Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by SRajesh »

vishvak wrote:Why would a progressive, not even rich but progressive, countries pay a single penny for criminals. Isn't being democracy and maintain ing it enough.

I think NATO should come up with plans to build large jails far off from civilization paid for by religiously rich where such jihadis can be tied to chair dressed as mediaeval kings till life. What more would he need.
Guantanamo Hain na!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
Why not make it UN prison :D :D
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Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Ephraim Mirvis: What will become of Jews in Britain if Labour forms the next government?

Elections should be a celebration of democracy. However, just weeks before we go to the polls, the overwhelming majority of British Jews are gripped by anxiety.

During the past few years, on my travels through the UK and further afield, one concern has been expressed to me more than any other. Of course, the threats of the far right and violent jihadism never go away, but the question I am now most frequently asked is : What will become of Jews and Judaism in Britain if the Labour Party forms the next government?

This anxiety is justified. Raising concerns about anti-Jewish racism in the context of a general election ranks among the most painful moments I have experienced since taking office. Convention dictates that the Chief Rabbi stays well away from party politics — and rightly so. However, challenging racism is not a matter of politics, it goes well beyond that. Wherever there is evidence of it, including in any of our political parties, it must be swiftly rooted out. Hateful prejudice is always wrong, whoever the perpetrator, whoever the victim.

The Jewish community has endured the deep discomfort of being at the centre of national political attention for nearly four years. We have been treated by many as an irritant, as opposed to a minority community with genuine concerns. Some politicians have shown courage but too many have sat silent. We have learned the hard way that speaking out means that we will be demonised by faceless social media trolls and accused of being partisan or acting in bad faith by those who still think of this as an orchestrated political smear. Yet, I ask myself: should the victims of racism be silenced by the fear of yet further vilification?

Therefore, with the heaviest of hearts, I call upon the citizens of our great country to study what has been unfolding before our very eyes.

The Jewish community has watched with incredulity as supporters of the Labour leadership have hounded parliamentarians, members and even staff out of the party for challenging anti-Jewish racism. Even as they received threats, the response of the Labour leadership was utterly inadequate. We have endured quibbling and prevarication over whether the party should adopt the most widely accepted definition of antisemitism. Now we await the outcome of a formal investigation by the Equality and Human Rights Commission into whether discrimination by the party against Jews has become an institutional problem. And all of this while in opposition. What should we expect of them in government?

The way in which the leadership has dealt with anti-Jewish racism is incompatible with the British values of which we are so proud — of dignity and respect for all people. It has left many decent Labour members both Jewish and non-Jewish, ashamed of what has transpired.

The claims that the party is “doing everything” it reasonably can to tackle anti-Jewish racism and that it has “investigated every single case”, are a mendacious fiction. According to the Jewish Labour Movement, there are at least 130 outstanding cases before the party, some dating back years, and thousands more have been reported but remain unresolved.

The party leadership have never understood that their failure is not just one of procedure, which can be remedied with additional staff or new processes. It is a failure to see this as a human problem rather than a political one. It is a failure of culture. It is a failure of leadership. A new poison – sanctioned from the tophas taken root in the Labour Party.

Many members of the Jewish community can hardly believe that this is the same party that they called their political home for more than a century. It can no longer claim to be the party of equality and anti-racism.

How far is too far? How complicit in prejudice would a leader of Her Majesty’s opposition have to be to be considered unfit for office? Would associations with those who have incited hatred against Jews be enough? Would describing as “friends” those who endorse the murder of Jews be enough? It seems not.

It is not my place to tell any person how they should vote. I regret being in this situation at all. I simply pose the question: What will the result of this election say about the moral compass of our country? When December 12 arrives, I ask every person to vote with their conscience. Be in no doubt, the very soul of our nation is at stake.

Ephraim Mirvis is Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth
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Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the Terroristan Thread

London attacker hadPakistan links, plotted Kashmir hits


- The 28-year-old Briton who killed two people in a stabbing spree on London Bridge on Friday has been identified as Usman Khan

- He was jailed in 2012 over a plot to bomb the London Stock Exchange and plans to build a terror camp in PoK to attack Kashmir

- Khan is believed to have spent part of his late teens in Pakistan

LONDON: The 28-year-old Briton who killed two people in a stabbing spree on London Bridge on Friday has been identified as Usman Khan, a UK-born terrorist who was jailed in 2012 over a plot to bomb the London Stock Exchange and plans to build a terror camp on land owned by his family in PoK to attack Kashmir. Khan, however, had been freed from prison in 2018 subject to his movements being restricted and monitored.

"This individual was known to authorities, having been convicted in 2012 for terrorism offences, " Neil Basu, Britain's top counter-terror police officer who is of Indian origin, said in a statement.

Khan left school in the UK with no credentials and is believed to have spent part of his late teens in Pakistan, where he lived with his mother when she took ill. On his return to Britain, he started preaching radical Islam on the internet and attracted a significant following.

At 19, he was the youngest of a group of four men from Stoke-on-Trent who took an active part in the local branch of al-Mujahiroun – a militant Salafi outfit that counted radical preacher Anjem Choudary among its ranks.


The group's plans included the camp in PoK, where under the guise of a madrassa they would offer arms training for attacks in Kashmir, and also a 26/11 style attack on the UK parliament.

Usman Khan's 2012 arrest came after he was overheard by British security services discussing how to use an al-Qaida manual he had memorised to build a pipe bomb. It was a snippet of conversation, along with other intelligence about a plot to bomb the London Stock Exchange, that prompted British police to arrest Khan - then 19 - and a group of older men on December 20, 2010. "There's victory, there's shahadat (martyrdom), or there's prison," Khan was recorded saying by the police.

He and two other co-conspirators had conducted a surveillance trip around central London as they talked about launching a 26/11-style attack on the British parliament. The then 20-year-old pleaded guilty to engaging in conduct for the preparation of terrorism, which included travelling to and attending operational meetings, fundraising for terror training, preparing to travel abroad and assisting others in travelling abroad.

Khan was radicalised by internet propaganda spread by al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula, and in particular by militant Anwar al-Awlaki. Awlaki, identified by US intelligence as "chief of external operations" for Qaida's Yemeni branch and a Web-savvy publicist for the Islamist cause, was killed in a CIA drone strike in 2011.

Khan was part of a group of militants from the English city of Stoke which forged close links with militants from London and the Welsh capital Cardiff. The London and Welsh parts of the conspiracy had ambitions to place a bomb inside a toilet at the London Stock Exchange.

While Khan knew and supported the bomb plans, and had discussed bombing local pubs, he and his Stoke group had hatched a potentially more sinister plan: a camp beside a mosque in PoK to train jihadist militants. "The Stoke group was, and was considered to be, pre-eminent, " British judge Alan Wilkie said when he sentenced Khan in 2012. "They regarded themselves as more serious jihadis than the others."

Khan had been intending to travel to the camp to perfect his skills, including firearms training, and to carry out attacks in Kashmir. "It was envisaged by them all that ultimately they, and the other recruits, may return to the UK as trained and experienced terrorists available to perform terrorist attacks in this country, "Wilkie said. But he was arrested before he could travel to PoK.

When sentencing him in 2012, Wilkie said that Khan was so dangerous that he was imposing a so-called imprisonment for public protection (IPP) indeterminate sentence of eight years.

"The long, monitored, discussions of Usman Khan about the madrassa (training camp) and his attitudes towards it and terrorism are highly eloquent of the seriousness of their purpose, " the judge said. In effect, it meant he would remain incarcerated as long as he was considered to be a danger to the public and that the parole board should assess whether he should be released.

But in 2011, then-Conservative prime minister David Cameron announced a review of the IPP sentencing. The IPP was abolished in 2012.

After Khan appealed his sentence, appeal court judges in 2013 quashed the indeterminate period of incarceration and he was given a determinate sentence of 16 years - meaning he could be released after serving just half of his term.

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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by chetak »


Peak liberalism!

A man was convicted of conspiring to blow up London Stock Exchange.

They set him free & invited him to speak at a conference!

What if they had locked up the terrorist instead of making him a guest of Cambridge U?

Some innocents would have been alive today.
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Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Jaycee's got the Foot-in-the-Mouth-Disease!

Terrorists should 'not necessarily' serve full jail term, says Jeremy Corbyn - Emily Mee, news reporter, and Alan McGuinness, political reporter

Jeremy Corbyn has told Sky News that convicted terrorists should "not necessarily" automatically serve their full prison sentences.

The Labour leader's comment comes in the wake of Friday's London Bridge terror attack, which left two people dead.

The attacker, 28-year-old Usman Khan, was a convicted terrorist who was wearing an electronic tag after being released halfway through a 16-year prison sentence for plotting to bomb the London Stock Exchange.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said violent offenders "must serve every day of their sentence, with no exceptions".

Speaking to Sky's Sophy Ridge, Mr Corbyn said there were lessons to be learned from the incident and there should be a "full investigation" into the circumstances around the attacker's prison sentence and subsequent release.

Pressed on whether convicted terrorists should serve their full prison sentences automatically, he said: "No, not necessarily".

The Labour leader continued: "I think it depends on the circumstances and it depends on the sentence but crucially depends on what they've done in prison.

"I think there has to be an examination of how our prison services work and crucially what happens to them on release from prison."

He added: "There has to be an examination of what goes on in the prison, because prisons ought to be a place where people are put away because of major serious offences but also a place where rehabilitation takes place."

Mr Corbyn said police "had no choice" but to shoot Khan dead as they were "stuck with a situation where there was a credible threat of a bomb belt around his body".

His remarks follow the prime minister's assertion that automatic early release must end and other laws must change to strengthen security - policies that have been included in the Conservative manifesto ahead of the general election.

Mr Johnson claimed that because the "broken hung parliament was preoccupied with blocking Brexit", his government was unable to make the changes required to keep violent offenders and terrorists in jail for longer.

He said: "This system has got to end - I repeat, this has got to end, as I've been saying for four months."

"If you are convicted of a serious terrorist offence, there should be a mandatory minimum sentence of 14 years - and some should never be released.

"Further, for all terrorism and extremist offences the sentence announced by the judge must be the time actually served - these criminals must serve every day of their sentence, with no exceptions.

"These simple changes, in line with what I've been saying since becoming prime minister, would have prevented this attack."

The PM told the BBC's Andrew Marr show he found it "repulsive" that terrorists like Khan could be released from prison after serving eight years.

He added that there were "probably about 74" others subject to early release after terror offences, cases that are now being "properly invigilated" to "make sure there is no threat".

The father of Jack Merritt, the 25-year-old who was killed in Friday's attack, has urged politicians not to enforce "draconian" sentences.

According to CambridgeshireLive, David Merritt said: "My son, Jack, who was killed in this attack, would not wish his death to be used as the pretext for more draconian sentences or for detaining people unnecessarily.

"R.I.P. Jack: you were a beautiful spirit who always took the side of the underdog."

Law student Jake Thorold, who knew Jack Merritt from the Learning Together prison rehabilitation programme, accused "shameless" politicians of "attempting to use his death to legitimate draconian sentencing changes".

He wrote on Twitter: "The awful actions of the perpetrator of Jack's death should of course not be minimised.

"But when he is pointed to as justification for an evermore uncaring justice system, the values that @JustisTogether have championed should be fought for even harder."

Liberal Democrat Ed Davey accused Mr Johnson of "politicising" the attack.

"In the middle of an election, we shouldn't be making political capital out of a tragedy, and he's doing that, and he's doing that in a way which is misleading people about what the law actually says," he told Sky's Sophy Ridge on Sunday.

When David Merritt's comments were put to Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary told the same programme: "Totally and no-one wants to see the politicisation of this."

Khan's sentence was quashed at the Court of Appeal in April 2013 and he was given a determinate 16-year jail term, with a five-year extended licence period, under legislation which meant he was released automatically halfway through the sentence.

Sentencing law changed in 2012, and if Khan was given the same sentence today, he would have had to serve at least two-thirds and be released only if the Parole Board agreed.

The Parole Board said it had no involvement in his release and that Khan "appears to have been released automatically on licence" halfway through his sentence.

The Ministry of Justice says it will be reviewing the licence conditions of every terrorist offender to make sure they are "as tough as they need to be".

It adds the review is being undertaken to "guarantee public safety rather than because of any particular concern".
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by BSR Murthy » ... 71366?s=20
Corbyn making the four-fingered Rabbi’ah sign, used by Muslim Brotherhood.
He is all in!
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by UlanBatori »

The London and Welsh parts of the conspiracy had ambitions to place a bomb inside a toilet at the London Stock Exchange.
The bum-e-pakistan (BeP)
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by eklavya »

Terrorists should 'not necessarily' serve full jail term, says Jeremy Corbyn
Pressed on whether convicted terrorists should serve their full prison sentences automatically, he said: "No, not necessarily".

The Labour leader continued: "I think it depends on the circumstances and it depends on the sentence but crucially depends on what they've done in prison.

"I think there has to be an examination of how our prison services work and crucially what happens to them on release from prison."

He added: "There has to be an examination of what goes on in the prison, because prisons ought to be a place where people are put away because of major serious offences but also a place where rehabilitation takes place."

Mr Corbyn said police "had no choice" but to shoot Khan dead as they were "stuck with a situation where there was a credible threat of a bomb belt around his body".

Speaking later at an event in York, he said people cannot be kept safe "on the cheap".
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by eklavya »

Boris Johnson says 74 terror prisoners released early
Mr Johnson told the BBC's Andrew Marr show it was "repulsive" that someone as "dangerous" as Khan could be released from prison after "only serving eight years".

He blamed Khan's release on legislation introduced under "a leftie government", insisting the automatic release scheme was introduced by Labour - but was challenged about what the Conservatives had done to change the law over the past 10 years in government.

"Now that I am prime minister I'm going to take steps to make sure that people are not released early when they commit... serious sexual, violent or terrorist offences," he said.

"I absolutely deplore the that fact that this man was out on the streets... and we are going to take action against it."

Mr Johnson said there were "probably about 74 people" convicted of serious offences who had been released early - a figure confirmed by the Ministry of Justice.

The prime minister said action had been taken immediately following London Bridge attack "to ensure there is no threat to the public".
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by eklavya »

London Bridge attack: 'Pinball bomb with added knives'
The chief executive of Fishmongers Hall, Commodore Toby Williamson, describes how his staff fought back against Usman Khan during the London Bridge attack.
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by g.sarkar »

BSR Murthy wrote: ... 71366?s=20
Corbyn making the four-fingered Rabbi’ah sign, used by Muslim Brotherhood.
He is all in!
Rabia sign
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rabaa or Rabbi'ah sign (/ˈrɑːb(i)ə, ˈræ-, -bɑː/; Egyptian Arabic: [ˈɾɑbʕɑ]; sometimes stylized as R4BIA) or, less commonly, Rab3a, is a hand gesture and a sign that first appeared in late August 2013, thought to be originated from Turkey[1] and used in social media and protest marches in Egypt. It is used by the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters in Egypt in the wake of the overthrow of Mohamed Morsi, which occurred after anti-government protests calling for his removal.[2] On July 9, 2014, a Brotherhood-affiliated organization declared August 14, the day when the sit-ins were dispersed, "World Rabia Day," in an attempt to garner support across numerous countries.
The sign is named after the Rabaa al-Adawiya Square in Nasr City, Cairo Governorate, which surrounds the Rabaa al-Adawiya Mosque, where a sit-in was held by the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters to celebrate the one-year anniversary of Morsi's inauguration. The sit-in lasted for about forty days before it was dispersed by security forces, leading to clashes that resulted in 638 deaths, of which 43 were police officers.
Supporters state that the gesture is used to express solidarity with what they call "the thousands wounded, killed and burnt by the Egyptian Army" during the dispersal of their sit-in. The origin of the sign is unknown.
Critics of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Morsi Government allege that the sign implies indirect support for terrorism, due to the sign's use being mostly limited to persons supportive of the Brotherhood, which has been designated a terrorist organization by Egypt. On the other hand, supporters of the Brotherhood, whether inside or outside Egypt, believe the gesture represents freedom and persistence. They also deny any association with terrorism.
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by Gerard »

London bridge attacker was poster boy for rehab scheme he targeted
Learning Together, a Cambridge University programme, worked with Usman Khan in prison and after his release and used him as a case study to show how they helped prisoners.

Khan even wrote a poem and a thank-you note to organisers after they provided him with a computer he could use without breaching a licence that banned him from going online.

Just months later the 28-year-old used his connection to the rehabilitation initiative to get permission to travel to London and kill two of those people who were trying to help him.
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by Tanaji »

BSR Murthy wrote: ... 71366?s=20
Corbyn making the four-fingered Rabbi’ah sign, used by Muslim Brotherhood.
He is all in!
Just a suggestion: please dont quote Kate Hopkins. She has even less credibility than Daily Mail if that is even possible. I am not doubting the story itself or you, just her.
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by chetak »

the britshits are a truly sick society

England forced the last guy who was stabbed by a terrorist on the London Bridge to take "deradicalization" classes because they feared that he might become anti-Islam.


UK Forces ‘Hero’ Who Was Stabbed By Terrorists On London Bridge To Undergo ‘De-Radicalization’

July 01, 2019

A man famously lauded as a “hero” in 2017 for fighting off terrorists on the London Bridge has been forced by British authorities to attend “de-radicalization” classes “over fears he may become extremist” after being stabbed eight times, British papers reported.

Forty-nine-year-old Roy Larner became known as the “Lion of London Bridge” after three Jihadis in a van plowed into a crowd of people on London Bridge before stalking from building to building, killing seven people and eventually reaching the Black and Blue pub where Larner was drinking with friends.

“They had these long knives and started shouting about Allah. Then it was, ‘Islam, Islam, Islam,’” Larner said. “Like an idiot I shouted back at them … I took a few steps towards them and said, ‘****** you, I’m Millwall,'” he said, referring to his favorite soccer team.

He fought them off with his bare fists, sustaining serious stab wounds all over his body but allowing dozens of other patrons to escape.

The BBC called him a “hero,” Brits pushed for him to be awarded one of England’s highest honors, the George Cross medal, and a Swedish brewery named a beer after him.

Larner has now been added to a terrorist watchlist know as Britain’s “Prevent” program after fears he could become an anti-Islam extremist, the Sun reported Monday.

Larner told the paper “They treat me like a terrorist but I’m not political at all.” The Sun reported he was added because people in the “far right” who were anti-Islam had contacted Roy because of his role stopping the terrorist incident.

A year after his 12-day stay in the hospital and 80 stitches from the terrorist attack, Larner was charged with a crime for possessing illegal painkillers. He was also nearly jailed after spitting on a black photographer while yelling about “foreign” expletives who “stink like shit,” the Daily Mail reported.

In the city of Rotherham, more than 1,500 British children were allegedly sexually abused by hundreds of mainly Pakistani men over a period of decades as authorities did little in part because of “fear of being thought as racist,” according to in independent government review of police conduct. U.K. Home Secretary Sajid Javid said he would probe the “cultural drivers” behind grooming gangs, but police in the city of Northumbria said they could track down anyone who posts “offensive” comments about grooming gangs and prosecute them.

Under London Mayor Sadiq Khan, police have confiscated cultlery and common tools like screwdrivers from citizens, saying they are used by gangs as weapons. In Scotland, a man was arrested for having a potato peeler. (RELATED: UK Police Tell Subjects Not To Harm Their Attackers, Get A Rape Alarm )8)

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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by Karan M »

The number of Gungadins they have sponsored who are busy yelling eebil fascist Mudi and Yindoo fascist nationalists is also amazing. Anything for a citizenship in time honored desi tradition I suppose.
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by Kashi »

Tanaji wrote:Just a suggestion: please dont quote Kate Hopkins. She has even less credibility than Daily Mail if that is even possible. I am not doubting the story itself or you, just her.
Who IS credible in those parts sir?
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by BSR Murthy »

Tanaji wrote:
BSR Murthy wrote: ... 71366?s=20
Corbyn making the four-fingered Rabbi’ah sign, used by Muslim Brotherhood.
He is all in!
Just a suggestion: please dont quote Kate Hopkins. She has even less credibility than Daily Mail if that is even possible. I am not doubting the story itself or you, just her.
I know she's controversial and a bit of a racist, but, I appreciated her coverage of the attack on the Indian High Commission and other acts of Pakistani malfeasance. I have not so much quoted her, but, rather shared the picture and explanation of the sign, both of which are true. Thank you! ... -massacre/
Last edited by BSR Murthy on 02 Dec 2019 10:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by Yagnasri »

Why we should care it Kate is attacking Memos. As of today she is supporting us. Let us use her for the time being.
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Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Pakistan newspaper besieged by Islamists calling for editor to be hanged over London Bridge coverage - The Independent - Adam Withnall

The offices of Pakistan’s leading independent newspaper have been stormed by a mob of Islamist protesters, calling for the editor to be hanged over its coverage of the London Bridge stabbing.

Dozens of demonstrators besieged the building where the newspaper Dawn is based in Islamabad for several hours, threatening staff and effectively holding journalists hostage inside.

The protest, which was reported by Dawn on Tuesday, was eventually dispersed by police. But a second demonstration took place later at the Press Club headquarters in Karachi, with Islamists gathering to call for Dawn’s editor, the acclaimed journalist Zaffar Abbas, and its publisher Hameed Haroon to be lynched.

Global media watchdogs including the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and Reporters Without Borders (RSF) have condemned the protests.

“Pakistanis have every right to object to and demonstrate against the Dawn newspaper over its coverage, but threatening violence steps way over the line,” said Kathleen Carroll, the board chair at CPJ.

While Dawn’s independent journalism has earned it a history of strained ties with the country’s military establishment, this latest incident was sparked by the paper’s reporting of the attack on London Bridge last Friday in which two people were killed.

Dawn identified the attacker in several reports as Usman Khan, “a UK national of Pakistani origin”. Khan was born and raised in Stoke-on-Trent, but the Telegraph reported he had travelled to Pakistan after leaving school to live with his mother, before returning.

A number of senior figures in Imran Khan’s government took issue with Dawn’s reporting, with science and technology minister Chaudhry Fawad Hussain tweeting to accuse the newspaper of a “cheap attempt to link a British terrorist to Pakistan”.

Shireen Mazari, Mr Khan’s human rights minister, shared the criticism and tweeted simply that “Dawn has its own agenda”.

Daniel ********, the Asia-Pacific director for RSF, said the federal government appeared “at the very least a passive accomplice if not the actual instigator” in the backlash against the newspaper.

“This show of force, which was clearly orchestrated, constitutes yet another absolutely unacceptable act of intimidation towards Pakistan’s leading daily,” he said.

“We call on Prime Minister Imran Khan to publicly condemn these excesses, failing which he will be held personally responsible for this alarming press freedom violation.”

RSF said Dawn had faced sustained “harassment” by Mr Khan’s ruling PTI party since a 2016 article that was highly critical of the military’s failure to tackle militancy in Pakistan.

Cyril Almeida, the journalist who wrote that story, was charged with treason in 2018 after an interview with former prime minister Nawaz Sharif in which he accused the military of aiding the militants who had carried out the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks.

Mr Abbas, Dawn’s editor, was awarded the 2019 Press Freedom Award by the CPJ last month.
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by Rony »

“Mountbatten gave away India, and his wife. Cuckolded by Nehru” : Netflix’s British series The Crown tips the hat to first Prime Minister of India
In first season’s first episode, during the wedding ceremony of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip at first Winston Churchill appears to be referring to Lord Mountbatten as the man who gave away India. In the same sequence, few other people too say the same.

“Oh, it is Lord Mountbatten, the Duke of Edinburgh’s uncle. The man who gave away India, and his own wife. Cuckolded by Nehru, if you please".

Cuckold is the husband of the wife who has cheated on him with another man.

In second season, Lord Mountbatten is appearing to accept the affair his wife had with Jawaharlal Nehru to Queen Elizabeth.

In the above video, one can see Lord Mountbatten speaking to his niece-in-law, Queen Elizabeth, about the ‘wild spirit’ she married to. He says he knew it because he was married to one too. “Trying to tame them is no use. There were times in India, it was all right under my nose, with Nehru of all people, my opposite number,” actor playing Lord Mountbatten said. “The humiliation could not have been more complete,” he said.
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by mmasand »

Just heard SkyNews report on Usman Khan's funeral in Pakistan snippet, I had to wait a full hour to hear it again, the anchor said his funeral would be held in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir after his body was flown to Islamabad.

Tempted to send a seasons greetings card across to Andrew Griffith.
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Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad and Terroristan Threads


A day comes when the Chandan (Sandal-wood) Paste Belches Fire!

Boris Johnson said that Islamophobia is a 'natural reaction' to Islam and that 'Islam is the problem' -


- Boris Johnson's Conservative party has been accused by Muslim leaders of allowing Islamophobia to "fester" within the UK.

- "It is abundantly clear to many Muslims that the Conservative Party tolerate Islamophobia," the group said.

- Johnson has previously claimed that Islamophobia is a "natural reaction" to Islam.

- He wrote in the Spectator in 2005 that "the problem is Islam. Islam is the problem."

- The prime minister also compared Muslim women to "letterboxes" and bank robbers.

- Johnson has dropped a previous pledge to hold an inquiry into Islamophobia within the Conservative party.

- Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Boris Johnson's Conservative party has been accused by Muslim leaders in the UK of allowing Islamophobia to "fester" within their ranks.

"This an issue that is particularly acute in the Conservative Party who have approached Islamophobia with denial, dismissal and deceit," the group said in a statement on Tuesday.

They added: "It is abundantly clear to many Muslims that the Conservative Party tolerate Islamophobia, allow it to fester in society, and fail to put in place the measures necessary to root out this type of racism."

Examination of the prime minister's own record, by Business Insider, shows that he has himself previously sought to downplay and even justify Islamophobia in the UK.

Islamophobia is 'a natural reaction' - Boris Johnson Getty


In 2005, Johnson wrote in the Spectator that he believed it was only "natural" for the public to be scared of Islam.

"To any non-Muslim reader of the Koran, Islamophobia — fear of Islam — seems a natural reaction, and, indeed, exactly what that text is intended to provoke," he wrote.

"Judged purely on its scripture — to say nothing of what is preached in the mosques — it is the most viciously sectarian of all religions in its heartlessness towards unbelievers."

'Islam is the problem'


In the wake of the London bombings, he also questioned the loyalty of British Muslims and insisted that the country must accept that "Islam is the problem."

"It will take a huge effort of courage and skill to win round the many thousands of British Muslims who are in a similar state of alienation, and to make them see that their faith must be compatible with British values and with loyalty to Britain," he wrote.

"That means disposing of the first taboo, and accepting that the problem is Islam. Islam is the problem."

He added: "What is going on in these mosques and madrasas? When is someone going to get 18th century on Islam's medieval ass?"

Comparing Muslim women who wear the burqa to 'letterboxes'


Boris Johnson was last year reported to the Equalities Commission after comparing Muslim women who wear burqas to "letter boxes" and bank robbers.

The former foreign secretary wrote in an article for the Telegraph that "it is absolutely ridiculous that people should choose to go around looking like letter boxes," adding that any female student who appeared at school or in a lecture "looking like a bank robber" should be asked to remove it.

Johnson has repeatedly refused to apologise for the comments, saying earlier this month that the article was actually a "liberal" argument against banning the burqa.

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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by chetak »

Why Indo-British relations are so abysmal

Why Indo-British relations are so abysmal

Gautam Sen
December 7, 2019,

Both the Labour and the Conservatives are engaged in elaborate deceptions to deceive Indian-origin voters for electoral purposes, scheduled for 12 December. In reality, only a proverbial inch or so separates their opinions of Indian-origin voters and India itself.

For decades, before and after Independence, the sheer weight of brainwashing trapped educated Indians in a make-believe world of mutual Anglo-British bonhomie. The dream of many Indians, to this day, is to reach Oxbridge as a Rhodes Scholar, despite its vicious animus towards India, and visit Buckingham Palace as a tourist. The leading Indian Anglophiles have been mostly déraciné Bengalis and the likes of journalist Khushwant Singh and a handful of Parsis, nostalgic for the British rule that facilitated their prosperity. And there was of course chacha-ji, Jawaharlal Nehru, the greatest Anglophile of them all, whose shocking intimacy with Edwina Mountbatten has recently been exposed in an unsparing biography of the ghastly Mountbattens. This unreal reverie of Indo-British mutual regard has been pointedly swept aside by a growing body of scholarly work that portrays the full horror of life under British rule that most Indians allergic to books fail to realise.

Britain without India, the formidable Lord Curzon had observed in 1908, would be reduced to nothing, an insignificant island off the coast of mainland Europe. The British, fully cognisant of this potential reality, had made preparations to quell Indian resistance to imperial rule after 1857 by rapidly cultivating Islam in the third quarter of the 19th century, to combat nationalist stirrings initiated by educated upper caste Bengali Hindus. It culminated in the sponsorship of the Muslim League in 1906 to intervene decisively against the growing nationalist discontent. The caste divisions of contemporary India were also sowed in the latter part of 19th century, transforming India’s essentially fluid socioeconomic stratification of the majority into institutionalised, quasi-religious fissures. It is this grim legacy of cynical manipulation that holds all aspects of Indian society in a vicious strangulating grip even today. The modern sectarian Sikh identity was also created by privileging Jat Sikhs and enforcing strict religious observance on Sikh army recruits, once their loyalty was evident in helping to quell the 1857 uprising.

By the time the British had decided to abandon India and did so in a cynical bloodbath of immense proportions, considered calculations of how to minimise the geopolitical fallout had already been made. The answer was to somehow secure India’s northern frontier to limit Soviet influence especially because Joseph Stalin had already threatened to upset the British imperial applecart in both India and the Middle East. Britain did lose India but retains, to this day, huge cultural and psychological sway by controlling its educational culture and media’s worldview. India’s leaders never quite proved equal to British machinations and failed to grasp the devastating geopolitical disadvantages it was inheriting due to their own childlike naivety and cupidity. The creation of Pakistan itself was fully in accord with British plans as scholars have highlighted and the British seizure of Gilgit-Baltistan on its behalf was the product of pure strategic calculation. Britain eventually lost primacy in the Middle East to the US, ejected after bitter rivalry with it. Britain only managed to retain some scraps of the leftovers, in the Gulf, as protectors of abominable monarchies and the US allowed Britain a toehold in Saudi Arabia too. British hostility towards India was demonstrated during the wars with Pakistan in 1965 and 1971, both of which British governments blamed on India, ignoring the genocide in what became Bangladesh after the second conflict.

Events in the UK in recent months have highlighted the reality of a deep Indo-British disjuncture that has clearly had long antecedents in Whitehall. Its corollary has always been a deep animus towards India of the British media and British university departments, both of which operate in concurrence with Whitehall policies.

The universities churn out “self-hating” mis-educated Indians and spew hostile propaganda in veritable racist frenzy, against what they deem India’s venal and idolatrous Baniya culture, beyond the pale. This is why the two attacks on the London Indian High Commission in August and September 2019 should have come as no surprise and the reason for the last-minute diversion of the third planned assault by Pakistani and Khalistani mobs requires explanation.

Both the major political parties, the Labour Party and the Conservatives, are engaged in elaborate deceptions to deceive Indian-origin voters for electoral purposes, scheduled for 12 December. In reality, only a proverbial inch or so separates their opinions of Indian-origin voters and India itself. But they are also easily able to manipulate the incorrigibly self-serving, British East African Indian leadership, which has appointed itself to represent Indian-origin voters, achieve their ignoble purposes.

The issue of vote bank imperatives can only explain the open hostility of the British Labour Party and that of the Liberal-Democrats towards India and contempt for the Indian-origin electorate. But the Conservatives, not similarly dependent on Muslim votes, were the political party that had ultimate responsibility for the two violent recent demonstrations outside India House in London, the diplomatic staff imprisoned for five hours and barely escaping physical injury. It is also shocking to know that the third demonstration by Pakistani and Khalistani thugs, planned to coincide with Diwali by the Pakistani diplomatic mission, was only diverted away from the Indian High Commission at the last moment. Delhi unprecedentedly intervened to make clear that the security of the British High Commission in its capital could not be unequivocally guaranteed.

Nor should one forget the duplicity of the Conservative British government for allowing its ambassador at the UN to conspire with China to embarrass India at the UNSC meeting on J&K. It is clear that the British establishment is wary of terrorism and does not wish to provoke its Pakistani citizens, but there’s more to the rationale than fear alone of terrorist retaliation, of kowtowing with Pakistan, which is in embarrassing disarray and not taken seriously by any country.

Britain and Pakistan have been virtual allies since its founding in 1947 and the relationship has remained intact beyond the end of the Cold War. US goodwill towards Pakistan has waned and benevolence was only prolonged owing to the need to supply its Afghan war effort through Karachi. But Britain and Pakistan have also been partners in the Middle East and engaged in a joint endeavour together for decades to protect the Saudi monarchy though as junior US cronies. They are both currently jointly facilitating the ongoing Saudi genocide in Yemen. Retired former Chief of Staff of the Pakistani army, General Raheel Sharif, is Commander-in Chief of the 39-nation Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition. Thousands of British personnel, both private and military, are also culpable in the war crimes of indiscriminate Saudi bombing of Yemeni targets that include everything from hospitals to wedding parties. It won’t be surprising to discover that some Saudi warplanes, serviced and with bomb bays loaded by British personnel, are piloted by Pakistanis. This unholy British-Pakistani nexus, hugely profitable for both, far exceeds in scale any recompense India can offer Britain. On the contrary, India enjoys a substantial surplus in trade with UK. In addition, Britain and Pakistan are partners in war crimes being committed daily against Yemeni civilians and cannot afford escape their villainous mutual embrace.

It may be surmised that despite the duplicitous public handwringing all major British political parties are aware of their country’s role in Yemen, but the sordid “national interest” in making handsome war profits for British arms manufacturers unfailingly triumphs. British war crimes in the Middle East are well-documented, not least the role of the Labour Party government in devastating both Iraq and Syria and Libya too. It was Tony Blair’s socialist Labour government that manufactured evidence about weapons of mass destruction used by the US to justify regime change in Iraq. This is the harsh reality that accounts for the British scorn towards India and scandalous acquiescence towards Pakistani criminality in the streets of London.

In addition, Britain has important economic interests in Hong Kong and in a post-Brexit era economic ties with China will only be rivalled by its dependence on the US. A frosty low-key message on Indo-Pak issues from the Chinese ambassador in London to the British Foreign Office is rather more compelling than plaintive cries from the Indian High Commissioner for protection from violent thugs threatening the safety of Indian diplomats. India is not even a distant third as a potential trade partner, though many unscrupulous British Asians are trying to sell the lemon of its significance by lobbying for HMG in Delhi, while pretending to be ardent Hindu patriots. British Indian-origin ministers are wholly loyal to the Crown they serve and their British-Asian business counterparts are only useful for planting misleading information in the ears of Indian politicians while they line their own pockets as facilitators of “deals” between the two countries.

Dr Gautam Sen taught international political economy at the London School of Economics and Political Science for more than two decades.
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by eklavya »

Boris Johnson and Carrie Symonds visiting the Swaminarayan Temple in Neasden, London: ... ys-go.html
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by Philip »

Thus spake Curzon.So in fact, Britain- by virtue of its imperial conquests was the Jewel in India's crown! As more jewels of Brit. industry fall into Indian hands, the wheel will come full circle.In Churchillian times, would an English PM visit a Hindu temple?
Scots, Irish and Welsh are different entities from the dominant English.
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by vinod »

London attacker body was flown to Pakistan for burial
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by g.sarkar »

Slightly older articles apologize if already posted. The fun begins: ... l-election
British Indians ought to vote Labour in the UK general election
Anish Kapoor is disturbed by reports that Hindu temples in the UK are being used by pro-Bharatiya Janata party organisations to coerce British Indians to vote for the Conservatives
As a British Indian I am writing to express my extreme concern about the involvement of the Bharatiya Janata party – Narendra Modi’s ruling party in India – in Britain’s forthcoming general election. I am disturbed by reports that Hindu temples in the UK, along with social media, are being used extensively by pro-Bharatiya Janata party organisations and supporters to mount a systemic campaign against the British Labour party and are coercing British Indians to vote for the Conservatives. This kind of involvement in British politics cannot be a good thing. It seeks to align the British Indian community with Modi’s rightwing neofascist government.
______________________________________________________________________________________ ... -elections
British Indians warn Hindu nationalist party not to meddle in UK elections
They say UK support group for BJP, India’s ruling party, is trying to divide them
UK parties struggle to turn WhatsApp into campaign weapon
British Indians in one of the country’s most diverse boroughs have warned against attempts to divide voters in the general election along ethnic or religious lines.
Last week, a UK support group for the BJP, India’s ruling Hindu nationalist party, said it was campaigning for the Tories in 48 marginal seats. It also emerged that WhatsApp messages were circulating among British Hindus urging them to vote against Labour, accusing it of being “anti-India”, raising fears that tensions are being stoked ahead of the election.
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by UlanBatori »

vinod wrote:London attacker body was flown to Pakistan for burial
Because he has ***absolutely nothing 2 do with Pakistan**** of course. I think YAWN editors are in hiding to avoid a hiding from the Truth&Blasphemy Court for suggesting that this terrorist was Pak.
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by chetak »


India’s British diaspora more effective than its US diaspora which began flexing its electoral muscle only after ⁦@RepJayapal⁩’s loaded resolution on #Kashmir. Indian-American lawmakers & their backers in Indian parliament are a particularly feckless lot. Vote. Them. Out.

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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by A_Gupta »

Trouble brewing in Northern Ireland ... ng/603196/
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by Lisa »

g.sarkar wrote:Slightly older articles apologize if already posted. The fun begins: ... l-election
British Indians ought to vote Labour in the UK general election
Anish Kapoor is disturbed by reports that Hindu temples in the UK are being used by pro-Bharatiya Janata party organisations to coerce British Indians to vote for the Conservatives
As a British Indian I am writing to express my extreme concern about the involvement of the Bharatiya Janata party – Narendra Modi’s ruling party in India – in Britain’s forthcoming general election. I am disturbed by reports that Hindu temples in the UK, along with social media, are being used extensively by pro-Bharatiya Janata party organisations and supporters to mount a systemic campaign against the British Labour party and are coercing British Indians to vote for the Conservatives. This kind of involvement in British politics cannot be a good thing. It seeks to align the British Indian community with Modi’s rightwing neofascist government.
______________________________________________________________________________________ ... -elections
British Indians warn Hindu nationalist party not to meddle in UK elections
They say UK support group for BJP, India’s ruling party, is trying to divide them
UK parties struggle to turn WhatsApp into campaign weapon
British Indians in one of the country’s most diverse boroughs have warned against attempts to divide voters in the general election along ethnic or religious lines.
Last week, a UK support group for the BJP, India’s ruling Hindu nationalist party, said it was campaigning for the Tories in 48 marginal seats. It also emerged that WhatsApp messages were circulating among British Hindus urging them to vote against Labour, accusing it of being “anti-India”, raising fears that tensions are being stoked ahead of the election.

Ji you missed this one, ... -india-bjp

British Hindus voting for Labour are not ‘traitors’ to India
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by mmasand »

Genuinely worried about a potential JC led coalition govt if YouGov opinion polls are to be believed. They've seen a 3 point lead in just 4 days courtesy of BoJo's poor PR skills. The only silver lining I can see is Sturgeon insisting for IndyRef2 and Scottish departure from the Union in the next 3 years or so, followed by calls for reunification by Northern Ireland with the Republic.
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by IndraD »

exit polls indicate a clear majority for conservatives with 86 seats. Labour punished for blocking Brexit and then not letting fresh election happen?
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by EswarPrakash »

IndraD wrote:exit polls indicate a clear majority for conservatives with 86 seats. Labour punished for blocking Brexit and then not letting fresh election happen?
For me it was anyone but Corbyn
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by UlanBatori »

BoJoji headed for big win
Boris Johnson on course for huge win in UK election, exit poll suggests
Let's see the report from the ppl who actually decide the elections :mrgreen:
Boris, Bigly: Exit polls show conservatives set to win election on Brexit promise
12 Dec, 2019 22:02 / Updated 54 minutes ago
Britain Elects @britainelects
Con: 368 (+51)
Lab: 191 (-71)
SNP: 55 (+20)
LDem: 13 (+1)
UBCN is not going up with a Predictor-Corrector: no inside knawlidj on UQstan.

So much for Mullah Corbyn: Harakiri time. Or wait, in his case soosai vest time. Karma. :P
Wow! 58% for just one party, so they can get to 67% E-Z. Does UQ have a Constitution and can it be amended? Does this mean Eireistan and Scottistan seceding?
Exit polls suggesting a decisive victory for Boris Johnson’s Conservatives are an indication that Britain witnessed a ‘Brexitquake’ and that Labour turned its back on its traditional voting base, ex-MP George Galloway tells RT.
Galloway, a former Labour MP, told RT that the “stunning” result for the Tories proved that the Twitter bubble — where activists warned of a coming Labour “Youthquake” — proved that it was indeed just a “bubble.”
While Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn will likely bear the brunt of the blame, Galloway believes the defeat is not entirely his fault, as he found himself “boxed in” to an anti-Brexit position by a strong Remain contingent in his party.
I cautioned for the last two years that Labour would be doomed if they turned their back on their traditional supporters, who supported Brexit strongly.
“All my warnings have been vindicated,” Galloway added.
As if to prove Galloway’s point, the news of a first seat seized by Conservatives came from traditional Labour heartland, Blyth Valley, which they held ever since the constituency was formed 1950.
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by UlanBatori »

I think it was the OBJP tweet to desis that did it.
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by Gerard »

Does UQ have a Constitution and can it be amended?
Parliament won the English civil war and the doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy has been in effect since. UK has no formal written constitution but has a number of laws and conventions that are termed the constitution.

No court in the UK, including the Supreme Court, can strike down primary legislation passed by the Parliament. The Parliament, not any written law, is supreme. The Cabinet, the British executive, is technically a committee of the Privy Council, comprised of Parliament members.

The UK Parliament thus has unique powers. Though it hasn't done so since 1820, it has the power to pass a bill of attainder, sentencing someone to death. Note that the US constitution explicitly prevents the Congress from passing bills of attainder. Before the UK Supreme Court was created in 2009, the highest court in the UK was the House of Lords, the upper house of Parliament itself (though only Law Lords in modern times could adjudicate cases). The Lord High Chancellor, the cabinet member responsible for the administration of justice, was prior to 2009, the presiding officer of the House of Lords and the head of the UK Judiciary. No true separation of powers in the UK before 2009.
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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Post by Suraj »

Excellent election result in UK from India's perspective.
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