Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 2010

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by ajit_tr »

China on verge of signing nuke deal with Pakistan: Expert
China is on the verge of unveiling a nuclear deal with Pakistan that will, in effect, be "cocking a snook" at the world as it will be outside the purview of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), a noted security expert said on Monday.

After the exception the NSG accorded to India in 2008 to enable the implementation of its civilian nuclear pact with the US, Pakistan had sought a similar deal from Washington and after having been turned down, "it now appears that China will soon announce its deal with Pakistan to export two nuclear reactors", Commodore (retd) C. Uday Bhaskar, director of think tank National Maritime Foundation (NMF), said.

"This will be without NSG concurrence and despite the many misgivings about Pakistan's track record, its linkages to terror and radical ideologies," he said while addressing a seminar here on "Nuclear Arsenals post-2010", organised by the Indian Navy-funded NMF.
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Re: India-US-Pakistan Triangle

Post by shiv »

SSridhar wrote: The US realizes that while it dismantled the USSR, it is also getting weakened considerably. Its writ does not run as powerfully as it used to do before. So, it needs partners all over the world, even more so than before during Cold War. India is an emerging partner, but it is a 'reasonable partner', one with which it can reason out by engaging in logical dialogues. India also has a global and regional perspective, has stakes in many situations all over the world and its outlook is therefore not myopic. So, the US approach to India is different. The Pakistani approach is very different and so the US employs a different tactic there. India thinks that a benign and friendly US has to, at times, act in a manner that is tactically damaging to her but in a strategic sense it would be far more beneficial and hence it does not need to mind these issues. India is also thrown crumbs such as a N-deal, AESA radars, F-35s to prove the strategic friendship. I am convinced that the American administration has sold this approach of theirs to the Indians and bought their approval too. Hence the implicit faith by the present Indian administration in US manoeuvers.

I think the US realises the limits of its power over Pakiand. Without listing every reason point by point, let me say that to me at least it appears that there is definitely some commonality of interest between the US and India over Pakistan. There are various ways of "calculating and codifying" the factors involved. One can list what the US wants, what India wants and what Pakistan wants in tabular form. Or else one can imagine that every nation can be represented by a greedy man who wants as much as possible for himself after giving as little as he can. Whichever way you do the anlysis you find either a commonality of interest between the US and India.

In fact it is not just "commonality of interest". it is more like two men having a finger in the other man's backside. if the other guy misbehaves the finger is wiggled causing discomfort. The reason I have been trying to say that the US has weaknesses is to point out that India can aggravate those weaknesses by being uncooperative. And of course the US can aggravate Indian weaknesses. If you and I have a finger stuck in each others backside the best course is to walk together. If I take my finger out I lose and vice versa. So India and the US have become bedfellows out of necessity. There is only so much the US can do to keep India down, but as the US is a democracy, those voices too will be heard just as anti US voices are heard from India.

Again, as you rightly point out, the US does not want to lose Pakistan. But the US is in a difficult situation. The only people who are showing a degree of cooperation are the Paki army. And they are also the people double crossing and blackmailing the US to act against indian interests. All the same it seems clear to me that there are various ways in which India and the US can cooperate to make the position of the Pakistani army balanced between a rock and a hard place - between hammer and anvil if you like.

I am not sure why - I cannot pin it down, but I am beginning to think that the Pakistani army may already have split inside, with unity being maintained in the self interest of the army. Clearly there is a "self interest" that the Pakistani army has that is neither "Pakistani" nor "Islamist". This is the self interest of self preservation that would make the army hide internal rifts, but the way the army remains totally inactive despite horrifying massacres within Pakistan is puzzling. On the face of it one might describe it as the Paki army "playing it cool" or "watchful expectancy'. But watchful expectancy is hardly the action required in response to horrifying massacres in your country. The inaction of the Pakistani army might indicate an inability to act, due to internal fissures.

There is a moderate pro-US faction in the Pak army and an Islamist faction. They are now at odds with each other. Both hate India and both need US money, but only one fights the Taliban. This might possible be the beginning of a split in Pakistan itself. I don't know. In fact the split has already occurred - with the Pakistan army being completely out of power in Waziristan, and only the Taliban being in control of parts of Afghanistan across the Durand line. A new nation exists already, but nobody is saying it.

Interesting, if dangerous times.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by CRamS »

Apologies if already posted and I missed it. Anne Patterson on Pakistan's future.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Rony »

Be Ware What You are Eating In Islamic Republic Of Pakistan

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Vashishtha »

Shiv sir, u made my mind go nuts on your post on page 29..... U r right, a lot of different scenarios can be brought to light with a slight change of perception. My take is slightly different from this.

I believe that 9/11 was a well planned effort by the US to enter Afghanistan. Yes, there have been genuine terror attacks on the US too but few and of limited magnitude, not enough to make them bloody invade a country. Lets elaborate on a few points:
1.Afghanistan has economically profitable mineral and natural gas deposits
An access to these would to some extent set the seal on energy security problems for the US. The recent $1 trillion report proves ths point.
2.Afghanistan has a lot of strategic importance
(a)It can keep radical mid-east regimes from coming up by making them fear that the 'Superpower' is only a 1000 miles away
(b)It holds Geo-strategic importance against Chinese just in case they become a little daring
(c)The least important thing was to keep al-queeda and Taliban in check coz they were getting increasingly anti-american. However they made this their fake priority so to the world they can act like the 'defenders of peace'.

Moderator's may now get pissed coz there is no 'Pakistan' in this. After the soviets lost, the pakis felt that they were being used as a Dixie cup by the US. But for the US, Pakistan was no longer a plastic cup for the afghan venture and the pakis were reluctant to join in because of their past experiences. Amirkhan fixed that once and for all and the deal for Pakistan was that america keeps funding and aiding their Kashmir venture and prevent india from goin to war with pakistan but their strategic depth would have to be compromised. This was a two fold advantage for the US:
1.Afghanistan is theirs.
2.Prevent India from becoming china by keeping them busy in the north.
They already had the support of the american people.

This is this is the point(somewhere in 2002-2003) where u could appreciate american chaankianess. So with all force they go into Afghanistan to deal with the talibunnies and secure the natural gas reserves. Along with them they dragged NATO as well under the shield of 'war on terror'. Everything is fine till now(late 2003-2004). US sees saddam as a long term threat and more than that they see the f***ing OIL!!! The false pretence of securing world peace was more than enough to invade IRAQ. Here lies the problem, the US was in some serious hurry to do that and didn't plan it well. Have a look at this:
http://iraquna.blogspot.com/2005/05/why ... -iraq.html
14. Why was America in such a hurry… to the extent of jumping into war without proper planning? What was the eminent danger?
I suggest you read the whole thing. In my POV it was not just the oil but also a need to have actual force strength in the middle east. THIS IS WHERE AMERICAN PLANNING FAILED, under this false pretension of strength. Things did go well for a while after a particular point(late 2006-2007) Americans started losing both wars due to overstretched resources. Also the people were now getting a little pissed since almost all their tax money is going into Afghanistan and Iraq. The bush regime was becoming slowly unpopular. In mid-2008 economy was beginning to tumble and the Iraq-Afghanistan receipt was increasing its zero's. Also the discovery that no WMD's were found in Iraq was like 'jale pe namak chidakna' for the american public. The NATO death toll was increasing too. The economy now collapses big time and america's weaknesses are open to the whole wide world. They could no longer afford to fund the war and infact they were losing it. To save their H&D they asked for more cooperation from the pakis. The ISI which was already pissed off at fighting their own friends was now pushed to piss more. The paki establishment, aware of the fact that america could not help them more started IED mubaraks in pakistan in the name of taliban to extort money from USA(This is against BRF views) and on the platter for Pakistan again was more aid money to save their collapsed economy. No one had a problem with this since:
1)The RAPE was saved from the sinking boat they were in.
2)The paki army could now divert more funds for karachi projects and defense.
The ISI still kept vital links open with the Taliban and were well aware of what the Americans might do next so they save them and clear towns with civilians in the name of 'War on terror'. This is where the paki establishment truly understands that the war on terror is now in their hands:
1)They pull out and american H&D is lost
2)They stay in there and stage terror attacks within the country to demand more aid
3)They use this aid to support terror activities in India.
4)When indians threaten them, they threaten the US tht they may pull out coz of their tensions with India and naturally because of (1) the US cant even imagine that.

All this puts Pakistan in a win-win situation BIG TIME. Honestly, I adore their thinking skills.

Obama in a bid to become 'The leader of the free world' promises the american public that they will pull out of the Afghanistan war once and for all. This along with the healthcare reform wins over their hearts. Now Obama has to keep his promise but he very well knows the repercussions of pulling out from Af-Pak. The oldies in the pentagon want to keep Afghanistan no matter what, so thats why the hype about natural gas. Naturally, US will just order some troop reductions to satisfy the american public and also the pentagon and keeping their H&D intact.

The US tried to over-achieve and that is the reason why it is very very weak at this moment. It actually finds itself in a more apologetic position than India.

I might have missed out on a few points here, sorry for the bad summarization.
Last edited by Vashishtha on 14 Jun 2010 22:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by A_Gupta »

Shiv wrote:
This is the self interest of self preservation that would make the army hide internal rifts, but the way the army remains totally inactive despite horrifying massacres within Pakistan is puzzling. On the face of it one might describe it as the Paki army "playing it cool" or "watchful expectancy'. But watchful expectancy is hardly the action required in response to horrifying massacres in your country. The inaction of the Pakistani army might indicate an inability to act, due to internal fissures.
If the Army wants the civilian government to be discredited and for the way to be open for another army head-of-state, then this inaction might be the behavior.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by A_Gupta »

Vasishtha wrote:
1. Afghanistan has good proportion of the worlds gas reserves
An access to these would set the seal on energy security problems for the US. The recent $1 trillion report proves ths point.
What is the source of the claim that Afghanistan has a good proportion of the world's gas reserves? (e.g., the Soviet estimate of Afghanistan gas reserves - 5 trillion cubic feet - is equal to one year of Iran's production - numbers from Wikipedia).

Please also note this:
http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/arc ... tion/58104
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Rangudu »

When I saw the Afghan minerals report, I was wondering how long it was going to be before we get a "9/11 was an inside job" type theory.

Not too long...:lol:

BRF is not that far behind from the CIA/Mossad/RAW blaming TSP forums...
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Gus »

911 was planned by the US = end of any credibility.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Vashishtha »

Good point Gupta,
Afghanistan might not have a lot of gas. It also has a lot of other mineral reserves. I might have been wrong over ther(oops). But the overall point is that Afghanistan has natural $$$ a plenty which could be the primary underlying reason for the invasion.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Vashishtha »

Anyone watched the movie: Loose change. If you haven't then watch it. Here's the link.

I welcome all arguments. :)
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Samay »

911 Was planned by the combined might of the aborigines of Diego-garcia and arabs who created CIA to take care of their general problems :mrgreen:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Vashishtha »

Okay, say 911 wasn't done by the Americans. BUT it gave them a good enough reason to re-enter Afghanistan after considering the plus points.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Carl_T »

You keep forgetting that this is a recent discovery. Unless of course the US was secretly prospecting for lithium in Afghanistan in the 90s...
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by shiv »

Vashishtha wrote:
All this puts Pakistan in a win-win situation BIG TIME.
OK. But what are they winning?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by shiv »

Vashishtha wrote: I believe that 9/11 was a well planned effort by the US to enter Afghanistan.
I don't believe it. I don't even argue with people who say what you are saying. You are welcome to hold your views. I will hold mine.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Vashishtha »

@ Shiv,
Technically, the abdul in pakistan doesn't win anything. Its the Paki RAPE that is winning from the foreign aid. Also ISI's strategic depth isin't lost completely(Something is a LOT better than nothing), they are gonna keep it intact and US cant do a lot about it.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by shiv »

A_Gupta wrote:
If the Army wants the civilian government to be discredited and for the way to be open for another army head-of-state, then this inaction might be the behavior.
Yes that is true. But never have things been this bad in Pakistan before the army took over. And the army has always taken over when the civilian government has come under criticism. This time it is the army that is being criticised and even directly attacked by a section of the civilians (the Islamists)
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by shiv »

Vashishtha wrote:@ Shiv,
Technically, the abdul in pakistan doesn't win anything. Its the Paki RAPE that is winning from the foreign aid. Also ISI's strategic depth isin't lost completely(Something is a LOT better than nothing), they are gonna keep it intact and US cant do a lot about it.
So nothing changes. That is hardly a big win. Have you had a look at my ebook on Pakistan that is online?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by shravan »

Vashishtha = vishwakarmaa :?:

If yes, Welcome Back.... :D
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Vashishtha »

Have you had a look at my ebook on Pakistan that is online?
Yes, till the Pakistani education system part and how they turn kids into educated jihadi's.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Vashishtha »

@Shravan, no i m not that guy. :)
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Fidel Guevara »

Gus wrote:911 was planned by the US = end of any credibility.
NASA faked sending man to the Moon =

Indira Gandhi rushed to the scene of Sanjay Gandhi's plane crash and personally recovered the key to their Swiss Bank locker (from the pocket of Sanjay's corpse) =

Roswell Area 51 houses alien UFO technology =

etc etc
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by shravan »

Gus wrote:911 was planned by the US = end of any credibility.
Then what is America doing in Afghanistan ? :roll:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Vashishtha »

Please people, watch the movie 'lose change'(link in previous post) and if u have time watch watch Fahrenheit 9/11 as well. I have the original dvd *deleted*
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Dipanker »

Vashishtha wrote:Shiv sir, u made my mind go nuts on your post on page 29..... U r right, a lot of different scenarios can be brought to light with a slight change of perception. My take is slightly different from this.

I believe that 9/11 was a well planned effort by the US to enter Afghanistan. Yes, there have been genuine terror attacks on the US too but few and of limited magnitude, not enough to make them bloody invade a country. Lets elaborate on a few points:
1. Afghanistan has good proportion of the worlds gas reserves
An access to these would set the seal on energy security problems for the US. The recent $1 trillion report proves ths point.
I am afraid this is not true. Please do some research before posting. Factual errors like these combined with 9/11 conspiracy theories lowers the standard of the forum.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Vashishtha »

@Dipanker, I have removed that point and replaced it with a more believable and accurate one.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by saip »

Vashishtha wrote:Good point Gupta,
Afghanistan might not have a lot of gas. It also has a lot of other mineral reserves. I might have been wrong over ther(oops). But the overall point is that Afghanistan has natural $$$ a plenty which could be the primary underlying reason for the invasion.
Make up your mind. On the one hand you say they dont have gas and then you say 'it also has' lot of minerals. What minerals and where did you find that? Can you give us some figures? Besides 9/11, I also heard the Pearl Harbor was planned by the USA so that they can enter the WW II!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Fidel Guevara »

saip wrote:
Vashishtha wrote:Good point Gupta,
Afghanistan might not have a lot of gas. It also has a lot of other mineral reserves. I might have been wrong over ther(oops). But the overall point is that Afghanistan has natural $$$ a plenty which could be the primary underlying reason for the invasion.
Make up your mind. On the one hand you say they dont have gas and then you say 'it also has' lot of minerals. What minerals and where did you find that? Can you give us some figures? Besides 9/11, I also heard the Pearl Harbor was planned by the USA so that they can enter the WW II!
I also heard that the Republican Party agreed to let Barack Obama become President so that he could preside over the economic recession and US low-point, and make the public averse to voting for a non-white President in future.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by shravan »

911 Hijackers were financed by ISI then how is Pakistan an Allie in WoT ?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Prem »

Lest not forget , Passstan also has 1Trillion Barrel oil in deep water, second largest coal deposits in Sindh and 3rd largest gas reserves in Punjab , 4th largest gold and diomond deposits in Balochland and the most educated work force etc. Paki net world is full of this kind of news. They wont need any of Afghani minerals and who said that afghans have the habit of giving generously.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Gagan »

The US was genuinely shocked by 9/11. There is no credibility of any suggestion that it was an inside job or a jewish conspiracy.
To what extent was the US intel agencies ignoring reports of a terrorist plan responsible? There must have been thousands of intel reports of a million terrorist plans that must have been afoot at that time. To what extent was that ignoring deliberate in order for the plan to gain some speed and for the planners to come to light is for the US to investigate. They have done that and they are satisfied with what they've discovered, lacunae addressed - end of story.

But what is important is the role the Pakistanis played in 9/11.
1. There is no denying the fact that OBL was trained by the ISI, senior officers were best buddies with the saudis and other foreigner groups. Hamid Gul claims to have met OBL on several occasions.
2. Brig Imtiyaz and Khalid Khwaja chaps were taking OBL to the military hospital in Peshawar for treatment several times and interacting with the top army brass several times during the 90s.
3. General Musharraf had used the services of OBL and his ruthless sunni jihadi army to quell the shia rebellion in Gilgit and Balistan.
4. There was the story of the Pakistan Airforce Officer who was Mohd Atta's roommate in germany, and who suddenly returned to Pakistan when his father got ill, and he was arrested. Subsequently another PAF officer is reported to have joined atta.
5. Then there was Omar Saeed Sheikh wiring nearly $100,000 to Mohd Atta, and then duly informing Gen Mahmood Ahmed - ISI chief, that he had wired that money.
6. Finally the planner of 9/11 Ramzi Yusuf, watched the destruction of the twin towers from his safehouse in Karachi.
7. After the US attack on Tora Bora, OBL, with shrapnel injury in his leg, crossed the hills into Parchinar in Pakistan, where he was met by the members of the Haqqani group and taken for medical treatment. He was subsequently reported to be in Karachi.

IOW Pakistan, its armed forces, and the ISI keep popping up on several occasions when one talks of 9/11 and OBL. There is too much smoke around so the likelihood of there being fire are very strong indeed.

I feel that we give too much credence to India, by putting India at the receiving end of a 1000 conspiracies. I don't think that the US and other powers that be, and their involvement in Af-Pak is a conspiracy against India per se. They are there primarily for:
1. Preventing terrorist attacks against the US homeland and the other NATO western countries originating from Af-Pak
2. Access to Central Asia for its mineral wealth and oil. To prevent the Chinese from accessing this.
3. The discovery of huge iron, copper, cobalt, gold & lithium deposits, and other minerals is now out in the open. There were news reports about 6 months back that the Chinese have acquired stakes in mining industry in Afghanistan, while the US and even India were engaged in protecting their turf from Pakistan sponsored attacks there.

Everything is NOT a conspiracy against India. But recklessness shown by the west in controlling and attempting to distinguish good terrorist from bad terrorist is certainly going to have negative repercussions on India because of Pakistan's enmity with and sole focus on India, and the long border that India shares with Pakistan. However I agree with Shiv, that there is a certain commonality of interests between India and the US on Af-Pak, to a certain level. The only difference is that recklessness that I've talked about.

The US is juggling a lot of things in Af-Pak, each vying for their attention.
1. The future of the government in Afghanistan, the role of the taliban
2. The role of the Quetta Shura and the Al-Quaida. Their destruction or preservation.
3. Balochistan and the freedom movement there.
4. Radicalization of Pakistan, where the school educated youth are becoming terror planners, and the uneducated madrasa educated boys are becoming suicide bombers.
5. Central Asia, China, India, mineral wealth.
Last edited by Gagan on 14 Jun 2010 22:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Vashishtha »

Afghanistan's deposits. Please check this out:
http://minerals.usgs.gov/performance/20 ... ments.html
These two were my sources. My bad for the bad summarization of the natural gas part, my apologies on that. I was in a little hurry.:(
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Pranav »

saip wrote:Besides 9/11, I also heard the Pearl Harbor was planned by the USA so that they can enter the WW II!
OT, but this book gives that story: Day Of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor by Robert Stinnett - http://www.amazon.com/Day-Deceit-Truth- ... 065&sr=1-1
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Vivek_A »

Vashishtha wrote:Please people, watch the movie 'lose change'(link in previous post) and if u have time watch watch Fahrenheit 9/11 as well. I have the original dvd and i will rip it for u and send it to you if you want.

If it's in a movie, it must be true. :roll:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Rahul Shukla »

Conspiracy theories are like Musharraf's. Everybody's got one!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Vashishtha »

whats yours rahul??
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Gagan »

The US has found huge deposits of Iron, copper, cobalt, gold and Lithium in Afghanistan.

Looks like that theory about a rich and powerful afghanistan with the Pashtoon areas under its belt being a counterweight to Iran and Pakistan and keeping the two in check might some day come true. It certainly looks much closer. Afghanistan has to develop the links via Iran-Chabahar along the Zaranj-Delaram road India built, or along Balochistan if Balochistan-Gawadar someday becomes independent.

Pakistan is going to be the loser here. It has no minerals except in Balochistan. All that it has is mismanaged water, and the shit infested water flowing down from the Jhelum.

AoA to that.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by chaanakya »

Vashishtha wrote: http://forums.bharat-rakshak.com/viewto ... 31#p888131

Shiv sir, u made my mind go nuts

All this puts Pakistan in a win-win situation BIG TIME. Honestly, I adore their thinking skills.

First a Statutory warning to unsuspecting readers ( I too got one)
Don't read Shiv ji's post unless you have solid grounding in the subject Shiv ji is writing about.
Don't make any post immediately after reading it as your mind would go nuts.

And lastly, if you can adore paa'staan for being tactful in putting them self into this win win situation, you really need to get cured of nutness induced by Shiv ji's post fast enough lest it festers into permanency.

On a serious note

9/11== USA act
26/11==India Act
Afghanistan has sudden undiscovered minerals and oil wealth which would attract USA to stay put. Not yet independently verified.
USA never has any energy shortages. It might want to control energy resources for power play etc but then it should invade SA/UAE et el for that reason. Or may be Nigeria.
Do you know what is the land boundary of Afghanistan with China. Do you seriously expect USA to invade China via Afghanistan. What is USA doing in then, in Taiwan, Japan and SOKO? They are nearer to Beijing . And why China is getting exploration rights in iraq and afg when Unkil is in command.

August 1998, does Operation Infinite Reach ring a bell?

If USA wants to strike any country in Gulf or some other area, it need not kill its own citizens to concoct an excuse.

Moreover, it does not need strike forces everywhere, its fleets & Battle-groups prowling the seven seas are enough to begin with. In fact whenever they have foot soldiers on the ground, they retreated after a long and painful war getting inflicted with heavy casualty. So Concept of fake priority does not hold water.

For centuries Afghanistan has been a country of proud people who have not put up with much nonsense. Be it British Expeditionary Forces doing their NW campaign or Russian or USA, and even prior to them, wetserners, others have come and gone.
So USA might not think of Afg as theirs.
Paa'stan is doing a fair job by them self, USA would not make India more busy by invading Afg on this pretext. This dynamics would be in favour of USA if India grows and not otherwise. But containment by Pk is already there,no catalyst is needed more than what is already there.

Your Iraq rant( GF II) might not be very relevant in the context of Afg as afg was in 2001 and may be much before (1998) Al kyayda etc were on their radar much before since they claimed embassies bombings

So that brings us to Paa'stan. This shithole is meant for USA aid money and military aid always used against IN. Right now K Project is in public domain so we talk abt , there are many such which commons are not aware. USA India both knew and IN always brought it up before US.

Amirkha's eecheendee is lost so many times that they are immune to it. So don't bother, they teach the world how to get over it. Read writeups abt NAM's

The game you say in points 3,4 is old story, Sorry mate thats the way beggers do it all the time.If push comes to shove they would destroy their dams and kill millions of piglets to demand more AIDS from USA.
Rahul Shukla
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): May 21, 20

Post by Rahul Shukla »

Vashishtha wrote:whats yours rahul??
Somebody named Vashishtha did 9/11.
Last edited by Rahul Shukla on 14 Jun 2010 23:22, edited 1 time in total.