India-Myanmar news and discussion

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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by ramana »

For India, Myanmar territorial integrity is a supreme national interest.
Break up Not happening.

Even Suu Kyii coming back to power is via Indian interlocution with the military not Western NGOs
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by JE Menon »

The position taken on Myanmar, combined with the PMs visit, will become a positive turning point in our relationship.

There is no question that there is a Pakistani role in Rakhine, and it may be on behalf of the lizard - which is anxious about Myanmar's turn towards normalcy, and therefore declining dependence.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by Karthik S »

Gifting couple of LCH will send clear message to everyone.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by abhik »

Karthik S wrote:Gifting couple of LCH will send clear message to everyone.
IIRC a few years ago we tried to export the ALH to them but the French (who make the engine) blocked the deal. Although we could buy them Russian weapons like we are doing for BD :x
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by periaswamy »

Suu Kyi to attend Asian forums

It is great to see that Asian countries are showing the EU/US/WestAsianArabs the middle finger and refusing to sanction Myanmar. That's the way to go.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by periaswamy »

lame-brained justification for worsening relations with Myanmar

My comments:
Realists can dismiss all this as the domestic affairs of another country,of little import to international relations. However, at least since the Ne Win regime, Myanmar’s governments have rarely perceived any congruence of interests with India.
A round about way to try and justify Nehruvian moralizing as foreign policy -- realism dictates that Myanmar's internal affairs are none of India's business is because making it India's business would require sidelining more important concerns for India, such as defending it borders and boundaries. India can sit around and do the old Nehruvian nonsense of preaching about human rights to Myanmar, and then face the consequences of a Myanmar that is not receptive to India's border security concerns that arise down the line.
Yes, since the late 1990s, the Myanmarese army, the tatmadaw, has cooperated with Indian security forces to act against insurgents. That should beg the question of why they were and are in Myanmarese territory in the first place.
Clearly, the Myanmar regime had no skin in the game in keeping anti-India militant groups out of their territory at that time -- India's moves to normalize relations with Myanmar has changed that situation to one where Myanmar govt. has something to lose if they do not cooperate with India.
None of this implies that *worsening relations with Myanmar* (as recommended by this joker) will (a) have no consequences on Border security (b) still have a cooperative myanmar regime.
Moreover, through the last couple of decades the junta dabbled with sheltering fugitive Pakistani nuclear scientists, running drugs and arms smuggling rackets, and playing host to Chinese listening posts.
Drug running and arms smuggling in myanmar have been the norm for decades -- what does that have to do with India's relations with myanmar, unless such actions are a direct security threat to India?
For the past three decades, New Delhi’s appeasement of Myanmar in order to promote our interests – be it Look East, be it counter-insurgency, be it energy, be it balancing China – has produced lacklustre results.
Myanmar's cooperation in counter-insurgency has gotten results that are quite obvious to everyone but this takshashila imbecile. Furthermore, if we look at the details of India's "look east" policy, the Kaladan port project to improve connectivity of the NE via the Bay of Bengal to overcome the chicken's neck bottleneck have inherent value, it helps us not get too dependent on Bangladesh for moving goods to the north east (and as a corollary, working with Bangladesh makes us not too dependent on Myanmar).

It is possible to list a number of “under progress” projects in connectivity, energy and so on. But there is very little that counts as success. India’s foreign policy establishment has allowed itself to be played by the regime, between the carrots the latter dangles and FOLO, the fear of losing out (to China).
India's interactions with myanmar have their own value and very little to do with what China's relations to Myanmar -- in fact, Myanmar has been working with both India and china on local projects of mutual interest. The very fact that India and Myanmar have points of engagement and projects of mutual interest is a net positive. One would have to be a Nehruvian cretin to pretend that the lack of success is a good reason to turn a net positive to a net negative based on some notion of being the moral champion for some group of people in Myanmar.
The truth is Myanmar is practically irrelevant to our Look East policy. Sea and air links are adequate, and easily expandable, to connect India to Southeast Asian markets.
When all else fails, just reach into the nearest hole and pull out a claim that "Myanmar is irrelevant" and it shall become reality. Currently, there is no connectivity from the rest of India to the North East that will connect the North east to Indian markets, forget about "southeast asian markets", which is where Myanmar comes into play. In order of priority, it is important to integrate the North East to India's economy and depart from the policy of benign neglect as practised the babucracy from Nehruvian times.
As far as cooperation in fighting insurgents goes, the Myanmarese are doing it because and only to the extent it is in their interests.
Yes, and only a moron would expect any different. The whole point of aligning interests is so that Myanmar finds it in their own interests to contribute in a positive way to India's security.
Even here, Myanmar’s role is often overstated, papering over the rampant collusion between the tatmadaw and various armed groups operating along the India-Myanmar border.
Utter disinformation. I would like to see this joker give a list of exactly what these groups are where they have been colluding against India's interest in the North East.
Indeed, despite its bipolar domestic politics where one party is pro-India and the other isn’t, Bangladesh is already far more important to India than Myanmar could ever be. As I argued in last month’s column, New Delhi should back Bangladesh over the Rohingya issue and rally international support for Dhaka’s efforts.
India's relationship between Myanmar and Dhaka is not a zero sum game -- there is absolutely no reason to sacrifice relations with one neighbour in the interest of the other. The Rohingya issue is a bilateral issue between Bangladesh and Myanmar -- India is already providing material support to Bangladesh for the Rohingyas. "Rallying international support" for what is essentially a bilateral matter between the two would require spending a lot of political capital that comes with a cost for India's neighbourhood security.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by shuuro » ... 180511.htm

Myanmar pushes into Indian territory, occupies Manipur villages
Myanmarese soldiers along with local villagers reached the site, pulled down the pillar at its original site and erected it inside N Satsang village itself.

"There was a very old tree in the middle of the zero line," Maring said. "On their side, the border demarcation was inscribed in the Myanmerese language and in our side, it was written in English to mark the zero line of the international border."

"Myanmarese army personnel first got the tree cut, then burnt it to the roots and wiped out all its traces. The intention was very clear -- to wipe out any trace of demarcation. We urged them not to destroy the proof," Maring said. "But they warned us to leave as the area belongs to Myanmar."

According to Leinai, the chairman of Choktong village, "Border disputes are not new. But this time they (the Myanamar army) are more aggressive and forcibly took over our land."
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India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the Terroristan, Analyzing CPEC and Sri Lanka - News and Discussion Threads

After all other cases World Wide in General and Hambantota along with Gwadar in Particular Kyaukpyu is the latest victim - Ab Tera Kya Hoga Terroristaniya?

The fishing port that may become a $10 billion Chinese debt bomb

The town of Kyaukpyu, nestled around a small fishing port on the Bay of Bengal, has the air of a place expecting to get rich soon.

In the seaside market, stalls of seafood unloaded from wooden fishing boats floating in the rubbish-strewn harbor have been joined by stacks of Chinese-made toys and smartphones. Nearby, cattle graze between building sites as high-rise offices and hotels replace weather-stained bungalows. Fine-dining rooftop restaurants and a golf course underline the sense of transition.

Much of the development, and a jump in land prices, are anticipating a gigantic prize for this remote Myanmar town of 50,000 people: $10 billion to build a deep-sea port and industrial zone, financed by China. The investment plan -- seven times the cost of Chinese-built ports in Sri Lanka and Cameroon -- has put Kyaukpyu at the center of a debate in Myanmar and across Asia as to who really benefits from China’s grand Belt and Road strategy.

“The real danger of the port is that its extreme expense could lead the Myanmar government to take out an unsustainable level of debt,” said Greg Poling, director of the Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. “That, in combination with other current and future projects in Myanmar, could in the coming years lead to a debt trap.”

Those concerns have stalled development since the previous military government chose China’s CITIC Group to build the port three years ago. CITIC, China’s first state-owned investment corporation, has proposed taking a 70 percent stake in the project, with the remainder split between the Myanmar government and a consortium of local firms. The Chinese company would run the zone for up to 75 years and would finance Myanmar’s stake.

“We keep hearing it will be built since 2015, but nothing has happened so far,” said Shwe Shwe Maung, 34, the head of KaBalan, a village of 460 households in the area marked for the economic zone. “We don’t know exactly what the impact will be, but we’re all hoping that it will bring jobs.”

Some senior government officials are concerned that a nation with a smaller economy than the Dominican Republic may struggle to service and repay the billions of dollars Myanmar would need to borrow for the project.

“The amount of interest is quite substantial, and not like the loans we got from the Japanese government -- the loans from China are much more expensive,” said Soe Win, a member of the ruling National League for Democracy’s central economic committee and a candidate to become Myanmar’s next central bank governor. He declined to give details of the proposed loan.

The Japan International Cooperation Agency is helping finance a $3.28 billion economic zone at Thilawa port, south of Yangon. The Thilawa development has raised further questions about Myanmar’s need for such a large facility in Kyaukpyu (pronounced CHOW-pew) or whether it would simply be a conduit for China, run by Chinese companies.

“Is this deep-sea port being made to benefit Myanmar?” said Ken Tun, founder and chief executive of Myanmar’s Parami Energy, the only local firm to be short-listed for the development. “If we have a deep sea port, but it’s not controlled by Myanmar, that’s a problem.”

One major concern for some members of the government is what happened in Sri Lanka. In 2008, a joint venture with China began building a deep-water port at Hambantota. When Sri Lanka couldn’t repay the loan for the project, it ended up ceding the port to China for 99 years last year in exchange for debt relief. “China is trying to influence political events in Myanmar in many ways,” Soe Win said in an interview. “But what we are afraid of is that we will end up like Sri Lanka.”

Lessons for Leaders Eying China’s Belt-and-Road Billions

Toe Aung Myint, permanent secretary of the Myanmar Ministry of Commerce, which oversees the project management committee, rejects the suggestion that the port would entail too much debt, saying construction would happen in stages.

“Myanmar and Sri Lanka are not the same,” Aung Myint said in an interview. “Only based on the success of the first phase, we will do another phase.”

CITIC directed questions regarding the port to the Myanmar government. “We are unable to disclose information regarding the negotiation to the public,” Zhang Yue, the head of CITIC Myanmar, said in an email.

Soe Win isn’t the only one worried about the long-term plans for Kyaukpyu. Located on the eastern edge of the Bay of Bengal, the town is almost directly opposite INS Varsha, where the Indian navy will base its new fleet of nuclear submarines.

A Myanmar government official familiar with China’s plans for Kyaukpyu said military attaches from the U.S., Australia and countries in Southeast Asia have all expressed concern that China wants to build a port that has strategic as well as economic advantages.

“China needs some sort of access or staging facilities in several different places in the Indian Ocean,” said David Brewster, a senior fellow at Australia’s National Security College and an expert on India-China maritime security. “Myanmar would be a good place to have a naval base.”

Myanmar’s government may have little alternative to a Chinese loan if it wants to build the port. The political outrage sparked in the U.S. and Europe over the treatment of the Rohingya minority has left it with few allies among developed nations.

Kyaukpyu, 400 kilometers (250 miles) north-west of the capital, Yangon, is in Rakhine state, where more than 600,000 Rohingya have been driven from their homes into neighbouring Bangladesh since last August, in what the United Nations’ top human rights official has called “ethnic cleansing.” While most of the clashes happened further north, the conflict rattled investors, prompting China to send a group of diplomats to Rakhine in December.

“They wanted to learn more about the security of their investments,” said Aung Dung, 71, chairman of the Kyaukpyu branch of the NLD, who met the delegation. “The Chinese have quite a lot going on down here.”

Pipeline Links

The town already has oil and gas loading terminals, built since 2013, that feed pipelines transporting the fuel directly to Yunnan province in Western China. A rail link is planned to connect the container port.

“Kyaukpyu is definitely growing,” Yan Myo Aung, 54, chairman of Kyaukpyu branch of the Arakan National Party, whose family operates a number of local retail businesses. “We hope that the Special Economic Zone will add to that.”

Shop owner Saw Maung Nu is one of many local residents who are anticipating a windfall.

“I built this house and shop here two years ago because of the development,” said Saw, 58, a father of eight, in Thaing Shaung, a smattering of houses outside Kyaukpyu in the center of the proposed industrial zone. “I thought all the people coming to work here might need to buy things.”

He said land prices have risen from $20,000 an acre to $50,000 an acre and he’s hoping the government will pay the market rate to buy him out.

Even without the potential military benefits of Kyaukpyu, the port’s commercial advantages make it a key part of China’s maritime Belt and Road strategy.

CITIC says the terminal would have an annual capacity for 4.9 million containers, more than the current throughput of Brazil’s biggest container terminal, as well as loading oil for the pipeline. With the rail link, it would give exporters in Yunnan a short-cut to the Indian Ocean, bypassing the disputed waters in the South China Sea and the congested Straits of Malacca. I have stressed this point "many a time"

“Yunnan is very important for them, it’s landlocked,” said Soe Win. “We will be happy if they use their Kyaukpyu port as a commercial port. But if they would like to turn it into a kind of military base, then we’ll be very, very sad.”

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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by ricky_v » ... diplomacy/
On September 9, 2018 Myanmar and China signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for establishing the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor (CMEC), as part of China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The corridor will traverse a distance of approximately 1700 kilometres and seeks to connect Kunming (in China’s Yunnan Province) with Myanmar’s key economic points – Mandalay, Yangon, and Kyauphkyu.
There has been skepticism with regard to the BRI project in general, and China’s involvement in the SEZ and Sea Port to be set up in Kyauphkyu (a coastal town in the Rakhine Province) in particular. Large sections of the population have been questioning the economic rationale of the project – and the benefits for Myanmar. CITIC (China’s biggest financial conglomerate) was awarded both projects, but it had to reduce its stake from 85 percent to 70 percent in the Sea Port after vehement opposition from the local population. Locals found the 85-15 arrangement unreasonable. Fearing a debt trap, the NLD government in Myanmar has also reduced the initial value of the Sea Port project – a whopping $7.3 billion USD to $1.3 billion. There has been opposition to the SEZ as well (mainly on environmental grounds), and while the initial Chinese take in the SEZ (originally valued at $2.7 billion) was 51 percent, it is likely to be revised.
The authors of the article also makes a significant point: that Chinese businessmen are not familiar with Myanmar. While the article could be referring to the lack of familiarity with Myanmar’s policies, many host countries have been critical not just of the ‘one sided’ nature of Chinese economic investments, but their unwillingness to understand local cultures, and the fact that they remain aloof from the local population.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by Vips »

India all set to take over ops in Myanmar's Sittwe Port.

India after Chabahar Port in Iran is all set to take over operations of Myanmar's Sittwe Port that will enable to counter-balance China's BRI in the Indo-Pacific region.

In a written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha, Minister of state for Shipping, Road transport and chemical & fertilizer Mansukh L Mandaviya informed that the "infrastructure at Sittwe Port in Myanmar, constructed with India’s assistance, is ready for operation."

The construction of Sittwe Port is part of the Kaladan multi-modal transit transport project and its objective is to create a multi-modal sea, river and road transport corridor for shipment of cargo from the eastern ports of India to Myanmar through Sittwe port as well as to north-eastern part of India via Myanmar.

The approved construction cost of Sittwe Port and Inland Water Terminals at Sittwe and Paletwa is Rs. 517.29 crore. India and Myanmar signed a bilateral Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 22nd October, 2018 for operationalisation of the port at Sittwe and Inland Water Transport (IWT) Terminals at Sittwe and Paletwa. Once fully operational, the project would encourage investment and trade and also open up alternate routes for connectivity to India’s north-east region.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by ramana »

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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by Neshant »

Is it true the name Burma came from Brahma - the god of creation?
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by SSridhar »

India-Myanmar: Positive Developments M.A.Athul - South Asia Terrorism Portal
Reports on March 4, 2019, stated that 500 Tatmadaw (Myanmar Military) personnel dismantled Indian Insurgent Groups’ (IIGs) infrastructure located in the Taga area of the Sagaing Region in north-western Myanmar. The Security Forces (SFs) took over control of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Khaplang (NSCN-K) ‘head quarters’ in operations over the last week of February 2019 (date not specified). Significantly, a note by Tatmadaw stated that the crackdown started on January 29, 2019.

SFs also seized two ‘military training schools’ and two United Liberation Front of Asom-Independent (ULFA-I) outposts, located southwest of Taka village (in the same region), as well as a temporary base of ULFA-I located west of Taka, also during the last week of February 2019. The crackdown came after NSCN-K refused to follow Tatmadaw’s reported order to drive out all non-Myanmarese militants from the region.

The only fatality in the crackdown was an ULFA-I militant, identified as ‘major’ Jyotirmoy Asom, who was killed in a fire fight on February 2. ULFA-I has an estimated 150 cadres in Myanmar. 79 assorted arms and some ammunition were recovered from the camps and at least 12 militants, including six NSCN-K militants, were arrested.

The IIG’s targeted during the crackdown include NSCN-K, ULFA-I, Kamtapur Liberation Organisation (KLO), and National Democratic Front of Bodoland-Saraigwra (NDFB-S). It has been estimated that about 2,000 cadres of various IIGs are based in Myanmar.

Reports, meanwhile indicate that NSCN-K ‘military chief’ Niki Sumi has moved north towards the China border, while other IIGs have been pushed to the region occupied by the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in North Myanmar.

Referring to the crackdown in an interview published on February 23, 2019, ULFA-I ‘chairman’ Paresh Baruah, disclosed,

Our soldiers and other officers have moved out from the base camps to safe zones via various secret routes. It was Burmese (Myanmar) army’s operation against us due to tremendous pressure from Government of India. India Government gives lot of arms and ammunition to Burmese Government so that they can carry out operations against ULFA-I, NSCN-K and Manipur groups.

Earlier, on February 20, 2019, NSCN-K ‘central executive committee’ member U. Kyaw Wan Sein had revealed,

We asked them to stop the military operations they launched in our areas and to withdraw. But they have not stopped. Our region will have problems if they do not stop their military operations in our area.

It is useful to recall that this is not the first time that the Myanmar Army has targeted infrastructure of IIGs, particularly the NSCN-K, in Myanmar. In July 2018, a minor confrontation had occurred between NSCN-K and Tatmadaw over a NSCN-K check-post near a Buddhist temple at Taga. Isak Sumi, the then spokesperson of NSCN-K, had claimed that the “stand-off between the Myanmar Army and the Naga Army has temporarily been resolved without untoward incident, but the Naga Army had to make a tactical withdrawal”. In 1995, after some persuasion, the Myanmar Army agreed to conduct joint counter-insurgency operations with the Indian Army. Operation Golden bird was launched to intercept a party of the NSCN-IM, ULFA and the NDFB. In the midst of the operation, after 38 militants had been killed and more than a hundred weapons captured, New Delhi announced the Nehru Award to Aung San Su Kyi. Offended, the Myanmar Army abruptly called off the Operation, and it is estimated that more than a hundred militants escaped with their weapons.

Tatmadaw is irked with the NSCN-K which has allowed Myanmar insurgent groups such as Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) to traverse across north-eastern and north-western Myanmar through its area. According to a February 28 a report, former Tatmadaw official had stated that NSCN-K has helped replenish armed groups of Myanmar fighting the Tatmadaw.

The crackdown can also to be seen in the context of the Tatmadaw’s renewed military operation against the Arakan Army (AA). NSCN-K’s area in Myanmar is a strategically important region for Tatmadaw’s ongoing operations against AA since November 2018. The violence has spilled over from the Rakhine to the Chin State, adjacent to the Sagaing Region.

Moreover, impatience is growing in the Myanmar capital, Nay Pyi Daw, as NSCN-K refuses to give up its demand of an Independent Naga homeland (comprising Naga inhabited regions in Myanmar and India) and to sign the National Cease Fire Agreement (NCA). NSCN-K has only signed a regional cease fire agreement with Myanmar. The ceasefire agreement signed on April 9, 2012, is only applicable in the Sagaing Region.

As the Myanmar Army seeks to get an upper hand before the onset of monsoon, the Tatmadaw offensive will primarily target AA and, as a secondary effect, probably weaken IIGs, which will be forced to seek alternative safe areas. Tatmadaw operations have been calibrated to avoid large-scale fatalities or open up another front for the military, which is already fighting a plethora of ethnic insurgencies in the Kachin, Rakhine and Shan States. That being said, these operations will further weaken the NSCN-K, which recently suffered a split.

Conspicuously, this military operation augurs well for India-Myanmar relations. In New Delhi’s perspective, the recent military operation is the outcome of its continuous diplomatic efforts and military to military cooperation with the Myanmar (the latest developments being the December 2018 visit by senior military officials to Myanmar and the defence exchange program in which 120 Myanmar Defence personnel visited India). The Indian Government’s February 17, 2019, decision to deploy two additional companies of the Indian Army in Lawngtlai District (Mizoram), bordering Myanmar, to stop AA militants from entering its territory, can also be seen in this context.

M.A. Athul
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by Rudradev »

Proof that India IS ready for a two-front war. ... in-myanmar

The ‘Third Surgical Strike’: Amidst Balakot, Indian Army Conducted Joint Mega Anti-Terror Operation In Myanmar

While the world was glued to the Balakot airstrike and events surrounding it in the aftermath of the Pulwama attack, the Indian Army in collaboration with the Myanmar Army conducting a mega operation to neutralise militants along the Indo-Myanmar border, reports India Today.

The joint operations were carried out from between 17 February and 2 March to pre-emptively wipe out a threat to the massive Kaladan Multi-Modal Transit Transport Project which is intended to connect Kolkata port with Sittwe Port in Myanmar. The project will also reduce the distance to travel between Mizoram and Kolkata by close to a thousand kilometres.

The threat was posed by the ‘Arakan Army’, one of the major insurgent groups active in Myanmar. Also targeted in another phase of the joint-operations was the Naga separatist outfit National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Khaplang (NSCN-K).

"A deal was cut out that after the action adjoining Mizoram the Myanmar army will hit the insurgent camps of other groups that have been targeting India. This resulted in totally wiping out of Taga, the HQ of NSCN (K). Based on specific inputs provided by us the Myanmar Army hit these camps and is now occupying them,” a security official stated.

Special forces of the Indian Army, the Assam Rifles and other infantry units participated in the operations. They were aided by drones, helicopters and other surveillance equipment.

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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by Singha »

the arakan army sounds like a chinese funded, NSCN-K/IM trained outfit designed to spread instability in the rakhine state, recruit rohingyas and branch out into islamism also to destabilize that whole region.
these people were trained near chinese border but magically moved 100s of km to appear near sittwe and setup camps!
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by Singha »

its very hard to get proper videos of north myanmar except a few known touristy areas, here are two that give some "pulse" of the general area

india should encourage as much tourism into myanmar to bring about mutually beneficial ties

the kaladan river has the advantage of not having any dams right upto mizoram.

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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by Singha »

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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by ricky_v » ... ue-shirts/
the wheel turns and stops at myanmmar now,
maidan maidan where art thou, dont you hear the injustice done against the young worldwide? come and right the wrongs of stable reigns everywhere.
But his daughter — “mentally strong and smart” — is now facing a judiciary that prioritizes the military over justice, and that torments him.

Raising his spirits are the fresh-faced blue-shirted activists who attend her hearings, along with the trials of several others oppressed by the army. But they won’t change anything, Sein Mya says, echoing a common line on the subject of the Tatmadaw and its pervasiveness in politics.

Criticizing a country’s most powerful institution is usually a good litmus test of freedom of expression, so the imprisonment of the young performers for a centuries-old parody tradition was decisive for a coalition of activists.

Four days after Kay Khine Tun was arrested, civil society groups such as Athan, Coexist Myanmar, and the Burmese-American Saddha: Buddhists for Peace, formed Doa-A-Yae, which circulated 12 names of those being penalized for free speech.
Our earnest desire is for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and other NLD leaders to see our campaign and remember when they were similarly persecuted,” New York-based activist Khin Mai Aung told The Diplomat. “And that they remember the roots of Burma’s or Myanmar’s pro-democracy struggle so that they lend us their support.”

Back then, when the country was united in opposition to the military, Suu Kyi had a simpler role. After three years as Myanmar’s de facto leader, she has become entangled with her old foe.

Under NLD rule, Myanmar has seen a genocidal slaughter against the Rohingyas in Rakhine state along with attacks on press freedom. At best she has remained silent as her once looming moral stature disintegrates in the West.

But the Myanmar public has rallied around its champion. Director and human rights activist Min Htin Ko Ko Gyi has denounced censure of Suu Kyi – even while government prosecutors pursue military complaints against him.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by Ankit Desai »

India and Myanmar forces coordinate to destroy NE insurgent camps across border
In a coordinated military operation conducted by the armies of India and Myanmar on their respective sides of the border, several camps of Northeast-based militant groups inside Myanmar territory were destroyed, and fleeing militants apprehended by Indian security forces.

Called ‘Operation Sunshine-2’, the military action that took place between May 16 and June 8, is expected to give a debilitating jolt to insurgencies in the Northeastern states. The operation included blocks by two battalions of the Indian Army — along with Special Forces, Assam Rifles and infantry Ghataks — on the Indian side of the border while clearance action was taken by four brigades of the Myanmar Army. This was a follow-up to ‘Operation Sunshine-1’ from February 22 to 26, when the Indian Army had acted against suspected Arakanese rebel camps inside Indian territory, and fleeing Arakenese rebels were arrested by the Myanmar Army on their side.

Calling the joint operation a success, a government official told The Sunday Express that the operation “was coordinated at a military level” and “possible due to trust generated between the two armies by Operation Sunshine-1”. The official added that “the valid grouse that Myanmar Army held after the 2015 cross-border strike of violating their sovereignty when we hit at a NSCN-K camp has also been laid to rest with a coordinated approach.”

Around 70-80 militants, who were apprehended by the Indian Army in Operation Sunshine-2, have all been handed over to local police forces. Sources said that at least seven to eight camps of the NSCN-K, NDFB, ULFA(I), KLO and NEFT in Myanmar’s Sagaing Region were destroyed by the Myanmar Army in mortar firing. Majority of these camps were in Hokayat, and were predominantly of the Naga rebel group, NSCN-K, which had abrogated its ceasefire with the Indian government in 2015. NSCN-K, however, has an ongoing ceasefire agreement with the Myanmarese government that was signed in April 2012.

Sources said the Myanmar Army had completed its debriefing of the operation and claimed that two militants were killed. Myanmar Army has also decided to stay in these areas for another three months so that these groups get no opportunity to regroup and assemble during the monsoons.

Sources said the Indian Army will provide logistics support to the Myanmar Army during this deployment as their infrastructure is stretched heavily during the monsoons. This support will include special rations and food supplies for the Myanmarese soldiers deployed in Sagaing Region.

The military operation was coordinated between the Indian Army’s 3 Corps and the North West Army Command of the Myanmar Army. The two armies were careful to not cross over into each other’s territory but established close coordination by placing liaison officers with headquarters of the other army.

Sources said the two armies took advantage of all the modern technological tools, including satellite imagery, Thuraya telephones, UAV sweeps and aerial surveillance through helicopters. Extensive joint aerial reconnaissance was also carried out by the two armies prior to the operation, which also included coordination visits by top Army officers of both sides, sources explained.

The joint operation was first flagged on May 27 by the NSCN(K), when it issued a statement claiming that a “war-like situation” had been created in the Naga-inhabited region as a result of the “joint political and military operation” by Myanmar and India. Last month, it had killed two soldiers of the Assam Rifles and wounded four soldiers in an ambush on the India-Myanmar border in what was seen as a response to the joint military operation.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by Varoon Shekhar »

The Nscn terrorists were also responsible for the slaughter of 11 people in Arunachal Pradesh, including an MLA and his son. The joint operation with Myanmar should have eliminated some of those scum
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by vimal »

Ankit Desai wrote:India and Myanmar forces coordinate to destroy NE insurgent camps across border
Around 70-80 militants, who were apprehended by the Indian Army in Operation Sunshine-2, have all been handed over to local police forces.

Sources said the Myanmar Army had completed its debriefing of the operation and claimed that two militants were killed.
So the terrorists (not militants) were allowed back into civilian life.
And after all the firepower a piddly 2 terrorists were killed. Hmm maybe they wanted to hide the real numbers.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by Vips »

Myanmar uncovers Sino-Pak nexus in arms supply to two rebel groups in Rakhine.

The nexus has been revealed following arrests by the authorities of Thailand along the Thai-Myanmar border. The Thai authorities shared details of the investigation with Myanmar’s security establishment, ET has learnt. The revelations came to light close on the heels of Myanmar Army's top brass expressing public displeasure against China's role in fuelling insurgency in the country.

New Delhi: Myanmar is believed to have discovered an alleged Sino-Pak axis that is supplying China made arms to two rebel groups in the country’s restive Rakhine province to target Indian assets including Kaladan multi modal project.

The groups are also allegedly fuelling terror both in Myanmar and across the border in Bangladesh.

The nexus has been revealed following arrests by the authorities of Thailand along the Thai-Myanmar border. The Thai authorities shared details of the investigation with Myanmar’s security establishment, ET has learnt. The revelations came to light close on the heels of Myanmar Army's top brass expressing public displeasure against China's role in fuelling insurgency in the country.

In late June, Thai security oicials intercepted a shipment of weapons in the town of Mae Sot across the border from Myawaddy in Myanmar’s Karen State. They seized a large cache of brand-new Chinese-made weapons and detained two Thai citizens, ET has reliably gathered.

The Thai authorities investigating the weapons shipment have since made additional arrests. The seized weapons were ultimately destined for Rakhine State bordering Bangladesh, persons familiar with the developments indicated to ET.

The Arakan Army (AA) in the Rakhine state had placed orders for the seized weapons, one of the persons quoted above informed. In Myanmar, the AA is designated as terrorist organizations.

Kaladan multi-modal project passes through the Rakhine state and AA has been targeting the project that can transform the region. The Kaladan project connects Kolkata with Sittwe port in Rakhine State by sea.

Besides the two Thai nationals, Pakistani nationals were also involved in procuring the weapons seized in Mae Sot. These men are believed to have previously lived in Cambodia before moving to Thailand, brining into larger underground networks and terrorism links in the region, according to a recent report in Myanmar’s leading English media The Irrawaddy. Thai security establishment is closely monitoring the activities of Pakistanis living in Mae Sot.

There are signicant dierences between the ARSA and the AA. The ARSA has been accused of having connections with foreign terrorist groups, according to The Irrawaddy report. Abdus Qadoos Burmi, a Pakistani of Rohingya descent based in Karachi who is considered the group’s mentor, has called for “jihad” in Myanmar and has well-documented links to the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT).

Burmi has even appeared at meetings with the LeT chief Haz Mohammed Syed in Pakistan and the ARSA has received donations and training from the broader Islamist terror networks in East Asia, according to The Irrawaddy. Its leader, Attah Ullah, was born in Pakistan and raised in Saudi Arabia.

The ARSA targeted minorities in Rakhine state in 2017 and over the past few years launched daring attacks on more than 30 police posts and an army base in Rakhine, resulting in the deaths of dozens of ARSA insurgents as well as security personnel, according to Myanmar authorities.

The ARSA is trying to procure additional arms as Myanmar Army has intensied operations in Rakhine state. Thai and Myanmar authorities have reportedly stepped up vigil to launch a crackdown on arms smuggling.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by Prithwiraj »

Ex Indian Kilo spotted in Myanmar so the handover is completed though it is an open secret that it is manned by Indian crew.

Also interesting to know that Myanmar quietly inducted a landing dock ship Mottama. ... adivostok/
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by Rudradev »

Surprised to see this hasn't been commented on, right next door to India. ... ained.html

Military coup in Myanmar, Suu detained
Tuesday, 02 February 2021 | AP | Naypyitaw

Myanmar’s military staged a coup on Monday and detained senior politicians including Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi — a sharp reversal of the significant, if uneven, progress toward democracy the Southeast Asian nation has made following five decades of military rule.

An announcement read on military-owned Myawaddy TV said Commander-in-Chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing would be in charge of the country for one year. It said the seizure was necessary because the Government had not acted on the military’s claims of fraud in November’s elections — in which Suu Kyi’s ruling party won a majority of the parliamentary seats up for grabs — and because it allowed the election to go ahead despite the coronavirus pandemic.

The takeover came the morning the country’s new parliamentary session was to begin and follows days of concern that a military coup was coming.

The military maintains its actions are legally justified — citing a section of the constitution it drafted that allows it to take control in times of national emergency — though Suu Kyi’s party spokesman as well as many international observers have said it amounts to a coup.

It was a dramatic backslide for Myanmar, which was emerging from decades of strict military rule and international isolation that began in 1962.

It was also a shocking fall from power for Suu Kyi, a Nobel peace laureate who had lived under house arrest for years as she tried to push her country toward democracy and then became its de facto leader after her National League for Democracy won elections in 2015.

While Suu Kyi had been a fierce antagonist of the Myanmar army while under house arrest, since her release and return to politics, she has had to work with the country’s generals, who never fully gave up power.

While the 75-year-old has remained wildly popular at home, Suu Kyi’s deference to the generals — going so far as to defend their crackdown on Rohingya Muslims that the United States and others have labeled genocide :roll: — has left her reputation internationally in tatters.
(thanks to relentless character assassination by Pakis, Qataris, their mouthpieces like CAIR and ICNA in the US, and Islamist fellow travelers in the "woke" US media and political establishment.)

For some, Monday’s takeover was seen as confirmation that the military holds ultimate power despite the veneer of democracy. New York-based Human Rights Watch :roll: has previously described the clause in the constitution that the military invoked as a “coup mechanism in waiting.”

The embarrassingly poor showing of the military-backed party in the November vote may have been the spark.

Larry Jagan, an independent analyst, said the takeover was just a “pretext for the military to reassert their full influence over the political infrastructure of the country and to determine the future, at least in the short term,” adding that the generals do not want Suu Kyi to be a part of that future.

The coup now presents a test for the international community, which had ostracized Myanmar while it was under military rule and then enthusiastically embraced Suu Kyi’s government as a sign the country was finally on the path to democracy. There will likely be calls for a reintroduction of at least some of the sanctions the country had long faced. Are the Neoliberal Globalists really that stupid? They still think in terms of the 1990s post-Cold-war unipolar system where countries could be manipulated by sanctions as punishments and WB/IMF/WTO crumbs as incentives. The US & EU are not the only ones wielding carrots and sticks-- they have not been for over a decade, and the alternative becomes more powerful and munificent with each passing year. If the West sanctions Myanmar it becomes a Chinese colony, period.

Or maybe that's well understood, and intended, by those calling for sanctions. It will create a lot of instability in our neighbourhood after all.

The first signs that the military was planning to seize power were reports that Suu Kyi and Win Myint, the country’s president, had been detained before dawn.

Myo Nyunt, a spokesman for Suu Kyi’s party, told the online news service The Irrawaddy that in addition to Suu Kyi and the president, members of the party’s Central Executive Committee, many of its lawmakers and other senior leaders had also been taken into custody.

Television signals were cut across the country, as was phone and internet access in Naypyitaw, the capital, while passenger flights were grounded. Phone service in other parts of the country was also reported down, though people were still able to use the internet in many areas.

As word of the military’s actions spread in Yangon, the country’s biggest city, there was a growing sense of unease among residents who earlier in the day had packed into tea shops for breakfast and went about their morning shopping.

By midday, people were removing the bright red flags of Suu Kyi’s party that once adorned their homes and businesses. Lines formed at ATMs as people waited to take out cash, efforts that were being complicated by internet disruptions. Workers at some businesses decided to go home.

Suu Kyi’s party released a statement on one of its Facebook pages saying the military’s actions were unjustified and went against the constitution and the will of voters. The statement urged people to oppose Monday’s “coup” and any return to “military dictatorship.” It was not possible to confirm who posted the message as party members were not answering phone calls.

The military’s actions also received international condemnation and many countries called for the release of the detained leaders.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken expressed “grave concern and alarm” over the reported detentions.

“We call on Burmese military leaders to release all government officials and civil society leaders and respect the will of the people of Burma as expressed in democratic elections,” he wrote in a statement, using Myanmar’s former name.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by darshan »

Why would US want more rohingya muslims in India? US didn't want BDs in India either.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by Rudradev »

"Didn't want BDs?" What are you referring to?

Over the last decade, the US (& in general the globalist neoliberal order) has done everything it can to promote refugee displacement and resettlement on a mass scale... particularly (though not exclusively) the migration of Muslim refugees into non-Muslim nations.

From the Arab Spring to Syria, Libya to Ukraine, the Obama regime first sowed or stoked violent instability, then pressured its 'allied' (i.e. vassal) nations to accept vast numbers of refugees exuding from destabilized territories... with catastrophic effects on the host countries' cultures, societies & demographics.

This is one reason for the intense opposition of the Democrats (and pro-Democrat media) to India's CAA. The globalist neoliberals deem it unacceptable for other countries to exercise any degree of control over who they admit into their sovereign territory as refugees. Not even the EU is spared... notice how even the latest string of Jihadi murders in France were blamed on "systemic anti-Muslin racism" by the New York Times, with Macron being criticized as 'too authoritarian' even for adopting a few basic countermeasures.

The situation with Rohingya & India is no different, and indeed likely to get much worse from a US-interference point of view.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by Prithwiraj »

Can we get our submarine back please since China is now openly backing up military junta and vetoed UNSC resolution against Myanmar
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by g.sarkar »
Myanmar coup: China blocks UN condemnation as protest grows
China has blocked a UN Security Council statement condemning the military coup in Myanmar.
The military took power in the South East Asian nation on Monday after arresting political leader Aung San Suu Kyi and hundreds of other lawmakers.
The coup leaders have since formed a supreme council which will sit above the cabinet.
In Myanmar's biggest city Yangon though, signs of resistance and civil disobedience have been growing.
Doctors and medical staff in dozens of hospitals across the country are stopping work in protest against the coup and to push for Ms Suu Kyi's release.
The United Nations Security Council met on Tuesday but failed to agree on a joint statement after China did not support it. China has the power of veto as one of five permanent members of the council.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by vijayk »

What do gurus think of this? ... 71231.html
Rather than 'setback', Myanmar coup leaves India on firmer geopolitical footing with Tatmadaw

Due to the Tatmadaw’s wariness of Beijing as well as New Delhi’s close strategic partnership with the United States, India should be in a good position to deal with the eventualities
One of the key questions around Monday’s power grab by the military — a few months after its proxy Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) suffered a poll drubbing at the hands of NLD in November — centres on the reason behind the coup. Tatmadaw’s official position is “election fraud” but the likely answers — as scholars and analysts have assessed — exemplify how little difference there was politically between the civilian and military leadership. In fact, the power struggle that led to the coup stemmed from the fact that Suu Kyi was increasingly eating into the military’s political space with her anti-minority politics and soaring popularity among the Bamar-Buddhist majority, leading Tatmadaw to fear that its structural control over Myanmar’s political system may wane.

The more Suu Kyi received flak from the West for her authoritarian ways, justifying of ethnic cleansing and xenophobic politics, the more she made nationalism a key plank of her political appeal and cultivated closer ties with China to stave off pressure from the West. Her stout defence at the ICJ of Tatmadaw’s bloody crackdown on Rohingya minorities in 2017 instead of endearing her to the military, made the conservative faction of Tatmadaw led by Senior General Min Aung Hlaing — who seized power through the coup — feel threatened and insecure.

The final straw, perhaps, was an unhappy coincidence that occurred due to Tatmadaw commander-in-chief Min Aung Hlaing’s approaching retirement and Suu Kyi’s audacious attempts to bring “Constitutional amendments that would have gradually shrunk the military’s share of Parliament from 25 percent as mandated by the 2008 Constitution to five percent.” It may have ended up convincing the Tatmadaw that it had to move now or risk getting permanently marginalised.

Champa Patel, director of the Asia-Pacific Program at Chatham House in London, explains that “it was always a risk that the military would step in to try and shore up their power… Their insecurity has deepened as (Suu Kyi) consolidated her power within the country and deepened ties with countries such as China” in comments to the Associated Press.
India does have to sort out the complex calculus of promoting democratic values and securing strategic interests but unlike China, its relationship with the Tatmadaw is not marked by distrust and suspicion. From its overtly ‘pro-democracy’ position in the end of 1980s and early 1990s, New Delhi’s position towards the Tatmadaw — which has never relinquished its grip over Myanmar despite erecting a political front — gradually became of critical importance as India invested heavily in building trust with the generals driven by an urgent need to secure its northeastern border and blunt the extremist threats from Mizo insurgency and Naga separatist groups.

Unlike Beijing, New Delhi is on firmer geopolitical footing here because China’s meddling in Myanmar’s ethnic politics and links with militia forces that operate on their common border have made the Tatmadaw wary of Beijing.

For its part, India has expressed its “deep concern” with the developments in Nay Pyi Taw. The MEA release states “India has always been steadfast in its support to the process of democratic transition in Myanmar. We believe that the rule of law and the democratic process must be upheld. We are monitoring the situation closely.”

This is the farthest that New Delhi may go in publicly condemning the coup in Myanmar unlike its Quad partners such as the US and Australia, as Abhijnan Rej has pointed out in The Diplomat.

Under the hood, however, the effort to further consolidate the relationship with the Tatmadaw while nudging the military to reopen the democratic process shall go on. The thing to note here is that India has always maintained a robust rapport with Myanmar’s defence and security edifice based on a realist approach to foreign policy, need to safeguard national security and an acknowledgement that New Delhi lacks the toolkit or the power to force Myanmar military to relinquish control or initiate a vigorous democratic process.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by nvishal »

^ Sreemoy Talukdar should have not contributed gossip. He has peddled gossips in the past as well.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by g.sarkar » ... 03032.html
Myanmar coup: Police use force as protesters defy ban
Tue, February 9, 2021

Police in Myanmar have fired rubber bullets during a demonstration in the capital Nay Pyi Taw, as thousands defied a ban on protests.
Water cannon and tear gas have also been used against protesters, and one woman is in hospital with a critical head injury.
News agencies quoted doctors as saying they had seen wounds from live bullets.
Protesters are standing against a military coup that removed the elected government last week.
A ban on large public gatherings and night-time curfews has been instigated in some cities, with military leader Min Aung Hlaing warning that no-one is above the law.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by Kakkaji »

Speed up Myanmar projects, PM Modi tells officials
New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has directed officials to operationalise the Sittwe Port in Myanmar by July 31 and to complete the Kaladan Multi-Modal Transit Transport Project by the end of 2024.

The Kaladan bilateral project, conceived nearly two decades ago, aims to connect India and Myanmar by sea as well as land routes. The long delay in completing the project prompted the prime minister to say at a review meeting on January 27 that all ministries should review international projects, especially in neighbouring countries, on the level of ministers once every month, according to the minutes of the meeting

The prime minister asked the foreign ministry and ministry of ports, shipping and waterways to operationalise the Sittwe Port by the end of July this year, which will connect the Kolkata port by the sea with Sittwe. The foreign ministry was further told to expeditiously resolve issues hindering the progress of the road component of the Kaladan project, expedite execution and complete the same by end of 2024.

The project consists of the development of the Sittwe Port for the 539-km sea route from Kolkata to Sittwe, an inland water transport system of 158 km over river Kaladan from Sittwe to Paletwa in Myanmar, a 110-km road from Paletwa to the Indo-Myanmar border, and a 100-km road from the border to Lawngatlai on NH-54 in Mizoram.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by sooraj »

Interesting facts #MyanmarCoup-#India
~Current Myanmar Army General Min Aung Hlaing ws to retire in July this yr. He's 65.
Reminds me of the drama around #Bajwa's extension.
Few within Myanmar Army r NOT happy abt Hlaing's extension, jst like it happened in P@k Army.

What makes this man interesting--is his stand agnst R0hingy@. He pushed 'em out.
~Within 16 days of coup massive Myitsone dam project hs bn revived. Was suspended in 2017.
CHEENI company hd been lobbying for it.
It ws suspended due to the environmental impact it can cause.

Military says Aung San Suu Kyi hd 6 walkie-talkie sets, which wr not licensed. Documents show it was for her bodyguards. Possible!
Bt there are also walkie talkies which have a range of upto 35miles (56Km).
So did she really fear for her life?

~CHEEN & RUSI hd opposed a resolution which ws presented by Britain and the European Union in UN against Myanmar military.
Now a subdued version of it hs bn passed.

~Interestingly few groups say Tatmadaw (official name of armed forces of Myanmar) is good for #Buddhists.

Bt contradicting this claim a lot of other Buddhist monks hv joined the protests nw.
~Myanmar Military runs its own companies and has abt 25% seats reserved in the Parliament. The CIVIL disobedience movement (CDM) is targeting military’s extensive business interests..

7/n ... which is essential for Military's smooth functioning in the country.
~ The coup MAY not impact India's Kaladan Multi-Modal Transit Transport Project in Myanmar-- was confirmed by
himself yesterday.
But Gen MM Naravane sir on Feb 12 th hd said--

" With failure to deliver on promises, Delivery Deficit has
plagued our efforts at improving regional connectivity. The Kaladan Multimodal Transport Project (in #Myanmar) and Trilateral Highway (India-Myanmar-Thailand) have both seen cost and time overruns"

9/9 Chief definitely wasn't happy abt the progress of the projects.
" Kaladan project is in a very difficult part of the country. There were a lot of logistical challenges."-- Dr S Jaishankar hd said.
Meanwhile these flights hint at the bully.

So many flights have been going in and out of Myanmar to "CHEIN" that by now everyone knows that the military coup in #Myanmar was done with the help of a bully.
Interestingly, BBC has shown the courage to report it.

Lets see how will CHEIN deny it's involvement now.

Once the cyber firewall is created, there will be a paucity of information on #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar. The voice of the populace will be stifled. Another SOUTH ASIA country is also at the verge of being pushed into a similar COUP like situation. Heads up!!!
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by darshan »

Hard to tell if planned or not planned. Should India handed them over immediately to UN to avoid this situation? How should a regional power handle this?

As Myanmar police officers flee to India to avoid shooting at civilians, Myanmar authorities request India to return them ... ss-border/
The Deputy Commissioner of Champhai, a border district in Mizoram, said that she had received a letter from her counterpart in Myanmar’s Falam district requesting the return of eight police “in order to uphold friendly relations”. Speaking to Reuters, Deputy Commissioner Maria CT Zuali said that she was “waiting for the direction” from the Ministry of Home Affairs in New Delhi.
“In order to uphold friendly relations between the two neighbour countries, you are kindly requested to detain 8 Myanmar police personnel who had arrived to Indian territories and hand-over to Myanmar,” the letter said.
The refugees have come into at least three border districts of Mizoram — Champai, Serchhip and Siaha. Champai shares a porous border with the Chin State of Myanmar, with the Mizo and Chin communities sharing ethnic roots.
As Myanmar citizens are entering Indian territory following the crackdown, the local organisations have demanded proper facilities for the refugees who are expected to arrive at the border in the coming days.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by g.sarkar » ... 2021-03-06
Myanmar asks India to return 8 police officers who fled across border
Myanmar has asked India to return eight police officers who sought refuge in Mizoram after military coup in the Southeast Asian country last month.
Reuters, New Delhi, March 6, 2021

Authorities in Myanmar have asked India to return several police officers who sought refuge to avoid taking orders from a military junta that seized power in the Southeast Asian country last month, an official in northeast India said on Saturday.
Around 30 Myanmar police and their family members came across the border seeking refuge in recent days, as the junta's suppression of protesters has turned increasingly violent, with dozens killed since the Feb. 1 coup.
The senior-most official in Champhai, a district in the Indian state of Mizoram, told Reuters that she had received a letter from her counterpart in Myanmar's Falam district requesting the return of eight police "in order to uphold friendly relations."
Deputy Commissioner Maria C.T. Zuali said on Saturday that she was "waiting for the direction" from the India's Ministry for Home Affairs in New Delhi.
Although there have been instances recounted on social media of police joining the civil disobedience movement and protests against the junta, this is the first reported case of police fleeing Myanmar.
Realpolitik is to quietly return them back to Myanmar, when no one is looking.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by g.sarkar » ... 22127.html
Myanmar families hold funerals for crackdown victims, EU readies sanctions
Mon, March 15, 2021

(Reuters) - The families of dozens of people killed in demonstrations against military rule in Myanmar attended their funerals on Tuesday as protesters again defied the security forces despite the mounting death toll.
Hundreds of mourners spilled onto the street at the funeral of medical student Khant Nyar Hein, who was killed in Yangon on Sunday, the bloodiest day in the weeks of protests that have followed a coup against the elected government on Feb. 1.
"Let them kill me right now, let them kill me instead of my son because I can't take it any more," the student's mother was seen saying in a video clip posted on Facebook.
Mourners, including many fellow medical students in white lab coats, chanted: "Our revolution must prevail."
In other developments on Tuesday, France said the European Union would approve sanctions against those behind the coup next Monday.
The military junta, meanwhile, charged the international envoy of the ousted government with treason for encouraging the civil disobedience campaign and calling for sanctions, army-run television said. The charges carry a possible death sentence.
At least one more protester was shot dead on Tuesday in the central town of Kawlin, a resident there said.
More than 180 protesters have now been killed as security forces try to crush opposition to the generals who ousted Aung San Suu Kyi's civilian government and seized power themselves.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by srikandan »

Myanmar needs to shutdown all US social media sites if they want to get a grip on this "color revolution" being orchestrated by the white christian countries, i.e., US/EU, and the islamo-fascist crowd in Qatar/Turkey/Malaysia, who are working in tandem on this issue. But then again, as long as the Myanmar Junta has the guns and India and China stay firm in defending their interests, this is all just noise.
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Re: India-Myanmar news and discussion

Post by srikandan »

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