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Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 03 Nov 2022 14:40
by chetak

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 03 Nov 2022 16:30
by chetak

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 04 Nov 2022 21:36
by chetak
x posted from the ukraine thread

as is it's usual practice, the us is out to create another quagmire, leaving behind doom, despair, death and destruction in it's wake

It will wilfully set fire to europe, and germany-france in particular while targeting putin's russia and stomping ukraine into the dirt.

@mtracey · Nov 1

The Pentagon officially confirmed today that US troops are on the ground in Ukraine, allegedly performing "inspections" of US weapon caches.

This information was released via anonymous media briefing.

No word on whether the troops are wearing "boots" as they walk "on the ground"

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 07 Nov 2022 20:24
by chetak
These new sea routes will be significantly shorter than classic routes via Suez canal providing Russia with alternative trade route not controlled by west.


Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 08 Nov 2022 03:44
by Vayutuvan
Chetak ji, both SoKo, and Japan are not immune to western pressure.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 08 Nov 2022 15:03
by chetak
Vayutuvan wrote:Chetak ji, both SoKo, and Japan are not immune to western pressure.
Quite true Vayutuvan ji,

But, they are only exploring possibilities and alternates.

Freedom of navigation (FON) still applies.

A bit difficult to imagine that anyone would be foolish enough to deny the FON to the russkis, especially seeing the mood that putin is in

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 08 Nov 2022 15:12
by chetak

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 08 Nov 2022 16:35
by Cyrano
In which rag was the article above published?!

German paper Bild has ridiculed this visit : ... .bild.html

Please use your browser to translate into English.
The program of the crazy chancellor trip: murderously hectic! 23 hours flight for just two hours with President Xi Jinping (food in the Golden Hall in the 3rd Floor of the "Great Hall of the People") and a good hour with Prime Minister Li Keqiang - including military honors.
That's how it was planned. In the end, the meeting with Li became a "press encounter" - but not as we are used to in democracies, because: no questions allowed! Please understand ...
For the 23 journalists flown with, this means: They got a muzzle.
After that, there was an hour with entrepreneurs and with the German community. That's it.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 08 Nov 2022 16:41
by vijayk
Filthy German nazis are now puppets of Xi

They set up a UNHRC discussion on india..


1. Minority rights
2. Bring back cmunal violence bill abondoned in 2014 :evil:

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 08 Nov 2022 16:46
by Cyrano
Official Chinese statement about Scholz visit - looks like Shcolz got his ears twisted as greeting and a wedgie he will remember as send off gesture. ... 800546.htm

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 08 Nov 2022 16:50
by Cyrano
There is a lesson here: A country that doesn't exercise its sovereignty in self interest and doesn't have a strong, able leadership will get zero respect.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 08 Nov 2022 22:47
by chetak
BRICS is expanding, and enroute to becoming one of the world's most Influential trade and political blocs

One more OPEC country Algeria, Files Official Application To Join BRICS.

Argentina, Iran, Indonesia, Turkey, Saudi & Egypt also in line to join. ... li=BBnbfcL

On Monday, Algerian special envoy Leila Zerrougui confirmed her country was the latest to formally apply for BRICS membership, according to the Algerian news portal Al Shorouq.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 10 Nov 2022 00:16
by vijayk ... 7983152128
The Poll Lady @ThePollLady

U.S. and Belgium are going to question India on CAA, minority rights, hate speech at the upcoming U.N. Human Rights Council.

1. Calling the Citizenship Amendment Act as “anti-minority” Belgium has asked India if the law would be repealed.
The Poll Lady @ThePollLady
2. U.S. has said that

“A law infringes on wearing religious garb in educational institutions. We are concerned about acts that intimidate minority communities, such as hate speech and the targeting of their homes and businesses.

What steps are being taken to protect them?”
The Poll Lady @ThePollLady

3. The U.S. has also asked India about how UAPA, National Security Act, Public Safety Act comply with India’s international human rights obligations and commitments.

US wants explanation how India was holding gov officials accused of anti-minority actions, accountable. (Nupur)
The Poll Lady @ThePollLady

4. Universal Periodic Review will be conducted on basis of national report provided by GOI, information provided by independent human rights experts and groups.

This is perfect example of using global institutions to bully when one doesn’t toe the line.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 10 Nov 2022 01:12
by sanjaykumar
That’s funny.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 10 Nov 2022 06:45
by Zynda
Prof. Salvator Babones in his recent session at India Today Conclave hit the nail on the head why India is protective of Russia. India needs Russian Veto at the UN (practically all other veto countries being unreliable as hell)...given the cards stacked against India and our own intellectual class highly anti-Indian, perhaps without Russian backup (of course our own diplomatic efforts not withstanding), it is quite possible in the last few years, India would have been declared a "Fascist" (or a term close to it) state (which I am assuming would come along with its own set of sanctions etc.) and many in India would be glee about such a branding. Given the recent whip-up of activation of HR tools from the just becomes more clear on Babones assessment.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 10 Nov 2022 10:49
by Pratyush
Why is Babones getting so much air time recently?

What has changed?

The people who have been attacking India ever since independence. They are extremely well established.

One voice in the wilderness is not going to be enough. Besides what's in it for Babones?

Is government of India support going to be enough for a man registered as a foreign agent in his home country?

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 10 Nov 2022 11:25
by Dilbu
Babones is aimed at desi MUTUs who would listen to anything coming from goras as gospel.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 10 Nov 2022 11:33
by chetak
Dilbu wrote:Babones is aimed at desi MUTUs who would listen to anything coming from goras as gospel.

Dilbu ji,

He is cleverly marketing himself onlee.

His is a meticulously planned foray into the heartland of desi media space

he says that coupta is his guru and that says quite a lot about where he is coming from

The seeds that he has planted will really hurt the desi "intellectuals" and commie/naxal wokes....

For the moment, at least.............

Let's take the win, no matter where it comes from, because the war is far from being won and every blow to the opposition ecosystem counts.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 10 Nov 2022 12:05
by Manish_P
chetak wrote:..

He is cleverly marketing himself onlee.

His is a meticulously planned foray into the heartland of desi media space

he says that coupta is his guru and that says quite a lot about where he is coming from


He is probably a variant of La Madame C Fair

We need to use, and discard, him as per our requirements, to our advantage.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 10 Nov 2022 17:41
by chetak
Another gem from the Biden WH.

RUS oil will be subject to price cap only on first onshore sale and not on resale/sale of refined products.

This actually gives a lot of leverage to RUS because whoever RUS chooses to supply oil to will enjoy massive arbitrage profits on resale.
from the net


Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 10 Nov 2022 18:44
by chetak
India is likely building a new military facility on North Agaléga island, which is part of the island nation of Mauritius.

A staging post for India's P8Is, the Naval Maritime reconnaissance aircraft that the IN currently operates and also refuel, repair and replenish IN ships operating faraway from home.

The QUAD are sure to pile on

Image ... ega-island

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 10 Nov 2022 21:28
by Lisa
^^ But if the Russians supply oil as CIF, then what price?

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 10 Nov 2022 21:50
by chetak
Lisa wrote:^^ But if the Russians supply oil as CIF, then what price?
Lisa ji,

may be costly because war risk premiums will kick in

any insurance or other company flouting sanctions will be banned after sanctions are lifted. Govt support like India provides to some of its banks and oil companies may shield them for a while.

That's why many Indian banks do not break sanctions but only specific banks allowed by the GOI do so.

ditto with marine or aircraft insurance because individually sold insurance is always reinsured by a consortium. Such insurance will cover hull damage, war damage, cargo insurance, accidents and many other aspects.

Reinsurance occurs when multiple insurance companies share risk by purchasing insurance policies from other insurers to limit their own total loss in case of disaster. Described as "insurance of insurance companies" by the Reinsurance Association of America, the idea is that no insurance company has too much exposure to a particularly large event or disaster.

Indian banks with many branches abroad usually will not break sanctions because, post sanctions the US will vaporize their business dealings abroad.

Insurers purchase reinsurance for four reasons: To limit liability on a specific risk, to stabilize loss experience, to protect themselves and the insured against catastrophes, and to increase their capacity. But reinsurance can help a company by providing the following:

Risk Transfer: Companies can share or transfer specific risks with other companies.

Arbitrage: Additional profits can be garnered by purchasing insurance elsewhere for less than the premium the company collects from policyholders.

Capital Management: Companies can avoid having to absorb large losses by passing risk; this frees up additional capital.

Solvency Margins: The purchase of surplus relief insurance allows companies to accept new clients and avoid the need to raise additional capital.

Expertise: The expertise of another insurer can help a company obtain a higher rating and premium.

If one company assumes the risk on its own, the cost could bankrupt or financially ruin the insurance company and possibly not cover the loss for the original company that paid the insurance premium.

This is why russia will not/can not ship CIF under the current circumstances because russian insurers will not be able to reinsure elsewhere.

Russia may not even have such a company to insure marine trade and their companies having the connections to reinsure outside russia. So the russian state becomes liable for huge claims if things go south

After the sanctions regime ends or even during, russian companies will never be able to purchase reinsurance, so even the russian insurance company's business will dry up very quickly and they will shut down

seven odd countries have already been told not to insure/reinsure russian oil and russian gas carriers and surely the amerikis will pressurise many more countries to do the same.

Any restriction in the oil supply to the market will cause oil prices to spike, maybe > $200+ per barrel, hurting everyone but the amerikis who actually have enough oil on their own to tide over the situation if they are willing to pump it and sell in their own market

Lets see how India plans to cope with the situation
European and British companies account for about 85% to 90% of the business of insuring, reinsuring, and financing seaborne Russian oil. Owners of oil tankers of any nationality will refuse to carry Russian oil if they can’t get high-grade insurance. The operators of the Suez Canal, for instance, don’t permit uninsured ships to sail through the vital channel. Russia, in response, says its state-owned insurance company will provide the reinsurance that British and European firms won’t. But Russian firms don’t have the same reputation as the British and European insurers, and their coverage may not be accepted by major ports and canals; the same is true for Indian and Chinese insurers.

The British and European companies largely control the insurance and financing market for oil tankers, and particularly, ships that carry refined petroleum products.

It is not a scheme that could work for other commodities or in other markets.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 11 Nov 2022 03:01
by Cyrano
Manish_P wrote:
chetak wrote:..

He is cleverly marketing himself onlee.

His is a meticulously planned foray into the heartland of desi media space

he says that coupta is his guru and that says quite a lot about where he is coming from


He is probably a variant of La Madame C Fair

We need to use, and discard, him as per our requirements, to our advantage.
Babones reminds me of foreigners who do these reaction videos on Indian topics to get millions of YouTube hits. No real value add except gora face saying the same things we on BRF have been saying for ages and more and more indians are already catching up on. He is a flash in a pan for now.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 11 Nov 2022 03:10
by Cyrano
Lets see how India plans to cope with the situation
Could a BRICS level reinsurance consortium be the answer? We can trust those who blew up Nordstream to sabotage an oil vessel n'est ce pas ? If insured by a structure at BRICS level with Saudi, Iran, Algeria etc joining, such sabotage will become a declaration of war on a consortium bigger than G7 with several nuclear armed nations and hopefully that should deter them.

This could be a lot more useful and implementable than some vague BRICS reserve currency.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 11 Nov 2022 03:13
by Cyrano
Given the track record of the sanctions packages the idea of oil price cap has me shivering in cold sweat!

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 11 Nov 2022 03:36
by chetak
Cyrano wrote:
Lets see how India plans to cope with the situation
Could a BRICS level reinsurance consortium be the answer? We can trust those who blew up Nordstream to sabotage an oil vessel n'est ce pas ? If insured by a structure at BRICS level with Saudi, Iran, Algeria etc joining, such sabotage will become a declaration of war on a consortium bigger than G7 with several nuclear armed nations and hopefully that should deter them.

This could be a lot more useful and implementable than some vague BRICS reserve currency.
Cyrano ji,

The current players in the insurance/reinsurance space, especially in the oil/gas trade have formed a very powerful cartel(s) and this cabal will tweak entry conditions to keep others out.

If a BRICS level insurance/reinsurance space is going to be carved out, the cabal will target the oil/gas trade of the new entrants. No one is a friend in BRICS, except maybe India - russia being the exception.

hull owners, vessel operators and port authorities, including canal operators will go by only reputation of solvency and solidity. The new entrants will arrive with neither.

no one wants a wet behind the ears company or woke insurance team to handle a case like the Ever Given getting grounded in the suez.

The egyptians extracted a 75-ton tugboat from the ship's Japanese owner, Shoei Kisen Kaisha as part of the compensation deal apart from mucho dinero under, over, by the side of many tables that was also prised out by the savvy egyptians at many levels.

The ship had an Indian master when she grounded, usually many such ships normally carry two masters because of the workload being too much for a single master.

It's a risky market with pirates, ship hijackings and terrorist attacks being fairly commonplace.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 11 Nov 2022 03:49
by chetak
Cyrano wrote:Given the track record of the sanctions packages the idea of oil price cap has me shivering in cold sweat!
Cyrano ji,

India is the world's third largest oil market.

She has a very effective and efficient blue water navy that has an excellent reputation for helping out in disasters and also managing piracy.

She is too big a customer to be pushed around, besides being a huge producer of food articles/dairy/vegetables and grain. Her patronage can make or break markets.

Seeing how Modi has nimbly held his own in the face of ameriki sanctions, no one would be too keen to test his resolve. The cheeni too learned the hard way. The vaccine story would not have been possible with Modi and his India.

Modi has stood with russia, taken on the US/UK/EU, stood against the cheeni, doing almost all of it at the same time.

The pakis got no aid from Modi because they tried to abuse him and that fact has not gone unnoticed in many parts of the world. Africa is very happy with Modi.

The take home message being "Piss Modi off at your own risk" Just ask the lankans, the beedis, the nepalese and the pakis.

I think that, by and large, we will be OK. The prices at the pump will surely rise but not as much as in many other countries.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 11 Nov 2022 08:38
by Manish_P
Cyrano wrote:
Manish_P wrote:

He is probably a variant of La Madame C Fair

We need to use, and discard, him as per our requirements, to our advantage.
Babones reminds me of foreigners who do these reaction videos on Indian topics to get millions of YouTube hits....
Yes. That is an added benefit.

Incidentally it is a good income source for Pakis over the past few years. One just needs to search 'Pakistan reacts to India' in youtube to see how many such new channels have come in just the last couple of years.

GOI doesn't really want to ban them as they have bakis speak glowingly of India.

Maybe they can heavily tax youtube for the ad income such videos generates from the viewership in India.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 11 Nov 2022 09:23
by Dilbu
On the positive side this price cap nonsense could be the trigger to break west’s monopoly on the global reinsurance business. Countries will start thinking about setting up alternative options for the future. BRICS will certainly watch this space keenly.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 11 Nov 2022 16:46
by chetak
Dilbu wrote:On the positive side this price cap nonsense could be the trigger to break west’s monopoly on the global reinsurance business. Countries will start thinking about setting up alternative options for the future. BRICS will certainly watch this space keenly.
Dilbu ji,

BRICS is not united or with common interests like the EU nor do they even form a cohesive politico-cultural block like UK-US-AUS.

OTOH, BRICS has members who are in direct opposition to one another, like India china, wherein their armies have actually clashed leaving dead on both sides.

unlikely that anything like a global reinsurance business joint enterprise will be mooted at any BRICS meet

Everyone in BRICS view the cheenis with strong suspicion and with very good reason.

One of the main reasons for BRICS was for cheenis to prise open and enter the Indian, as well as, other markets, come hell or highwater.

the cheeni probably envisioned xi sipping evening cocktails with Modi playing the gracious host while bureaucratic minions from both sides slaved away together at making a free trade agreement, entirely slanted towards cheeni benefit.

OPEC will not cooperate to enforce the price cap. OPEC needs russia and russia needs the OPEC.

the saudis have already brushed off biden and negated his pleas for cooperation with the US.

OPEC will very likely reduce their production and strangle the oil markets by constraining supply leading to a significant spike in prices, some analysts are predicting >$200 per barrel

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 15 Nov 2022 13:31
by Dilbu
Turkey rejects US condolences over Istanbul attack
ISTANBUL: Turkey on Monday rejected US condolences over the death of six people in a bomb attack in Istanbul that Ankara blamed on an outlawed Kurdish militant group. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan often accuses Washington of supplying weapons to Kurdish fighters in northern Syria, deemed as “terrorists” by Ankara. “We do not accept the US embassy’s message of condolences. We reject it,” Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said in televised comments.Earlier, Soylu said the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and the Syrian Kurdish YPG militia, which Ankara says is a wing of the PKK, were responsible for the attack on the historic and bustling Istiklal Avenue on Sunday.

Soylu said the order was given in Kobani and the bomber passed through Afrin - both cities in northern Syria where Turkish forces have carried out operations against the YPG in recent years.

Turkey has carried out three incursions in northern Syria against the YPG, including in 2019, seizing hundreds of kilometres of land. Earlier this year President Tayyip Erdogan said another operation was imminent.

The United States has supported the YPG in the conflict in Syria, stoking friction with fellow NATO member Turkey.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 15 Nov 2022 22:27
by vijayk ... 5926002690

This is too important thread on how V-DEM taken over by Paki Jihadi/ISI/Paki army ... 02690.html












Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 16 Nov 2022 00:19
by chetak
x posted from the Indo uk thread

burnol sales in pukiland would have spiked through the roof


Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 16 Nov 2022 04:24
by ramana
Link; ... ecurity\PM NaMo speech at G20 Bali
English Translation of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s address at the G-20 Summit in Bali, Session I: Food and Energy Security
November 15, 2022


I heartily congratulate President Joko Widodo for giving effective leadership to the G-20 in a challenging global environment. Climate change, the Covid pandemic, the developments in Ukraine, and the global problems associated with it. All these together have caused havoc in the world. Global supply chains are in ruins. There is a crisis of essentials, essential goods all over the world. The challenge for the poor citizens of every country is more severe. Everyday life was already a struggle for them. They do not have the financial capacity to deal with the double whammy. Due to the double whammy, they lack the financial capacity to handle it. We should also not hesitate to acknowledge that multilateral institutions such as the UN have been unsuccessful on these issues. And we have all failed to make suitable reforms in them. Therefore, today the world has greater expectations from the G-20, the relevance of our group has become more significant.


I have repeatedly said that we have to find a way to return to the path of ceasefire and diplomacy in Ukraine. Over the past century, the Second World War wreaked havoc in the world. After that, the leaders of that time made a serious effort to take the path of peace. Now it's our turn. The onus of creating a new world order for the post-Covid period lies on our shoulders. The need of the hour is to show concrete and collective resolve to ensure peace, harmony and security in the world. I am confident that next year when the G20 meets in the holy land of Buddha and Gandhi, we will all agree to convey a strong message of peace to the world.


During the pandemic, India ensured food security of its 1.3 billion citizens. At the same time, food grains were also supplied to many countries in need. The current shortage of fertilizers in terms of food security is also a huge crisis. Today's fertilizer shortage is tomorrow's food crisis, for which the world will not have a solution. We should build mutual agreement to maintain the supply chain of both manure and food grains stable and assured. In India, for sustainable food security, we are promoting natural farming, and re-popularising nutritious and traditional foodgrains like millets. Millets can also solve global malnutrition and hunger. We all must celebrate the International Year of Millets with great enthusiasm next year.


India's energy-security is also important for global growth, as it is the world's fastest growing economy. We must not promote any restrictions on the supply of energy and stability in the energy market should be ensured. India is committed to clean energy and environment. By 2030, half of our electricity will be generated from renewable sources. Time-bound and affordable finance and sustainable supply of technology to developing countries is essential for inclusive energy transition.


During India's G-20 Presidency, we will work for global consensus on all these issues.

Thank you.

DISCLAIMER - This is the approximate translation of Prime Minister’s remarks. Original remarks were delivered in Hindi.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 16 Nov 2022 08:16
by venkat_kv
vijayk wrote: ... 5926002690

This is too important thread on how V-DEM taken over by Paki Jihadi/ISI/Paki army ... 02690.html
Vijay K Saar,
the list of pakis taking over v-dem will only help dismiss outright, but for people who have whatsapp group and are trying to be intellectual in their arguments we have a report in Swarajya by BRF's own Suraj Saar and JE Menon Saar taking apart the indices and the elephant sized hole in their data.
As V-dem thinks India was better off during emergency than after 2019 elections. These should be lampooned with in twitter to their face and said that if you employ pakis who themselves don't have democracy you will get these kind of toilet paper worth reports.

Also I can't seem to find a link where they said that v-dem surveyed about 3500-4000 people for collecting data through out the world and when it came to india the people surveyed was some 25 or 50 folks. If any kind soul could find that would be much obliged.
But for the blast from the past ... bout-v-dem

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 16 Nov 2022 18:09
by chetak
yellen says

India can buy as much Russian oil as it wants, Yellen says.

The caveat: it can't use Western insurance, finance and maritime services

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 16 Nov 2022 21:04
by bala
This must be a jarring picture when the G7 congregated. How did an Indian sneak in?

Image ... 143534.ece
Leaders of the European Union and all G7 countries -- Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States -- were among those at the hastily arranged meeting in Bali, where they have been taking part in a G20 summit of major economies.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 18 Nov 2022 03:31
by ramana
Recently there have been four terror attacks in Iran. The places are

- Zahedan attack: 20 deaths
- Shiraz massacre: 13 deaths
- Izeh shooting: 6 deaths
- Esfahan shooting: 2 deaths

I was looking if this had any connection to the INSTC corridor being operationalized.
Turns out the Zahedan rail link to Chaahbhar to ISTC was inaugurated on 10 November. ... y-section/

"The railway section connecting Zahedan and Khash, in southeastern Iran, was inaugurated on Thursday, 10 November. This segment is the first part of the Zahedan-Chabahar route, which will be incorporated into the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) and provide direct rail access to the Chabahar port, a key regional transport hub." and "Ziaee provided some insights into what the expectations for the Chabahar-Sarakhs line are. “The volume of this railway line will start at 7 million tons annually and is expected to reach 32 million tons over five years depending on market demand”, he stated. During the first stage, the line will mostly benefit traffic from eastern Russia and CIS countries to the Indian Ocean, with a focus on transporting coal, fertilizers, oil seed, wood, and cotton.

In the second phase, when demand increases, the railway line will connect Europe with the Indian Ocean via the Persian Gulf. These new connections should significantly cut costs and transit times. The line will offer a new way into Iran east of the Caspian Sea. “The Chabahar-Sarakhs railway is a new solution for connecting Europe, CIS, and Russia to the Indian Ocean and consequently Persian Gulf countries and Southeast Asia”, Ziaee commented."
It is probable that these are not just terror attacks but attacks on INSTC to induce FUD about the route.
If this deduction is correct then these are not just terror attacks.

Re: Geopolitics/Geoeconomics Thread - June 2015

Posted: 18 Nov 2022 04:02
by ramana
Image of Iran map
