You're misunderstanding the fundamental concept of 'absence'. अज्ञानात् (ajñānat) indeed means 'due to ignorance', not a proof or disproof of anything.On the topic of "Absence" , which clearly shows there is no such thing as a true "absence" in jagat. अज्ञानात् is anadhi (no parent) so cannot be used for proving or disproving anything. निस्तत्त्व रूपता माया स्वभावो
As the Sanskrit saying goes: वादः प्रमाणं न याति (Vādaḥ pramāṇaṁ na yāti) - 'Debate for its own sake is futile and leads nowhere.'
Let's focus on understanding rather than mere argumentation. /sigh/..
as said before ..I have taught physics/Math for decades, and as one of my guru said (about needless arguments)
Rough Translation: A person without knowledge (but who wants to learn) can be taught, It is even easier to teach a learned/smarter student. But for an arrogant person with half-knowledge, who likes to argue for argument's sake, is difficult to teach ..., even Lord Brahma cannot make him understand.अशिक्षितः शक्यो विज्ञातुम्, विद्वान् शिक्ष्यो भवेत्,
अर्धितविद् दुर्मतिर्नृणां, न तं ब्रह्मा विना शशाक।