chetak wrote: ↑05 Sep 2024 21:07
sanman ji,
Be assured that no one on the forum has missed any of your points, especially when you persist, despite being politely advised on multiple occasions, against using unwarranted and hurtful pejoratives like "scolded schoolboy", "act of fearful kowtowing" and such like for a democratically elected, and verifiably fair election(s) winning, third time PM.
These are elections that have been globally acknowledged as free, fair and above board, with even the most bitter and evil of India's enemies endorsing this fact, and the man has had the highest global rating among world leaders for many years running now.
We get that you are not a fan but there is no need to constantly belabour this point unless there is an agenda in play.
No, don't get so injured and don't spin it like that. I like Modi more than all the other politicians in India. But I feel that choosing a politician is always about choosing "least worst". I don't merely say that in regards to Modi & Co, I say it in regards to any and all politicians, for any situation in any country.
Likewise, I like Jaishankar more than all other foreign secretaries. He's far more able than others in that position have been. But I still remember that moment where he was sitting on a stage with an interviewer on one side of him, and US SecState Anthony Blinken on the other side of him. And Jaishankar was cheerily saying "Well, I like to keep my options open, so that my country can't be cornered, you should all praise me for that."
And Tony Blinken was sitting there quietly, with only a polite faint smile on his face.
I can only imagine what Blinken must have been thinking at the time ("Yap now, buddy - but we're going to fix you with a coup nextdoor - and then another in your home capital soon after")
Later, watching Jaishankar respond to questions in parliament after the Bangla coup, he was certainly showing a more subdued tone of someone who'd been caught off-guard by that coup. The Americans are apex-level predators, and they know how to show us upstarts our place.
So I do worry that we've been displaying "Shock & Awe".
Yes, I do belabour my points, because I don't get any responses. So I appreciate that you're at least giving me a response/assessment, even if we disagree with each other.
your entire post could quite easily have been deft and courteous, as well as, more graciously phrased, but you seem to have wilfully chosen not to do so, despite having an excellent command over the language.
sanman ji, you definitely have it in you to go for smooth, suave, and subtle .... trust me when I say that it makes for a better fit
Sir, if my wording is at times blunt or piquant, it's because I need to provoke a response/assessment from the rest of you, so that I can get your own feedback and thoughts (not on me, but on the matter at hand). A discussion forum works best when we have 2-way discussion (ie. I post my thoughts and you tell me what you agree/disagree with & why, and vice-versa)
A lot of the time I feel I'm posting in vain, and not getting read. When I see someone posting something I disagree with, I try to speak up and say why.
Yes, I understand that all my comments are just my own subjective opinions, with all their attendant prejudices.
BTW, Modi ji is not "visiting" washington as a supplicant, he is understandably displeased at what the amrikis have done to the beedis and deliberately caused problems for a friendly country like India, which they, the amrikis, describe as one among their few vital "allies"
As per moi, this is their third strike against India: first, the afghanistan fiasco, second, the interference in the 2024 Indian elections, and third, the deliberate destabilization of the beedis and the resulting genocide of the Hindus there, with 2/3 strikes aimed straight at India.
Yup, I'm in agreement with you. We've just allowed ourselves to keep getting punched again and again, and that's why nobody gives a second thought about punching us, again and again. Especially not the apex superpower and global hegemon, the United States.
I feel that we need to pay more attention to the fact that the current rulers in Washington DC do not represent US national interests.
It wasn't in the US national interest to overthrow the Yanuckovitch govt with the Maidan coup in 2014.
But that coup was done as part of a chain of events: a chain that involved invading/kililng Saddam, doing same to Qadafi, and trying to on Assad.
What's happened is that NeoCons are in charge of US foreign policy, and they are hyper-aggressive stuntsmen who are totally wedded to using American instruments of hard power, including regime change coups.
These people are like a brain parasite: they have taken over the US foreign policy brain, and are controlling the host body (American state), and the only way to stop them is to pry/dislodge them from their controlling position.
Trump inadvertently wandered onto their turf by showing up unannounced, thus mucking up their plans and provoking their wrath & fury.
Just as Trump thwarted the NeoCon plans for return to power thru Jeb Bush, likewise Trump has yet again defeated their next warhorse Nikita Randhawa (South Carolinian Nikki Haley) with some timely help from Vivek Ramaswamy.
Assassination attempt against Trump hasn't worked. (Yes, I believe that assassination attempt was likely orchestrated by these NeoCons, due to them being impulsive hyper-aggressive stuntsmen who believe in hard-power first and not last)
My point in saying all these things is that the NeoCons cannot be reasoned with.
If a man/host is infected with a brain parasite, and is engaging in horrendous behaviour because of it, then you cannot reason with that infected man or with the parasite that's causing his bad behaviour. Likewise, you cannot reason with a rabid animal or with the rabies inside it.
You cannot reason with a parasite or a pathogen. Likewise, you cannot reason with a host organism that is in the grip of the parasite or pathogen.
So that brings me to the subject of who or what Modi & Co will be trying to engage with during this visit.
Are they going to try to reason with the NeoCons?
Or are they just going to try to engage with Congressmen and other Washington officials? (Those people are all in the grip of the NeoCon lobby)
I'm also at pains to say that "NeoCon" is a rather poor descriptor of these people, who actually exist in both major political parties on both sides of the aisle, as well as in the Deep State. They only acquired that label because they first strongly manifested themselves and their predatory agenda during the Bush-Cheney whitehouse. But they are actually spread out much more widely than that.
These people have now incorporated Obama Democrats, in what now amounts to a marriage of the Deep State + Welfare State.
All of these people together are solidly Never-Trumpers.
High powered weapons from the afghanistan fiasco, the amriki "gift to the taliban" are increasingly finding their way into cashmere and, IMVHO, this is again an amriki attempt at gross meddling in the cashmere elections
Afghanistan is bleeding weapons all over, and that's hurting us, no doubt.
But we seem to have reached an understanding with Taliban, who are now increasingly taking the fight to Pakistan via TTP and even BLA.
We need to keep pushing that offensive strategy to the hilt, to bust Pak sooner rather than later.
This is a kill-or-be-killed situation. We need to Karna them while their chariot is stuck.
We don't need their rotten game, just like Russia doesn't need Zelensky games.
Time to roll them up ASAP.
(As always, I appreciate commentary and feedback from all of you on all points I've raised.)