Possible Indian Military Scenarios - Part VI

BRFite -Trainee
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Post by Shyam_K »

trefuelling over agra from indian il 78 mkis and then landing at kalakunda late afternoon .
il 78 mki has a drouge-probe system, while US airforce doesnt use that system.
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Post by Shankar »

USAF uses both the boom and receptacle and the drogue and probe system though boom refueling is preferd by the fixed wing pilots and drogue type by the rotary wing aircrafts each having its own pluses and minuses
BRFite -Trainee
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Post by Shyam_K »

Shankar wrote:USAF uses both the boom and receptacle and the drogue and probe system though boom refueling is preferd by the fixed wing pilots and drogue type by the rotary wing aircrafts each having its own pluses and minuses
yes but none of the B2s have a probe... they just have a recpetacle for the boom operator to plug into. B52s havent got a probe either.
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Post by Shankar »

Genearl vladimir looke at the long line of tu-160 black jacks and tu-22 backfires with immense national pride and was proud to be given command of such and awesome fleet of war birds .Though not as glamorous as the stealthy b-2s ,he knew the the high speed blackjacks carries some of its own advantages which a much slower b-2 can never replicate and that was its awesome speed advantage ,giving very little time for the enemy to detect /intercept unique for a bomber of its size .

Today he will be piloting the lead formation flying supersonic all the way over herat,kabul,kandahar into peshwar where the latest sat photos have indicated a group of missiles have been moved out in the open just near the perimeter fence of paf base peswar. A square concrete building at the end of the runway has been tracked by a russian low altitude satelite giving gamma radiation much higher than background generating a strong possibility that the building housed the pakistani nuclear warheads . This woudl be his primary target followed by destruction of the base itself with its complement of almost two squadrons of f-16s all of them spanking new .

His escorts again indian sukhois will join over bagram air space and then a quick supersonic dash over afgan airspace over kandahar and then over target peshwar right when the first of the b-2 s will strike at karachi .

His would be a small flight of three tu-160s which will quickly return to kant for the next sortie of the day as directed by air battle commander on board the iaf phalcon .

This low key high capability russian airbase came to international attention for all the wrong reasons when a falcon smuggling ring sponsered by united arab emirates was found to be centred on this base .The base commander , as senior russian general of strategic forces was recalled to moscow and wasfound "murdered"the next day saving the state the trouble of a long embarassing trial.

In the distance first of the blackjacks started moving into fuelling position and the flakes of snow dropping on their predator like air frame created a ghostly aura of death all around.
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Post by Shankar »

The sleek F-16 I s were fuelled and ready inside thier underground parking apron with a taxi way leading to the runway hammer head directly minimising the chance of battle damage when taking off under air attack. The pilots were doing thier last go around ,already suited up and the crew chiefs busy with the last minute inspections .The air was however remarkably void of any overt tension . For israeli air force fighting wars have been a way of life right from its inception .

Home to Barak(meaning lightning in hebrew) as the f-16 are called in israel 109,117 and 110 squadron this air base in northern israel is perhaps the most illustrious of all air bases in israel.One noticable thing in all israeli airbases including the premier ramat david base is the flight crews all were thier squadron insignia but not their rank or occupational insignia.Dictated by years and years of combat experience they never dislose thier seniority or specialisation even to a chance observer.

But then this is not the only diffrence of israeli airforce from other airforces of the world .Another classic diffrence all sorties of israeli airforce are operatinal sortie and can turn into a combat sortie anytime any place without notice .So as a rule israeli airforce jets are usally armed for battle most of the time .

Squadron 117 was formed in 1953 with meteores progressed to mirage 3 and onwards to f--16 A ,It was this squadron along with 110 squadron that attacked the iraqi nuclear reactor at osirak in 1981.Now equipped with a mis of f-16 c/d and I type sometimes refered to as the most potent single engined strike fighter formation in the world but hotly contested by indian mirage-2000 squadron based in gwalior.Covering the walls of the lounge next to ops briefing room ,plaques are mounted proudly for each air to air victory mounted by the squadron detailing the air craft type and date ,ranging from vampire to hunter to su-17 to mig 21 to the vaunted mig 25.

There were however no palques to indicate an awacs or f-15 kill .The pilots about to get into thier falcons hoped by the time they got back from this mission they wil be able to add quite a few additional plaques on the wall like one of a north korean nodong or may be a tapo deng . The squadron painter (actually a black hawk pilot) was already into the job making a cardboard cut out of a north korean missile just launched from a mobile launcher .

Like all israeli planned strike missions route planning was done meticulously .After taking of from ramat david the formation would cut across short strech of jordonian air space at ultra low level enter us controlled iraqi aor space at low level and change altitude to 20000 ft as it flies along the iraq sadi border inside iraq till kuwaut ,refuel from usaf kc 130 tankers over kuwait then hit decks at less than 50 ft over the arabian dessert sand dunes all the way to the target .Hit the target and exit to royal airforce base in the outskirts of muscat ,oman .Refuel and re arm and if nessecery carry out a second strike the next day from RAF base on the outskirts of muscat while returning to home base .

It was a risky and complicated plan but then IDF did not get the stature it has by playing safe and simple . The state of the art f-16s were just a part of the game rest was the young pilots mostly in their twenties ready to take unheard of risks and pit thier skills against any force in the world to achieve the mission objective.From entebe to osirak from dessserts of sinai to the city of tehran and islamabad pilots become very serious when israeli airforce is even mentioned.

Today just one such day ,as one after another the falcons satrted taxing out with all navigation lights off and total radio silence .Detailed route was already in the auto pilot and till they cross into iraqi air space from jordan there will be no radio chatter . Only time they will open radio communication will during air to air refuelling over iraq and then once over target to co ordinate the strike from diffrent angle and direction of attack and take care of targets of opertunity .

The cold dessert air reverbated with the pulsing sound of GE 100 engines as the israeli falcons took to air ,two at time ,banked sharply to port and settled down to a ground hugging flight profile towards international border with jordan expecetd ina few minutes .
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Post by Shankar »

It was a hectic hectic day at vandenburg .Located 55 miles north of santa barbara about mid way between san francisco and los angeles an acclerated launch of ares V laucnh vehicle was in progress with an unheard of payload into low earth orbit -all of 100000 kgs in its protected cargo bay .The payload consisted of a set of missile launch warning satelites to be put in sun synchornous polar orbit in sequence so that a real time imagery of pakistan,saudi arabia and iran will be available to the allied commanders every 2 hrs .Needless to say the sats contained ultra sensitive infra detectors programmed to identify missile launch signature and predict its trajectory almost immediately directly to the ground stations without recourse to ground based super computers in NORAD was in the case of gulf war 1 . This was a technological leap not known to outside world and one of us s blakest secrets.

Ares V was in fact developed under the guise of manned lunar missions and probable manned mars missions .The heavy booster was in fact capable of lifting heavy payloads 143000lbs to trans lunar orbit or as in this case upto 287000 lbs to low earth orbit .As the iran conflict loomed nearer and NORAD needed more eyes in sky the programme was accelerated and modified to take on its first flight a bunch of satelite configured for boosting the capability to detect and track balistic missiles in any corner of the globe .

Just like the sapce shuttle during the the reusable solid boosters and core propulsion stage will power the vehicle to orbit . Once reaching the low earth orbit the reusable solid rocket boosters would be jettisoned along with the core propulsion stage .The J-2X engine will then put the vehicle in a circular orbit .In a lunar mission the space craft carrying the astronauts would have been delivered by a seperate ares 1 rocket docking for transfer to lunar module and then the earth departure stage would have been fired for achieving the escape velocity to start its moon journey .

Todays mission did not call for this activity. So the available fuel on the j-2x engine would allow deployment of the missile detection satelites in sun synchronous orbits one at a time creating a virtual watchful shield in space almost instaneously .

The ground trembled as the core propulsion stage fuelled by liquid oxygen and hydrogen fired followed in 2 seconds by the twin five segmented solid rocket boosters (shuttel uses just one booster) .The five RS-68 cryogenic rocket engines assisted by the twin giant solid boosters lifted the 100 ton payload effortlessly into space .Just under 8 minutes into flight the booster seperation motor atop the central booster element fired contained within an interstage cylinder and the booster stage seperated .Orbit insertion moves started almost immediately and one by one six advanced spy satelites were pushed out into orbit by the robotic arm from the payload bay into thier designated orbits
Within 6 hrs all of them were sending health signal back home -pakistan was now under watch 24x7

The first of the high resolution pictures sent back by KH-11C was that of el sulayil missile base in saudi arabia .The significance of the images were not lost on the usaf photo anayst who immediately brought it to the attention of her superior . The photos were with israeli airforce intel office in tel aviv in less than 3 hrs . The rest was but in evitable.
Rahul M
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Post by Rahul M »

shankar, should not the paki missiles be spread around "inside" the country instead of being kept @ saudi arabia and iran??
saudi arabia seems extremely unlikely, and even if those were, a bunch of smaller range missiles would surely be kept spread inside pakistan on road mobile launchers. but fear of aerial detection would make the paki command somewhat reluctant to move them about, once they are in place. we would surely require to combine the sat based detection capability of all countries like india,israel,us, uk,france, russia to find all those. and in most cases only the sar equipped types will be able to detect hidden missiles. before any operation starts, an inventory will have to be built of all missiles available to pakistan, a comprehensive book keeping exercise will be required, so to speak!
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Post by vijyeta »


The scenario you have developed is very well conceived in terms of tactical and operational details. But I have a question which keeps keeps buzzing in my head as I read - Why would the US involve Russia in an operation like this?

Russia ( with or without Putin) has been a political pariah for most of the western world for quite some time now.Even the US is involving Russia in the 'Western strategic intiatives' only if it is unavoidable ( like Iran and North Korea). Additionally, Russian involvement will decrease the domestic political mileage which the US can gain a compared to a purely 'American' anti-terror operation.

And from the Russian perspective, would they readily forget NATO's attempts at 'encircling' Russia and hand the US military/political support on a platter?
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Post by Shankar »

vij - no matter who says what Russia is still a major global military power next only to us may be by loosing its super power status due political chaos and economic crisis.
Bit those days are over -if you look at russia today just like india the effects of economic reform is showing ressults with over 6.5 % economic growth last year and expected same or more this year too.

The are of possible operation is Pakistan,Iran Afghanistan all considered within russian military power projection capability and and to that close military relationship with India the pivotal power in this conflict it is but natural russia will be called into join the forces with India and western forces to end the source of terror once and for all .

Dont forget russians have their own brand of Islamic militancy too in form of chechans and they are as ruthless and as determined in tackling that problem as we or the Americans are

Add to it the Russian humiliation in Afghanistan which ultimately caused the down fall of soviet union for better or worse.Russian bears never forgot it was pakistans active support to tali bans with of course us material help which caused the defeat .

They may sell Pakistan today some aircraft and weapon systems but in the end some day they will even the score in a very ruthless and brutal way. Like they did the Germans during the second world war.

Pakistan as a nation state is not likely to last long ,likely to implode under its self created bundle of contradictions totally anachronistic in todays world where the national boundaries mean less and less they still believe in keeping the women in burkha ,imposing feudal govt policies to maintain the privilages of elite class ,excessive difference between the haves and have nots (actually this is true in most Muslim states particularly middle east ) and where religion is the only common binding force uses blatantly to keep the rising aspirations of common people down .

Russia will get back at Pakistan for sure once they get back thier bearings maybe around early next decade -the time line for this scenario .When such a conflict arises you will not be able to keep the russians out with an electric fence .

Irrespective of public posturing us knows if it is to mount a major operation in the south east asia russian support is mandatory.Imagine what if iran and pakistan gets russian direct military support including ground troops. The whole scenario becomes untenable.
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Post by Shankar »

Development of el-sulayil missile abse commenced in early 2000 which included building new comand centres ,access roads ,residential complexand ofcourse new launch pads over a total land area of more than 1500 sq kms with a substantial number of missile bunkers for storing long range missiles.This base came to extra attention of unites states inelligence agencies after nsational security agencies electronic eves droppers when it came to light that saudi arabia is in fact negotiating with china and p[ossibly north korea the purchase of long range nuclear capable ballistic missiles.The missiles that saudis wanted to buy at that moment were dong peng 3 having a maximum range of 2500-3500 kms roughly equivalent to indias agni 2 series of missiles and would have brought the whole of middle east under threat including ofcourse israel.At that point both us and israeli intelligence were foxed by saudis double talk - moderate poitical stance on one side and financing pakistan created islamic bomb on the other.Despite best efforts by us and israel saudis finally manged to buy just over hundred missiles and 12 launchers and the deal was finalised by prince badar bin sultan ,the saudi ambassador in united states.It was reported that the money paid by saudis for this purchase was stupendous .The forst of the missiles were deployed mostlyin giant missile complex north of el-sulayil oases ,473 kms north of capital riyadh and a smaller quantity at al-jofar much closer approximately 97 km from the capital city.The el-sulayil missile complex is huge by any standard having a total protected storage space of more than 75000 cubic meters and protected by a a nearby royal saudi air force base equipped with 2 squadrons of tornados.

The two launching areas are recessed into a ravine and spaced 5 km from each other to prevent them being taken out by a single surprise strike.The launch area was standard nato type construction with concrete launch pads and underground missile storage silos linked by protected pathways .In each of the two launch areas several heavily fortified buildings were seen in the sat photos and a later day unannonced sr-71 fly pass with on board gamma ray detectors confirmed the presence of radioactive material in the buildings.The purchase of the chinese missiles was just a part of the saudi plan to become the leading power in arab world . Agreement by pakistan to store its secondary strike weapons in el-sulayil missile base already mated to chineese and later north korean missiles ,suited the saudi game plan perfectly .They now had the nuclear tipped missiles though technically the warheads were pakistani "owned" paid for by again saudi petro dollars

The most shocked apart from israel who never trusted the saudis much any way was in fact usa as this information came in the open immediately after the ameriacn congress agreed to sell the sentry awacs to saudi arabia .The explansation saudis gave was sinec us is refusing to sell them f-15s they were forced to buy the missiles from china.By this clever move saudi airforce managed to aquire about two squadrons of F-15 a too .To make americans happy saudi arabia "agreed" not to put chemical or biological warhead in the missiles and signed the nuclear non proliferation treaty. The agreement did say anything about putting a nuclear warhead on the missiles since it was assumed at that time saudi arabia did not posses any nuclear weapons .Similarly signing of nuclear non proliferation treaty was pretty meaninglesssince saudi s were in no position to export nuclear know how .All they did was to secretly store some ones nuclear weapons in thier missile base -mated to long range missiles for their own protection from iran.When us inspectors wanted to inspect the el-sulayil base -saudi authorities flatly refused permission

As the details of saudi involvement in pakistans nuclear programme became public along with the fact that saudi arabia was in fact financing quite a few terrorist organisation -us strangely kept silent because of overwhelming dependence on saudi oil and force israel to do so too.The penatagon then started looking for alternate bases to relocate thier assets in saudi arabia and one such was in qatar since it became clear israeli strike against el-sulayil was almost a certainity.
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Border Dispute

Post by ashdivay »

[Day 1]

(Lt.General Abdul Samad – Pakistan Forward Operation Base,20-30 km from Border. – 0600)

Samad was a man of few words. A Pak Muslman (Pure Muslim) . He believed in the new Pakistani leaders view regarding the new Globalised world. And saw it with hatred. Believing it to be cause of all the suffering of the Pakistani People.

“Sir we are receiving sat images from our friends in the East.â€
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Post by Shankar »

The 12 isareli airforce F-15I s stretd thie engines in unison and the sky shook with the thunder of thier exhaust . As normal with all israeli airforce covert strike missions it was full radio silent mission except during the scheduled air to air refuelling over iraq in 1.5 hrs time . The rolling thunder like sound of twin F-100-PW-229 engines filled the sky as one after another the dozen of israels best combat aircraft tok to skies to defend their nation from possible extinction ,with all the professional elan of perhaps the most dedicated and precision strike capable airforce of the world. They would join the f-16s from ramat david some where over jordonian air space and fly all the way to target in a loose v formation low altitude all the way .

The israeli eagle were arme to teeth and only 1/2 full fuel tanks .The six barrel 20 mm vulcan cannon were expected to be used during the strike and so it had a full magazine.Its air to ground complement included cluster bombs and bunker busters for hitting the underground missile launch centre and also for the hard pre stressed concrete missile bunkers.Its air to air mix was standard amraams and sidewinder 9x .While the falocns were primarily tasked with air to ground part of the mission and the eagle with the protection of facons while they were doing thier job -with this mission israeli airforce planners did not leave anything to chance .Two of the eagles were armed with 12 kt boosted fission devices to be used only as a weapon of last resort should the saudi air defense prove more robust than expected and falcons were not able to cause acceptable level of damage .

Israel and with it its allies were not taking any chance as far as this mission was concerned . The armourers who loaded the nukes on the eagles were surprised to see some notations on the bomb which were not in hebrew but being professionals did not even discuss it with thier superiors. Only one of them who was a fan of bollywood movies thought the scripts were similar to hindustani but he also kept very quite about it.

The selection of this particular air base was intentional.Hatezarim air bas eis perhaps the most public of all israeli airbases being home to an impressive air force museum apart from being an operational base and home to various training squadrons.The air force museum occupies the north corner of of this nagev dessert base and houses a wide collection of f-4,a-4,queenairs etc.The collection is 140 strong all aircratf arranged in neat rows reflecting the glorious past of israeli air force.The range of aircraft on display cover the entire story of air warfare of israeli nation strting from light singles and rapides used in palestine to the spit fires mustang ,mystere ,mirageIII, kfir, phantom II ,and a-4 and does include some rare specimens like republic see bee and also includes transports like dakota,noratlas,strato cruiser and b-707.

It was important to hide this mission from public eyes since it was known both saudi and egyptian intelligence with possible pakistani operatives keeping a sharp look out on the more remote strike bases best secrecy can be guranteed by pushing off this large formation of f-15I s from the most public of all air bases which has a high air trafic density because of the training facility 24x7 .

F-15I are no doubt the most potent of all israeli combat aircraft ,born out of a deal in 1994 and first two delivered to israeli airforce on 1998 to patishim meaning hammers squadron.In flight refuelling was practiced right from the begining initially from b-707 refuellers since it was known even then that f-15I will not be used if possible in routine strike missions.

The full strength of this mission specific formation was 25 aircraft.With 12 gone the other 13 was quickly brought to operation ready status which in israeli airforce means fuelled and armed ready to join the battle anywhere withing its range at 5 minutes notice maximum. The pilots were suited up and sat in rough canvass chairs near the aircrafts and the ground carts were hooke in .

If required (highly unlikely) they can and would be launched if the primary strike force meet unexpected opposition -that was the understanding.
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Post by Shankar »

Hi guys sorry sorry for the un intended break -was in fact in IGGAR Kalpakam for a system commissioning and just back

As usal it was an enriching learning experience to interact with some of indias top nuclear scientists and engineers and learn from them the basics of reactor and fast breeder technology first hand along the way.

Also to hear from them the nuclear vision of modern india -the integrated sel sustaining fuel cycle and shifting dependence from fossil fuel to nuclear fuel over the next few decades at least to a significant extent

Like LPSC hear also I met people who are guided by mission spirit and trying to implement the highest level of technology and research in the nuclear world with an unmatched spirit irrespective of some one comes to help along the way or not .

This is the spirit of modern India that has shaken the world (and hope will do so many times in the next few years )

It was also a humbling experience to ask questions to people who helped build indias first fast breeder reactor and operate it sucessfully and develop the technology further for the first operating fast breeder 500 MW in next five years or so ,about the problems of liquid sodium about radiation containment and the list goes on .

Ofcourse I used the chance to tell them about BR and about the funny military scenarios and talked about everything under the sun

Hari Sud
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Post by Hari Sud »

Hello Shankar

A great scenario.

Do a bit of special forces stuff, to neuterlize an artillery position or a tank battle on the lines of Khemkaran, Usal Uttar or still better Kursuk in WWII, if you could find enough tanks on both sides for melee.

Your details are great.

Good Luck and Happy New Year to you.

Hari Sud
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Post by Shankar »

The four USAF tanker crews flying race track pattern over the designated refuelling zone were tense and very busy.With more than 24 aircraft trying to take on max fuel in shortest times called for much more than air to air refuelling skill -it was an example of time operational management . With an alloted 6 minutes of refuelling time allowed per tanke per aircraft pair and another 8 minutes to disengae and engage the fresh pair to the tanker .Everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief as the complex operation was completed and the israeli aircraft dived for the dessert floor on the final leg of their strike mission leaving behind a mini sand storm folowing the aircraft formation all the way to saudi intermediate range missile base

The eagles were carrying mainly rockeye cluster bombs and 1000 kg laser guided bombs ,the falcons were all carrying 2000 kg laser guided bombs and only two of the eagles were also carrying an elongated cigar shaped bombs and flew deperately protected by its own dedicated two f-15 escorts .

Colonel Rahamat khan looked around at the sprawling but well hidden
missile launchers a total 60 spread between launch area A and B. He was satisfied with the days work . A week back as the allied build up peaked and the general knew the end game can start anytime he sent his trusted asistant rahamat khan to al sulayyil to make ready 8 misssiles targetted for north and west indian cities ,to be launched as a salvo the moment any of the pakistans nuclear instalations were hit by allied airforce .Included in the target list was us navy carrier task forces about to cross the st of hormutz, city of delhi and mumbai , air bases at jamnagar and pune with the dual advantage of destrying a strtagic air base and important economic target at the same time ,us-indian air base at bagram afganistan and a russian air base which is currently housing the supersonic bomber fleet .

The general wanted to copy the israelis by doing a pre emptive nuclear strike before he lost everthing from a base far away from locations under watch . Only he forgot -israeli airforce is the ultimate master of pre emptive surprise . Even as he waited for the final command from the general and subsequent clearence from saudi king -israeli air warriors were already on thier way with his death warrent signed -sealed and about to be delivered .

Launch area A is located in a narrowcanyon for cover and concealment and essentially consists of missile support and check out area along with missile laucnh area with well dispersed support buildings and pre surveyed concrete launch pads .The launch area B is similar but has fewer dispersed buildings most likely having a more advanced /longer range missile storage/launch facility.The missile suport area consists of a high bat drive thru maintainance and check out building an auxilary drive thru building and a support vehicle garage with possible 8 missile carrying support vehicles.The pakistani nuclear warheads were now move from a seperate earth covered building to the missile chack out building one at a time and mated to the missiles one at a time . There was more than enough time for the job to be completed in next 3 hrs or so and then pakistans ultimate deterance will be in position waiting just the generals order.
BRFite -Trainee
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Post by menon »

For those who maybe interested in having an idea of what shankar is saying please see the Sat images of the missile base

http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world ... magery.htm
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Post by Shankar »

She turned into wind and and the gas turbines whinned shrilly as they were quickly brought up to full power .The launch officer on flight deck confirmed air speed over deck is nearly 30 knots and it is o.k to launch aircrafts and the first of the mig 29ks rolled into take off position

-Clear deck for helo launch came the monotonous voice of air boss over the metalic public address system and first of the sea kings lifted of and took position 25 mtrs to starboard ,she will stay like that for next 20 minutes or o till aircrafts in the first strike flight have been safely launched .All the four catapults wil be used for launching close to two squadrons fo super hornet as pakistani command and control infrastructure along the coast and coastal airbases and suspected weapon silos .

The cat officer checked the entire length of cat track and confirmed the tie rod to nose wheel have been corretly fixed as he gave up the thumbs up sighn anxd the red button was pushed in the console of cat no 3 and first of the super hornets were in air exactly 2.8 seconds after that .Even before it has retracted its undercarriage and veered of the flight path the cat 1 went active and the second super bug was on its way . The crew waited for a few seconds to allow the see breeze clear off the steam mist on the flight deck and conform steam pressure in the accumulator was satisfactory before bowing down and repeating the entire process once again .Two more hornets were in the sky going straight for the pakistani coastline not so far away.

Barely 100 kms from the coast of gawdor the fulcrums and the hornets linked up .For the initial strike mission the primary mission of the flankers will be air dominance while the hornets take out the weapon silos with precision bombs and missiles .Once the air to ground ordanance have been used up the hornets will take up the air protection role while the flankers go down to finish off the staff the hornets have left behind .

The first strike on gawdor was expected to last about 15 minutes maximum and the aircrafts were instructed to stay in air off the coast of gawdor till the second wave from carrie charles de gaulle and hms elizabeth relieves them .The basic operational plan was no pakistani aircraft should be allowed to take off from the gawdor and karachiregion for next 24 hrs .To achieve that objective an eight aircraft cap will always be maintained over the region after initial strike using the aircraft from the six allied carriers in the region .
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Post by Shankar »

Captain deborah watched the moving map dispaly on the left multi functional display which clearly tracked her progress over the featureless saudi dessert and looke at the estimated time over target at 419 seconds. The white triangle started blinking on the map display indicating time to execute the weapon release procedure . Deborah clicked on the side buttons bringing the map dispaly on the central tilted console and pushing up the nav dispaly to left console .She then changed the colour of the head up display to blue to ensure better visibility against an orange fire /dust storm back drop as may be expected some time after weapon release .She tightened her straps once more ,a totally useless gesture considering it was already tightened to maximum as her right hand moved over the weapon selector buttons and pressed on weapon station 4 ,the centre line pylon holding the 2000 kg gbu 28 bunker buster . The arming circuit energised instantly and the glow just over the selector turned yeallow from green as deborah tightly held onto the control stick and used her left hand to gently move the collective throttle all the way forward to the small notch called re heat gate nudged it past the obstruction and then pushed it all the way to the stops .Both hands on the stick now she pulled the yoke all the way forward and the eagle put its nose to the sky and started climbing with the full power of the twin engines behind with a 18ft long flame lighting her behind .Debroah could feel the edges of her vision turning black as the g forces relentlessly pushed her frail body back into the martin baker ejection seat and the altimeter showed 25000ft as she came out of the fast vertical climb and leveled off ,the black rings dissappearings and normal vision was restored as she checked up the moving map dispaly once again .

She was in fact one of the first combat pilots of israeli airforce who despite her flawless flight reccords wanted to put her on an instructor piot position.Deb refused and appealed thru her uncle with the defense ministry at tel aviv.After almost a national scandal highlighting sexiest bias in israeli defense forces and direct intervention of the prime minister she was allowed to join combat duty . Inside her anti glare helmet she carrie a full head of golden curls and deep blue eyes ,hinting at a distant syrian parentage .When out of flight suit ,in her civvies she was naturally the toast of the town at haifa -her home town . She never married and her friends never tired of asking why she did not, without any answer as usal.

- seven second to weapon release -make course 064-altitude 26500 ft -air speed 600 knots came the voice of her weapon systems officer from the back seat as deborah automatically adjusted the throtle settings and a slight push on the control yoke got the heavy aircraft back on course .Seperated just by a thing aluminium alloy skin and held in place by a small electromagnetic latch the 2000kg gbu 28 rested quitely .Inside its 14 inch artilery barrel casing was the 293 kg of TNTand aluminum powder mixture or trinotal .Fins at the front of the bomb will control the glide path by moving little based on the command signal of the reflected laser beam ,the fins at the back was just to hold it steady during flight and descent .

- 5 4 3 2 1 -pickle -bombs away. came the voice of debs weapon officer ,an electronics engineer from tel aviv university,who wanted to be an eagle pilot but rejected by the medical board because of bad temperament and now assigned to captain deborah as weapon systems officer .The eagle lurched as the heavy bomb dropped down and arced down in a perfect parabolic trajectory towards the missile storage complex still almost 20 kms away and 25000ft down some where in the dessert floor

Captain rahamat khan looked up as the long cigar shaped object appeared out of no where with a sharp whistle .He could actually the small fins in the front of the bomb move as it guided the bunker busting bomb into the main air duct of the underground storage complex at a speed in excess of 800 kms per hour ,penetrated thru the prestressed concrete protective wall and then exploded.The explossion was muted by 100s of tons of concrete and earth and all inside the underground complex died almost instaneously .The ground heaved as tiny silver specs roared overhead and dropped withoit remorse thousands and thousands of kilo grammes of high explossive systematically taking out the entire missile base from the the fuel storage to launch pads to residential complexes to access roads .The israeli falcons came from all directions of compass dropped thier load and vanished as the next formation came on .A thick cloud of dust and smoke filled the ravine .

Four saudi air force tornados came in to investigate and made the mistake of lighting up thier air search radar.A total of 12 amraams were launched almost simultaneously by israeli eagles on protective air patrol .3 of the saudi toranados went down without ceremony and fourth one dove for the deck and flew off towards riyadh.

It was only then the secondary explossions strarted deep in the bowels of earth as one after another chinese missiles strarted cooking off each adding its own little bit to the carnage . By the time the israeli aircrafts have left the area once mighty saudi missile base was nothing more than a smoking ruin.
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Post by Shankar »

Major general stoneway looked at the large 25 ship formation carrying the the omnious responsibility of inducting the first of the soldiers to take possesion of the gwador port and suspected nuclear storage silos around just after the initial bombardment was over and pakistani air defense capabilities neutralised at least for the time being.His indian navy counterpart rear admiral manjit sing was standing next to him on the bridge and the radar repeater showed launching of the first wave of indian and us navy aircraft from the carrier groups surronding the amphibian flotilla.The game plan called maximum speed advance towards the coast as soon as the strike mission commences in about 5 minutes and carry on hot insertion into the port area with maximum level of close air support from indian /us navy fighters .The first of the landings will be from jalshva(ex uss trenton followed by marines from boxer ) to create the bridgehead .

USS Boxer was a difficult ship to handle from the day of her commissioning .Built at the ingalls ship yard at mississipi she had to transit the panama canal on her way to san diego.Although designed to transit the canal her bridge wing and some other smaller components were sheared off in the transit.After minor repairs and and system checkout boxer was deployed with the pacific fleet along with ogden and fort fisher .First combat exposure in 2001 in support of operation enduring freedom and followedby operation northern watch and after an extended tour covering singapore,thailand,jebal ali ,guam and baharain returned home just 3 days before 9/11.She was deployed once again as part of operation iraqi freedom .

She is a big ship by anay standard though major general stoneway .At nearly 41000 tons she was in fact heavier than the indian navy carrier Virat accompanying the expeditionary force abd directly responsible for its air defense.Though presently cruising at a steady 15 knots her massive steam turbines can easily churn out more than 100 tons of steam per hour to propel her to speeds in excess of 24 knots very quickly as may be required during the actual troop insertion.Her own air defense/offence capability in form of 8 AV-8B harrier short take off vertical landing aircrafts and a large number of sea king helos were already on 15 minute stand by mode.Six cargo elevators would transfer material and supplies from the 100000 cubic foot cargo bay to staging area in the flight deck ,hanger bay and vehicle storage bay in a matter of minutes.Cargo was also at the moment being transfered to the landing craft docked within the 13000 sq ft well deck. Fork lifts were moving around frantically loading cargo on the helicopters on the flight deck and hanger bay.The spawlingintense medical assistance and surgical bays were almost empty today but likely to fill up quickly as the invasion comences in 72 hrs time thought stoneway and made a mental note to talk to the chief medical officer about his unfulfilled requisitions during lunch.Six operating rooms ,four main and two emergency while more than adquate during normal operation were likely to be overloaded progressively as the operation gets under way .The casuality evacuation elevator from flight deck to operating area did report some motor contactor problem in the morning and was right at the moment being attended to .

Stoneways major worry today was boxers one of the two two main steam generation plants each capable of generating 200 tons of steam per hour during combat operations have reported super heater tube sheet leakage.While spare tube sheets were available the procedure called for complete depressurising the particular steam generator ,allowing the super heater to cool down for 24 hrs before the new tube sheet header can be installed. All the while boxer will maximum do 10 knots and electrical power usage on board would be severely restricted -no video games - no washing machine- only one hot dish and may such directives which the marines hated but then thought stone way -he was not here to win a popularity contest.

Two sea harriers of indian navy circled the clear sky above in lazy race track pattern .It was not expected pakistani airforce can penetrate the formidable cap screen thrown up by the allied naval aircraft but then as they say in navy - surprise is our worst enemy .No one was taking any chances in this war -too much was at stake.
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Post by Shankar »

Rear admiral anwar ahmed looked at the coded message recieved from the presidents office.As usal his request for additional air defense aircraft have been turned down with a cryptic explanation of thier urgent need to be deployed for air defense of karachi and islamabad . The brand new jetties and oil tank firms were in any case mostly empty and the general assumed the first indo-us strike will be at karachi and kahuta the principal nuclear weapons storage area. The secondary strategic weapons storage complex in the hills surrounding gwador and along the karachi-gwador coastal highway was not known to be known even to us intel agencies.

However rear admiral anwar was not very comfortable with the situation. First of all the position of allied fleet comprising of more than 100 frontline warships including 6 aircraft carriers were positioned some where equidistant between karachi and gwador and could move in either direction overnight.While the allied carriers were particular about no allowing any aircraft within 200 kms of thier self declared air exclussion zone and have in fact shot down a flight of PAF mirages which tried to close in the latest intel report from some fishing boats in the area did mention something about the carriers turning in towards gwador last evening and if they have maintained the change in course should be within striking distance of gwador about now .

At least he could do what was in his capability as he picked up the fancy red phone and instructed the coastal sam batteries on full alert which would give the local commanders the authority to fire without prior authorisation at any un indentified aircraft .He also ordered on a gut feeling alert status to the 16 inch coastal gun batteries .Linker to surface search radars they could be particularly devastating to any invading fleet in the process of landing men and equipment on the remote beaches of baluchistan.He also contacted the nearest pakistani airforce base and on a personal basis asked for and got use of a squadron of just painted f-16s fresh from lockheed martin plant.Four of the falcons were put on immediate cap mission and rest 12 kept on OPR on a rotating basis .

Anwar was also perplexed at the sudden reduction of chinese engineers over the last few weeks reporting for duty . Out of 2460 total on date hardly 378 reported for duty ,About 50% decided to go for annual leave together back home despite serious protests from pakistani side which included the technicians responsible for eeping the generals strategic assetsin good working order . For the last week or so out of balance 1200 odd chinese workers and engineers more than 60% have been diverted to coastal highway project and all work at the new jetties have virtually come to a stand still ,Even an year back the entire port complex looked like a mini shanghai with chinese resturants and s
Shops all over today it looked all most desserted -in fact from his office window he could not see even a single chinesse worker in the open -as if they did not want to be seen.

The reasons why china and pakistan joined hands over gwador project was totally different . China imports more than 60 percent of its cruse from persian gulf region and always felt insecure about strong us presence in the region and the presence of emerging blue water capability of the indian navy in the northern arabian sea region particularly after addition carrier vikramaditya and her escort group based on the newly constructed deep water base at karwar.Pakistan on the other hand knew from experinces of 71 war ,how vulnerable it can be to a punitive indian naval strike /blockade which almost happened again during kargil conflicts .Pakistans first attempt to diversify positioning of its naval assets was to upgrade the port facility at ormara which can house about a dozen ships and couple of large submarines of type agosta.Gwador was built up in much grander scale and entire area around gwador was termed as sensitive defense zone by pakistani govt.The project was completed on fast track in a phasewise manner .In the first phase three berths were completed at a cost of 250 million with china 198 milion and pakistan contributing 50 milion. In the second phase 9 more berths were completed costing approximately 528 million us dolars chinas share was almost 500 million .Pakistan on its part5 built the 4 lane expressway which connected the port to afganistan via chaman in baluchistan and then linking to western china giving china a land access to a strategic port located at the gateway to persian gulf .

However sino-pak strtegic relatinships were not without severe hicups like when during enduring freedom pakistan gave usaf exclussive rights to two of its air bases -jacocabad and pasni and also allowing us listening posts in peswar area which could snoop into norther tibet and xinjiang districts of china.As a ressult when china finally agreed to offer financial assistance for gwadar project it asked for and got sovereign gurantee to use the port anytime .

For india the situation was alarming from view point of energy security .Long range anti ship missiles and strike aircraft from gwadar could if required prove a serious threat to indian shipping in the gulf region. Gwadar had to be neutralised -better taken control off which synchronised with overall us game plan in the region . Human rights violation in bauchistan ,designation of pakistan as a global terrorist hub all meshed into general scheme of things flawlessly
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Post by Shankar »


-Clear deck for missile launch ,came the instruction from bridge and the the hustle and bustle on the missile deck died out as every one went behind protective shelters and the vertical launch tubes holding the 16 brahmos supersonic land attack cruise missile launchers energized for salvo launch

Up in the bridge lt commander dipak raina had one last look around the deck to confirm no stragglers were still on the deck and also the weapon status display on his missile launch console confirmed the health of al the missiles about to be launched ,first in anger was all in green. He changed the launch sequence from salvo launch to one at a time launch with a spacing of 30 seconds between each launch just as a matter of abundant precaution and checked the target co ordinates against the recent satellite photos one last time .Everything checked all right and he nodded to missile launch officer sitting hunched over the firing console ,finger on the fire buttons .

The first of kolkata class ,project 15A destroyer was launched in march 2006 as a follow on for the legendary Delhi class of destroyers and consequently added a new land attack dimension to Indian navy. Apart from 16 cell vertical brahmos missile launcher assembly it also had for its own protection Israeli anti aircraft/missile system Barak.For anti submarine operation it carried both the Humsa hull mounted sonar and Nagin towed array sonar .At an overall length of 163 mtrs and width of 17.4 mtrs and a rated displacement of 6800 tons ins kolkata was a big ship by most standard.The four gas turbines could propel her to speeds in excess of 30 knots in a matter of minutes .In short INS KOLKATA was a formidable ship of war

As the missile launch officer pushed in the launch button the fire control sequence went to autonomous mode .The protective doors slid out and the solid motors ignited pushing the slim missiles out of the launch tubes in a curtain of bright orange flame and rolling thunder sound ,in an accurate predetermined sequence .In less than 10 minutes all the 16 supersonic missiles were in flight as they tipped over and ramjet engines kicked in pushing them towards the coastal radar installations and anti aircraft missile batteries that defended the Pakistani naval base .

Even before the first missiles have hit the target the second reload was complete and the fire control computer down loaded the next set of target co ordinates into the missiles robotic brain .Once again the launching sequence was repeated with precision and accuracy as can only be expected from worlds best supersonic cruise missile system and once again the missile deck of kolkata shuddered as the next load of 16 brahmos left their launch tubes for 16 more doomed targets.

-deck safe for missile tube inspection –check and report immediately

The missile crew wearing their protective clothing and face shield rushed forward and started cleaning up the blast fragments and debris from earlier launches .The process took time as the missile tubes were still hot and access to its inner reaches were difficult. Nevertheless it was done and one by clear to load status started coming and the fire control officer logged them in . Within 30 minutes all the sixteen tubes were ready for a reload and the auto reloading process initiated.

Fir the Pakistani air defense crews who were the target of first Brahmos strike wave death came in various forms –as being blasted to space as the 300 kg high explosive warhead detonated within close confines of a radar control van or from the secondary explosions of the surface to air missiles which cooked off by the intense heat of primary explosion and most commonly by the hot metal fragments that was born during the primary and seconday explosions and moved at supersonic speed at random directions taking anyone unlucky enough to be in its trajectory .

The same process was repeated from kolkata’s sister ships Chennai and Guahati.In less than one hour a total of 96 missiles were fired at all known air defense targets around gwador clearing the way for manned aircraft strike already on their wa
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Post by Shankar »

Rear admiral Anwar Ahmed have just been informed all the air defense batteries were on full alert and radiating and quote “ not a fly can get in without being shot downâ€
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Post by negi »

Jiyo..... kya baat hai Shankar sahab,Brahmos ka kya sajeev varnan kiya hai.
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Post by Sudhanshu »

Bhai .. maja aa gaya
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Post by Shankar »

The first strike formation changed formation as soon as the down loading of the revised air tasking orders were complete and in the distant horizon the net devastations of worlds first supersonic cruise missile strike was there for all to see . The missiles have more less taken out the known radar positions without much difficulty and from he nature of the secondary fire and flames it was apparent the strike was an unqualified sucess.But the pakistani air defense have regrouped quickly and the secondary mobile radars and those held in reserve for just such a situation started getting towed out from their rock shelters in the low hills that surround the naval base .

Captain Jack Stevens pushed the port side navigation light thrice ,a predetermined signal to his team to seperate into several attack formations which spread out as they crossed into pakistani teritorial waters .His own target was a small pakistani army detachment reported to positioned just beyond the sand dunes and reportedly armed with t-80 s and dozens of armored personnel carriers as second line of defense against any invasion from the sea and having thier own croatle air defense missile batteries .On his radar screen he could see in the distance a flight of pakistani mirages approaching hsi formation at intercept speed and hoped the indian fulcrum pilots will deal with them correctly.

The smooth whine of the twin general electric f-414 ge 400 engines chnged to a raspy roar as he pushed the throttle to full military power and simultaneously pulled up on the stick a wee bit to give his radar a better look at the ground ahead .The images of the T-80 squadron massed behind the sand dunes came up immediately surrounded by the armoured personnel carrier formation in the background .The attack computer automatically identified the targets and assigned threat /strike priority.On the upper left corner of his large flat panel dispaly showed the air threat quickly approaching missile launch zone and jack stevans without thinking activated the integrated defensive electronic counter measure system by flicking on the yellow toggle switch left of the fire button which in its turn deployed the ALR 67V3 radar warning reciever,the ALQ radio frequency counter measure system and finally the ALE 55 fibre optic towed decoy system designed to thwart any surface to air or air to air missiles that have some how managed to penetrate the electronic defensive screen.The chaff/flare dispenser went on autonomous mode simultaneously and jack then had a few minutes comparitively safe time window to complete his planned strike mission .

He was carrying 4 454 kg bombs apart from two hih speed anti radiation missiles and mandatory pair of aim 9x sidewinders in case the he has to fight his way out of a tricky situation.His wingman was armed more or less same except he was carrying 6 x250 kg cluster bombs in multiple rack and four amraams for bvr fire fight .None of them were carrying the standard drop tanks to maximize weapons payload .Both of them were ofcourse had a full magazine of 570 rounds of 20 mike mike for the 6 barrel wing root mounted M6AI Vulcan cannon.

The coastal anti aircraft guns opened up all around even before he became feet dry . On his head down display the bomb aiming cursor lit up as he armed up the centre line weapon stations .At his 3 and 5 o clock spikes on radar map confirmed position of two sam batteries possible croatlle and at the same time the radar warning reciever beeped shrilly confirming being painted by air search radar

-wing -lead -twin missile radars -3 and five o clock-take them down now

His wing man zoomed up on full after burner ,turned sharply in deploying full air brakes and launched a pair of high speed anti radiation missiles at the offending radars which blew up in a cloud of dust and yellow smoke

- target neutralised ,came the cheery but tense voice of his wing man

Jack thanked him and lined up his hornet for the bomb run precisely 8000 ft over the sand dunes as the circular bomb target marker with long tail moved over the t-80 formation he started clicking one at a time and the actual bomb run was over in less than 10 seconds as he pulled up sharply hitting full afterburner for a vertical turn around as he took up the protection duty as his wingman dived low and release the load of cluster bombs on the apc formation and exited the target zone by sharp bank to starboard and joined his lead . They both punched out a dozen flares and went up to 20000 ft to take on a cap role as the rest of the flight formation started their individual attack run .

Down below it was a massacre in the making .Without any effective radar cover the sensitive surface to air missiles went haywire mostly slamming into grounds after a short flight . A few did manage to acquire targets but was quickly neutralized by the powerful counter measures of the super hornets and the next strike took out even that limited air defense capability fo the Pakistanis

The first of the ground defenses were decimated systematically and ruthlessly .The paf mirages could not even come anywhere near the strike zone ,to busy to save their own skin as they were attacked furiously by the Indian navy mig 29s even before they can get into missile launch position .It too was an one sided fight as the short range sidewinders and matras were no match for r-77 equipped mig 29s able to kill from far and that too with ease .

The tide of the battle started slowly turning in favour of the allies within first two hours and then the rafales from Charles de Gaulle and hornets from Queen Elizabeth joined the fray
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Post by Sudhanshu »

To make it more realistic, shankar should not forget to mention about their Babur and other missiles and offcourse their shaan Agosta in this scenario.
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Post by Vipul »

Request to the posters, please stop "suggesting" scenarios to Shankar.
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Post by Shankar »

She was the queen of darkness ,the spirit of death.She was dark and deadly like black mambas of africa or the king cobras of western ghats.She sliced thru the frigid thin air with assurance and confidence of a reptilian predator not seen and not even felt.In her belly she carried the death of pakistani nuclear ambition .Born as one of the darkest of dark project in a land known for dark projects she was known in her infancy as project senior c.j .In her teen she was called advanced technology bomber .She was stealthy and deadly quite.Moonlight slid off her slippery skin .She was the spirit of Texas the first operational b-2 bomber out of whiteman air force base .Now on the there side of the globe she was on a specific mission take out the air defense nerve center of Pakistan's nuclear pro gramme and if possible people responsible for it .The threat of those primitive nukes falling into wrong hands ,was a threat humanity could not accept -not after 9/11.

She was crafted by best of the best.Based on northrops unique flying wing design too much ahead of its times when first concieved came to life as world computer technology advanced enough to make the dream of Northrop a reality.Boeing ,vought and general electric joined hands based on a three dimensional computer assisted design and manufacturing system to create the spirits blended wing double w design.Northrop made the cockpit and forward air frame,the aft centre and outboard sections and vought the mid and composite sections.The honey comb structure airframe made her light and strong.The hundreds of kg of phenol bonded carbon epoxy emulsion made her invisible .Her body heat was cleverly dissipated thru v shaped outlets above to hide her intention and computerized jet of halogenated sulphnic acid injected into the hot exhaust made her contrail disappear.She absorbed all energy falling on her bare body thru the satin smooth epoxy bonded surfaces,thru the saw toothed trailing edges of her wing ,diffracted the same waves thru her swept back wing leading edges -she did not like to disclose her ruthless intentions.

Colonel Elizabeth smith knew all these and much more but right now she was quite as she watched the qudraplex redundant flight control system flew her aircraft flawless across the predetermined insertion path towards a small airbase 47 km south east of khan research laboratories where deep in the bowels of rocky earth rested the centralised nerve centre of
Pakistani air defense system for the nuclear weapon complex and communication main node.As elizabeth adjusted her slim back to the some what over sized ACES II ejction seat her first officer major bob williams checked the large flat panle head down display for the nth time .The four general electric F 118 GE 100 engines quietly turned at 855 full military power propelling them over the dark arid landscape of pakistan at comparatively slow speed of 650 km/hr .Deep in her two weapons bay she was carrying 8 AGM 129 air to ground missiles an equal number of 2000kg GBU 28 deep penetration bombs the same space she could hhave used to carry an equal number of b-61 bombs but not for today.

Costing upwards 2 billion dollars apiece she did not come cheap .At that moment she was the queen of pakistani night sky far from the dazzle and noise of gwador she flew ofcourse with the best of the best escorts - six su 30 mis of indian airforce all fully loaded with r-77 and r-73s ready to take on any one daring to challenge the queen on her uncompromising mission.But they did not bunch out around her . They flew around her in ever increasing /decreasing circles sanitizing the airspace as she move slowly majestically towards her goal skirting the radar installations on her way to khan research laboratories

Down below another dozen jaguars of Indian air force did the dirty work of blowing up the radars who dared to look at the queen and giving thier lives in the process .By the time the single b-2 would reach kahuta complex more than half of them would be shot down by ground base defenses . It will be then the responsibility of the flankers to get the spirit out with little assistance from the air battle commander on board phalcon 05 some where over Pathankot at the moment.
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Post by Cybaru »

I haven't been following this too much, but glanced here to see whats going on...

A b2 would never be escorted. No point of having stealth if she needs an escort of 6 MKI's.

Yes unsanitised airspace is kosher for something like F117 or a B2 bomber..
Hari Sud
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Post by Hari Sud »


I agree with you.

A B-2 has never been escorted during Gulf Wars or Bosnia. It is a lonly aircraft. It flyies from Missouri to anywhere in the world, with constant refuelling ofcourse.

I believe Shankar has something else in mind for the B-2. Or probably US is acutely aware of Pakistani's F-16s. They can reach the B-2, if they manage to get a faint idea of its flight path. It happened in Bosnia. The flight path of B-1 (again stealth) somehow became known to the Serbian air defences. They brought it down and scared the hell out of US planners.

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Post by Cybaru »

Yes, but they wouldn't put 6 MKIs in cap around it..

They would put 4-8 F-22As in the sky.. None near the B2 though..

Anyways a work of fiction so will let shankar continue..
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Post by Sudhanshu »

Vipul wrote:Request to the posters, please stop "suggesting" scenarios to Shankar.
:) At first I thought not reply on that lame post and just ignore it. But, later, I took it as my duty as member of BRF to make yourself clear and bring you out of ignorance. Someone bothering to suggest someone just to make his work better.

Shankar is just not writing to please a "very small section" of indian audiance (who just believes that we are more than best in military power), instead is grandeur work, I believe, should be appealing to international audiance as well and suggestions are the only ways from which he can easily wade off the potential questions would be raised in the reader mind. If I am not wrong this writing is prelude to a good book. And emphasis is no one (even pakistani) can ridiculed his work under any circumstances.

If you look at my previous posts I have noticed whenever I suggested, most of time shankar took my suggestions seriously. Whether it is first strike by PNS or anything. I am not saying he wrote purly because of my suggestion. I know he might be having this before in his mind. But all that indicates that my suggestions were not irrational at all.

It is mere suggestion, it is upto him to take it or ignore it.

Moreover, you dont have any standing to make such comment. Only shankar can make such statement.
And I guess, I have right to post things related to the topic until unless I am not offending someone. So, I can say "please mind your own bussiness" if you dont have enough brain to comprehend the meaning of word "suggestion".

Thank you

P.S Please post things related to this topic only, dont go personal.
BRFite -Trainee
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Post by Shyam_K »

Hari Sud wrote:The flight path of B-1 (again stealth) somehow became known to the Serbian air defences. They brought it down and scared the hell out of US planners.

It was a F-117A that was shot down and not a B-1
Hari Sud
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Post by Hari Sud »

My mistake

It was f-117. Never the less stealth.
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Post by Sudhanshu »

Good work shankar. I have shown your writing to one of my friend who happen to be doing ROTC. He was surprised to see such technical details and superb narration.

In short, he started loving it.

Keep up the good work.
BRF Oldie
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Post by Vipul »

Sudhanshu wrote:
Vipul wrote:Request to the posters, please stop "suggesting" scenarios to Shankar.
:) At first I thought not reply on that lame post and just ignore it. But, later, I took it as my duty as member of BRF to make yourself clear and bring you out of ignorance. Someone bothering to suggest someone just to make his work better.

Shankar is just not writing to please a "very small section" of indian audiance (who just believes that we are more than best in military power), instead is grandeur work, I believe, should be appealing to international audiance as well and suggestions are the only ways from which he can easily wade off the potential questions would be raised in the reader mind. If I am not wrong this writing is prelude to a good book. And emphasis is no one (even pakistani) can ridiculed his work under any circumstances.

If you look at my previous posts I have noticed whenever I suggested, most of time shankar took my suggestions seriously. Whether it is first strike by PNS or anything. I am not saying he wrote purly because of my suggestion. I know he might be having this before in his mind. But all that indicates that my suggestions were not irrational at all.

It is mere suggestion, it is upto him to take it or ignore it.

Moreover, you dont have any standing to make such comment. Only shankar can make such statement.
And I guess, I have right to post things related to the topic until unless I am not offending someone. So, I can say "please mind your own bussiness" if you dont have enough brain to comprehend the meaning of word "suggestion".

Thank you

P.S Please post things related to this topic only, dont go personal.
I have not gone personal, not specifically against you.Before you accuse anybody of not having enough brain, you should have used yours and should have seen i had written Posters (in the plural sense).while suggestions can be constructive, and there have been some good observations on this thread, my "request" :) was to avoid the clutter coming in between the much awaited posts from Shankar.
Anyway,heard the saying "too many cooks spoil the broth" ? Its prudent to let the experts do their job.
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Post by Shankar »

Commodore latif mirza watched the air master radar repeater with interest.Human intel sources from gwalior and agra have confirmed bat shaped aircrafts arriving late at night .No take off was however been reported so far . At the moment the long range radars showed a large formation of combat aircraft most likely Indian sukhois on the outer periphery of the screen and paf falcons were being scrambled to intercept them .
Nothing wrong with that as far as commodore latif was concerned air defense of Pakistan was not his responsibility -his specific responsibility was to co ordinate the defense of kahuta region and for that he the authority of the president himself to master any resources any time .

What confused thr air commodore was the unusal flight profile of the sukhois.They were not flying any regular high or low strike profile nor where they carrying out any significant counter air operation which was well withing thier known combat capabilities.

They were in fact flying elliptical race track paterns all over the sky gradually advancing towards kahuta air defense zone with continuously varying the cruise circle diameter ever expanding and contracting ,not allowing any paf aircraft on cap to get within the circle by aggressive posture firing of a missile or two but not seriously pursuing the query maintaining the erratic flight pattern.

As if they were trying to protect some thing valuable without expending too much fuel or ammo load

And then the realization struck him like a million volt bolt of lighting. The bat shaped aircraft reporting ,the unusual flight profiles and slow varying dia protective circles -they were protecting stealth bomber/bombers approaching kahuta this very minute .He could feel the cold sweat break out under the armpits as the vision of 2000 kg ground penetrating satellite guided bombs smashing through the multi layered pre stressed concrete roof into the mas of ultra high speed centrifuges and the fissile material vault filled his mental vision .

He just prayed he is not already too late.

Colonel elizabeth was tense and afraid . The blue cones of air search radar painting her multi billion dollar air craft increased every minute.She knew she was invisible to radar and almost immune to surface to air missiles but she also knew she could be blown to tiny fragements if even one the ancient mirages some how get a visual lock and used their DEFA guns or better still the Pakistan falcons close in and start firing the 20 mike mike 6 barrel cannon .She had nothing to fight back or the speed to escape the kill zone.The instinctive fight or flight ,time honored air combat philosophy simple did not apply to the spirit of Texas.She was safe as long as she was not "seen" the moment the cloak of stealth is broken -she was just another expensive piece of flying scrap .Because of the high percentage of composites used in her construction ,her ability to sustain any kind of battle damage was exactly zero

For the first time in the night she was happy about the sukhois ridding shot gun for her.They might have compromised her position and given out the intention vaguely but they sure were all around with enough fire power to stop a wing of interceptors if push comes to shove ,which appeared more and more likely every passing second

It is true in kosavo and afganistan b-2 could and did come in alone ,dropped their load and dissappeared unseen but then there was a basic difference . They did it when usaf had complete air dominance ,the chance of an accidental visual interception almost zero.

This was not the exactly the situation over kahuta today .With the full Pakistani ir force on war alert and high intensity cap in progress over the capital and kahuta region probability she could be detected particularly as opened her internal weapons bay by high power radars or from back calculation from the trajectories of bunker busters the Pakistanis can and most likely will zero in on her postion before a safe gateway .The Indian flankers with their load of air to air missiles and gasha guns will surely come in handy ,thought colonel Elizabeth as she watched one of the sukhois dart out and launch a missile at an approaching Pakistani mirage which disappeared almost immediately in a flash of orange fire ball in the distant horizon.

Captain ali had put to see well before the hostilities broke out over the port city of gwador.He as well his big bosses in karachi knew only too well what would be the ressult of an encounter of this aging agosta and a los angeles class which surrounded and protected the big carrier group.
Barely 40 kms form the Indian coast submerged with almost no power in a narrow depression in the continental shelf. With barely steerage power comming out of large bank of storage cells ,captain ali have waited out the passage of the large ship formations rushing towards his motherland quitely fuming. With the commotion over .he order slight increase in propulsive power and set course to intercept the busy sea lane from mumbai to karachi and waited for an Indian prey -preferable a warship otherwise a large crude tanker for his waiting torpedoes.

Designed and manufactured by the French directorate of naval construction more popularly known as DCN was initially built for south african navy but went to pakistan due to then prevailing arms embargo on south africa because of its in famous racist policies.While decommissioned from french navy the same types were kept as war reserves by pakistani navy and now on scavenger patrol to prey on the weak and unarmed .

the leander class frigate had serious engine overheat problem diagonsed to damaged propeller shaft bearings and order back home from patrol outside karachi port to home base in mumbai.Due to contingencies of war she did not have any escort and expected to limp back home staying as close to indian coast as possible .It was expected to be a short journey and captain anil kumar was not overtly worried. The reports of unusal success of brahmos strike on gwador made every one on board hapy and proud and maybe a little careless.
Hari Sud
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Post by Hari Sud »


Please play it cool. Sudhanshu is out of control but he loves Shankar's scenario. So do I.

Please stay away from any self praise or reaction etc. and let Shankar do his job. He is doing a fantastic job.

Deal with Sudhanshu elsewhere in another thread, where Shankar's thinking process is not distracted. We all wish to hear from Shankar, preferably every day. I cannot miss a day without reading What Shankar has written.

Thanks everybody.

Forum Administrator: Sorry to play your role in the forgoing.
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Joined: 28 Aug 2002 11:31
Location: wai -maharastra

Post by Shankar »

Squadron leader ahmed was smart and alert ,winced involuntarily as the earphones screeched painfully and the excited voice of the air defense commander came over the radio waves
-kahuta dragons – base ops –confirm signal strength o.k
-base ops-kahuta dragon lead – read you 10/4
-kahuat dragon – suspect heavy stealth bomber repeat heavy stealth bomber presence in the locality – do you have anything to report
-negative base ops –my radar screen is clear except for the six Indian sukhois being engaged by the mirages 100 kms due east –at the moment I have no infra trace too.
- roger that kahuta dragon- do not leave patrol station –sending additional reinforcements for the mirages –try acquire the stealth bomber visually
-negative base ops- it is a moonless night –visibility is zero damn it ,squadron leader ahmed was slowly loosing his cool under intense illogical commands from the air defense commander
- use your landing lights if you have to but I want the stealth bomber down before it reaches the inner defense zone at any cost –the voice of the air defense commander was suddenly cold and full of malice .

Ahmed scratched his chin thoughtfully with his nomex gloved hand . His present air speed was 550 knots and increasing .The landing lights if he were really to use them will call for him to lower the undercarriages before they can be energized.F-16 operating manual strictly prohibited lowering of the undercarriage at any speed over 200 knots .It also did not allow deployment of flaps at any speed over 310 knots . So no way he could a quick spot check of the sky with landing lights right at the moment no matter what the air defense commander ordered. Once the speed reduced to 180 knots or so maybe he can switch on the landing lights and try to locate the damned American multi billion stealth bomber but then to shoot it down he has to gain air speed to around 450 knots minimum the usal attack /cruise speed of the b-2 ,which again was not possible unless he raises the landing gear (switching off the landing lights in the process) raise flaps and then aquire target from memory and fire up his 20 mm cannon at the estimated position of the bomber and then sit back and hope the shells will find the ghost aircraft and also pray all the time Indian sukhois will not blow him out of the sky

Once the decision was taken ,squadron leader ahmed acted with professional precision as he quickly pulled back the throttle to 65% military power and in the same movement pulled down the air brake lever positioned on the top left of the cockpit .He could feel the deployment of the brakes by sharp tug oh the safety harness on his torso as the falcon quickly decelerated to 250 knots . His right hand found the flap lever un erringly and pulled them two notches setting for a landing approach and the air speed bled off quickly to 200 knots ,increase power to 75% military power by pushing up the throttle lever a few notches and then reaching for the undercarriage lever right on the top dead centre.The air frame vibrated as the main landing gears came out of the housing and met the slip stream and then slowly the intense vibration damped out as ahmed toggled the landing light switch on .

Million candle power twin landing lights pierced the dark moonless sky like an aerial search light as the squadron leader put the falcon on a 5 degree banking climb and searched the sky for the stealthy intruder . He knew he had only about 7 minutes of search time with the landing lights after which he will have to shut down or risk loosing them by over heat and then he will have to land the falcon in dark –not a nice prospect and then face the inhuman base commander .The fuel consumption digital read out speeded up alarmingly and he calculated a maximum of two such attempts before he will have to call it a day


The air battle commander listened to the taped ground to air conversation and nodded thoughtfully .He took his time and then penned down the instructions on a piece of paper which the duty officer quickly transmitted to the spirit of texas and her sukhoi escorts thru dedicated satellite data link .The rules of the game have just been changed .
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Post by Sudhanshu »

shankar wrote:...The rules of the game have just been changed...
:) That thing is really awesome. It will compel me to check this thread almost every 10 minutes for any update.