Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by Gerard »

Once you are declared a shaheed, it hardly matters what happens to your body.
A Muslim may eat pork if there is a famine or he faces starvation. There is no sin in this.
No post mortem act by an infidel can affect a martyr.

In jihad, there are certain liberties one is allowed. The Takfiri will drink alcohol, consume pork, consort with prostitutes etc. They will be clean shaven, not attend mosque or even pray regularly.
Some of the 911 hijackers are reported to have been drunk at a strip joint a few days before the attacks, spending their money on lap dances and vodka. One of the Madrid bombers was well known for bar hopping with scantily clad women.
The Takfiri do this to blend in with their surroundings but it is not only a matter of fitting in. Because they are sacrificing their lives for jihad, they believe that their sins (alcohol/women/prayers etc) will be readily forgiven.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by Brad Goodman »

Gerard wrote:
Once you are declared a shaheed, it hardly matters what happens to your body.
A Muslim may eat pork if there is a famine or he faces starvation. There is no sin in this.
No post mortem act by an infidel can affect a martyr.

In jihad, there are certain liberties one is allowed. The Takfiri will drink alcohol, consume pork, consort with prostitutes etc. They will be clean shaven, not attend mosque or even pray regularly.
But what you do is add an element of doubt. Finally most islamist go by fatwa's so sooner or later there will be a contradicting fatwa saying body needs to be pure in order to enter heaven etc etc. I think one of the ways to make them less fanatic is to introduce an element of doubt in their mind what if....... this happens and this mulla is right in his interpretation of the book. Fatwas can be bought dime a dozen in market when needed. We have nothing to lose by doing it. Plus a message to their masters in GHQ that we can do what you did you our soldiers.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by RamaY »

IMHO all these fartwas are to influence common abduls and intimidate kafirs and do not apply to Islamists. Nothing comes in the way of Islamism's expansionism and plundering. Everything is halaal as long as it is done to achieve its goals.

Let us see the logic:

If what is haraam is halaal for jihaadi, and
(A) jeehards liberal definition is one's pursuit of oneness with Allah and
(B) jeehards islamist definition is fight against infedals,

Then what is haraam to an islamist?

He is always in jeehard (one way or other) and the fartwas do not apply to him.

All this nitpicking is to confuse kafirs (so they cannot get clarity of thought on islamism) by throwing smoke screens.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by James B »

Delusions of a Paki from the nutty Nation.
India's Pakistan-centric calculus!
Once again now when Pakistan is engaged in facilitating a workable arrangement in Afghanistan after the foreign occupation has come to end, India is comprehensively involved in stabbing it in the back. :eek: India is striving for a larger than life role in Afghanistan; the effort is mainly motivated by the instinct to acquire a launching pad to destabilise the western stretch of Pakistan. Incontrovertible evidence of Indian involvement in Balochistan :rotfl: and many other incidents of terrorism in various other parts of the country support the notion that India is once again on a Pakistan squeezing spree.

The location of command and control centres and their tasking is Pakistan oriented. Even those command centres which are east on north poised have a Pakistan specific contingency tasking. Most of Indian missiles are of short range; hence their application is Pakistan oriented. Its mammoth wherewithal for mechanised warfare and ambitious naval flotilla are solely Pakistan focused.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by Mahendra »

India is once again on a Pakistan squeezing spree.
The nut probably had too much of read meat and potatoes, hence, the early morning colon squeezing spree to get rid of the stubborn inner Pakistan

What a nut!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by svinayak »

Mahendra wrote:
What a nut!
This nutty quote is interesting
There is strong perception that during difficult patches when Pakistan gets busy handling the developments on its western borders, India wishes to see it consumed in the process, rather than giving a strategic space by engaging it constructively. Proponents of this school of thought argue that as and when India had a life time chance, or would have such a chance against Pakistan, it did not and would not want to miss it. The truth is that this notion draws support from historic occurrences.
India diverted Pakistan's attention away from western borders at a critical stage of Afghan resistance against the Soviets. A national level exercise 'Brass Tacks' was launched with highly provocative objectives. This exercise had the potential of blowing up into a full-fledged war. This manoeuvre, presumably at Soviet behest, forced Pakistan to deploy its military in the eastern border in a full readiness status.

http://www.india-seminar.com/2010/605/6 ... _nawaz.htm
Centcom Commander General David Petraeus, in an interview with National Public Radio on 4 December, provided a clear understanding of the situation: ‘There are limits to how fast we can expect or perhaps demand that Pakistan can take certain actions. The fact is that they have shifted a substantial amount of their military capability, for example the Indian border, from other locations, to deal with this extremist threat. And I think you cannot underestimate how important the steps they have taken in the last nine or 10 months are. They have also taken very significant casualties in these fights with the extremists. And their civilians have suffered severe losses as well, as these extremists have fought back.’

Such an understanding may yet help restore balance to the US-Pakistan relationship. Equally important is the need for India to show, in the words of Canadian scholar Peter Jones, ‘strategic altruism’ towards Pakistan. Pakistani fears and concerns about Indian involvement in Afghanistan and even Indian support of some disruptive activity in Balochistan need to be addressed by India directly. The terrorist attack on Mumbai on 26 November 2008 was successful in derailing the Indo-Pakistan attempt to collaborate against terrorism. A year later, seven persons have finally been brought to trial in Pakistan for involvement with the attack. Hopefully, a greater openness between the intelligence agencies of both countries will allow them to remove each other’s paranoia. US scholar Christine Fair’s comments about Indian intelligence activities on the western frontier of Pakistan have added to the paranoia inside Pakistan about its neighbour to the East.
Last edited by svinayak on 08 Apr 2010 06:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by James B »

Photochor AQ KHAN

Justice – then and now
Our Islamic history has many golden chapters of good governance and justice. It is all there as an example for us to act accordingly. We know that the USA has many Nobel laureates in economics, but that has not stopped the country from being almost bankrupt and asking other countries to bail it out. Were it not for its natural resources, the United States would have been totally bankrupt by now and perhaps disintegrated into individual states. :eek: (can anyone see the irony here?) :rotfl:
The second story is about a fifth-generation descendent of Mahmood, the Sultan Ibrahim Ghaznavi, who was also famous for his justice and good governance. It so happened that all bakeries were closed and bread was scarce. People were facing hardships because of it and complained to the sultan. Upon enquiry he was informed by the bakers that all the wheat and flour that was being brought to the city by the farmers was being forcefully bought by the supervisors of the royal kitchen and bakers were not able to buy even small quantities. Ibrahim Ghaznavi became very angry and ordered his guards to fetch the supervisor, throw him in front of an elephant and then tie his mutilated body to the tusks of the elephant and allow it to roam the city for all to see. By evening there was an abundance of bread in the bakeries and flour in stock! :eek:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by James B »

US says no to civil nuclear deal with Pakistan

Hours after Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said that his country "qualifies" for a civilian nuclear deal with the US, like that of India , the Obama Administration in a blunt message told it that such a deal is not on platter of its talks with Islamabad. :(( :((

"We are focused on Pakistan's energy needs, but, as we said last week, right now that does not include civilian nuclear energy," Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs P J Crowley told the media.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by abhishek_sharma »

http://afpak.foreignpolicy.com/posts/20 ... f_pakistan
Aafia Siddiqui's family announced that they would confer the "Dr. Aafia Pride of Performance" awards on individuals and organizations, including journalist Yvonne Ridley, nuclear scientist Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan and Pakistan's Interior Minister, Rehman Malik.

While Mr. Malik "returned the [award] with thanks :rotfl: ," Yvonne Ridley accepted the award in Karachi, where Siddiqui's family has been campaigning for her release from a U.S. jail.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by shiv »

surinder wrote:We bury the those who get 72 while crossing the LOC too. We could either cremate them, or cut them up and use their cadavers in medical colleges all over India. The mother or father of the shaheead in Gujranwal would have the satisfaction of knowing that the output of their w0mb, the great ghazi/shaheeed son is now in 200 pieces in various medical colleges all over India helping the yindoo kaafirs become better doctors.

I have to mention that we must try to imagine ourselves in the shoes of those cultures taht are used to burying ... how the corpse is dealt with is very critical to them.
The emotional gut response that you speak of cannot be denied, but like I said the game can be played in different ways and there are legal implications which cannot be fulfilled by surrendering to emotion. Recall that a routine "burning" of corpses becomes a "human rights" problem because all disappearances will be blamed on the armed forces. The law enforcing apparatus is under obligation to maintain a record of those whom they have in their custody or those who may have died in action against the security forces.

Dead bodies tell a lot of tales - even just bones, but ashes say nothing. The presence of a body (even buried, when unclaimed by relatives) is legal cover for the armed forces too. Relatives have to sign papers taking custody of the body testifying that the story associated with the death (post mortem report) is accepted by them.

The use of a body in a medical college would be OK if it was intact. But a violent death when a limb, abdomen, chest, neck or head have been blown apart destroy the very organs that a medical student is supposed to learn about. So unless a body is intact it is of no use. Now no terrorist's body would be intact unless he died of old age, heart attack, diarrhea, pneumonia or poisoning. What you have is a badly damaged body that clearly (and very often) continues to tell the tale of violent damage even when only bones are left and seen a century after death.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by vera_k »

Vishwamitra wrote:
vera_k wrote:There were some suggestions about burying them alongwith a pig. That's probably better than cremation as it doesn't allow them to take refuge in the RSS/VHP did 26/11 theory.
Why do you want to kill a pig along with and for Pakis? Pakis are not worth another life in any form or shape.
No one has to die. Small amounts of pig meat can be imported from USA for this occasion. Being buried with an American pig part would be twice the insult!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by shiv »

Brad Goodman wrote:
But what you do is add an element of doubt. Finally most islamist go by fatwa's so sooner or later there will be a contradicting fatwa saying body needs to be pure in order to enter heaven etc etc. I think one of the ways to make them less fanatic is to introduce an element of doubt in their mind what if....... this happens and this mulla is right in his interpretation of the book. Fatwas can be bought dime a dozen in market when needed. We have nothing to lose by doing it. Plus a message to their masters in GHQ that we can do what you did you our soldiers.
Production of an item is easy, but it is the marketing that is a problem.

Check how many internet sites, books, media and people cast aspersions on the personal habits and sexual proclivity of the holiest and most respected person in Islam and check how many have developed doubts because of that.

On the other hand there are sound medicolegal reasons for burying rather than cremating. This has nothing to do with religion. Wrapping in pigskin, cremation etc are feeble attempts at humiliation of a live body of people who get their inputs from fatwa masters who do not allow outside information to touch their flock. Leave alone the ummah, look at godless China, a relatively connected up nation.

If you are indoctrinating a guy to go and kill himself for Allah you will tell him

1) Allah will ensure that you win anyway
2) If you die you still win
3) Allah will ensure that the body is intact - but just for added protection please wrap your John Cockburn in foil.
4) we will look after your relatives

After he dies you tell the others

1) Abdul is in heaven
2) you too must go to heaven
3) The kafirs have lost
4) They are telling lies about the body - that is one of their own dead being cremated. Allah would never allow a heroic son of his to be treated in this way.

When you have a bunch of jackasses willing to swallow this crap do you seriously think ineffective things like cremation of bodies will help anything other than assuage some emotions of Indians who have already lost a loved one.

In fact the Western tendency to hide dead bodies helps terrorists in this game. It was the same tendency that got my YouTube video banned for a day (and reinstated by the will of God and some human help). It is far better to make public the image of every dead terrorist's face.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by SSridhar »

Gilgit resists militarization

Gilgit Baltistan today is going through a phase where protests and rallies are rising by the day.From Diamer to Gizer people are rising against Pakistan and its army.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by shiv »

vera_k wrote: No one has to die. Small amounts of pig meat can be imported from USA for this occasion. Being buried with an American pig part would be twice the insult!
Why a pig part? Won't any American do considering that America gifted Pak with an Air Force and tanks in 1965, looked the other way when Pak gut nukes while India was sanctioned, and is now giving F 16s and AMRAAMs to Pakistan. Where is the court case in America against the Pakistani government for not taking action against the LeT?

What makes an American need more protection than a pig? We are all oh so bold in celebrating Paki deaths an cursing our own government for Indian deaths. But all hush hush when it comes to America.

It is ironic that we talk so much about protecting American lives when America does not give a rats ass about Indian lives.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by arun »

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan has yet again made a “list”.

This time it has made it onto “The Worlds Riskiest Sovereign Debt” list put out by CMA Datavision in its “Global Sovereign Credit Risk Report: Ist Quarter 2010”.

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is rated as the third most likely sovereign to default behind Venezuela and Argentina but ahead of Ukraine and Iraq.

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is rated as having a 42.3 % probability of defaulting on its debt over the next 5 years {5 Year CPD (%)}.

See Page 3:

The Worlds Riskiest Sovereign Debt
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by Gerard »

vera_k wrote:No one has to die. Small amounts of pig meat can be imported from USA for this occasion. Being buried with an American pig part would be twice the insult!
There is no insult in this. The method of burial was not the free will of the believer.
"He has only forbidden you dead meat, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and any (food) over which the name of other than Allah has been invoked. But if one is forced by necessity, without willful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits, then Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by chetak »

And meanwhile, the aman ki tamasha continues unabated. :twisted:

http://www.dailypioneer.com/247516/New- ... rency.html

Thursday, April 8, 2010
New Delhi-Lahore bus brings fake currency

For the first time since the start of New Delhi-Lahore bus service, fake Indian currency with a face value of Rs 2.85 lakh was seized on Wednesday from an elderly lady passenger at
the border here.

The fake currency notes in the denomination of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 were detected in the possession of 62-year-old Bano Begum, a resident of Delhi, who was returning from Lahore by the bus, an officer at the border said.

She was carrying the notes in a especially created cavity of a dinner set, he said.

Though fake currency is almost routinely seized in the Samjhauta Express train, it is for the first time that an international passenger was caught while trying to smuggle fake Indian currency from Pakistan by the bus, Intelligence sources said.

However, a packet of heroin with a street value of nearly Rs one crore was found in Lahore-New Delhi bus two days back prompting customs and immigration authorities at the border to step up vigil as they checked all buses coming from Pakistan, they said.

The Customs Department had intelligence inputs that Pakistan-based smugglers could try to push in fake currency and drug by the bus, officials at the border said.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by svinayak »

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142 ... %3Darticle
The Paki guy did not bring the slaughter of Hindus in his country- Bdesh
Five years or so after the terrorists drove their planes and passengers into the twin towers and the Pentagon, a cab driver from Pakistan remarked, as we drove past the rubble where the towers had stood, that he could never pass this place without trying to see them again in his mind. A painful effort, for all that it brought back. What was not painful, he added, was the memory of certain people in his neighborhood—a mixed but mostly white area of Queens, with many Italian-Americans, some Jews, and he thought some Irish. After the attacks, some of the men had come to him.

"My wife doesn't go out without a head cover," he explained. The men had come to tell him that if anyone bothered her, or his family, he must come to them.

"I must tell them and must not be afraid. Do you know," he said, in a voice suddenly sharp, "what would have happened if Americans had done this kind of attack in my country? Every American—every Christian, every non-Muslim—would have been slaughtered, blood would have run in the streets. I know the kind of country this is. Thanks be to God I can give this to my children."
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by Pratyush »

US says no to civil nuclear deal with Pakistan
Hours after Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said that his country "qualifies" for a civilian nuclear deal with the US, like that of India, the Obama administration in a blunt message told it that such a deal is not on platter of its talks with Islamabad.

"We are focused on Pakistan's energy needs, but, as we said last week, right now that does not include civilian nuclear energy," assistant secretary of state for public affairs P J Crowley told reporters.
Dose it mean that in future it will qualify for civil nuclear energy assistance.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by negi »

Unkil can facilitate the same by looking other way when Chipanda would build Chasma-3 and 4 .

Btw gurulog can we dig up the OEM who supplied the reactor pressure vessel for Chasma-1 ? Afaik the major players in this niche area are from Japan (Mitsubishi and Hitachi ) the Qinshan-1 design of which Chasma is a copy uses reactor pressure vessel supplied by Mitsubishi .
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by CRamS »

It is commendable fact that Muslims in US were not singled out and slaughetered post 9/11. But at the same time, I find the article a pompus piece of self-righteous tripe. What about the 1000s of Iraqis and Afgahns killed by US as revenge for 9/11. US has the power to wreack vengence and hence people are satisfied. And to suggest there is no suspiscioun of Muslims is disingeneous.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by SSridhar »

Pratyush wrote:Dose it mean that in future it will qualify for civil nuclear energy assistance.
It will happen sooner than later.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by Sri »

arun wrote:The Islamic Republic of Pakistan has yet again made a “list”.

This time it has made it onto “The Worlds Riskiest Sovereign Debt” list put out by CMA Datavision in its “Global Sovereign Credit Risk Report: Ist Quarter 2010”.

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is rated as the third most likely sovereign to default behind Venezuela and Argentina but ahead of Ukraine and Iraq.

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is rated as having a 42.3 % probability of defaulting on its debt over the next 5 years {5 Year CPD (%)}.

See Page 3:

The Worlds Riskiest Sovereign Debt

Interesting. India is completely missing in the list. Any ideas why?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by kenop »

Tarrel than deepel ocean than mountant fliend to bat for Pureland
Islamabad China will back Pakistan at a key nuclear summit in Washington next week on several issues, including its demand for a civil nuclear deal similar to the one India inked with the US and its efforts to improve atomic capabilities for peaceful purposes, a media report said here on Thursday.

The issue of China's support for Pakistan on these issues was discussed in yesterday's meeting of the parliamentary committee on national security chaired by Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, the 'Daily Times' newspaper quoted sources privy to the meeting as saying.
Looks like the leadership is taking the initiative to talk on behalf of China. Nowhere in the report does it talks about an authorised statement from Chinese side on this. Maybe, another H&D saving noise-making.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by SSridhar »

PoK judicial crisis worsens
Truly hilarious.
Pak Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoK) President Raja Zulqarnain Khan has filed a reference with the Supreme Judicial Council against acting PoK Supreme Court Chief Justice Manzoorul Hassan Gillani and PoK High Court Chief Justice Mustafa Mughal – a development that could further degenerate the judicial crisis in the region, according to a private TV channel.

Citing a press release issued by the Supreme Court, the channel reported that the reference against the two senior judges was filed on the advice of the prime minister. President Zulqarnain has said in the reference that the two judges had wreaked havoc with the state’s constitution by forming “a new Supreme Judicial Council”.

The original Supreme Judicial Council has accepted the reference for hearing, and formed a three-member bench headed by deposed PoK Supreme Court Chief Justice Riaz Akhter Chaudhry.

Justice Gillani and Justice Mughal have been barred from working, and ordered to appear in the Supreme Court on April 22, according to the channel.

Meanwhile, Justice Gillani presided over meeting of the new Supreme Judicial Council, and launched ex-parte proceedings against Chief Justice Chaudhry.

The proceedings were launched on the basis of a reference filed by former acting PoK president Shah Ghulam Qadir during Zulqarnain’s absence from the country. Justice Gillani declared the Supreme Judicial Council working under Chaudhry “unconstitutional”, and directed the prime minister’s government to file evidence against the “dysfunctional chief justice with the court by 10am on today (Thursday)”. He said that the council headed by him had barred the government from transferring any official the hearing had been completed.

Hearing the case, PoK High Court Chief Justice Mughal sacked two judges – Justice Rafiullah Sultani and Justice Younis Tahir. Shaukat Aziz advocate had filed a writ petition against the appointments of the two judges. The Supreme Judicial Council under Justice Chaudhry has support from the Presidency, while the new council under Justice Gillani has the backing of Prime Minister’s House.

Separately, the ruling Muslim Conference held an emergency meeting with lawmakers, under Sardar Attique Ahmad, in Rawalpindi to discuss the judicial crisis in PoK.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by SSridhar »

Indian Islamic Scholars accuse LeT of conspiring against Islam
Indian Ahl-e-Hadees scholars accused their ideological peers in Pakistan on Wednesday – the banned Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LT) group and its parent body, Markaz Dawa al-Irshad – of being part of a global conspiracy against Islam. “We believe Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, the LT chief, is a khawarij (rebel) and needs to be punished under the law,” declared Maulana Asghar Ali Imam Mehdi Salfi, secretary general of the Markazi Jamiat-e-Ahl-e-Hadees.

The Ahl-e-Hadees sect is often criticised for sharing its ideology with the LT or Dawa al Irshad, headed by Hafiz Saeed. Clarifying his stance, Maulana Salfi said both Hafiz Saeed and the Taliban were part of an international conspiracy. He called these groups marauders and said their struggle was nowhere near jihad. He questioned why these groups did not oppress America when they had aligned with it to fight against the Soviet Union?

Claiming that a majority of Ahl-e-Hadees followers in Pakistan were also “up in arms” against Hafiz Saeed for taking over their mosques and establishments, Maulana Salfi said Islam does not endorse extremism. Maintaining that bomb blasts and suicide attacks were forbidden in Islam, he said there was no justification whatsoever for such acts of terrorism and wanton killings.

Quoting a mutual edict of 36 Ahl-e-Hadees scholars, Maulana Salfi said such acts of violence were more critical than robbery. He, however, said a full and fair investigation was imperative under judicial supervision to ensure that innocent people were not punished in the name of terrorism.

Maulana Salfi said the khawarij, who first emerged in the late seventh century AD, also observed all Islamic tenants strictly, but actually created waywardness and rebellion. “Islam does not believe in extremes,” he added.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by shiv »

If jyoti must appear, it must appear from India.

Here is the LeT version of Islam
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by Rangudu »

SSridhar wrote:PoK judicial crisis worsens
Truly hilarious.
This is along the lines of President Zardari recommending to the PM Gilani to reinstate judges.

What a banana republic!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by SSridhar »

Rangudu wrote:What a banana republic!
Indeed, as the Corps Commanders 'approve' the US-Pak Strategic Dialogue !
General Kayani briefed the corps commanders about his meetings with US military officials and they expressed satisfaction over the outcome of the Pak-US strategic dialogue. He informed the meeting that the next round of the Pak-US strategic dialogue would be held in Pakistan.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by Gerard »

Rangudu wrote:What a banana republic!
You insult banana republics.
At least they produce bananas. They also don't send terrorists across their international borders.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by surinder »

Humans are funny, they think in sometimes seemingly illogical and nonsensical ways.

Humans fight, being ready to die, but whent the soul has departed and the person is now merely a corpose---the remains now composed of the five elements minus the soul which gave life to it---they still want it to be treated in a certain fashion. There is a certain closure, a certain dignity and a certain drawing of curtains that is associated with it. Many armies (some more than others) spend considerable effort to retrieve the dead bodies. They sometimes take additional casualties just to retrieve the dead. Some of them are from nations well known for their pragmatic, practical & logical modern streak. That is just human nature.

Regressive and brutal regimes understand that it is not merely enough to ki11 someone, but it is also important how that end comes about. I am not talking of torture (which is another ba11 game altogeter). That is why the British chose to blow dozens of Naamdharies in the Punjab by tying them to the mouth of cannons, rather than simply shoot them, which would presumably be quite cheap and less messy. (report of that massacre indicated that flesh was flying all over the place). This grisly end was designed to cause the living to think in a certain way. Bhagat Singh did not want to be hanged, he wanted to be shot, because that is an end which respectable soldiers get. British obviously wanted to hang him like a common criminal, to deligitimize him.

All faiths lay down conditions how the dead must be disposed off, often based on theological reasoning. This method of disposal has important consequences. In the context of RoP, there is an antipathy to being burned. I have already pointed one example from Indain history. RoP considers disposal by fire to be "Napaak". (There is a reference to a Mughal General Sulhi Khan, who had come to hurt the 5th Sikh Guru, whose horse bolted and dashed into a brick kiln oven and was burnt alive. He was referred to as meeting a "napaak" end in the Sikh scriptures.) Of coure, RoP has come a long way, it has enough ideoological flexibility that it will not stop dead on its tracks. I am under no illusion that atankvaad will suddenly come to a stop by burning. As someone pointed out, fatwas can be purchased on eBay for dime a dozen. But still it is a low-cost no-risk option.

As strange as it sounds, but the relatives of jeehardies who attain shahadatdom in India also want a certain closure. They, since they are human too, feel sorrow, anger, grief. As part of that process there is a certain closure they seek. In the dying there is a certain element of a curtain being drawn and an act of closing a chapter. As heineous the act of their relative, they still seek a respectable end and respectable treatment of the remains of their loved ones. This, after all is also a need. GoI, or IA can decide to satisfy that need, or deny it. It can deny it in ways that puts burden of shame and ignomony on the individual and family (and takes away respectability). It is after all war, and this is a small but important pshychologial strike that we can make. It causes the other Ammi and Abbu's a future Jeeahardie to pause, they will realize that that their loved Azhur will not only give up his life, but will not get a proper end to his body once he steps into Indian soil.

IA and GoI tends to treat fallen atankvaadis as pseudo soldiers, which is what the TSP'ians want them to be thought as. We should be dispelling that illusion by denying any Geneva convention-like treatment to the remains. I am, of course, not suggesting putting pigs meat etc, because this us unecessarily inflamatory. That suggests a purposeful, deliberate and quite-frankly desperate humiliation; we should be doing only an absent minded lack of interest in the faith and disposal techniques. Also, what is wonderful is we dispose these guys just as we dispose our own dead, but with an absence of respect.

Shiv, your points are not invalid. Burial does preserves genetic material. Do we then bury the "Hindu" or "Budhist" atankvaadis too? I am pretty sure we don't bury them. I do not think we are motivated by forensic considerations. One question, do medical colleges need a fully intact cadaver? Can they not take in partial caddies?

Perhaps I should stop and not flog a dead jeehardie any more!!! ;-)

@Vikas Raina: Thanks for the welcome. Feels nice to be posting after a long hiatus.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by CRamS »

SSridhar wrote:
Pratyush wrote:Dose it mean that in future it will qualify for civil nuclear energy assistance.
It will happen sooner than later.
Yes, thats why TSP is claiming success of the recent GUBO session with US. They certainly got LET off the table, and on the nuke deal, my feeling is that US has told them that its not going to happen in a day or two, and they should be patient. Knowing how much H&D was hurt because India has one, TSP's pentagon, CIA friends etc are probably working behind the scenes with Congressmen and Senators on why something akin to a nuke deal to TSP is in US's vital national interests. This is how US works; hard-core real-politick, and principles and morals are always a shifting target; they are not immutable; though they will be trumpeted in one case, they will be flouted in another. Someone said, US offering TSP a nuke deal will undercut their case on Iran. I argue that its only on the face of it. US will find a way to brazenly argue exactly the opposite, why TSP is a special case and different from Iran through bogus facts, spin etc. Heck, US even justifies turture of whoeverf they pick up on the street as Al Queda suspect and in the same breath will argue why torture of Chechen suspects by Russia or Paki terror suspects by India is gross human rights violation. Thats how a super power operates.

Bottom line: I argue that US has assured TSP that it will not abandon the India TSP equal equal policy of the past 60+ years which was in slight danger of slipping away. This, IMO was the biggest gain from TSP past several weeks and hence their chutzpah and arrogance in their posture towards India.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by sum »

State govt quietly buried nine 26/11 terrorists in January
The Maharashtra police secretly buried in January the bodies of nine Lashkar-e-Toiba gunmen from Pakistan who attacked the city on 26/11.

Disclosing this today, Home Minister R R Patil told the Maharashtra legislative council that the bodies were buried in a “secret mission”. He said this in response to queries on the expenditure that was being incurred by the state to preserve the bodies at the J J Hospital in Mumbai.

“Thirty officials were involved in the mission to dig and bury the bodies. The nine bodies were buried in January. Nobody knew about it except these officials. I wanted to see if the police can keep a secret,” said Patil. “There is not a single body in the mortuary now.”

“We kept the cold room meters on and asked officials to maintain security at the hospital as we did not want anyone to know about the burial,” he said.

“I want to tell the Pakistan Prime Minister that if he cannot prevent terror attacks on India... we will not let them escape and we will bury them in this land,” said Patil.

The nine terrorists were gunned down by security forces at different locations in the city and the bodies were preserved under special conditions at the JJ Hospital mortuary. Forensic experts and the FBI had collected DNA samples and some had matched with the families of the terrorists in Pakistan.

The bodies had begun to rot as they had been kept for more than a year. Muslim groups in the state refused to allow burial, saying they had attacked the country and killed scores. State officials had since been saying that the bodies would be kept until the 26/11 trial was concluded, which happened last week.
Apparently, a muslim officer was tagged along to read the final rites.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by Vikas »

Irrespective of its merits or demirits, The indic culture teaches us to respect the dead body. Thats why you would find it impossible to convince the Govt or the general public to humiliate the corpse once the initial anger subsides.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by Prem »

Indic culture was was and still is a big factor in letting the mlecchas go, from PRC to now. gues this Indic weakness still demand human sacrifice from time to time , as the hands of Jeehardy.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by Nihat »

Humiliating corpse is extremly self derading excersice and we have not come to that yet. It's one of the many things which differentiates us from TSP.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by surinder »

VikasRaina wrote:Irrespective of its merits or demirits, The indic culture teaches us to respect the dead body.
Vikas, Indian shastras & dharma demands that we love & respect all living beings & creatures. But it is not too specific about how non-living matter is to be treated :D
Thats why you would find it impossible to convince the Govt or the general public to humiliate the corpse once the initial anger subsides.
Additionally, there is no disrespect to the corpose, it is dispossed off as we dispose off Hindus corposes, if that is not the ultimate respect, what is? Plus the IM's don't want them to be given a RoP burial, so public opinion should be opposite of what you suggest (and in line with what I suggest).
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by Prem »

Nihat wrote:Humiliating corpse is extremly self derading excersice and we have not come to that yet. It's one of the many things which differentiates us from TSP.
Cremating is very much Indic culture practice , in fact it is proper honorable way of disposing the body and no way humiliating . Other alternative is Parsi or Tibbetan Buddhist method. Basically there is no need to respect the religious sentiments of terroists who must face the consequences of their heinous acts. Geneva convention dont apply on these terrorist Paki. The video of the creamation must be sent to the parents so they can have some kind fo closure and if the vidoes are used by terrorists to incite pagal people then ecploit the oppertunity to eliminate those pagals too if they cross the border .
Last edited by Prem on 09 Apr 2010 02:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by archan »

Nihat wrote:Humiliating corpse is extremly self derading excersice and we have not come to that yet. It's one of the many things which differentiates us from TSP.
Respect is due for actual soldiers who are a part of a uniformed national military and fight for their nation. Not for terrorists.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP), Feb. 26, 2010

Post by Carl_T »

Why not just bury the terrorists somewhere and move on? I don't think they will care either way what we do with the bodies. Either way it will be spun around to suit their ends.