Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Gagan »

If Cdr Jadhav (retd) case goes to the supreme court, we will see a tamasha by pakistan's lawyers who will call upon other lawyers not to accept the case for KJ.
BTW, does KJ even know that he has the 40 days to file an appeal against the Kangaroo court? The deadline is supposed to expire pretty soon isn't it?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by arun »

^^^ True. As a precursor of what may follow in the Supreme Court of the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Lahore High Court Bar Association did exactly that in the case of the trial of Commander Kulbhushan Jadhav (Retd) who had been kidnapped from Iran. See : Jadhav’s case: bar warning to lawyers. It is my hope that the ICJ fully notes this and when it orders a retrial of Commander Kulbhushan Jadhav (Retd) ensures the retrial is done outside the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan so as not to deny Commander Kulbhushan Jadhav (Retd) the right to competent legal representation.

Besides the above point, India at the ICJ, though I am not sure of the traction it will get, must also push the fact of the dominance of the Uniformed Jihadi’s of the Punjabi dominated military in the polity of the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan makes it well nigh impossible that a Court run by Un-Uniformed Civilian Jihadi’s can contradict a Military Court and thus the retrial must be outside the Islamic Republic.

Given the denial of the fundamental right of consular access by the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan we do not even know if Commander Kulbhushan Jadhav (Retd) is alive and thus in a position to make an appeal or indeed has been murdered by State Actors of the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan and thus not capable of filing an appeal.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Baikul »

Given their proven best in class 'strategic acumen', I wouldn't be surprised the Bakjabi army respond to this global humiliation by coming up with a new, 'hugely revealing' ' super confessional' video by Jadhav ji, followed by a quick hanging.

For sure as sure can be, Jadhav ji isn't coming out of this alive.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by arun »

Convicted members of the Rochdale Mohammadden Paedophile ring that targetted children of fellow Abrahamic Christists for sexual grooming are using UK Tax Payer money to fight deportation to the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan from where they all originated.

Four of the Rochdale grooming gang are fighting deportation - and only two are still in jail : All four are mounting yet another legal challenge to fight plans to deport them to Pakistan

UK Taxpayer may save some money by pointing out to members of the Rochdale Mohammadden Paedophile ring that in an IEDological Muslim State like the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan they are likely to face a more accomodating milieu to indulge in their proclivities that are frowned upon by the Kaafir world by citing Mohammadden belief based hadith number 69 of book number 67 of Sahih al-Bukhari. This hadith indicates that founder of Mohammadden belief who when around 51/52 year old married a girl child aged 6 and consummated marriage when the girl child turned 9 and he was around 54/55 years old. Refer link to hadith of Shahi Bukhari and text therefrom posted below:

Sahih al-Bukhari » Book of Wedlock, Marriage (Nikaah) » Hadith
Narrated `Aisha:

that the Prophet (ﷺ) married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).

حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ يُوسُفَ، حَدَّثَنَا سُفْيَانُ، عَنْ هِشَامٍ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، عَنْ عَائِشَةَ ـ رضى الله عنها ـ أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صلى الله عليه وسلم تَزَوَّجَهَا وَهْىَ بِنْتُ سِتِّ سِنِينَ، وَأُدْخِلَتْ عَلَيْهِ وَهْىَ بِنْتُ تِسْعٍ، وَمَكَثَتْ عِنْدَهُ تِسْعًا‏.‏

Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 5133
In-book reference : Book 67, Hadith 69
USC-MSA web (English) reference : Vol. 7, Book 62, Hadith 64
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by arun »

Citizen of the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Mosharraf Zaidi, in an Op-Ed in the Indian Express reminds one of the Islamic Republics penchant for mimicking the mentality of the Black Knight who appeared in the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail that was pointed out by Dr. C Christine Fair (YouTube Clicky). Even when cut down to size like the Black Knight, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan will generate lots of bravado :lol: .

India accordingly must make plans to wash away the blood of Commander Kulbhushan Jadhav (Retired) spilt if not already spilt by State Actors of the Mohammadden TerrorismFomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan and in particular the Uniformed Jihadi’s of the Punjabi dominated Army by fortwith abrogating the Indus Water Treaty and preparing plans for the large scale construction of storage dams on the western rivers of the Indus system. Simply put, if the Islamic Republic cannot honour its commitments under the Vienna Convention, India need not honour commitments under the Indus Waters Treaty. That must then be followed by a trial that comes as close as to being an obviously kangaroo trial as possible without consular access of ISID aka ISI agnt Lt. Colonel. Muhammad Habib Zahir if he is in our custody rather than has defected to the US with fourth wife.
Pakistan will happily take another black eye to its image, but it cannot and will not start handing over people it believes are high- level spies involved in terror operations, to India.
India’s media and general public are not the primary, secondary or even tertiary concerns for Pakistan’s leaders – civilian or military. So the hyperventilating celebrations in India can continue. Like the music on the Titanic, that noise does not matter. Kulbushan Jadhav will never be free again, and likely never meet an Indian again. His fate was decided when he took up a job that was meant to hurt Pakistan. A few negative headlines will not change this fundamental reality.
Kulbhushan Jadhav case: What was won or lost at The Hague - Mosharraf Zaidi, Pakistani, Indian Express
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by SSridhar »

arun wrote:
. . . , and likely never meet an Indian again.
Kulbhushan Jadhav case: What was won or lost at The Hague - Mosharraf Zaidi, Pakistani, Indian Express
The above is by an author who claims he has been an advisor to everyone from the US to Pakistan and everyone in between. He has been brazenly provocative always. So, a lot of bluster, the DNA of a Pakistani especially the elite, is stereotypical. We can leave all that aside.

But, he is on the dot when he makes the quoted statement above. There is going to be no consular access. Even if the case ultimately goes against Pakistan in the ICJ, they are not going to abide by the verdict.

In fact, my feeling is that if the review petition goes against them, they would withdraw from the case and allow it to be determined ex-parte which would later encourage them to claim that since they were not represented in the case, the ruling is not binding on them. If India takes the matter to UNSC, it will be vetoed by China. End of matter.

China is creating an unruly world order through Pakistan and NoKo.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

La-Whori Lawyers Step Up Agitation Against Ganja Sharif .

Lawyers threaten countrywide movement if 'PM does not step down in 7 days' :roll:
The Lahore High Court Bar Association (LHCBA) and the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) have threatened to launched a countrywide movement calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif if the premier does not step down in seven days.Both bar associations are of the view that in light of the Supreme Court's ruling on the Panama Papers case, the prime minister should no longer hold the position and should therefore resign, a joint notification issued by the two bar associations said.Probably, Immy Khan and his acolytes have a hand in this agitation. !
The convention was called to reiterate the lawyers' demand for Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's resignation in wake of the Panama case verdict and also discuss the role of the bar associations in this regard.
Saturday's clash between the two sides began as members from the PML-N's Lawyers Wing (So, Ganja has his own goon squad( of lawyers !) waiting in the wings to do his bidding ; paid by the hour or pro-bono work ? :mrgreen:) tried to prevent members of the SCBA and LHCBA from reaching the convention stage and starting its proceedings
As the clash went on, pro-PML-N lawyers took SCBA president Rasheed A. Rizvi to a library on the premises and locked him in. ( These are lawyers !) Rizvi was later freed when the locks were broken by SCBA members.
The latest demand from lawyers' bodies comes weeks after the Panama Papers case verdict which directed that a Joint Investigation Team (JIT) be instituted to investigate the prime minister and his sons for alleged corruption.The legal fraternity in Pakistan has flexed its muscles back in 2007, when ex-president Pervez Musharraf ousted the then chief justice Iftikhar Chaudhry. The lawyers' movement that followed, gained enough momentum to result in the reinstatement of the deposed judiciary. The legal fraternity of La-Whore also "flexed its (Islamic) muscles " by coming out in open support in favour of Qadri, killer of Salman Taseer!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

14 injured in five grenade attacks in Charsadda[*][/url]
CHARSADDA : As many as five blasts of small intensity occurred Saturday morning in Shabqadar tehsil, in which seven children among 14 were injured.Unidentified men threw a hand grenade outside the house of a man, named Subhanullah. In the blast, 11 of a family were injured including six males and five females. The injured were shifted to CMH for medical treatment.Moreover, one grenade blew off outside the gate of Islamia Public School in Zareef Kor in which a child and security guard were injured.Read more: Three explosions take place near house in Peshawar. In another attack, as many as three houses were targeted in cracker blasts in Miro. One person was injured in the attack. The police have started operations to apprehend those responsible for the attacks.
[*] Should it not be re-named as : Charas - Adda :mrgreen: [/color]
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Pakistani man's Indian bride details ordeal in written reply to court[*][/url]

[*] Tale of Caution for " future seekers of "love" :mrgreen: [/color]
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Two men raped married woman for 5 days near Rawalpindi.
RAWALPINDI: A 30-year-old married woman was held hostage and then raped for five days by two men in Rawat.According to the police, the victim told them that Khurram and Nauman, had stopped her near a bus stop while she was on her way to her father's house and forced her into their car.
They kept her in a house in Nai Abadi area near Rawat and raped her for continuous five days. They also shared compromising photos of her on social media. She told police that Khurram, who lives abroad and had only recently returned to Rawat, ( back from Saudia to Pakiland for a bit of R&R ?) had asked for her hand in marriage years ago, but her father had refused. ( So, now he is taking revenge :evil: )
Police filed a case and arrested both Khurram and Nauman, a motorcycle mechanic, and recovered their mobile phones.
The two suspects are due to appear before a magistrate court. Khurram had re-applied for his visa and planned on leaving the country soon, (R&R mission accomplished? :evil: ) the SHO added.
PS: The La-Whori and Isloo lawyers instead agitating for Ganja Sharif's resignation, should pursue this victimized women's case and make sure that the two culprits are severely punished under the "Sharia Laws", presently prevalent in Pakiland !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Cosmo_R »

anupmisra wrote:
arun wrote:
800% Agree ... Mohammadden Terrorism.
Buyer beware. Haqqani is not a friend of India. In all his writings and speeches, the subtle undertones are pro-pakistani, pro-islam and anti-TSPA. He may come across as a liberal, suit wearing, whiskey swilling, free thinker...but.. so were djinnah and mushy!!
Sounds like Karan Thapar
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

FIA compiles list of social media propagandists
Federal Investigation Agency has reportedly compiled a list of 33 social media users on Friday for carrying out propaganda against the Pakistan Army.
The federal agency has completed its investigations and finished compiling a list of social media users who are spreading hate content against the COAS General Qamar Javed Bajwa and the Army.Reportedly the list has been transferred to anti-terrorism wing and it is yet to be found if these users are associated with non-state actors.The list comes days after the Interior Minister Chaudhary Nisar Ali Khan directed FIA to take action against those involved in anti-army propaganda.
More such actions are likely to be "implemented" when the much -touted Chini Internet and Satellite System comes into play
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Kashi »

Cosmo_R wrote:Sounds like Karan Thapar
Karan Thapar is anti-TSPA?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by yensoy »

Gagan wrote:As long as he is in fauji prison, at least he won't be assasinated like Sarabjit Singh - Echendee Issue for the fauj
They could quite easily finish him off and call it a suicide. The fact that they didn't eliminate Commander KJ right when was brought to them, and they haven't finished him off already makes me think that they actually want a long drawn out drama.

That of course assumes that he is still alive, which also we don't know. Next step at ICJ would be for India to file a Habeus Corpus.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by saip »

He may not even be alive. We did not ask for proof of life. Only few months ago senile Aziz said they had no evidence. Suddenly, army found evidence and sentenced him to death. All the trial in secrecy. If we did not go to the ICJ they would have already claimed to have executed him and cremated him (according to Hindu religion) to destroy all evidence and sent us the ashes, if that.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Baikul »

yensoy wrote:
Gagan wrote:As long as he is in fauji prison, at least he won't be assasinated like Sarabjit Singh - Echendee Issue for the fauj
They could quite easily finish him off and call it a suicide. The fact that they didn't eliminate Commander KJ right when was brought to them, and they haven't finished him off already makes me think that they actually want a long drawn out drama.
I fear you are crediting them with the ability to identify and weigh multiple future scenarios to execute the optimal course of action.

As opposed to the much more comfortable, traditional, well tested, one size fits all alternative of yelling 'Death to Yindoos!' while twirling their hennaed moustaches.

No one knows the Bakjabi army's strategy. The Bakjabi army doesn't know the Bakjabi army's strategy.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by arun »

Dhoti Shiver warning.

Retired Supreme Court Justice Markandey Katju in a Facebook post, which is reproduced below courtesy Live Law, dealing with the Commader Kulbhushan Jadhav (Retired) case says “it was a serious mistake for India to go to the ICJ “ as he is “certain that Pakistan will approach the ICJ for deciding the Kashmir dispute”.

Having watched the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan for some time I am quite sure that the Islamic Republic would love to take Jammu & Kashmir to all manner of of International legal fora/forum competent to pass judgment advancing their territorial claims. The problem however for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is that India’s astute sowing of a legal minefield has severly constrained their ability under international law from doing so.

As the Aerial Inncident of 10 August 1999 aka the Dassault Breguet Atlantique shootdown shows, India has built a wide and deep defensive minefield against any attempt by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to file suit against India under any obligation that does not have an explicit compulsory international arbitration process such as UNCLOS, Indus Waters Treaty, Vienna Convention and whatever else I may have missed. None of the above named agreements/treaties have anything in them that can advance the Islamic Republic of Pakistan’s territorial claim on Jammu & Kashmir.

Thus let Justice Katju (Retired) name agreements/treaties that have the potential to advance the territorial claims of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for J&K via a process of adjudication/arbitration by international legal fora/forum brought by the Islamic Republic or else let him stop this dhoti shivering fear mongering.

In sum dissapointed with Justice Katju (Retired) for the shallowness of his article which seems more the meanderings of a legal lay person rather than a retired Justice of our Supreme Court.
People are gloating over India’s victory before the International Court of Justice regarding Kulbhushan Jadhav.My own opinion is that it was a serious mistake for India to go to the ICJ on this issue, as we have played into Pakistan’s hands, and given it a handle to open up many other issues . In fact that is why it seems that Pakistan did not seriously object to the jurisdiction of ICJ.Now it is certain that Pakistan will approach the ICJ for deciding the Kashmir dispute, and it will then hardly lie in our mouth to object to the jurisdiction of ICJ, since we cannot blow hot and cold together. Pakistan must be very happy that we went to the ICJ over a single individual’s fate, as now they can raise all kinds of issues, particularly Kashmir, in international fora, to which we had always objected till now. By going to the ICJ we may have opened up a Pandora’s box
The Live Law Web Link:

Kulbhushan Jadav Case: Serious Mistake For India To Go To ICJ, Says Justice Katju
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by yensoy »

Exactly. If the morons hadn't paraded Commander saab around, they could have got away with anything. Was it worth all the trouble to get the "confessional" video? Because that's the only thing of value which emerges by Pakfauj revealing that they nabbed him. I think the video totally discredits the pakis since it is clearly extracted under duress and comes with zilch corroborating evidence - in fact they probably don't have any such evidence. The sentence has surfaced foaming-at-the-mouths pakis braying for his blood, but unable to name one name of a person killed, or one violent incident which can be traced to Commander's alleged handiwork. Pakfauj is probably regretting publicizing of the capture now.
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

ICJ didn't order consular access to Kulbhushan Jadhav: Sartaj Aziz

NEW DELHI: Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's foreign affairs adviser Sartaj Aziz today claimed that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) hasn't given any order regarding consular access for Indian national Kulbhushan Jadhav.

"Wrong to say Pakistan lost at ICJ, court stayed execution, didn't order consular access to Jadhav," Aziz told reporters in Islamabad.The Marathi sayings of "Mian Bhai Chi" & Makad Mantos" come to mind

"It was a consensus decision to appoint Khawar Qureshi as our lawyer. Everyone was satisfied with his arguments. Some are saying that we had 90 minutes, why we used only 50 - a substantive argument can be given in only 10 minutes," Aziz said.

"It wasn't possible for Pakistan to appoint an ad hoc judge in such a short time. Pakistan had only five days to prepare its case," he said.The senile stupido! Nations appoint their counsellor not Judge!!

He, however, added that his country will further strengthen its legal team and that it will go forward into the case with full preparation.

"We will go with a strong team in the next hearing," Aziz added.

"Jadhav was sentenced according to the laws of Pakistan after he admitted to entering the country on fake passport and involvement in terror activities," Aziz asserted.

On Thursday, the ICJ unanimously stayed Pakistan's execution of Indian national Kulbhushan Jadhav until it rules on the merits of the case.

The ICJ ruled that there is the possibility of "irrevocable prejudice to the rights of Jadhav. In its plea to the court, India had expressed the fear that Jadhav might be executed even while the hearing at the ICJ was on.

"Without prejudging the result, the ICJ considers that the risk or irreparable prejudice, the mere fact that Jadhav is under such a sentence and might be executed, is sufficient to demonstrate such a risk. There is considerable uncertainty as to when decision on any appeal is rendered or when Jadhav will be executed," said ICJ President Judge Ronny Abraham.

Pakistan cannot execute Indian national Jadhav until it makes a final decision in the proceedings of the case, the ICJ said. It added that it indeed has jurisdiction in the case, superseding a 2008 agreement between India and Pakistan.

The ICJ had also said that its ruling is binding.

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by saip »

In which Universe do spies enter countries with a passport, fake or otherwise?
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

saip wrote:In which Universe do spies enter countries with a passport, fake or otherwise?
saip Ji
In the Universe of the Pure and the Home of the Terrorists.

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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Attack on Malala was staged, claims PTI MNA

Musarrat Ahmad Zeb claims her inner conscience has compelled her to spill the beans. PHOTO: Express

PESHAWAR: In a claim that could stir up another controversy for the the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), MNA Musarrat Ahmad Zeb – a member of Swat’s royal family who belongs to the party – has alleged that the 2012 attack on Nobel laureate Malala Yousafzai was ‘staged’ by different groups, including rights activists.

Yousafzai, then a student at the Khushal Public School in Swat, was returning home after appearing for her midterm examinations when militants had shot her.

She suffered bullet injuries and was admitted to the Military Hospital (CMH) Peshawar and then taken to London for further treatment.

The Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the attack, saying that Yousafzai was a “Western-minded girl”.

Even the then Taliban spokesperson Ehsanullah Ehsan confirmed that the TTP had attacked Yousafzai, calling her crusade for education rights an “obscenity”. He said if she survived, there would be further attacks on her life.

Zeb, however, is adamant that the entire incident was a pre-planned series of events.

The parliamentarian claimed in her tweets that she too had been approached by those groups for the same “drama” but she had refused to be a part of it.

“I was approached for the same drama but refused as I was not interested in seeking asylum in another country,” she told The Express Tribune.

She alleged that those who had conducted Yousafzai’s medical examination after the attack were all allotted plots by the government.

Zeb said she had broken her silence after years as there were other people who she felt proud of rather than Nobel laureate Yousafzai.

“My inner conscience has compelled me to spill the beans,” she added.

Zeb said that she would have remained silent, however, someone had tweeted that Zarmina Wazir, a girl who topped the CSS examinations in Federally Administered Tribal Areas, was inspired by Yousafzai.

This compelled her to come out with the “truth”.

The PTI lawmaker maintained that Yousafzai could neither read or write at the time she “supposedly” wrote the Gul Makai.

“Did the students and teachers of the Army Public School leave the educational institute?” she asked.

“There were dozens of girls that refused to submit to the pressure and continued their studies and are now graduating,” she added. “Show me a single achievement of Malala.”
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by vasu raya »

Kulbhushan Jadhav might be dead, fear defence experts after Aziz's assertion
After Pakistan's Foreign Affairs Advisor Sartaj Aziz on Saturday asserted that the CJI cannot acquit Kulbhushan Yadav and the Indian national on death row would be punished in accordance with Pakistani laws, defence experts feared that he might already be “dead or not in a presentable state”.

"It's a very unfortunate statement from a very mature politician. It gives rise to a couple of fears. Kulbhushan has already bumped off or he has been reduced to a very vegetative state and is not presentable,” ANI quoted defence expert P.K. Sehgal as saying.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

Four policemen killed in Kohat ambush
Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Lachi Raza Khan told DawnNews that unknown assailants targeted a police mobile which was on routine petrol. "The assailants ambushed the mobile, killing four policemen on-board, including SHO Khanullah and additional SHO Tahir Mehmood," said the DSP.
At least 15 injured in Mohmand grenade attacks
In a series of attacks, assailants threw grenades at a school and four homes in Shabqadar, wounding at least 15 people, said police.
What's going on here? I though operations "bad-e-hazm" and "raddi & kabaad" were a resounding success per genrail waist who claimed that TSPA had broken the collective "waists" of the misguided "miscreants". Are these hunood and yahood jasoos in mufti? ... hat-ambush ... de-attacks
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

JI chief slams govt over failure at ICJ
Jamaat-i-Islami emir Sirajul Haq on Friday criticised the government for what he called its failure to effectively handle the case of convicted Indian spy Kulbhushan Jadhav at the International Court of Justice which stayed his execution.
He said the government was not taking the issue seriously, adding that the case was likely to meet the same fate like that of Raymond Davis. ... ure-at-icj
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

Right of Access to Information Bill termed highly restrictive
The Right of Access to Information Bill 2017 moved in the Senate is highly restrictive, like the Freedom of Information Ordinance 2002, under which journalists as well as citizens will not be able to seek certified information from government departments.
One of the speakers, Zahid Abdullah, said the Freedom of Information Ordinance 2002, promulgated by General Pervez Musharraf, did not give proper access to information.
In case of any conflict, the minister of the concerned ministry will decide if the information can be given to the media or a citizen. We believe that the minister will never give such information to the media because they have a habit of stopping information.
Freedom of Information Ordinance 2002 could not protect citizens’ right to information
If the law of the land follows al kitab, then there can not be any provision for people to seek information because that is a western / infidel concept. ... estrictive
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

And, so it blasphemy.

FIA arrests suspect for uploading provocative material on social media
FIA has arrested a man for his alleged involvement in publishing provocative material on social media. Sources said the suspect has been identified as Dr Faisal Ranjha, who is stated to be affiliated with the PML-N.
Here's a link to Ranjha's tweets. In one of them (may 12) he wrote: "Dam Maro Dam Mit Jaye Gham Bolo Subha Sham Hare Krishna Hare Ram". That is blasphemy in many different ways. ... cial-media
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

30 injured as two student groups clash in Islamabad's Quaid-i-Azam University
...some students sustained bullet injuries while others were hit by stones and clubs
The campus was reverberating with gun fire
Geo TV correspondent said students from two ethnic student groups from Sindh and Balochistan were involved in the clash
This is one of their premier universities. ... University
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Let Down On Ganja-Trump Meet :roll:

FO denies news about Sharif-Trump meet at US-Islamic summit
Pakistan on Saturday denied the reports that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is set to meet US President Donald Trump on the sidelines of the US-Arab-Islamic Summit to be held in Riyadh on Sunday.Sharif will join world leaders to attend the summit. Cooperation against terrorism and violent extremism will be discussed in the summit.Saudi King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud has invited the Pakistani prime minister, who will pay a two-day visit to the kingdom.
Local media has reported that the prime minister is scheduled to meet US president on the sidelines of the summit, however, the Foreign Ministry said there is no such plan.The Foreign Ministry spokesman said that the format and the very full agenda of the half day Summit “does not permit sideline bilateral meetings.”He was commenting on media reports about the possibility of the premier’s bilateral meetings at the Riyadh US-Arab-Islamic Summit.
The spokesman said in a statement that the summit is expected to have the participation of more than 35 leaders of the Islamic world as well as Secretary Generals of the OIC, Arab League and Gulf Cooperation Council.This is the first-ever Arab-Islamic-American Summit to develop a security partnership against a growing threat of violent extremism.
The Paki Media were all hyped up with the anticipated meeting between Nawaz Sharif ,(The Prime Minister Of The One And Only Islamic Nuclear Power In The World) and POTUS Trump . It would have been a coup ( beating Modi-ji !) for the "Good Sharif" and IMO, he would have done some "advance preparation" , with the help of the clever brother Shahbaaz,(so he does not make a fool of himself in front of world media ! ) like when he did, when he met Ombaba last time. Two reasons (IMO ) stand out for the "cancellation". The Saudis wanted to "grab" the limelight for themselves . They did not want any diversion. Secondly, (and the more plausible,) after the Trump's phone conversation fiasco with Nawaz , the Americans have learned a lesson and did not want a repeat performance :mrgreen:
PS: When Trump was unexpectedly declared winner, the Pakis dispatched one of their F.O. top honchos to NYC for personal congratulations. The emissary "parked" himself in a hotel near Trump Tower, waiting and waiting, but the call from Trump Advisors never came ! Had to fly "home" empty handed . :mrgreen:

And this just released - straight from the "horse's mouth" !

Donald Trump will not meet PM Nawaz Sharif: US embassy

The US Embassy in Islamabad and the US Consulates in Krachi, La- Whore and Peshwar are probably one of the few US Missions around the world, where they sometimes have to confirm or deny a report about" Pakistan's internal affair", play judge or jury among different state and non-state actors dominating the Paki political field, provide refuge and relief to the targets of the "wrath of the Paki Deep State ( Raza Rumi, Cyril Almeida ), and indulge in other unsavoury matters pertaining to the domestic matters of an sovereign state . No self respecting nation would kow-tow or allow such behaviour of a foreign power on their soil. No wonder the US is also called the maa - baap of Pakiland :mrgreen:
Last edited by Falijee on 22 May 2017 01:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Plan To "Get" Altaf Bhai Still On. :mrgreen:

Interior Ministry collects documents about Altaf’s anti-Pakistan speech
The Ministry of Interior has collected all the important documents regarding the controversial and anti-Pakistan speech of MQM-London chief Altaf Hussain on August 22 last year.It has also sped up the preparations for detailed reply to the objections of Interpol and again a letter will be written by June 15 for handing over Altaf Hussain to Pakistan.Sources told the agency that the interior ministry has accelerated the process of consultation with legal experts.They said the Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan himself was taking interest in the important matter and in this connection he has held meetings with several eminent lawyers.
Altaf, who has British Nationality, has been a thorn (kabaab mae haddi !) on the side of the Deep State. Upto now, they have tried everything. This "collect documents" is a new one !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

<Delete> double post.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

Falijee wrote:Let Down On Ganja-Trump Meet :roll:

FO denies news about Sharif-Trump meet at US-Islamic summit
PM Sharif slated to meet US President Trump in upcoming visit to Saudi Arabia
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and United States President Donald Trump will meet for the first time in Saudi Arabia, sources in the Foreign Office confirmed.
Left right hand. ... udi-arabia
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by CRamS »

Can't believe Congoon traitors would hire this Paki in favor of Salve, and this is what they did a few years back ... 770109.cms
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by SSridhar »

I do not understand the argument that approaching ICJ over Mr. Jadhav's case would internationalize Kashmir and Pakistan would take the case to ICJ now. Was Pakistan unaware of the ICJ option so far and did we open its eyes inadvertently now? Is that what these folks are saying? Pakistan has been 'threatening' to drag India to ICJ over every trivial Indo-Pak issue for decades now. Can those who claim that Pakistan now suddenly has a handle with ICJ, explain as to how and why did it miss the elephant in the room, Kashmir, so far?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by CRamS »

SSJi, I don't know about anybody on this forum, but when you have so called "experts" like Jyothi Malhotra or other clowns like Markannde Katju or Mani Shankar Aiyar harp on that, in their minds even they know something like Kashmir will be thrown out on whiff by ICJ. But yet they make the equivalence because its their way of saying sit down and talk to TSP which is a mantra they are obsessed with.

On another note, you commented on the Jihadi Zaidi's puke in the IE. What I find disgusting is first of all, why would IE give this punk a forum to spread TSP lies and propaganda? I mean inviting a Paki who will regurgitate ISI talking points is not an example of fair journalism to hear out all points of view. I am sure IE will not invite a rapist to give his side of the view after raping a woman. The other thing I notice is our idiots who go an puke in TSP newspapers are ever so sensitive to TSP that they write in a polite tone or for some traitors TSP newspapers are a forum to self flagellate and bash their country or ModiJi and BJP. But you never see those punks show any such sensitivity in fact they overtly provoke and display their false braggadocio. And moreover, WTF is Jihadi Zaidi to pontificate on why appointment of Doval is bad for India TSP relations. As if in anybody's else's place, TSP would have eliminated pigLeTs and agree to a reasonable solution to Kashmir.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by arun »

SSridhar wrote:I do not understand the argument that approaching ICJ over Mr. Jadhav's case would internationalize Kashmir and Pakistan would take the case to ICJ now. Was Pakistan unaware of the ICJ option so far and did we open its eyes inadvertently now? Is that what these folks are saying? Pakistan has been 'threatening' to drag India to ICJ over every trivial Indo-Pak issue for decades now. Can those who claim that Pakistan now suddenly has a handle with ICJ, explain as to how and why did it miss the elephant in the room, Kashmir, so far?

In agreement Sridhar.

I said as much when commenting here on BRF regards retired Supreme Court Justice Markandey Katju’s dhoti shivering face book post that dubiously claimed that India has somehow opened the door for the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan to advance its territorial claims on J&K through International legal fora/forum by taking up the case of Commander Kulbhushan Jadhav (Retired) who was kidnapped in Iran and given a kangaroo trial violating all manner of international legal standrads by the Uniformed Jihadi’s of the Punjabi dominated Army of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, at the ICJ.

Clicky For My BRF Post
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by arun »

Article on the Bilateral 2008 Agreement on Consular Access and its role in the case at the ICJ of Commander Kulbhushan Jadhav (Retired) who was kidnapped in Iran and given a kangaroo court trial violating all manner of international legal standards by the Uniformed Jihadi’s of the Punjabi dominated Army of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Article titled “Question at The Hague : The International Court of Justice must take a call on whether bilateral agreements override the Vienna Convention while deciding India-Pakistan face-off “ appears in the Indian Express and is written by Chintan Chandrachud who is described as an Associate at Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP, London.

In my opinion, If and that is a big If, the ICJ believes that the Bilateral 2008 Agreement on Consular Access overides and limits the consular access provisions of the Vienna Convention, India’s goose is well and truly cooked. Of course all this presumes that the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan first registers the Bilateral 2008 Agreement on Consular Access with the UN and thus formally enabling the ICJ to recognise that such an agreement actually exists:
There is no outright contradiction between the bilateral agreement and the Vienna Convention, suggesting that the scales may tip in India’s favour in the short-term. Yet, when it comes to the court making its ultimate decision, this issue may not be as easy to resolve. The bilateral agreement provides, somewhat ambiguously, that for arrests made on “political or security grounds”, the state may “examine the case on its merits”. Pakistan will no doubt argue that this effectively overrides the Vienna Convention’s obligation to provide consular access in national security cases, and enables it to deny any consular access to Jadhav.

India’s response is, therefore, likely to become the lynchpin of this case. First, it could argue that this provision of the bilateral agreement should be read narrowly since it could never have been the intention of the parties to enter an agreement that promotes the “objective of humane treatment”, while, at the same time, eroding existing safeguards. Second, even if the bilateral agreement allows countries to deny consular access in cases involving security, it surely cannot have been the intention that they could simply label any case with the “s” word and deny all consular access. In this scenario, Pakistan would be put to the test of demonstrating, through hard evidence, why Jadhav’s case genuinely falls within this characterisation.

There are also indications that Pakistan will argue that its denial of consular access is linked with India’s refusal to co-operate in the investigation. Moreover, in a press statement issued last month, the foreign affairs minister of Pakistan claimed that India has similarly denied consular access to many Pakistani nationals over the years. The strength of these arguments will ultimately depend upon whether Pakistan successfully convinces the Court that the bilateral agreement offers it discretion to deny consular access in cases of national security.

If the Court accepts the argument, then it is left with little choice but to hold that a clause that permits a state to withhold consular access entirely would naturally also permit it to withhold such access conditionally. But, if the Court decides that the provisions of the Vienna Convention apply, then these arguments collapse spectacularly. The right of consular access under the Convention is broadly-framed, and the Convention simply does not permit the right to be conditioned on good behaviour.
The article also points out the violations of international legal standards by the Uniformed Jihadi’s of the Punjabi dominated Army of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in their kangaroo court trial of Commander Kulbhushan Jadhav (Retired) who was kidnapped in Iran:
However, beneath the legal complexities of whether or not the bilateral agreement overrides the Vienna Convention lie a catalogue of procedural irregularities. Pakistani authorities took two weeks to register an FIR after Jadhav’s “confessional video statement” was first recorded. His confession was recorded before a magistrate only several months later. Most significantly, Pakistan has, upon its own admission, sentenced Jadhav after just four days of hearing. It is paradoxical to suggest, on the one hand, that Jadhav was convicted based on credible evidence beyond his “confession”, but, on the other hand, that his trial was completed in a matter of days. For any legal system to seek to conclude a trial involving multiple charges of terrorism within days is highly ambitious.
Chintan Chandrachud concludes by saying ”while the law is more finely balanced than we may have imagined at first glance, the equities clearly lie on this side of the border.”

Web Link here:

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by salaam »
Duration: 2 mins 36 s
Notice use of Baluchistan freedom fighters.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

Panama Papers issue raises political risks in Pakistan: WB
The World Bank on Sat­ur­day warned that the Panama Papers issue has “enhanced political risks in Pakis­tan” and created “some policy uncertainty”.
the bank cautioned that the country was “exposed to natural disasters, political events and terrorism” on the domestic front, while the upcoming national elections may affect “reform momentum and macroeconomic policy orientation
The bank is not the first international financial institution to warn that Panama Papers issue may have consequences for Pakistan’s growth
Natural disasters? The bank talking about natural disasters as a risk? This news story sounds like a plant by the sharif brothers. ... akistan-wb
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by saip »

SSridhar wrote:I do not understand the argument that approaching ICJ over Mr. Jadhav's case would internationalize Kashmir and Pakistan would take the case to ICJ now. Was Pakistan unaware of the ICJ option so far and did we open its eyes inadvertently now? Is that what these folks are saying? Pakistan has been 'threatening' to drag India to ICJ over every trivial Indo-Pak issue for decades now. Can those who claim that Pakistan now suddenly has a handle with ICJ, explain as to how and why did it miss the elephant in the room, Kashmir, so far?
I agree with you. The reason pakis did not get any relief in Atlanitque case was India said it did not agree to ICJ jurisdiction as the disputes between India and other Commonwealth States are excluded from its jurisdiction under 1974 treaty. As far as I know it still holds and Pakis know it.