Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

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BRF Oldie
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by enqyoob »

Ravi: Sorry, but "suction" does not work, because supersonic vehicles (and missile warheads are waaay supersonic) cannot feel pressure differences in the air ahead of them. Also, since they are on ballistic trajectories, air is mostly a drag generator. If the air pressure or density goes down, well, they will just move a tiny bit faster, but consider that in the upper atmosphere, drag is only a small term in the equation describing the trajectory.

On the other hand, shock waves (sudden pressure increase) can travel much faster than the speed of sound, and are, in fact, like "hitting a brick wall". Pressure change can be 1000 times the local pressure. The main effects of an explosion, as the Soviet Monograph that I helped translate once, taught me, are (a) pressure wave knocking things down, and (b) heat. In the case of plasmas, there is also ionization, that knocks out electric circuits.

Maybe the Russian site owner saw the analogy with the "Red Mercury" and got his Honor and Dignity offended.

I think microwave (actually millimeter wave) weapons are quite feasible, and they may work by various means.
Ravi Karumanchiri
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by Ravi Karumanchiri »

Hello enqyoob – Please don’t be sorry that “suction doesn’t work” – I was never married to the idea, I only offered it up for the sake of discussion, and I appreciate your helping me to better understand these issues. You’ve made some very good points that seem quite correct (to me), but as I’ve warned you; I am not qualified to independently assess these matters with the required degree of scientific rigour, so my opinions here shouldn’t carry much weight.

On this topic, I only know what I’ve read, and given what you’ve written in your last post, I think you are quite right that “suction does not work, because supersonic vehicles… cannot feel pressure differences in the air ahead of them”, as well as your sound reasoning that “drag is only a small term in the equation describing trajectory”. Indeed, drag will have more of an impact on speed and flight time, than it would on trajectory. But, please do keep in mind that the concept at work involves asymmetrical or uneven drag (which I suspect might drastically upset the object’s attitude; leading to tumbling, uncontrolled and diverted flight, and eventually torsional overload resulting in the disintegration of the object – but that is just my naïve guess).

Given your last post, I would have to reconsider my previous post in light of the fact that I may have been confused about the precise nature of the weapon’s effect. May I suggest you follow this link (and closely read the second paragraph)….

I don’t want to copy and paste the text here, because the bottom of this webpage notes copyright restrictions. In summary, the second paragraph mentions that the operative effect of this beam weapon is to cause a huge differential between the pressures on the interior and exterior of the flying body. To me, this would seem to suggest that it works better at lower altitudes than at higher altitudes (but what do I know?). Moreover, it would seem that the ‘plasmoid’ would not be placed *dynamically* in front of the target object (as I had earlier misunderstood), but rather it would be positioned *statically* – blocking the trajectory – so that the target object’s flight path intersects with the stationary plasmoid. The second paragraph on that webpage is quite telling, if it is to be believed (which I would tend to do, given that it is posted by the FAS – which discredits the existence of ‘red mercury’, you’ll be happy to know).

Irrespective of any of these technical matters, I do agree that these weapons are feasible, especially in light of the facts that; 1) the Russians had demonstrated them prior to 1993, 2) they had enough confidence in them for Yeltsin to publically propose the "Doveriye" experiments to Clinton, 3) a lot has changed in sixteen years, 4) India now has the money and the computing power and scientific and technical expertise that the Russians were looking for in a partner under Yeltsin, and 5) Russia is already arguably a strategic partner of India, given the long history of Indo-Russian relations and the modern examples of the Brahmos and Arihant collaborations, which are two examples of novel strategic weapons systems development cooperation. Additionally, Russia and India share many aspects of their respective strategic threat assessments.

WHILE WE’RE ON THE TOPIC, I’D LIKE TO KNOW, if anyone can explain it to me (since physics is not my forte)……
1. If two or more radio beams intersect in the atmosphere, and each beam has a wavelength of one millimetre, will this create an interference pattern at the point of intersection?
2. If so, will this interference pattern have a spot wavelength that is greater than, less than or equal to one millimetre?
3. If the wavelength is shortened at the point of intersection, will this result in the heating of the surrounding air?
4. Will multiple beams create cumulative interference and heating effects?
5. Exactly what roll would a laser beam play if it too intersected with these intersecting RF beams?
6. Does this likely explain the feasibility of achieving adequate energy conservation over range, thereby meeting power efficiency requirements?

Any insight anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.

With thanks in advance,
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by smadhavan »

OT here, but required

here RK, you sound like you think you are highly intelligent..

Stop your stupid posts..

If you want to rate your own intelligence, take an IQ test.. I am sure you will turn out to be better than ramanujan or einstien, with your brilliant analytics
Ravi Karumanchiri
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by Ravi Karumanchiri »

OT here, not required, begging your indulgence……..

Dear smadhavan, Kindly note that I have declared that I am not an expert, and that I am sometimes; confused, ignorant, naïve, mistaken and wrong. Recognize also that I am on BRF to share what little I (think I) know (which is “spotty”), and to learn from others who can explain to me where I am wrong (as enqyoob has graciously done – for which I have expressed my appreciation). I like enqyoob’s posts, because although I started out disagreeing with him on certain matters, he was able to make a cogent explanation of where I was wrong, and in the process I learned from him (Thanks enqyoob!). That is why I am here on BRF. This is not a battle of wits (if it were, I wouldn't choose a forum on beam weapons).

Essentially; I do still believe that the title of this forum incorrectly presupposes the current situation, that; 1) beam weapons do indeed exist, 2) India is likely developing them, 3) this does figure in the strategic decision making of India’s adversaries, and so therefore 4) there is deterrence now. This is why I’ve offered my “analytics”, which you may dispute, if you can – and if you can do so cogently, I would thank you, as I have thanked enqyoob.

Understand also; I am curious about how these weapons work, because it is a new area of science and I am a curious person lacking a deep understanding of physics. I would like to better understand this topic, because I find it interesting, and also because I find value in possessing this knowledge; 1) as a citizen in a democracy who wants to hold politicians accountable for the decisions they make (regarding treaty negotiations, for example) and the programs they support (such as defence acquisitions and project funding). Additionally, as an investor, I believe it pays to understand emerging fields of science, so that I can recognize a good investment when I find one. Lastly, because; I have family in India, and admiration for India and Indians on many, many levels, I can wholeheartedly say “Jai Hind!”

Sincerely and respectfully,
Ravi Karumanchiri
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by Ravi Karumanchiri »

There is one more thing I’d like to add to the previous post in this forum. It concerns another reason why I am interested in ‘beam weapons’. IN BRIEF, the number of military technologies that have been converted to benefit civilians in peacetime is staggering (and far too numerous to list). As one salient example, there is ARPANET which was the predecessor to the INTERNET, which you are using right now. I believe that ‘beam weapons’ will one day be among the greatest such examples of swords beaten into ploughshares, and that this will transform our lives as much or more as has the invention of ‘cyberspace’.

To understand what I mean, please see my post in the ‘Technology & Economic Forum’, in the ‘Renewable Sources of Energy’ thread, where I posted (on 04 Dec 2009 at 06:01 am), a link pointing to the 2007 feasibility study published by the US National Space Society, entitled “Space-Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security”. For your convenience, here is that same link……..

Here is an excerpt from the Executive Summary of this NSS study:

The basic idea is very straightforward: place very large solar arrays into continuously and intensely sunlit Earth orbit (1,366 watts/m2), collect gigawatts of electrical energy, electromagnetically beam it to Earth, and receive it on the surface for use either as baseload power via direct connection to the existing electrical grid, conversion into manufactured synthetic hydrocarbon fuels, or as low-intensity broadcast power beamed directly to consumers. A single kilometer-wide band of geosynchronous earth orbit experiences enough solar flux in one year to nearly equal the amount of energy contained within all known recoverable conventional oil reserves on Earth today. This amount of energy indicates that there is enormous potential for energy security, economic development, improved environmental stewardship, advancement of general space faring, and overall national security for those nations who construct and possess a SBSP capability.

As far as I can tell (having read the report and other things online), the tricky part of this technology, will be efficiently beaming the energy to earth – a little tricky, but definitely doable.

If you are so inclined, I would very much appreciate your following this topic in the ‘Technology & Economic’ forum thread on ‘Renewable Sources of Energy’, where I will be very interested to read what you write on the topic (particularly if it addresses the questions I have posed there).

With thanks in advance,
JE Menon
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by JE Menon »

>>OT here, but required


It is neither required nor acceptable. There is no need to personally attack a participant who has not breached any forum rules and has been conducting himself/herself as politely as possible.

This is a strong caution.
D Roy
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by D Roy »

Well since we are on this topic of energy relay via space and also hypersonics,

here's something that member's may find interesting. The gentleman was one of the key people in the Mcdonnell Douglas FDL programs. ... fault.aspx

Here's a titbit.
When I got involved in space again with Sandy McDonald, and we started what eventually became the National Aerospace Plane, I met a group of Russians over in England at a conference. One of them had been involved in transmitting energy from an antenna on the ground to a satellite in orbit, and back down to Moscow, with only about 10-15 percent losses. He said the reason we can do this, is this is a scalar wave projector, and here’s what it uses — he opens up his loose-leaf binder and says, “You can’t take any pictures of this or make any sketches; just look at it.”

And, lo and behold, there’s the tube I saw in Yugoslavia, which Tesla had built! This was the antenna that Caspar Weinberger was saying was the antiballistic missile weapon [the Russians allegedly had]. He says if you ever go in the building [where this scalar device is located], all you’re going to see is an empty concrete building with a couple of cables — because it’s not an anti-ballistic missile radar — it’s a scalar wave transmitter. Finally, when the U.S. DoD got in there, they found an empty concrete building with a couple of wires in it, and they said, “Ah, they pulled everything out.” But, he says it never was in there. He claims he transmitted up to 10 megawatts of power from this station, to a satellite, to Moscow, and got about 8.5 to 9 megawatts of power back in Moscow.
BRF Oldie
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by enqyoob »

Thanks. That's a great number to have, as dubious as it may be ("secret testimony" published on the web is dubious, no offence). What this means is that (the claim is that) the Russians have found a wavelength that transmits through the atmosphere with minimal losses, and is yet high enough that it can be sent and received, essentially captured in full on both sides, over several hundred kilometers with minimal beam divergence. This is the crux of the issue for transmitting to and from Space - the terrible tradeoff between generating and capture/conversion efficiency, beam divergence and atmospheric losses.

There are textbook relationships between beam divergence, wavelength, distance, antenna size and portion of beam energy captured. Obviously you cannot achieve high efficiency if half the beam is lost at either end, so we have to assume that the transmitter (and the object at the receiving end) are larger than the beam. (Receiver on Earth to get reflected signals can be quite small in this case because they were only receiving signals for measurement).

Since the "tube" was presumably not as big as a stadium, this means that the wavelength is in the millimeter wave regime (that means, wavelength is of the order of millimeters, not centimeters like microwave, or nanometers like visible/UV light).

That's what is interesting. "Confirmation" that there is at least one such wavelength. Presumably around 140 or 200 GHz, based on open-literature papers from the 1980s (which were also disinformation, since these were conferences where both US and Soviet presenters presented - on Star Wars). However, none of the open-literature Atmospheric Transmission graphs that I have seen, show exactly where this wavelength is. The graphs are like pictures of Sargodha - the tunnel entrance is not visible. If someone has an open-lit source on this, would greatly appreciate it.

BTW, Ravi, there are gazillions of papers and Concept Studies and magazine articles on Space Solar Power. Quite easy to read - enough to understand why none has been built.

While we are on the subject - coatings to reflect energy at a given wavelength, must have thickness on the order of the wavelength, according to this Fatwa I attended at the madarssa. Thus a coating to reflect 500 nanometers waves (green light) need only be around that thickness, but a "coating" to reflect microwaves may have to be centimeters thick ("Micro"waves can have wavelength of centimeters). Easily calculated from the formula

Wavelength = (Speed of light)/(frequency). Speed of light is 3E8 m/s, Microwave range is about 1E9 to 50E9 cycles per second.

This is what is wrong with notions of "reflective coatings" for microwaves.

Millimeter waves are in between, but conversion efficiencies (are believed to) stink in this domain. Obviously someone knows otherwise.

P.S. I see nothing wrong with the title of the thread or with it's appearance in this forum. It is probably time to get back to that subject though.
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by enqyoob »

I recently read/am reading a novel where they talk about some strange plasma yield weapons, and I begin to see where RaviK's notions arise. However, as far as I can see, these are physically unrealistic in explaining the energy addition to air and its effects. These also claim that there is no shock wave, no noise, just a big silver-colored ball in the sky, and its actually a nuclear reaction!! And whatever happens to be in the vicinity gets turned into plasma.

These sound worse than "Red Mercury". AFAIK, plasma is formed when electronic modes of the atom are excited, and electrons leave the atom. Nothing to do with the nucleus.
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by nitinr »

Dont know if it relates to this topic, but there is a novel 'War God' which talks of antimatter and uses the matter - anti matter reaction to form powerful beam weapon to knock out anything in the space.

Mods please delete if its doent belong here.
Ravi Karumanchiri
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by Ravi Karumanchiri »

X Posted ---- Indian Space Program Discussion // ABM/Missile Defense Discussion // Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence ---- Hope it’s not OT.

Hello everyone,

I would like to draw your attention to a radio programme that will be broadcast on tonight’s/today’s ‘Coast to Coast AM’ show. The guest is William B. Scott, who has researched and authored “Space Wars: The first Six Hours of World War III” and “Counterspace: The Next Hours of World War III”. The author will be discussing many aspects of ‘Future Weapons’, surely to include HAARP, the US-SDI and ‘Rods-from-the-Gods’. His book notes…

"Although the characters and actual events depicted in Counterspace are fiction and bear no relationship to actual person living or dead the action and weapons depicted herein are based on actual technologies and war gaming strategies used by the United States military and civilian war planners in preparation for the types of events depicted".

For those in North America, the broadcast starts at 1am EST on Wednesday, December 30, and can be heard on many AM radio stations. For those in India, the broadcast can be heard over the internet starting at 11:30am IST on Wednesday, December 30. If you don’t know where you can hear it, simply go to the show’s website and follow the link along the top labelled ‘Radio Affiliates’ (under regular host George Noory’s picture). This link will bring up a map of the United States, and you can click on the map to find the radio stations that carry the program (there are well over a hundred affiliate broadcasts). If all of these radio stations are beyond your area of reception (which is likely for those in India), you can find a radio station that has a ‘Listen Live’ or ‘On-Air’ internet audio capability, as most do, and listen-in over the internet.

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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by ramana »

Enqyoob once had a thread on Hypersonics and defense.

TSS in HIndu
AT tested
Advanced Technology Vehicle successfully flight-tested
T. S. Subramanian
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The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on Wednesday successfully flight-tested its new-generation, high-performance sounding rocket at the spaceport in Sriharikota, near here.

The Advanced Technology Vehicle (ATV- D01), weighing three tonnes at lift-off, is the heaviest sounding rocket developed by the ISRO. It carries a passive scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) engine combustor module as a test-bed for a demonstration of the air-breathing propulsion technology. An ISRO release said the rocket successfully flew at a velocity of more than Mach 6 (six times the speed of sound) for seven seconds. These conditions were required for a stable ignition of active scramjet engine combustor module planned in the next ATV flight.

“The successful flight-testing is a step ahead towards the advanced technology initiative from the ISRO in the area of air-breathing propulsion,” the release said.

The air-breathing rocket systems used the atmospheric oxygen from their surroundings and burned it with the on-board fuel to produce the forward thrust. This was in contrast to the conventional chemical rocket systems, which carried both oxygen and fuel on board, a rocket technologist said.

The air-breathing rockets, therefore, are much lighter and more efficient than the conventional rockets, leading to reduction in the cost of space transportation. That is, the cost incurred to put a satellite in orbit will be much lower.

The development of scramjet engine was complex and it involved a number of technological challenges. They included mixing of very high speed air (velocity around 1.5 km a second) with fuel, achieving stable ignition and holding the flame in addition to ensure efficient combustion within the length of the combustor, the rocket technologist said.
In early 1990s this vehicle was called ABR 200 for Air Breathing Rocket and has evolved into this ATV-D01.
Am going to change the title to Advanced Aerospace technology and future of deterrence.
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by vasu_ray »

From the interview with VK Saraswat that VinodTK has posted the link in another thread, ... %80%99-866

here is an excerpt,

"Q. Are we going to see the Hyperplane test flight happen any time soon?
A. We faced a problem in high-temperature materials for the scramjet engine. We needed to run the engine for 20 seconds, but could do it only up to three seconds. We were denied imports of the material required. So, we launched a separate programme and developed three materials. We have now been able to reach 20 seconds twice. We want to do five to six more ground tests. We expect to be able to do the first test flight by the end of the year."

what are the reasons that ISRO requires 7 secs of test flight while DRDO fixes it at 20 secs and aren't these time values way smaller to be ramped up for practical flights if the materials can't withstand beyond?

if these materials are so exotic how are they comfortable with abandoning them in the ocean (citing economic reasons) after the test flights?
Sanjay M
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by Sanjay M »

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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by Dmurphy »

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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by Nihat »

X-posted arnabh's post from Space discussion thread

India Developing Laser-Based Anti-Missile Systems
NEW DELHI - Indian scientists are developing laser-based anti-ballistic missile systems called Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs).

Developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), DEW weapons can kill incoming ballistic missiles by bombarding them with subatomic particles or electromagnetic waves. The weapons could intercept missiles soon after they were launched toward India.
Related Topics

A DRDO scientist said laser-based weapons have been tested. One of these weapons is the air defense dazzler, which can engage enemy aircraft and helicopters at a range of 10 kilometers. This weapon will be ready for induction in two years.

India's laser weapons can be deployed in the Navy's submarines and destroyers, and Air Force fighters and transport planes.

The DEW laser weapon is capable of producing 25-kilowatt pulses that can destroy a ballistic missile within seven kilometers, the scientist said.

In addition, Indian scientists are testing the Prithvi homemade anti-ballistic missile system, which can kill ballistic missiles at a height of up to 80 kilometers. The first-phase Prithvi is likely to be inducted by 2013, said the DRDO scientist.

Scientists are working on developing second-phase Prithvis capable of killing incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles.
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by Aditya_V »

Experets here-> anyway these laser weapons can take out PGM's and CM's. That way it will become very difficult for the enemy to take could our High value targets.

it will be a real dream come true if something like this takes place.
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by shiv »

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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by Kailash »

US Navy's new record setting laser can down cruise missiles in seconds
In co- ordination with the Office of Naval Research (ONR), the scientists injected a sustained 500 kilovolts (kV) of juice into a prototype accelerator where the existing limit had been 320 kV, thereby setting a new world record, Fox News reports.

Carlos Hernandez Garcia, Director of the injector of the electron and gun systems for the Free Electron Laser (FEL), said: "This is brand new. It has not been done before, in the world," adding that this breakthrough was the culmination of six years of development.

When asked about its importance for the Navy, Quentin Salter, programme manager for ONR said that FEL stepped up transition to newer, more powerful laser technologies.

"The military now uses solid-state lasers that use crystals and glass, as well as chemical lasers that use often dangerous liquid materials. The FEL is different. It requires only electrons, which can be created from matter inside the injector with energy that is constantly recycled. In other words, it uses less shipboard power than current weapons systems. It won't slow down the ship," he said.
Ravi Karumanchiri
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by Ravi Karumanchiri »

(US) Navy raygun disables boat with new high energy laser
Maritime Laser Demonstrator could one day protect military vessels
By Stuart Fox
updated 4/11/2011 4:26:10 PM ET

With their new high-energy laser weapon, the U.S. Navy has succeeded in combining buccaneers and Buck Rogers. Called the Maritime Laser Demonstrator, the ray gun quickly disabled a small boat in a recent test. Such lasers could one day protect military vessels from the same kind of tiny boat that almost sunk the destroyer U.S.S. Cole by augmenting the small machine guns already aboard American warships.

The test, conducted on April 6th by the Office of Naval Research (ONR), marks the first time that a high energy laser has properly functioned as a weapon on the high seas. Offensive lasers often have problems in dynamic environments like the ocean, and have so far proven mostly useless in battle. Due to that dicey history, the lessons learned while developing the laser may prove more valuable than the laser itself.

... VIDEO ... ... nnovation/

SEE ALSO ... fire-.html
Ravi Karumanchiri
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by Ravi Karumanchiri »

India Looks At Laser Weapons For Air And Missile Defense

Apr 28, 2011
By Jay Menon
NEW DELHI ... wsid=14683
Indian scientists are on the path to develop an air-based early missile system combined with high-powered interceptor lasers to defend against missile launches.

The Laser Science & Technology Center (Lastec) at India’s state-owned, secretive Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) has been building up technologies that can intercept missiles in their boost phase.

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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by narayana »

India Looks At Laser Weapons For Air And Missile Defense

Apr 28, 2011
By Jay Menon
NEW DELHI ... wsid=14683
India also successfully tested a laser ballistic missile defense system. The laser weapon is capable of producing 25-kw. pulses that can destroy a ballistic missile at a range of 7 km (4 mi.). One of these weapons is the air defense dazzler, which can engage enemy aircraft and helicopters at a range of 10 km.

Did we test "Laser BMD"? :?: :?: :?:
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by ranjithnath »

from the above report it doesnt seem to be the KALI laser.or is it??
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by sanjaykumar »

India also successfully tested a laser ballistic missile defense system. The laser weapon is capable of producing 25-kw. pulses that can destroy a ballistic missile at a range of 7 km (4 mi.). One of these weapons is the air defense dazzler, which can engage enemy aircraft and helicopters at a range of 10 km.

Oh good India can blind the pilot of the ballistic missile. :roll:
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by Gurinder P »

How will lasers work against different medians since they are just lights and there are some unsubstantiated reports that the Ruskies are developing plasma clouds to refract laser beams.
Ravi Karumanchiri
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by Ravi Karumanchiri »

Came across this just now, and though I'd cross post it here.....

The True Story of the Carnival Splendor Incident ... nt-157730/
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by Kailash »

USAF eyes fuselage-mounted laser weapons to defend bombers from missiles and aircraft
Albuquerque, N.M., 12 Jan. 2011. U.S. Air Force researchers are working with high-energy laser weapons experts at TAU Technologies LLC in Albuquerque, N.M., to develop technologies that eventually may lead to 100-kilowatt laser weapons mounted to the skin of jet bombers and other combat aircraft to defend them against missiles, unmanned combat aircraft (UCAV), enemy jet fighters, and other threats.
Scientists at the Directed Energy Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M., are awarding a $2.7 million contract to TAU Technologies to perform laboratory research such as computer modeling and similar experiments to develop phased array laser beam control solutions for 100-kilowatt high-energy laser weapons that conform the fuselages of bomber aircraft. The contract is part of the Air Force Beam Projection & Compensation (BP&C) program.

TAU Technologies experts will try to develop laser weapons technologies that provide ultra-responsive, wide cones of beam coverage with acceptable diffraction-limited performance. Air Force researchers are particularly interested in high-resolution imaging, target-based phase sensing to combine the HEL beams coherently at the target, wavefront sensing, beam projection, and system-level beam control architectures.

TAU researchers will consider atmosphere, target acquisition, pointing, and tracking in their research work for the Air Force. The goal is to realize scalable beam control architectures to enable a 100-kilowatt fuselage-conformal high-energy laser weapons able to defend bomber aircraft from enemy attack.
TAU's work will include computer-based modeling and simulation, laboratory experimentation, and field testing and evaluation. TAU experts will develop new and innovative approaches to phased arrays, including controls, optical design, target and atmospheric modeling using a wave-optics code, and opto-mechanical design and analysis.
For more information contact TAU Technologies online at, or the Air Force Research Lab's Directed Energy Directorate at
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by Pranav »

New Lightning bolt weapons being developed - ... _to__fry_/

The key concept is "Laser-Induced Plasma Channel".

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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by ramana »

Very perceptive thread ahead of its time as usual.
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by ramana »

One of the hypersonic weapons being developed by USAF for their inventory is said to be a beam weapon.
Raytheon is the contractor.
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by brar_w »

That is a counter-hypersonic weapon proposal that is being looked at along with 3 kinetic counter hypersonic interceptors
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Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by dinesha »

Last edited by dinesha on 18 Nov 2020 00:46, edited 1 time in total.
BRF Oldie
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Joined: 05 Apr 2006 16:25

Re: Beam Weapons and Future of Deterrence

Post by Aditya_V »

Please dont post unverified news here
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