2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vera_k »

Vayutuvan wrote:Twitter is still in the red, AFAIK. Has that changed?
Twitter started making a profit a few years after Jack took over again. However, still underperforming compared to others like Snapchat or Pinterest.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Atmavik »

Again? Ajeet Bharti Roasts Supreme Court, Judiciary & Judges - 300k views in one day. public opinion is turning against Me Lords

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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Pratyush »

Was listening to this on the drive to office. Was a surreal experience,

I was disgusted with some of the points raised and some would have been funny, if it was not totally real.

All in all it was totally farcical.

This guy is emerging as one of my favourite commentators.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Cyrano »

XXX merry run continues...

https://www.barandbench.com/news/kerala ... inors-rape
Justice R Narayana Pisharadi altered the conviction and sentencing of the accused under Section 376 (2)(f) of Indian Penal Code to offences under Section 376(1) reasoning that merely because he was the vicar at the parish attended by the minor survivor, he cannot be considered as a person in a position of trust or authority.
:-? :evil: :evil:
In supersession of the sentence awarded by the trial court for different offences, the appellant/accused is sentenced to undergo rigorous imprisonment for a period of ten years and to pay a fine of ₹ 1 lakh and in default of payment of fine, to undergo rigorous imprisonment for a period of one year for the offence under Section 5(j)(ii) read with Section 6 of the POCSO Act.
Will the SC take suo moto cognizance of the same and intervene?

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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by banrjeer »

chanakyaa wrote:Jack Dorsey runs a real company (no not Twitter), a payment company, called Square. He was the CEO of both companies for a long time. Square is a real corporation, while Twitter allows anonymous people to unload their personal agenda views on others. Who knows who is really behind setting the algos behind Tweeter, dept. of truth might as well be running it on a day to day basis.
Twitter algos are trained by user input. So if a woke with 100,000 follower cancels someone then the bots learn that for perpetuity.
And wokism is the most favored ism in academia.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

Big slap to @ArvindKejriwal by apex court.

Supreme Court lashes out at Arvind Kejriwal govt. Says no implementation except assurances & popularity slogans. “If you want orders, we will give order. We will appoint someone to administer your govt, says CJI NV Ramana

https://www.firstpost.com/india/giving- ... 80201.html
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Pratyush »

chetak wrote:
Big slap to @ArvindKejriwal by apex court.

Supreme Court lashes out at Arvind Kejriwal govt. Says no implementation except assurances & popularity slogans. “If you want orders, we will give order. We will appoint someone to administer your govt, says CJI NV Ramana

https://www.firstpost.com/india/giving- ... 80201.html
No it's not a slap to Kejriwal government. It's a step into the domain of national government.

Air quality of a city such as Delhi is effected by multiple factors. Not all of them are in control of the city government.

Improvement in the Air quality in general of India will require a multi disciplinary and national efforts.

Not just some theatrical comments about a single city.

But who will bell the cat.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by srikandan »

These xxx claimed crackers are the cause for pollution and they didn't need a scientific study showing them otherwise, and continue to pretend that stubble burning in PJ stays in PJ..when they know what the reality is. Who died and made xxx as overlords of the Indian public with the power to override the public mandate for political reasons?

https://www.opindia.com/2021/07/supreme ... pollution/

The legislature and the executive needs to deal with this "judiciary" cabal that seems to be usurping the public mandate and knee deep in criminiality, even to the extent reinterpreting laws for the convenience of criminals allegedly, going by Ajeet Bharti's youtube video.

There is a case pending with the SC about Ajeet Bharti causing the SC disrespect -- possibly for that video link posted above...funny that the Hizzoners who whined about being disrespected on constitution day can't find the time to take "suo motu" congnizance of Ajeet Bharti's not giving respeck to hizzoners, but they have to time to take "suo-motu" cognizance of Colin Gonsalves and Prashant Bhushan's frivolous lawsuits.

You would think they would make an example of Ajeet Bharti's "disrespect" unless he has proof to show in court if they do haul him up in the Supreme court.

https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/ag-cons ... es-2540906
I find that the contents of the video which has been watched by about 1.7 lakh viewers are vituperative, gross and highly derogatory to the Supreme Court of India and the judiciary as a whole being clearly intended to denigrate the courts.

"The allegations made by Mr Ajeet Bharti against the Supreme Court are, among other things, of bribery, favouritism and abuse of power," the top law officer said in his letter of consent.
MOD note: Be circumspect with your language about the judiciary.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Cyrano »

Public opinion is turning decidedly against xxxx, now Indian Express joins in:
CJI’s remarks on a different accountability yardstick for judges is worrying
Kartikeya Tanna writes: In a recent speech he stated that the framers of the Constitution made accountability integral to legislature and executive, while putting the judiciary on a different pedestal

Addressing an audience on the occasion of Constitution Day on November 26, Chief Justice of India N V Ramana read out his views from what seemed to be a prepared text. The Constitution’s framers, he said, made accountability integral for the legislature and executive. However, he went on to claim, they deliberately decided to keep the judiciary on a “different pedestal”.

Why? It is because, he surmised, the framers trusted the competence of men and women who would “adorn” the bench in upholding the Constitution. The choice of words in the prepared text, problematic as they are, could have been overlooked had the overall tenor of his speech conveyed a different message. It didn’t. And that is clear from a point he went on to make at the event.

Expressing concern over the increasing attacks on the judiciary in the media, in particular social media, he asked that central agencies effectively deal with what appear to be sponsored, synchronised and malicious attacks. What the CJI was effectively saying is that governments which, as he said, are accountable, should create a safe environment so that judges who are on a different pedestal in regard to accountability, can adorn the bench fearlessly.

At the outset, it is useful to mention that judges are accountable under our Constitution because they can be removed in certain situations. Article 124(4) mentions the procedure to be followed in case of removal of a Supreme Court judge on the grounds of proved misbehaviour or incapacity. Article 217 follows the same for high court judges.
Indeed, while the members of the legislature and the executive, which is carved from the legislature, have to be elected by the voters every five years and, therefore, do face the risk of rejection, judges don’t go through the same voting process. Also, the courts not only have the powers to adjudicate legal disputes brought before it but even strike down laws passed by the legislature which go against the Constitution. Over the years, however, the Supreme Court has given itself powers in two critical areas which do not find any reference in the Constitution.

Oddly, both these powers seem to serve one purpose — perpetuation of the “pedestal” adorned by Their Lordships.
First, in regard to the appointment of judges, the SC itself has diluted the plain meaning of the Constitution. A judge of the SC, as per Article 124(2), is appointed by the President after consultation with such of the SC and HC judges as the President may deem necessary. Instead, in practice, the judges are appointed through a collegium, a five-member body consisting of the CJI and four senior-most judges. “Consultation” in the Constitution really means “concurrence”. Therefore, the pinions given by the SC and HC judges as the President may deem necessary aren’t individual opinions, but institutional mandates. Who decided that? The SC itself in the famous Second Judges Case and Third Judges Case. The kings became the kingmakers.

Second, the Supreme Court has given itself the power to strike down not only laws but even amendments to the Constitution passed by an overwhelming majority of not only Parliament but a majority of state assemblies throughout India — a procedure mentioned explicitly in the Constitution. It was held that certain changes cannot be made to the Constitution due to the fact that it has a “basic structure” that cannot be altered. Who introduced this “basic structure” doctrine? Yet again, the Supreme Court.

When Parliament well as 20 states approved the NJAC — a constitutional amendment to replace the collegium system — the SC declared it unconstitutional. The primacy of judges in selecting other judges, the top court ruled, was a part of the Constitution’s “basic structure”. And because these two extra-constitutional powers haven’t faced a serious pushback so far — primarily because of restraint on the part of the legislature and executive to avoid a breakdown of the three pillars on which the edifice of the state stands — judges seem to have internalised the “My Lords” epithet, a tradition carried over from the unabashedly classist British era.

It is that internalisation which, it seems, found its way into CJI’s speech last week. The tenor all but revealed that, out of the three pillars, one pillar looks at itself as the most important. The Supreme Court is supreme, indeed. But with that great supremacy comes great responsibility — to be cognisant of the boundaries within which the supremacy lies. The CJI’s address does nothing to assure India of that.
This column first appeared in the print edition on December 2, 2021 under the title ‘No, your lordship’. Tanna is a lawyer

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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by SriKumar »

chetak wrote:
Big slap to @ArvindKejriwal by apex court.

Supreme Court lashes out at Arvind Kejriwal govt. Says no implementation except assurances & popularity slogans. “If you want orders, we will give order. We will appoint someone to administer your govt, says CJI NV Ramana
very weird. Is there any legal basis for a judge-appointed body to administer an elected government. Judges are usually very careful with their words, so I suppose there is a mechanism in constitution to do this. I know a President can over-turn elected governments based on inputs from various sources, but the above seems odd, and at variance with separation of powers.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Cyrano »

Actually, Kejriwal should xxx and say please appoint someone to fix the pollution problem in 30 days and YOU personally take responsibility for it. And tell us upfront what consequence you will face if you fail. :rotfl:

At this rate, the courts will soon start ordering govts to ensure monsoons come on time and mangoes come in winter too.

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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Cyrano »

R Jagannathan's article has seemingly reasonable diagnosis but dubious remedies. There is more to the current dysfunction than he dares to admit, and addressing them will need very different measures. Ajeet Bharati's roast was far more perceptive and incisive. More power to him.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by SriKumar »

Cyrano wrote:Actually, Kejriwal should call xxx and say please appoint someone to fix the pollution problem in 30 days and YOU personally take responsibility for it. And tell us upfront what consequence you will face if you fail. :rotfl:
I think this is good idea. It will show how little a judiciary (ANY judiciary) is able to deal with executive tasks.

My guess is it will turn out like the BCCI oversight that Supreme Court did, by appointing Ramachandra Guha who hung around (and did what I dont know) for a year+ as in-charge/overseer/whatnot of BCCI and then left. I have no idea why SC thought it necessary to get involved with governing BCCI with a gazillion cases of murder/corruption/theft pending for years/decades.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vimal »

I respectfully raise a request from xxx admins to please open a new thread called "Blow to Modi thread".
I want to post links and news that will open the eyes all the Bhakts on this site to prove how Modi is giving a blow to the idea of India.

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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vijayk »

https://www.indiatvnews.com/elections/n ... 022-747628
Akali Dal leader Manjinder Singh Sirsa joins BJP ahead of Punjab assembly polls
Manjinder Singh Sirsa resigned from the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee earlier on Wednesday.


WHat is going on here?
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vijayk »

Atmavik wrote:Again? Ajeet Bharti Roasts Supreme Court, Judiciary & Judges - 300k views in one day. public opinion is turning against Me Lords


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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Atmavik »

vimal wrote:I respectfully raise a request from hizzoners admins to please open a new thread called "Blow to Modi thread".
I want to post links and news that will open the eyes all the Bhakts on this site to prove how Modi is giving a blow to the idea of India.
Wow ! Adminullahs have become hizzoners admins? How the mighty have fallen.

The thread showed be named ‘Smash Nehruvian Idea’
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Vayutuvan »

vera_k wrote:
Vayutuvan wrote:Twitter is still in the red, AFAIK. Has that changed?
Twitter started making a profit a few years after Jack took over again. However, still underperforming compared to others like Snapchat or Pinterest.
Not just underperforming. It is deep in the red. From Wikipedia

Revenue  US$ 3.72 billion (2020)
Operating income  US$ 27 million (2020)
Net income  US$ -1.14 billion (2020)
Total assets  US$ 13.37 billion (2020)
Total equity  US$ 7.97 billion (2020)
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vera_k »

^ Wiki is not a trustworthy resource. Mostly garbage that anyone can put in.

2020 10-K
FY 2020 Highlights
Total revenue was $3.72 billion, an increase of 7%, compared to 2019.
•Advertising revenue totaled $3.21 billion, an increase of 7%, compared to 2019.
•Data licensing and other revenue totaled $509.0 million, an increase of 9%, compared to 2019.
•U.S. revenue totaled $2.08 billion, an increase of 7%, compared to 2019.
•International revenue totaled $1.64 billion, an increase of 8%, compared to 2019.
•Total ad engagements increased 23% compared to 2019.
•Cost per engagement decreased 13% compared to 2019.
Net loss was $1.14 billion in 2020, which was inclusive of a $1.10 billion provision for income taxes related to the establishment of a valuation allowance against deferred tax assets. Net income was $1.47 billion in 2019, which was inclusive of a $1.21 billion benefit from income taxes related to the establishment of deferred tax assets from the intra-entity transfer of intangible assets.
Cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments in marketable securities totaled $7.47 billion as of December 31, 2020.
Average monetizable daily active usage (mDAU) was 192 million for the three months ended December 31, 2020, an increase of 27% year over year.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Atmavik »

Cyrano wrote:Actually, Kejriwal should call CJI Ramana's bluff and say please appoint someone to fix the pollution problem in 30 days and YOU personally take responsibility for it. And tell us upfront what consequence you will face if you fail. :rotfl:

At this rate, the courts will soon start ordering govts to ensure monsoons come on time and mangoes come in winter too.

Don’t under estimate xxx.. they appointed the heads of BCCI who stayed on for years.

They may appoint Ram ghua as def min for all we know

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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

cancel culture and the agenda of the DGH goonda gardhi gang

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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Manish_Sharma »


In india, Hindus are 4x Muslims- but struggle to stop public namaz

What do you think will happen (in 2035) when Muslims are 50% of Hindu pop.!

Namaz in your temple along with Aarti! Communal harmony!

Learn from fate of Hindus in Pakistan, else you will hv the same fate
https://twitter.com/ZainabAKhan2/status ... 1r9hw&s=19
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Manish_P »

Farms laws/Reforms anyone..

Solapur farmer earns just Rs 13 after selling over 1 tonne onions
A farmer from Solapur in Maharashtra managed to earn a meagre Rs 13 after selling 1,123 kilograms of onions, despite winter tending to spike prices of the kitchen staple, leading to a state farm leader declaring such a situation was unacceptable, while a commission agent claimed the low price was due to the consignment's poor quality.

The sale receipt provided by a Solapur based commission agent showed farmer Bappu Kavade sent 1,123 kgs of onion to the market and earned Rs 1,665.50, with his expenses, including labour cost, weighing charges and transportation from the farm to the commission agent's shop but excluding cost of production, being Rs 1,651.98. This meant he earned just Rs 13 from the sale.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Santosh »

https://www.yahoo.com/news/harvard-adds ... 58505.html

After successfully dividing Hindus in India the movement has now reached US. They will do anything to divide Hindus in US.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by hanumadu »

Manish_P wrote:Farms laws/Reforms anyone..

Solapur farmer earns just Rs 13 after selling over 1 tonne onions
A farmer from Solapur in Maharashtra managed to earn a meagre Rs 13 after selling 1,123 kilograms of onions, despite winter tending to spike prices of the kitchen staple, leading to a state farm leader declaring such a situation was unacceptable, while a commission agent claimed the low price was due to the consignment's poor quality.

The sale receipt provided by a Solapur based commission agent showed farmer Bappu Kavade sent 1,123 kgs of onion to the market and earned Rs 1,665.50, with his expenses, including labour cost, weighing charges and transportation from the farm to the commission agent's shop but excluding cost of production, being Rs 1,651.98. This meant he earned just Rs 13 from the sale.
I have read this news at least once before. Looks like one of those news that gets recycled every few months. How come onion farmers are not up in arms all over India?
Commissioner agent Rudresh Patil, who procured the onions from Kavade, said. "I did buy onions at such a low rate, but it is mainly because of the poor quality of the produce. The onion was wet and damaged due to unseasonal rains in last few days, which is why it attracted such a low rate." Patil said good quality onions are fetching robust prices in the market due, and termed Kavade's case as "unfortunate and exceptional". Kavade could not be contacted for comments.
Last edited by hanumadu on 03 Dec 2021 23:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vimal »

Santosh wrote:https://www.yahoo.com/news/harvard-adds ... 58505.html

After successfully dividing Hindus in India the movement has now reached US. They will do anything to divide Hindus in US.
Let them try to get 50% cradle to grave reservations in US then we'll see. BTW is there some movement like this for persecuted Izlamic minorities like the Ahmediyaas?
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Haresh »

Secrets of the CIA's Final Days in Vietnam (1985)

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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Atmavik »

vimal wrote:
Santosh wrote:https://www.yahoo.com/news/harvard-adds ... 58505.html

After successfully dividing Hindus in India the movement has now reached US. They will do anything to divide Hindus in US.
Let them try to get 50% cradle to grave reservations in US then we'll see. BTW is there some movement like this for persecuted Izlamic minorities like the Ahmediyaas?

There are not enough votes to get India like reservation in fact it might be counter productive as it will eat away from the reservation demand for the leftist vote banks.

This is part of a larger effort in US where population is divided into historical oppressed and oppressors. This campaign is to put Hindu/Indians in the oppressor category ( even though we were an occupied people for 1000 yrs). Then policy will be made to favor the oppressed. I will list down its impact

1. Schools and colleges will not allow space to Hindus to speak( most of us don’t speak much anyway)
2. Reduce scholarship funding given to Indian students and maybe ask for quotas in student visa
3. the real impact maybe felt if this thinking seeps into HR dept of corporates. This will target Indians in leadership positions and is aimed to curb there rise.

This campaign is aimed at curbing any political ambitions Indians might have in US. The left is also upset at how a non white minority can be successful. This runs counter to there systemic oppression theory

As for ahmadiyas questions there is no such campaign as there are no usefull idiots among the momin and if any one gets such idea becomes wajib ul cutlet.

The momin have successfully campaigned to be seen as the oppressed when in fact they have been the most brutal oppressors.

The Far East Asians also have a target on there back but will escape as they don’t have any usefull idiots among them. We are a cursed people
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by KLNMurthy »

Cyrano wrote:Actually, Kejriwal should call xxxx and say please appoint someone to fix the pollution problem in 30 days and YOU personally take responsibility for it. And tell us upfront what consequence you will face if you fail. :rotfl:

At this rate, the courts will soon start ordering govts to ensure monsoons come on time and mangoes come in winter too.
I detest Kejriwal but (deleted) have gone full (deleted) , with my fellow Telugu man (deleted) .

MOD note: Irrespective of what your feelings on the matter are, kindly be circumspect when referring to the Juidiciary. This is a serious matter for the forum.
Karan M
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Karan M »

Folks - we are all adults here, you know the current situation.

You can make your critiques cleanly without sarcastically referring to certain individuals by name or using sarcastic euphemisms which anyone can discern and which will only cause further trouble. Like it or not, these sort of things will cause issues for the forum. We depend on your discretion and sense to lead the discussion.

I have edited a pages worth of posts. Those who have posted on similar lines in previous pages. Please go back and self-edit.

Please exercise more restraint.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by titash »

Atmavik wrote: This is part of a larger effort in US where population is divided into historical oppressed and oppressors. This campaign is to put Hindu/Indians in the oppressor category ( even though we were an occupied people for 1000 yrs). Then policy will be made to favor the oppressed. I will list down its impact

1. Schools and colleges will not allow space to Hindus to speak( most of us don’t speak much anyway)
2. Reduce scholarship funding given to Indian students and maybe ask for quotas in student visa
3. the real impact maybe felt if this thinking seeps into HR dept of corporates. This will target Indians in leadership positions and is aimed to curb there rise.

This campaign is aimed at curbing any political ambitions Indians might have in US. The left is also upset at how a non white minority can be successful. This runs counter to there systemic oppression theory

As for ahmadiyas questions there is no such campaign as there are no usefull idiots among the momin and if any one gets such idea becomes wajib ul cutlet.

The momin have successfully campaigned to be seen as the oppressed when in fact they have been the most brutal oppressors.

The Far East Asians also have a target on there back but will escape as they don’t have any usefull idiots among them. We are a cursed people
Sirjee - one cannot depend on another person's largesse to define whether or not one has a blessed life or a cursed life

Cutting Indians/Hindus down to size via caste based divide & rule may be their intention, but the reality is that the future of India depends much less on emigrated Indians than the folks that remain back in India and the folks that return back from US/Europe to India with technical know-how. The Tata conglomerate, the Reliance empire, Infosys, Wipro, ADA, DRDO, ISRO, DAE, IIT, IISC, etc. weren't built by NRIs or US Citizens of Indian descent, but by Indians living and working in India (but selling their products to markets worldwide)

Where one door closes, another door opens. Reservation / Affirmative Action to some degree is indeed justified, but if taken to the extreme will lead to loss of talent pool that will be snapped up by someone else. Nothing is really stopping talented Indians/Hindus to replicate Silicon Valley in Nanded for example, or contributing to next Facebook out of UAE/Saudi. Eventually one has to stop whining and roll up one's sleeves and start working irrespective of the circumstances
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vijayk »

what if 100% of candidates claim they are lower caste yindoos?

I know a lot of uppity caste morons who abuse India/Hindus daily to be labelled progressives. May be they should be denied admission by default :lol:
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by KLNMurthy »

Karan M wrote:Folks - we are all adults here, you know the current situation.

You can make your critiques cleanly without sarcastically referring to certain individuals by name or using sarcastic euphemisms which anyone can discern and which will only cause further trouble. Like it or not, these sort of things will cause issues for the forum. We depend on your discretion and sense to lead the discussion.

I have edited a pages worth of posts. Those who have posted on similar lines in previous pages. Please go back and self-edit.

Please exercise more restraint.
Noted & understood.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Vayutuvan »

vera_k wrote:^ Wiki is not a trustworthy resource. Mostly garbage that anyone can put in.

2020 10-K
Net loss was $1.14 billion in 2020, which was inclusive of a $1.10 billion provision for income taxes related to the establishment of a valuation allowance against deferred tax assets. Net income was $1.47 billion in 2019, which was inclusive of a $1.21 billion benefit from income taxes related to the establishment of deferred tax assets from the intra-entity transfer of intangible assets.
Net loss $1.14 billion == Net income -$1.14 billion (what Wikpedia says).
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vera_k »

The loss is generated using a legally allowed accounting tactic.
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Cyrano »

Karan M wrote:Please exercise more restraint.
Understood. BRFites should claim minority status to retain some freedom of expression :P
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Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

This will cause a lot of takleef to many govts in nexus

Ministry of Home Affairs has issued a directive to all states asking them to hand over all the prominent drugs-related cases to Narcotic Control Bureau (NCB) by the 5th of December. The central government has issued 5 clear directions to the states. First, expand NCB coverage in states and transfer cases with inter-state and international ramifications to NCB

https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/ne ... s?from=mdr
BRF Oldie
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Joined: 16 May 2008 12:00

Re: 2021 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

apparently, the operating cost of the wire is over 40 lakhs per month and...

the salary for the propagandist is above 2 lakhs ...

but commie gyan is asli gyan, especially when opportunistically quoting ghandhy and lohia
