Global Media Watch

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Global Media Watch

Post by sanjaykumar »

With India's continuing ascent in the economic order, it may be possible now to address some of the entrenched narratives of media biases regarding reportage on India.

Many in India ascribe these reports to some sort of parallax error, or differing perspectives, or access to incomplete information. A charitable explanation is lazy journalism.

Lapses that are systemic and systematic are hardly credible in their innocence. It is becoming clearer that much of this is agenda driven, transparently motivated and disingenuous.
Last edited by sanjaykumar on 18 Sep 2022 03:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanjaykumar »

The Guardian, one of the few rags that I may read, continues its disappointing reportage, glaringly so in the case of Ukraine, with the following comment on India's reintroduction of the cheetah. ... om-namibia

An Indian prince, the Maharaja Ramanuj Pratap Singh Deo, is widely believed to have killed the last three recorded cheetahs in India in the late 1940s.

Curiously they do not deem it fit to record that the British drove the cheetah to near extinction by rewarding its mass culling with a few rupees each as a means of maximising profit from taxation on their farms. The cheetah was classified as vermin. ... 295377.ece

It might be instructive to compare the two publications, one from the British press and the other Indian, in the quality of the reporting including historicity and complexity as well as more mundane features such as syntax.
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by Kaivalya » ... a-8160114/

The report, titled “An Analysis of Global Media Coverage of Events in India” by Amol Parth, undertook an in-depth review of more than 3,000 India-related articles carried by The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Time and The Guardian. Further sampling a subset of 500 articles, the analysis found a consistent pattern of emphasising political controversies in India with sensational headlines and keywords such as hate, fear, violence, riot, mob, Hindu and Kashmir
An interesting insight from the report was how the negative feedback loop from India-centric controversies had created a perverse incentive for Indian-origin journalists and writers to contribute superficially written articles on controversial subjects to global media outlets which tend to pay substantially more than their Indian media counterparts.
The report also examined the digital readership growth of these media outlets in India between 2019-2021 based on publicly available datasets to find a strong correlation between viewership spikes in India and controversial topics.
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by ricky_v »

could not find any more relevant thread, usually, I do not post these diamond dozen articles, I usually could care less for what these worthies have to say, but in this doggy dog world, stupidity and malice are an arms race, and these worthies might bumble into grasping the absolute without any aforethought of their actions culminating into a being of pure entropy with every successive iteration
it is archived, so click away
Soundararajan, an artist, Dalit activist, cofounder of civil rights organization Equality Labs, and Ambedkarite Buddhist, is the author of The Trauma of Caste: A Dalit Feminist Meditation on Survivorship, Healing, and Abolition.
The numbers are truly shocking—in India, 37 percent of Dalits live below the poverty level, 54 percent of Dalit children are malnourished, and 38 percent of Dalit children eat separately from the rest of their classmates in government-run schools. More than 67 percent of Dalit women have experienced sexual violence, and Dalits make up 53 percent of India’s prison population. Soundararajan also cites these horrific numbers from the Indian National Human Rights Commission Report on the Prevention of Atrocities against Scheduled Castes: “every hour two Dalits are assaulted; every day three Dalit women are raped, two Dalits are murdered, and two Dalit homes are torched. A crime against a Dalit happens every 18 minutes.”
And current political efforts, including the Citizenship Amendment Act, are working to revoke citizenships of “caste, gender, and religious minorities.”

Dalit can be translated as “broken,” and is Soundararajan’s preferred term.
Soundararajan’s mother—whose first reaction to Soundararajan’s question about their caste was “caste is a terrible lie”—kept her Christian altar in a closet, as she was accustomed to hiding her faith in India, where most Christians are Dalits.
I also felt angry that current Hindu nationalist efforts to eliminate those from caste-oppressed backgrounds aren’t a cause we hear very much about.
dont know what eliminate means here
Soundararajan is a key player in the often contentious movement in the US to include caste as a protected category on college campuses and in workplaces. In December 2022, Brown University became the first Ivy League institution to officially ban caste discrimination. In April 2022, Soundararajan was scheduled to give a talk about caste to Google News employees for Dalit History Month. The Washington Post reported that her talk was canceled after “employees began spreading disinformation, calling her ‘Hindu-phobic’ and ‘anti-Hindu,’ ” with some employees arguing on an email chain for South Asian employees that caste doesn’t exist in the US and lower-caste people lack the ability to “properly interpret Hindu scripture around caste.”
he Post also reported that Equality Labs, the organization that Soundararajan founded, started receiving invites from tech companies to speak about caste following the death of George Floyd in 2020, and that she has spoken with employees at companies that include Microsoft, Airbnb, and Netflix.

Criticism of Soundararajan isn’t limited to the Google talk, and a quick search produces opinion pieces alleging Equality Labs fabricates surveys and has funding from nefarious sources. After Soundararajan appeared on the Conspirituality podcast and discussed her discomfort with mantras used in yoga classes, she was accused of going on an “anti-Brahmin” “tirade.”
For Soundararajan, who writes that “Dalit experience was what originally illuminated suffering for the Buddha,
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by ricky_v » ... a-failure/
But India-China relations also represent a clear policy failure for Modi. New Delhi has limited options against a militarily and economically superior Beijing, yet experts say Modi’s chosen China policy has been too cautious and passive to ever have realistically deterred Xi and is being exploited by the Chinese. Modi’s apparent fear of engaging in any military confrontation that would tarnish his strongman image at home has exacerbated the problem.

In light of India’s defeat in a border war against China in the 1960s, they advise caution today. They also call for restraint in deepening ties with the United States to avoid giving an impression of ganging up on China or otherwise joining the broader struggle for global dominance between Washington and Beijing. Some experts argue India must also hedge against a potential future improvement of U.S.-China relations.
Happymon Jacob, another China expert and associate professor of diplomacy and disarmament at Jawaharlal Nehru University’s School of International Studies, said the Indian business community has pleaded to the government to be careful and not “pick a fight” with China. “The business community puts pressure on the Indian government. They say they want Chinese goods,” he said. “Just go to the Ministry of [Industry and Information Technology] or Railways, and they say, ‘Wait a minute. Where are we going to get our equipment from?’”

We must not think China wants a full-scale conflict. We should opt for a like-for-like response on the Line of Actual Control [LAC], and then the Chinese would step back.”
Daniel Markey, a senior advisor on South Asia at the United States Institute of Peace, told Foreign Policy that the United States could help India considerably more than it has Ukraine in the case of a war with China—but only if India asked. “India does not have the confidence that it can count on the U.S. It puzzles us, but we try to explain it to ourselves as a historical hangover of Indian perceptions over our partners in the past,” he said, referring to Washington’s traditional ties with India’s archenemy, Pakistan.

“In the near term, the principal question is whether India has sufficient surveillance capabilities to anticipate Chinese movements. My concern is the answer is no, and I think the U.S. could be more helpful in this area.
Of course, it should all be done quietly,” Markey added.
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by Amber G. »

Delusions of British Imperial Resurrection
Open letter against BBCWorld anti-India hate propaganda.
Signed by 13 former well known judges, 133 distinguished bureaucrats, and 156 decorated veterans.
India won’t take it this time, never again.

List of these ~300 people ishere
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by Amber G. »

Meanwhile worth reading the Chinese media
India says BBC documentary on Modi is 'propaganda'
From:"@HuXijin_GT (Verified account ofChina state-affiliated media)
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by Vips »

China running a secret propaganda operation with journalists in India.

China has been accused of running a secret propaganda operation in India, after journalists and researchers in the country were approached by people claiming to be from Singapore-based institutions with offers to cooperate on projects or to write articles on security and foreign policy.

The individuals, who were mainly contacted via email, direct messages on LinkedIn, Facebook, or WhatsApp, focused on topics such as India-China relations, India-Japan ties, or the Indo-Pacific region. The offers of payment for articles ranged up to $400 (nearly ₹33,000).

Inquiries in Singapore have established that at least two of the people who contacted Indian journalists and researchers – Julia Chia, a “senior programme manager" with the National University of Singapore (NUS), and Jian Qiang Wong, a “researcher" at the Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA) – do not exist. The matter has been taken seriously in Singapore as NUS and SIIA have ties to the government of the city-state.

Indian security officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, say the method used by people such as Chia and Wong points to similar influence operations conducted by China in other countries, such as Australia, Canada, and the US.

“These people are looking for the kind of writing which is often induced by the Chinese State to create a narrative in its favour. They target people who have an understanding of strategic affairs or those who they think can publish or push views which favour China’s interests," the Hindustan Times quoted one official as saying.

Wong’s contacts on LinkedIn included researchers from leading Delhi-based think tanks focusing on security and military issues and retired army and navy officials, including officers of the rank of major general and vice admiral, and those who have handled issues such as defence acquisition and offsets. People familiar with the matter say it is clear Wong focused on people who had access to sensitive information.

Most of the journalists and researchers who were approached became suspicious as emails sent to them after preliminary contacts didn’t come from the official email IDs of NUS, SIIA or the other organisations that the people approaching them had claimed to work for. One Indian journalist working for a foreign publication who spoke to the person making the approach received an email from a Yahoo ID though the person claimed to work for the US-based consultancy International Development Corporation (IDC).

Ajai Sahni, executive director of the Institute of Conflict Management, said he was not surprised by the developments as they fit in with the global pattern for China’s influence operations to force Beijing’s point of view.

According to Sahni, China has been nurturing regional opinion leaders in all possible locations. If they had more autonomy like some of the nearby nations, China would have established friendship organisations that would openly promote China's stance on topics that concern them. China's strategy documents mandate that its private organisations and NGOs must support the CPC's goals worldwide.
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by Vips »

China running a secret propaganda operation with journalists in India.

China has been accused of running a secret propaganda operation in India, after journalists and researchers in the country were approached by people claiming to be from Singapore-based institutions with offers to cooperate on projects or to write articles on security and foreign policy.

The individuals, who were mainly contacted via email, direct messages on LinkedIn, Facebook, or WhatsApp, focused on topics such as India-China relations, India-Japan ties, or the Indo-Pacific region. The offers of payment for articles ranged up to $400 (nearly ₹33,000).

Inquiries in Singapore have established that at least two of the people who contacted Indian journalists and researchers – Julia Chia, a “senior programme manager" with the National University of Singapore (NUS), and Jian Qiang Wong, a “researcher" at the Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA) – do not exist. The matter has been taken seriously in Singapore as NUS and SIIA have ties to the government of the city-state.

Indian security officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, say the method used by people such as Chia and Wong points to similar influence operations conducted by China in other countries, such as Australia, Canada, and the US.

“These people are looking for the kind of writing which is often induced by the Chinese State to create a narrative in its favour. They target people who have an understanding of strategic affairs or those who they think can publish or push views which favour China’s interests," the Hindustan Times quoted one official as saying.

Wong’s contacts on LinkedIn included researchers from leading Delhi-based think tanks focusing on security and military issues and retired army and navy officials, including officers of the rank of major general and vice admiral, and those who have handled issues such as defence acquisition and offsets. People familiar with the matter say it is clear Wong focused on people who had access to sensitive information.

Most of the journalists and researchers who were approached became suspicious as emails sent to them after preliminary contacts didn’t come from the official email IDs of NUS, SIIA or the other organisations that the people approaching them had claimed to work for. One Indian journalist working for a foreign publication who spoke to the person making the approach received an email from a Yahoo ID though the person claimed to work for the US-based consultancy International Development Corporation (IDC).

Ajai Sahni, executive director of the Institute of Conflict Management, said he was not surprised by the developments as they fit in with the global pattern for China’s influence operations to force Beijing’s point of view.

According to Sahni, China has been nurturing regional opinion leaders in all possible locations. If they had more autonomy like some of the nearby nations, China would have established friendship organisations that would openly promote China's stance on topics that concern them. China's strategy documents mandate that its private organisations and NGOs must support the CPC's goals worldwide.
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanjaykumar » ... surviviors

Absolutely remarkable. Egregious case of censorship of India’s seminal role in the liberation war. I assume it does not fit with the hinduphobic narrative.

Even The Guardian is not above debating itself to serve the Islamist agenda.

Muslims genociding muslims? No problem, just invoke a miraculous win and therefore no need to mention those Hindus. Ack thoo.
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanman »

New Yorkers heaping scorn from their ivory towers ... king-point
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by Vayutuvan »

The New Yorker newsletter doesn't allow comments, I suppose?
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanman »

Vayutuvan wrote:The New Yorker newsletter doesn't allow comments, I suppose?
It used to in the past, because I used to write some strong rebuttals there. Perhaps now it doesn't anymore, though.
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by Pratyush »

These articles are opinion shaping pieces for the target readership.

I have noticed that for such pieces, comments section is usually disabled at the time of publication itself. So as to prevent any counter arguments from being recorded.
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by NRao »

sanman wrote:
Vayutuvan wrote:The New Yorker newsletter doesn't allow comments, I suppose?
It used to in the past, because I used to write some strong rebuttals there. Perhaps now it doesn't anymore, though.
Use Twitter or another SM.
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by Cyrano »

sanman wrote:New Yorkers heaping scorn from their ivory towers ... king-point
That swine Jaffrelot. He should be declared persona non grata.
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanman »

So I came across the Homosaurus - no, it's not some genderless species of lizard - it's an encyclopedia of all things LGBTQIA+<insert letters here>

While scrolling through it, I noticed they had lots and lots of references to Indian ethnicities:

Bhils, Bhojpuris, Garhwalis, Kumaonis, Gujaratis, Kutchis, Konkanis - wow, they're getting into localization quite significantly.
Multiple entries under I for Indians

No entries under P for Punjab or Pakistan

Nothing under U for Ukrainians
Nothing listed for Germans
Nothing listed for Swedes, or Finns, or Danes -- gee, I thought these were such liberal tolerant countries

Nothing for Tanzanians, or Kenyans, or Nigerians
Plenty listed under S for SouthAsians

So I thought this meant that the authors themselves must be of the eponymous 'South Asian' origin. That must be it.
Here's what their 'Editorial Board' look like:

Maybe they're all just raised by Beatles fans?
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanman »

Pakistani Brit Mehdi Hassan is a crooked shill:

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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanman »

Palki has passed the 1M mark - and in record time!

As American media turn into overtly crooked shills, it's sparked a demand among Americans and others for further news alternatives. This is where Indians can step into the gap and fulfill global needs. This is our chance to disrupt the marketplace and displace the current crooked monopolies which are being rejected by viewers all over. News content can be our IT 2.0 revolution - because if there's one thing we Indians know how to do, it's yap. :mrgreen:
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanman »

I don't see this cartoon as racist. We Indians shouldn't always scream racism at the drop of a hat. We can maturely recognize that China is ahead of us technologically. But a lot of this was due to West's infamous tilt toward China, exploiting the Sino-Soviet split. West was always arming irredentist Pakistan to the hilt. West used World Bank to impose water obligations on India through Indus Waters Treaty to guarantee Pakistan's water interests, but who cared to ensure India's water interests from China? West recognized China as a P5 nuclear power, while working to keep India squeezed by NPT to prevent it from gaining strategic parity with China. India used to be ahead of China, but as soon as West tilted towards China, it soon outpaced and surpassed India. So while I don't see this cartoon as racist, I do see it as hypocritical.
Last edited by sanman on 24 Apr 2023 21:28, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanjaykumar »

Indians are just unable to make the point.

A cartoon depicting Germans firing up the third reich ovens to keep warm after natural gas shortages may have made the point.

But no, bleat and protest at the unfairness of it all.
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanman »

Tucker Carlson has just been forced out of Fox News

Next time America's fascist ruling establishment publish their next "US State Department Report on Human Rights" their own fascist record should be thrown back in their faces with scorn.

Fox News stock is now crashing

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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanman »

So according to various news sources, not only is Tucker Carlson gone, but also Jeanine Pirro and Maria Bartiromo.

Fox is self-destructing. To hell with Rupert Murdoch and his Star News.
Time for Indians to step forward with First Post, WION, etc, to push into the news vacuum that Fox's abdication is creating.

I bet Murdoch's Sky News will keep totally silent on the bloodletting at Fox.
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanman »

Tarek Fatah has also passed away.

Not a good day today for media.
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by AkshaySG »

Very interesting.

When there's a 800 million loss someone will have to pay for it but it's still surprising to see the viewership drawing public faces be canned as opposed to higher leadership inside the news division.

Fox was up for its 10 yr cable rate renewals and the rumors were that they were getting a lot of hardball from the distributors on their desired price. The reason why Fox is so popular is that because it's everywhere, Every single cable package has it, Every single hospital, waiting room, hotel or working TV connection has Fox If they lose that hegemony and the massive revenue that comes from that then their bottom line takes a big hit

Anyway if Murdoch is interpreting that Trump's 2024 chances are in the dumps then it might be a way to stay relevant.

For Carlson, Bartimoro etc I'm sure they will make millions from whatever next show or podcast deal they sign however it's difficult to imagine any other channel or platform having the sheer penetration that Fox does
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanman »

You can't just kill your top people -- they were the reason people were tuning in to watch -- not Murdoch or his kids.

The only thing that will save Fox News is if they bring in someone ten times tougher than Carlson. Otherwise it will look like capitulation and treachery.

Lawfare has prevailed. This is like a Lindbergh Baby Kidnapping -- ie. shut up an opponent at all costs :x
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by AkshaySG »

Yes and No.. While they were the biggest viewership draws currently that doesn't make them indespensible to Fox. There have been very popular anchors before them ( O Reilly, Ailes etc) and there are still some heavy hitters ( Hannity, Ingraham etc) still there

If they can replace these guys smartly then viewership can bounce back.. There is no shortage of ivy league educated, conventionally attractive and we'll connected white media personalities.

There's just been too many cases of people calling a Murdoch ran business to be dead or dying only for him to make it turnaround into a cash cow yet again
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanman »

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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanman »

AkshaySG wrote:Yes and No.. While they were the biggest viewership draws currently that doesn't make them indespensible to Fox. There have been very popular anchors before them ( O Reilly, Ailes etc) and there are still some heavy hitters ( Hannity, Ingraham etc) still there
Those people will be leaving soon, or thrown out soon, based on what's just happened with Tucker. There's no way that Fox News can continue to retain its viewership or ratings, if they dumb down their programming and become less incisive.
If they can replace these guys smartly then viewership can bounce back.. There is no shortage of ivy league educated, conventionally attractive and we'll connected white media personalities.

There's just been too many cases of people calling a Murdoch ran business to be dead or dying only for him to make it turnaround into a cash cow yet again
The only way the Murdochs can revive their fortunes is if they bring in someone 10x more aggressive & articulate than Carlson.
I don't see where they'll find such a person.

It's time for Peter Thiel and Elon Musk to get together and summon forth enough capital for a new network with Tucker as the flagship offering.
Maybe they can then integrate it with social media under X.Ai
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by vijayk »

Tucker can run for President. That will terrorize DUMBOcrats :lol:
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanman »

Don Lemon is also out at CNN.

He can't run for president, though. Dhritarashtra Biden already has the blindfolded Gandhari Kamala to take over from him, if required.

I doubt women would vote for Lemon anyway, given his loose-tongued views of women.
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanman »

vijayk wrote:Tucker can run for President. That will terrorize DUMBOcrats :lol:
As much as Tucker would be an improvement over Trump, the fact is that Trump would never stand for it, and the resulting clash would be extremely fratricidal (even in spite of their bonhomie being somewhat staged)

Maybe some would find this an enviable problem to have -- a surplus of staunchly ideological candidates.

While everyone on the American right has been targeted with McCarthyite smears of being a Kremlin agent (including Tucker), the fact is that he's not as vulnerable as Trump is, when it comes to such cheap tactics. His personality is also not as volatile as Trump's, and he's not prone to the gaffes like Trump is (anyone remember Trump's menstruation tirade against journalist Megyn Kelly during the presidential debates? That was cringe). Tucker doesn't have the affairs with adult filmstars either.

Tucker's track record is cleaner, and it would allow more of the conservative base to get behind him without reservation. But the thing is that the conservative base is already emotionally invested in Trump. It would be hard to just change horses in mid-stream.

But you're right - Tucker would be a formidable candidate as a contender for the US presidency. He could easily crush Biden in debates.

Although Biden's camp aren't relying on debate performance, or even appeal among voters.
There are growing apprehensions that the US election system is being gamed by some kind of ballots-over-voters strategy. America's election system can still be gamed by those who are brazen enough to do so, analogous to how we can have booth-capturing in India.
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanman »

O'Reilly gives his take

Last edited by sanman on 25 Apr 2023 14:12, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by hnair »

sanman, Vijayk et al - please don’t pepper this thread with American internal matters if it doesn’t affect India. We are giving way too much attention to their BS and inadvertently spreading that
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanman »

hnair wrote:sanman, Vijayk et al - please don’t pepper this thread with American internal matters if it doesn’t affect India. We are giving way too much attention to their BS and inadvertently spreading that
Alright, but these are major movers-and-shakers in media, and these developments will have greater repercussions.

Carlson never liked India, but he disliked a lot of people who cause problems for India. He was tough on China. He was against the Atlanticists (he didn't like Madeleine Notbright), and he's vociferous against American Left (who are increasingly tilted against Indians)

But we can see how America's Left-wing dictatorship is able to crush any and all political opposition media.

I guess we might as well mirror from our side, as Adani buys out NDTV, Quint, etc. Time to go after Varadarajan & Co.
West would then be hypocrites to criticize us on that.
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanman »

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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by sanman »

Here come Canadian psy-ops:

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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by Pratyush »

Such reports have to be ridiculed by India.

Say, how disappointed we are that we have not reached 900 or 90000th position out of 180 nation's.
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by A_Gupta »

IMO, the next line of attack is just beginning to show up in the search engines. It is the crimes against SC/STs.

The hard fact is that violence against SC/STs is somewhat up in 2021 over 2020 (and over 2019 in case you are wondering about effects of COVID, etc.)

This is a delicate matter and any pushback on this issue could be seen as insensitive at best.
However, I will venture there. I downloaded the NCRB 2021 crime reports.
In the population as a whole for "Offences Affecting the Human Body(Total)" the crime rate in 2021 was 80.5 per 100,000 people. The "Crime/Atrocities against Scheduled Caste(s)" was 25.3 per 100,000.

Just FYI, in the US, in 2020, just the three big ones, the rates per 100,000 were:
Homicide 6.5
Rape 38.4
Aggravated assault 279.7

A lot of smoke can be raised about fraction of crimes that are reported etc. But if you think about it, the only solution is for the people of that country to try to do something about the crime rates. This pointing of fingers is purely international bullshit. (What I mean is, is it OK for Japan to criticize India but not OK for the US to criticize India, considering the local crime rates in each of the countries?)
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Re: Global Media Watch

Post by Pratyush »

1) The rise in crimes against SC and ST is India as recorded by the NCRB justify India's press freedoms being downgraded to the lower 20% s of the global rankings.

How are the 2 item's even related?

2) who is Canada with a population less than Mumbai and Delhi combined to certify India on press freedom?
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