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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 02 Apr 2022 07:34
by Manish_P
The numbers seem incorrect... Other sources, from Google, give the figures in the range of 65k-70k ton.

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 02 Apr 2022 10:43
by rsingh
Global happiness index is relative. If some one is happy wearing smelly rags ( unwashed for months) and eating unhygienic food then it is OK for him. It not that he is happy. It is simply he does not know hygenics as it is the case in Bhutan. Lankans are breed on easy tourist money. They started to think that they are better off dirty northern brothers. I think Global happiness index is about how well you can live in misery and not complain.

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 02 Apr 2022 12:15
by chetak
in the meanwhile, the royal family of SL has declared an emergency.

it seems that the rajapaksas are not used to being called out by the proletariat and have taken grave offence

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 02 Apr 2022 12:45
by SRajesh
Not all banning of pesticides/insecticides introduced by R family?? is bad
Paraquat was restricted/banned in Srilanka in ??2017
We are still biggest importers of Paraquat from 'Huddersfield' even though britshits have banned its use in UK

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 02 Apr 2022 13:10
by SRajesh ... s-7847136/
We are sending 40,000 tonnes of rice ahead of festival period!
Is it a Buddhist Festival that is coming up shortly??

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 02 Apr 2022 13:31
by rsingh
Rsatchi wrote:Not all banning of pesticides/insecticides introduced by R family?? is bad
Paraquat was restricted/banned in Srilanka in ??2017
We are still biggest importers of Paraquat from 'Huddersfield' even though britshits have banned its use in UK
Well having bad food is better then no food. Before banning anything , we have to find good replacement. DDT is bad. But it helped rural areas to help fight malaria. You go to any old house in village you will find white dots on brick work. It was extremely effective for those conditions. It saved lives.

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 02 Apr 2022 13:42
by Cyrano
As other posters have said, switching to organic farming takes a few years to enable pollutants in the soil to reduce and natural bio mass to get enriched by microorganisms sufficiently to enable good yields.

There is lot of expertise in the world for managing such a transition agro-technically. But managing the socio-economic aspects of this transition is also very important.

SL Govt went headlong into this quite inexplicably. I mean how come Vandana Shiva and her ilk got so much access and influence to push it through so quickly? There is more to this story that needs to come out.

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 02 Apr 2022 13:44
by rsingh
I hope we are sending organic rice without any marking about origin or donation etc. We have to be senstive about recivers H&D

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 02 Apr 2022 19:21
by ritesh
Cyrano wrote:As other posters have said, switching to organic farming takes a few years to enable pollutants in the soil to reduce and natural bio mass to get enriched by microorganisms sufficiently to enable good yields.

There is lot of expertise in the world for managing such a transition agro-technically. But managing the socio-economic aspects of this transition is also very important.

SL Govt went headlong into this quite inexplicably. I mean how come Vandana Shiva and her ilk got so much access and influence to push it through so quickly? There is more to this story that needs to come out.
More or less the same ngo mafia which was active in the garb of NAC I suppose. They all are interconnected.

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 04 Apr 2022 06:31
by Tuan
Sri Lanka economic crisis: All 26 cabinet ministers resign ... 97579.html
Crisis-hit Sri Lanka's cabinet resigned en masse from their positions at a late-night meeting Sunday, the education minister said, as anti-government protests escalated despite curfews.

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 04 Apr 2022 06:34
by chetak
rsingh wrote:I hope we are sending organic rice without any marking about origin or donation etc. We have to be senstive about recivers H&D
don't forget the natural mineral/spring water

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 04 Apr 2022 11:55
by rrao
Yesterday during meet with PM, top bureaucrats have expressed concerns regarding "everything free" offered by some state govts like AP and TS, as electoral sops, which may drive country to Srilankan kind of crisis.. AP Govt has no money and is to yet pay pensions...Its time for central Govt to teach a lesson or two to Mr.KCR and co...

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 04 Apr 2022 12:29
by Lisa
rrao wrote:Yesterday during meet with PM, top bureaucrats have expressed concerns regarding "everything free" offered by some state govts like AP and TS, as electoral sops, which may drive country to Srilankan kind of crisis.. AP Govt has no money and is to yet pay pensions...Its time for central Govt to teach a lesson or two to Mr.KCR and co...
Why can a balanced budget not be made a legal requirement (in India).

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 04 Apr 2022 23:31
by chetak

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 04 Apr 2022 23:33
by SwamyG

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 05 Apr 2022 08:32
by Tuan
^^^The above video overlooks the obvious. Successive SL governments have deviously played all great powers since independence. The Rajapakshe clan, however, had dug their own grave by orchestrating the false flag Easter Sunday bombings to get into power, whereby they hammered the final nail in the coffin for the tourism industry on which the country's survival depended. Everything else is symptoms, not the disease.

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 05 Apr 2022 08:56
by ramana
Incorrect. Tourism slowed down with Covid.
The price rise and shortages with Ukraine Crisis made SL situation worse.

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 05 Apr 2022 08:56
by ramana
Easter Sunday bombings were Islamist orchestrated by Pakistan.

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 05 Apr 2022 09:00
by Tuan
Sri Lanka cardinal seeks UN probe into Easter massacre ... r-massacre

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 05 Apr 2022 10:29
by Aditya_V
ramana wrote:Easter Sunday bombings were Islamist orchestrated by Pakistan.
Sir what I suspect was the original target was India before GE2019 with smugglers bringing those bombers to TN to show Modi as weak, after Balakote Pakis developed cold feet. However, the suicide Bombers were prepped and ready, they were diverted to hit Tamil Catholic Christians as they do not much capability to act against Islamic groups since politically in SL and TN the clergy is aligned with the Islamists on most issues under the "Minority" umberalla.

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 05 Apr 2022 12:18
by chetak
ramana wrote:Incorrect. Tourism slowed down with Covid.
The price rise and shortages with Ukraine Crisis made SL situation worse.
the 2.5 billion tea export industry tanked because of this organic farming bug up the a....

food shortages, fuel shortages followed, mainly due to lack of funds

SL follows the kerala model ie make nothing, no industries, import everything, and strictly follow the remittance model with "high HDI".

and along with serious headwinds from the cheeni drag on their economy, they dug a hole and screwed themselves.

of course, a "compassionate" India rushed to their aid.

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 06 Apr 2022 19:19
by SwamyG
That zealous fanatic strain of Buddhism that exists in SL creates as much stress with other faith adherents. Burma shares similar strains. While some might argue, Buddhism always had this fanaticism, irrespective of one generalizing the whole religion or just identifying a few streams, the 'exceptionalism' that it creates within the public cannot be ignored.

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 06 Apr 2022 22:16
by Maria
SwamyG wrote:That zealous fanatic strain of Buddhism that exists in SL creates as much stress with other faith adherents. Burma shares similar strains. While some might argue, Buddhism always had this fanaticism, irrespective of one generalizing the whole religion or just identifying a few streams, the 'exceptionalism' that it creates within the public cannot be ignored.
The political relations between these 2 dharmic systems was not always peaceful in history. There are historical records of how Buddhists colluded with invaders to defeat Hindu kings they wanted out of the way. Anyway, the rivalry is real even today and Buddhists haven't forgotten how they had to cede ground to the Sanatanis. Perhaps the answer to having a friendly SL down under is giving them assurances that we will not overwhelm their way of life. I wonder about the kind of links our leaders have with the priesthood in SL. They hold the real keys it seems to the way the country sways. My 2 paisas. Maybe whatever I wrote was too naive.

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 07 Apr 2022 01:57
by chetak
SwamyG wrote:That zealous fanatic strain of Buddhism that exists in SL creates as much stress with other faith adherents. Burma shares similar strains. While some might argue, Buddhism always had this fanaticism, irrespective of one generalizing the whole religion or just identifying a few streams, the 'exceptionalism' that it creates within the public cannot be ignored.
very true

over the years, the narrative has been deliberately whitewashed and the Hindu's painted as the bad guys and they have "dalai lama-ized" themselves with help from the abrahamics

The fact that ambedkar asked as his dalit followers to convert to buddhism meant that the abrahamics have another prey base at the ready. Two cults are vying for the dalit community's attentions to change the electoral ecosystem.

We should be careful as to whom we let in and what freedoms to grant them

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 07 Apr 2022 14:27
by madhu
I was thinking, can we utilize the situation and integrate Sri Lanka into India, just like how we integrated Sikkim?

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 07 Apr 2022 14:52
by Pratyush
madhu wrote:I was thinking, can we utilize the situation and integrate Sri Lanka into India, just like how we integrated Sikkim?
A very bad idea.

Sri Lanka can become a part of an economic and monitory union with a free trade agreement.

But no political integration.

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 07 Apr 2022 16:05
by Cyrano
madhu wrote:I was thinking, can we utilize the situation and integrate Sri Lanka into India, just like how we integrated Sikkim?
What for?

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 07 Apr 2022 20:06
by chetak
madhu wrote:I was thinking, can we utilize the situation and integrate Sri Lanka into India, just like how we integrated Sikkim?
This sanatana dharma nonsense has plagued the civilization for centuries and that is how we have lost out, while "welcoming" every little piece of schitt with the funereal dirge of vasudaiva kutambakam

Why take on the needless burden of every shitty, itty bitty, flotsam and jetsam wokes who have spent decades badmouthing India and the Hindus

if there is a beggar on the road and you are "moved" enough to help him, then simply give him some biksha and move on

don't explore ways to get your niece married to him just so that he can be "uplifted"

what exactly did you get from maldives and the beedis after helping them out

temples are still being destroyed and Hindus are openly being butchered in the streets in beediland. maldives has become a blood sucking parasite, feeding at will on the spoils of the Indian economy

walk around some of the companies in bangalore, hyderabad, madras and trivandrum. many of these leeches have acquired Indian passports and are openly working as Indians in these companies

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 07 Apr 2022 20:36
by VickyAvinash

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 08 Apr 2022 16:46
by SwamyG
madhu wrote:I was thinking, can we utilize the situation and integrate Sri Lanka into India, just like how we integrated Sikkim?
Maybe in the long term, a full statehood.
For starters, EU like union would be a good place to begin bringing Indian Ocean Rim Countries into the Indian Sphere of Influence. We already have RuPay services in several countries. Nepal and SL need to be more integrated with India than others.

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 08 Apr 2022 16:47
by SwamyG
Cyrano wrote:
madhu wrote:I was thinking, can we utilize the situation and integrate Sri Lanka into India, just like how we integrated Sikkim?
What for?
That land was part and parcel of our civilization. Nepal, SL and parts of Tibet were as Indian as any other territory. And these are the only ones that have not been fully Islamized. It is natural to expect some form of integration.

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 09 Apr 2022 18:26
by jaysimha
Cyrano wrote:
madhu wrote:I was thinking, can we utilize the situation and integrate Sri Lanka into India, just like how we integrated Sikkim?
What for?
what if china comes in few days and says hand over few islands close to india for a cost to get you out of this mess or to write off the loans. we will be in greater mess.
I remember already some tamil MP of the region was talking about it. so I think we have to move now.

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 09 Apr 2022 18:45
by vinod
We definitely need to bring Sri Lanka into our orbit completely without any ambiguity. It need not be full integration but an union where by defence, economic and some bit of foreign policy say.

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 09 Apr 2022 19:16
by rsingh
Well it is easy to do nothing. We are avoiding it now but it will be beg thing very soon.
I think we have to expose Chinese financing of poor countries. While at it we take few African countries as well. We go to WTO and world Court. Any decision in our favour will be big moral boost. Then we go after Chinese trade. Let there be war. Sooner it is better.We block Malaga straight. Let Chinese to fire first. Do not let them rest. Ferment Anti China sentiments in Lanka. Cut trade to half. Sooner we do it better it is. People are showing extreme cautious. We have to defeat them in war.China will never risk all out war. Lets have coalition of willings ( a la American).

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 10 Apr 2022 04:25
by Tuan
Even if Gotabaya Rajapakshe resigns, and a regime change takes place, the crisis will be ongoing. The plausible seneario then would be (1) US led IMF bailout, (2) a Chinese takeover of SL (3) Pro-LTTE and economically powerful Tamil diaspora interference (4) Indian led initiative, who has a moral and legal obligation to intervene. Historically, geopolitically, demographically, and technically speaking it only makes sense to another Indian intervention in Sri Lanka.

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 10 Apr 2022 05:14
by sanjaykumar
India is letting Sri Lanka stew a bit.

They are sending food to staunch Muslims, Taliban, who want to convert or kill Hindus; they will send aid to people of Greater India. But they will make sure they are remembered with gratitude by Lankans for a long time to come.

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 10 Apr 2022 20:41
by Tuan
ramana wrote:Easter Sunday bombings were Islamist orchestrated by Pakistan.
Sri Lankan cardinal laments slow pace, possible corruption in Easter attacks investigation ... estigation
The Archbishop of Colombo highlighted the frustrations of his people over the perceived lack of investigation and prosecutions related to Sri Lanka’s 2019 Easter Sunday bombings, which killed nearly 270 people.

Although the trial of the suspected masterminds behind the attacks is underway, doubt remains as to whether government officials were negligent in responding to warnings about possible impending attacks.

Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith said during a recent press conference that there is evidence that Sri Lankan officials had advance warning of the attacks thanks to foreign intelligence, but “did nothing.”

“In fact, the Government seems to have done its best to prevent the arrest of the attackers. There are indications that the authorities wanted the attacks to be carried out,” the cardinal said during the March 14 press conference organized by Aid to the Church in Need.

The coordinated suicide bombings on three churches, four hotels, and one housing complex on April 21, 2019, Easter Sunday, took place while Masses and religious services were held. The suicide bombers are believed to have been members of radical Islamist groups with ties to the Islamic State. It was the first major terrorist attack in Sri Lanka since the end of the country’s civil war in 2009.

The cardinal said further investigations will be needed “to understand whether those with vested interests did not act on intelligence so as to create chaos and instill fear and uncertainty in the lead up to the presidential election to be held later that same year.”

“There is a sense of frustration people are experiencing. We have many questions, and the entire public is asking for answers. Why is it that those who were recommended for prosecution are not being prosecuted by the legal authorities? There are some areas indicated in the Parliament Committee report for further investigation, but they are not being investigated, why?” the cardinal asked.

Cardinal Ranjith said there are many survivors who still carry the scars, both physical and emotional, of the terrorist attacks.

“A man who lost his wife committed suicide three months ago, leaving his three daughters orphans. Another man who lost his wife and three children was living with his mother-in-law, but he had to leave and he went and slept in the cemetery, where his family is buried. Another woman was a dance teacher, but the explosion left her bedridden. She has a small child, but meanwhile her husband left her. The suffering she is going through is tremendous.”

Cardinal Ranjith, who met with Pope Francis at the Vatican in late February, has consistently been critical of the government's handling of information prior to the bombing, and of its investigations since.

Maithripala Sirisena, who was president of Sri Lanka at the time of the attacks, created a five-person commission to investigate the attacks. The commission’s final report was presented to current President Gotabaya Rajapaksa in February 2021, but its contents were not shared with the Church or with the attorney general.

The refusal to release the contents of the report has led to criticism, with fears that corruption or negligence have prevented the prosecution of collaborators in the attack.

The trial of 25 of the men currently accused of masterminding the attacks began in November 2021, and could last for years. In October 2020, five suspects arrested in connection with the attacks were released by the government, on the stated grounds of lack of evidence.

In a July 2021 letter, the country’s Catholic leaders criticized the “lethargic pace” of a government inquiry into the terrorist attacks on churches, and questioned why recommendations brought by the official inquiry into the attacks have not yet been acted upon.

In September 2021 the cardinal reiterated his call for a “transparent investigation, which ascertains instigators and responsibility for the Easter attacks.” He said, “the Church and the entire nation, shocked by terrorism, have the right to know the truth, have the right to receive justice.”

Cardinal Ranjith said he fears that the government “does not want to find out the truth about the attack,” adding that “it wants to cover up everything and wash its hands.”

Last month, a Sri Lankan court acquitted two former security officials who had been charged with negligence relating to the bombings. Pujith Jayasundara, who was Inspector General of Police, and Hemasiri Fernando, who was permanent secretary to the Ministry of Defense, had been accused of failing to act on warnings of an imminent attack given by foreign intelligence agencies.

After being arrested in July 2019, the two officials were cleared of the charges against them in Sri Lanka's High Court Feb. 18. The former security officials have said that former president Sirisena didn't follow protocol in responding to national security threats, and was dismissive of the warnings

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 10 Apr 2022 21:20
by Vips
We are helping Sri Lanka to survive and how does the normal sri lankan treat us?

Fishermen of Tamil Nadu who were apprehended by the Sri lankan Navy for fishing on our border have been tried in the court and the judge has set an amount of Rs 1 crore for releasing each fishermen on bail!!!

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 12 Apr 2022 02:44
by chetak
Vips wrote:We are helping Sri Lanka to survive and how does the normal sri lankan treat us?

Fishermen of Tamil Nadu who were apprehended by the Sri lankan Navy for fishing on our border have been tried in the court and the judge has set an amount of Rs 1 crore for releasing each fishermen on bail!!!

these "fishermen" were caught deep inside SL territory, what were they doing there, they were certainly not "fishing"

every Indian fishing boat is fitted with GPS and many fishermen also carry personal GPS watches and phones and everyone single person operating in those waters knows how to read, as well as, interpret GPS coordinates

They all know exactly where they are and that old rubbish of "traditional fishing grounds since ancient times" doesn't wash anymore.

SL is a separate country and they will forcefully enforce their territorial integrity as well as economic rights of their fishermen

Exactly like what we do in cashmere

go to any Indian port and one can see how many foreign fishing boats and trawlers have been nabbed by the Indian coast guard for fishing in Indian waters.

India can do but SL a very funny and a hypocritically selective argument

Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Posted: 12 Apr 2022 06:50
by Vips
We certainly do not know if they were caught 'deep inside SL territory'. There is a difference in Fishermen crossing over the border for some distance in search of a good catch of fish and inimical elements indulging in anti-state activities.

Even otherwise there have been reports of how sri lankan military forces have been violent with our fishermen after catching them. Also, have we set a figure of Rs 1 Crore for release on bail of sri lankan fisherman caught by our Coast Guard?