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Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 17 May 2014 05:02
by sivab
Shreeman wrote:An individual given a bullhorn for some reason, for the attention of those following along.
Brookings Institution fellow Tanvi Madan said Indians will be watching to see if Modi focuses on growth and development and not promoting Hindu nationalism.
She is pro-uncle. Was complaining about GoI behavior during DK episode.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 17 May 2014 05:16
by Philip
This is the expected strategy of the Yanquis.Get native quislings to criticise the new regime,accuse it of human rights abuses,heap as much filth as possible upon India and its rulers,ad nauseum. One of the first acts of the new regime should be a freeze on foreign funding off religious groups and NGOs in India,the setting up of a special cell in the Home Min. to vet all such contributions and boot/ban those firangs engaged in dubious activities in the country and expose and prosecute our quislings (like PMANE Udayakumar) at home.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 17 May 2014 05:27
by Shreeman
The official mood in DC piece:here.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 17 May 2014 05:28
by Cosmo_R
Shreeman wrote:
You will get your lowly washed out middle aged ignorant civil servant or ignorant campaign contributor, and like it too. Just sayin..
Think positive. Does one really want the great washed massas? :)

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 17 May 2014 05:41
by disha
Shreeman wrote:An individual given a bullhorn for some reason, for the attention of those following along.
Brookings Institution fellow Tanvi Madan said Indians will be watching to see if Modi focuses on growth and development and not promoting Hindu nationalism.

I have already called out @tanvi_madan as America's "Doggini"., she was the one who tweeted that CIA is both a democratizing and democratic organization.

Given this quality of research, it will do great to US's foreign policy.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 17 May 2014 06:39
by ramana
Nigerian 'Sex-Slaves' Disrupt Obama Narrative on Islam

by Rymond Ibrahim
Human Events
May 15, 2014 ... rrative-on
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Islamic law permits the possession of concubines, or sex slaves. This has been demonstrated countless times, including through Islamic clerics quoting Islamic scriptures, and through ordinary Muslims, past and present, acting on it.

That said, Islamic sanctioned sex-slavery does not perturb the Western world simply because the powers-that-be-specifically academia, media, and government-ignore it, and all other unsavory phenomena associated with Islam, out of existence.

Interesting, therefore, are the responses from the authorities-comical one might even say-when one of these everyday anecdotes actually does surface to the general public.

Enter the recent abduction of nearly 300, mostly Christian, teenage schoolgirls in Nigeria at the hands of Boko Haram, yet another Islamic terrorist organization plaguing mankind. As expected, the group justified its actions in Islamic terms, with its leader declaring on video, "I abducted your girls. I will sell them on the market, by Allah….There is a market for selling humans. Allah says I should sell."

Of course, for those in the know, none of this is surprising. In March 2012, Boko Haram warned that it would do just this, declaring that it was preparing to "strike fear into the Christians of the power of Islam by kidnapping their women."

Moreover, of all the human rights abuses I catalog in Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christians-and these are depressingly many-Boko Haram's has resulted in more Christians killed than in the rest of the world combined.

The group has bombed or burned hundreds of Christian churches in the last several years, most when packed for service, including on Christmas Day and Easter Day, leaving countless worshippers dead or dismembered. In its bid to cleanse northern Nigeria of all Christian presence-a repeatedly stated goal-it has threatened to poison the food eaten by Christians and stormed areas where Christians and Muslims were intermingled, singling the Christians out before slitting their throats.

Go to my monthly "Muslim Persecution of Christians" series (currently 31 in all), and see the innumerable atrocities that Boko Haram has been responsible for in the last two-and-a-half years-many of which make the recent Nigerian girls' abduction pale in comparison.

The real news here is that the so-called mainstream media, which generally downplays or ignores Boko Haram's terror campaign (see here for example), actually reported on this particular atrocity, prompting both Western and Muslim authorities-who are much more accustomed to, and comfortable with, pretending these sorts of things don't exist-to respond in awkward, hypocritical and, in a word, foolish, ways. Thus,

Secretary of State John Kerry said the U.S. had been in touch with Nigeria "from day one" of the crisis. But repeated offers of U.S. assistance were ignored until Kerry got on the phone Tuesday with [Nigerian president] Jonathan amid growing international concern and outrage over the fate of the girls in the weeks since their abduction…. "I think now the complications that have arisen have convinced everybody that there needs to be a greater effort," Kerry said at a State Department news conference. "And it will begin immediately. I mean, literally, immediately."

"Convinced everybody"? Is Kerry referring to himself? After all, there might not have been any need for "greater effort," the need to act "immediately. I mean, literally, immediately" had Kerry only let the Nigerian president and government do their job one year ago, when they were waging a particularly strong offensive against Boko Haram in the very same region that the schoolgirls were recently kidnapped.

Back then, in May 2013, soon after Nigerian forces killed 30 Boko Haram members, Reuters reported that "U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry issued a strongly worded statement [to the Nigerian president] saying: "We are … deeply concerned by credible allegations that Nigerian security forces are committing gross human rights violations, which, in turn, only escalate the violence and fuel extremism" from Boko Haram.

Perhaps this sheds more light on why "repeated offers of U.S. assistance [regarding the kidnapped girls] were ignored" by Nigeria, "until Kerry got on the phone" (whatever that means).

As for Kerry's predecessor, Hillary Clinton, who is now bemoaning the lot of the kidnapped girls in Nigeria-saying it's "abominable, it's criminal, it's an act of terrorism and it really merits the fullest response possible"-when she was Secretary of State, and in a position to help offer "the fullest response possible" she repeatedly refused to designate Boko Haram as a "foreign terrorist organizations," despite the countless atrocities it had already committed, despite the fact that it had boasted it would "strike fear into the Christians of the power of Islam by kidnapping their women," as it just has, and despite urging from the CIA, FBI, Justice Department, and several congressmen and senators.

Her logic was once voiced by her husband, former U.S. president Bill Clinton. Back in February 2012, in a speech in Nigeria, Clinton declared that "inequality" and "poverty" are "what's fueling all this stuff"-a reference to Boko Haram's terror-and warned the government that "It is almost impossible to cure a problem based on violence with violence"-a precursor to Kerry's May 2013 condemnation of the Nigerian government's tough offensive against Boko Haram, which would supposedly "only escalate the violence and fuel extremism."

In short, just like the Obama administration has been a thorn in Egypt's war with the Muslim Brotherhood, so too has it been a thorn in Nigeria's war with Boko Haram-despite all its current handwringing and "outrage" over this latest-that is, known-atrocity.

As for the "Islam" aspect of Boko Haram's violence and Christian persecution, needless to say the Obama administration rejects it outright. Thus, after the 2012 Easter Day church bombings by Boko Haram that killed dozens of worshippers, U.S. Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson was quick to insist that "religion is not driving extremist violence"-or, in the aforementioned words of Bill Clinton, "inequality" and "poverty" are "what's fueling all this stuff."

Still, because this latest kidnapping anecdote has received sufficient media attention, including in the Arab and Muslim worlds, some Muslim leaders have been forced out of their comfort zone to respond.

Thus, Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayib, the Grand Sheikh of Egypt's Al Azhar-regularly touted as the Muslim world's most prestigious institution of Islamic learning-was quick to condemn Boko Haram's actions of kidnapping and selling "infidel" women, saying, "these actions have no connection to the tolerant and noble teachings of Islam."

As for Egypt's minister of endowments, Dr. Muhammad Mukhtar al-Gum'a, he too released a statement saying that "the terrorist deeds of Boko Haram have nothing to do with Islam, especially this latest deed of kidnapping girls. Instead, they are terroristic, criminal actions, and Islam is clean of them." He then went into White House spokesperson mode, saying that poverty, economics, and the rest were the true motivators for Boko Haram's savagery.

One can sympathize with Egypt's state sheikhs-after all, they are busy fighting their own brand of Islam misunderstanders, the Muslim Brotherhood and their fellow ideologues, who have been abducting male Coptic Christians for ransom and females for sexual abuse, slavery, and/or conversion to Islam.

Happily for these moderate clerics, few are openly challenging their assertions that Islam is clean of Boko Haram's actions. Based on precedent, they often have no response and can become hostile.

For example, some years back, when Sheikh Gamal Qutb, a one-time Grand Mufti of Al Azhar, was asked on live Arabic-language TV if Islam permits sex slaves, he refused to give a direct answer, preferring to prevaricate. When pressed for a clear answer by the Muslim female host, he became hostile and stormed off the set. He eventually returned, only to be implored again by the host, who said, "Ninety percent of Muslims, including myself, do not understand the issue of sex slavery in Islam and are having a hard time swallowing it," to which he gruffly responded, "You don't need to understand!"

And there you have it. From Obama administration officials who helped empower Nigeria's Islamic terrorists, only to wring their hands and feign outrage at their behavior, to Islamic clerics who confidently dispel accusations against Islam, only to put their heads in the sand and hope no one calls them out-here is just a small example of what officialdom would have to deal with if the full totality of crimes committed in the name of Islam were to become common knowledge.

Raymond Ibrahim, author of Crucified Again: Exposing Islam's New War on Christians (Regnery, April, 2013) is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and an Associate Fellow at the Middle East Forum.

You might wonder why this thread! Because gives one facet of how US thinks wrt TSP.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 17 May 2014 07:15
by Prem
Remember the vicious, coordinated attack on the IDRF in 2002? The Times of India and The Hindu were prominent in this, their corporate servers were used to plan, collect the propaganda, and coordinate the launching of the attack (why do I know this? In Ulan Bator we consider ourselves to be perched on the Roof of The Dunia, so we see these things). One of the propagandists I remember is Anjali Modi, correspondent of The Hindu, who timed an article with some nonsense coordinated with the Lok Sabha. That was the level of conspiracy.
These Figgers made the children students at Ekal Vidyalya some kind of criminal, mass murderers.
Bhalla, yeh Bhi Koi Bheoolne Waali Baateh Hai?.
Agar Hum Bhoolna Bhi Chahhe
Phir Bhi Yeh IDRF Ke Friends yaad rehte Hai .
Inn Loggo Ko Tho Apne Paap Se Darna Hogga.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 17 May 2014 07:44
by Philip
The true face of the leader of the pack of Western "Hypocracies".Fareed Zak. in the WP xcpt:
but the question for U.S. officials is: Does Modi’s behavior trump concerns of U.S. national interest? He is the only person ever to have been denied a visa on grounds of “severe violations of religious freedom,” which makes the decision look utterly arbitrary.

Consider, for example, the case of Nouri al-Maliki, prime minister of Iraq. He heads a government that is deeply sectarian and has been accused of involvement with death squads, reprisal killings and the systematic persecution of Sunnis in his country. And yet, far from being shunned, Maliki has been received in Washington as an honored guest on many occasions by two White House administrations.

Consider a report from the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), the very body that singled out Modi. It lists countries that are of “particular concern” for their “systematic, ongoing and egregious” oppression of religious minorities. Saudi Arabia, whose leaders are paid enormous respect by Washington, is in that top tier. The report recommends that Pakistan be added to that list because of its persistent violence against minorities, which, the report says, is at an all-time high. The report also says that Iraq should be in this group. Not a single government official from any of these countries — or any other country anywhere — has ever been placed on a blacklist or been denied a visa for violating religious freedom. When human rights issues are used in a blatantly selective manner, they rightly invite charges of hypocrisy.
Unless a nation and its leaders kowtow,genuflect,prostrate themselves and acknowledge the "Great Satan" as Ayatollah Khomeini described it, as "God Almighty" on earth,every method of overt and covert to destabilise it ,subvert it to bend to the will of the Great Sh*t",even to the extreme of assassinations,invasions and regime change all in the name of protecting human rights and innocent civilians,so splendidly as we've seen in Iraq,Af-Pak,Libya,Syria,etc.

The papers today say that the new PM's first overseas visit will be to Brazil,to attend the BRICS summmit is a massive message to the international community.No longer does Uncle Sam call the shots!

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 17 May 2014 08:41
by Yagnasri
Going to BRICS and meeting with China and rassian leaders may be one to one for detailed security and trade discussions is the message. Particularly with Putin who needs frinds from other major powers like India. Putin as a frind of India will solve lot of energy related issues to India.

China will be more respectable to a India under NM, than MMS and Sonia. Only problem is they need to see a powerful India under a decisive leader before they mend their ways. Weak India even under NM will not effet any major change.

No need to go to US. UN General Assembly can be addressed by some under secretary from MEA as it is a useless talk shop only.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 17 May 2014 10:46
by Philip
Did one see the speed with which David Cameron greeted Mr.Modi?! The Brit establishment is abuzz with excitement hoping to "cash in",quite literally using the numerous business houses of Indian origin and large influential Indian community in the island.We may now see the long-standing despite of the UK govt to set up various trade/info centres in 5 Indian cities (in effect the equiv of small consulates without visa issuing powers),which for some reason was stuck in red tape in Delhi,while the US were happily allowed to start a few centres of their own! With the likes of the Hindujas,Mittal et al firmly behind the new govt.,one can see a fruitfull Indo-UK business relationship developing under a pro-active new regime.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 17 May 2014 18:13
by UlanBatori
These are the people who matter now on the US side.

Enough of staring at the stinking antics of the Old Guard of the Cold War and KKK, and the Paco-Poos of the SD.

At least 215 MILLION voters have spoken about their vision for India.

171,657,549 just for the BJP directly.

1 Bharatiya Janata Party 282 46 National Party 171,657,549
2 Shiv Sena 18 3 Maharashtra 10,262,982
3 Telugu Desam Party 16 6 Andhra Pradesh 14,094,545
4 Lok Janshakti Party 6 1 Bihar 2,295,929
5 Shiromani Akali Dal 4 3 Punjab 3,636,148
6 Rashtriya Lok Samata Party 3 0 Bihar 1,078,473
7 Apna Dal 2 0 Uttar Pradesh 821,820
8 Naga People's Front 1 1 Nagaland 994,505
9 National People's Party 1 0 Meghalaya
10 Swabhimani Paksha 1 0 Maharashtra 1,105,073
\11 Pattali Makkal Katchi 1 0 Tamil Nadu
12 All India N.R. Congress 1 0 Puducherry
13 Mizo National Front 0 1 Mizoram
14 Republican Party of India (Athvale) 0 1 Maharashtra
15 Rashtriya Samaj Paksha 0 0 Maharashtra
16 Haryana Janhit Congress 0 0 Haryana
17 Desiya Murpokku Dravida Kazhagam 0 0 Tamil Nadu
18 Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam 0 0 Tamil Nadu
19 Kongunadu Makkal Desia Katchi 0 0 Tamil Nadu
20 Indhiya Jananayaga Katchi 0 0 Tamil Nadu
21 New Justice Party 0 0 Tamil Nadu
22 Jana Sena Party 0 0 Andhra Pradesh
23 Gorkha Janmukti Morcha 0 0 West Bengal
24 Kerala Congress (Nationalist) 0 0 Kerala 8635554
25 Revolutionary Socialist Party (Bolshevik) 0 0 Kerala
26 Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party 0 0 Goa
27 Goa Vikas Party 0 0 Goa
28 North-East Regional Political Front 0 0 North-East
29 Manipur Peoples Party 0 0 Manipur
- Total 336 64 India

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 17 May 2014 20:13
by vic
Shreeman wrote:This is interesting.

Obama will contact in due course, I suspect after swearing in or something to cover the bases. The media approach shows a confused SD in somewhat of a disarray. BJP majority by itself will be a 5 year problem. Not that Shiv sena is any easier for the US to handle.

New white house petition for granting Modi a visa?
Perhaps Modi is not finding time to take call. What do you expect Sam spokesman to say- that we are unable to talk to Modi. Not to forget, CIA funded AK-49 fought against Modi in Varanasi.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 17 May 2014 21:32
by TSJones
You guys need to sober up. :roll:

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 17 May 2014 22:23
by UlanBatori
Ooooooooooo!!! :eek: (hic!)

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 17 May 2014 22:52
by Arjun ... ts-issues/

Does the US intend to pass Resolution 417 to 'warmly welcome' Modi as PM, does anybody know?

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 17 May 2014 23:10
by UlanBatori

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 17 May 2014 23:48
by vishvak
One has to remember who all are behind all this propaganda and these human rights orgs don't say a word about Hindu pilgrims burnt alive in conspiracy at godhra station.
Certain points
1) Americans stating Obama will break law by inviting NaMo.
2) VISA issue, without any mention of VISA rules violations by Christian missionaries who can cure cancer only in India (only for non vegeterians?), without a comment about strict enforcement only.
3) Chatter about NaMo's record and sending experts to dig graves in Gujarat but not doing the same about say Bangladesh genocide which was very open and clearly anti-Hindu
4) Proliferation of nukes and tech by pakis completely ignored by human rights orgs, as also terrorism and nuke blackmail
5) What about minorities who have voted for NaMo? What makes Hindu nationalism any bad exactly when Americas can't stop talking about Christian USA even post genocide of natives, slavery, world wars, etc. etc.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 18 May 2014 00:00
by Supratik
Arjun wrote: ... ts-issues/

Does the US intend to pass Resolution 417 to 'warmly welcome' Modi as PM, does anybody know?

I see two Sikhs in the pic. California was one of the centers of Khalistani support both moral and material.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 18 May 2014 00:04
by Supratik
Why is this luv-shuv for China - the country that helped Pak build the N-bomb and is one of the main suppliers of conventional weapons. It should be strictly business with both US and China.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 18 May 2014 01:09
by Philip
X-posted tx to Kittu from the Gen. Discussion td.

Be warned, Prime Minister
Foreign powers are determined to undermine the Narendra Modi government.

By N.V. Subramanian (17 May 2014)
New Delhi: No one knows Narendra Modi’s mind except the next prime minister himself. He has solely driven this general election and is the primary architect of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s extraordinary and epochal victory. The stakes were high with Modi as Gujarat’s chief minister. But they would infinitely be higher when he is sworn as prime minister next week. This commentary, a special one, is in the nature of an alert. His political detractors and the enemies of India are determined to get him, because he alone of his generation (the immediate post-Independence generation) has the potential to hurtle the country to greatness. His success depends in some measure on who all he appoints to the top cabinet posts of home, finance, defence and foreign affairs. At least one great power has suborned one of his (least) likely choices for one of the four posts. The covert agencies have a full file on the person, who cannot be named for obvious reasons. Narendra Modi would do himself no harm and the country a great deal of good by seeking quiet intelligence clearance of his probable top cabinet choices, one of who remains highly compromised in the estimation of this writer.

Foreign powers did not expect this decisive result in favour of Narendra Modi. They had prepositioned their favourite candidates in the expectation that the Bharatiya Janata Party and the National Democratic Alliance would fall grievously short of the majority numbers. One candidate identified early for the defence portfolio fell by the wayside. The approach was made to the person when the person held an important position in the shadow government. The second candidate was also won over in this period, with the person in question displaying a marked proclivity towards a great power that had shown unprecedented hostility towards Modi. The idea was simple. In case a majority eluded Modi, these two persons, one or both, would be positioned to take over as prime minister, with the discredited “liberal” establishment incited to take up cudgels on behalf of one or both of them. For all the determination of the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangha not to make anyone other than Modi the prime minister, there was the danger that it would succumb to the unbearable pressure brought on it. It is Narendra Modi’s bold gamble and brilliance that upset the applecart.

With plan A failed, the great power, with other Western countries in tow, embarked on the fallback option, which is to infiltrate its surviving candidate into one of the four top Union cabinet posts. In a moment of indiscretion, the candidate let drop to stooge reporters (the mainstream media is near totally infiltrated) that any cabinet post other than defence, foreign affairs, finance and home would be unacceptable. It would befit the candidate’s seniority not to be considered for less. There was no substantial mention of the cabinet committee on security. But that is the key. Any of the top four posts gives access to the highest-level cabinet committee, where the most secret and sensitive national security issues are engaged with, including India’s military nuclear posture and plans, foreign relations, the neighbourhood policy, internal security, Kashmir, China, and so on. The inimical great power wants access to the deliberations of this committee, and it has prepared a mole. Narendra Modi cannot be too careful who he invites and permits into this critical cabinet committee.

For some time, there has been great disquiet that the prime minister’s office has been penetrated. No less alarming than Sanjaya Baru’s revelation that files of the prime minister’s office were shared with Sonia Gandhi are reports that it has been under successful surveillance of foreign intelligence agencies. This is over and above human penetration. Quite apart from Manmohan Singh’s shabby pro-Americanism, he ran a very leaky prime minister’s office. But the scale of danger to the upcoming Narendra Modi government is many times higher, in part because he is the lynchpin to India’s rise, and the foreign powers want to sabotage his success. This writer need not advise Modi on how to handle the new threat, where the cabinet committee on security is sought to be subverted, but at the least, he must identify the prospective mole, and isolate the burrower from government, or in a position where no state secrets are accessible, such as agriculture or rural development, without compromising on the productivity and delivery of these strategic ministries. India’s expectations from Narendra Modi reach the sky, and as determined as he is to fulfil them to excess, there is steely resolve too among his and India’s enemies to destroy him.

Be vigilant, Mr Prime Minister,

N.V.Subramanian is Editor Newsnight

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 18 May 2014 01:25
by Virupaksha
Supratik wrote:Why is this luv-shuv for China - the country that helped Pak build the N-bomb and is one of the main suppliers of conventional weapons. It should be strictly business with both US and China.
the tag of helping Pak build N-bomb and largest supplier of conventional weapons goes to US, china being only the 2nd father of the 3 1/2 pak fathers.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 18 May 2014 07:31
by CRamS
Phillip, any clues on who are the compromised ones that he referring to?

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 18 May 2014 09:03
by Prem

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 18 May 2014 13:59
by Supratik
Virupaksha wrote: the tag of helping Pak build N-bomb and largest supplier of conventional weapons goes to US, china being only the 2nd father of the 3 1/2 pak fathers.

Both actually. The US looked the other way when China helped Pak with N-bomb design and components. It should be strictly business with US and China. Partners should be Russia, Japan, Israel, BRICS, ASEAN, etc.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 18 May 2014 14:09
by Philip
It would be foolish to speculate,or even if one has knowledge,most dangerous to reveal.Our intel agencies are very competent and would intensely vet anyone given a key post. I am sure also that the RSS also has a superb knowledge of every individual in the party/NDA and advise Mr.M accordingly if they have any serious doubts about an individual's patriotism.

As an aside,the importance of fringe individuals like Sukhodrev here ,Russia's famous linguist/translator who served Russian leaders for over 3 decades,cannot be underestimated.Mrs.G had RK Dhawan,a legendary figure.Those who Mr.Modi chooses to be closest to him in the PMO will play a most vital role in coordinating and executing his vision.These figures will be as important to him as his key cabinet ministers. ... mmits-dies

Viktor Sukhodrev, interpreter at key Soviet-US summits, dies at 81

Sukhodrev translated for presidents and leaders at meetings beginning with Nikita Khrushchev's 1959 visit to the US

Associated Press in Moscow, Friday 16 May 2014

In this photo from June 1973, Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, left, proposes a toast at the State Department in Washington, with interpreter Viktor Sukhodrev, Russian foreign minister Andrei Gromyko, President Nixon and Secretary of State William F. Rogers. Photograph: Uncredited/AP

The Soviet interpreter who for three decades brought the words of Kremlin leaders to the English-speaking world has died in Moscow at the age of 81.

Ekho Moskvy radio first reported the death of Viktor Sukhodrev. No cause of death was immediately announced.

In expressing official condolences, the Russian foreign ministry described him as a "direct participant in the most important events in Soviet-US relations" who would be remembered for his "keen observations, good humour and human warmth".

Sukhodrev was a fixture at US-Soviet summits beginning with Nikita Khrushchev's 1959 visit to the US, the first by a Soviet leader.

Three years earlier, at the very beginning of his career, he had translated Khrushchev's now famous phrase "We will bury you," which became a verbal symbol of the rivalry between the two superpowers.

At a 1972 meeting between President Richard Nixon and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev in Moscow, he was the sole interpreter.

"There had been concern expressed that I should have a State Department translator present also," Nixon wrote in his memoirs. "But I knew that Sukhodrev was a superb linguist who spoke English as well as he did Russian, and I felt that Brezhnev would speak more freely if only one other person was present."

Russian state television on Friday evening showed photographs and videos of Khrushchev and Brezhnev at historic events with the young dark-haired Sukhodrev standing just behind them.

He also was called into service for Mikhail Gorbachev, the last Soviet leader, when he and President Ronald Reagan met in Washington in 1987 to sign the treaty that eliminated certain intermediate-range nuclear weapons.

Born on 12 December 1932, Sukhodrev traced his future career to the six years he spent in London as a young boy during the second world war with his mother, who worked at the Soviet trade mission. He returned to Moscow at the age of 12 and later graduated from the Military Institute of Foreign Languages.

His father, a military intelligence officer who had worked undercover in the US, stopped Sukhodrev from following him into an espionage career, Ekho Moskvy said. Instead, he was assigned to the foreign ministry and became the personal interpreter for Khrushchev.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 19 May 2014 05:06
by Satya_anveshi
It is fitting moment to post this message in this thread.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 19 May 2014 05:47
by member_28108
Supratik wrote:Why is this luv-shuv for China - the country that helped Pak build the N-bomb and is one of the main suppliers of conventional weapons. It should be strictly business with both US and China.
People better be extra careful with China - I laughed when someone quoted Panchsheel and guess what it got us into.- Keep your friends close and your enemies closer - that's all.No need to be antagonistic but recognize their strengths and limitations and not be carried away with it. National and human interests first.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 19 May 2014 06:03
by svinayak
prasannasimha wrote:
Supratik wrote:Why is this luv-shuv for China - the country that helped Pak build the N-bomb and is one of the main suppliers of conventional weapons. It should be strictly business with both US and China.
People better be extra careful with China - I laughed when someone quoted Panchsheel and guess what it got us into.- Keep your friends close and your enemies closer - that's all.No need to be antagonistic but recognize their strengths and limitations and not be carried away with it. National and human interests first.
There is a BIG BIG GAME going on in a global scale

Please watch these videos
Mahbubani said that India is entering a moment of extraordinary opportunities to enhance its global standing and to improve its diplomatic and geopolitical opportunities
Can India be cunning? K Subrahmanyam Memorial Lecture

Start thinking outside the box
Chinese PLA Navy ships Zhenghe and Weifang arrive at Visakhapatnam

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 19 May 2014 06:06
by anmol
West starts awkward embrace of India's Modi
by Shaun Tandon,
November 30th -0001

U.S. President Barack Obama and other Western leaders invited the incoming prime minister to visit in congratulatory telephone calls and stressed common interests with the world's largest democracy after Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won India's widest victory in three decades.

The same governments until recently treated Modi as a pariah due to accusations the Gujarat state leader turned a blind eye or worse to deadly anti-Muslim riots in 2002. The United States in 2005 refused him a visa on human rights grounds

U.S. officials “are painfully aware that they are at a real disadvantage by not having a relationship with Modi or really knowing him,” said Milan Vaishnav of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

“They are going to try to remedy that as quickly as possible.”

As signs grew that Modi was cruising to victory, the United States has rushed to undo the bad blood.

The outgoing U.S. ambassador to India, Nancy Powell, met with him in February, and the State Department has made clear he will have no visa problem as prime minister.

Other Western nations moved more swiftly to court Modi, with the British and French ambassadors visiting him well before the elections.

Will Modi Hold a Grudge?

A confidential U.S. diplomatic cable written during the 2005 visa row, released by the website WikiLeaks, warned that a BJP with Modi in charge would be “more anti-American and less cooperative with the U.S.,” although it also predicted that Modi would bring electoral disaster.

But the warming of the once-distant U.S.-India relationship largely took place when the BJP was last in power during the 1998-2004 premiership of Atal Behari Vajpayee.

Modi, who has little foreign policy experience, recently stated that international relations should be based on interests rather than individuals — a comment that, U.S. diplomats hope, indicates he will not hold a grudge.

His top campaign promise has been on the economy, and he courted Western investors in Gujarat even while governments shunned him.

Modi's sweeping majority would allow the government to push through business-friendly changes, although the BJP has criticized the outgoing government's key reform of opening India to foreign retailers such as Walmart.

Alyssa Ayres, a former State Department official focused on South Asia, said Modi appeared to be a “pragmatist” with his eyes on economic development.

But Ayres, now a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, expected that the United States would still find quiet ways to pay attention to religious freedom.

“There is going to be, for some time, a lot of people focused on how he is going to govern — will it be Hindu-first or will he govern as someone who is a champion of India's great diversity and the magic that is everything about India?” she said.

Common Interests

With the West boycotting him, Modi paid repeated visits to East Asia and became fixated on bringing India's development to the level of neighboring giant China.

Diplomats predict Modi may pay an early visit to Japan, where Prime Minister Shinzo Abe — a fellow nationalist who won his country's strongest political mandate in years through economic promises — could be a kindred spirit.

The United States would welcome India's engagement to its east, which comes as Obama pursues a “pivot” strategy of shifting resources to Asia, where several nations are uneasy over China's rise.

“U.S. and Indian interests tend to align,” said Vikram Singh, an architect of the Pentagon's pivot, who is now a vice president at the Center for American Progress.

“At their base, I don't see Modi's interests for India being in any way radically different,” he added. “They both want a stable, peaceful region and to deal with shared threats like terrorism,” he said.

But U.S.-India relations have not always been stable, with New Delhi angrily taking counter-measures after U.S. authorities in December arrested a New York-based Indian diplomat for allegedly mistreating her servant.

And whatever the common interests, it remains to be seen if Modi can forge a personal bond with foreign leaders. A first opportunity may be at the U.N. General Assembly in September in New York.

Obama has voiced deep respect for outgoing prime minister Manmohan Singh, 81, a soft-spoken Oxford-educated economist.

Modi is not known for his ease in English and has chosen a life of solitude, spending two years of his youth wandering the Himalayas.

“There is getting to have to be a getting-to-know-you period,” Vaishnav said. “It is going to take time to build those links which we have kind of taken for granted.”

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 19 May 2014 09:27
by pradeepe
Satya_anveshi wrote:It is fitting moment to post this message in this thread.
Fitting reply indeed.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 20 May 2014 01:56
by Prem
Obama's new India problem: What to do with Narendra Modi? ... Modi-video
Now, it appears, the Indian people have forced the US to go a step further.
Perhaps fittingly, the US will judge Modi in that same way that his voters will. One of the reasons that the BJP won so handily (282 of 543 seats in an election where 36 parties won at least one seat) is because it is seen as having put its sectarian ways behind it. Reuters reports that Modi's BJP did well not only in predominantly Hindu voting districts, but also in areas with a significant Muslim population. A BJP candidate had won or was leading the still-unfinished counting in 47 of 102 districts where Muslims make up at least 20 percent of the population. In the last election, the BJP won only 24 of those seats.The BJP even won two seats in districts that are majority Muslim. In total, Muslims make up about 15 percent of the Indian population.The ebbing of sectarian concerns allowed the BJP's strengths – its economic credentials and its record against corruption – to come to the fore. Modi's state is often called the "Gujarat Miracle" because of its success in cutting chronic bureaucratic red tape and ensuring 24/7 electricity – a rarity in India."This is not a vote on [religious] lines," Syed Mohammed Khalid, a Muslim leader in West Bengal, told Reuters. "This is a vote for development and for jobs. We respect the people's verdict, and we think Modi will have to be a responsible leader.
Others agree that Modi and the BJP have shifted their tone and deserve a chance to show they have changed. Indeed, Modi made headlines last year when he told a crowd in New Delhi: "My identity is of a Hindutvawadi [Hindu crusader], but I say build toilets before you build temples," speaking of the urgent need to build basic infrastructure across India. Among Modi's new supporters is a former Supreme Court judge who once led a citizens' investigation into the 2002 riots and wrote that the slaughter was "organised crime perpetrated by the chief minister and his government.""I am appealing to Modi, please be non-communal. If you want to be a great PM, you have to be secular," V.R. Krishna Iyer told "If Modi stood for something at one point, and has changed it publicly, then I support him," adding that "Modi has to declare it publicly."Those words were not in the White House's official release, but it seems likely they were in Obama's thoughts.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 20 May 2014 02:26
by Philip
So is O'Bomber waiting for Mr.Modi to "confess" his "sins" to him as if he were the high priest of democracy?!

I think that it would be more fitting for O'Bomber to confess to Mr.Modi his multitude of sins,were he has killed tens of thousands around the world in his illegal wars! Here is an insight into how O'Bomber is killing and killing,by stealth,using his special forces apart from drones. ... back_cover
Rise of America's Secret Military
Curated By Jacob Wheeler

The United States military is fighting more and more wars on covert battlefields and with armies shrouded in mystery. U.S. Special Operation Forces are now deployed on every continent to fight terrorism and intervene secretly in civil wars.

They're called Special Operation Forces — and they're everywhere, writes Nick Turse for A review of open source information reveals that in 2012 and 2013, U.S. Special Operations forces (SOF) were likely deployed to — or training, advising, or operating with the personnel of — more than 100 foreign countries.

U.S. special operations forces have regularly and "surreptitiously" slipped into Pakistan in recent years, raiding suspected terrorist hideouts on Pakistan.

With an end strength soon to reach 72,000 — up from 33,000 in 2001 — and missions in Iraq and Afghanistan mostly in their rear-view mirror, the Tampa, Fla.-based US Special Operations Command is looking for ways to continue its counterterrorism mission in a manner that doesn’t necessarily involve thousands of operators on the ground working out of fixed positions.

U.S. military teams and intelligence agencies are deeply involved in secret joint operations with Yemeni troops who have killed scores of people, among them six of 15 top leaders of a regional al-Qaeda affiliate, according to senior administration officials.

This is what people think of when they imagine the Joint Special Operations Command, or JSOC — the secretive, über-elite military unit that killed Osama bin Laden, writes Spencer Ackerman for Wired. The leader of a JSOC unit in Iraq, known as K-Bar, gets shot in the chest by insurgents. K-Bar waves away his medic until he finishes killing his assailants. His reward? Leading JSOC’s

The Afghan National Security Council alleged that armed individuals named as US special force stationed in Wardak province engage in harassing, annoying, torturing and even murdering innocent people.

U.S. Special Operations Command, headquartered at MacDill Air Force Base, just launched a new initiative that will make Tampa the epicenter of international special operations coordination. On Oct. 1, as the government shutdown and 1,500 civilian Department of Defense employees at MacDill were sent home, Socom was quietly starting up the International Special Operations Forces Coordination Center. The center, known as the ISCC, for the first time provides foreign special operations liaisons space in Socom headquarters.

The continued evolution and development of modern SOF is a result of 50 years of experience, including a world war, three large regional wars, many similar conflicts and operations other than war. SOF have witnessed periods of improvisation, rapid build-ups and subsequent rapid draw­downs, some magnificent successes and some equally spectacular failures. The following SOF Truths capture the essence of lessons learned over the past decades, and provide a foundation for thinking about SOF today and in the future.

As the United States turns increasingly to Special Operations forces to confront developing threats scattered around the world, the nation’s top Special Operations officer, a member of the Navy Seals who oversaw the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, is seeking new authority to move his forces faster and outside of normal Pentagon deployment channels, the New York Times reported in 2012.
72,000 is a phenomenal size of special forces,when one considers that our planned new Himalayan Mountain Corps will only consist of around 90,000 troops.Operating out of subs as well,they have immense potential for sabotage off an enemy's coastal assets like naval bases,etc. We could even find one day that US forces have been active in J&K too,as well as POK,where they most probably have been in operation for some time.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 20 May 2014 03:57
by JwalaMukhi
"He will have no problem with visa" is reflection of the state department not ready to actually mend relationships. Heck, they are digging deeper holes to ensure that there is no possibility of taking the relationship in positive direction. Heck "I will tolerate" kind of invitations are generally not even considered good for even in a social setting. But mouthing such platitudes is more of ensuring that no chance that relationship can move in positive direction. Which probably in the infinite wisdom of state department is what is probably the best for US.

There is no need to maintain artificiality around friendships. US is not ready yet and it will take time for genuine interest to take hold or it may not. No need for pretense.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 20 May 2014 09:09
by merlin
The big assumption is that the US wants better ties with India. They don't unless we are willing to be poodles which this current government wouldn't want to.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 20 May 2014 09:43
by Philip ... 97661.html

US declares cyber war on China: Chinese military hackers charged with trying to steal secrets from companies including nuclear energy firm

Tensions between the two superpowers explode as a Pennsylvania court accuses military officials of trying to steal secrets from six companies, including a nuclear energy firm.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 20 May 2014 09:59
by Atri

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 20 May 2014 12:26
by SSridhar
US hopes for Pacific cooperation with Indian navy under Modi - Reuters
The United States hopes to be able to expand naval cooperation with India once a new government is in place in New Delhi, the chief of US naval operations said on Monday.

Admiral Jonathan Greenert said the United States would like to see this cooperation extend to India's participation in exercises in the Western Pacific region, where an increasingly powerful China is becoming more assertive.

"There's a strategic partnership and opportunity up there with India that is emerging," Greenert told a Washington thinktank. "My goal would be to get back to where we were in mid-2000s."

"We were doing very, very comprehensive events. We were doing carrier operations together, very, very complex, integrated ... and I think it would be great if we could get back to that level," he said.

"Then maybe India would be willing to come over to Western Pacific ... we will just have to see what the political ramifications are and where they are willing to go."

US officials say plans to expand naval cooperation with India ended up on a back burner during a long-running row between New Delhi and Washington over the treatment of an Indian diplomat in New York and in the run-up to India's election earlier in May.

Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party won a resounding victory in the election.

Last week, the US Seventh Fleet, which guards US interests in the Pacific, renewed a call for more ship visits to Vietnam.

Greenert said he was not familiar with the specifics of the negotiations on increased cooperation with Vietnam, but he added: "I would like to see it increase in a deliberate manner."

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 20 May 2014 18:48
by putnanja
Look at this dude, saying US has put the visa issue behind! It never tried any rapprochement for 10 years, didn't even try to meet him after he was named PM candidate, and even on the eve of election results, resolutely decided to not give visa to "Modi, the person", but said "PM of India" will be given visa. And that is being equated with "US putting the visa issue behind by Obama calling Modi" ?? Is there really no one with a brain in WH or SD? Even with CIA reporting to senate that the opposition has good chance to win elections in India, the US refused to back down. And now, it suddenly expects Modi to forget everything because Obama called him?

I hope US got the message, Modi thanked every other leader for wishing him, but with Obama , just mentioned about taking forward India-US relations. No thanking Obama :mrgreen:

India should put Narendra Modi visa issue behind, move on: Ex Barack Obama aide
WASHINGTON: The US is ready to put Narendra Modi visa issue behind it and move forward, a former aide of President Barack Obama has said and suggested India should also move on to re-invigorate ties.
India-US ties will improve if Prime Minister-elect Modi and his party can demonstrate their seriousness about engaging with America, said Anish Goel who served for three years in the White House's National Security Council as senior director for South Asia.

When asked if the then Bush Administration was wrong in imposing the ban, he said, that in hindsight, it is easy to blame the US for a decision taken almost 10 years ago, but this was a complicated issue with many factors involved.

"The important thing now is that the United States is ready to put the decision behind it and move forward. India should too," Goel said.
"The visa issue should not have an impact moving forward - the invitation by President Obama for Modi to visit Washington indicated clearly that the United States has moved past this issue. :rotfl: Modi and the BJP will as well," he said when asked if the visa issue would have an impact on the bilateral relationship with Modi as the Prime Minister

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 20 May 2014 18:56
by Gus
the person who has been insulted decides the next move in the relationship. it will be fun watching this game. modi is not a chavez who blabbers about sulphur and devil. it will be subtle (like not thanking) and it will be a pleasure for keen folks at brf to discern these things.

Re: India-US Strategic News and Discussion

Posted: 20 May 2014 19:20
by krithivas
(IMO) PM Narendra Modi may visit USA if one of the two conditions are met:
1. Sen. Kerry resigns or is reassigned; or,
2. US President visits India first.