Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by ramana »

mapunni, I want the Chinese to squeeze Chatham House till its like an empty coconut shell.
So don't cry for me Argentina.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by rsingh »

ramana wrote:mapunni, I want the Chinese to squeeze Chatham House till its like an empty coconut shell.
So don't cry for me Argentina.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by g.sarkar » ... 210625.htm
Could India be heading for a short war with China?
ARCHANA MASIH, June 25, 2021
"We are focused on Ladakh, but one should remember an enormous amount of action took place in Arunachal Pradesh in the 1962 War."
"This time too, there are ominous signs in Arunachal Pradesh because the Chinese strengths lie in the eastern sector," warns Dr Kanti Bajpai, author of the fascinating new book India Versus China: Why They Are Not Friends.
Dr Bajpai is Director, Centre on Asia and Globalisation at Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew University.
The well respected scholar on security issues spoke to's Archana Masih in a 70 minute call from Singapore about why the Chinese moved into Ladakh and what irks China about India.
In your book India Versus China: Why They Are Not Friends, you have given a combination of four factors about why Chinese troops moved into Ladakh.
What do you think was the definitive trigger for the PLA incursions into Ladakh?
The book, in fact, does not deal with the Ladakh 2020 episode in great detail because we are too close to the events to know the real story.
I do suggest that there are three arguments for China's moves in Ladakh.
1. Chinese domestic politics: Though Xi Jinping is widely regarded as the biggest leader in the Chinese Communist party, there are rivals and factions within the party who are unhappy with his campaign against corruption and his seemingly lifelong tenure.
His aggressiveness with India, Taiwan, Japan, the United States, Australia etc, comes from the desire to be seen as a strong leader in order to silence his rivals internally.
2. Series of Indian foreign policy moves: The proximity to America;
Playing an enhanced role in the South China Sea;
Speaking out prominently against the Belt and Road initiative which is very close to Xi's heart;
India's position on Kashmir and revocation of Article 370. Kashmir is a domestic matter, but it is a contested issue with Pakistan, and hence has foreign policy implications, especially since the Chinese have a slice of Kashmir ceded by Pakistan in 1963.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by ramana »

Firstly, three major Chinese military bases and command centres are near India's eastern border -- two in Lhasa and one further east in Chengdu.

Whereas the Chinese only have one major command centre near Ladakh which is Hotan, near Xinjiang.

Secondly, since the 1980s the Chinese have insisted that the eastern sector or Arunachal Pradesh is more important than Aksai Chin which lies in the West.

The Chinese lay claim to the entire Arunachal Pradesh.

Thirdly, as their economy has ramped up, China has developed a greater interest in the economic resources of Arunachal Pradesh -- the agricultural land, natural resource, water resources arising from the Brahmaputra river -- while Aksai Chin is a desert.

Fourthly, China has a symbolic interest in Arunachal Pradesh focused on the Tawang monastery where the sixth Dalai Lama was born. It is the second most important centre of Tibetan Buddhism after the Potala Palace in Lhasa.

The Chinese have made it very clear since 1985 that any settlement of the border would include Tawang because of its implications on the Dalai Lama's successor.

We hope the present Dalai Lama has a long life, but after him, the Tawang monastery might be important in the sanctification of the next Dalai Lama.

This is why India has reasons to worry. China can cause a problem not just in Ladakh, but also in the east.

The only sector that has been quiet is the middle sector -- Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. But the first Chinese ingress was in the middle sector in 1954, hence the middle sector cannot be ignored.

Interesting Basically warn about everything so right on something
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by g.sarkar » ... onvenience
The US-China marriage of inconvenience is over
Deepak Vohra, June 26, 2021

New Delhi: The honeymoon is long over. The strong anti-Japan allies in WW II are at each other’s throats. Two totally incompatible systems, ideologies, visions and preferences were in bed for several decades. The divorce will be messy.
In the last week of May 2021, the top US official dealing with Asia said that the era of engagement with China had ended, and henceforth competition would be the dominant paradigm, as the US worked under a new set of strategic parameters while the National Security Advisor claimed in June 2021 that China was increasingly isolated. Such comments reflect the broad bipartisan consensus on dealing with China. America is not used to being numero dos.
American officials say that Xi Jinping is largely responsible for the shift in US policy, citing the border clashes with India, the economic campaign against Australia and China’s abuse of everybody. As expected, China’s Foreign and Defence Ministries went apoplectic. They squarely blame the US for the downturn in bilateral ties, since China can do no wrong.
Over 30 years, an indulgent West got what it wanted from the relationship, the demise of the evil USSR, huge profits through cheap labour in China, and a vast market. And the fond hope that engagement with China would make it a more responsible player committed to international peace. While finding its feet internationally, China played to the western gallery. It was very cautious in its behaviour, working in international institutions, accepting global norms, and reassuring other powers that its rise would be peaceful. When China needed western technology and money, the “foreign devil” became the “foreign friend” but now that he has been milked, he is back to being the devil. A sly China filched, reverse engineered, acquired cutting edge technology and felt emboldened to challenge its benefactor and his buddies. Since the mid-2010s, thinking it had risen, China abandoned the “peaceful rise” mantra.
As my brilliant colleague Ambassador Saurabh Kumar points out, the larger question is how to deal with China, a State captured by a ruthless Communist Party that uses narrow nationalism (chauvinism) to legitimize its stranglehold on power.
Regrettably, the intelligentsia of the “free world” rationalized China’s ruthlessness as unavoidable in any interaction between liberal, open, and pluralistic polities and totalitarian ones.
George Orwell wrote a novel called “1984” that deals with the consequences of totalitarianism, mass surveillance, and repressive regimentation of persons and behaviours within society. And how truth and facts within politics are manipulated. In 1984 (mark the year) President Ronald Reagan went to China. For many years he had sharply attacked “Red China” as an implacable foe of the United States (also Joe Biden’s language), but in 1984 he dramatically shifted his language by asserting that the United States could get along “with this so-called Communist China” since it was not an expansionist power and since it wanted American investment. China laughed all the way to the bank!
By 2020, Chinese gaslighting of international opinion had failed. The world wants to understand the origin of the virus. China seethes when this is raised and suggests global cooperation to tackle the virus. Its Man Friday, the WHO, nods vigorously.
In his New Year speech on 31 December 2019, Pingpong said: “We have friends in every corner of the world…China will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development, safeguard world peace and promote common development.” It is the self-styled policeman of the world. And this while he was unleashing the worst ever bioterrorist weapon on humanity.
US friends and allies in Asia are confident that Joe Biden will not repeat the strategic failures of the Obama administration, namely, allowing the rise of China on American capital and technology in the foolhardy belief that a rich and powerful China would be less mendacious and a factor for peace and stability despite its gaming, and milking, of the framework of international relations and multilateral organisations. Just five years ago, Pingpong had promised Barack Obama that “relevant” construction activities in the Nansha (Spratly) Islands did not target or impact any country, and promised not to pursue militarization, even as his country was building airfields and bunkers on the islands.
China’s leadership has consistently betrayed and insulted those who sought to befriend it—Jawaharlal Nehru (of bhai-bhai fame), Soviet leaders who shared nuclear secrets with China, Barack Obama (of US-China partnership will define 21st century fantasy), Rodrigo Duterte (of I love Xi Jinping effusiveness). The only way to understand this behaviour is through a Chinese lens. Beijing’s aggressive foreign policy is an outgrowth of the government’s insecurity and lack of confidence. On one hand, the Communist Party is always mindful of its standing at home. There, its propaganda has crafted a narrative of China as a victim of foreign predation whose time has come to stand tall once again on the world stage (under the firm guidance of the party). That requires Beijing to take a tough stance in foreign disputes—anything less might be perceived as unacceptable weakness. On the other hand, China’s economic clout has convinced Beijing policymakers that they possess the power to assert their will over the universe.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by Paul »

US will try to strike a deal with Taliban to hit China in East Turkestan via a Jihad.

They may be clearing the space on Afghanistan for this. Turkey will also have a role to play here. If Taliban allows Turkey to manage the Kabul airport security that means the deal is going apace.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by kit »

ramana wrote:Folks, I would like us to take a pause in this thread.
It's about 145 pages long.
We just ramble on in the old Indian way of verbosity and everything but important stuff.
Have we defined what is Chinese threat to India?
And what do we care if it poses threat to the US, Europe, or China?
Expect in a secondary way.
For example, China squeezing Russia has a direct impact on Indian military readiness.
China squeezing the US makes them friendly to India.
Same with Europe.
I think that's what geopolitics essentially means., very rarely is there a "good" friend., only convergence of interests. By the way there is indeed a convergence of interests between India and China in some areas but did that translate into better relations?
Humans are still cavemen when it comes to devolution of power., no matter how far we progress in the material realms.
India needs to have the biggest stick around and the capability and economic heft to carry it. There is absolutely no way around this.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by ramana »

Thanks for being one of the rare ones to respond to me which means you are paying attention.

So let's document the areas of convergence between India and China.
I would use another example than the humans in caves.
The triune brain model: reptilian, limbic, and neo-cortex

Cavemen are still in survival mode and operate at the reptilian brain or the bottom layer of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Civilization needs to operate at Neo-cortex level.
Vivek K
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by Vivek K »

The Chinese will flex their muscles ever more aggressively in this decade. They have what the Soviets did not - a strong military backed by a strong economy. They will eclipse the Russians and leave them behind - and leave us far behind. We will perhaps see the Chinese in Afghanistan soon destroying all the goodwill created with billions by India. The neglect of Indian industry and economy and the Gross failure of DRDO and armed forces to work together for national security could cost India dearly.

India will face the brunt of Chinese expansionism and their use of Pakis as a tool to divide us on two fronts. With a military that is composed of aging hardware and a modernization program beset by limited resources, deep rooted corruption and nexus between procurement mafia and foreign vendors, India will remain playing catch up. Its penchant for imports will cripple its ability to effectively project counter force and will consequently be under threat of losing Tawang.

India needs a deterrent force that can threaten the South China sea as well as have conventional and overt, deployed nuke ability to strike the Chinese heartland. Or in plain language India needs to match nuke buildup, 3 carriers in the east (to ensure one on station at all times with one in reserve), missile laden nuke subs - not 1-2 but in large numbers (6 is a minimum) to project a deterrent counter strike posture. And the IAF instead of the current rag tag composition of obsolete aircraft like the bisons and Jags, needs modern, capable 42-45 squadron strength.

Sadly, Indian brass continues to live in the 50s when the situation is urgent and India needs to correct its priorities.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by kit » ... inas-nukes

Until last week it had only 16 known silos for latest-generation ICBMs. So eyebrows were raised when satellite imagery revealed 120 new ones being built in the desert of Gansu province, in western China.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by kit »

ramana wrote:Thanks for being one of the rare ones to respond to me which means you are paying attention.

So let's document the areas of convergence between India and China.
I would use another example than the humans in caves.
The triune brain model: reptilian, limbic, and neo-cortex

Cavemen are still in survival mode and operate at the reptilian brain or the bottom layer of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Civilization needs to operate at Neo-cortex level.
but the basic instinct for survival is the reptilian brain., so very aptly the dragon's communist party's very survival lies in expansionism., if it does not then western "democratic " values will make a leeway into its prosperous citizens., remember, for every nation, once the population goes beyond its basic bread and butter level and reaches affluence., it will have the "energy" to question any status Quo. The communists need to expand and create conflict to justify their place as an "unifying force" with no other alternative.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by kit »

ramana wrote:Thanks for being one of the rare ones to respond to me which means you are paying attention.

So let's document the areas of convergence between India and China.
I would use another example than the humans in caves.
The triune brain model: reptilian, limbic, and neo-cortex

Cavemen are still in survival mode and operate at the reptilian brain or the bottom layer of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Civilization needs to operate at Neo-cortex level.
I fear the convergence levels of complimentary civilisations can happen only in frank exchanges between its peoples; and there is a lot., from culture to science., they have been strong in material sciences once as we were in the theoretical and esoterical ones. In its truest sense i see both complimentary and similar ideals and ethos., . All this will probably never happen under communist party.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by Cyrano »

Since the title of this thread is "Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat", I was wondering what are the fault lines in Chinese society/economy/system that India or the west can exploit ? If there have been any articles/studies explicitly addressing this aspect, kindly do share.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by SRajesh »

Hardly any news as its looks like the Han have outbred everybody else.
per Wiki, ... s_in_China
Of the other major Ethnic groups, largest form 1.2% of the total (per 2010 pop studies, maybe even lower, given penchant for Han men to sleep with other ethic-origin women)
If the rumours about Uyghurs are to be believed they are doing the same in Xinxiang province.
so division along the ethnic fault lines maybe difficult.
Maybe more on the economic/affluence lines or power/money equations, as Jack Ma's example to quote!!
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by g.sarkar » ... nary-year/
A Crisis Looms as the Chinese Communist Party Celebrates its Centenary Year
Amit Kumar - 2 July, 2021

As the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) celebrates 100 years of its formation on first July 2021, it is worth looking at where the current CCP leadership is headed given its profound implications for the world.
This article briefly looks at Chinese President Xi Jinping’s efforts towards centralization of power within the party, a trend that is reminiscent of Mao’s era. Further, it examines the possibility of an imminent political crisis within the party leadership. The article concludes by suggesting a likely transformative change in the top CCP leadership in event of a crisis.
Xi Consolidates Power
Xi Jinping assumed the leadership of the party and the military at the 18th Party Congress in 2012 when he took over as General Secretary of the CCP and the Chairman of Central Military Commission (CMC), the apex military body that oversees the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). In March 2013 he assumed the presidency of PRC, thus completing the succession process.
However, soon after ascending to power, Xi launched an anti-corruption campaign in 2013 aimed at weakening and eliminating the two most dominant factions that ruled the CCP then – the Shanghai faction and the Chinese Communist Youth League (CCYL) faction. Both the factions had been dominating the elite politics in China for more than two decades and had agreed on an informal power-sharing arrangement to alternate the position of General Secretary (along with Presidency and Chairman of CMC) between themselves to avoid any succession crisis and infighting that had marred the post-Mao era. Jiang Zemin of the Shanghai faction inherited power in 1989 and his successor Hu Jintao of the CCYL faction assumed party leadership and presidency in 2002. Xi succeeded Hu as part of this power-sharing compromise as he belonged to the Shanghai faction in 2012.
After purging his rivals and opponents mainly on charges of corruption, Xi appointed his trusted loyalists and old-time friends to key party and government positions such as Central Committee, Governorship, and Provincial Party Secretary. These positions were key to secure an entry into the Politburo and eventually the Politburo Standing Committee (PSC) of the CCP – the seat of ultimate power in China. Niel Thomas in his study noted that “approximately 60% of the 19th Politburo have direct ties to Xi, up from around 20% in the 18th Politburo.”
Further, just months before the 19th Party Congress, when Xi was about to begin his second term, he got rid of Sun Zhengcai, his potential successor, on charges of corruption. Interestingly, it had been a party convention to appoint a successor before the beginning of the second term of the incumbent President. Hu Chinchua, another potential successor of Xi failed to win a membership to Politburo at the 19th Party Congress thus putting him out of contention for succession.
Once assured of requisite support in the PSC, Politburo and Central Committee, Xi began to undo the limited political reforms that had evolved after years of struggle. First, he went against the party convention by not appointing his successor at the 19th Party Congress. In the same year, he amended a 1980 document from the Deng era relegating the principle of ‘collective leadership’ that had become the central characteristic feature of the CCP leadership.
In 2018, he abolished the two-term limit on the presidency that the PRC Constitution placed on the incumbent leader – a reform that was introduced by Deng Xiaoping in 1982. In the same year, Article two of the Chinese Communist Party Disciplinary Regulations was amended to provide for the two safeguards: “to resolutely preserving General Secretary Xi Jinping’s status as the core of the Party Central Committee and the core of the entire Party and to resolutely preserving the authority and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee.”
Legitimisation of Power
But power does not necessarily translate into authority unless people view it as legitimate. The anti-corruption drive had lent some legitimacy to Xi’s autocratic rule. But it was the successful handling of the pandemic and recovery from the impending economic crisis in record time that soared Xi’s domestic popularity and legitimacy multiple times. The state-controlled media ensured that people took note of it. Xi capitalized on the hyper-nationalist sentiments arising out of events leading up to the Hong Kong protests and its attempted integration, reclamation of Taiwan and commemorating PLA’s heroics in Galwan against the Indian army. Aggressive posturing against the U.S., Japan, EU and Australia has also helped in evoking popular support.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by Lisa »

kit wrote: ... inas-nukes

Until last week it had only 16 known silos for latest-generation ICBMs. So eyebrows were raised when satellite imagery revealed 120 new ones being built in the desert of Gansu province, in western China.
Not sure if this is true but apparently some on twitter are saying its a wind farm. ... missile%2F
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by Cyrano »

Here is an interesting fault line :

Tang Ping ie Lie Down Flat ie Do Nothing Mouvement

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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by g.sarkar » ... 210721.htm
Worrying! PLA advances in Ladakh
Ajai Shukla, July 21, 2021

After a winter lull, Chinese troops have again crossed the Line of Actual Control in Eastern Ladakh at several places, government sources say. And there has been at least one clash between the two sides.
The altercation took place on the Galwan river, close to where 20 Indian soldiers were killed on June 15 last year. It is not known whether any casualties occurred this time.
Like in the June 2020 clash, there was a confrontation when People's Liberation Army soldiers set up a tent at the bend in the Galwan river, near PP14. India demanded it be removed, as it was in the buffer area that both sides had agreed to.
During winter 2020-2021, the PLA had thinned out or withdrawn from many of the positions it had occupied on the Indian side of the LAC in the summer of 2020. But the freeze of winter gave way to renewed confrontation in the first week of April 2021, when Chinese drones began entering Indian airspace in large numbers, say ministry of defence sources.
In May-June, Indian patrols in Demchok and Chumar, in southern Ladakh, reported an increased presence of PLA men in civilian clothes.
In mid-May, without Indian provocation, the PLA began re-occupying many of the positions that had been vacated, boosting tensions and triggering counter deployments by the Indian Army.
With the two armies again in a face-off at multiple points, there is apprehension of renewed clashes.
Military sources say the PLA has deployed at least one, and probably two, regiments of S-400 air defence missiles, which would drastically erode India's superiority in air power. These potent Russian missile systems have the capability to shoot down aircraft up to 400 km away, which means they can shoot down Indian aircraft anywhere in Ladakh.
There is increased PLA troop activity and deployment of modern equipment and artillery on the north bank of Pangong Lake, especially at Sirijap. Indian assessments suggest there are three PLA battalions stationed here. About three dozen new artillery pieces have also been spotted here.
The PLA has apparently flouted the February 2021 demilitarisation agreement, which had envisioned a mutual withdrawal of troops in the Pangong sector. However, in traditional PLA modus operandi, it has sent back troops to re-occupy key positions.
Indian ground reports say that in the year since June 2020, China has strengthened several of its positions, especially Rutog, which is just south of the eastern tip of Pangong Lake.
Sugarland soldiers are ready to fight just in Summer.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by g.sarkar » ... 210721.htm
China heightens activity along LAC in Uttarakhand
Ajit K Dubey, July 21, 2021

Engaged in a military standoff with India in Ladakh since last year, the Chinese Army has increased its activities along Barahoti area in Uttarakhand along the Line of Actual Control as a platoon of the People's Liberation Army was seen operating recently.
"Recently a platoon (around 35 troops) of the PLA were seen operating around Barahoti area in Uttarakhand and surveyed the area around there. The Chinese have been seen doing some activity around this area after a significant gap," sources said.
The Chinese troops were constantly monitored in the area during their stay there," they said.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by anupmisra »

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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by Kati »

Chinese prosecutor, ex-NYPD cop charged with stalking, harassing U.S. residents on behalf of China ... lainternal
A prosecutor from China, a former New York City Police Department detective sergeant and seven other people were indicted on charges related to a brazen campaign to stalk and harass U.S. residents in an effort to get one of them to return to China.
The new indictment alleges that the nine defendants acted at the direction of officials from the People’s Republic of China in the effort known as “Operation Fox Hunt,” to repatriate the target from the United States.
The plan included threatening one of the two New Jersey residents who were targets of the campaign with harm to one of the target’s family if he did not return to China, where he purportedly was wanted by the government for accepting bribes.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by Atulya P »

ramana wrote: The triune brain model: reptilian, limbic, and neo-cortex

Cavemen are still in survival mode and operate at the reptilian brain or the bottom layer of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Civilization needs to operate at Neo-cortex level.
Unfortunately, it seems that we are in a place where we have climbed down a level (over the past millennium). Now, we are holding onto the limbic notions so strongly that we are not in the mental space to take effective steps towards moving back up to new-cortex. What is required is to leverage emotional/limbic system effectively from a position of strength. Emotional aspects of a civilization are worth a lot less when you are not in a position of strength.

Chinese, in my view, have capitalized on reptilian ways to plug limbic gaps and have decided to move to a position of strength. For them, the reality however is that limbic gaps can prove to be their downfall like the caving roads of delhi during monsoons.

I apologize if the thought is not well articulated.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by Paul »

XJP visiting Lhasa per twitter. What does that tell us?
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by Pratyush »

That he is getting his army ready for a brief offensive just before weather closes in. So that they can claim victory against India over the winter months. When no offensive action can be conducted by India.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by g.sarkar » ... 2iptxhRAm8
China in focus, Army’s Strike Corps units reach Ladakh as part of ‘rebalance’ strategy
Strike Corps units, which have been dual tasked with focusing on Pakistan and China, reach Ladakh amid massive deployment by China.
Snehesh Alex Philip, 23 July, 2021

New Delhi: Specialised elements of a Strike Corps have reached Ladakh and the soldiers are undergoing reorientation training and familiarisation as part of the Army’s efforts to ‘rebalance’ its deployment on the northern, western and northeastern borders.
According to sources in the defence and security establishment, various new elements from the Strike Corps have reached Ladakh, including certain artillery units with specialised firepower, armoured and mechanised columns as well as the infantry.
“This is part of the re-orientation training. This is not a permanent deployment as they will come back to their stations after some time. They will be replaced by the rest of the elements from the particular Corps. The Strike Corps will come into play when there is a need,” a source told The Print.
This development comes at a time when China continues to amass thousands of soldiers close to the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and carries on with heavy military construction activities on its territory, which is a clear indication that it is preparing itself for the long haul.
Sources noted that the next round of military talks between the two countries will be held after Kargil Vijay Diwas on 26 July. They said that China had proposed 26 July for the talks but India has sought a new date.
New strategy for Ladakh
In April, The Print had reported that the Army put in place a new summer strategy for Ladakh and also implemented key changes in the Order of Battle (ORBAT). To counter the continued deployment by China, India has retained more troops and equipment in Ladakh, besides the 3 Division, which is in charge of the LAC, and the 14 Corps Reserve. This is in addition to the Strike Corps that will now operate in Ladakh. In January last year, Army chief General M.M. Naravane had announced that the Army will be looking into rebalancing deployment and strategy along the borders. As part of the efforts, a major decision taken was the dual-tasking of a Strike Corps. This means that the Strike Corps, which used to focus only on Pakistan earlier, will now have to look after China as well. China will also be its primary focus henceforth.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by g.sarkar » ... 19271.html
China imposes unofficial 'ban' on India sailors, claims seafarers’ union
Abhijeet Sangle, working president of the Union, claimed it to be China’s tactic to isolate Indian seafarers in order to provide better prospects to its sailors.
Moneycontrol News, July 25, 2021

China has imposed an unofficial ban on Indian sailors and not allowing ships with Indian crew to enter its port, claimed a seafarer workers’ union. This has led the Indian sailors to lose their jobs as companies are not recruiting them on China-bound commercial vessels, it said.
In a letter written to Union Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways Sarbananda Sonowal, the All India Seafarer and General Workers Union said that China is not allowing any ships with Indian crew to enter its water and as a result, “approximately 20,000 seafarers” are facing job losses.
The union further requested the higher authorities to look into the issues and requested them to save the jobs of Indian sailors. “All India Seafarer Union requesting to all the higher authorities to look into this serious issue and help us to save the job of our seafarer brothers,” the letter read.
n talks with the Times of India, the union talked about the letter it has written on the unofficial “ban” on Indian seafarers from entering Chinese waters. Abhijeet Sangle, working president of the Union, claimed it to be China’s tactic to isolate Indian seafarers in order to provide better prospects to its sailors.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by Kati »

GA Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene vows to kick out every Chinese 'loyal to CCP' if she was in charge ... 45090.html
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by Raja »

Chinese stocks are in a freefall. Xi's govt. with its newly acquired penchant for overzealous regulations might do more to defanging China than anyone else. Lets hope they keep this up.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by Vadivel »

No they are strengthening thier hard assets and de risking it from western financial play, they are on the right track for their goals.. ... elopments/

What is Vie? ... the-risks/
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by vera_k »

That only hurts the western capitalist pigs, eh? My theory is that the CCP is warning the USG of what will happen if Chinese ADRs are forced to delist for not complying with disclosure regulations.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by Vadivel »

Why is China smashing its tech industry? ... h-industry
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by Cyrano »

Hard to fins fault with their logic assuming thats Indeed the thinking. Its also quite possible that its not just the low ""national value" of these tech firms but the reach they have and the increasing difficulty in policing information networks they create that is being viewed by CCP as a real threat. And we all know how efficiently and ruthlessly CCP controls information flow.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by nandakumar »

"Almost every listed Chinese company we can buy outside of China is listed through a VIE structure. Through this structure investors (usually unwittingly) don’t actually own any part of the actual underlying Chinese company. While that might sound ridiculous, sadly its true. Investors who buy shares in Chinese stocks such as, Alibaba, Tencent, etc., do not technically have any ownership of the underlying business whatsoever."
I found the paragraph above in the link provided by you, quite interesting. Are you saying that American investors have invested in Cayman Island companies that are nothing more than a Depository institutions to pass on dividends, such as there are, to the investors?
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by vera_k »

^ Correct. Take a look at Alibaba's S-1.
Alibaba IPO filing
You may face difficulties in protecting your interests, and your ability to protect your rights through the U.S. federal courts may be limited because we are incorporated under Cayman Islands law, we conduct substantially all of our operations in China and most of our directors and all of our executive officers reside outside the United States.

We are incorporated in the Cayman Islands and conduct substantially all of our operations in China through our wholly-foreign owned enterprises and the variable interest entities. Most of our directors and all of our executive officers reside outside the United States and a substantial portion of their assets are located outside of the United States. As a result, it may be difficult or impossible for you to bring an action against us or against these individuals in the Cayman Islands or in China in the event that you believe that your rights have been infringed under the securities laws of the United States or otherwise. Even if you are successful in bringing an action of this kind, the laws of the Cayman Islands and China may render you unable to enforce a judgment against our assets or the assets of our directors and officers. There is no statutory recognition in the Cayman Islands of judgments obtained in the United States, although the courts of the Cayman Islands will generally recognize and enforce a non-penal judgment of a foreign court of competent jurisdiction without retrial on the merits. For more information regarding the relevant laws of the Cayman Islands and China, see “Enforcement of Civil Liabilities.”
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by nandakumar »

vera_k wrote:^ Correct. Take a look at Alibaba's S-1.
Alibaba IPO filing
You may face difficulties in protecting your interests, and your ability to protect your rights through the U.S. federal courts may be limited because we are incorporated under Cayman Islands law, we conduct substantially all of our operations in China and most of our directors and all of our executive officers reside outside the United States.

We are incorporated in the Cayman Islands and conduct substantially all of our operations in China through our wholly-foreign owned enterprises and the variable interest entities. Most of our directors and all of our executive officers reside outside the United States and a substantial portion of their assets are located outside of the United States. As a result, it may be difficult or impossible for you to bring an action against us or against these individuals in the Cayman Islands or in China in the event that you believe that your rights have been infringed under the securities laws of the United States or otherwise. Even if you are successful in bringing an action of this kind, the laws of the Cayman Islands and China may render you unable to enforce a judgment against our assets or the assets of our directors and officers. There is no statutory recognition in the Cayman Islands of judgments obtained in the United States, although the courts of the Cayman Islands will generally recognize and enforce a non-penal judgment of a foreign court of competent jurisdiction without retrial on the merits. For more information regarding the relevant laws of the Cayman Islands and China, see “Enforcement of Civil Liabilities.”
Thanks. Even the recognition by Cayman Island judicial authorities of non- penal liabilities may mean nothing as the IPO proceeds would have been remitted to the Chinese parent company leaving only a shell entity in the Cayman Islands.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by Vadivel »

nandakumar wrote:Vadivel
"Almost every listed Chinese company we can buy outside of China is listed through a VIE structure. Through this structure investors (usually unwittingly) don’t actually own any part of the actual underlying Chinese company. While that might sound ridiculous, sadly its true. Investors who buy shares in Chinese stocks such as, Alibaba, Tencent, etc., do not technically have any ownership of the underlying business whatsoever."
I found the paragraph above in the link provided by you, quite interesting. Are you saying that American investors have invested in Cayman Island companies that are nothing more than a Depository institutions to pass on dividends, such as there are, to the investors?
Yes the cayman registered companies are the ones on the US exchanges, but there are direct stocks from chinese companies in other exchanges like HK and Singapore, these are purchased by JP Morgan-Edlweiss ETFs etc which are safer. VIE's are mostly traded in US capital markets (from what i know). ... shore-fund
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by Manish_Sharma »

30, July 2021

Tibet's air is fine. Yet "multi-type single-soldier portable oxygen generators" are being distributed on the plateau. Tibetans go around without oxygen generators & so did I in Tibet. Are PLA troops spoilt ? No: the oxygen is for un-climatized, suddenly airlifted forces. Why ? ... 97383?s=19
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by sudarshan »

sudarshan wrote: .
You seem to have immediately caught on to something I said about "American support" and you seem to want me to develop that theme to support *your* theory! That was a sarcastic remark, not a suggestion of mine. That is the way China sees India - as something so inferior, and so conscious of its inferiority, that the only way India would even dream of standing up to China, is if India had an iron-clad guarantee of American support. Which is why I brought in that example of the Georgian nut-job Saakashvili, who tried to take over Russian territory under American tutelage.

Sorry, but that is not the case here. India is confident of standing up to China with no guarantees of any external support. It might seem strange and "arrogant and uppity" to the Chinese, but we see your perception of yourselves, as being next only to the USA and utterly unchallenged by anybody else, as equally uppity.
The above was in reply to DavidD, from page 127 of this thread.


I was just reading this piece:

That was odd, because the real world was, in fact, buzzing with diplomatic activity, as a number of state and non-state actors sought to bookend Blinken’s visit to New Delhi, by posing in richly-symbolic postures on the world stage.

Chinese Premier Xi Jinping, for example, made a dramatic visit to Nyingchi airfield just days before Blinken’s plane touched down at Palam. The airfield lies in southern Tibet on the Brahmaputra, hardly a dozen miles from the Arunachal border. Coming as it did when Indian and Chinese troops are still tightly engaged on the border, this gesture had all the subtlety of a rhino in a coffee shop, or a carnation in a sea of lilies.
At the same time, the Chinese hosted a Talibani delegation in Tianjin, China. Using the same sort of subtlety their leader displayed by landing in Nyingchi, the Chinese said that they could work with the Taliban, as long as these Pakistan- and Qatar-based Afghan leaders broke with the East Turkestan Islamic Movement by Uighur Muslims (ETIM).
See? China fell for it. They too thought Blinken would come and lambaste India, and India would meekly fold and say "yes massa." It seems the CPC truly thinks India is a toy of the USA, and will do nothing without American permission. If India stands up to China in the Himalayas, it is because India has got a guarantee of American support. What else could it be, how could such an inferior country otherwise dream of getting uppity with the Middle Kingdom?

Sorry Chinilurks, India does her own thing. Get used to the idea.
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by LakshmanPST »

If CCP could cover up deaths of civilians that happened in the middle of a big city and with so much video evidence, why would they acknowledge deaths of soldiers that happened in a remote barren land thousand km away from their mainland...?
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Re: Neutering & Defanging Chinese Threat (15-11-2017)

Post by srin »

Meth, Vanilla and ‘Gulags’: How China Has Overtaken the South Pacific One Island at a Time
What’s happening in Tonga is a microcosm of China’s expanding global influence and why the United States is losing ground fast.