Iran News and Discussions

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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by Y. Kanan »

uddu wrote:The liberation of Iran can begin now.
Some here claim the Iranians to be liberals etc. They are still an Islamic country. The people May be to a certain extent when compared to Saudi Arabia. Most want to get out of the Arabian enforced ideology to their roots. That's they still consider Ahura Mazda to be their god. It's better to have a Parsi Iran than an Islamic one. Let the liberation begin. If the liberating forces can get to make Iran a liberal democracy, then this change can take place within a very short period of time. I'm all for a war that eliminates the current system in existence.
The after effects are Many. The west will never need Pakistan anymore. No more baksheesh. No more terrorists. And no more terroristan. If Iran gets liberated, the dismemberment of Pakistan can begin with much ease and the nuke threat from there will be eliminated.
There will be peace all over the world.
First of all, explain how bombing Iran will lead to regime change. History and common sense would suggest that such an attack would see Iranians of all stripes rallying to the defense of their country and would discredit the moderate opposition for at least a decade. It would greatly strengthen the current regime's hold on Iran.

But for the sake of argument let's pretend that regime change could somehow be affected in Tehran. How does this lead to the dismemberment of Pakistan and elimination of their nuclear arsenal? You're making quite a rediculous leap there...
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by Arav »

What are the Saudis really looking for in Baghdad?
Saudi Arabia’s recent decision to appoint an envoy to Baghdad after nearly 20 years of strained relations is another component in the country’s general policy to counterbalance Iran’s influence in the Middle East.

Riyadh is ostensibly trying to restore its diplomatic relations with Iraq, which were suspended when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990.

The two countries’ ties have been more strained since the 2003 U.S. invasion toppled Saddam’s Sunni-dominated government and Iraq voted in a new Shia-led government, which cultivated a good relationship with Iran and altered the focus of the country’s foreign policy.

Due to the volatile situation in the Middle East and North Africa, the Saudis are extremely concerned about Iran’s increasing spiritual influence in the region, especially the inspiration that the popular uprisings have received from Iran’s Islamic Revolution of 1979.

And since the beginning of the Syria crisis, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, backed by Western governments, have done their utmost to topple the country’s popular government.

The Saudis’ inclination toward Iraq is just a ploy meant to convince Iraqi officials to take sides with the regional anti-Syria front, which includes most of the Sunni Arab governments and Turkey and is massively backed by the United States and its European allies. If Iraq turned on Syria, it would facilitate the efforts to increase the pressure on Iran, which is one of the main supporters of Syria’s resistance against Israel.

However, the Iraqi people and government feel a deep connection with Iran due to the close cultural and political relations between the two countries. From the very beginning of the war on Iraq in 2003, Iran used every means at its disposal to counter the U.S.-led occupation. Over the past few years, Iran has been very helpful to its western neighbor in its reconstruction process and in its efforts to end the occupation. Thus, the current state of diplomatic relations between the two countries can be described as very friendly.

Many political analysts believe that the main reason for the failure of the anti-Syria campaign is Saudi Arabia’s hypocritical stance toward regional uprisings. In order to survive the political tsunami sweeping across the region and to stifle its own citizens’ complaints about its ironfisted rule, the monarchist system of Saudi Arabia has invested millions of dollars to prevent any real democratic change from occurring in Bahrain and Yemen.

In addition, Riyadh has moved closer to the U.S. and Israel in order to eliminate the resistance front in the region, which has always been regarded as the greatest threat to the Camp David order, which took shape after 1979. This order actually facilitated the continuation of authoritarian rule in a number of Arab states, including Saudi Arabia and Qatar, over the past few decades.

But on the opposite side, Iran is opposed to all the threats to Syria and the broader resistance front, which it believes will serve as the key to the final collapse of Israel and the liberation of the people of the Muslim world.

Thus, the ruse of Riyadh’s decision to appoint an envoy to Iraq and to propose an exchange of prisoners with the country is bound to fail. Many Iraqi Shias hate the Saudi government due to its military intervention in Bahrain, which is helping Manama in its suppression of the pro-democracy protests.

The question is: What are the Saudis really looking for in Baghdad?
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by shiv »

uddu wrote:I'm all for a war that eliminates the current system in existence.
The after effects are Many. The west will never need Pakistan anymore. No more baksheesh. No more terrorists. And no more terroristan. If Iran gets liberated, the dismemberment of Pakistan can begin with much ease and the nuke threat from there will be eliminated.
There will be peace all over the world.
Uddu ji. You want the US to "liberate" iran so that India's Pakistan problem will be solved? What i like about your idea is that it is an open admission that the Pakistan problem exists because the west needs Pakistan. If the west does not need Pakistan any more- no more Pakistan problem.

The US is too weak to do that unfortunately. The US needs Pakistan as an ally to do many things. It will continue to need Pakistan as an ally to attack Iran. if Pakistan falls into the "Indian camp" and real peace is achieved with Pakistan, US plans in Pakistan and Iran are toast. So Pakistan must always live in fear of the India and forever depend on the US which will use Pakistan for bases and use the Sunni mercenary army of Pakistan against Iran.

The Islamic world is too stupid to understand geopolitics. Feed the leaders with sex toys and dolls, and they will give you entire armies to do your job.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by Rony »

Israeli diplomat attack: Indian journalist with Iran link held
The arrest of an Indian journalist reportedly working for an Iranian publication, in connection with a February 13 attack on an Israeli diplomat, has made India's tightrope walk on Iran a lot more difficult. Questioned on the subject, the MEA spokesperson was tight-lipped, merely saying, "the investigation which led to arrest of one person is also pursuing several other leads. No conclusions can be drawn at this stage."
This should not be taken lightly. Iran has breached India's trust and taken us for granted.What is much more worrying is it has cultivated assests in India to be used for terrorist activites. These assests needs to be ruthlessly crushed. Does any one have any information who this "Indian" ( a shia ? ) journalist is what Iranian publication he is working for ?
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by Rony »

Iran's Quds Force responsible for Delhi car bomb attack?
According to the Delhi police, Mohammad Ahmed Kazmi, the journalist who was arrested in connection with the blast, was a turning point in the investigation. A source informed that he has now divulged information regarding the attack.

The investigators are looking into the possibility of the Quds Force, a shadowy unit of the Iranian Army and an Islamic revolutionary force, and the Hezbollah of Lebanon into the attack.

Officials however point out that the links to the Quds Force look more of a possibility at the moment when compared to an operation by the Hezbollah. According to Kazmi, he had provided logistic support to men from Iran, but he was unsure as to which outfit the men belonged to.

The indications at the moment point towards the Quds Force. According to Indian Intelligence, the Hezbolla is an outfit which reports to the Iran intelligence. Looking at the diplomatic ties between Iran and India, it is unlikely that Iran would approve of an attack on Indian soil even if it meant that the targets were Israelis.

The Quds Force on the other hand is looking to make its point heard loud and has shown signs of expanding into other countries.

This force was created during the war of Iran with Iraq. Their area of operation remained largely in Iraq and they had helped the Kurds in their battle against former Iraq President Saddam Hussein. However, after Saddam's death, they found themselves wanting for a cause and decided to take on Israel and use the Palestine cause.

Traces of their involvement were seen in the Soviet-Afghan war, the Yugoslav war and the fight against the Serbs.

Today the Quds Force has a strength of around 15,000. They are not directly under the control of the Iran militia at least for now, although the regime in Iran had supported them in the 1980's during the Iran-Iraq war.

The latest on Quds Force's agenda is the battle for Palestine. It appears that they have decided to wage a war against Israel on a large scale and hence could have carried out a series of attacks in India, Georgia and also Thailand.

The attacks were to test the waters and also make their presence felt. However, it appears to be a deliberate attempt that they have maintained a low key despite these attacks and there was no official proclamation from the group claiming responsibility for the attack.

Either there is no full fledged involvement or it is a deliberate ploy to keep the heat low, Indian Intelligence Bureau officials point out.

Sources say that the Quds Force is well-equipped to carry out operations worldwide. They have primarily been known for their skills on the battlefield and recently have shown signs of being able to stage operations through remote control overseas.

Speaking of their operations in India, it becomes clear that some west Asian groups have been carrying out surveys here. Their target has not been India itself, but Israelis and American citizens living in India.

Israel, in particular has been paranoid about this development, and have sent in many of their trained citizens for counter-terror operations undercover. Similarly, Irani terror groups have been in India for collecting logistic details, funds and looking for new recruits.

The Quds Force may have picked people of Iranian origin living in India to provide them details and information of their targets. Kazmi is such an example, the police say.

If Kazmi's statements are to be believed, then it becomes clear that the attack was staged by an Iranian force, since under interrogation he said that the attackers fled to Iran after the incident.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by Hitesh »

If that's the case, oil or no oil, a strong message must be sent to Iran. If MMS can't even do that, I know I sound like a broken record, then MMS is the weakest leader in the world in history of all time.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by ArunK »

Please see this interview of Trita Parsi on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart ... ew---pt--1 ... ew---pt--2

The book in question ... 00169361#_

Trita Parsi is the president of the National Iranian American Council. He explains how skepticism gets in the way of diplomatic negotiations between America and Iran. He gives details of two incidents:

1. In 2003, just after Saddam Hussain was killed, Iran sent a comprehensive proposal to the US via the Swiss that laid bare all issues and offering negotiations on all issues between the US and Iran. They basically wanted to wipe the slate clean and start afresh. They admitted to support to Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad and agreed to terminate that support as a starting move. They also agreed to cease much of the nuclear activities if they can get help with civilian applications of nuclear power like nuclear medicine and power generation. But apparently the Bush administration believed that it was a sign of weakness and also that it was a sign that Iran would fall easily to American military might and outright rejected it and refused to talk.

2. As recently as 2009, Obama administration had proposed a solution to Iran's nuclear medicine requirements as well as nuclear power issues. It involved Iran handing over its stock of LEU to the US. Then US would send it to Russia to convert to Fuel pads which in turn would give it to France and who would then supply these Fuel Pads to Iran. Iran rejected this proposal outright because they wanted France out of the picture completely. However, at the same time the Obama administration asked Brazil and Turkey to help speak to Iran. Brazil and Turkey did talk to Iran and got an agreement from Iran to accept the Obama proposal and they were very excited to report back their success when they learned that just 2 days before the US had gotten Russia and China to agree to sanctions. So now the Obama administration had to choose between the agreement reached by Brazil and Turkey and the sanctions and ended up choosing the sanctions.

All I can say is this, this is not a black and white situation, *LOTS* of shades of gray. I feel comfortable with India’s position here. We will turn out to be on the right side in the long run.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by CRamS »

ArunK wrote:
All I can say is this, this is not a black and white situation, *LOTS* of shades of gray. I feel comfortable with India’s position here. We will turn out to be on the right side in the long run.
As always you must view US policy through only its immutable facet: US empire's interest. And one component of this is the supremacy of Israel in the mid east. So what does this mean?

1. Iran has accepted the colonial diktat, namely, Iran cannot have nukes. Those are reserved only for the whites, and those who they sanction can have like TSP to balance India's. So Iran is not even going to try. The issue is not Iran's nukes per se. As you point out, Iran is willing to bare open its nuke soul. What Iran is fighting for is some civilizational H&D. Even that US wants to grant if at all on its and Isarel's terms

2. What US and Israel want is a complete castrated Iran with no sense of nationalism, with unadulterated acceptance of Israeli/US hegemony, unquestioned acceptance of the colossal injustice inflicted on Palestinians. I mean no questioning of that, ever.

3. #2 can be achieved because there is a significant section of the Iranian populace, the TFTA opposition. Just listen to NPR where many of these expatriate TFTA "Iranains" give their opinion, you'll understand what I mean. Just like RNIs, with "Iranians" like that, Iran does not need any enemies

4. So what US wants is a regime change with the current mullah/nationalist govt replaced by pliant TFTA loyalists who will not question US/Israel's hegemony, much less even talk about Palestinians' dignity and human rights.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by Samudragupta »

Iran is doing the same thing what the Rajputs did in India post Akbar....US and Israel are not Iran's enemy...neither Iran is the enemy of Israel....and both party knows this....on the contary.....Iran looks upon India as a model to emulate...nuclear nationalism of Iran closely matches that of India...only difference in the approach is due to the geography of the two states... on the way to recreate the Persian Empire...Persia is going to be the greatest bulwark for the Americans that will keep the check of Europe in the West....Russia in the North....China in the East and India in the South.....

Seig Heil..... :evil:
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by Arav »

Iran, India Facing Extensive Opportunities for Developing Trade Ties
A senior Indian official reiterated his country's enthusiasm for the further development of economic relations with Iran, and said both countries are facing extensive opportunities to further increase their bilateral trade relations.

Secretary of India's Ministry of Commerce and Industry Arvind Mehta made the remark in a meeting with a group of Iranian and Indian businessmen and experts in Tehran.

Mehta put the current level of bilateral transactions at $15 billion, and said the value of India-Iran transactions will hit $25 billion in the next four years.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by Arav »

Iran, India agree to replace dollar partially with rupee in trade deals
"At the moment, we have around $12 billion worth of trade exchanges with India," Sobhani was quoted as saying on the sidelines of a meeting between a visiting 70-member Indian trade delegation and Iranian commercial and banking institutions.

"Some part of the exchanges will be directly in rupees and this will be beneficial for both the two countries," he added.

"It has been said that the two countries' trade will reach $25 billion in the next four years. I believe this will happen earlier," Sobhani said.

"We are looking for a solution to use any currency that would be in our interest and not cause problems. The rupee is one of those [currencies]," he added.

The agency quoted Sobhani as saying "by replacing the dollar with the rupee many middle channels in Iran-India trade will be removed."
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by Arav »

Iran, India to build International North-South Corridor

India is making a concerted push into Central Asia by taking charge of a crucial transportation network through Iran into the region and beyond. After getting an enthusiastic thumbs up from 14 stakeholder countries in the region in January, experts from all the countries will meet in New Delhi on March 29 to put final touches to the project known as the International North-South Corridor.

The project envisages a multi-modal transportation network that connects ports on India's west coast to Bandar Abbas in Iran, then overland to Bandar Anzali port on the Caspian Sea; thence through Rasht and Astara on the Azerbaijan border onwards to Kazakhstan, and further onwards towards Russia. Once complete, this would connect Europe and Asia in a unique way -- experts estimate the distance could be covered in 25-30 days in what currently takes 45-60 days through the Suez Canal.

In the January meeting, Sanjay Singh (secretary east, MEA) and Rahul Khullar (commerce secretary) told Iran that India would take charge of the project, including building the missing sections of the railway and road link in Iran. Thanks to U.S. sanctions on Iran's oil sector, India is finding it difficult to pay for its oil imports with hard currency. One of the best ways of paying for Iranian oil is through infrastructure projects like the corridor, which serves economic and strategic interests of all states concerned.

This has been a win-win proposition for India since the North-South Corridor agreement was signed between India, Iran and Russia in September 2000. But over the years, the project fell into disuse. Iran made little attempt to complete construction on its side, expending little political or administrative energy. Neither did Russia or India, which preferred to talk about it but did little to push it. Meanwhile, 11 other countries, including all the Central Asian states, joined up.

Several recent developments have changed India's timid approach. First, China has been building an extensive road and railway network through Central Asia, aiming to touch Europe. It's fast, efficient and already on the ground. While this has made Central Asia accessible to China and others, it is worrying these countries no end. Over the past few years, Central Asian states have repeatedly approached India to play the balancing role. Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan actually gave an oil block, Satpaev, to India on strategic considerations.

Second, with Pakistan in a state of almost chronic instability, India can never hope to access Central Asia through Pakistan. Its best bet remains Iran. Building a big-ticket infrastructure corridor is a reaffirmation of Indian commitment to the relationship with Iran.

Meena Singh Roy, senior fellow at IDSA, who is closely connected with the project, said, "The potential of this corridor will be manifold with India, Myanmar and Thailand getting linked by road. This will boost trade between Europe and South East Asia as well."

The North-South Corridor, which can be described as part of the "new great game", is now a battle for "power, hegemony, profits and resources", as a senior official put it. Quite apart from opening up new markets for India, the corridor could also be used to transport energy resources to India -- from oil, gas to uranium and other industrial metals.
In the forthcoming expert-level meetings in Delhi, Indian officials expect to finalize issues of customs and other commercial infrastructure. India has now agreed to provide all this expertise.

Simultaneously, India is eyeing two other transit and transportation networks from Central Asia -- all of them going through Iran. One is a Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan Corridor -- a 677-km railway line connecting these countries with Iran and the Persian Gulf. It will link Uzen in Kazakhstan with Gyzylgaya-Bereket-Etrek in Turkmenistan and end at Gorgan in Iran's Golestan province.

The second comes in from Uzbekistan through northern Afghanistan, known as the Northern Distribution Network through which the U.S. and NATO currently route 70% of their supplies for the ISAF forces. But after the U.S. and NATO exit Afghanistan in 2014, India plans to extend this route to link up with the Zaranj-Delaram road that enters Iran.

India has been pushing Iran to complete construction of the Chahbahar port, which is crucial for these corridors to work to India's advantage. Iran has been notoriously slow in taking these up but India expects that in its current isolation, Iran could do a rethink.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by Austin »

The Spymaster: Meir Dagan on Iran's threat
In a rare interview, ex-chief of Mossad Meir Dagan speaks out against a preemptive strike against Iranian nuclear facilities anytime soon. He says the Iranian regime is rational in its own way. Lesley Stahl reports.
Video --->
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by shyamd »

Those Iranian diplomats involved in the Delhi attack will be quietly thrown out.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by PratikDas »

PetroStrategies: World's Largest Oil and Gas Companies


Click to enlarge

The US and EU strategy of removing stubborn Arab leaders by hook or by crook makes a lot of sense.
  • Bully developing countries into not importing oil from the target nation, using economic sanctions on the target nation if necessary.
  • 'Liberate' the target nation militarily or more cheaply, i.e. by using Twitter and Facebook to destabilise internally.
  • Get the new regime to sign over huge portions of the nation's oil reserves either to cover the cost of 'liberation' if western military had to get involved or to receive support for 'nation-building' if a Twitter/Facebook revolution worked.
  • Use the improved access to Arab oil to escape the economic recession ahead of the others and fund the R&D of 'green' technologies on war-like footing.
  • Bully developing countries, with instruments like the carbon tax, into abandoning economically viable oil and coal based energy and buying 'green' technologies from the developed countries at a premium.
Economic imperialism 2.0
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by svinayak »

The Iranian people are probably the most pro-American population amongst the Islamic countries. We should do nothing to alienate the populous. Although I suspect that we could destroy most of the Iranian nuclear development complex without collateral damage and set them back more than 5 years. Israel knows that their strike capabilities will only yield a 5 year setback. Our strike packages, however, are more likely to avoid civilian casualties than the Israelis becuse we can devote aircraft to ADA suppression, etc. But, we do not want to offend the population.

What we need to do is covertly assist the Iranian population in their efforts to be free of the mullahs and Revolutionary Guard. Were it not for the forces of repression, the Iranian people would now be free.

If both Israel and United States exhibit patience, then it becomes a question of Iran's self-control. If any element of the Iranian government acts rashly, it would likely be naval action in the Persian Gulf. That would give the US government and allies the excuse to strip Iran of its naval assets. The problem will be that Iranian Sunburn missiles will likely take out several of our ships to include a carrier. What price are we willing to pay for what goal?
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by Prasad »

"Errm lets free them!" balderdash is such an effective slogan to hide behind to do your nefarious activities. Did they do the same thing when the overthrew the democratic govt in Iran to avoid them taking over the oil biz?
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by arun »

arun wrote:
sum wrote:^^ Either Iran is really dumb and TSP like( which i doubt) when it uses its own citizens( which is almost like a smoking gun) to target Israel in 3rd countries( like Thai, India etc) instead of using proxies or there are a load of wheels within wheels here with multiple false flag ops also getting into the picture.
Going by what Thailands Police Chief is quoted as saying, Iran just could really be dumb and acting in the same manner as the Islamic Terrorist supporting Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Note reported similarity between the New Delhi and Bangkok bomb:
Iranian Suspects ‘Targeted’ Israelis: Thai Police

By Daniel Ten Kate and Suttinee Yuvejwattana - Feb 15, 2012

Iranians arrested after blasts on a Bangkok street aimed to attack Israeli diplomats, and the devices used were similar to bombs targeting Israelis in India and Georgia this week, according to Thailand’s police chief.

“The suspects targeted Israeli diplomats in Thailand,” Priewphan Damaphong told reporters in Bangkok yesterday, hours after he confirmed that the Bangkok bombs contained magnets designed to attach to vehicles. India’s initial investigations suggest that a magnetic device was attached to an Israeli diplomat’s car on Feb. 13 in New Delhi seconds before it exploded injuring the woman, the city’s police commissioner, B.K. Gupta, has said.

“The type of explosive device is similar to the incident in India,” Priewphan told reporters in Bangkok. The men “were not targeting a place.” .............................

Reports that arrest warrants have been issued against 3 Iranians for the bomb attack on Israeli embassy staff /dependents in New Delhi.

Iran needs to bend over backwards and co-operate with India in sorting out this issue in order to demonstrate that there was no official Iranian Government involvement:

Warrant against 3 Iranians in Delhi blast case
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by nvishal »

All the western chest beating against iran appears to be just hot air.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by rajkumar »

nvishal wrote:All the western chest beating against iran appears to be just hot air.
I wouldn't say that. Have you checked the position of the 3 US carriers? All three will be in the Persian Guld over the next few weeks along with a load of Helicopter carriers

So wait & watch!!
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by RoyG »

US threatens sanctions against India over Iran oil

Chidanand Rajghatta, TNN | Mar 16, 2012, 12.13AM IST

WASHINGTON: The Obama administration is threatening to impose sanctions on India over its continued economic ties with Iran amid disagreements between Washington and New Delhi over how much and how soon the latter is reducing oil imports from the (in US eyes) pariah nation.

India has "failed" to reduce its purchase of Iranian oil and if it doesn't do so, President Barack Obama may be "forced" to impose sanction, unnamed administration officials were cited as telling Bloomberg wire service. A decision in this regard could come as early as June 28, they added, implicitly offering New Delhi a ten- week window to show a decline in Iranian oil imports.

Indian officials have contested the US assessment by insisting New Delhi is scaling down Iranian oil imports with more reduction in the pipeline, but that concession has been offset by India's commerce ministry's well-publicized efforts to ramp up trade with Iran in other areas, a move that has not gone unnoticed by the powerful pro-Israeli lobby in US.

The potent American Jewish Committee (AJC), which holds Israeli interests dear to its heart, raged against an Indian business delegation being shepherded to Iran by the Indian commerce ministry, pointing to it as an example of New Delhi's perfidy at a time Israel is India's close military and counter-terrorism partner.

That prompted a strong rebuttal from the Indian embassy in Washington, accusing certain lobbies of presenting a "distorted picture of New Delhi's foreign policy objectives and energy security needs" by selective use of data about its imports from Iran.

But the anti-Iran lobby in US has been galvanized by a report on Wednesday from the International Energy Agency (IEA), showing that India and South Korea "sharply" increased their oil imports from Iran in January.

However, India has informally conveyed to Washington that it has advised its refineries, many of which are geared towards processing Iranian crude, to seek alternate supplies and gradually reduce their dependence on Iran. That process may take some time to kick in since annual crude contracts with Iran are April to March, so the reduction will start to show from next month.

India has enough time to show compliance since the US law relating to sanctions vis-a-vis Iran kicks in only if countries don't make a "significant" cuts in their Iranian crude oil purchases during the first half of this year. The law does not specify by what percentage a nation must reduce its imports to qualify for an exemption from sanctions, so countries like South Korea and Japan have been negotiating with Washington the quantum of cuts they can live with. India is also believed to be in discussion with U.S in this matter.

While the impending Indian compliance has been quietly acknowledged by some Obama administration officials, the hardline pro-Israeli lobby in US is champing at the bit. At a Congressional hearing earlier this month Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told lawmakers that while the US remains concerned about India's links with Iran, she acknowledged that New Delhi is ''heading in the right direction''.

"In fact, I think in a number of instances, the actions of countries and their banks are better than the public statements that we sometimes hear them making," Clinton said in an indication of the Indian assurances.

The Obama administration itself is in a bind over squeezing too hard and tightening oil supplies across the world. While Washington has offered to wean India and other countries from Iranian oil by arranging supplies from Saudi Arabia and Iraq, that could come at its own expense and rising oil prices. Already, gas prices are close to $ 4 a gallon at US pumps, and it is a well-acknowledged fact that the fortunes of US politicians running for high office is linked to pain (or otherwise) at the pump. ... 282588.cms
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by nvishal »

rajkumar wrote:
nvishal wrote:All the western chest beating against iran appears to be just hot air.
I wouldn't say that. Have you checked the position of the 3 US carriers? All three will be in the Persian Guld over the next few weeks along with a load of Helicopter carriers

So wait & watch!!
I've already said that US won't put boots on iranian soil.

If X decides to bomb Y's crown jewels then it will do it with the element of surprise. At the moment, X is beating its chest very loudly similar to the chinese so there is no surprise. Probably, chest beating is the only form of diplomacy they have at the moment.

I had already doubted whether there would be a conventional war. Now, I'm also doubting whether there will be any covert surgical strikes.

Also, indias position towards iran is very unusual. The nuke deal should have compelled india to isolate iran but that is not happening. The above reports state that india and iran will be trading in local currency. Could this be the beginning of an indo-iranian trade bloc? All this leads me to assume that some very significant agreements in the nuke deal have not been fulfilled.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by shyamd »

They will collapse it from within. All this is to just keep Iranian expenditure focused on Defence.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by Virupaksha »

shyamd wrote:They will collapse it from within. All this is to just keep Iranian expenditure focused on Defence.
Alice in wonderland. The business interests will go by known devil is better than unknown demi-devil and continue supporting the regime. For Iran to internally explode is a generational task (min 10 years from today) with unwavering focus.

Saddam was in a worser state for decades and he required an invasion. Gaddafi - the same. Egypt, without the invasion only the head changed, regime remains. Syria ...
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by shyamd »

Iraq - US abandoned the shia revolution (after GW1) right when it could have won and they allowed him to sell oil. Gaddafi - allowed to sell oil, the main driver of the economy. Egypt - US backed coup. Syria - in progress (although I think the west doesnt really want to see him go).

Iran - you will see the results sooner than you think. 2009 was just a warm up. They have already started cutting subsidies slowly. Neighbours have began to prepare to prevent refugees from entering in a worst case scenario btw.

Regime change doesn't rely on overt boots on teh ground (apart from SF) as Libya, Egypt have shown. They don't want instability in Iran, they want a coup to take place.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by CRamS »

nvishal wrote:All the western chest beating against iran appears to be just hot air.
Why do you say that? US does have a mighty armada assembled around the Persian Gulf. Of course, I don't know all the military details, but should US attack (along with Israel of course and UK type lackeys), perhaps Iran could do some local damage, destroy a US carrier here, lob a missile into Israel etc. But I doubt this is what is holding US back. As I told you guys aeons ago, Iran, I mean the mullah/nationalist regime, has been demonized to such an extent in western consciousness that should Iran retaliate and dent US H&D by even a fraction, US will even nuke Iran and annihilate it and then justify why it was executing a diktat from the Lord himself; and the westerner wouldn't battle an eyelid and in fact would be celebrating.

So US military threats are not just hot air. But I do see US holding back to use covert means to destroy the Iranian regime. Right now, huge swaths of Iranian TFTA opposition and Iranians opposed to mullah/nationalist regime are in US kitty. They are tools in US covert attempts to undermine the regime. A military action resulting in collateral damage to them would be a political disaster to US. Thats why this waiting game.

As an analogy consider this. Lots of RNIs like A'Roy, Pankaj Misra and a host of others in India would welcome US bombing of "upper castes" in India, but should US do that and kill the A'Roy and Pankaj Misra types, it would be military victory alright but can you imagine what a political disaster it would be for US interests?
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by nvishal »

They do not drop bombs yet because they have to maintain the integrity of their micky mouse clubs(UN, NSG, IAEA etc). They have a put across a "narrative" in these organisations that justifies military action over iran. The US has spent many years setting up these clubs and it has to maintain the illusion that these organisations are the ones running the show.

Diplomacy will fail if economic strangulation does not work. Military action is the last resort because there is no real mission objective. There is no bomb yet.

Foodstuffs replace electronics, appliances on Iran-bound dhows
“Everything is more expensive these days and ordinary people, even merchants, won’t buy expensive goods,” said Reza Esmaeili, 44, an Iranian sailor. “Food is different because it’s essential to our lives.” He said typical cargoes include rice, tea, cooking oil and sugar.
Economic conditions in Iran are “worse than wartime,” said Abdolreza Ebrahimi, 60, a captain who is shipping spare parts for automobiles to Bushehr province in 12 40-foo containers. Inflation is above 20 percent, according to central bank figures.
Does iran have self-sufficiency in providing essentials to its population?
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by Agnimitra »

Rockets are raining down on Israel from Gaza (prolly Iranian proxies), but Israel's response has been uncharacteristically restrained. Could be because they're expecting major payback in the near future.

Iran focus blunts Israel's response on Gaza
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by Rony »

Is this a Joke ? India seeking Iran's help in bringing their men to justice is as ridiculous as India seeking Paki help in bringing LET men to justice.

India seeks Iran's help to bring attackers of Israeli diplomat to justice
"On the basis of thorough and carefully undertaken investigations, three Iranians have been identified by the investigating authorities as suspects in the terrorist attack on an Israeli diplomat in New Delhi on February 13, 2012," official spokesperson in the MEA Syed Akbaruddin (new mea spokesperson?) said . He said warrants of arrest against these persons have been issued and the process of issue of red corner notices has been initiated but maintained that "investigations in the case are on and no conclusions can be drawn at this stage".
"We have informed the Iranian Ambassador of these developments so as to seek the cooperation of the Iranian authorities in bringing those involved in this dastardly attack to justice," he said.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by arun »

Our Ministry of External Affairs website had this to say on the involvement of Iranians in the Islamic Terrorist attack on an Israeli diplomat in New Delhi:
Incident in New Delhi involving Israeli diplomat

March 16, 2012
In response to a question the Official Spokesman said:

On the basis of thorough and carefully undertaken investigations three Iranians have been identified by the investigating authorities as suspects in the terrorist attack on an Israeli diplomat in New Delhi on February 13, 2012. Warrants of arrest against these persons have been issued and the process of issue of red corner notices has been initiated. Investigations in the case are ongoing and no conclusions can be drawn at this stage. We have informed the Iranian Ambassador of these developments so as to seek the cooperation of the Iranian authorities in bringing those involved in this dastardly attack to justice.

New Delhi
March 16, 2012
As I said earlier Iran needs to bend over backwards and co-operate with India in sorting out this issue in order to demonstrate that there was no official Iranian Government involvement.

Click here :

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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by aniket »

But if there was what do they do ?If they are really involved then they will most probably pretend to cooperate and wait for India to cool down and try to pass this incident off as stateless terrorism.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by shyamd »

Some diplomats who were involved will be expelled quietly.
Guys can someone please post a link to the Meir Dagan interview on the subject of Iran.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by Suppiah »

It seems UPA has issued a open license to anyone to come and kill anyone here, as long as they make sure they are careful in terms of the demographic profile of the victims.

Stalinist rapist goon puppet yellows are already burying the whole pumpkin under the bowl of rice by pretending that India is merely 'asking for information' and 'nothing should be concluded'. Based on similar set of evidence, much less, they have branded every Hindu a that calls himself one, a terrorist. Had it been Israel, these Beijing puppet traitors would be jumping up and down, writing editorial after editorial demanding all cessation of diplomatic ties with Israel.

The goals of jehadi terrorism are merging clearly with the goals of the leftists in this country..
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by arun »

arun wrote:Reports that arrest warrants have been issued against 3 Iranians for the bomb attack on Israeli embassy staff /dependents in New Delhi.

Iran needs to bend over backwards and co-operate with India in sorting out this issue in order to demonstrate that there was no official Iranian Government involvement:

Warrant against 3 Iranians in Delhi blast case
Iranian links to the Islamic Terrorist bomb attack in New Delhi that injured the wife of an Israeli diplomat increase.

Warrant issued for a fourth Iranian. This citizen of Iran, Sedaghat Zadeh Masoud, is also being sought by Thailand for involvement in a botched Islamic Terrorist bomb attack targeting Israel in Bangkok and is currently in custody in Malaysia pending a hearing on Thailand’s extradition request:

Open warrant against another Iranian suspect

Some information on Sedaghat Zadeh Masoud from a Thai newspaper:

Tussle erupts over bomb suspect

What I find most interesting is that the Iran’s official mouthpiece, IRNA, makes no mention this story of involvement of Iranian Nationals and our MEA's call for Iran to provide co-operation even though there has been a decent bit of coverage of Indian news by them over the past three days. Iran showing shades of Pakiness :?:
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by nvishal »

More banks may be added to facilitate India-Iran transactions
More banks may soon be added to facilitate India-Iran trade transactions to boost bilateral trade. The payment problem with Iran was resolved earlier this month with the operationalisation of a rupee payment mechanism through UCO Bank.

Currently, UCO Bank (from India) and Persian Bank are handling such transactions and these banks, along with the active involvement of the Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO), are sorting out the rupee payment mechanism issues, Mr M. Rafeeque Ahmed, President, FIEO, said.
Significantly, Persian Bank has agreed to reduce the letter of credit (LC) opening margins from 120 per cent to 10 per cent, he added.
Around $6 billion is pending payment. About half is being settled through rupee payment and the other half through material exports.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by shyamd »

x post

yawn.... BRF ahead of the curve.

I said this on 10th March:
Everyone is pulling out the stops to delay the Israeli strike - Gulf intelligence reported that Iran is not building th weapon but is getting the capability to do so - in line with US intel agencies..Iran hasnt take the decision yet apparently. But this itself is in dispute amongst Iranian adversaries. Everyone is assumingthe worst case scenario - Iran will go for weapon to unite the country. War is not useful for all of Iran's adversaries although it culd happen by some sort of miscalculation on both sides - hence US efforts to imrpove comms with Iran - KSA setting up intel hotlines etc.. They are going to try other methods like threat of serious force, blockade, economic collapse , skirmishes to demonstrate intent.
U.S. Faces a Tricky Task in Assessment of Data on Iran
Abedin Taherkenareh/European Pressphoto Agency

Shahram Amiri, center, an Iranian scientist who claimed he had been abducted by the C.I.A., upon his return to Tehran in 2010.
Published: March 17, 2012

WASHINGTON — While American spy agencies have believed that the Iranians halted efforts to build a nuclear bomb back in 2003, the difficulty in assessing the government’s ambitions was evident two years ago, when what appeared to be alarming new intelligence emerged, according to current and former United States officials.

Intercepted communications of Iranian officials discussing their nuclear program raised concerns that the country’s leaders had decided to revive efforts to develop a weapon, intelligence officials said.

That, along with a stream of other information, set off an intensive review and delayed publication of the 2010 National Intelligence Estimate, a classified report reflecting the consensus of analysts from 16 agencies. But in the end, they deemed the intercepts and other evidence unpersuasive, and they stuck to their longstanding conclusion.

The intelligence crisis that erupted in 2010, which has not been previously disclosed, only underscores how central that assessment has become to matters of war and peace.

Today, as suspicions about Iran’s nuclear ambitions have provoked tough sanctions and threats of military confrontation, top administration officials have said that Iran still has not decided to pursue a weapon, reflecting the intelligence community’s secret analysis. But if that assessment changes, it could lift a brake set by President Obama, who has not ruled out military options as a last resort to prevent Iran gaining nuclear arms.

Publicly and privately, American intelligence officials express confidence in the spy agencies’ assertions. Still, some acknowledge significant intelligence gaps in understanding the intentions of Iran’s leaders and whether they would approve the crucial steps toward engineering a bomb, the most covert aspect of one of the most difficult intelligence collection targets in the world.

Much of what analysts sift through are shards of information that are ambiguous or incomplete, sometimes not up to date, and that typically offer more insight about what the Iranians are not doing than evidence of what they are up to.

As a result, officials caution that they cannot offer certainty. “I’d say that I have about 75 percent confidence in the assessment that they haven’t restarted the program,” said one former senior intelligence official.

Another former intelligence official said: “Iran is the hardest intelligence target there is. It is harder by far than North Korea.

“In large part, that’s because their system is so confusing,” he said, which “has the effect of making it difficult to determine who speaks authoritatively on what.” ( :mrgreen: :mrgreen: This is exactly what I have been saying since 2008 and is the a copy of the Indian model in 98!!! )

And, he added, “We’re not on the ground, and not having our people on the ground to catch nuance is a problem.”

Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful civilian purposes, but American intelligence agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency have picked up evidence in recent years that some Iranian research activities that may be weapons-related have continued since 2003, officials said. That information has not been significant enough for the spy agencies to alter their view that the weapons program has not been restarted.

Mossad, Israel’s intelligence service, agrees with the American intelligence assessments, even while Israeli political leaders have been pushing for quick, aggressive action to block Iran from becoming what they describe as an existential threat to the Jewish state.

“Their people ask very hard questions, but Mossad does not disagree with the U.S. on the weapons program,” said one former senior American intelligence official, who, like others for this article, would speak only on the condition of anonymity about classified information. “There is not a lot of dispute between the U.S. and Israeli intelligence communities on the facts.”

In trying to evaluate the potential perils of Iran’s nuclear program, the United States’ spy agencies have spent years trying to track its efforts to enrich uranium and develop missile technology, and watching for any move toward weaponization — designing and building a bomb.

Hunting for signs of the resumption of a weapons program is more difficult than monitoring enrichment and missile-building activities, both of which require large investments in plants, equipment and related infrastructure. American intelligence officials said that the conversations of only a dozen or so top Iranian officials and scientists would be worth monitoring in order to determine whether the weapons program had been restarted, because decision-making on nuclear matters is so highly compartmentalized in Iran.

“Reactors are easier to track than enrichment facilities, but obviously anything that involves a lot of construction is easier to track than scientific and intellectual work,” said Jeffrey T. Richelson, the author of “Spying on the Bomb,” a history of American nuclear intelligence. “At certain stages, it is very hard to track the weapons work unless someone is blabbing and their communications can be intercepted.”

The extent of the evidence the spy agencies have collected is unclear because most of their findings are classified, but intelligence officials say they have been throwing everything they have at the Iranian program.

While the National Security Agency eavesdrops on telephone conversations of Iranian officials and conducts other forms of electronic surveillance, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency analyzes radar imagery and digital images of nuclear sites. Outside analysts believe high-tech drones prowl overhead; one came down late last year deep inside Iranian territory, though American officials said they lost control of it in Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, clandestine ground sensors, which can detect electromagnetic signals or radioactive emissions that could be linked to covert nuclear activity, are placed near suspect Iranian facilities. The United States also relies heavily on information gathered by inspectors with the International Atomic Energy Agency who visit some of Iran’s nuclear-related facilities.

But collecting independent human intelligence — recruiting spies — has been by far the most difficult task for American intelligence. Some operational lapses — and the lack of an embassy as a base of operations ever since the hostage crisis three decades ago — have frequently left the C.I.A. virtually blind on the ground in Iran, according to former intelligence officials.

In 2004, for example, the C.I.A. put a whole network of Iranian agents in jeopardy after a technological mistake by an agency officer, according to former intelligence officials.

In 2005, a presidential commission that reviewed the prewar failures of the intelligence on Iraq’s supposed weapons programs faulted American intelligence on Iran, saying it included little valuable information from spies.

More recently, the C.I.A. suffered a setback in efforts to question Iranian exiles and recruit nuclear scientists. Two years ago, agency officials had to sort through the wreckage of the strange case of Shahram Amiri, an Iranian scientist who apparently defected to the United States in 2009 and then returned to Iran in 2010 after claiming he had been abducted by the C.I.A.

His case is eerily similar to that of Vitaly Yurchenko, a K.G.B. officer who defected to the United States in 1985 and went back to the Soviet Union later that year, claiming he had been drugged and kidnapped by the C.I.A.

Like Mr. Yurchenko, Mr. Amiri’s case has provoked debate within the agency about whether he was a genuine defector, and whether any of the information he provided could be trusted.

The United States and Israel share intelligence on Iran, American officials said. For its spying efforts, Israel relies in part on an Iranian exile group that is labeled a terrorist organization by the United States, the Mujahedeen Khalq, or M.E.K., which is based in Iraq. The Israelis have also developed close ties in the semiautonomous region of Kurdistan in northern Iraq, and they are believed to use Kurdish agents who can move back and forth across the border into Iran.

American intelligence officials, however, are wary of relying on information from an opposition group like the M.E.K., particularly after their experience in Iraq of relying on flawed information provided by the Iraqi National Congress, an exile group run by Ahmad Chalabi.

“I’m very suspicious of anything that the M.E.K. provides,” said David A. Kay, who led the C.I.A.’s fruitless effort to find weapons program in Iraq. “We all dealt with the Chalabis of the world once.”

Just as in 2010, new evidence about the Iranian nuclear program delayed the National Intelligence Estimate in 2007, the last previous assessment. Current and former American officials say that a draft version of the assessment had been completed when the United States began to collect surprising intelligence suggesting that Iran had suspended its weapons program and disbanded its weapons team four years earlier.

The draft version had concluded that the Iranians were still trying to build a bomb, the same finding of a 2005 assessment. But as they scrutinized the new intelligence from several sources, including intercepted communications in which Iranian officials were heard complaining to one another about stopping the program, the American intelligence officials decided they had to change course, officials said. While enrichment activities continued, the evidence that Iran had halted its weapons program in 2003 at the direction of the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, was too strong to ignore, they said.

One former senior official characterized the information as very persuasive. “I had high confidence in it,” he said. “There was tremendous evidence that the program had been halted.”

And today, despite criticism of that assessment from some outside observers and hawkish politicians, American intelligence analysts still believe that the Iranians have not gotten the go-ahead from Ayatollah Khamenei to revive the program.

“That assessment,” said one American official, “holds up really well.”
Israel Finance Minister: SWIFT decision may cause collapse of Iran's economy
Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz welcomes Iran's exclusion from international financial networks, saying it dealt a 'tough blow' to Iran.

Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz on Sunday welcomed the exclusion of Iranian banks from international financial transfer networks.

The decision deals "a tough blow to Iran's economy" and "makes the import and export of oil very difficult," he told reporters before the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem.

"This thing can cause the collapse of the Iranian economy. Is it enough? I don't know. Is it significant and will it affect their endurance? Without a doubt it is a very dramatic step," he said.

All Iranian banks that were already subject to a freeze on their EU-held assets are affected, including the central bank and several commercial lenders.

It was to be applied as of 1600 GMT on Saturday, the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) said Friday.

EU countries agreed to the measure on Thursday, as part of efforts alongside the United States to pressure Iran into backing down on its nuclear program, which the West suspects is of a military nature.

Iran insists it is strictly peaceful.

SWIFT, which has a global reach, said it had to comply with EU demands because it is registered in EU member Belgium and subject to that country's legislation.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by Philip »

If Iran is pushed to the brink,what if...the PRC does what it did for the Pakis,provide the Iranians with working plans/engineering tech for a bomb? NoKo could similarly prove it with enough input.It fits in pefectly with China's strategy all these years of N-proliferation as the means with which to cut the US down to size and build up its own group of N-capable allies in key geostrategic locations.If China supports an Iranian nuclear "putsch",there would be immense strategic rewards for it in the Gulf's key chokepoint.From other sources the Q seems to be not that the Iranians cannot make the bomb,that they have the scientific wherewithal to build the device themselves ,but have not taken the final decision to do so to avoid attack from the west/Israel,and are thus building up stocks of fissile material and other bomb making "kit" and dispersing them in various locations so as to be able to rapidly assemble them when needed and to increase their survivability if /when attacked by Israeli/US forces.

It is this "window of opportunity" that Obama spoke of closing,which is the time remaining for the US pres. elections,that the Israelis are worried about,being enough time for Iran to make enough material for a small insurance arsenal against Israel (and the Saudis).The same "window" also exists for the Israelis and US to attack Iran and to decapitate as much of its nuclear capability that it can.Until the attacks,which the Israelis might launch unilaterally anytime after April,from thinly veiled threats,can actually spur Iran into doing exactly what the west is trying to avoid,building the bomb.Either way,2012 is going to be the hottest year,not just from solar activity,but for the Iranians and the region.
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by Neshant »


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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by Samudragupta »

Philip wrote:If Iran is pushed to the brink,what if...the PRC does what it did for the Pakis,provide the Iranians with working plans/engineering tech for a bomb? NoKo could similarly prove it with enough input.It fits in pefectly with China's strategy all these years of N-proliferation as the means with which to cut the US down to size and build up its own group of N-capable allies in key geostrategic locations.If China supports an Iranian nuclear "putsch",there would be immense strategic rewards for it in the Gulf's key chokepoint.From other sources the Q seems to be not that the Iranians cannot make the bomb,that they have the scientific wherewithal to build the device themselves ,but have not taken the final decision to do so to avoid attack from the west/Israel,and are thus building up stocks of fissile material and other bomb making "kit" and dispersing them in various locations so as to be able to rapidly assemble them when needed and to increase their survivability if /when attacked by Israeli/US forces.

It is this "window of opportunity" that Obama spoke of closing,which is the time remaining for the US pres. elections,that the Israelis are worried about,being enough time for Iran to make enough material for a small insurance arsenal against Israel (and the Saudis).The same "window" also exists for the Israelis and US to attack Iran and to decapitate as much of its nuclear capability that it can.Until the attacks,which the Israelis might launch unilaterally anytime after April,from thinly veiled threats,can actually spur Iran into doing exactly what the west is trying to avoid,building the bomb.Either way,2012 is going to be the hottest year,not just from solar activity,but for the Iranians and the region.
PRC will never provide nuke tech to Iran...Strategic value of Iran is much much more than the beggar nation...Iran by itself can survive because of the single factor that it has wells of power which the Pakis does not have...Pakis will not survive without largesse...while Iran can actually enforce hegemony in the ME....
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Re: Iran News and Discussions

Post by ramana »

What do you think AQK was peddling?
He was essentially saying buy the Paki centrifuges and get the PRC bum design for free.
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