Indian Urban Development and Public Policy Discussion

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Re: Indian Urban Development and Public Policy Discussion

Post by Cyrano »

Couriously, N°1 spot Hotan is in Xinjiang near Tibet, was called Gosthana in ancient times. Has a large PLAAF airbase. Why does Hotan have so much pollution, so far away from mainland coast mfg hubs?!! Apparently largely due to desert sandstorms that increase greatly suspended particulate matter (PM) in the air.

SPM a major cause of visible pollution in India as well, our semi-arid climate and low green cover kicks up enormous amounts of dust (containing organic & inorganic matter) in and outside cities. This website reports data on PM 2.5 and SPM10 - presumably 2.5 microns and 10 microns thick particles, and also on O3 - Ozone, NO2 - Nitrogen di oxide, SO2 - Sulphur Dioxide and CO - Carbon monoxide. PM may be unsightly, coat everything with dust, cause irritations and asthmas etc, but the other gases are more potent killers over time. These gases mostly come from automobiles and industries.

I couldn't make out if this ranking focuses only on PM2.5 or combines all the above for a composite score, with what weightages assigned to each. The website doesnt specify the data collection and analysis methods. Also its a pity one cant rank cities on other parameters and see.

Not so say India is any less polluted than it really is, but a mere SPM based index is misleading. This website is a bit dubious in its purpose since it doesn't clarify its data sources or its scientific methodology.

Oh wait, its a front for a business that sells air purifiers - thats why it focuses only on PM. With the Swiss cross in the logo triggering subconscious images of beautiful Swiss mountain's clean air and scare you to death with orange and read colours for your cities to sell cheap made in China air purifiers (basically a low power fan + filter).

Clever thinly disguised marketing :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Caveat emptor !!
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Re: Indian Urban Development and Public Policy Discussion

Post by Haresh »

The floor is lava ... pormdkevd/

Athens tackles heat and pollution with pocket-sized parks ... SKBN2B320F
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Re: Indian Urban Development and Public Policy Discussion

Post by Manish_P »

Haresh wrote: 01 Aug 2023 16:44 ...

Athens tackles heat and pollution with pocket-sized parks ... SKBN2B320F
Few cities in India (via the municipal corporation funding and legislation) are trying the Miyakawi method ... ng-forests

Mumbai city - A mini-forest boom is taking over Mumbai. It’s called Miyawaki, Delhi is rushing in too
In January this year, BMC issued an order directing all real estate developments over 10,000 square metres to reserve five per cent of their space for Miyawaki plantations.
Another article from Mumbai - Two Years On, Miyawaki Forest In Mumbai Is Showing The Way For Other Cities On Urban Jungles
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Re: Indian Urban Development and Public Policy Discussion

Post by tandav »

Pertinent to the Urban Forestry Discussion. Here is an interesting concept that integrates human spaces with miyawaki type forestry called Peacock Ecocity that operates with a nature first principle.

The central green space is surrounded by human built spaces. The central recycling forest provides the following ecosystem services to the community 1) Rainwater harvesting 2) Mitigates Urban Heat Island Effects via transpirational cooling 3) Treats and recycles waste water 4) Treats and recycles biodegradable solid waste 5) Provides dust abatement by leaves of the foliage 6) Provides a ecosystem for small arboreal wildlife such as squirrels, rabbits, peacocks, pheasant, parrots, foxes. 7) Provides a natural recreation space for the residents

An example of a project using the concept has been executed by Panchshil Realty in Pune

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Re: Indian Economy News & Discussion - Nov 27 2017

Post by Haresh »

I posted this link elsewhere, about an organisation which deals with street cleaning and introducing systems.

and also this, systems have to be introduced.

NYT writer is absolutely right: Delhi is literally a shithole; but so is all of India ... 72904.html

The other thing I noticed in Delhi and Punjab and other states was the amount of left over building rubble. just dumped. It can be crushed and made into new building material. Plenty of machines available. Is it really beyond the ability of local administrations to purchase these ? ... 2-1&ia=web

The impression I got when talking to people about these issues is that they consider it beneath them to even think or talk about it, let alone do something about it. Do Indian politicians ever say publicly "India is dirty we have to clean it up and change our habits??"
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Re: Indian Urban Development and Public Policy Discussion

Post by Suraj »

Do Indian politicians ever say publicly "India is dirty we have to clean it up and change our habits??"
They do and at least on one facet - open defacation - they've dramatically improved the picture over a decade.
Swachh Bharat Mission Dashboard

PS: Topic moved out of economy thread.
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Re: Indian Urban Development and Public Policy Discussion

Post by Hriday »

Slight off topic. I searched and couldn't find if the Saudi project, 'The Line' is discussed here.

It is a vertical city model that is worth considering for India, at least on a small scale.

Saudi Arabia is bringing a new concept in the making of urban centres.
They are building a massive vertical city called 'The Line'. Instead of building a city horizontally on the land they are building a complete city almost vertically. The project consists of two 170 km long parallel rectangular buildings with a uniform height of half a kilometre. The total width of the two rectangular blocks together is 200 metres. They claim a better lifestyle and clean atmosphere.

Schools, universities, workplaces, shopping, recreation and green parks, hospitals, everything can be accessed from anyone's home within 5 minute's walk. No roads or vehicles; instead, escalators and lift systems are provided. There is an underground high-speed rail for long-distance travel.

It can house 90 lakh people. Presently the plan is to complete 5 miles of it by 2030. Even if it stops there, just think what a spectacular sight it will be! The video given below is a must-watch. It stirs the human imagination.

When I went through the comments on their video, I saw comments from experts that suggest that it is too ambitious. Even if it is a partial success it can be a model for other countries.

They had released a cool-looking video of the project. Link below.

One interesting snippet - when I sent the description of this project to a relative, she replied that Sadhguru had mentioned that in the future, humans will live in a small space, leaving a large area of land uninhabited.
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Re: Indian Urban Development and Public Policy Discussion

Post by Cyrano »

The line is the worst possible thing ever imagined. Blocked waste water pipes, fire hazard, bacterial or viral contamination, terr0r attacks... none of these scenarios have been thought of it seems. Lots of consultants made a lot of money and a fool out of MBS.
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