Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by kit »

RCase wrote:^^^
All the more reason why India needs to make a hard bargain for providing help by having control of the land so that there are no misadventures in future. Similar to the situation with Maharajah Harisingh of J&K in 1947. Sign soft/hard accession, and we will step in to help. No point in giving away billions of $ without any concrete binding agreements.
Agree with this one.. but keep in mind., all those monies given are loans not freebies from what i understand they need to be paid back and also utilized for services and good from India
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by chetak »

Tuan wrote:
chetak wrote:

the combined population of nepal and SL exceeds 52 million

Of these 52+ millions, a vast majority are non tax paying and will be a financial, sociopolitical and a heavy cultural drag on India

we don't really need these entitled folk gumming up the works and causing social and societal tensions, drug related crimes and terrorist activities

a whole lot of gora hippies land up in both these countries

let them be as they are and give them a bit of money now and then.
As a Sri Lankan Tamil, I am sick and tired of reading you continuously keep "press bashing" and dehumanizing my countrymen, while you say Lankans are anti-Indians. No wonder why? I do understand that we need to fix our country and that is why our citizens are uprising to establish a country where all citizens are equal and meritocracy rules. The last time I checked, I don't think India is a meritocracy, and every one with skill and imagination may aspire to reach the highest potential. If you think your country is a regional superpower, it is natural for your smaller neighbors to expect humanitarian aid in times of need, that does not mean you call us "gora hippies" who are criminals and terrorists. Nobody is better than anybody.

why are you on the BR forum. While I agree that anyone has a right to be here but if a paki posts paki centric views and a beedi posts beedi centric views or a SL posts SL centric views it may not be acceptable to many

SL tamils are not Indian and nor are they India's concern in any way whatsoever, just like canadian or britshit tamils are not Indian either. These transplanted tamils have limitations because allegiance and fealty have been sworn by them to another country, another flag and in truth, an overwhelming majority of SL tamils are economic migrants of "eat there, crappe here" variety, poking their unwanted noses into dravidian separatist politics.

SL tamils, just like the khalistanis, have been fomenting trouble in India from various foreign locations for the longest time now. I have met some of these entitled clowns in europe, uk, us, and canada and for their anti India views, then, as now, they should be shot in public.

In India, they are major players in the drugs, illegal arms, and human trafficking trades apart from pushing their separatist agendas. During the IPKF operations, we saw what they did, both in India (madras and bombay) and in SL, open shootouts, and murders were the least of the issues that they were involved in, and both in India and SL, these jokers killed a large number of SL tamils who were from other parties and political persuasions.

rather than come down on people here for being India centric, surely there are many other forums where your views would be welcome

No judgment here, and BTW, any idea why so many SL are permanently settled in many south Indian cities, complete with Indian aadhar, ration, voter's id cards, working illegally. Is that part of your entitled "expectations" from India too

after all, Indians are the "vannar sena" right....

if neighbors have expectations from India, first and foremost, they must learn not to spit on the generosity of India. the beedis, nepalese and the SLs have not learned this yet. supplicants and beggars simply cannot be choosers who dictate to India because they have so called freedom of speech and they are democratic countries while India is caste ridden, oppressing minorities and the neighbors will insist on passing judgement even while insisting on "aid without preconditions"

One wonders if these same "neighbors" used the same tone tenor and language to the vengeful hans when signing away their "democratic" countries into slavery

Hindu India is foolishly all about "vasudaiva kutumbakam" whereas the hans are all about sun tzu who said "if neighbor likes milk, first kill cow and then sell him milk at 20 times the going price and charge him for the upkeep of your cow, and also sell him expensive dung for organic farming" which is exactly what they did to SL, beediland, maldives, and nepal and all these wise countries signed on with their eyes wide open

India is trying to get along as best as it can. Her people work hard and make a living as per their abilities. We certainly don't need the heavy drag of entitled, greedy, envious, and jealous neighbors trying to clamber onto the bandwagon
Last edited by chetak on 19 Apr 2022 04:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by eklavya »

Interesting article. Nothing we didn’t know, but interesting nevertheless. Misses a few more reasons for the crisis:
- cut in tax rates; drove up the fiscal deficit; lowered credit ratings; lost access to the bond market
- covid-19; reduction in tourism related income / FX inflow
- distorted official exchange rate; remittances from foreign workers started avoiding official banking channels
- rising fuel and food prices due to Russia sanctions

It appears that the Rajapaksa family really don’t understand economics at all, and totally stuffed it up. SL should invite Professor Raghuram Rajan to be their finance minister. He’ll fix them up quickly.

Sri Lanka Shows the Folly of Fringe Theories
Sri Lanka Shows the Folly of Fringe Theories
Promoting organic farming and heedlessly printing money, the country’s ruling clan has conclusively demonstrated why some ideas should remain on the shelf.

Mihir Sharma18 April 2022, 00:30 BST
Oddball policies have led to widespread suffering and protests.

Cranks are considered cranks for a reason. That is the lesson from Sri Lanka, which has halted payments of its foreign debt and warned that it may default.

The country’s ruling dynasty — led by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and his brother, Prime Minister (and former president) Mahinda Rajapaksa — have lost most of their cabinet and parliamentary majority. Earlier this month, a newly appointed finance minister tried to resign after less than 24 hours, saying the pressure was too much for him. (He was replacing Basil Rajapaksa, another brother.)

Suffering is widespread. The country cannot pay for imports, so food and fuel are running short, leading to 13-hour blackouts and rationing. Inflation is running at nearly 19% and the central bank has just doubled interest rates.

How did this tiny Indian Ocean nation end up in such straits? Yes, structural factors played a role. China-financed infrastructure follies soaked up scarce capital. Profligate politicians cut taxes unwisely. The pandemic battered the tourism sector and, of course, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has made everything worse.

But the deeper problem is that the Rajapaksas turned Sri Lanka’s policymaking over to cranks, especially in two crucial fields — agriculture and monetary policy.

Last April, the government followed through on a campaign promise to transition Sri Lanka to organic farming by banning the import and use of synthetic fertilizers. More than two-thirds of Sri Lanka’s people are directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture; economists and agronomists warned that a transition to organic farming on that scale would destroy productivity and cause incomes to crash.

Nevertheless, the irrigation minister, Chamal Rajapaksa (yes, yet another brother) insisted that the country should not listen to the “chemical fertilizer mafia.” Pro-organic activists also received crucial support from the health minister, a hardline Sinhala nationalist named Channa Jayasumana who has also argued that, unlike in “Western” medicine, local religious figures could cure cancer and kidney diseases because they could “communicate with invisible spirits and gain knowledge.”

Unsurprisingly, the cranks were wrong. The production of rice — the basic component of Sri Lankans’ diet — and of tea — the country’s main export — sank precipitously. That didn’t just reduce purchasing power and cause food insecurity, it seriously harmed the country’s balance of payments. Sri Lanka had to start importing rice, even as export earnings from tea dried up.

Enter the second set of cranks. The central bank governor at the time, Weligamage Don Lakshman, informed the public during the pandemic that nobody need worry about debt sustainability. All Sri Lanka needed to do was “increase the proportion of domestic debt.” Then the problem would be solved, since “domestic currency debt … in a country with sovereign powers of money printing, as the modern monetary theorists would argue, is not a huge problem.”

Opinion. Data. More Data.Get the most important Bloomberg Opinion pieces in one email.
Sri Lanka is the first country in the world to reference MMT officially as a justification for money printing. Lakshman began to run the printing presses day and night; his successor at the central bank, Ajith Nivard Cabraal, who also denied the link between printing money and inflation or currency depreciation, continued the policy. Between December 2019 and August 2021, Sri Lanka’s money supply increased by 42%.

Reality did not take long to set in. By the end of 2021, inflation hit record highs. And, naturally, the clever plan to “increase the proportion of domestic debt” turned out to be impossible, as fewer people wanted to buy treasury bills.

As is common in populist regimes, critics objecting to the elevation of crank theories to official policy were painted as foreign agents, or elitist, or nattering nabobs of negativity. Any advice from outside the Rajapaksas’ charmed circle was rejected. Unfortunately, that included advice from mainstream economists — and, by extension, the International Monetary Fund.

The economy has been in trouble for months. Yet the cranks in charge objected even to consulting the IMF. Cabraal proudly announced earlier this year that the country did not need advice from “any foreign or IMF experts.”

By February, the country was clearly heading for default. Government spokesman Milinda Rajapaksha (incredibly, no relation) said that Sri Lanka was nevertheless “in no hurry” to approach the IMF.

Proponents of MMT will likely say that this was not real MMT, or that Sri Lanka is not a sovereign country as long as it has any foreign debt, or something equally self-serving. Defenders of organic agriculture will say that the transition was too swift, or that farmers were insufficiently educated, or something else.

But the fact is that two cherished heterodox theories from fringe activists became official policy in Sri Lanka and, within two years, they brought the country to the brink of default and ruin. There’s a reason only cranks promote such ideas.
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by Tuan »

chetak wrote:
Tuan wrote:
As a Sri Lankan Tamil, I am sick and tired of reading you continuously keep "press bashing" and dehumanizing my countrymen, while you say Lankans are anti-Indians. No wonder why? I do understand that we need to fix our country and that is why our citizens are uprising to establish a country where all citizens are equal and meritocracy rules. The last time I checked, I don't think India is a meritocracy, and every one with skill and imagination may aspire to reach the highest potential. If you think your country is a regional superpower, it is natural for your smaller neighbors to expect humanitarian aid in times of need, that does not mean you call us "gora hippies" who are criminals and terrorists. Nobody is better than anybody.

why are you on the BR forum. While I agree that anyone has a right to be here but if a paki posts paki centric views and a beedi posts beedi centric views or a SL posts SL centric views it may not be acceptable to many
I am on the BR forum because I consider myself a Global Citizen. I didn't know that posting my views under the "Sri Lanka News and Discussion" thread on an Indian forum would make me a "gora hippy" or a criminal and terrorist. Where did you go to school? Please relearn some netiquette.
BRF Oldie
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by chetak »

Tuan wrote:
chetak wrote:

why are you on the BR forum. While I agree that anyone has a right to be here but if a paki posts paki centric views and a beedi posts beedi centric views or a SL posts SL centric views it may not be acceptable to many
I am on the BR forum because I consider myself a Global Citizen. I didn't know that posting my views under the "Sri Lanka News and Discussion" thread on an Indian forum would make me a "gora hippy" or a criminal and terrorist. Where did you go to school? Please relearn some netiquette.
global citizen ji, go back and read some of your own posts.

Also, if you post, someone will surely counter you, not to expect this is not sensible, even if you learned your "netiquette" from the Puthukkudiyiruppu Bharathy Vidyalayam, Jaffna

gora hippy is just that ---- white hippy --- and, as a self declared SL tamil, how exactly, pray do tell, do you even qualify as a "gora hippy" that you feel obliged to have taken such intractable offense. you have misread and hence misunderstood, as usual

gora hippies are undeniably present there in considerable numbers, in goa, nepal, SL, and drugs, violence and (child) prostitution usually follow in their wake

"criminal and terrorist" -- no one, least of all you, can ever deny that there are, an unusually very large number of "criminal and terrorist" elements among the ltte premi, and dravidian pasand SL tamils.

Best not to go down this path -- here be dragons
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by Tuan »

chetak wrote:
Tuan wrote:
I am on the BR forum because I consider myself a Global Citizen. I didn't know that posting my views under the "Sri Lanka News and Discussion" thread on an Indian forum would make me a "gora hippy" or a criminal and terrorist. Where did you go to school? Please relearn some netiquette.
"criminal and terrorist" -- no one, least of all you, can ever deny that there are, an unusually very large number of "criminal and terrorist" elements among the ltte premi, and dravidian pasand SL tamils.
Guess what, a "gora hippy" who happened to be one of my professors Dr. Joanne Richards, in her paper “An Institutional History of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)”, provides a detailed account of the historical institutionalization of the LTTE as one of the most sophisticated groups ever assembled by the Indian intelligence. ... er-series/
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by Najunamar »

Oh no, a Gori has said that therefore we should all take it as the truth! As if they were all purer than driven "snow" - Tuanji I don't think you are unique and hence are proving the point that India is better off not disturbing SL (and to some extent Nepal) busily digging their holes deeper with ever more wishful thinking that Cheenis or West cares.
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by chetak »

Tuan wrote:
chetak wrote:
"criminal and terrorist" -- no one, least of all you, can ever deny that there are, an unusually very large number of "criminal and terrorist" elements among the ltte premi, and dravidian pasand SL tamils.
Guess what, a "gora hippy" who happened to be one of my professors Dr. Joanne Richards, in her paper “An Institutional History of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)”, provides a detailed account of the historical institutionalization of the LTTE as one of the most sophisticated groups ever assembled by the Indian intelligence. ... er-series/
obscure joanne richards is an abrahamic, may even be hypocritically masquerading as an atheist to deflect conflict of interest issues, so no surprises there.

did you really expect her to say any different.

Of course, it is the Indian intelligence that is responsible for the ltte. what else can she say, can she, at the real risk of losing tenure, openly admit to the involvement of the BIF, and the bloodshed in SL sanctioned by the robed brotherhood

an overwhelming majority of the ltte leadership was abrahamic.

the dravidian secessionist movement is also abrahamic led and funded. coincidence much or should we still stick to the Indian intelligence theory all the way

Ask her and she will tell you with the same righteous certainty, that the very same Indian intelligence was also involved in east timor.

He who pays the piper calls the tune
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by chetak »

Najunamar wrote:Oh no, a Gori has said that therefore we should all take it as the truth! As if they were all purer than driven "snow" - Tuanji I don't think you are unique and hence are proving the point that India is better off not disturbing SL (and to some extent Nepal) busily digging their holes deeper with ever more wishful thinking that Cheenis or West cares.
for the abrahamics, the late and relatively sudden emergence of the cheeni as a powerful hegemonistic countering force is a black swan event that puts paid to their separatist plans and they are desperately casting around for a workaround

even though the abrahamisc may change tactics now and then, the coveted prize, of course, has always been India,
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by KLNMurthy »

chetak wrote:
Najunamar wrote:Oh no, a Gori has said that therefore we should all take it as the truth! As if they were all purer than driven "snow" - Tuanji I don't think you are unique and hence are proving the point that India is better off not disturbing SL (and to some extent Nepal) busily digging their holes deeper with ever more wishful thinking that Cheenis or West cares.
for the abrahamics, the late and relatively sudden emergence of the cheeni as a powerful hegemonistic countering force is a black swan event that puts paid to their separatist plans and they are desperately casting around for a workaround
My general understanding--from having been alive at that time--is that Indira Gandhi created and / or nurtured the LTTE in its early days. It was "common knowledge", no need of any gori professor to teach us.

From memory:

India's involvement with the SL Tamil struggle dates back to its concern about the discrimination & mistreatment of Lankan Tamils by an almost fascist Sinhalese government, going as far back as Sirimavo Bandarnaike's prime ministership. A lot of the so-called plantation Tamils were made stateless by the Lankan government at that time, and India intervened on their behalf. At the same time, Jana Vimukti Peruumana (JVP), who were basically Sinhalese Naxalites were threatening to bring down the whole country. India helped the Lankan government against JVP, at the same time putting pressure on them to stop abusing the Tamils. The Indira Gandhi-Sirimavo pact was supposed to have resolved the SL Tamil problem, but it didn't work out that way, probably due to the kind of SL leadership double-dealing that Jayawardene and later Rajapakses made famous. I believe that LTTE was sponsored by Indira Gandhi as a way to gain leverage on the Sinhala majority rulers. Obviously, as we now know, all that backfired with terrible consequences.

Late Sri Bahukutumbi Raman (a friend of BRF) & his associates on wrote extensively about these topics from insider's perspective. I don't know whether we have Sri Raman's writings archived somewhere, I hope they are still available.
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by chetak »

KLNMurthy wrote:
chetak wrote:
for the abrahamics, the late and relatively sudden emergence of the cheeni as a powerful hegemonistic countering force is a black swan event that puts paid to their separatist plans and they are desperately casting around for a workaround
My general understanding--from having been alive at that time--is that Indira Gandhi created and / or nurtured the LTTE in its early days. It was "common knowledge", no need of any gori professor to teach us.

From memory:

India's involvement with the SL Tamil struggle dates back to its concern about the discrimination & mistreatment of Lankan Tamils by an almost fascist Sinhalese government, going as far back as Sirimavo Bandarnaike's prime ministership. A lot of the so-called plantation Tamils were made stateless by the Lankan government at that time, and India intervened on their behalf. At the same time, Jana Vimukti Peruumana (JVP), who were basically Sinhalese Naxalites were threatening to bring down the whole country. India helped the Lankan government against JVP, at the same time putting pressure on them to stop abusing the Tamils. The Indira Gandhi-Sirimavo pact was supposed to have resolved the SL Tamil problem, but it didn't work out that way, probably due to the kind of SL leadership double-dealing that Jayawardene and later Rajapakses made famous. I believe that LTTE was sponsored by Indira Gandhi as a way to gain leverage on the Sinhala majority rulers. Obviously, as we now know, all that backfired with terrible consequences.

Late Sri Bahukutumbi Raman (a friend of BRF) & his associates on wrote extensively about these topics from insider's perspective. I don't know whether we have Sri Raman's writings archived somewhere, I hope they are still available.
It was the dravidian politics that drove the center. It was k@run@n!dh! and his caldwell inspired abrahamic forces that pushed the center to help out the SL tamils. dilli did not realize the actual game that was in play at the time due to R@jivG's ego, political naivety, and his wild west type cowboy mentality which was what thatha k@run@n!dh! was banking upon

The ltte was already in existence long before dilli got involved in training, funding, and arming them as a side business, basically to placate thatha k@run@n!dh! and also for anticipated electoral gains in TN

why do you think that the dravidians have insisted on keeping both the congis and the BJP out of power in TN, using their alleged hatred of Hindi as an excuse to counter as well as keep the "north Indian parties" away from a legitimate shot at gaining power in TN

the ltte top leadership feared the reemergence of R@jivG and what they wrongly anticipated and greatly feared as the renewed onslaught of Indian forces that would have decimated them

But even among the top leadership there were a majority of sane voices that begged and pleaded not to go after R@jivG but pr@bhak@r@n just did not relent and he ordered the fatal hit that resulted in the sinhala gaining the upper hand and wiping out the ltte as aid, support and money from Indian gaddar sources also dried up in the outrage that followed this dastardly attack

For many months after the hit on R@jivG, the ltte leadership publicly and abjectly begged forgiveness for the assassination and pleaded with the people and the GoI to forgive, forget and move on.

It is here that the true colors of the sinhala are seen, they ruthlessly and with great determination went after the ltte and massacred these terrorist scum after cornering them and in many cases fooling/cajoling them into surrendering and then taking them all out within minutes of their surrender.

The roots of the SL troubles of today can be traced back fundamentally to this ruthless cleanup operation because of the vengeance of the BIF backers of the ltte who begged and pleaded with the sinhala leadership to spare prabakaran and his family. This was a huge setback to the powerful BIF that continues to be active in SL now as well

Of course, what also helped in no small measure, was the kooky policies, corruption, nepotism, and utter foolishness of the rajapaksas' who personally helped to push SL off the precipice and into the deep depths of destruction

this is a shot of prabakaran's 12-year-old son Balachandran, allegedly taken a few minutes before he was shot by the sinhala forces

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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by Najunamar »

Besides, the Swedes as interlocutors also cunningly kept India out of the discussions (and reaped their karma - it is true it is a she-dog that always settles scores). The current TN and Indian public cannot be fooled again only to swindle us dry to siphon off to Cheenis/West. We've been through this road time and again (both Nepal and SL).
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by g.sarkar »

Sri Lankan Tamils just want freedom from Sinhala. Once that is complete, they want to free Tamil Nadu. Once that is accomplished they want to free other parts of South India. Then all can live happily ever after. While all thus is going on, India must help Sri Lanka or it will go with the Chinese.
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by KLNMurthy »

@chetak I don’t want to go OT, but we should understand the reality of how India (read Delhi) deals(dealt) with separatist or potentially -separatist movements like the Dravidian one, or the Maoist one, Kashmir, or almost anything we may think of.

It’s part confrontation & part co-optation, appeasement, whatever we may call it. The other side tries the same thing. It’s a dangerous game that mostly keeps peace & stability but sometimes blows up.

Running a country like India and keeping it together is very difficult & an amazing feat. We don’t give enough credit for any government of the day for managing it so well, so far.

India’s involvement with SL Tamil issue goes back to the 1960s, Rajiv Gandhi only inherited it. In hindsight, he overreached due to naivete, and India paid the price.
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by chetak »

KLNMurthy wrote:@chetak I don’t want to go OT, but we should understand the reality of how India (read Delhi) deals(dealt) with separatist or potentially -separatist movements like the Dravidian one, or the Maoist one, Kashmir, or almost anything we may think of.

It’s part confrontation & part co-optation, appeasement, whatever we may call it. The other side tries the same thing. It’s a dangerous game that mostly keeps peace & stability but sometimes blows up.

Running a country like India and keeping it together is very difficult & an amazing feat. We don’t give enough credit for any government of the day for managing it so well, so far.

India’s involvement with SL Tamil issue goes back to the 1960s, Rajiv Gandhi only inherited it. In hindsight, he overreached due to naivete, and India paid the price.
KLNMurthy ji

The 1960 separatism died down on its own due to lack of support and it has been revived again and one can see the fruits of the poison tree and how those seeds have been dispersed to take root in other soils and grow into more poison trees

yes, there have been some lone ranger fanatics lighting small fires here and there but that was more of a fund collection and political bargaining sort of an enterprise. Separatist fires were being stoked in TN even during the periyar days but those guys were basically nutjobs. BTW, even those ideas were caldwell inspired and this rabid anti brahmin lot of vermin were paid stooges of the robed brotherhood. Read up on caldwell and what he was up to some two centuries ago, and his playbook is the one running in TN today. It is also the clearest example of the gora's thought process, intent, colonial strategy and long term thinking. In many other cases, like in cashmere, afghanistan and the ME, the strategy has been camouflaged successfully

now, much larger fires have been set and there is active inter abrahamic collaboration. These guys love to stir up already muddied waters as it gives them the maximum traction

For a while, and via the medium of entitled dravidian politics, India was conned into supporting the ltte that had already been setup by offshore entities, and no matter how "professional" the ltte might have been, much of what they did outside of their terrorist operations in SL would not have been possible without the very active aid, logistics and financial networks of the BIF and of course, their copious funding too

Remember that the ltte was established in 1976 by prabhakaran as the successor to an organization he had formed earlier in the 1970s, but because of the BIF backing, from its earlier avatar of a small time, local strong arm outfit, the ltte had morphed from a little sewer rat to a fast growing feral and cannibalistic king cobra that often ate its own kind

People make a mistake by focusing on individuals in such movements and drawing conclusions but there is a cabal that is coordinating, funding and supporting such secessionist movements across India and prabhakaran was basically only a mask or मुखौटा, as indeed is the cm in punjab or even khujliwal in dilli.

the NE is gone, punjab, AP, TN KER, parts of KAR and all the tribal states and some of the island chains are in the process of being overwhelmed

whichever traitor thought up the creation of "tribal" states is a very rich man today and a filthy gaddar who has wilfully done a grave injury to India. No matter how you slice it, this has been an offshore project seen through to fruition. It's always so much easier for the padres to buy out small govts rather than tangle with a possibly hostile center

Do not make the mistake of dissecting dravidian politics from a dilli point of view, focussing solely on the process based on news paper reports put out by a sold out press.

There is a much bigger picture and a larger game in progress, the contours of which are slowly beginning to come into focus. The robed wonders who have spread their tentacles all over India haven't done so because they want to "serve the poor"

Ask why this one common entity is active in so many of India's troubled spots and then ask who actually started and fanned the flames and finally ask the one question that every colonially sanitized dharmic or even a civilizationally lazy Indian always fails to ask because his culturally force fed and societally codified world view has been amplified by the nonsense of vasudaiva kutumbakam and that one vital question has always been cui bono

Don't miss the woods for the trees

whit this govt in place, the doors ro the BIF are closing one by one, take any legislation passed by the BJP and you will see how they are being cornered.

The days of appeasement are over but for taqiya sake the center has to misdirect and refocus attention elsewhere to achieve its objective quietly and for this to happen opposition has to be minimized or rendered ineffective by various political and raj neethi /chanakya neethi like subterfuges. They still do not have a majority in the RS so such misdirects are an acknowledged part of the game

The larger picture is that legislation after legislation, is hitting and damaging the BIF seriously and this cannot be or will not be done instantaneously. Your focus should be here and not on the taqiya and the misdirects.
Last edited by chetak on 20 Apr 2022 01:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by KLNMurthy »

@chetak lot of points there, but I’ll suggest one thing:

Maybe one reason for the rise-with-a-vengeance of BIF forces is that Modi sarkar broke the old formula of “integrating rebels into the democratic framework” by reducing the level of high-level corruption.

The old formula offered the possibility of national-level corruption & middleman profiteering as the carrot for the separatists. Taking away the opportunity for corruption removes the old incentive to come together + it generates a lot of anger & anxiety.
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by chetak »

KLNMurthy wrote:@chetak lot of points there, but I’ll suggest one thing:

Maybe one reason for the rise-with-a-vengeance of BIF forces is that Modi sarkar broke the old formula of “integrating rebels into the democratic framework” by reducing the level of high-level corruption.

The old formula offered the possibility of national-level corruption & middleman profiteering as the carrot for the separatists. Taking away the opportunity for corruption removes the old incentive to come together + it generates a lot of anger & anxiety.
high level corruption is still very much there but now the route to fill the correct pocket is tortured, pothole filled, monitored closely by agencies and circuitous. Also now, its more in kind rather than cash

Diamonds were at one time "a girls best friend", but now one understands that diamonds have turned egalitarian and equalitarian and have become everyone's best friend

In the BJP such high level corruption is very much reduced due to obvious reasons

there is real fear that decades, and in some cases, centuries of colonial and abrahamic efforts will go in vain.

That is why the global gora media is gunning for the Hindus and Modi

BTW, on occasions when dalit royalty behens in UP get all togged up, there may as much as 60-70 crores or more on view

apologies to all for the silly spelling mistakes in my post above
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by shaun »

Tuan wrote:
chetak wrote:

the combined population of nepal and SL exceeds 52 million

Of these 52+ millions, a vast majority are non tax paying and will be a financial, sociopolitical and a heavy cultural drag on India

we don't really need these entitled folk gumming up the works and causing social and societal tensions, drug related crimes and terrorist activities

a whole lot of gora hippies land up in both these countries

let them be as they are and give them a bit of money now and then.
As a Sri Lankan Tamil, I am sick and tired of reading you continuously keep "press bashing" and dehumanizing my countrymen, while you say Lankans are anti-Indians. No wonder why? I do understand that we need to fix our country and that is why our citizens are uprising to establish a country where all citizens are equal and meritocracy rules. The last time I checked, I don't think India is a meritocracy, and every one with skill and imagination may aspire to reach the highest potential. If you think your country is a regional superpower, it is natural for your smaller neighbors to expect humanitarian aid in times of need, that does not mean you call us "gora hippies" who are criminals and terrorists. Nobody is better than anybody.
Thats some thing I summarized earlier . Any help will be considered a natural flow from "big" to "small" , what it essentially means is, we are actually bound to help Lanka. This was in response some of the wishful being suggested about Lankan integration with India. The above poster from Lanka just reassures what I was saying.
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by Najunamar »

I feel the Lankan and Nepali populace is no less entitled than any other country's - hence there is no point in engaging in wishful thinking that they'll embrace dharmic ways and contribute positively without harboring resentment. Not everyone is a VibheeshaNa (nor RavaNA as well), so cannot expect them to even be grateful for assistance (heck the history as captured in our scriptures is replete with breakups in international relations established even through marriages in royal families). Better take care of minimal aid to prevent flow of refugees to our mainland (as Leftist-Islamofascists will also come as free addition).
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by rsingh »

shaun wrote:
Tuan wrote:
As a Sri Lankan Tamil, I am sick and tired of reading you continuously keep "press bashing" and dehumanizing my countrymen, while you say Lankans are anti-Indians. No wonder why? I do understand that we need to fix our country and that is why our citizens are uprising to establish a country where all citizens are equal and meritocracy rules. The last time I checked, I don't think India is a meritocracy, and every one with skill and imagination may aspire to reach the highest potential. If you think your country is a regional superpower, it is natural for your smaller neighbors to expect humanitarian aid in times of need, that does not mean you call us "gora hippies" who are criminals and terrorists. Nobody is better than anybody.
Thats some thing I summarized earlier . Any help will be considered a natural flow from "big" to "small" , what it essentially means is, we are actually bound to help Lanka. This was in response some of the wishful being suggested about Lankan integration with India. The above poster from Lanka just reassures what I was saying.
What nonsense. If you can not manage your affairs then you are to be blamed. Why India has to give you everything when go broke? And you do not give second thought before inviting Chinese. India is not meritocracy but since when Lankans learned that world. Lanka was a heaven for European pedophiles until covid. If caught they bribed out there way.
It this inferiority complex that has accumulated over year is main reason of such. Communal inferiority complex in Nepal and Lanka is the main reason. A man man with inferiority complex is more dangerous then a declared enemy. Half of Nepal used to work in Indian households and they are talking with us in equal terms. Guy we have freedom of expressions but please do not repost useless media shit.
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by Manish_P »

^RSingh ji, we can't win. You can see how this 'Global Citizen' thinks it is his country's 'natural' right to 'expect' humanitarian aid from non-meritocratic India.
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by chetak »

Manish_P wrote:^RSingh ji, we can't win. You can see how this 'Global Citizen' thinks it is his country's 'natural' right to 'expect' humanitarian aid from non-meritocratic India.

why not Manish ji, are we not the वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् onlee,....हिन्दू है, सब के नौकर जो ठहरे
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by Cyrano »

The world is but one big family, yes.
But to get functioning family there must be a head of the family with a big stick.
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by g.sarkar » ... 022-04-23/
World Bank readies Sri Lanka aid package, IMF calls loan talks 'fruitful'
David Lawder, April 23, 2022

WASHINGTON, April 23 (Reuters) - The International Monetary Fund said on Saturday it held "fruitful technical discussions" with Sri Lanka on its loan request, while the World Bank said it was preparing an emergency aid package for the crisis-stricken country.
Sri Lanka, an island country of 22 million people, is struggling to pay for imports amid a crushing debt crisis and sharp drop in foreign exchange reserves that has fueled soaring inflation. Prolonged power cuts and shortages of fuel, food and medicines have sparked nationwide protests.
Sri Lankan Finance Minister Ali Sabry has been in Washington this week talking to the IMF, the World Bank, India and others about financing help for his country, which has suspended payments on portions of its $51 billion in external debt.
The World Bank's emergency response package includes $10 million to be made immediately available for the purchase of essential medicines, funds shifted from its ongoing COVID-19 health preparedness project, a World Bank spokesperson said.
The global lender, which along with the IMF held its spring meetings this week, did not provide a total value for its package, but Sabry said on Friday that about $500 million in aid was being considered.
The World Bank spokesperson said the package would leverage existing bank-financed projects and repurpose funds to quickly provide medicines, meals for school children and cash transfers for poor and vulnerable households.
Is that enough aid?
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by rsingh »

Cyrano wrote:The world is but one big family, yes.
But to get functioning family there must be a head of the family with a big stick.
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by rsingh »

IMF will never pay Lanka money to pY to China.
This article shows how generous GOI is.Let the Chinese open Red Light area in Colombo. I am ashamed to write this but these people have no self respect . Why do not they sell property of coruuppt people startng with presdent and prime minister. Why there is no revolution. Or at least a coup de etat.
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by Manish_P »

rsingh wrote:
Cyrano wrote:The world is but one big family, yes.
But to get functioning family there must be a head of the family with a big stick.
Aiyyo. Both of you live (if I am not mistaken) in progressive, egalitarian, meritocratic Europe and you are espousing patriarchy and corporal punishment methods.. tauba tauba :mrgreen:
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by chetak »

Basically, this clown has screwed his own people after listening to some woke commie/naxal NGOs who will bear no responsibility for the massive consequences

bandana shevae is awfully quiet these days.

one suspects that the ltte would have known how to deal diplomatically with such situations precipitated by some b@t$chitt crazy NGOs. The ltte had very innovative methods of making quality organic fertilizers

@EconomicTimes· 18 Apr

Embattled Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa on Monday said he regretted the decision to ban chemical fertilisers in 2020, which resulted in massive drop in food production and large-scale protests in the country.
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by rsingh »

Manish_P wrote:
rsingh wrote: Agree.
Aiyyo. Both of you live (if I am not mistaken) in progressive, egalitarian, meritocratic Europe and you are espousing patriarchy and corporal punishment methods.. tauba tauba :mrgreen:
Systematic beating sessions performed by my siblings ( prescribed by mother) has left a physiological scar on my conscience. I am 4th among 5. So I was a fair sport. :(( . I am political with workers at business. So I had punch bag in my cellar. One teacher was complaining about my brat. I suggested he try moderate beating. Teacher was horrified. After that SHQ banned me from kids school. :mrgreen:
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by bharathp »

for vasudaiva kutubakam or sabka saath to work, everyone should be committed to the others.
unless you are committed to the family during the downtime, you cannot expect your family to bail you out during your pain points.

also, when you show the middle finger to your family and run to the neighbors because they gave you shiny toys, you should show some remorse and humility when having to come back home for help.

that said, SL will be helped- because unlike PK or some far off country (africa/south merica) SL is still family, albeit a family who dint respect and hurt us - so that lesson will be learnt by both parties.
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by g.sarkar » ... pId=google
Sri Lanka Cabinet Clears Proposal to Limit President’s Power
Anusha Ondaatjie and Asantha Sirimanne, April 25, 2022

Sri Lanka’s cabinet approved a plan to abolish constitutional amendments that gave President Gotabaya Rajapaksa wide-ranging executive powers, acceding to one of the key demands from citizens protesting his economic policies as the ruling family tries to stay in office.
A proposal by Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa -- the president’s brother -- to return to the 19th amendment of the constitution “with necessary changes” has been approved, government spokesman Rohan Welivita said in a statement Monday. He didn’t specify the changes.
The decision follows an announcement from officials of the main opposition party earlier Monday that they have garnered enough support for a no-confidence vote against the government.
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by Cyrano »

I'm from the generation which grew up under "spare the rod and spoil the child" regime. Microaggressions and woke demands stick to me like water on lotus leaf coated with teflon saar....
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by chetak »

non tamil dravidian overlord who "supported" the tamil ltte and their "ideological commitment" to the cause is self evident

hunger strike -- starting after breakfast and ending just before lunch


and if one has to ever look up to the tamils for an example, look up to one of the brightest minds that India gave the world - and others like him

Srinivasa Ramanujan
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by chetak »

game, set and match

jaishankar 1

stalin 0


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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by kit »

chetak wrote:non tamil dravidian overlord who "supported" the tamil ltte and their "ideological commitment" to the cause is self evident

hunger strike -- starting after breakfast and ending just before lunch
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by rsingh »

Why are some posters against helping Lankan Tamils? It is about creating chances. Lanka is anti India and bringing China in the equation. The best thing is to cut it to size. It is the right time. Sinahals will show their true colour once their stomach are full.
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by suryag »

No one proof read it conversion -> conversation ?
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by chetak »

suryag wrote:No one proof read it conversion -> conversation ?

One strongly suspects that it was indeed proof read

It conveys exactly what the GoI wants to say and moreover, it has plausible deniability

Jaishankar is far too experienced a minister with the deep background of decades of practical and sophisticated IR at the highest levels, said qualifications unrivalled in today's diplomatic world, to make such a naïve political gaffe.

And also, he has more than enough competent staff to catch such gross errors that would easily escape a standard spell check. Such a letter to a rival political party who is playing to the el cheapo gallery, would have been carefully vetted at the secretary level, at the very least

nice catch, saar
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by Cyrano »

surely a typo.
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Re: Sri Lanka - News and Discussion- Post PM appointment crisis

Post by chetak »

Cyrano wrote:surely a typo.
Cyrano ji,

The TN Assembly passes a resolution seeking the Centre's permission to provide aid to SL tamils. This was essentially a panic reaction. Jaishankar's letter has simply nullified this TN Assembly resolution with a mere two page letter spelling out what's what. The message has hit home very hard as it was intended to.

Tamil Nadu BJP chief K Annamalai very recently visited SL on a four day trip. No dravidian from any party went along or was even allowed to go with him and nor would they have been welcomed there in SL, had they gone.

Annamalai was accorded all access and unhindered freedom of movement despite some misgivings by the sinhala govt.

Such an enterprise is very clearly beyond the capacity and political capability of any TN dravidian govt, no matter how powerful they think they are

The dravidians have suffered a devastating body blow due to some medium term moves quietly made by the Modi led center that concerns the situation of the SL tamils but these moves were not known to the dravidians.

The center has also skewered rajapaksa and outlined the tough conditions for the line of credit that they have extended.

No, one strongly suspects that is not a typo but a clear cut message that, going forward, it may have consequences, especially because of the vile assault on local temples that may well become a case in point
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