible "because recognising reality is the substance of peace, the foundation of peace".

Separately, Russian President Vladimir Putin is due to arrive in Turkey later on Monday for talks on cooperation and the increasing tensions in the Middle East.

He met with Egypt's President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in Cairo - another key US ally - earlier in the day
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Austin »

Putin Congratulates Russian Pilots on Their Successful Mission in Syria

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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by deejay »

https://twitter.com/southfronteng/statu ... 4575695872
Yemeni Houthis Turned Soviet Air-To-Air Missiles Into Ground-To-Air Missiles To Combat Saudi-led Coalition Warplanes http://dlvr.it/Q5N0nc
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by deejay »

And on the lighter side for Putin, there was a light fighter escort into Syria

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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Austin »

The End of Russian Military Operation in Syria

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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Singha »

Taking advantage of 4 backfires returning to rodina and
Bulk of tiger forces moving to hama , isis launched a counterattack west of euphrates

Al masdar news

Within 24 hours of launching this offensive, the Islamic State’s official media wing announced the capture of several towns along the western bank of the Euphrates River.

Among the alleged areas captured, the Islamic State’s media wing claimed their forces seized the key town of Al-Salihiyah.

If Al-Salihiyah has been truly recaptured by the Islamic State than the Syrian Army and their allies will be in serious trouble around the western bank of the Euphrates.

This latest offensive by ISIS is geared to have their forces reestablish themselves in the northwestern countryside of Albukamal, leaving them within striking distance of the aforementioned border-city.
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Singha »

Merhinks a region east of albu kamal under so called sdf
Control is where they are fed and kept ready to harass the saa on the west bank
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Singha »

map by syriadirect on twitter - remains of the caliphate now islanded into 4 parts

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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Austin »

A-50 airborne early warning and control aircraft arrives in Ivanovo from Syria

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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Austin »

Tu-22M3 return back home in Murmansk region after performing tasks in Syria

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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Austin »

Mig-29SMT returning back

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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Singha »

ISIS has run amuck in rural deir azzor, recapturing some 8 lightly held towns and villages, beheading and crucifying captured soldiers, ...

belatedly more SAA and hezbollah reinforcements are being sent into this vast 7000 sq km region.

tiger forces are continuing building up in khanassir region for north hama - idlib offensive.

when the tigers are around, the ISIS are on the run. moment the tiger forces are diverted the roaches crawl out of the woodwork.
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Singha »

rebadging all over the place

Iraq Live Update‏
Follow Follow @IraqLiveUpdate
Hashd mobilise forces towards Tuz Khormato following attacks on civilians by the terrorist group ‘The White Flags’ with links to Barzani

Saa Daily Report‏
Follow Follow @sryhaber
Pro #Fsa sources saying there are great numbers of #Hts militants which joining #İsis in Northern Hama.

jobless ISIS will be accomodated in various formations new and old, rebadged, reflagged, reskilled and put on the bench for a while but ready to use against anyone in the vicinity.
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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Austin »

Singha , Deejay Nice Documentary just released last month ,, Gives a good idea at what state Russia was Economically Socially and Militarily when Putin took over and where it is today ......I suspect had Boris continues for 4 more years we would have had Russia and Independent state of Chechnia & Dagestan Republic

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Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Philip »

Young British diplomat murdered in Beirut. Was it something other than a regular criminal case?

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world ... 15851.html
Rebecca Dykes murder: British diplomat's body found in Beirut
The 30-year-old was found dumped by the side of the Metn highway on Saturday

Kim Sengupta Diplomatic Editor
According to Lebanese officials, the inquiry is looking at the possibility that Ms Dykes was sexually assaulted before being strangled
Police in Lebanon are investigating the death of a young British diplomat, whose body was reported to have been found near an expressway in Beirut.

Rebecca Dykes, 30, had been part of the Foreign Office’s London-based Libya team, before working as a programme and policy manager for the Department for International Development (DFID) in the Lebanese capital.

Ms Dykes, who is from London, was reportedly last seen at a city centre bar in Gemmayzeh late on Friday evening.

It is unclear whether she was accompanied when she left. Her body was found near the Metn Expressway on Saturday, and taken to the Dahr al-Bashak Hospital for post mortem.

According to Lebanese officials, the inquiry is looking at the possibility that Ms Dykes was sexually assaulted before being strangled. However, there has been no official confirmation as to the cause of death.

Ms Dykes was due to fly back to London this weekend for Christmas. A spokesman for her family said: “We are devastated by the loss of our beloved Rebecca. We are doing all we can to understand what happened.”

DFID said in a statement: “Our thoughts are with Becky's family and friends at this very upsetting time.

“There is now a police investigation and the FCO is providing consular support to Becky's family and working with the local authorities.”

British Ambassador to Lebanon, Hugo Shorter, said in a statement: “The whole embassy is deeply shocked and saddened by this news.

“Our thoughts are with Becky's family, friends and colleagues for their tragic loss.”

World news in p
http://www.deveer.org.uk/dvm/index.php/ ... nd_Torture
MI6 and CIA at Work: State Sponsored Subversion, Insurgency, Terrorism and Torture
Tangible evidence of UK/US insurgency: (Courtesy: The Independent)
By Ann-Marie de Veer
Saturday 17 May 2014

Underneath an invisibility cloak of respectability, willingly provided by the United Kingdom's Department for International Development (DFID) and the United States Department for International Development (USAID), both the UK's Secret Intelligence Service (aka. MI6) and the CIA continue to engage in their illegal tradecraft of State sponsored subversion, insurgency, terrorism and torture.

What is interesting about this perverse relationship is that both the DFID and USAID agencies, on whom the CIA and MI6 largely depend for cover, continue to promote their stated ideals as if this situation did not exist:

DFID: Promoting sustainable development and eliminating world poverty.
What We Do: The Department for International Development (DFID) leads the UK’s work to end extreme poverty. We're ending the need for aid by creating jobs, unlocking the potential of girls and women and helping to save lives when humanitarian emergencies hit.
USAID: Extend a helping hand to those people overseas struggling to make a better life, recover from a disaster or striving to live in a free and democratic country.
Our Mission: We partner to end extreme poverty and to promote resilient, democratic societies while advancing our security and prosperity.
The irony is of course that these relationships and the behaviour of the intelligence services have changed very little over the last sixty years as they continue their illegal operations in support of neo-imperial economic power. We have only to look at the events soon after the Second World War, which are a matter of public record and quite telling.

In those days the guise of the aid agencies were different but the modus operandi of the intelligence services working under their umbrella of giving help and relief to disadvantaged populaces were just the same. The CIA overthrew its first foreign government in 1953 in the Iranian coup d'état, ably assisted by MI6. Later, in 1954, operating via secret bases out of neighbouring Laos, they provoked the North Vietnamese, which eventually led to the Vietnam War, aka. the Indochina War. In the early and mid-fifties both the CIA and MI6 were involved in Tibet where they provided and distributed secessionist propaganda, created political plots and forced the hand of the Chinese. In the early sixties MI6, with the assistance of the CIA, were busy subverting state power in Singapore as the fledgling nation first sought incorporation into Malaysia and then eventually became independent.

Thus, it is of no surprise whatsoever that the raison d'être of MI6 and the CIA, often thought to be the covert gathering of intelligence, aka. Human Intelligence (HUMINT), is to advance the power and authority of their masters at any expense. Not unexpectedly, the UK and US regimes try to hide these activities, citing the personal safety of their operatives or national security. Naturally, the MSM is generally compliant in this endeavour and even complicit at times as is the legal profession who often bury any form of embarrassing or challenging litigation in procedural difficulties. When, these tactics fail to contain the event, report-minimisation procedures, DA Notices, in camera court sessions or secret courts are used. Nonetheless, there are times when the light of discovery cannot be extinguished:

Cuba: Cuba Detains a U.S. Contractor A United States government contract worker, who was distributing cellphones, laptops and other communications equipment in Cuba on behalf of the Obama administration, has been detained by the authorities here, American officials said Friday. (12 Dec 2009)
Venezuela: Employee of a CIA Front Organization Working in Venezuela was Detained in Cuba This Week The first contract between USAID and DAI for its Venezuela operations authorized $10 million for a two year period. DAI opened its doors in the Wall Street of Caracas, El Rosal, in August 2002, and began to immediately fund the same groups that just months earlier had executed - unsuccessfully – the coup against President Chávez. (13 Dec 2009)
Pakistan: The USAID-CIA consortium in which Obama was raised Currently, private military contractors working for the ex-Blackwater, now Xe Services, have been reported to be posing as USAID employees in Pakistan. Last year, the Pakistani press reported that USAID was bypassing the Pakistan ministries of Education and Information and providing direct educational assistance to Pakistani students. One USAID program in the Federally-Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan resulted in some $45 million disappearing down a virtual black hole. (19 Jul 2011)
Libya: MI6's alleged role in rendition could be concealed under new 'secret justice' Bill Sami al-Saadi and Abdel Hakim Belhadj, who allege that they were taken by rendition by Britain to Libya eight years ago, are expected to begin legal proceedings against Jack Straw, the former foreign secretary, and the Government next month. (27 May 2012)
Cuba: White House defends 'Cuban Twitter' to stir unrest An Associated Press investigation found that the network was built with secret shell companies and financed through a foreign bank. The project, which lasted more than two years and drew tens of thousands of subscribers, sought to evade Cuba's stranglehold on the Internet with a primitive social media platform. (4 Apr 2014)
Of course, these events have not gone unnoticed:

Dr. Farrukh Saleem: USAID and CIA Over the past 51 years, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has grown into a powerful multi-billion dollar political-cum-military weapon in the hands of the American establishment. USAID’s charter is explicit: To serve the foreign policy interests of the United States. (13 May 2012)
Dr. Stuart Jeanne Bramhall: USAID/CIA supporting dictators and stifling democracy - exclusive interview Clearly their main focus is not to give foreign aid to a country, it is basically to advance the US economic interests whose research has shown that USAID and the CIA promote dictators and are against Democracy which allows corporations to maintain high-profit margins and allows the US to control resources. (16 Oct 2012)
Nonetheless, they continue to evade the scrutiny of the general public, not least because of The Cognitive Dissonance of the MSM.

But there are some things that we have learned, in particular USAID have a long history in providing front company's for the CIA. Also of interest is the fact that DFID (operating as the British Council) and USIAD were expelled from Russia in December 2007 and September 2012 respectively. More recently, the CIA, via USAID, have been quietly supplying weapons and ammunition to Syrian rebels and there are now disturbing revelations emerging from Ukraine where evidence of western insurgents have been discovered.

There can be no doubt whatsoever that MI6 and the CIA, as tools of their respective regimes, both directly and indirectly under the umbrella agencies of DFID and USAID, are involved in many areas throughout the world to the detriment of the peoples they encounter.

In other words, there are certain regions of the world that we expect to be subordinate to the needs of our neo-imperial economic empire. To that end, we will support any organisation or structure, whether it be a plutocracy, an oligarchy, a despot, a totalitarian dictatorship, etc. or, if necessary, actively subvert, overthrow, terrorise or torture same if that body becomes an obstacle to the progress of our neo-imperial quest for regional corporatisation and control of its resources.

There is nothing more dangerous than security.
Francis Walsingham
BRF Oldie
Posts: 21538
Joined: 01 Jan 1970 05:30
Location: India

Re: Levant crisis - III

Post by Philip »

The Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) produces intelligence assessments for UK Government ministers, and sets priorities for intelligence-gathering by the UK intelligence agencies. The JIC draws its membership from senior officials in:

Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Home Office
Ministry of Defence
Department for Business, Innovations and Skills
Department for International Development :mrgreen:
Cabinet Office
Heads of GCHQ, MI5 and Secret Intelligence Service (MI6)
Chief of the Assessments Staff
The senior officer responsible to the Prime Minister for supervising the work of the JIC is the JIC Chairman, who ensures that the JIC's warning and monitoring role is carried out effectively.
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