Terroristan - June 20, 2017

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »


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Falijee wrote:Thanks to Allah, that it is only a oil tanker that had busted . And the "collateral damage " was "only 123 killed 100 injured". There have been past speculating reports in the Paki and International Press, that the Paki Deep State - in order to avoid the watchful American Eye In The Sky - have been known to hide their "famous bum" in decrepit vans and other vehicles, which roam the broken highways and byways of Sind, Pakjab, KP and Balochistan!. Imagine the consequences of such a vehicle involved in an crash . Karma bites back :twisted:
Falijee Ji :


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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by yensoy »

So much for the fair and well-fed Pakis vs the "bhookay nungay Indians". Downloading oil from an overturned tanker used to happen in Nigeria with regularity. Sorry state of affairs, hope this news is broadcast widely in India so we don't suffer a similar situation. Luckily for us our local trucks are around 12kl capacity unlike the NATO/CPEC supplied beasts that fair & lovely Pak probably has.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Atmavik »

I heard a story of overturned oil truck in TN where the local people secures the area till the police arrived. This shows the true state of Pakistan
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Bart S »

^Something similar happened about a week ago in India, with hugely different results and managed completely differently of course:
http://zeenews.india.com/delhi/delhi-oi ... 16840.html

Posting this here though somewhat OT as it provides an interesting contrast.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by sanjaykumar »

A telling contrast indeed.

I too immediately thought of Nigeria. Pakistan is at the developmental level of some African countries, but places like Uganda and Kenya have surpassed it in many social indicators.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Zia gone, Zia legacy lives on !!!

Prince Hassan of Jordan, when he heard PIA changed old 'Khuda Hafiz' to 'Allah Hafiz', remarked to Crew 'Does God not understand Persian ? :lol:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by jamwal »

Khuda is Persian word ?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Journalists in Pakistan under fire from many sides

HARIPUR, Pakistan (AP) — Bakhsheesh Elahi was waiting for the morning bus when a lone gunman on a motorcycle pulled up beside him and shot him dead. Rana Tanveer had just taken his family to safety after radical Islamists spray-painted death threats on his door, when a car smashed into his motorcycle and sped away. Taha Siddiqui answered his phone to hear a menacing voice from a government agency telling him he needed to come in for questioning, without saying why.
. The three men are journalists in Pakistan, considered one of the most dangerous places in the world for this profession. But even by Pakistan’s standards, things have gotten worse, according to journalists, Pakistani and international human rights activists, and advocacy groups.( These are but the latest examples of intimidation of journalists in Pakistan. Hamid Mir and Umer Cheema survived ! Sabeen Mahmud and Saleem Shahzad was not so lucky ! Pakistan Deep State (ISI) has a sub-department strictly tasked for the job of harassing, intimidating and in some cases eliminating [ Pakistani journos only please !] journalists "who work against- so called - national interest" :twisted: )
In addition to attacks from militants or criminals, Pakistani journalists are also facing threats from government agencies or the military itself. Sometimes the job is outsourced by the Deep State to "non -state actors" !
“Journalists are not threatened from one side alone, they are threatened by drug mafia, they are threatened by political gangs. They are also threatened by religious extremists,” said Asma Jehangir, a human rights lawyer and the director of Human Rights Commission of Pakistan. “They are threatened by the military. They are also threatened by people who are deeply (involved) in corruption, but when it comes to the extremist elements, governments are very reluctant to move because they themselves are afraid of them.” Asma should know! Although , not a journalist , she has been on the receiving end of such dirty tactics , practiced by the Deep State , because of her activist role !
Elahi, a determined investigative reporter in northwestern Pakistan’s Haripur, is just the latest example. The father of five, including a daughter born just 20 days earlier, was killed on June 11 while waiting for a bus a few hundred meters from his home.Local journalists turned Elahi’s funeral into a protest, carrying his body through the streets and stopping traffic to demand that the killers be brought to justice, according to Zakir Hussain Tandi, president of the Haripur Press Club.But impunity and a lack of prosecution has characterized many of the attacks on journalists in Pakistan. Elahi, who was bureau chief of an Urdu language newspaper and sister television station, was the fourth journalist killed in Haripur district in the last three years. All but one of the murders has gone unsolved.The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) says 60 journalists and 10 media workers have been killed in Pakistan since 1992.
Elahi’s Facebook page featured his relentless reporting against political corruption. One of the country’s largest television news channels to feature one of his stories. “We think his death is probably related to journalism,” said Tandi of the press club. “Lots of people didn’t like his investigations, the drug mafia, corrupt politicians, car thieves. He wrote about them all.” Pakistani journalists and social media activists have been detained, often by intelligence agencies, tortured according to some who were released, and threatened with blasphemy charges, which carry the death penalty and routinely incite mobs of radical extremists to violence. Last week, a social media activist was sentenced to death for allegedly posting an item deemed insulting to Islam.
That sentence “sends a threatening message to all ... causing fear and leading to self-censorship,” Steven Butler, Asia director of the CPJ, said in an email. “It’s clear that authorities — including investigative authorities, prosecutors, and the military — are keeping a close eye on journalists and ready to act when red lines are crossed.”
Last month, Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan ordered a crackdown on “those ridiculing the Pakistan Army on social media (to protect) the prestige, reputation and goodwill” of the armed forces. Nasir, the right hand ball of Ganja and defacto PM of Pakiland is an unabashed apologist for the Paki Fauj
On May 18, Taha Siddiqui, Pakistan’s correspondent for France 24 TV, received a threatening call from someone claiming to represent the counter-terrorism wing of the Federal Investigation Agency , ordering him to come in for questioning. Siddiqui, who is also bureau chief of the World Is One News website, is an outspoken critic of Pakistan’s military and intelligence agencies. “My work is in the public domain,” Siddiqui asked. “What does counter-terrorism have to do with journalism, with free speech?” Something more serious will happen to Siddiqui, if he goes on ignoring the "signals" !
Siddiqui phoned colleagues for advice and stopped answering his door. He eventually spoke to Jehangir, the human rights lawyer, who advised him to file a petition demanding to know why he was being investigated. Siddiqui, who didn’t go in for questioning, has already made at least one court appearance and was told by the FIA that he was being investigated because of his critical stories about the military. On May 30, Rana Tanveer, a correspondent for the English-language daily newspaper, The Express Tribune, found death threats spray painted on his home in eastern Lahore saying he would die for writing stories about the plight of minorities in Pakistan — particularly Ahmedis, reviled by mainstream Muslims who label them as heretics because they believe in a messiah who arrived after the Prophet Muhammad. Pakistan has officially declared them non-Muslims, making it a crime for Ahmedis to identify themselves as Muslims. Dozens are facing charges. Bazaar gossip whisperers says that no less than the COAS of Pakistan Army (Gen Bajwa ) is a practicing Ahmedi :evil:
“That was shocking for me,” Tanveer said of the spray-painted threats. He went to the police, which didn’t register a case but instead advised him against filing a formal complaint, saying it would enrage the radicals who had threatened him. Tanveer has received several such threats over the years; even his landlord had been warned against renting to him because of his coverage of religious minorities. On June 9, Tanveer was riding his motorcycle after meeting a colleague from the Pakistan Union of Journalists to decide how to deal with the threats when a speeding car slammed into him and sent him crashing to the pavement. He suffered a fractured leg and believes it was no accident. Today, he is in hiding with his family, unprotected by police and unsure when he can return to his job. Deep State has achieved their purpose , maybe through their sub contractors !
Jehangir said she believes the government crackdown is being done at least partially at the behest of Pakistan’s military.“They think that the image of Pakistan is being destroyed by the word getting out of here,” she said. “Now, if you stop picking up people, stop torturing people, the image will improve, but don’t shoot the messenger.”
Gannon, an Associated Press ( AP) Correspondent, based in Islamabad, originally from Canada and married to an influential Pakistani, has herself been a victim when she and an other foreign reporter was attacked by an fanatic Afghani at an event in Afghanistan a few years ago. Luckily she survived her serious injuries !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Bahawalpur- Site Of A National Tragedy . And Now Site Of Army Shenanigans - Double Tragedy !!

Senate panel takes exception to leasing out railway land
Islamabad - The Senate Standing Committee on Pakistan Railways on Thursday raised questions over the leasing out of the railway land to the Defence Housing Authority (DHA) in Bahawalpur. The committee headed by Senator Fateh Muhammad Hassani took strong exception to the issue questioning who authorized the deputy commissioner to lease out the railway land to the housing authority.
The committee was informed that the leasing out of 34 acres of railway land to the DHA Bahawalpur will cause billion of rupees loss to the railway as it will require diversion of a 140-kilometre railway track. The Senate committee asked the Chief Secretary Punjab and railway and defence ministry officials to brief the panel on the leasing out the issue at the next meeting. Doubt that anything serious can happen. National Assembly and Senate of Pakistan are "rubber stamp" institutions in the so-called "Democracy" of Pakistan. No less that influential US Senator John McCain has stated that Pakistan is not a true democracy !
Senator Hassani said that the deputy commissioner Bahawalpur has illegally leased out the railway land to the DHA. “Who has given the deputy commissioner the authority to lease the railway land illegally?” he questioned.
Railway Minister Khawaja Saad Rafiq said that the case regarding the lease was pending in a civil court and they will also consult the higher judiciary in this regard. The minister said that they will have to divert 140-kilometre railway track due to the lease of 34-acre to the DHA. :roll:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

So-Called JIT Probe Is A Farce According To This Paki Journo !

Panama JIT was hijacked before its constitution!
Ahmad Noorani

Ganja Sharif is confident that he will be vindicated by the so-called JIT. ! Immy Khan is banking on the so-called JIT to give him a new lease on his (political ) life. ! The so-called JIT Members themselves are pompously taking their duties "very seriously", and drawing sadistic pleasure in successfully hauling and grilling " Nawaz Sr. Nawaz Jr. and Show-baaz Sharif before the Committee Members. IMO, Ganja Sharif will again escape scot free when every Abdul knows that he is corrupted to the core. :twisted:

PS: Can anyone seriously imagine an honest inquiry in Pakistan. This is a nation of conspiracies within conspiracies !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by RCase »

Peregrine wrote:'Toy' bomb kills six children in South Waziristan
AFP Published about an hour ago. Ramzan Celebrations continue
A bomb resembling a toy killed at least six children on Sunday in the tribal area bordering Afghanistan, officials said.

The bomb exploded while the children were playing with it in Speenmark village in the South Waziristan tribal district.

“Six children aged between six to 12 years, all boys, were killed by a toy bomb and two others wounded critically,” a local government official told AFP on condition of anonymity.
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While SDRE kids play with regular toys, TFTA Baki nanhas play with bombs as toys and later graduate as mujahideen and soosai bummers.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by RCase »

Peregrine wrote:


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No worries, Bakistan has true momeen who can replace the losses. We just saw three abajans who nearly scored a century!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Mullah-Giri And (Eid) Moon Sighting Saga And The Missing Mullah Of Peshawar :D

Mufti Popalzai ‘goes missing’ — in bid to search for the moon?
by Arshad Yusufzai
PESHAWAR: Peshawarities remain uncertain about Eidul Fitr today (Sunday) as Mufti Shahabuddin Popalzai remains inaccessible since Friday afternoon.

Mufti Shahabuddin Popalzai is the main face behind the Masjid Qasim Ali Khan's local Ruet-e-Hilal (moon sighting) committee in Peshawar that always comes in conflict with Pakistan's central Ruet-e-Hilal Committee on the sighting of moon for the months of Ramazan and Shawal. Many people have been continuously trying to access the mufti for his plans regarding the local committee's meeting about sighting of Shawal (Eidul Fitr) moon. However, all his known cell numbers are switched off since Friday afternoon. Interestingly, his second in command, Maulana Khairul Bashar, has also gone missing, as he too cannot be reached on any of his contact numbers since Saturday. "No one exactly knows where Mufti Popalzai or his associate is or who have made them disappear but it is clear that some unseen forces don't want him to continue his practice of announcing Eid a day before the federal government," a religious scholar associated with Popalzai's committee informed Daily Times on the condition of anonymity.
Some believe that Mufti Popalzai might have been kept under house arrest by police in a bid to stop him from announcing Eid. Another view regarding the disappearance of Mufti Popalzai is that he has 'gone' to Dubai. :lol:
[/size] Pakistan is living up to its reputation as " The Land Lund Of Conspiracy Theories "
A small protest was staged by some people in Peshawar's Qissa Khwani Bazaar near the Masjid Qasim Ali Khan where Mufti Popalzai used to have his committee meetings. The people demanded the 'release' of Mufti Popalzai.

A meeting of the local Ruet-e-Hilal committee that was scheduled to take place at Masjid Qasim Ali Khan on Saturday evening had also been cancelled. The committee said the meeting was cancelled because Mufti Popalzai was out of the country and could not chair the meeting. A Peshawar-based local journalist claimed that Mufti Popalzai was in hiding and would most probably reappear just at the 'right time' to hold the meeting of his committee. "I am in contact with people close to him. They say Mufti Shahabuddin Popalzai was hiding to avoid arrest and will resurface to announce Eid if there were any witnesses," said the journalist, requesting not to be named.
In another development, Maulana Amanat Shah, general secretary of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) Mardan chapter, told the media that they had set up three different committees for gathering witnesses of the moon sighting. The committee, consisting of Maulana Amanat Shah, Qari Ihsan, Abdul Hadi and Maulana Nadeem decided that they would offer Eid prayers in the sessions court in protest. "If any of the committees' members are arrested, the second and third committee will take responsibility, respectively. If [members of] all three committees are arrested, not a single religious scholar will lead the Eid prayers in Mardan," Maulana Amanat Shah said. Most people in Peshawar and other cities of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa observed their first fast of Ramazan on May 27, a day before the federal government, and Saturday June 24 marked their 29th day of fasting. It is most unlikely that the people will agree to completing 30 days of fasting. The assorted Maulanas of Peshawar always like to play "spoiler" ( and play against the national grain !) in the Eid Moon Sighting Game . Everyone in Pakiland knows that economic productivity ( if there is any !) in Ramzan goes out of the window in this "Holy Month" . So what difference does it make. The Ganja Sharif Govt should play safe and declare one full week as "Eid National Holiday". Pick and choose your own Eid Day ! :D

PS: Instead of "celebrating" , should not this Islamic Republic be mourning because of the Bawalpur, Parachinar and other national tragedies that happened all at once . There is no end to the shameless nature of this Govt. Ganja Sharif forced to return back to Pakiland from Londonistan - (where he had gone to "celebrate" the graduation of his grand-son !)
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Amber G. »

jamwal wrote:Khuda is Persian word ?
Yes, this is why Pakis want to go to "allah hafz" ..-- The first time Allah Hafiz was used in Pak was in 1985 when a famous TV host, a frequent sight on PTV during the Zia era, signed off her otherwise secular show with a firm 'Allah Hafiz' --
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Pathik »

Will getting bhasma in fire give them jannat?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by sum »

^^ Saw the TSP-ian news show posted on DFI forum where a Journo roamed around in a few LoC posts of TSP and given a full tour.

The CO of the post mentions that post-Uri, the Indians have been using heavy weapons and been pounding the place almost daily and sighs that it has been a year now and is still continuing.
So, the frontline has really getting their mush spanked from the looks of it ( with some unfortunate lightning also thrown in which takes away 20-30 faithfools)

Will post the link when i find it
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Another Case Of Minorities Denied Justice In The Islamic Republic Of Pakistan :evil:

Irfan Masih: When duty becomes death
The family of Irfan Masih the cleaner who died because doctors in Umerkot hospital refused to treat him for suffocation suffered while cleaning a sewer demand justice from the courts while the doctors and Nazim of Umer kot are trying to settle the dispute outside the court. Outside or inside the court, it does not matter. Justice not possible here !
The case of Irfan Masih the sanitary worker, who died due to doctors’ negligence after falling in the gutter, took another turn few days ago. An FIR had been lodged by the Medical Superintendent (MS) of Civil Hospital in Umerkot, against the sanitary workers and family members of Irfan Masih
The local court ordered to lodge a case on complaint of MS Dr Jam Kumbhar, in which 16 persons were named for assault on the hospital and obstructing doctors on duty’ these people are on bail now.Babar Masih brother of Irfan while speaking to The Nation said, “We have lost our brother because of their inhumane attitude but they want the court to fine us Rs 50 lac and have us arrested.” Regarding the FIR filed by Irfan’s family Babar said, “To counter our FIR they arrested the doctors but after a day or so they got bail.”
So much so for equal rights for minorities !
The Nation spoke to Chairman Umerkot Municipality Khalid Sumro about the incident, he said, “This gutter, in which Irfan Masif went down with his workers, was closed since a long time because Umerkot does not have underground drainage system now. Irfan Masih was in-charge of the sanitary workers and knew that this sewerage line was closed then with whose permission did he go into the sewerage line? No one was informed at the office of this.” Regarding the training, equipment and gear Khalid Sumro said that these sanitary workers were trained when they were hired. Safety gear was not provided to them because Umerkot does not have underground drainage system. Since 1995 we have open drainage system, things that are required for cleaning it are provided to them by the Municipality. When asked about their hiring process he said, “We mostly hire those people whose families have been working in this profession for a long time. Their starting pay scale is 15 to 17 thousand depending on their experience.” In Pakistan, such "dirty" jobs are reserved exclusively for minorities and it is almost a crime to offer such a job to a Muslim :evil:
Regarding the threats that Irfan’s family is receiving he said, “If doctors are apologizing or want to resolve the matter that is another case but if they are threatening then they would be punished for it too.” When asked about Irfan’s death the Municipality Chairman and the SSP said, “Sewerage line is not Disney land that anyone would want to go into it until he is asked to do so.” colluding to deny justice :roll:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Chini Danda Up Paki Musharaf :roll:

Pakistan deploys 15,000-strong force for Chinese security
Pakistan has deployed a 15,000-strong military force to protect Chinese nationals working on energy and infrastructure projects in the country, President Mamnoon Hussain said on Sunday, after the abduction of a Chinese couple raised safety concerns.
The president told visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Islamabad that the protection of Chinese citizens working in Pakistan was the “top priority” of the government, read a statement issued by the presidency. So, "all of a sudden" visit by the Chinese FO, was for this purpose :twisted:
Authorities were going to all possible efforts to arrest those responsible for kidnapping, Hussain said. :roll:
China has stated it will cooperate with Pakistani authorities to investigate whether the two Chinese citizens - who were allegedly killed by the Islamic State group in the country - had been illegally preaching. So far there has been no official confirmation of the Chinese pair's fate. IMO, this could well be the work of the Baloch Freedom Fighters !
Later in the day, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his delegation also called on Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa and discussed matters of mutual interest and regional security with special reference to Afghan situation and CPEC came under discussion.And of course, the safety of the Chinese :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Sharif family performed Umrah on personal expenses: govt spokesman
In wake of the rising speculations over Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif’s visit to Saudi Arabia, a government spokesman has clarified that the premier and his family performed Umrah on their personal expenses. Just the fact that a Paki Government Spokesman has to issue a statement on this matter says a lot about this corrupt man and his corrupt family who fancies himself as a modern-day Moghal Badshah, doling out favours here and there ( eg. prize money in millions for the cricket players. ! ). And of course, there is no mechanism in place to verify the GOP spokesman claim that "Umrah expenses were paid by Ganja himself" !
After performing Umrah, the Prime Minister arrived London on Sunday. He was expected to stay in London for a few days where he was scheduled to undergo a medical checkup, ( the all purpose convenient excuse ; looks fit in the Umrah photu :twisted:) and was expected to return home on June 30. But after the oil tanker tragedy, the prime minister has cut short his London trip and decided to return to country. He will directly land in Multan on Monday. The prime minister noted that the terror incidents on Jumma-tul-Wida and Ahmedpur Sharqia tragedy had grieved the nation immensely.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by RCase »

It is being made out that China deeply cares about a couple of its ordinary people in Pakistan, with all the noise, theatrics and shenanigans that China always does. China is a country that has no qualms in finishing off millions of its own people. I think there is some other reason.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by JE Menon »

Basing related pre-announcement propagandu.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by SaraLax »

kish wrote:
100 terrorists die

At least 100 people were burnt to death and 40 others suffered serious injuries after an oil tanker caught fire in Bahawalpur city of Pakistan on Sunday, reports state media.

The incident took place at Ahmedpur Sharqia in Bahawalpur located in Pakistan’s Punjab region in the early hours of Sunday morning.

As per local media reports, an oil tanker lost control and toppled in Ahmedpur Sharqia area and spilled fuel on the road.

Reportedly people in large number gathered at the accident site and were collecting oil from the tanker :mrgreen: when the tanker got engulfed in fire resulting in mass causality.
A related article from Leftist supporting Guardian of UK has below piece describing why pakis came to the overturned oil tanker ...
A loudspeaker on top of a local mosque alerted villagers to the leaking fuel, and scores raced to the site with jerry cans, said Rana Mohammad Salim, deputy commissioner of Bahawalpur.

So apparently during Ramzam period & just one day before Eid - its OK to STEAL !! for Pakistani Muslims and this indicated Mosque in Pakistani Punjab even as they strictly maintain fasting and etc during Ramzan period. Religious hypocrites of the best order !!!.

Seems a similar overturned Oil Tanker had exploded in 1999 in Adda Rodu Sultan area of Pakistani Punjab & burnt to death nearly 65 people who gathered around it to steal petrol at that time too.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Aditya_V »

It Seems starving the countryside to give fuel to the RAPE of Lahore is what caused the mad frenzy to get some petrol. Why not give a bit of lower priority in Fuel and Electricity to Lahore hain ji?
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Last edited by Peregrine on 26 Jun 2017 13:52, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Karthik S »

What will they do with petrol? I recall airstrike on Kunduz where locals were trying to get fuel from two fuel tanks that were ambushed by the Taliban. The airstrike killed similar number of people.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Karthik S wrote:What will they do with petrol? I recall airstrike on Kunduz where locals were trying to get fuel from two fuel tanks that were ambushed by the Taliban. The airstrike killed similar number of people.
Karthik Ji :

In view of Clapistan having many many Oil Tanker we should await further news with bated breadth.

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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

X PostedIslamism & Islamophobia Abroad

Green on Green Attack - Six hurt as car hits Eid crowd
LONDON: Six people, including three children, were injured on Sunday after a car ran into a large crowd gathered to celebrate Eidul Fitr in the northern English city of Newcastle. Police said there was no information suggesting the incident was terror-related.

Police believe a woman who had been celebrating Eid with her family was driving the car that struck the crowd outside the Westgate Sports Centre, Assistant Chief Constable Darren Best said. Northumbria Police arrested the woman, 42, who remained in custody. The force said it was not looking for other suspects.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Stolen boys: Life after sexual slavery in Afghanistan And Pakistan !
Adorned in makeup, fake breasts and bells, Jawed whirls around middle-aged men at Kabul's underground bacha bazi, or "boy play" parties, where the former child sex slave finds freedom of sorts as a dancing boy. Jawed was kidnapped by a former jihadi commander in Shomali, north of Kabul, when he was barely 14, a victim of a hidden epidemic in Afghanistan of culturally-sanctioned male rape.
Bacha - bazi is very much alive in Pakistan ( specially KP Province !) as well which this reporter prefers to ignore.!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Eid Gift For Aam Abduls. : Fresh Currency Notes Worth Rs. 342 Billion Pumped Into Circulation. !

SBP Issued Rs. 342 Billion Worth of New Currency Notes During Ramzan
The State Bank of Pakistan — through sixteen field offices of its subsidiary SBP Banking Services Corporation — has provided fresh cash of various denominations aggregated to Rs. 342 billion as against Rs 237 billion issued during last Ramadan.
No mention whether the new monies being issued were backed by any sort of reserves or as suspected just printed at the press! . More bank notes chasing the same number of goods and service. And then they complain about inflation ( prices have gone up 30% from last year blah, blah , blah ) :lol:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Eid Message From Allah :roll:

Earthquake strikes parts of country on Eid day. Earthquake was 5.5 magnitude on Richter scale
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by SBajwa »

A person saying "Behti ganga main haath dho lo" i.e. "wash your hands in flowing ganga" for stealing probably died in the fire!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Pakistan gets to celebrate two Eids again :P

To hell with national productivity, work ethic, etc etc fun time in Pakistan never ends. !!!

PS: Not sure if a "national holiday" was declared two weeks ago for the Kirket Team. Ganja, not always "pro-active", this time, himself took the initiative and announced Prize Money of Rs. Ten Million plus. ( Left it to the mandarins to figure out how to pay for this un-allocated expense from the Budget ). Did not come out of his pocket for sure. Like the recent trip to Londonistan - if press reports are to believed ! ) :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by rsingh »

Bajwa Saar, May I request you to edit your post. Just put the link with a graphic contents warning. Thanks
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Fully posted on the Analyzing CPEC Thread

Ready to wait for India to join BRI as CPEC-BCIM link will benefit all: China
BEIJING: China today said it is ready to wait some more time for India to shed its "misgivings" and join the Belt and Road Initiative, a pet project of Chinese President Xi Jinping.
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Peregrine wrote:'Toy' bomb kills six children in South Waziristan
AFP Published about an hour ago. Ramzan Celebrations continue
A bomb resembling a toy killed at least six children on Sunday in the tribal area bordering Afghanistan, officials said.

The bomb exploded while the children were playing with it in Speenmark village in the South Waziristan tribal district.

“Six children aged between six to 12 years, all boys, were killed by a toy bomb and two others wounded critically,” a local government official told AFP on condition of anonymity.
Now : NINE

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by ramana »

Fox News had a scrolling headline last night that the tanker caught fire due to some one carelessly lighting a cigarette.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

US designates Pakistan based Hizbul Mujahideen Chief Syed Sallahudin as a global terrorist. Big step towards counter-terrorism.
The US State Department on Monday designated Hizbul Mujahideen's supreme commander Syed Salahuddin as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) and imposed sanctions on him. He is the leader of the largest militant group that fights against security forces in India-held Kashmir.
The development surfaced hours ahead of the scheduled meeting between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump.
He was designated a terrorist "under Section 1(b) of Executive Order (EO) 13224, which imposes sanctions on foreign persons who have committed, or pose a significant risk of committing, acts of terrorism that threaten the security of US nationals" or the national security, foreign policy, or economy of the United States, said a release issued from the US State Department.
The action bars US persons from financial transactions with Hizbul Mujahideen supreme leader Syed Salahuddin. ( The joker lives in Pakistan !) The department says that in September 2016, Salahuddin vowed to block any peaceful resolution to the Kashmir conflict. He threatened to train Kashmiri suicide bombers and turn the Kashmir valley “into a graveyard for Indian forces.” The US says the militant group has claimed responsibility for several attacks.
In advance of the meeting, the Trump administration approved India's purchase of nearly two dozen unarmed surveillance drones. The deal, estimated to be worth about $2 billion, is still subject to congressional approval.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by saip »

Years ago when I was in India, my company's refined cooking oil tanker which we imported met with an accident. I went there to meet the Insurance adjuster. At that time I saw dozens of people collecting the oil from the leaking tanker. By the time I reached after several hours after the accident there was not much oil left in the tanker and we got our money from the insurance co. But it did not explode. Obviously this time the diesel tank burst and caught fire causing the explosion. But AFAIK diesel fuel normally does not explode but if it is gasoline engine it might. Anyway I was lucky it did not explode then.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by sanjaykumar »

It has to do with flash point. Cooking oils of course have a higher molecular weight are amphipathic and thus have low volatility. Petroleum when refined is just the opposite.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - June 20, 2017

Post by ramana »


Fox News had a running headline last night that someone lit a cigarette near this overturned petrol tanker.