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Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 03 Jan 2010 23:14
by RamaY
RamaY wrote:
Very nice read NRao garu!
And if I were an US strategist, a design mistake in 3gorges would lead to worst man-made disaster in panda heartland :twisted:

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 03 Jan 2010 23:42
by bart
IMHO not a very plausible scenario, neither are the Chinese prone to take that much risk, nor are the US such big suckers or confused to the point that they wont massively retaliate against such stunts.

OTOH, Pakistan is regularly operating along similar lines against India and getting away with it, be it Kargil, Mumbai etc.

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 04 Jan 2010 00:31
by RamaY
bart wrote:
IMHO not a very plausible scenario, neither are the Chinese prone to take that much risk, nor are the US such big suckers or confused to the point that they wont massively retaliate against such stunts.

OTOH, Pakistan is regularly operating along similar lines against India and getting away with it, be it Kargil, Mumbai etc.
I find it very plausible, given PRC antiqs w.r.t spy plan accident, anti-satellite test etc.

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 04 Jan 2010 08:19
by Malayappan
Indian media agencies harm themselves in playing up strife between China and India Article in People Daily
In terms of the development models the two countries have currently selected, it is inappropriate to simply judge whose development model is better or assert which country will prevail in future competition. It is worth noting that each of the two countries have advantages that the other lacks.
Objectively, in the current international state of affairs, the competition between China and India is no longer a "zero-sum game," and does not have to be a situation where one side needs to fall for the other to rise. The border disputes between the two countries are unlikely to be solved through a war, instead, talks and negotiations are the best solution and is in the fundamental interests of the two countries.

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 04 Jan 2010 08:26
by Karan Dixit
Taking exception to China's involvement in several projects in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), India on Sunday described it as "illegal" and said it has conveyed its concern over this as well as supply of Chinese weapons to Pakistan. ... 93333.aspx

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 04 Jan 2010 10:08
by SSridhar
That complements Gen. Padmanabhan's book, "India Checkmates America, 2017".

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 05 Jan 2010 17:42
by SSridhar
China rejects Vietnamese claims on disputed islands
China on Tuesday reasserted claims over South China Sea island groups at the heart of a multinational territorial dispute considered a potential Asian flashpoint.

China has ``indisputable sovereignty'' over the Spratly and Paracel islands, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said, rejecting recent comments from Vietnam, which also asserts dominion over the islands believed to sit above large oil and natural gas reserves in strategic shipping lanes.

Chinese forces seized the western Paracels from Vietnam in 1974 and sunk three Vietnamese naval vessels in a 1988 sea battle. The sides have yet to demarcate their sea border and many Vietnamese remain suspicious of their giant northern neighbor.
The Government of the PRC must realize that the island disputes are a legacy of history and the two nations should settle the matters peacefully and through dialogue rather than through force.

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 06 Jan 2010 02:40
by Stan_Savljevic
Chinese Students Turn Away From Engineering ... _medium=en

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 07 Jan 2010 06:30
by ShauryaT
China’s Chartists
The Liu Xiaobo case, much to China’s consternation, is not likely to find closure anytime soon. On Christmas day, a court in Beijing sentenced the leading dissident and human rights activist to 11 years in prison on charges of “inciting subversion of state power”. Liu was accused of “serious crimes”, gravest of which was to co-author Charter 08, a document seeking political liberalisation. The document is an indictment of the Chinese government for having “stripped people of their rights, destroyed their dignity, and corrupted normal human intercourse.” But while China may have wrapped up the legal case, it may have unwittingly reopened a critical political debate.

...Thus, the idea of political reform as Deng said, “absolutely must not be influenced by Western parliamentarian political ideas. Let there not be even a trace of it!” Hence any calls for a multiparty system, tripartite separation of powers or a parliamentary system of government were, by association, politically incorrect. It remains to be seen whether the party will be able to maintain its almost obsessive desire to present a unified face on some of these questions.
One thing on which, I have seen near zero discussions on is, what if China can really buck the widely expected oncoming of democracy and charts its own ways and systems. Now, that would be something to ponder?

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 07 Jan 2010 09:39
by pgbhat
Big Picture Gallery - Boson Globe
Harbin Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival
Fireworks light up the sky to kick off the annual Ice and Snow festival in Harbin, China on January 5, 2010. (STR/AFP/Getty Images)

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 07 Jan 2010 09:52
by Masaru
Mass production and raw capitalism in academics too!

Chinese academia ghost-writing 'widespread'
More than $100m (£63m) changes hands in China every year for ghost-written academic papers, according to research by a Chinese university. The study, by Wuhan University, says Chinese academics and students often buy and sell scientific papers to swell publications lists.

Some hard-up masters or doctorate students are making a living by churning out papers for others. Others mass-produce scientific papers in order to get monetary rewards from their institutions.

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 07 Jan 2010 16:32
by arun
D S Rajan, Director, Chennai Centre for China Studies examines two PR Chinese papers titled “Great Changes in India's Defence Strategy -- War objective shifts to giving China importance, while treating Pakistan as lightweight” and “Panoramic View of International Military Situation in 2009”:
How China views India's new defence doctrine

January 07, 2010 14:13 IST

China experts feel Indian defence strategy treats China, not Pakistan, as priority target, which they also believe provides for a partial border war, writes D S Rajan.

Reports on India's revision of its defence doctrine to meet the challenges of a 'two front war' with Pakistan and China have of late received media focus. Pakistan has been prompt in its response, describing India's reported move as 'betraying hostile intent' and reflecting a 'hegemonic and jingoistic mindset'.

The People's Republic of China does not appear to have come out so far with any official reaction on the subject; interesting however is that the same theme of India's 'two front war', worded a bit differently as 'two front mobile warfare' has figured in an in-depth authoritative Chinese evaluation of India's defence strategy, done as early as November 2009; it raises a question whether or not Beijing already knew about India's reported revision of its defence strategy. This apart, it would be important to have a close look at what has been said in that analysis, for drawing meaningful conclusions. What follows is an attempt in that direction. …………………….

How China views India's new defence doctrine

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 08 Jan 2010 08:23
by SSridhar
New Delhi & Beijing conclude defence dialogue
Officials said the talks saw “positive progress” with both sides discussing new confidence building measures (CBMs) and a joint military exercise, which is to be held later this year.

Mr. Ma {People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) Deputy Chief of General Staff Ma Xiaotian} said the talks gave both sides a chance to “clarify concerns, deepen mutual trust and coordinate stances.”

Officials familiar with the talks said regional security issues, including the recent tensions along the disputed border and the two countries’ naval strategies, were on the agenda.

Mr. Liang {Defence Minister Liang Guanglie} called on both governments to do more to “exert a positive impact on media and public opinion,” to improve the strained atmosphere, State-run Xinhua news agency reported {Obviously a reference to the discussions in the Indian media}.

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 09 Jan 2010 02:29
by putnanja
China withdraws from Palm Springs fest
China has withdrawn two of its films from the prestigious 21st Palm Springs International Film Festival (PSIFF) after it failed to force organisers to withdraw Delhi-based Ritu Sarin and Tenzing Sonam’s latest documentary film on Tibet’s struggle for freedom.

While Sarin and Sonam left for the United States early on Friday to attend the screening of their film “The Sun Behind the Clouds: Tibet’s Struggle for Freedom,” China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its film bureau have withdrawn “City of Life and Death” (also called “Nanjing! Najning!”) and “Quick, Quick, Slow.”
Officials from the Chinese government posted in the consulate there had met Macdonald requesting him to withdraw the Tibet film, which will be screened at the festival on Sunday and Tuesday, with the possibility of a third screening.

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 09 Jan 2010 11:09
by Avinash R

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 09 Jan 2010 22:15
by khan
NYT op-ed on india and china

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 09 Jan 2010 22:49
by svinayak
khan wrote:NYT op-ed on india and china

“The truth is,” a high-ranking U.S. State Department official told me, “both India and China have important roles to play in the emerging global architecture.”

“We are concerned about the border,” he added, “but in the next decade, the U.S. will likely be involved in a different issue on the Himalayan border — which is the dire shortage of water in both nations, and the role Tibetan waters can play in addressing it.”
US is interested in the Border. Just like the colonial British.

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 09 Jan 2010 22:58
by harbans
Acharya ji, i too read that and assumed so. But it will be for entirely different reasons from before. I doubt the US cares much whether AP or Sikkim land up in Chinese hands or Aksai Chin back to India. Implication is water conflicts, say if China starts deflecting the Brahmputra and such. It will be a real serious issue. India presently is doing nothing much but fudging on the issue. The only solution to prevent that happening is to raise the Tibet independence issue and backtrack on previously adopted policy. Fact is most of SE Asian rivers also originate in Tibet. Specially the Kailash-Mansarover region, which actually should be in India as it is the holiest of holy spots for Shaivites.

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 10 Jan 2010 00:14
by Suraj
I went to see the show Shen Yun here in the SF bay area. It was highly promoted and publicised here during the last few weeks, and for some reason appeared to be a source of some controversy among the Chinese population here, especially the mainlanders. So I decided to see what it was about.

While the publicity posters and brochures don't really mention it, going to actually see the show makes it clear what the 'issue' really is - the artists are all followers of the Falun Gong, the Buddhist/Taoist organization who have been repeatedly brutalized by the CPC thugs as 'splittists'. Naturally, Shen Yun is banned in China, though they have a show in HK, and several in Japan and Taiwan. The show has a very overt pro-Falun Gong and Buddhist theme.

A couple of the dance acts are hugely slap-in-the-face variety, showing a man standing in Tiananmen Square holding a banner that reads 'Falun Gong is good', while stylized black-uniformed police attack him, and another dance showing a family of FG followers being attacked the same way. The dances and music cover various historical dynasties and regions, with the south Chinese dance looking very Indian - the costume, the hand movements and all.

It was interesting to see the reaction of the audience as well. There seemed to be many older generation folks, and probably a majority were Taiwanese (like my date), not mainlanders (or mainlanders who moved to Taiwan in 1949). Quite a few cheered well, while some were quiet, and a few even left in the middle of the show. I'd recommend it, for the insight into their culture, the familiar spiritual themes, as well as a chance to study the audience behaviour to what is a nicely packaged political riposte. Though the singing is in Chinese, it's quite approachable even for non-Chinese because all the lyrics are projected in Chinese and English in the background.

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 10 Jan 2010 00:42
by ShauryaT
Acharya wrote: US is interested in the Border. Just like the colonial British.
Some folks have an over rated sense of their importance. As both India and China both grow economically and militarily and increase relative power vis-a-vis the west/US along with a sense of self confidence in their own historical narratives, there will be a realization on both sides that the west has little to offer as an intermediary between the two largest Asian nations.

I feel PRC is further along the way on the issue of not letting western narratives dominate its political choices.

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 10 Jan 2010 01:25
by anupmisra
Contrarian Investor Sees Economic Crash in China

by David Barboza
James S. Chanos built one of the largest fortunes on Wall Street by foreseeing the collapse of Enron and other highflying companies whose stories were too good to be true.Now Mr. Chanos, a wealthy hedge fund investor, is working to bust the myth of the biggest conglomerate of all: China Inc.
"Dubai times 1,000 -- or worse"
"Bubbles are best identified by credit excesses, not valuation excesses," he said in a recent appearance on CNBC. "And there's no bigger credit excess than in China."
Mr. Chanos, 51, whose hedge fund, Kynikos Associates, based in New York, has $6 billion under management, is hardly the only skeptic on China. But he is certainly the most prominent and vocal. For all his record of prescience -- in addition to predicting Enron's demise, he also spotted the looming problems of Tyco International, the Boston Market restaurant chain and, more recently, home builders and some of the world's biggest banks
"The Chinese," he warned in an interview in November with, "are in danger of producing huge quantities of goods and products that they will be unable to sell." In recent months, a growing number of analysts, and some Chinese officials, have also warned that asset bubbles might emerge in China. But many analysts now say that money, along with huge foreign inflows of "speculative capital," has been funneled into the stock and real estate markets. A result, they say, has been soaring prices and a resumption of the building boom that was under way in early 2008 -- one that Mr. Chanos and others have called wasteful and overdone. "It's going to be a bust," said Gordon G. Chang, whose book, "The Coming Collapse of China" (Random House), warned in 2001 of such a crash.
Friends and colleagues say Mr. Chanos is comfortable betting against the crowd -- even if that crowd includes the likes of Warren E. Buffett and Wilbur L. Ross Jr., two other towering figures of the investment world.

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 10 Jan 2010 02:37
by svinayak
ShauryaT wrote:
Acharya wrote: US is interested in the Border. Just like the colonial British.
Some folks have an over rated sense of their importance. As both India and China both grow economically and militarily and increase relative power vis-a-vis the west/US along with a sense of self confidence in their own historical narratives, there will be a realization on both sides that the west has little to offer as an intermediary between the two largest Asian nations.

I feel PRC is further along the way on the issue of not letting western narratives dominate its political choices.
What if PRC becomes a proxy for US with regard to the border and also even India/South Asia?

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 10 Jan 2010 03:03
by Jarita
^^^ Wasn't it a proxy in the 60's and 70's?

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 10 Jan 2010 03:11
by Karna_A
PRC becoming proxy for the US for some minor border land?? That seems as far fetched as TSP becoming Indian proxy against PRC.
Taiwan has a million times more importance for PRC than Tawang partly due to the fact GDP of Taiwan is million times that of Tawang.
If PRC is not ready to become US Proxy for Taiwan, why would it do for Tawang?
Acharya wrote: What if PRC becomes a proxy for US with regard to the border and also even India/South Asia?

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 10 Jan 2010 09:58
by Karan Dixit
India ranks higher than China on the list of 'best country to live in'. ... -tops-list

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 10 Jan 2010 10:27
by Jarita
^^ Ah but it matters not because the Chinese know how to make their country worth living in for the right people.
A few years ago, this mega service firm had a toss up between our country and PRC.
How the Chinese govt officials looked after everyone who visited and how many ways they looked after the them including the most middle level managers. In summary if you are a guy you would be enamoured of China.
In the end it was equal on both sides (one was better at X and the other at Y but net net was equal). But the investment went to you know who
I got in touch with some of the people a year ago. They were middle level managers then and now high up. One is settled in China and married to a chinese girl. He loves the country and is gaga abt the CP. The other splits his time between CHina and US (rumor has it that he has a special friend in PRC). He is also doing chinese studies because he loves the country and culture.
This is a small example but I have seen many many instances of this working in favor of CHina.
I am not proposing anything, just stating that PRC invests their time and energy very strategically. They know the impact of a first impression and make sure that it is a fantastic one. One lands in clean Shanghai, has a time of their life and then is whisked away to the Chinese Shangri La place for more relaxation. Post that business is done.

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 10 Jan 2010 10:53
by svinayak
Karna_A wrote:PRC becoming proxy for the US for some minor border land??
With this minor border land they can control the destiny of Asia for many decades by keeping the dispute burning.

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 10 Jan 2010 12:27
by ashi
Africa’s Eastern Promise
What the West Can Learn From Chinese Investment in Africa ... rn-promise

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 10 Jan 2010 19:30
by Hari Seldon
China’s Not a Superpower and won’t be anytime soon, according to Minxin Pei, who says its political and economic situation is more precarious than it looks.

Am no PRC fan but this piece reads more like an MK Bhadrakumar or better still,a Shrilleen broadside only. That is, outlandish assumptions, transparent biases, and other such blend seamlessly into the analysis only. But that doesn't mean it ain't a fun read otherwise.... Take it FWIW.

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 10 Jan 2010 19:47
by harbans
Depressing reading folks..but read you all must:

India has lost territory to China, it's official

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 10 Jan 2010 22:37
by Jarita
Is this because of the Chinese trickle in policy? Take up inch by inch and overtime it adds up to a lot.
It is time to make Indian maps which claim a lot of chinese occupied territory

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 10 Jan 2010 22:53
by harbans
Is this because of the Chinese trickle in policy? Take up inch by inch and overtime it adds up to a lot.
It is time to make Indian maps which claim a lot of chinese occupied territory

Indeed, it gets mention in the article too. Our strategic planners seem absolutely at sea..
A Chinese proverb is famous in the world – better do in inches than in yards," a report filed by former Sub Divisional Magistrate (Nyoma) Tsering Norboo had said.
Indeed we should start by showing the Kailash-Mansarover regions as part of India..and Tibet as an independent country, including provinces of Tibet in the east completely annexed by China.

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 11 Jan 2010 00:16
by ramana
2. Studies of Modern Chinese History: UC San Diego ... tml#essays

Thanks to Ray C.

Added to first post of this thread.....

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 11 Jan 2010 22:39
by kmkraoind
China admits 24m men to remain bachelors

More than 24 million Chinese men of marriageable age in a decade may never find a bride because births of boys so far outnumber those of girls.
I hope their taller than mountain friend lends a helping in this regard, because they are searching for virgins in heaven.

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 11 Jan 2010 22:56
by Stan_Savljevic
BALCO mishap: 3 top Chinese officers arrested ... 434170.cms

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 12 Jan 2010 01:38
by Jarita
Not surprised that the guys in the picture above will remain bachelors :)

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 12 Jan 2010 04:25
by sanjaykumar
Sigh, that is a racist comment. I happen to find many Chinese women very attractive.

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 12 Jan 2010 06:32
by Jarita
^^^ I don't doubt that :D
Both Indian and Chinese females are scarce commodities. So no poaching :-o
And am referring to the men above not the woman

Enuff, before i get a warning. Pls don't gimme a warning

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 12 Jan 2010 06:50
by Prem

Code: Select all

[quote="sanjaykumar"]Sigh, that is a racist comment. I happen to find many Chinese women very attractive.[/quote]
Another fact is Chinese girls find Desi men attractive. Dont ask for refrences etc . Here is News about their BMD efforts. ... ld&s_name=
BEIJING — China announced that its military intercepted a missile in mid-flight Monday in a test of new technology that comes amid heightened tensions over Taiwan and increased willingness by the Asian giant to show off its advanced military capabilities. The official Xinhua News Agency reported late Monday that "ground-based midcourse missile interception technology" was tested within Chinese territory."The test has achieved the expected objective," the three-sentence report said. "The test is defensive in nature and is not targeted at any country."

Re: People's Republic of China Nov 22, 2009

Posted: 12 Jan 2010 09:21
by abhishek_sharma
Turbulence in U.S.-Chinese relations ... _relations
With the uptick in domestic protections against Chinese exports (steel, tire tariffs), we're just starting to see an American backlash to this Beijing response. The argument runs as follows: Domestic industry subsidies and fixed yuan/dollar peg have allowed the Chinese government to draw wealth away from the U.S. economy by allowing its export-focused industries to sell to the American consumer for artificially cheapened prices. By that logic, China hasn't just been a free rider in the international system … but more directly on the U.S. economy. Therefore, China's plans for its immediate economic future are fundamentally incompatible with the vision of "global rebalancing" as laid out by Larry Summers and other Obama administration officials. This is the crux of the tension in the U.S.-China relationship -- by way of protectionist policies and slower consumer spending, the United States is rejecting China's development model.

In 2010, a mid-term election year with high unemployment, labor and even some industry groups will lead the Obama administration to send the message that China's economic policies cannot persist and will lay down the gauntlet with more tariffs on Chinese exports. We'll see more intense politicizing of exchange rate policy (especially absent a significant rise in the yuan); investment policy tensions both in the United States (CFIUS) and in China (greater state preferences for local firms); China-bashing when Obama pushes cap and trade in the Senate; growing trade tensions (especially on steel); and issues involving cyber-security. And if any new "product safety" scandal emerges involving Chinese manufactured goods in the middle of those tensions, we'll also see a populist American push against goods "made in China."