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Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 24 Mar 2023 19:34
by chetak
a lot of wokes and SJWs will fall by the wayside and become commoners


Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 24 Mar 2023 23:32
by Tanaji
^^ Saar you underestimate their ego and sense of self importance. Plus the funding.

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 24 Mar 2023 23:39
by chetak
Tanaji wrote:^^ Saar you underestimate their ego and sense of self importance. Plus the funding.

Many will pay to get blue ticked (BTW, did you know, pappu has a grey tick)

(My beautiful german shepherd and doberman also have grey ticks, sometimes :wink: )
Grey checkmark. The grey checkmark indicates that an account represents a government/multilateral organization or a government/multilateral official.
But you need visibility and woke social authority for followers. That was, by default, being provided by the blue tick, used mainly as a badge of SJW honor/woke accomplishment

let's see how the new system works out onlee

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Mar 2023 07:01
by vijayk

Great to see all but don't miss the end

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Mar 2023 22:52
by SRajesh
Leftist seems to have tasted the Road block etc successfully in India with Shaheen Bhagh type blockade
Replicating in France and Isreal
And all against the original Alpha Dogs with Trumpwa
Trumpwa in courts all the time and Putinwa fighting an existential war leaves the other three
Expect same in India with RaGa suspension
Toolkits will go into overdrive

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 29 Mar 2023 01:40
by Cyrano
You can leave France out of it, there can't be a better globalist poodle than the one we have now. The revolt is wide spread and popular because the people can't take it any more with the system being rolled out on them by the elitist globalist ruling cabal which is being likened more and more to Marie Antoinette. Hope we don't have to go that far in the present day.

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 29 Mar 2023 07:57
by uddu
^^^There is something with Macron, that is preventing the U.S from completely dominating Europe and bringing E.U under U.S umbrella. He could very well be the only stumbling block that prevent such a feat. There could be other opportunists exploiting the situation.

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 29 Mar 2023 08:42
by chetak
uddu wrote:^^^There is something with Macron, that is preventing the U.S from completely dominating Europe and bringing E.U under U.S umbrella. He could very well be the only stumbling block that prevent such a feat. There could be other opportunists exploiting the situation.

a throw back to the de gaulle days, where mon général vehemently opposed everything ameriki, just to poke them in the eye

The frenchies didn't play a major part in WWII and perhaps that rankles even today when their erstwhile "allies", none too subtly, contrive to point it out to them in various little ways.
Harry Truman’s words: “I don’t like the son of a bitch.”
current ameriki sentiments aren't too different from what they were during the de gaulle days

Comment allez-vous, mon général ?

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 29 Mar 2023 16:10
by Cyrano
In my view I dont see Macron resisting at all. He is torn between sucking up to Germany so that they dont get totally and openly hostile, playing up the EU hoping to influence Europe but finds it harder then he expects, saving what title influence is left in France-Afrique, love hate with the British, not piss off China too much with human rights rhetoric, and generally put up a brave front to the US in the Gaullean tradition in public but fold meekly in private while licking his wounds. Trying to be something for everybody he ends up being nothing to nobody, especially to his own people. But above all, he is a globalist's product put in place and controlled to serve their interests through EU. His elitism is hated by the public who consider him a sell out.

The American glory in WW2 glorified in movies and popular culture is only a part of the entire picture. Not just de Gaulle, successive French Presidents including Mitterand have clearly recognised America's intent to maintain a unipolar hegemony and warned about its ruthlessness in sacrificing friends and allies without hesitation.

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 04 Apr 2023 12:56
by chetak

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 04 Apr 2023 22:19
by vijayk

Once again, @zoo_bear targets a Hindu woman and the whole ‘sar tann se juda’ gang is now after her blood. Time for the justice system to bring this malicious hate-monger behind bars.

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 05 Apr 2023 11:42
by sanman

Ro Khanna: "Publicly, my Nanaji may have smoked drugs with young Bill Clinton -- but privately he didn't inhale!" :rotfl:

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 10 Apr 2023 23:22
by IndraD

contempt of court case: Agnihotri of TKF fame has apologised profusely while Rangnathan has refused to ... 89344?s=20

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 13 Apr 2023 13:20
by Cyrano
Musk's epic public vastra haran of BBC yesterday in an interview by ...the BBC itself :rotfl: which was live streamed on twitter spaces. Full uncut audio recording, enjoy!

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 13 Apr 2023 19:31
by IndraD
Twitter’s ex-CEO Paraga, Vijaya Gadde sues company after legal turmoil ask for millions of $$
Parag Agrawal and other executives allege they have spent more than $1m out of pocket on fees ... ag-agrawal

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 14 Apr 2023 06:08
by hgupta
IndraD wrote:Twitter’s ex-CEO Paraga, Vijaya Gadde sues company after legal turmoil ask for millions of $$
Parag Agrawal and other executives allege they have spent more than $1m out of pocket on fees ... ag-agrawal
They need to be countersued for committing fraud against Elon Musk and his other partners regarding the buyout of Twitter shares when they were seriously overvalued.

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 14 Apr 2023 10:56
by Vayutuvan
@hgupta esq, that ship has sailed, no? But IANAL; you are.

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 14 Apr 2023 12:35
by hgupta
Vayutuvan wrote:@hgupta esq, that ship has sailed, no? But IANAL; you are.
What is IANAL?

How did that ship sail? The statute of limitations have not expired yet.

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 14 Apr 2023 13:58
by Tanaji
IANAL - I am not a lawyer

At least thats what I hope Vayutuvan meant. The other interpretation is, well, …… :P :twisted: :wink:

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 15 Apr 2023 11:32
by Vayutuvan
I am not a lawyer. true. Thanks @tanaji for the heads-up :rotfl:

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 15 Apr 2023 12:36
by SRajesh
Lot of butt hurting in PeePeeCee Panorama
Evasive, argumentative, yada yada :lol:
Audience reaction more an PPC being interviewed
Interviewer now giving usual excuses that did not prepare for rebound questions etc etc
All in all lot of Pruritus Ani and pain the A
Elon is slippery etc etc :rotfl: :rotfl:

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 15 Apr 2023 13:55
by Cyrano
More rona dhona... everyone seems to know what is best for twitter as long as it was going woke and bankrupt ! ... peech.html

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 15 Apr 2023 15:25
by Cyrano
IT Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar writes: IT rules are a step towards denying misinformation space on the internet

Rajeev Chandrasekhar writes: Social media platforms had become a place where victims had no recourse to remedy.
The prime minister launched Digital India in 2015 to use the internet to bridge the distance between citizens and government and deliver responsive governance, a deep transformation from the corrupt and leaky governance that India faced for decades.

Over the last nine years, the internet in India has expanded significantly, making us the world’s largest connected democracy with over 83 crore people online. Every Indian will be on the internet by 2025. Universal access is no small feat – but by combining that with the digitalisation of governance and digital public infrastructure, the transformation of Indian democracy and governance has become a beacon for the world. This has been acknowledged by the IMF and other multilateral institutions.

The internet has changed over the past decade and this change is defined by two trends. One, the presence of large platforms that have power over how users experience the web. Two, the internet is also now a space for user harm, misinformation and toxicity that has outpaced good innovation. Misinformation operations for cyberwarfare by state and non-state actors have utilised social media platforms to create civic unrest and for radicalisation and terror recruitment. This poses internal security and national security risks and can cause serious real-world harm. In 2019, a network of accounts and pages managed by Pakistan’s ISPR were detected engaging in malicious, coordinated activity against India on social media platforms. These types of attacks have become more sophisticated. In recent times, Covid misinformation, fake cures, financial market misinformation and AI deep fakes have caused and will cause tremendous social and economic harm. More recently, The Washington Post exposed Khalistani elements using bots to conduct misinformation operations against the Indian government, including giving calls to violence. Misinformation is not an outlier on the internet – rather, it’s being weaponised repeatedly against open democracies like India to create chaos by organised vested interests.

Misinformation cannot be left unchecked, especially in India, because of the scale and diversity of its users — ranging from children to the elderly. Misinformation is being increasingly recognised by democracies as a challenge and all are struggling to create a framework to deal with it. The G20 Leaders Bali Declaration of 2022 highlighted the need to counter disinformation campaigns as an essential requirement to prevent online threats and promote cyber security.

Social media intermediaries enjoy immunity and safe harbour thanks to Section 79 of the IT Act, after the UPA government amended the law in 2008. This has been used to escape accountability or legal ramifications for content on these platforms. It can be argued that this free pass has, over the years, resulted in skyrocketing misinformation, user harm, toxicity, etc. Recent studies also show that the velocity and reach of misinformation are often exponentially greater than truthful content — some studies say almost by 20x.

The IT Rules were first overhauled in May 2021 and in October 2022. Under Rule (3), there were nine no-go areas for content on social media, if the platforms were to continue to operate with legal immunity under Section 79. These included child sexual abuse material, religious incitement and misinformation. Due to lax enforcement by social media platforms in the face of new challenges like AI/deep fakes and the proliferation of anonymous users, bots and fake accounts, the immunity was creating a situation where no one could be held accountable for content that was false or illegal. Social media platforms had become a place where victims had no recourse to remedy.

IT rules are a step in denying misinformation space on the internet. Social media platforms are becoming more accountable for the content they host. It was felt by many platforms that since the government was a target of most misinformation operations, a fact-checking unit was needed to flag misinformation. Why is this fact-checking unit a government body? Only the government has access to government data and so, it is almost impossible for any non-governmental entity to effectively fact check content about the government.

What would be the consequence of content being labelled false or misinformation? They are simple – SM platforms can remove the labelled content or exercise the option to continue to host the disputed content. If they chose the latter, the aggrieved department can dispute it legally in the courts as any principle of natural justice would and should permit. There is already a grievance office and GAC appellate framework available to content posters to deal with their grievances.

So why are some seeing problems with this evolving and clear effort to deal with misinformation?

There is a deliberate attempt to create confusion by vested interests on the scope and applicability of these rules. In actual fact, Rule 3(1)(n) explicitly provides that the fundamental rights of Indian citizens cannot be violated by any platform.

Misinformation operations are clear and present dangers to our democracy, the goal of a safe, trusted internet and to our ambitions of becoming a digital economic power. Our determined efforts to deny misinformation continue without ever diminishing our constitutional values and fundamental rights to ensure the internet never becomes a safe haven for those who seek to misuse it. These rules represent a partnership between the government and SM platforms in keeping our internet safe for all Indians. ... t-8555000/

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 15 Apr 2023 16:43
by chetak
Cyrano wrote:IT Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar writes: IT rules are a step towards denying misinformation space on the internet

Rajeev Chandrasekhar writes: Social media platforms had become a place where victims had no recourse to remedy. ... t-8555000/[/quote]

The powers that be are slowly dismantling demented and trashy SJWs and their digital fortresses, bit by bit, brick by brick, and slice by slice.

big data players are being squeezed and neutered and some pillars are being straightened out

by the time India hits the home stretch for the 2024 elections, there should (will) be a level playing field

what happened to trump in the US should not be allowed to repeat in India

a few woke and venomous ricebag punks like agenda driven gadde and gang fronted for the puppet masters in the deep state, and may well have changed the very course of modern history.

UKR being a case in point, and that out of control careening juggernaut rolls relentlessly on, destroying all in its path, after being unleashed by the soreass ++ commies in the amreki deep state

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 16 Apr 2023 21:21
by chetak

are these guys are still around.....

and what exactly does he plan to bring to the table

he will finally settle at "ladki honi chahiye, aur zinda bas"


Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 16 Apr 2023 23:35
by Cyrano
Basically he wants to find all the great qualities that are extolled in a Devi stothram in his future wife. Where as going by his own name he is an imposter (actor) What is wrong in that? :P :mrgreen:

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 17 Apr 2023 01:45
by IndraD
Elon Musk just said the US government had full access to Twitter user activity, including spying on users’ DMs under previous management ... 68416?s=20

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 21 Apr 2023 22:32
by IndraD
last night all blue tick legacy holders on twitter lost their blue, entitled journalists to Hollywoodiyas are asking Biden to teach Elon a lesson

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 23 Apr 2023 08:15
by AkshaySG
The blue checkmark stuff is some of the stupidest corporate decision making I've seen from a major company. Don't get me wrong it's fantastic for India and Indian thought since the previous leadership and their censorship actions were openly anti - Indian

However as a tech company it is amazing just how thoroughly and quickly Elon has managed to get rid of what made Twitter unique in a matter of months. To have the world's most famous celebrities and organizations directly interacting with other users creating free content for you is something that Facebook, Tik Tok etc would die for and yet Twitter is doing a bang up job of alienating all that just so it can have some a few thousand American right wingers pay 8$ a month. At current rate the site will lose all relevance in a short while and the rest of advertising revenue will vanish alongside

And again this is all great for India since the site was a cesspool of anti India content and moderation but I can't help cringing at some of our Indian RW posters hailing Elon as some genius savior. He may currently be our enemy' enemy but quite clearly is no friend yet.

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 23 Apr 2023 16:55
by Cyrano
Twitter doesn't exist as a company anymore, ownership transferred to owned by Musk. In recent interviews he speaks about keeping Twitter as the principal news site and an informative and entertaining town square where everyone can speak their mind. All opinions are ok, but peddling fake news won't be. But it seems he has other ideas for the future as well, he has thrown some vague hints, let's see.

Monetising blue tick is to weed out bots and he expects it will generate some recurring revenue that should also least partially finance operational costs. Development of new stuff and profits will from advertising. Let's see how it will work out.

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 23 Apr 2023 17:44
by vijayk
AkshaySG wrote:The blue checkmark stuff is some of the stupidest corporate decision making I've seen from a major company. Don't get me wrong it's fantastic for India and Indian thought since the previous leadership and their censorship actions were openly anti - Indian

However as a tech company it is amazing just how thoroughly and quickly Elon has managed to get rid of what made Twitter unique in a matter of months. To have the world's most famous celebrities and organizations directly interacting with other users creating free content for you is something that Facebook, Tik Tok etc would die for and yet Twitter is doing a bang up job of alienating all that just so it can have some a few thousand American right wingers pay 8$ a month. At current rate the site will lose all relevance in a short while and the rest of advertising revenue will vanish alongside

And again this is all great for India since the site was a cesspool of anti India content and moderation but I can't help cringing at some of our Indian RW posters hailing Elon as some genius savior. He may currently be our enemy' enemy but quite clearly is no friend yet.
Celebrities want the limelight. All natak will be gone in few months and they will fall in line. Imagine how these influencers like Rihana and that MIa Khalifa were making a lot of money by tweeting for Khalistanis.

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 23 Apr 2023 18:27
by AkshaySG
Elites don't just want limelight, They want exclusive access to that limelight . There is no limelight to be got when the average dude can get the same feature for a small fee..

If Rihanna @Rihanna1 has a blue checkmark and so does @Rihanna_1 then the whole exclusivity of the feature is gone and so is the impact of seeing a "blue check mark tweet" since there will be a hundred copies of every famous person or account

Its like when Caviar started to be mass produced in China it's demand slipped because now everyone could have access to what previously was only theirs. If tomorrow Balenciaga or LV start making clothes and bags at retail prices how long do you think their celebrity clientele will stick along?

The only way they come back/stay is if Elon comes up with some Gold/Silver check mark that would then again differentiate them from the average pleb however for Twitter that's admitting they screwed up and just coming back full circle to how it previously used to be.

Again, I'm happy that these guys and Twitter as a whole is being taken for a ride however anyone acting like it's sound business decision making needs a reality check.

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 24 Apr 2023 04:28
by pravula
No, Elon wants and will charge for upgrades. Just look at Teslas, software unlock for extra battery juice if you pony up. Prepay for FSD which will come god knows when…

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 24 Apr 2023 05:31
by vera_k
Twitter has to try something different. The business side of it was not working, and was full of either freeloaders (e.g. the celebs) or people not providing enough value (the employees). We can debate whether any of the current steps will work, but why? Let them figure out if this is a sustainable business.

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 24 Apr 2023 09:01
by sanman

Norwegian Thought Police controlling worldwide reporting on the Nord Stream issue.

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 24 Apr 2023 22:21
by chetak
Tarek Fatah has passed on

He will be missed


A brave man, a fearless man; but above all, a kind man. A true son of India, her history, her geography, her idea.

Tarek Fatah (1949 - 2023)

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 24 Apr 2023 23:12
by Pratyush
I used to watch him occasionally on the Aarzoo Kazmi program on YouTube.

He used to call himself an Indian born in TSP.

A loss to the sub continent.

I don't know where this rotten South Asia is.

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 24 Apr 2023 23:13
by chetak
this is unexpected, but nevertheless, it is much appreciated


Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 25 Apr 2023 00:05
by sanman

Re: Social Media Watch Thread

Posted: 25 Apr 2023 00:17
by chetak