India-Australia News and Discussion

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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by chetak »

Never heard of academics influencing or changing or driving foreign and other policies in any country. Some clown of a politico may consult the odd academic now and then and usually regret it soon enough

"people to people" narrative is just a convenient myth making tool for special interest groups to benefit and drive their own agendas and is not a sustainable enterprise. One way or the other, it is mostly the Indian taxpayer who is left holding the bill for such "people to people" exercises, and it is interesting to see how the gora always (and very "apologetically") "forgets" to bring his wallet to these programs

this is what happens with the pukis who stress the common culture and shared heritage to press for "people to people" contacts and their ISI paid supporters in India clamor for such friendly ties. Shared culture with whom...... with a few deluded and sycophantic punjabis and their woke commie supporters, on this side of the border, yearning to see "lahore" one last time do not dictate India's relations with pukestan

the minute India softens its stand, the flood of demands from the pukis for "medical and tourist" visas surge astronomically and upon arrival in India quite a few of these jihadis simply disappear into the vast Indian hinterland

what culture does India share with such scum, and has anyone, mindful of India's security concerns, cared to analyze the dangers of allowing such "people to people" contacts. Their jihadi mulk is a monolith in their hatred for India, the paki army, the ISI and the abduls and ayeshas are all united in their ghazwa e Hind objective, we are all well aware of these organizations that recruit from the very same diseased population base and contaminated resource pool

Any country which proposes such "people to people" contacts has an agenda to drive and wool to pull over the eyes of India's tolerant culture.

a majority of the academics in cambridge, oxford, rutgers, columbia, harvard, to name just a few, are venomous and partisan.

Indian industrialists fund quite a number of these poisonous clowns abroad who then use these funds to openly run their anti India agendas. Besides, how else would their low IQ progeny enter the portals of these ivy league criminal dens

the majority of the goras are not friendly to brown interests, and these are their "people" in the so called "people to people" equation. This trait is ingrained in their DNA. They may mask it temporally to gain some advantage or recognition but will soon revert to their default states, once their job is done

the maximum damage caused to Sanātana Dharma are from these "academics" and this has been true ever since the arrival of the britshits in India many centuries ago.

our history has been falsified by these sold out "academics" who inherited these well paid jobs from their ancestral academic compatriots.

so pardon us if we take any, and all oleaginous gushing, about foreign or even Indian "academics", with a huge bucket of salt

we know what these "academics" are capable of doing and we live this falsified reality everyday and see it being force fed to the kids.

Any country which has been the partner in colonization like UK, NZ, CAN, US, GER, FR, Dutch, Spain, Portugal, and AUS among others, sees everything through the colonial lens, and on a global scale, especially when dealing the browns and the blacks and they will insist on showing the browns and the blacks their racially assigned, and culturally stratified station in life.

In India, many already know how to handle these goras if they get uppity, but if one is settled abroad, then there may be tangible limitations in how to tackle racism there without blowback from the system

In the US, "the greatest paragon of democracy", the overton window is already in place via SB 403 and it matters not a whit whether it is actually passed or not but it is very much out there as another malevolently potent, anti India toolkit, to very specifically target, attack and suppress Indians and their peace loving and successful community

The California Senate has voted in favor of banning caste discrimination amid row.
California: In a historic move, the California State Senate on Thursday passed a legislation that would ban caste-based discrimination in the State.

Passed by 34-1 vote, the bill – SB 403, would make California the first US state to add caste as a protected category in its anti-discrimination laws.

Promoters of the bill, being led by non-profit Equality Lab, said that a similar bill is being introduced in the State House of Representatives, before it can be sent to the Governor to be signed into a law.
BTW, did anyone see many (any) nobel prize winning academics protesting SB-403 in any appreciable numbers or even even in a meaningful way....

or are these tenured academic troubadours just too protective of their rozi roti
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by Cyrano »

Amber G. wrote:Glass x% full or (100-x%) type narratives are interesting.. "These leopards cannot change their spots." or insist that nothing is going to change.. or do as GoI is doing.. thinking positive. Both in person to person *as well as* govt to govt change, IMO, is quite remarkable. Person to person relationship does not happen in vacuum it often goes with govt to govt relationships .

Meanwhile even some diehards are amazed to see the change ..
Listen to:
Amber G,
When you happen to meet someone whom you consider to be a great person, in the Bharatiya tradition, what do you do? You show respect, and try to learn something from that person either by observing how the person conducts himself, or by absorbing what he or she says. And if your interest and respect are genuine, you will realise that the encounter with this great person is a vehicle for self betterment. And work on imbibing and implementing at least some of what you have gleaned.

When I see the west doing that, I will indeed say the leopards are changing their spots. Until then, they are basking in reflected glory without really understanding anything about Modi or India - that where the "jealousy" in the quote comes from.

I'd hate to presume I can advise someone as learned as yourself, but I see your defense of your adopted lands as some form of all forgiving gratitude, and their evolving relationship with your motherland as a cause for unquestioning celebration. Gratitude and celebration are fine, I share such sentiments too, but to a limited extent. They will not alter the fact that we are very different civilisations and pursue different things as societies. One thrives on "manufactured consent" and consumption, the other is rooted in "satyam Eva jayathey" and the quest for enlightenment.

I can only suggest you look a little deeper, not with mistrust or prejudice but really look and ask "why are they doing this? why now?" and perhaps you will be able to see the geopolitical reality for what it is.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by disha »

First of all to hear from someone who is on paid visitation to foreign lands like Australia and give a certificate that Australia is *NOT* racist is rather rich. It comes in the category of IAS. Ignorant-Arrogant-Stupid.

To believe in mithya of lack of racism in Australia is ignorance. Ignorant, since one cannot say that the said person has all the knowledge to understand *how* the current culture is behaving, based on few *paid* visits.

On *paid* visits to seminars, to believe that they can give a certificate on the degree of racism of the host country (Australia) is Arrogance. It is even more *arrogant* to override the lived in and living experiences of the people facing racism day in and day out there.

It is sheer stupidity to exhibit both ignorance and arrogance when you do *not* know the complete experiences of the other person.

Again the context of discussion is the racism in Australia and some poster(s) on paid visitations to Australia seem to think that they are qualified to give a certificate, a clean chit certificate to the Aussies.
Cyrano wrote: ... but I see your defense of your adopted lands as some form of all forgiving gratitude, and their evolving relationship with your motherland as a cause for unquestioning celebration. Gratitude...
On spending lot of thought on this, I came to following conclusions:

1. It is "Gratitude" due to deep exhibition of stockholm syndrome. That is, I got a better life (materially) and some opportunities for me and my progeny, and hence we are indebted in gratitude.

2. Genuflection and seeking approval. Deep down, it is not a self-belief on what one can do and self-confidence on achieving something in spite of the adversity, for example: the constant name dropping and citing connections indicate genuflection to the masters and a deep down desire to seek approval from the master, from self and lastly to the audience to state that look, I am where I am and here are the connections.

3. And who better to defend the master than the house slave?

PS: I was in Australia for 3 years. And I have met some amazing persons, some very good and kind people and at the same time I had horrible experiences. Looking back, I do feel that in the horrible experiences I had, I am glad that I somehow survived and not become a statistic of racial hatred.
Last edited by disha on 29 May 2023 11:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by vish_mulay »

Apologies in advance for a long post. As someone who has called Australia home for last 15 years, raising next dharmic brood and working as a public servant for last 6 years, I hope my post will be viewed in the context of the previous posts. I have lived in USA (8 yrs), Europe (2 yrs) before coming to live down-under and prefer Australia to any other place on earth barring India. I look at racism issues from a twofold context. First the society, and frankly I have yet to see a fully nonracist society in any part of the world including India. Society will always have elements which will treat the "other" differently either consciously or subconsciously. Australia also has its quota of racists people, some obviously open while others doing it in not so obvious manner. Does it affect me? Not personally because I know when I raise the alarm or concerns, these elements are going to disappear fast or apologies. My experience with the Australian police in dealing with racist behaviour directed towards me or family is excellent, the issues were handled professionally with compassion and cultural sensitivities. That brings me to the 2nd context, how institutions handle racism? Being someone who works for the federal govt and involved in implementation of many policies for better representation, I am fully comfortable with current Australian institutional policies in handling racism and or negate undue privileges due to skin tone. Most of the racial or religious abuse we Indians face down under is from either middle easter population or recently from Khalistan followers. I am on my sons’ school committee which oversee to rule out cultural biases, incorporating dharmic training during scripture time and making sure that Indian children can celebrate and participate in their cultural religious and dharmic events without any prejudice. It is also promoting Indian languages (Hindi and Tamil) in curriculum. I am sure many Bharat rakshaks from EU or USA will have similar experiences. I have noticed that there are many harsh comments about Australia and it’s the prerogative of posting person. I am no body to challenge their viewpoint. However, I find that what is written and what I experience are opposite, thus this post. We are the fastest growing population here and soon will overtake Chine’s migration number. Aussies love to banter and if you can hold your end well, they will respect you. They have crass sense of humour which many Asians can’t grasp when they first arrive. I couldn't initially and some time I felt offended. However, when I started giving back and became good at it, I started getting many beers as mate. We do lots of off roading and camping. Many a times we needed help and many times we gave help to other travellers. Never seen anyone treated differently because of their race. Yes, there are crime, law and order issues in recent immigrants because they inherently do not trust authorities and will not reach to the police. In my experience the biggest exploiters of recent immigrants are the same race people whom they look for advice. There is also our reputation of being soft, non-confrontational and meek. I hope over the time that will change. When I first arrived in 2008 until now, India's reputation has really improved a lot. There are legitimate concerns about how China is overtaking everything and need of other Asian strong voice i.e. India for overall stability. This change is not only at Govt level but also in common population discourse. Overall, this country has been good to me and my family. Frankly that is what most of the Indian immigrants feel after 6-7 yrs of struggle out here. Finally, Australia has provided us with good opportunities and contented prosperous life. Like any other country it has its problems but not the extend presented here.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by Mollick.R »

Cyrano wrote:Amber G,
The way AUS govt and it's people treat Indian immigrants and the way AUS as a state deals with India on a bilateral/multilateral plane are two very different things.

Same goes for the US, Canada. These countries like what indians contribute to their economies and society. And rightly so, because we are a free supply of bright youth who cost nothing to the host country, education paid for by India and higher education paid by the people themselves mostly, Indian students studying abroad is some 80 Billion dollars industry, nearly catching up with remittances of about 90-100 Billion.

Indian professional migrants are highly skilled, highly productive, law abiding, pay taxes, don't cause trouble and don't ask for much from host countries.

Given their own demographics and social trends Indians are a heaven send, a great deal with no downside for many developed countries.

So in my view, they treating indians well is deserved and to be expected. There will be a few racist pigs here and there but that doesn't change the overall picture.

But dealings with India on geopolitical level is a different matter and a whole bunch of considerations and historical issues are involved as you are well aware.
Bravo Cyrano sar for such clarity of thoughts & putting it so well.
You nailed it absolutely
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by disha »

vish_mulay wrote:...I look at racism issues from a twofold context. First the society, and frankly I have yet to see a fully nonracist society in any part of the world including India. Society will always have elements which will treat the "other" differently either consciously or subconsciously. Australia also has its quota of racists people, some obviously open while others doing it in not so obvious manner.
VishMulay'ji, thanks for chiming in. I do have an ask. When the topic is why Australia is so friendly to India currently and as some posters pointed out that there is an undercurrent of racism from Australia that one needs to be careful off, why do we bring in "racism" in India?

In India, there is no racism towards white person from Australia. In fact, white person is put on pedestal in India thanks to the colonial hangover.

So your point about India being a racist society towards white australians is invalid.

Hence putting the focus back on the topic: "Why is Australia so friendly to India <apparently and suddenly>"
vish_mulay wrote:When I first arrived in 2008 until now, India's reputation has really improved a lot. ...
What do you think was the reputation: Five years before you arrived, decade prior to your arrival and 2-3 decades prior to it? I hope you are aware that as recently as 1998, this statement was made by John Howard:
As Leader of the Opposition, John Howard argued for restricting Asian immigration in 1988 as part of his One Australia policy; in August 1988, he said:

I do believe that if it is – in the eyes of some in the community – that it's too great, it would be in our immediate-term interest and supporting of social cohesion if it [Asian immigration] were slowed down a little, so the capacity of the community to absorb it was greater.[64]

Or you might want to read about the experiences via John Fitzgerald's book:
Fitzgerald, John Big White Lie: Chinese Australians in White Australia, Sydney, NSW: UNSW Press (2007), p.4-5, ISBN 0868408700
In case you are interested in reading it further, here is the book ... 408700/plp

Given your background, I think you should write about the experiences of the Indian immigrant and particularly the compromises they had to make to fit in.

However before that, can you please do something about the attacks on the Hindu temple in Australia? This has been an ongoing problem since the first temple was established in Australia.

And I can understand your deep gratitude to the country of your adaptation. It is your dharma to have that gratitude. Just do not let it slip into genuflection and a earning for validation.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by disha »

So why is Australia so keen in improving ties with India?

Any answer to that will require an understanding of the psyche of the Australian. I would recommend two things to start understanding the psyche of the Australian:

1. The song "Down Under" by Men at work

2. The character Barry Mackenzie

Australians were very late to realize that the party has ended for Great Britain post WW2. Even now, that realization has not seeped in. Till 1970s, Australia was very secure in its belief that their mai-baap the Great Britain or their benefactor the US will come to their aid in any international emergency. And did they not prove their worth by allowing UK to explode a nuclear bombs in Australia

But that belief was getting shattered. Australia was getting marginalized in international trade. Their greatest export was digging up a hill and selling the minerals. And by 1970s it was becoming clear that America and Japan are the largest trading partner.* This is when the Australians went through a churn.

They did not want the Americans to come in and "develop" their country. Yes, they were worried that they will now be dogs to a new master, the Americans. And they had no shared history with Americans (unlike India, where the National Anthem of US was composed on HMS Minden which was built by Parsis in the Mumbai Shipyard., Or the founding of Americas was due to India. That is India birthed the nation now called US of A)
Speaking to Songfacts about the overall meaning of the lyric, Hay remarked:

The chorus is really about the selling of Australia in many ways, the overdevelopment of the country. It was a song about the loss of spirit in that country. It's really about the plundering of the country by greedy people. It is ultimately about celebrating the country, but not in a nationalistic way and not in a flag-waving sense. It's really more than that.

The promotional video comically plays out the events of the lyric, showing Hay and other band members riding in a Volkswagen Kombi van, eating muesli with a 'strange lady', eating and drinking in a café, and lying in an opium den. The band are moved along at one point by a man in a shirt and tie who places a 'Sold' sign in the ground. Exterior shots were filmed at the Cronulla sand dunes in Sydney. The band are seen carrying a coffin across the dunes at the end. This, Hay has explained, was a warning to his fellow Australians that their country's identity was dying as a result of overdevelopment and Americanization.
The above is the intention of the lyrics on the song Down Under (it is BTW a good song)

It was inevitable though. Americans replaced the British as the masters of Australia. From the American perspective, Australia is a good place to keep an eye on Indian ocean and the various sea routes that cut from Indian Ocean into Pacific Ocean. Also as a great backstop to their base in Hawaii. And a friendly nation to boot and supplier of whatever is necessary for the US economy.]

Here is the crux, they started getting out of the white-australian in 1960s and 1970s and only in 1975 did they remove the racial discrimination act (yes, the act is titled racial discrimination ) to "kinda" liberalize the immigration.

The vietnam war, the exit of US from the vietnam war in deep humiliation, the uselessness of USS Enterprise in the Indian Ocean and the britshit's aircraft carrier (as a johnny come lately) in the 1971 war, the rise of Indonesia and the ASEAN nations, the rise of Japan and S. Korea all played their part on impacting the Australian psyche.

This is the psyche of a dog which is running around for a protective master. The real insecurities laid on the unreal superiority complex creates this psyche.

In 90s, two things happen. Two asian giants wake up. One more slowly than the other. Cheen becomes the largest trading partner of Australia. And the shakti tests by India is deplored by Australian.
On 12 May 1998, within hours of the announcement of the tests, the Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs called in the Indian High Commissioner to convey the Australian Government’s ‘condemnation of the tests in the strongest possible terms’. The Australian Government also recalled its High Commissioner from New Delhi for consultations. After India’s second series of tests, the Government announced that it had decided:

to suspend bilateral defence relations with India, including the withdrawal of Australia’s Defence Adviser stationed in New Delhi;
to cancel ship and aircraft visits, officer exchanges and other defence-related visits;
to withdraw Australian Defence Force personnel currently training in India;
to request the immediate departure of three Indian defence personnel currently at defence colleges in Australia;
to suspend non-humanitarian aid; and
to suspend ministerial and senior official visits.

I will update in Part-2 on what changed and why I think Australia is now part of the Indo-Pacific alliance and turning on the charm campaign. Learned posters will already know the trajectory, but I have to put in my perspectives.

* On a side note, in 90s and until now, China is the largest trading partner and now they need to replace China with India.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by disha »

Cyrano wrote: I can only suggest you look a little deeper, not with mistrust or prejudice but really look and ask "why are they doing this? why now?" and perhaps you will be able to see the geopolitical reality for what it is.
Cyrano'ji nails it here.

The change in heart of Australia has less to do with love for the Indians and appreciation of their economy and democracy and civilization and more to do with realpolitik in geo-politics. Head to that.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by Mollick.R »

Most of the racial or religious abuse we Indians face down under is from either middle easter population or recently from Khalistan followers.
vish_mulay jee good to have your opinion on the matter.

However much much before KHALISTANI violence at Aussie land , during the year 2008-2009 there was multiple instances of racist/ hate crimes on Indian students by Aussies.

Even though mass Internet culture (meme) etc was not prevalent at that era , but it still visible that many Aussies were enjoying the "give it back" to Endiyyans on online foras.......

During that era Sachin Tendular getting head injury from bouncers of GlenMacgrah was far far less then Sekhar (From Delhi/ AP/MH) getting it from "not so racist" Aussies.....

We have forgotten all.........
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by hgupta »

We should not forget what happened in the past but there is no need to carry a chip on our shoulders forward if the Aussies have signaled their willingness to work with us and understand our point of view and change accordingly. Aussies are not the same as the Britshits. Aussies made that quite clear. Yes they share some of the culture, traditions and values but they have also gone to the point to differentiate themselves from the British.
BRF Oldie
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by chetak »

hgupta wrote:We should not forget what happened in the past but there is no need to carry a chip on our shoulders forward if the Aussies have signaled their willingness to work with us and understand our point of view and change accordingly. Aussies are not the same as the Britshits. Aussies made that quite clear. Yes they share some of the culture, traditions and values but they have also gone to the point to differentiate themselves from the British.

rudd left the QUAD and also refused to supply uranium to India

After him, thankfully, others (presumably more sensible) came, and reversed the earlier decisions, and rejoined the QUAD and also agreed to sell uranium to India

These are drastic reversals of policy, not about some small potatoes to be glossed over, or even ignored. The disturbing signs are there

what happens if another nutter like rudd, or worse, lands up in power again and scrambles/unscrambles everything once more, so who is to vouch for some semblance of continuity

The aussie culture flows from the dregs of the 18th century britshit society, convicted scum, rapists and other such fine people who were dispatched to a penal colony by their betters in the britshit isles. The date of aus colonization was January 26, 1788. Before that the europeans toured the place in 1606, but didn't tarry long

these pillars of aus society were most responsive to coercive authority and had no real capacity to think for themselves. They were also the kind of people who are most afraid of change, and not burdened too much in the way of high moral fibre, or sound character, or even proven dependability/loyalty. Yes I know that the year was 1788 but the DNA doesn't really mutate so fast and so one suspects that a lot of the old pedigree still remains fairly intact and also maybe dormant or now

The odd guy, here and there, who is an "intellectual" is the outlier exception rather than the general rule

So we should be aware that these "allies" are more than capable of cutting and running, and so we must accordingly make our plans, and not be so eager to embrace these steps

like someone wisely said: "trust but verify", because we are, thus far, the only browns in a white man's club. The japs are officially white onlee

The amrikis have plans for the cheenis which we may not even suspect. When playing chess, pawns are invariably sacrificed callously. The amrikis need our boots on the ground but will never ever do the same for us, and hence the very timely NATO+ invitation and the amriki state visit as part of their hard sell.

The amriki have the black pieces and the cheenis have the white, and India, in the midst of this august gathering, is definitely the pawn and both players may already be in complete agreement as it works to both their advantages

when, and also if the cheeni make their move, it is to be hoped that India has not already been sacrificed at the altar of amriki cheeni détente
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by hgupta »

chetak wrote:
hgupta wrote:We should not forget what happened in the past but there is no need to carry a chip on our shoulders forward if the Aussies have signaled their willingness to work with us and understand our point of view and change accordingly. Aussies are not the same as the Britshits. Aussies made that quite clear. Yes they share some of the culture, traditions and values but they have also gone to the point to differentiate themselves from the British.

rudd left the QUAD and also refused to supply uranium to India

After him, thankfully, others (presumably more sensible) came, and reversed the earlier decisions, and rejoined the QUAD and also agreed to sell uranium to India
Yes and that was in the past. The Aussies have changed so we need to reciprocate otherwise they will not change further and may revert back. So why waste the opportunity?
chetak wrote: These are drastic reversals of policy, not about some small potatoes to be glossed over, or even ignored. The disturbing signs are there

what happens if another nutter like rudd, or worse, lands up in power again and scrambles/unscrambles everything once more, so who is to vouch for some semblance of continuity
There are no permanent allies, only permanent interests. Yes the world can change on a drastic turn at anytime and India needs to be ready for that but in the meantime, let's not let the opportunities go to waste. Take advantage while you can.
chetak wrote: The aussie culture flows from the dregs of the 18th century britshit society, convicted scum, rapists and other such fine people who were dispatched to a penal colony by their betters in the britshit isles. The date of aus colonization was January 26, 1788. Before that the europeans toured the place in 1606, but didn't tarry long

these pillars of aus society were most responsive to coercive authority and had no real capacity to think for themselves. They were also the kind of people who are most afraid of change, and not burdened too much in the way of high moral fibre, or sound character, or even proven dependability/loyalty. Yes I know that the year was 1788 but the DNA doesn't really mutate so fast and so one suspects that a lot of the old pedigree still remains fairly intact and also maybe dormant or now
So were the Americans and the Americans are now quite different from the British. Same thing goes for Aussies. They are undergoing a demographic change. Don't forget that aspect.

chetak wrote: So we should be aware that these "allies" are more than capable of cutting and running, and so we must accordingly make our plans, and not be so eager to embrace these steps

like someone wisely said: "trust but verify", because we are, thus far, the only browns in a white man's club. The japs are officially white onlee
Agree that we need to keep our eyes open but that doesn't mean turning away the opportunities that fall in our lap. There is no need to take some of Nehru's thinking like when he declined permanent UN membership with veto in solidarity with China. Take advantage while you can and keep your eyes & ears open.
chetak wrote: The amrikis have plans for the cheenis which we may not even suspect. When playing chess, pawns are invariably sacrificed callously. The amrikis need our boots on the ground but will never ever do the same for us, and hence the very timely NATO+ invitation and the amriki state visit as part of their hard sell.

The amriki have the black pieces and the cheenis have the white, and India, in the midst of this august gathering, is definitely the pawn and both players may already be in complete agreement as it works to both their advantages

when, and also if the cheeni make their move, it is to be hoped that India has not already been sacrificed at the altar of amriki cheeni détente
I think India is quite too big and strong to be America's pawn. In the next decade, India will be one of the top 3. Yes we will be the weaker of the 3 but it does present some interesting scenarios which we can utilize to our favor if we are smart, savvy, and nimble about it.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by chetak »

"They" are not changing so much. They think that they are playing from an already evolved position, as always, the one they keep referring to as the "world order and rules based relationships" and its funny to track how the goras always change their goalposts mid game

As a matter of fact, they are trying to change India to make her accept their choices and their geopolitical realities and to accommodate their MIL and commercial interests. They have been enforcing this for decades now and India was being manipulated/coerced/bribed/forced/sometimes ignored purposely to accept this as the reality and to some extent, she did (as during the entire congi era) but India never had a seat at the high table and nor were they willing to accommodate India at that exclusive table of goras and cheenis. They are flabbergasted that India has, mostly by her own efforts, crashed their party but she is unwilling to play by their rules. The pakis with their jihadi cohorts, were used, both by the amrikis and the cheenis, to keep India tied down

The liberal international order describes a set of global, rule-based, structured relationships based on political liberalism, economic liberalism and liberal internationalism since the late 1940s

The tight leash with which India was constrained was initially held by the britshits but it was, most unwillingly, passed on to the amrikis to address the new global reality that had emerged and that was the rules-based order that was underpinned by a system of global governance that has developed since the Second World War.

A rules-based order may generally be understood as a shared commitment by States to conduct their activities in accordance with an existing set of rules.

this concept has been weaponized and is currently in active use against russia.

After russia, one wonders who may be the next recipient of the TLC and geopolitical ministrations of this gang of out of control goondas

The britshits emerged from the WWII as a has been, her colonies detached from her control. Today the britshits are a third rate power with delusions of grandeur and they attempt to shine in the reflected glory of the amrikis by being their subservient errand boy

The amrikis entered the battle of midway as a middling power on 4 June 1942 and emerged from it as a superpower on 7 June 1942 and ever since then, the amerikis have been pissing all over the world, like a dog trying to mark its territory

India, during WWII, provided the goras with men, material, and moolah and that rather reluctant largesse was never returned in any form nor compensated for

These gora clowns, even today, expect India to do the very same, to act as their subservient errand boy but sadly there is no ghandhy or neverwho to bail them out or even back them

In matters of trade and commerce, we will deal on our terms, and in the matters military, we will step very cautiously while keeping India's supreme national interests in mind

what they want is this:
More specifically, it entails international cooperation through multilateral institutions (like the United Nations, World Trade Organization and International Monetary Fund) and is constituted by human equality (freedom, rule of law and human rights), open markets, security cooperation, promotion of liberal democracy, and monetary cooperation. The order was established in the aftermath of World War II, led in large part by the United States.
and we are not too keen to serve as the house nig**rs of the amrikis and their gora supporters. All the "multilateral institutions" mentioned above are very firmly controlled by the amrikis

For India to enter the big boys geopolitical league, the britshits have to be kicked out of the UNSC as a first step.

All the soros segues, the regime change games by the goras' deep state, the interference in the amriki elections by the denizens of the shadowy world where the spooks rule and the BIF so very keen to have the mamamia mafia back in power are clear indicators of how far these goras are willing to go to ensure that India stays on the narrow path that has been preordained for her ever since the britshits ran away and this nonsensical "world order and rules based relationships" is to ensure control of such countries to stay subservient to the interests of the goras.

The aussies are mere pinpricks in India's scheme of things.

Aus is no longer relevant in the way that it was once portrayed to be.

They are very keen to access the Indian markets, and beyond that their utility for India is not a matter of great concern

Time to move on
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by S_Madhukar »

+100 Chetakji.
I also hope NRIs of all kinds realise that if goras get cheaper and as good or good enough from their point of view scientists/ doctors/IT guys from another country they will happily replace and subordinate us… in fact these days say in IT NRI competes with NRI while they try to keep a gora at a higher position no matter the ability… look at CEOs too the gora has the first right to wreck the company then the NRI gets the chance to fix it …
yes some individuals are way too nice and genuine but we have to look at people in the corridors of power where they have come from and what they learnt… in the UK here if they come from private schools forget about learning humility and respect, they learn humiliation and dominance is the way to survive…a nice boy Sunak is a perfect way to advance their interests while hiding in the background …
Oz I guess are a bit more egalitarian but ultimately they are errand boys for Khan going forward or else how will they square up to the lizard ?
Gandhian values suit west fine when we are squaring up to then but if we get uppity they will try to ensure we get a spanking from one of our neighbours…
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by chetak »

S_Madhukar wrote:+100 Chetakji.
I also hope NRIs of all kinds realise that if goras get cheaper and as good or good enough from their point of view scientists/ doctors/IT guys from another country they will happily replace and subordinate us… in fact these days say in IT NRI competes with NRI while they try to keep a gora at a higher position no matter the ability… look at CEOs too the gora has the first right to wreck the company then the NRI gets the chance to fix it …
yes some individuals are way too nice and genuine but we have to look at people in the corridors of power where they have come from and what they learnt… in the UK here if they come from private schools forget about learning humility and respect, they learn humiliation and dominance is the way to survive…a nice boy Sunak is a perfect way to advance their interests while hiding in the background …
Oz I guess are a bit more egalitarian but ultimately they are errand boys for Khan going forward or else how will they square up to the lizard ?
Gandhian values suit west fine when we are squaring up to then but if we get uppity they will try to ensure we get a spanking from one of our neighbours…
S_Madhukar ji,

what really pains them is the way India is now being looked up to by all the countries that were ignored by the goras during the pandemic and the resulting feeding frenzy that the gora companies like pfizer and moderna got into to maximize their profits while kicking their customers in the nuts by selling them dud and hyped up vaccines

Look at what happened in papua new guinea and how they received Modi

This welcome was not missed by the amrikis, the aussies, and the cheeni but all have chosen to keep very quiet.

India stepped in and voluntarily helped out many smaller countries that were in dire straits. India's Modi led "vaccine maitri" scheme, the vaccine outreach international program exemplified his compassion and leadership. Modi prioritized the have not's and delivered a viable vaccine that worked well.

Even today, the goras are unable to wrap their heads around this almost global effort by India to help contain the spread and the fact that India has asked for nothing in return bothers them no end.

what truly bothers them all is that India has transcended the fixers, the movers and the shakers, and the machinations of the govts of the EU countries and their allies in the UK and the US, and while standing alone she has veritably held back the cheeni hordes who are trying to intimidate us by massing troops on our border areas

The investment in the Agni series has undoubtedly paid off in spades
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by disha »

This is a request to all esteemed posters, particularly AmberJi, Vish_mulayJi and hguptaji.,

Can you please get your contacts, colleagues, particularly in the western world, including Australia pass a censure against Richard Dawkins?

Here is what the britshit Richard Dawkins said: ... 6598844446
Modi’s BJP is a tragic affront to India’s secular beginnings. Hinduism is at least as ridiculous as Islam. Between them, these two idiotic religions have betrayed the ideals of Nehru and Gandhi.
He quoted the following article from Nature.

The article is full of fallacies. Like:
In India, children under 16 returning to school this month at the start of the school year will no longer be taught about evolution, the periodic table of elements or sources of energy.
In reality, NCERT was trying to do this:

Contents of the textbooks have been rationalised in view
of the following:
Overlapping with similar content included in other subject areas in the same class
Similar content included in the lower or higher class in same subject
Difficulty level
• Content, which is easily accessible to students without much interventions from teachers and can be learned through children through self-learning or peer-learning
• Content, which is irrelevant in the present context
Without going through the entire syllabus of all grade levels across all subjects, Dyani Lewis puts up nonsense and fallacies like "no longer taught about evolution" which is actually a xtian evangelism and islamic thought process coming from one book.

Immediately the above was taken up, see how it was taken up, from "not taught to children under 16" to "not taught" to how Hindus are bad and how Hinduism is by another moron in a different country.

So who is Dyani Lewis? The author of the farticle in Nature? Well she is an Aussie
I’m a regular contributor of news and features for Nature and Cosmos Magazine. My work has also been published by The Atlantic (via UnDark), Science, The Guardian, The Monthly, Smith Journal and others.

I am an award-winning science journalist based in Melbourne, Australia. My reporting runs the gamut from news to features to in-depth investigations. My passions are human evolution and the tensions between conservation and society. In October 2022 I started working as a senior reporter for Nature, focusing on what's going on across Asia and the Pacific.
What Dyani is doing is nothing to do with science, but everything to do with politics and her own prejudices. Dyani, is racist.

Dyani, did not look at the entire curriculum upto Grade 10. Does not have any clue about the realities in a country that she does not understand. She is a johnny too come to the Asia party, trying to open her eyes and look beyond Australia and start commenting on education in a different country. What is her intention? Just to note that the total population of all students under 15 in Aus is 6.5 million. The number of kids under 15 is 10x the population of Australia and 60x the population of kids in Australia.

The amount of cloth that is used in underwear of Indian kids in one year will be enough to clothe the entire population of kids in Australia for their lifetime.

What Dyani did is intellectual racism and her compatriots like Richard Dawkins indulged on outright racism. And Dyani is using no science. Even though she has a PhD in Genetics.

So esteemed posters on this forum, connected with Dyani in august forums and working with Aussies on a daily basis and vouching for their good behaviour.

Please use your contacts, connections and influence, your elevated financial and material status, your respect in the society and get someone who is more white than you* to censure Dyani and Richard Dawkins.

* We are all white adjacent. And we tend to look the world through the same white evangelical pre-judicial glasses.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by Amber G. »

^^^ Recently I am not following this dhaga for obvious reasons but the above did catch my eye:
Please do see my post in other dhaga

Agree 100% with that IIT Distinguished Professor, FRS and Emmons Terman Award winner that Dawkins is a a dumb effing idiot!. If one follows any of the recent threads on this subject, most reputable people have called him that on his face (or on his own twitter feed. Sad to see, even some ddm's are amplifying his nonsense without checking the basic facts.

Many are shocked and certainly nature's reputation will take a big dive that they will publish a lie, which anyone can check easily. (Hint: They did NOT cut the periodic table -- They simply moved it from Class X to Class IX)..

Check out my post (linked above) in the other dhaga.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by Amber G. »

Amber G,
The way AUS govt and it's people treat Indian immigrants and the way AUS as a state deals with India on a bilateral/multilateral plane are two very different things. ..

..."But dealings with India on geopolitical level is a different matte.."
Bravo Cyrano sar for such clarity of thoughts & putting it so well.
You nailed it absolutely
Cyranoji - seeing the posts after posts it seems you have a huge cheering crowd here..and apparently your 'viewpoint' resonates with most people here .

I absolutely don't hold that rigid view but let me just say the present GoI (and Australian Govt) don't hold that view. And IMO that is a very good thing. Things may not be perfect but stagnant old stereotypes ( 'bunch of racist' vs " RSS/Hindu nationalists who do not respect human rights' ) is *no longer* valid.

One notable thing came out in present government of India, is that they now started appreciating indian diaspora unlike in the past when they will just call us traitors and worse. Unfortunately in BRF silo, that narrative is still prevalent. And ad-hominem attacks like " And who better to defend the master than the house slave?" - as revolting as they are - are still abundant here.

As I said, I am glad that Modi (and Australian counterpart) are better - *much* better -
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by Najunamar »

I don’t believe all NRIs are painted as traitors or house slaves by BRFites or others. I also find myself agreeing with Chetakji, Dishaji and Cyranoji more than the “everything is hunky dory” view espoused by AmberGji. In some ways, it will take a couple of generations of good faith actions before I can take the changes as anything but a western Taquiya.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by Cyrano »

I don't post for cheering crowds, just sharing my thoughts with fellow forumites. They may resonate with some and not with others. One only learns from those who hold views different from one's own.

I respect your view, and wish that it comes true and that the developed countries will collaborate with India in the same genuine spirit of equality and friendship that India offers to them. I'm only saying that history has enough and more to approach these relationships with caution and clarity as to what's in it for us and what's in it for them.

I'm not advocating that India should live in a perpetual victim of colonisation mindset (and we don't) and become isolated nor get starry eyed and blindly trusting (we don't do that either). By we I mean our present govt and most forumites here.

A person's or country's character and moral fibre is truly revealed not during good times but during adversity. During the covid pandemic which was barely 2 years ago, while these developed countries hoarded vaccines in billions of doses, price gauged each other and rest of the world, India despite its own risky situation shared what it could, no strings attached. When India was reeling under Delta, many countries helped of course but that pales in comparison with Vaccine Maitri. Even doses thay knew would be thrown away weren't donated citing contracts, indemnity etc etc.

This is one contemporary example which tells me that some fundamentals don't change. They can take pride in their physical development, I take pride in my civilisation's moral development. I may forgive sometimes but I won't forget.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by Cyrano »

I'm nobody to judge any NRI or PIO whose choices are personal and contextual. I am myself a diaspora, in a country that has a fairly good relationship with India. I'm lucky like Sri Krishna to have 2 mothers to love and serve. But my context is not India's context, same goes for everyone. I'm not sure I'm able to get that message across. Oh well, I tried...
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by Cyrano »

Amber G,
Suggest you take a moment to consider the points articulated very well by a young Indian geopolitical analyst here, though it's about China, there is a lot about the US too :

That will help get a broader perspective on where IND AUS relationship will fit in as well.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by Amber G. »

vish_mulay wrote:Apologies in advance for a long post. As someone who has called Australia home for last 15 years
Thanks for the post/perspective. FWIW: Sharing some of my perspective.
I chose to call US home many decades ago -- came here in US in 60's. Have travelled extensively in North America, Europe, Asia (including old Soviet Union, China, Japan). Siblings have four different nationalities(as residence) (including India) and home - very close family - so family gathering and visit take place and we come to know nations and living condition in details all over the globe. Important part is we *chose* to stay where we did, called it home and raised out family etc

Things do not remain static. When I first came to USA, there was only one Indian grocery store in *whole* US East coast. *Very* few indian students/professors (knew almost all) - virtually none woking in any industry. Other countries (except countries like UK) were even much more foreign to Indian culture. Even big cities like Paris -then finding another desi was very rare.
Now desi's are part of the landscape in many of those places.

My first visit to Australia was nearly 40 years ago - Australia is *much* different than now.

Another thing change drastically change is in attitude of GoI towards Indian Diaspora. Even people with Indian passports were not treated well by Indian Embassies. There was NO OCI, and non-indian citizen, apart from being demonizing (they are traitors / code coolies and what not) were just ignored. Since 2014, there is a big difference. Now Indian diaspora has a respect, both from GoI and host government.

Again thanks for your message. Things are moving in positive direction. That is good.

But I must say, I was a little surprised to see so much negativity to see here in so many of the comments. This is sad.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by Amber G. »

Najunamar wrote:I don’t believe all NRIs are painted as traitors or house slaves by BRFites or others. I also find myself agreeing with Chetakji, Dishaji and Cyranoji more than the “everything is hunky dory” view espoused by AmberGji. In some ways, it will take a couple of generations of good faith actions before I can take the changes as anything but a western Taquiya.
I am sure you do [believe what you believe]. And Frankly I have a zero care what you believe or not believe, what you consider Taquiya or not_taquiya . For me, what is comforting to know that GoI is *much* more mature. /sign/

Folks: My last one here.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by Pratyush »

Why is it difficult for people to accept that nation's behaviour is governed by seeking what is best for them.

Once it was close relationship with UK. Then it became good relationship with the US.

An Indian is a good immigrant. Apolitical, hard working. Adds value to society. That will change view of most of societies view towards Indian immigrants.

Similarly, a democratic India is the best bet for, "Liberal Societies" to have on their side when competing with authoritarian nations.

If they are incapable of changing views about India. Because of reasons other than self interest. Then they will suffer.

Trust self interest.

More than any platitudes.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by Amber G. »

Khalistani extremists face a third consecutive rejection/humiliation as their request to host a so-called referendum or organize pro-Khalistan protests is denied by another venue, following rejections from the Sydney Masonic Center and Blacktown. They were all in full swing for their 'lawful' event. Got informed by police NO.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by sanjaykumar »

I am also organising a referendum in Toronto to give an independent homeland to ethnic Kosovans in Botswanaland.

I will post this to Panjabi Hindu genocide on tweetaar to make it official.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by chanakyaa »

Why is it difficult for people to accept that nation's behaviour is governed by seeking what is best for them...
Correct, and it does not mean Aus have change of heart, just the priorities/preferences have changed. I'll add few things based on my experience.

Disclaimer: No, I do not live in Australia or "expert" on Aus. Just that my profession requires me to work with some C-suite/management types (no big deal) in Aus. Due to professional training I tend to look at things from financial/commercial/geo-economic perspectives. And, NO, I don’t have a deep list of influential contacts to bring about any change. Just Aam abdul.

Aus was/is/will remain a massive commodity/mining country for decades to come.
The 10 Biggest Exporting Industries in Aus (mostly commodities)
For some context
Population of Aus: 27 million (+/-), approx. 30% are foreign born
Population of Delhi: 32 million (+/-)

After China's trade disputes, Aus desperately needed another country to sell its mining output (iron/ore, Alum, fertilizer, coal etc.) The only country that has the capacity and growth rate to absorb the mining excesses, is INDIA. When the Chinese imposed massive tariff on Aus wine, they looked at other countries to export its excess, including, yes INDIA (this is why wine drinking is common in movies now because of heavy lobbying of wine industry in general). Tier-1 and Tier-2 educational institutes in Aus are filled with students from India. Out of 600,000 international students in 2022, 100,000 were from India and 60,000 from Nepal (top 3 are China, India, Nepal). Conference room of Marriotts and Hyatts in Mumbai and New Delhi are often crowded by Tier-2 Aus universities road-showing to attract students. Tourism industry lobbiests have opened shops to attract Indians to spend honeymoon, vacations in Aus. Annual migration rate has almost doubled since 2008.

Migration to Australia: a quick guide to the statistics

C-suite/management/govt. types know these details very well. Govt. and corporates do not want to be seen overtly in a negative light to GoI or Indian population. It is in their best interest to keep it that way. It does not mean they a have change of heart, just that that attitude has gone underground (covert) and will show up in other forms (i.e. criticisms thru academia, brit$hit popular dividing among fault lines, Khalistan, race/caste divides, Audrey Fooske-type, encourage infighting between Asians etc.), as very well understood by BRFites here. Plausible deniability. Look at the Aus economic model. They recognize that they don't want to go down the path of debt-driven US model. They are balancing between US and European model (some flavor of open market+socialism). Aus superannuation funds are big owners of corporate Aus and jump in whenever there is an external shock, works well. Having said all this, the country is very much in the YooS sphere of influence, it wants to keep it that way, while maintaining some independence. Because the future is Asia.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by Cyrano »

Chanakyaa ji,
Thank you for this insightful perspective.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by rahulm »

I think this needs to be here - I'll cross post in Bollywood and India Australia threads. This is one hell of a hit job.

Bollywood: The politics behind the scenes

Who are Avani Das, Naomi Selvaratnam and the JNU prof Ira Bhaskar? I have never heard of them.

AI Summary.

The article discusses the alleged political interference in Bollywood by the Modi government. The government has been accused of using Bollywood for party propaganda and of targeting actors and filmmakers who are critical of the government. The article also discusses the impact of this political interference on Bollywood, which has led to a decline in creativity and freedom of expression.

Here are some key points from the article:

The Modi government has been accused of using Bollywood for party propaganda.

The government has also been accused of targeting actors and filmmakers who are critical of the government.

This political interference has had a negative impact on Bollywood, leading to a decline in creativity and freedom of expression.

Some actors and filmmakers have spoken out against the government's interference, but they have faced backlash and intimidation.

The future of Bollywood is uncertain, but it is clear that the political climate in India is having a significant impact on the industry.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by Atmavik »

rahulm wrote: 10 Aug 2023 03:25 I think this needs to be here - I'll cross post in Bollywood and India Australia threads. This is one hell of a hit job.

Bollywood: The politics behind the scenes

Who are Avani Das, Naomi Selvaratnam and the JNU prof Ira Bhaskar? I have never heard of them.

AI Summary.

The article discusses the alleged political interference in Bollywood by the Modi government. The government has been accused of using Bollywood for party propaganda and of targeting actors and filmmakers who are critical of the government. The article also discusses the impact of this political interference on Bollywood, which has led to a decline in creativity and freedom of expression.

Here are some key points from the article:

The Modi government has been accused of using Bollywood for party propaganda.

The government has also been accused of targeting actors and filmmakers who are critical of the government.

This political interference has had a negative impact on Bollywood, leading to a decline in creativity and freedom of expression.

Some actors and filmmakers have spoken out against the government's interference, but they have faced backlash and intimidation.

The future of Bollywood is uncertain, but it is clear that the political climate in India is having a significant impact on the industry.
Snooze , Jay shah can deal with Aussies but it’s not worth his time. In five years Kaneda and UK will also be dealt with similarly. U can sense the frustration from the BIF who live in these countries. They might as well move to Paki land
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by ritesh »

chetak wrote: 27 May 2023 22:36

The California Senate has voted in favor of banning caste discrimination amid row.
California: In a historic move, the California State Senate on Thursday passed a legislation that would ban caste-based discrimination in the State.

Passed by 34-1 vote, the bill – SB 403, would make California the first US state to add caste as a protected category in its anti-discrimination laws.

Promoters of the bill, being led by non-profit Equality Lab, said that a similar bill is being introduced in the State House of Representatives, before it can be sent to the Governor to be signed into a law.
Will it have an opposite effect instead? I am referring to stopping brain drain and exporting more woke illiberal oppressed pepuls instead. Let see how many of them would get lapped up in amerika?
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by chetak »

ritesh wrote: 10 Aug 2023 08:30
chetak wrote: 27 May 2023 22:36

The California Senate has voted in favor of banning caste discrimination amid row.
Will it have an opposite effect instead? I am referring to stopping brain drain and exporting more woke illiberal oppressed pepuls instead. Let see how many of them would get lapped up in amerika?

ritesh ji,

the objective seems to be to socially and economically deconstruct and fragment the Indian community and its cultural cohesiveness and curtail its growing political clout. Unfortunately, these clowns seem to revel in electing scum like the bobby jindals and pramila jayapals and other such bottom feeding dirt bags.

This is the re emergence of the tried and tested age old colonial divide and rule syndrome, and the proof that it worked so well in India is all the evidence they need to deploy it to fragment and dismember the successful and economically dominant amriki Hindu community.

very soon, this narrative will make its appearance as a dominant condition (just like the "not using child labor" clause) in trade deals to try and constrict India's economic growth

As usual, the goras are using frontal organizations run by "Indians" to impart an authentic democratic flavor with an Indian tadka

and, wherever you see these scum dravidiyas, think BIF and padres lurking in the background, and their woke critical race theory has, so very conveniently, morphed into the critical caste theory
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by Manish_P »

Torch bearers of fair play, equal rights and all that, where are thou ?

Ah yes, playing cricket in India. Ever ready to give gyaan to the indians

tsk tsk
Australians have rejected the recognition of Indigenous citizens – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders – in the Constitution, thereby, scuppering plans to amend the country's 122-year-old Constitution after a divisive and racially-tinged referendum campaign.

If passed, the reforms would have created a consultative body to weigh in on legislation that impacts Indigenous communities. The reforms would also have helped in addressing the social and economic inequality in Australian society.

An Australian for the “no" campaign said she was “fighting to keep an extra layer of bureaucracy out of our Constitution", while asserting that she was “not a racist". :lol: # that's a new one
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by ricky_v »

big developments, aus which is in the comfy boa constrictor-like embrace of the aukus refuses to send warship to the mideast

why post here, this news should be taken in context of the north-eastern indian ocean. ... ip-red-sea
Australia will not send a warship to the Middle East, despite US requests, but will deploy additional personnel to help its closest ally.

The government was mulling a request from the US to deploy a Royal Australian Navy ship in the Red Sea and help secure international shipping lanes, as Houthi rebels continue their blockade of the area in a show of support for Palestine.

But on Thursday, Defence Minister Richard Marles confirmed the government would not directly deploy a warship and would instead send navy personnel.

“We won’t be sending a ship or a plane,” he told Sky News.

“That said, we will be almost tripling our contribution to the Combined Maritime Force.

“We need to be really clear around our strategic focus and our strategic focus is our region – the north-east Indian Ocean, the South China Sea, the East China Sea, the Pacific.”

Up to six extra Australian Defence Force officers will be deployed to the Combined Maritime Forces in Bahrain in early 2024. Another five personnel will be embedded in the CMF headquarters for Operation Manitou, which supports international maritime security efforts in the Middle East and East Africa.

This will bring the total CMF contribution to 16 personnel.

While opposition spokesman for foreign affairs Simon Birmingham agreed Australia’s strategic priorities lie in the Indo-Pacific, he said the Suez Canal was also integral.
Australia responds to US warship request

The confirmation follows days of speculation over Australia’s reluctance to participate in the US-led operation, which will include the armed forces of Britain, Bahrain, Canada, the Netherlands, Italy and France.

The expanded operation was created in response to a string of recent missile and drone attacks on oil tankers and container ships sailing through the Red Sea and Suez Canal fired by Houthis, an armed group backed by Iran that controls much of northern Yemen.
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by chetak »

ricky_v wrote: 21 Dec 2023 17:07 big developments, aus which is in the comfy boa constrictor-like embrace of the aukus refuses to send warship to the mideast

ricky_v saar,

These many aussies should be more than enough. No warships required. These guys fight bare handed

Up to six extra Australian Defence Force officers will be deployed to the Combined Maritime Forces in Bahrain in early 2024. Another five personnel will be embedded in the CMF headquarters for Operation Manitou.

considering the stories of how a mere handful of aussies and new zealanders won the second WW just by themselves, walloping the nazis and the banzais, while wowing the ladies on multiple continents, the bad guys have been forewarned.....
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by SRajesh »

Multiple stabbings and shootings reported in Sydney-Bondi beach mall :eek:
Four dead One maybe the stabber
Probably peaceful variety??
here we go AoA
All that energy stored from month long inactivity needs expending !!
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by rahulm »

^^ The story is unfolding. 5 confirmed dead (inc. the perp I think). A total of 9 people were stabbed inc a 9 month old baby. Many are in critical condition. I do visit Bondi from time to time.

Bondi has a high concentration of Jewish people. Bondi is a tourist hot spot with a famous beach.

Perp identity and religious affiliation is unknown yet. Albo has asked people not to jump to conclusions and let the investigation take its course.Perp was wearing a football jersey when he went on a rampage. CCTV footage is available and shows the perp chasing people randomly with a knife.

Update: 6 Killed.

Six people killed in stabbing attack at Sydney's Westfield Bondi Junction, alleged offender shot dead

"Early indications do not point to terrorism" says the ABC."Commissioner Webb said the police "don't have fears for that person holding an ideation, in other words, that it's not a terrorism incident.""
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Re: India-Australia News and Discussion

Post by rahulm »

Update: from
Here's what we know about the attacker based on the update from NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Anthony Cooke:

The attacker has been identified as 40-year-old Queensland man Joel Cauchi
Police say he arrived in NSW last month and hired a "very small " storage facility
He is known to Queensland Police
NSW Police have spoken to his family who are cooperating with authorities
There is no evidence so far to suggest the attack was driven by any particular ideology or motivation
NSW Police say he suffers from mental health issues, but did not elaborate
It is not known why he moved to NSW
Police have confirmed that the weapon was a knife, but have not provided further detail about the knife or how he came to possess it
Looks like a loony. Remarkable coincidence he picked Westfield Bondi - a wealthy suburb with a high % of jews.
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