Understanding the US - Again

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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Rakesh »

The Judiciary Committee has voted to advance the Kavanaugh nomination. Senator Jeff Flake - after stating that he will vote for Brett Kavanaugh - is now calling for a delay and FBI probe. I think Senator Coons - his good friend in the Senate - has possibly played a role in that.
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by UlanBatori »

WTH happened? They "took a vote" and recorded everyone's votes, I guess they sent the nomination forward, then they said: Aha! Two-Hour Rule, we are adjourned. Some talk of asking WHOTUS to ask FreeBisctuits to Investigate Current Allegations inside a week b4 Senate Floor Vote, but no decision on actually doing the asking. Donkeys seemed unhappy, Jeff Flake had in feet in both canoes, Chairman was pretty hard-nosed.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Rakesh »

Mort Walker wrote:
eklavya wrote:UBji: what do your female family / friends think? That the professor is making this up?
She played the victim perfectly. Very believable, but a highly educated Ph. D. who didn’t know how to take the oath correctly for testimony? That gave her away. Go back and watch the video at beginning. She’s a political plant.
Perhaps she did. But after watching Brett Kavanaugh speak yesterday afternoon, I do not feel he is fit to sit on the US Supreme Court. His anger - which can be justifiably argued that he is displaying to protect his good name - is alarming and unbecoming of a judge. We are told that judges are held to higher standards.

Nevertheless, I will give him the benefit of the doubt. He was very forceful in his denials. But he should walk away from the nomination, let the FBI conclude its investigation and then let his name be cleared. In his opening statement, he said that he and his family has had their name tarnished. What is more important to him - sitting on the US Supreme Court or having his name cleared?

Disclaimer - I cannot believe anything that Dr Christine Blassey Ford has said. That is not to diminish her credentials or call her a liar. But in the absence of corroborating information, you cannot destroy someone's life on an accusation - which is a serious one. I do sincerely feel sorry for her. But it is not what you believe, but what you can prove.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Mort Walker »


You asked about my female family and I answered the question. What more do you want? Then you move the goal posts. And yes my female family members as minors have been intimidated by men and have immediately reported it. They didn’t wait 36 years.

The Democratic Party wants an activist court like we are seeing in India. Why should the SC of India interfere with a religious institution, that too a temple?
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by eklavya »

MW-ji. Thanks for the reply.
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Mort Walker »

vijayk wrote:Congress has abdicated their legislative duties to the executive branch, so liberals look up to courts to do their legislation for them. That is why, they fight so bitterly against anyone nominated by a Republican President. Republicans OTOH don’t want judges to interfere so that they continue legislation thru the executive

Obama/Clinton are the reasons for Trump election. Clinton and Obama deserted traditional blue collar democrat voter for elitist followers.

There seems to growing attraction for socialism among young folks due to left leaning educational system.
Well said. We are now seeing what has already happened in India now happen in the US. What next? Diwali crackers are bad, but slaughtering animals is fine for a holiday?
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

eklavya wrote:UBji: what do your female family / friends think? That the professor is making this up?
They have their right to believe what they will, believe it or not. Have had for the past 10,000 years. They don't go by: Oh, I am female so I will believe this female although she is lying. Amazingly, they have independent brains!! Even an education! They can READ!

Point is that this is far more sophisticated than some little child afraid to report abuse. Read what I have been asking: WHY did Ford not alert the FBI back when this drunken gang-rapist would-be murderer was being nominated to the Federal Judgeship - see posts above which mention Senate Hearing to appoint him. OK, so where was she then? Until that crucial question is answered, there is no way to place any credibility on her.

How do YOU explain why she cannot remember "when", and WHERE - only WHO? She has no trauma that gives her the creeps when she goes anywhere near that place? Nothing in her that says: Ooo, I don't want to be near this place?

Why is it that the person who drove her home after that traumatic event, cannot be found?

Why is it that the 2 persons she named as having also been at the same event, remember nothing?

Despite all these, we are supposed to say, Oh she LOOKED CREDIBLE, Oh, so VULNERABLE with her pretty blond hair and all, so we'll destroy this (grr!!!) EVIL MALE?

Try reading "DISCLOSURE" by Michael Crichton. Or watching the movie but the movie is not as clear in its plot and makes the resolution look easier. In real life things are far messier, and there is no Angel looking out for the innocent victim. I mean whichever gender that is.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by eklavya »

Many thanks!
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

Rakesh, I think the "FBI" thing is a red herring. Over and over again, it has been declared that (a) the FBI DID investigate him with background checks SIX times (different posts). (b) if they hear anything, they merely REPORT it, don't make determinations of guilt or innocence.

So this call for "FBI INVESTIGATION" from the donkeys is not a sincere thing. What will happen if Kavanaugh or elephants fall for that is
(a) FBI takes a long time
(b) FBI REPORTS (key word is REPORTS) that X said this, Y said this, Z said this. Now depending on ur own bias, you make that
x said this, Y SAID THIS, z said this
For the election. Nothing new, but now they can claim FBI CONFIRMED THAT Y SAID THIS!!!

BTW, when Fed Investigators investigate, say for security clearance for jobs, they REALLY investigate. They ask people if there is *ANY** reason for concern, and everyone knows that lying on that question is very dangerous. If they hear anything, they report what they hear, but then they are supposed to dig into that as well. So I think the Party Animal thing has nothing behind it. Yeah, all the 2-be Lawyers at Yale may have been binge drinkers at times, but they managed to function despite that. If they kicked out all who did that as students, entire COTUS would be Quakers and Taliban.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Rakesh »

I agree UB-ji. However, as convoluted (perception wise) the FBI investigation might be....it gives the Republicans the opportunity to state that an investigation was held for the SEVENTH time and he again comes up clean. At that point, what ground do the Democrats really have to stand on? Once that is complete, they will be viewed simply as obstructionists (what the Democrats charged the Republicans with the post 2010 midterm elections till the end of Obama's second term) and that could hurt them in the upcoming mid-term elections.

Another possibility also exists. If Y SAID THIS came out to be true, what does that do to the FBI as an institution? Were they smoking hashish the previous six times, that they could not see this? Already Trump hates the FBI. This will just give him even more ammunition.

If Judge Kavanaugh wins the nomination, it will fire up the Democrats and the Senate could fall in their lap. The House is already on the way. They are already talking about impeaching the Judge and expanding the court from 9 to 11.

If Judge Kavanaugh loses the nomination, it will fire up the Republicans and they will definitely keep the Senate and possibly even the House.

Damned if you do and Damned if you don't.
UlanBatori wrote:Yeah, all the 2-be Lawyers at Yale may have been binge drinkers at times, but they managed to function despite that. If they kicked out all who did that as students, entire COTUS would be Quakers and Taliban.
Yes, but the boys-will-be-boys club has to end. Assaulting women is not acceptable or normal behaviour - drunk or otherwise - in the 21st century or for that matter in any previous century either. There is no excuse for that.

The Judge states that he drank excessively on a few occasions. Does he honestly expect anyone to believe that when he drank excessively, he was in full control of his mental faculties?

He says he still drinks beer. Does he still drink excessively? If his demeanor yesterday was alarming (to me anyway!) and he obviously was not inebriated, how does he behave when he is drunk? Is the kind of US Supreme Court judge the American people really want?
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

I see it differently. If BK is approved (as I think will happen) elephant supporters will claim vindication. FBI is simply not going to find anything: maybe another witness? To what? Get Mr. Judge to turn State's evidence faced with a 100-year sentence for drug trafficking? So "FBI Investigation!" is simply for the purpose I indicated before. I think FBI already said "case closed" on BK investigation (Grassley said that when he asked WHOTUS that's what FBI told WHOTUS).

So for all sides, they have backed themselves into a corner. For elephants, best bet is to go all out yelling about the Attack On The Constitution and the Rabid Left out to destroy Honest Gawd-Fiyaring Clean-Cut Family (white) People.

I wouldn't be surprised if the FOXNews Alt-Reality types aren't already whispering loudly that Ford is a ***bian orgy type. They have their own self-made Realities, no help needed. (happen to live among them...)

No one has claimed that BozVlBBoyz applies here, that's what the elephants are so terrified about. Which is why they are careful to say DOCTOR Ford and say how CREDIBLE she was, at every second breath.

Also, think back. Could Trump have nominated ANYONE to this post that wouldn't come under the same attack? Preeti Bansal? Mother Teresa? It is absolutely true that Dems see this as a MUST-BLOCK nomination. BK just happens to be the one in the line of fire.

As for November I think BK tamasha has sealed the donkey's chances. They are going to get destroyed.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Rakesh »

UlanBatori wrote:I wouldn't be surprised if the FOXNews Alt-Reality types aren't already whispering loudly that Ford is a ***bian orgy type. They have their own self-made Realities, no help needed. (happen to live among them...)
I truly empathize with you.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Rakesh »

UB-ji....what do you think of this?

If Judge Kavanaugh loses the nomination, he runs for a seat in Congress or Senate? Now what would be fun to watch!

He will viewed as a martyr and will be used to whip up the right-wing base.

His interview on Fox News threw out any and all semblance of him being non-partisan.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

I don't think he is going to lose the nomination. Any elephant who does not show up and vote for him, will be an elephant minus golas. They can't afford to lose this on some flimsy pretext such as "conscience" which none of them have. Anyway, why would BK run for Congress? He has a perfectly secure job as Fed judge in DC circuit. Pay is significantly better than that of a COTUSRep who has to keep running every 2 years and kissing asses to raise funds. For the next 20 years? Which means that any donkeys caught for DUI, pronging Interns, found by polis in gutter on Sundin morning minus undies etc will come up before him. Would YOU like to be the lawyer representing THAT defendant? :eek:

So I think any donkey COTUSppl better pray that he gets confirmed to SCOTUS where he can't do that much damage. BTW, u mentioned anger in a judge. Yeah, they show anger all right - the judge in the Cosby case sure did, for one. IMO, enough to get him freed on appeal with any half-wit lawyer on his side. SCOTUS judges OTOH can't show much of any emotion: the decisions are dull, boring things written by clerks.

See, I think the elephants are on perfectly safe ground here. They actually ALLOWED that ford tamasha in full public view. I think that called the bluff of the donkeys, big time. For all the posturing, anyone could see that there was no credible evidence. Anyone who has even taught middle school knows that one runs into perfectly angelic, 400% CREDIBLE, convincing, vulnerable, sweet, innocent monsters who tell the wildest tales. Get to college age and the lying becomes another level entirely. Now make that a piskology professor, and everyone knows that "she sounds credible" is an insult.

So the donkeys got caught with no credible EVIDENCE. A witness who says she can't remember when or where. Two "eye-witnesses" said "sorry onlee, I remember nothing of the sort". 84 wimmens provide sworn statements placing the Accused somewhere between Gawd and JC in virtue.

The donkeys fired their last cartridges - and they turned out to be blanks.

That's why the donkeys are reduced to demanding "FBI Investigation, delay, please please please pretty please?" WHAT FBI? With what credible evidence? FBI already investigated and closed the case. If the FBI chief re-opens this case, both he and Rosenstein are out looking for a job. At this point, Kavanaugh and his supporters can show the FBI and everyone else the middle finger.

What I want to know is what they are going to do to the Swetnick wimmens and her slimy ambu-chaser attorney. Surely debarment is starting him in the ass, and the woman is facing 5 to 10 for perjury.
Last edited by UlanBatori on 29 Sep 2018 01:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Rakesh »

Will respond in a bit.

Latest news - The GOP has agreed to a one week delay. Basically the nod of approval came from Senator McConnell.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

Which means the GOP is confident of calling the bluff. Or the donkeys have a line of new "Witnesses". I think at this point DT is going to pull out the heavy bulldozer and go after all holdouts.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Rakesh »

UlanBatori wrote:I don't think he is going to lose the nomination. Any elephant who does not show up and vote for him, will be an elephant minus golas. They can't afford to lose this on some flimsy pretext such as "conscience" which none of them have.
Many of the Senators who stood up to Trump during (and even after) the elections have turned out in support of his policies. Whatever spine they had, they handed it over to Trump on a silver platter and this is prior to BK. They will blindly follow what McConnell tells them to do.

Bob Corker - Said that president has a mind of a kindergarten child, but supports BK for SCOTUS.
Ted Cruz - Trump basically accused his father of killing President Kennedy....but now Ted Cruz wholly supports Trump
Lindsey Graham - Who can forget when Trump gave out his cell phone number during the Republican Primary. But is now Trump's Consigliere!

Then there is Ben Sasse, Jeff Flake, Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski....the list goes on. All for votes onlee and to stay in power permanently. Flake and Corker are exceptions, as neither are running again for the Senate.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_R ... #Current_2

But the irony is if you are against Trump, you will be labelled a RINO and will lose the next election.
UlanBatori wrote:Anyway, why would BK run for Congress? He has a perfectly secure job as Fed judge in DC circuit. Pay is significantly better than that of a COTUS Rep who has to keep running every 2 years and kissing asses to raise funds. For the next 20 years? Which means that any donkeys caught for DUI, pronging Interns, found by polis in gutter on Sundin morning minus undies etc will come up before him. Would YOU like to be the lawyer representing THAT defendant? :eek:
He represents some conservative district in Texas or South Carolina or wherever (to quote Sarah Palin) "real America" is, he will not have to campaign. For many in the right wing, Republicans can do no wrong.
UlanBatori wrote:BTW, u mentioned anger in a judge. Yeah, they show anger all right - the judge in the Cosby case sure did, for one. IMO, enough to get him freed on appeal with any half-wit lawyer on his side. SCOTUS judges OTOH can't show much of any emotion: the decisions are dull, boring things written by clerks.
I should have stated un-hinged anger. BK was clearly un-hinged during yesterday's testimony. Unhinged, Hyper Emotional and Partisan. Clearly unfit to be a judge in SCOTUS. He should be disqualified because of his behaviour yesterday and not because of Dr Ford's testimony, while to the point cannot be corroborated.

I would agree with you that BK will eventually win the nomination, but I would have to disagree on the Democrats losing the midterm elections. I do not believe this will be a repeat of 1948 Dewey-Truman, where the Democrats were guaranteed to lose. But if BK loses, then yes...the Democrats stand a lot to lose.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by eklavya »

UlanBatori wrote:Which means the GOP is confident of calling the bluff.

No. The FBI inquiry was opposed by GOP, but they reluctantly agreed, as Flake would have killed the nomination in the committee itself. Sen. Murkowski will also vote against BK. BK is toast, just like he said so himself yesterday.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

Donkeys need the excuse that "it was a serious accusation - see even FBI investigated!" Otherwise the point was hammered home into most tiny minds (like mine) that the whole thing was set up by Feinstein bibi, who is as evil as they come. In all this the big stunt was "Hu Released the Ford Letter 2 The Media?" Think about who had the most to gain, when the donkeys were still struggling to get some, any, corroborative evidence for Ford's charges? Basically that jumped the gun and forced Ford to come out and testify under oath - that she didn't know WHEN, she didn't know WHERE, but someone tried to rape her, and that has traumatized her since Age 15, and oh, yeah, she is 100% sure that it was Kavanaugh. Think about that. If u r Feinstein, u have a serious problem. So this is about fig leaf for donkeys. Plus, once elephants agreed to that, all holdout elephants who are afraid of their slim margins come November, get revived like watered flowers: "FBI investigated and cleared him what2do onlee?" Because if the vote against, DT is going to come after them. That's why the 1-week FBI is win-win. What exactly are they going to find in 1 week I wonder. The address in DC where the almost-rape occurred? The date? And that Kavanaugh was in Oregon that week? Pls read that story that I posted about the girl who complained that Frat boys made monkey gestures. Many "Truths" can be invented.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Mort Walker »

eklavya wrote:
UlanBatori wrote:Which means the GOP is confident of calling the bluff.

No. The FBI inquiry was opposed by GOP, but they reluctantly agreed, as Flake would have killed the nomination in the committee itself. Sen. Murkowski will also vote against BK. BK is toast, just like he said so himself yesterday.
He doesn’t have the votes today, but will next week. The FBI doesn’t conduct trials. If testimony to FBI is different from testimony to senate committee, then it is perjury. Don’t expect anything different.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by eklavya »

FBI wants to get rid of Trump. BK thinks Trump is above the law. Where do you think FBI will come out.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

Best bet is if FreeBiscuits find those 2 guys who claimed they were the ones at the party that Ford attended, and they claim that they have Seen The Light, Repented their wild youth, and Been Bawn Agin. DC house location and all, house long-since demolished for a Starbucks. Maybe sign a $M Memoirs contract as the payoff. Then everyone is "corroborated".
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

eklavya wrote:^^^
FBI wants to get rid of Trump. BK thinks Trump is above the law. Where do you think FBI will come out.
FBI needs jobs to feed their families. Feinstein can f*rt. Trump can give and take away jobs. Note that next week he will (was planning to) fire Rosenstein.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by eklavya »

Rosenstein wrote the memo that got Comey fired. He’s a clown, he’s not FBI. The FBI is working to oust Trump.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

How do you know this amazing stuff? RosensteinGaro is DeputyHead of Just-Iss Dept which is over EphBeeEye. Yes, he can write the memo that gets the FBI chief fired BY TRUMP, but Trump can fire him too, when it suits him. He is IMO the major slimy Survivor hu has backstabbed everyone above and below him, but I think his time is up. Reminds me of "Rosen" in the movie "Absence of Malice".
The TV version of the movie ends with the Big Chief (Federal Appeals Court Judge like BK?) saying:
Ain't no Prezdent appawnted you, Rosen, ah done hired you. U got 30 days!
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by eklavya »

What is the amazing part? That the President is a captive of powers hostile to the US? Or, that the FBI is trying to neutralise this threat?
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Rudradev »


We have to stick together. We are not Republicans. We are not Democrats. We are, first and always, the sons and daughters of Bharat Varsh. There are far, far too few of us in this distant and hostile land to be divided along the lines that these mlecchhas have selected for themselves, based on the irreconciliable dichotomies embedded in their Abrahamic worldview.

Please carry on, but never forget that.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Mort Walker »

Rudradev wrote:Yaaraan,

We have to stick together. We are not Republicans. We are not Democrats. We are, first and always, the sons and daughters of Bharat Varsh. There are far, far too few of us in this distant and hostile land to be divided along the lines that these mlecchhas have selected for themselves, based on the irreconciliable dichotomies embedded in their Abrahamic worldview.

Please carry on, but never forget that.
Agreed. I'm more upset that the Supreme Court of India has over ruled the Sabrimala Temple authorities. It isn't that I disagree with the SC, but activist judges interfering in Hindu temple management. This was a case that the SC should have stayed out of and simply commented that temple authorities should take more inclusive steps for women.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Mort Walker »

eklavya wrote:^^^
FBI wants to get rid of Trump. BK thinks Trump is above the law. Where do you think FBI will come out.

What is the amazing part? That the President is a captive of powers hostile to the US? Or, that the FBI is trying to neutralise this threat?

Wrong. The FBI job is limited to collecting the facts about the claims Dr. Ford brings up. They don't have an open ended agenda. The problem is she doesn't remember any details and already her 4 witnesses do not remember BK. BK's friend Mark Judge doesn't remember anything either. It is a matter of he said - she said. Nothing new will come up and BK will be confirmed a week from today.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

Or... FBI will present a considered opinion that Dr. Ford is hallucinatory. Read too many Rosemary Rogers and Arthur Hailey books. Pinned her delusions on some guy that came from her general neighborhood in high school, whose pic she saw in the news. Fired off a letter to stupid Feinstein. Sent the same letter copy to Media types. I heard somewhere that her daddy was a CIA aphsar, so she knows very well about how to cheat a Lie Detector. The utterly cool demeanor at the Hearing should be a dead giveaway of a wacko.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by eklavya »

UlanBatori wrote: I heard somewhere that her daddy was a CIA aphsar, so she knows very well about how to cheat a Lie Detector.
Her father was not CIA. But your statement would be fanciful even if he was.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by shyam »

Rudradev wrote:Yaaraan,

We have to stick together. We are not Republicans. We are not Democrats. We are, first and always, the sons and daughters of Bharat Varsh. There are far, far too few of us in this distant and hostile land to be divided along the lines that these mlecchhas have selected for themselves, based on the irreconciliable dichotomies embedded in their Abrahamic worldview.

Please carry on, but never forget that.
Success of Trump's mission is a pre-requisit for the future success of Bharat. He is on the mission to destroy the globalist deep-state. They were the ones putting Bharat down all the time.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by shyam »

What happened during Ms Ford's testimony is not just a regular fight between Democrats and Republicans, but a desperate attempt by Democrats to prevent BK from becoming SCOTUS Justice. Once he is confirmed, SCOTUS will be under Trump's control and an avalanche of indictments are going to happen, with a possibility of military tribunal. Such questions were asked during senate hearings. Video of that is in the twitter link below.

https://twitter.com/EdensVision/status/ ... 9295321088

Also please check the fourth reply (by BearGrowler). No name is the code word for McCain.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

here u go, eklavyaji. Only the best CTs 4 u.
Of course I have no independent knowledge of who is isn't a CIA agint. Unlike u. :oops:
And - ANOTHER WITNESS COMES FORWARD: Report at "Millennium ..etc" Published ONLY to "Save Our Nation".
Read the totally "100%" reliable tweet posted there too.
Since this is all going to be seen by the EphBeeEye I am not posting it here. :eek:
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by eklavya »

UB-ji, I understand that The Washington Post is considered hugely haraam in certain circles, and I don’t want to ruffle any sensitivities on a Saturday, but I have taken the liberty of quoting from it. Apologies in advance.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/ch ... d6622f4bcd
The Blaseys have deep roots in the nation’s capital. Ford’s grandfather, the first Ralph Blasey, was a graduate of the District’s McKinley High School and went on to become the president of a small-loan corporation. Ralph Jr. followed in his footsteps. As he rose in the ranks of Washington banks, his promotions were chronicled in the Washington Evening Star. Now 83, Ralph Jr. still serves as a vice president at Red Coats, a private commercial cleaning company based in Bethesda.
Now if you tell me that bankers are even more accomplished liars than spies, you might be on to something, but that is another story altogether.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Rakesh »

Another newspaper that will be haram in certain circles, but a point to note....the man is unfit to serve on SCOTUS. He will very likely end up there though because of the Republican majority in the Senate. Putting Dr Ford's accusations aside....he is a partisan appointee, meant to ensure a conservative majority on the court which will directly benefit Donald Trump whose campaign (and possibly even himself) is under investigation by a special counsel.

If he does win the nomination, I hope he gets impeached. His behaviour is unbecoming of a Supreme Court Justice or for that matter, any Justice. He needs to take a leaf out of Justice Gorsuch's notebook ---> "There is no such thing as a Republican judge or Democratic judge. We just have judges." Whether Justice Gorsuch truly believes that remains to be seen, but he is on record saying that to the Senate Judiciary Committee. What has Justice Kavanaugh done instead?

Maybe America Can Now Learn the Truth
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/28/opin ... court.html
On top of all the strange and often pointless falsehoods, it was Judge Kavanaugh’s behavior that set a new and appalling standard for intemperance and disrespect in a judicial confirmation hearing, including his mocking response to Senator Amy Klobuchar, who had just told him about her father’s struggles with alcoholism. (He later apologized.) It’s natural that a man who says he has been wrongly accused would be angry. But such poor self-control and contempt for the Senate should be disqualifying for service on the federal appeals court where Judge Kavanaugh now sits, let alone a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Lalmohan »

read yesterday that FBi checks (done 6 times) do not go back to the beginning but start from where the previous one left off. so BK has not had his whole past looked at 6 times, just that 6 looks have been done to slices of his past

if he is confident of clearing his name then he has nothing to worry about... there is no evidence is there?

however, BK has clearly declared his partisanship and therefore he is not a good candidate to be a SC judge and that too for life. he is a political appointee who is expected to toe the line of his paymasters. nothing wrong with a right wing judge, but he should not be beholden to the 'party'

we can get past the sex scandal but there is still the question over his disappearing debt...
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

Then again I would ask, with all due respect, whether a Federal Judge who did **NOT** display some contempt for these sh1ts is anything more than a slimeball. Even I wanted to punch out the whole lot of them, and I was a remote observer, not a participant. The entire Proceeding should have focused strictly on the issue of whether the guy is the right (I mean correct etc) person for the job, as in what his past record as a Judge. It would have been fine if people were to attack him on judgements that he has written.

Whether the guy spends his off hours buggering other judges or whatever, is a matter for the polis to investigate all the time, not just before confirmation to the SC.

And in this whole mess, what is lost is his record. Apparently from what I see he is no worse than other Fed Judges. But I have not seen any truly "courageous" decisions. What do I mean by that? Look at the judge who dismantled the KKK and Aryan Nations sitting in the Deep South (probably dead or too old by now for the SCOTUS). Or the ones in Seattle who took on Trump's initial Travel Bans and struck them down.

So yes, I think the question remains unanswered:
R U a Conservative Judge or a Liberal Judge? Appointed to serve some agenda other than full and total respect for the Constitution and its core principle? Are u able to judge the human aspects and gauge the deeper story behind every case? Will you treat everyone equally in the eyes of the law? Or will you "bend ur knee b4 Insolent Might"?
FBI is not going to answer that.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by UlanBatori »

And just adding to that. This whole procedure is a disaster. The rule of law is that your fitness (outside area of competence) for a Federal job is to be determined by a Security Check. This guy has gone through SIX of those, for different jobs. That was the right place to convey any concerns about behavior 35 years back. So anything beyond that is contempt for the law by the Democrat Senators.
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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Post by Rakesh »

The question does not lie in whether Federal Judges have contempt for elected officials. Right wing judges may likely have contempt for Democrats and Left wing judges may likely have contempt for Republicans as well. However in front of the US Senate Judiciary Committee, under no circumstances must a nominee act like a petulant, angry, un-hinged and emotionally unstable child. He displayed all of that and more on Sept 27th.

If a Senator is out of line or out of bounds with his/her questions, it is up to other Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee or the Chairman of the Committee, Senator Grassley to shut the question down or to tell the nominee that he does not have to answer the question. But a nominee must not get into the mud, no matter how tempting it is.

He told Senator Leahy to shut this up. Watch video below from 3:55 onwards. Is this honestly the kind of SCOTUS Judge that the American people need? One can argue that Senator Leahy was goading him, but a nominee must be above this kind of behaviour. SCOTUS judges (or any judges for that matter) must be above politics or at least give the appearance of it.

The present crop of SCOTUS judges are watching his behaviour and they are well aware, that this is how he will act in SCOTUS as well. Even Clarence Thomas displayed much better judgment than him during his confirmation hearings on the Anita Hill saga. But then again Justice Thomas did not have a choice. The Angry Black Man has serious implications in America. The Angry White Man on the other hand is acceptable. Just a fact of life.

As to whether he is the right person for the job - casting aside his disturbing behaviour on Sept 27th and also Dr Ford's accusations - I would have to say that he is supremely disqualified to be a SCOTUS judge. His questions that he had planned for President Clinton was so shocking, that even Ken Starr did not take them up. His radical views on executive power is eye opening and cause for concern.

Brett Kavanaugh had graphic questions for Bill Clinton about Lewinsky affair
https://www.theguardian.com/law/2018/au ... memo-trump

Brett Kavanaugh’s Radical View of Executive Power
https://www.politico.com/magazine/story ... wer-219634
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