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Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 08 Nov 2018 22:50
by Lalmohan
calls for sarah sanders to be sued for libel after uploading a clearly doctored video clip of Acosta 'accosting' the intern, from infowars

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 09 Nov 2018 04:40
by UlanBatori
Just tracking the Loyalty of CNN. Here's one impassioned item: 9:46AM the Morning After.
The entire White House press corps should walk out and stop indulging this bully
By Jane Merrick
And then Acosta himself did a :(( :(( to uberego Anderson Cooper.
I watched and heard that myself. Loved it. There were like 16 people sticking their hands up to ask a question and this asshole was mouthing off after he was politely requested to sit down.
Ultimately it's the President's press conference. The questions DO have to observe some basic decorum. Acosta did not. So I think Trump was absolutely right in calling him rude and asking him to sit down. I am surprised it was only an Intern that tried to take the mike away - the POTUS DID have a bunch of hefty Marines around who could have given Mr. Acosta an aerial Ballistic Exit straight on to Pennslvania Avenue.

So that was long overdue, IMO. What are they going to do about it? Vote against DT in the midterms to show displeasure? :rotfl:
The only sad thing is that Anderson Cooper was not bundled with Acosta in a flying exit.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 09 Nov 2018 04:44
by UlanBatori
And there comes the next Supreme Court Vacancy...
Going to be a bit hard getting this one through the House..... :roll:

She's EIGHTY-FIVE!!! Isn't that even older than the Queen of England, who stays on just to deny the crown to her brat Charlie?

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 09 Nov 2018 05:04
by Rishi_Tri
UlanBatori wrote:And there comes the next Supreme Court Vacancy...
Going to be a bit hard getting this one through the House..... :roll:

She's EIGHTY-FIVE!!! Isn't that even older than the Queen of England, who stays on just to deny the crown to her brat Charlie?
US Supreme Court appointments are confirmed through Senate, not House. Which is why Mr Trump went after Senate in Mid Terms and won it. Republicans have the majority in Senate now, which they didn't have earlier and all appointments, matters shall sail through.

But Justice Ginsburg is as tough as nails - has had ton of health issues but has taken it all.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 09 Nov 2018 06:29
by ramana
What do you guys think of the Southern California shooting in a bar by a veteran?

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 09 Nov 2018 07:13
by UlanBatori
One shuts out such non-positive news. Apparently it was ended by an officer who also died? Someone should plot these occurrences along with the toll, as f(position,time). Are they getting more frequent, and more lethal? Any geographic concentrations?
I bet if one went far back to the days of Marshal Dillon, such things happened pretty routinely, with entire households and then entire villages/towns wiped out by roving gangs. The lack of automatic rifles was a problem, but any shooting in a remote community left the victims bleeding to death with not much hope of rescue.
Since WW1 and the advent of the machine gun, mass-killing tech has really advanced this business. Chicago & Noo Yoik mob machinegun attacks presumably left several dead each time. There must have been many such events all over the West/MidWest/New Orleans etc. as well.
So have these become more frequent? Casualty toll really higher these days? Or just more TV/ coverage?

Apparently business IS booming, no pun intended, since 1999. May be correlated with Anthropogenic Climate Change?
Look at the rise in "legal intervention" gun deaths. Given that the total is like 31K per year, you expect to hear of nearly 600 (SIX HUNDRED) every week!!! We are clearly not even hearing of the vast majority, just a few here and there.
So there's the answer. 12 ppl getting murdered in a bar is a non-event in this context.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 09 Nov 2018 08:02
by Mort Walker
ramana wrote:What do you guys think of the Southern California shooting in a bar by a veteran?
The Las Vegas shooting last year at a open country music concert and the southern Cal shooting at a country and western bar tells us that some people really hate country music and it makes them crazy. The US should ban country music or distribute ice pics to those who want to poke out their ear drums.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 09 Nov 2018 11:34
by Gyan
I think Trump is getting diverted into excessive focus on Latin Migration which will hurt him in 2020

He needs to focus back into economy. Get good jobs for poor blacks, Latinos who feel being left out AND THEN make it into US Vs them, ie poor Vs rich rather than whites Vs non whites

It's extraordinary that Elitists are able to spin into pro poor image & are able to successfully support Chinese imports.

Trump should immediately impose across the board tariffs and get back control of narrative. If tariffs are not imposed or imposed late then economic data in 2020 will only show pain & no gain.

Take TESLA, if there are Tariffs then they will have to further expand in USA & not slowly take their production to China.

Even Apple might have to contribute something to US manufacturing economy.

Trump needs an enemy & China fits the bill.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 09 Nov 2018 12:42
by Yagnasri
UlanBatori wrote:And there comes the next Supreme Court Vacancy...
Going to be a bit hard getting this one through the House..... :roll:

She's EIGHTY-FIVE!!! Isn't that even older than the Queen of England, who stays on just to deny the crown to her brat Charlie?
Fractured ribs are not going to be attached easily at 85 years age. She may be very tough old lady but age is age. There may not be death but I fear she may be effectively out of picture for now or even permanently. In any event it make no difference as Conservatives already have a majority in the US SC with the BK confirmation.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 09 Nov 2018 14:01
by prahaar
UlanBatori wrote: Look at the rise in "legal intervention" gun deaths. Given that the total is like 31K per year, you expect to hear of nearly 600 (SIX HUNDRED) every week!!! We are clearly not even hearing of the vast majority, just a few here and there.
So there's the answer. 12 ppl getting murdered in a bar is a non-event in this context.
I remember hearing it on some news channel that it was the worst case of shooting in *do not be surprised* last 12 days! So many are being not making it to "national" media.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 09 Nov 2018 15:02
by Singha
car on fire and stabbing incident in CBD Melnbourne today before he was shot by police.



looks like a jain/buddhist of north african or west indian origin possibly :|


thats why i was saying watch the amazon prime "the purge" thing. the final two episodes are epic.... a laid off manufacturing lead rounds up all who offended him over the past year and puts them on trial - confess and get mercy or die. their faults range from walking out after a tinder date, not saying "thank you" when he opened the door for them at a grocery or even being overheard wasting money buying a too costly baby crib (ie being a rich overclass exploiter) ..... watch it from the start .... americana in full glory ....

We wear these masks to commemorate those who paved the way and Purged before it was legal. They risked their freedom because they knew the incredible, life-changing, healing power of violence, of killing!
Mrs. Stanto

there are a lot of heavily armed people out there with "grievieances" willing to embrace the "healing power of violence" and purge.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 09 Nov 2018 15:09
by Singha

sparta eternal sparta...
Every autumn, according to Plutarch (Life of Lycurgus, 28, 3–7), the Spartan ephors would pro forma declare war on the helot population so that any Spartan citizen could kill a helot without fear of punishment. At night, the chosen kryptes (κρύπτες, members of the Krypteia) were sent out into the Laconian countryside armed with knives with the instructions to kill any helot they encountered and to take any food they needed. They were specifically told to kill the strongest and best of the helots. This practice was instigated to prevent the threat of a rebellion by the helots and to keep their population in check.
According to Cartledge, Krypteia members stalked the helot villages and surrounding countryside, spying on the servile population. Their mission was to prevent and suppress unrest and rebellion. Troublesome helots could be summarily executed. Such brutal repression of the helots permitted the Spartan elite to successfully control the servile agrarian population and devote themselves to military practice. It may also have contributed to the Spartans' reputation for stealth since a kryptes (κρύπτης) who got caught was punished by whipping

Only Spartans who had served in the Krypteia as young men could expect to achieve the highest ranks in Spartan society and army. It was felt that only those Spartans who showed the willingness and ability to kill for the state at a young age were worthy to join the leadership in later years.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 09 Nov 2018 18:55
by komal
Illinois will provide a stark contest in life between blue and red.

Democrats with super majority in state legislature and with Democratic governor are going to legalize marijuana, enable sports betting, etc. to increase tax revenues.

In contrast, in neighboring Indiana, women of color can be jailed for having miscarriages.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 09 Nov 2018 23:32
by Amber G.
prahaar wrote:
I remember hearing it on some news channel that it was the worst case of shooting in *do not be surprised* last 12 days! So many are being not making it to "national" media.
Thousand Oaks shooting is the 307th mass shooting in 2018 (today is 311th day of 2018) Link

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 10 Nov 2018 05:01
by Mort Walker
^^^There are those that say it is the blood of our children which is the price of freedom.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 10 Nov 2018 05:05
by Mort Walker
komal wrote:Illinois will provide a stark contest in life between blue and red.

Democrats with super majority in state legislature and with Democratic governor are going to legalize marijuana, enable sports betting, etc. to increase tax revenues.

In contrast, in neighboring Indiana, women of color can be jailed for having miscarriages.
Illinois Democrats have a history of corruption. In 4 years the new governor will most likely be in jail. Outside of Chicago area and Urbana-Champaign, most of Illinois is undesirable.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 10 Nov 2018 07:07
by UlanBatori
What is this 307th bijnej? Must be in Thousand Oaks CA, or maybe LA area. Look at Chicago stats: 480 HOMICIDES in 2018.
Did someone point to the exemplary peaceful nature of Illinois (home of Chicago)? :roll:

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 10 Nov 2018 10:03
by Singha
The melbourne knife artiste is ided as a somali born immigrant and known radical who had some intent to join isis in syria but r syrian army clubbed isis so he stayed back and simmered until yesterdays Purge

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 10 Nov 2018 11:13
by ramana
Melbourne Florida?

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 10 Nov 2018 13:06
by komal
Mort Walker wrote:
komal wrote:Illinois will provide a stark contest in life between blue and red.

Democrats with super majority in state legislature and with Democratic governor are going to legalize marijuana, enable sports betting, etc. to increase tax revenues.

In contrast, in neighboring Indiana, women of color can be jailed for having miscarriages.
Illinois Democrats have a history of corruption. In 4 years the new governor will most likely be in jail. Outside of Chicago area and Urbana-Champaign, most of Illinois is undesirable.
Yes, there is absolutely no history of corruption in the GOP in Illinois or in DC.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 10 Nov 2018 20:10
by Mort Walker
^^^Nice goal post shifting. It is Illinois that one is extolling the virtues of. The Chicago suburbs are fine, but the city itself is a mess (high murder rates and horrible schools) and the entire state has been under Democratic party control since the last 60 years. Crime and corruption are synonymous with Illinois. The state as a whole is suffering from large debt, declining population (again only the affluent suburbs of Chicago are the exception), and declining property values. The state is going to be hit with even more taxes to aggrevate the situation even more. Businesses will move out and people of Indian origin will leave too. The economic and social outlook and data for IL is negative and a Democratic supermajority will make it worse.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 10 Nov 2018 21:57
by Rishi_Tri ... 3-percent/

The US brought in $192.3 billion from weapon sales last year, up 13 percent
By: Aaron Mehta   1 day ago

WASHINGTON — Combined weapon sales from American companies for fiscal 2018 were up 13 percent over fiscal 2017 figures, netting American firms $192.3 billion, according to new numbers released Thursday by the State Department.

The department previously announced that FY18 brought in $55.66 billion in foreign military sales, an uptick of 33 percent over FY17’s $41.93 billion. Through the Foreign Military Sales process, the U.S. government serves as a go-between for foreign partners and American industry.
What had not been released until now is the total direct commercial sales, the process through which foreign customers can directly buy systems from industry. Those figures topped $136.6 billion for FY18, a 6.6 percent increase from FY17’s $128.1 billion.

The Trump administration has made selling American defense goods abroad a key plank of its governance plan, under the guiding principal that “economic security is national security.” Earlier this year, the department rolled out its new Conventional Arms Transfer policy, or CAT, as well as new guidance for selling unmanned systems, with the explicit goal of increasing arms sales.

However, tying this year’s figures to the CAT changes may be a stretch. Sales can fluctuate year by year because of the size of certain weapons packages; a pair of large Saudi Arabian purchases in 2012 famously set that year up for a massive $287 billion annual total.

And there has already been steady growth each of the last three years, even before the Trump administration’s reforms kicked in, with $148.6 billion in total sales in FY16; $170 billion in FY17; and $192.2 billion in FY18.

A State Department official, speaking on background ahead of the official release of these figures, acknowledged to Defense News that these figures can’t be tied directly to changes in policy, noting they represent a “dynamic picture” and that the department is aware there are some factors “we do not control.”

Still, the official expressed confidence that as the CAT policy is enacted, it will lead to a natural growth in sales. How much, however, is hard to nail down.

I don’t want to speculate on a particular goal that we’re looking at” for FY19, the official said. “We think a 13 percent increase is a significant increase year over year. We’d like to maintain that pace, but there are other factors that go into a given set of annual numbers, so I’m hesitant to give a target goal.”

Thanks to both the CAT changes and export reform efforts beginning under the Obama administration, there are more options for countries to use direct commercial sales, or DCS, for their procurements.

Asked if that meant DCS might grow as FMS cases drop, the official said that is “one dynamic” under review, but noted that “as certain systems start going through DCS, you’ll have new systems backfilling the FMS queue.”

“Things may transfer more on DCS direction, but new systems, new capabilities, will be preferred to be kept in the FMS channel,” the official added.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 10 Nov 2018 23:48
by UlanBatori
Read and weep. At least $5B? $15B? of that is from desh.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 11 Nov 2018 00:35
by ramana
Its bakshesh. Relax things are in process.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 11 Nov 2018 00:48
by Mort Walker
ramana wrote:Its bakshesh. Relax things are in process.
Not necessarily. India mostly buys defensive weapon systems and military transport systems from the US. They are effective and are the best value of any supplier anywhere. The US defense contractors deliver on time and on budget. Which is a big deal.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 11 Nov 2018 01:35
by UlanBatori
I wonder how much, say a Poseidon sub with a full complement of mijjiles and a 30-year maintenance program, would go for. I mean, really world-beating capabilities. Instant Strategic Detergent.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 11 Nov 2018 07:44
by Singha
You would not want a deterrent with uncle holding the keys

Such a useless toy would elicit a loud fart from cheen

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 11 Nov 2018 08:04
by UlanBatori
I meant for the sovereign People's Republic of, say, Seychelles.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 11 Nov 2018 09:00
by Karthik S
Mort Walker wrote:
ramana wrote:Its bakshesh. Relax things are in process.
Not necessarily. India mostly buys defensive weapon systems and military transport systems from the US. They are effective and are the best value of any supplier anywhere. The US defense contractors deliver on time and on budget. Which is a big deal.
Why don't we buy offensive weapons then? You missed the point as to why we ONLY buy defensive and transports from US.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 11 Nov 2018 18:08
by UlanBatori
Maybe one could revisit the story of Aromal Chekavar, legendary herrow of Malloostan? Or even Karna of MB?

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 11 Nov 2018 23:36
by Gyan
Purchase from USA of offensive weapons

Asraam - mainly USA components
LCA engines
Naval turbine engines

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 06:03
by UlanBatori
I don't know about the "laid hand on InternHouri" claim, but the guy was bloody obnoxious; made my skin crawl seeing him KEEP ON ranting after he had been given more than enough time to do his :(( . Trump said several times, there are other people who want to ask questions, you've had your turn, hand over the mic, etc. He ignored all that. After he had been told off, and the mic taken away and Trump pointed to another questioner, the asshole kept on ranting loudly. I was amazed that the WHOTUS depended on one little houri to take the mic, not the Marine Guards. I wonder which of TheirHonners in the court would tolerate that sort of behavior: any Counsel who didn't STFU when asked 2 do so would find themselves removed by 3 hefty dudes and behind bars in no time. Seems to have some notions of himself that are probably not sustainable.

For the unique Histerical Perpective that UBCN brings: Back in the dins of the Dubya 1 (The Dubya's Poppa) POTUS Bush was considered to be a wimp. As Ronald Reagan's sidekick he had been forced to be silent as a mouse, next to the great extrovert Movie Star. CBS' Dan Rather, then larger than Acosta and Anderson Cooper both inflated together, used to be about 30% as obnoxious as Acosta. He called Bush to an interview at CBS Studio. And tried asking him something that Bush obviously was not going to answer (I can't remember what: there was a looooooong list of stuff that Bush wanted to avoid). Got really sneering and intrusive.
Rather had been set up: Bush had come super-prepared. Proceeded to give him an explosive de-briefing on prime time TV.
Result: Bush's ratings shot up, he was no longer considered a wimp. Which was the point of the exercise. Rather was used and tossed.
Americans regardless of party, cheered that someone had put the pompous ass in its place after kicking it all over the field.

As for Rather? Did a free-fall from power, out of CBS, and is now dead, I believe. CBS has slid from unquestioned #1 in the traditions of Walter Cronkite, to a distant third or 5th.
The irony is that Sam Donaldson, who rose to eminence as ABC WHOTUS correspondent in Ronald Reagan's time, is now pontificating on this. SAM DONALDSON! Whenever CBS asked a nasty question, Reagan would ignore them and point to his favorite: SAM!
The joke in those days was that
Sam Donaldson and his wife are both in love with the same man.

Talk about ass-kisser. By Appointment To His Mightiness The POTUS.
This is American piskology. You can be successful, etc etc, (Dan Rather was the first $1M+ TV Anchor, I think) but you DON'T Biss on the POTUS. You are not elected, he is. You may be a Big Pr1ck of Media, but at the end of day u r just a Pr1ck. He is the POTUS. "Kamandu In Chief". Mess with him, u r messing with us.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 11:57
by Yagnasri
There is on dialogue in the movie where some asteroid hit earth, i forgot its name where in Morgan Freemen acts as president and he says to the lady journalist who was standing with him "You and I seem to at the same level now. But it just and just appears that way". I do not understand the ego of these press fellows who think that they are equal or more than equal to the elected leaders and all others. This is same almost anywhere.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 21:35
by Mort Walker
Gyan wrote:Purchase from USA of offensive weapons

Asraam - mainly USA components
LCA engines
Naval turbine engines
These are small limited purchases. The Harpoons are on the P-8I and Hellfire should be mostly on the Apache. Even the Apache numbers are limited.
Compared to Turkey and SA who have made major offensive weapon system purchases.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 22:49
by Skanda
Officer shoots, kills armed security guard outside south suburban bar
I dont know how it went from this
After security asked a group of drunken men to leave Manny’s Blue Room Bar around 4 a.m. Sunday, witnesses said someone came back with a gun and opened fire. Security returned fire, and according to witnesses, 26-year-old armed security guard Jemel Roberson apprehended one of the men involved outside.
to this
Soon after, witnesses said, an officer responding to the scene fired at Roberson — killing him.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 22:52
by Skanda
To the Mongolian herd leader.

You really make my day. I come to this thread sometimes only to read your posts and quips.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 23:15
by kiranA
UlanBatori wrote:CNN suing WHOTUS
I don't know about the "laid hand on InternHouri" claim, but the guy was bloody obnoxious; made my skin crawl seeing him KEEP ON ranting after he had been given more than enough time to do his :(( . Trump said several times, there are other people who want to ask questions, you've had your turn, hand over the mic, etc. He ignored all that. After he had been told off, and the mic taken away and Trump pointed to another questioner, the asshole kept on ranting loudly. I was amazed that the WHOTUS depended on one little houri to take the mic, not the Marine Guards. I wonder which of TheirHonners in the court would tolerate that sort of behavior: any Counsel who didn't STFU when asked 2 do so would find themselves removed by 3 hefty dudes and behind bars in no time. Seems to have some notions of himself that are probably not sustainable.
Come on UB ji. You are letting yourself too seduced by Trump showmanship on display. Remember Trump is a media made man with successful media shows - especially sensationalist media - he knows how to conduct before cameras - show swag, entertainment and have people eat out of his hands. But we can be better than that.

The guy wasnt obnoxious at all but was just trumped by on stage theatrics of Trump. No sooner had Acosta said few words Trump groaned him " Here we go, here we go" setting the stage for a pesky reporter against a "no nonsense" president. Acosta was not given even the dignity of saying or completing his question beyond a few words. The basic premise of Acosta question was indeed solid. Now USA has the soverign right as to who it admits within its borders but why would anyone describe a group of bedraggled women, children and men fleeing from violence torn countries walking unarmed with a clear intent of seeking refuge as an "invasion"? . Moreover how can the President whose primary job is to defend USA be so cavalier with words such as "Invasion" ? Shouldnt that be followed with a declaration of war? But Trump dismisses it as "opinion" and gets away with it.

Acosta was correct to bring it up but he was humiliated, manhandled for it and still made to look like he is the irritant by brilliant showmanship. You can see how obama handles a far more hostile question .

Having said that I love how American presidents actually have this level of engagement and take open questions from reporters whether it is Trump or Obama.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 12 Nov 2018 23:41
by Gyan
I think situation of Trump is of a democratic leader facing insurrection by warlords err money lords. Last 50 years only top 1% in USA got rich. Trump might upset the apple cart.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 13 Nov 2018 03:27
by UlanBatori
All of us here (I believe) know what it is like to work for a large organization. You can do a lot of things, but if you corner the Big Boss in public, that is crossing a line that cannot be crossed. Right or wrong, they **HAVE** to squash you like "bug under a rug" or face immense loss of credibility. How DOES Obama handle such? See the latest: By saying: "I don't know why you come to my meetings. Why don't you go to the other guy's meeting?" Acosta does not have to go on for an hour for Trump to figure out that he is blatantly hostile: please review his Editorials: he has long-since totally "lost it" and uses sheer obscenities referring to the POTUS. That is way beyond crossing the line. (if he were on a certain phorum of my acquaintance he would have been sent to the cooler long ago) :eek: . If you call your company's big boss a ******* in public, then come to his meting and grab the mike and start a question, you should know that the boot is coming at your mouth at supersonic speed.

Yeah, the question that he was asking was not a question, it was his DECLARATION that DT has no right to cancel birthright citjenship, IIRC. No way was DT going to answer that, and Acosta should have seen that he was walking into the cave with that one. Only question was the FORM of the kick that was coming. As it is, I think it was waaaaay below the belt to accuse him of manhandling the Intern-Houri.

FYI, Ronald Reagan's gang had set up a system where entrance to the WHOTUS press conferences was essentially **By Invitation***. Did anyone sue for that? No, they were too eager to fall over each other pushing and shoving and kissing behinds to get those invites - like Sam Donaldson so successfully did. Worked wonders for Reagan's media "image". Write bad things, don't plan on being in the WHOTUS Press Corps. So I think Trump has been amazingly lax in not kicking Acosta out long ago: I think he figures that Acosta becomes the poster boy for his "fake news" claim. Latin naam, out of control temper (read his opeds), intemperate language, super-ego. He just decided that it was time to deliver the kick, like he did to that other obnoxious bibi Kelly whatzit who has now got kicked out by - NBC, was it?

What Trump did was a well-rehearsed, practised school-teacher-type "CNN should be ashamed", etc. Message: CNN brass need to apologize privately, and kick Acosta out. Stay tuned..... let's hold our breaths and see whether CNN is about PRINCIPLE or $$$.

And no, I am not **enamored of** DT or anyone else. But would you deny that he is the Cartoonist's dream, hain? Just a very interesting study in how someone with no respect for DC ways, deals with the Power of the WHOTUS while he has it. It's like watching Sehwag or Jayasurya bat against fast bowlers.

Re: Understanding the US - Again

Posted: 13 Nov 2018 03:35
by UlanBatori
And see: the warning signs were there...
Jim Acosta’s Dangerous Brand of Performance Journalism
The CNN reporter is speaking truth to power—but he’s also amplifying the president’s anti-press campaign.
I think he has been speaking a one-sided political version of "the truth". More to the point, he - and CNN incl, famously, Anderson Cooper - are in the business of "Creating Negative News". See what the Raj woman did at SabariMala, until her cameraman refused to go on and turned back when faced with causing harm to children (she had no such sense). Acosta was not there to ask the President a question to which The American Public Deserves To Have The Answer. He was there to Create the Negative News of Jim Acosta Asking the POTUS an Obnoxious Question And Become a Martyr.

I agree with this small part of that article:
But acknowledge this also, please: Whenever a reporter who has not been kidnapped by terrorists, shot by an assailant, or won a big prize becomes an actor in her own story, she has lost the fight. Or in this case, reinforced the {wonderfully foxnusical} feedback loop that has convinced Trump’s most fervent supporters that his relentless brief against the press has merit: FAKE NEWS! SAD!