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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 09 Feb 2016 08:52
by Singha
plus time off for good behaviour and converting a few more inmates to their cause.

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 09 Feb 2016 21:04
by member_29325
MEMRI report

Right under the nose of all the "leaders of the country" in the New Delhi? WTF?
New Delhi's Abul Fazl Enclave Emerging As India's Biggest Publication Center For Jihadi Literature – And Antisemitic Literature, Including Book On 'Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion'
By: Tufail Ahmad*

While global attention is focused on the Pakistan-Afghanistan region as the breeding ground of South Asian jihad, it is actually New Delhi's Abul Fazl Enclave area that has emerged as the global clearinghouse of jihadi literature in Arabic, Urdu, English and Hindi.
Looks like a lot of dhoti-shivering in the Indian government about taking on the jihadis in the Jamaat-e-islami...hope that is not true, because if it is, we are all truly effed given the JeI's influence all over India (and BD and Pakistan)
The Jamaat-e-Islami Hind – with its headquarters based in Abul Fazl Enclave – distinguishes itself organizationally from Jamaat-e-Islami Jammu & Kashmir, though all the branches of this religious organization founded by Maududi have the same ideological affiliation. In Pakistan, Bangladesh, or the Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir, the Jamaat-e-Islami branches have sheltered jihadis over the past two decades and more. In India's Jammu & Kashmir, Jamaat-e-Islami units even today continue to shelter jihadis infiltrating in from Pakistan.

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 10 Feb 2016 14:23
by Virendra
That is the kind of crap which should be exposed on SM aggressively by us and the likes of Doval should exterminate.

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 11 Feb 2016 04:42
by Prem
Muslims Behaviour Same all over the world .

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 11 Feb 2016 12:03
by arun
Mohammadden female’s suicide bomb refugee camp in Nigeria’s Borno State killing 58. Given that Borno State has a Mohammadden majority, this attack is most likely an act of Green on Green Intra-Mohammadden blood-letting:

Suicide-Bomber Girls Kill 58 in Nigerian Refugee Camp

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 12 Feb 2016 01:07
by Falijee
Bearded British Based Paki-" Pi--ed Off" As He Was Off Loaded From Taking A Honeymoon Flight To Morroco
British Muslim man taken off honeymoon flight 'because he has a beard'
A British Muslim man was asked to get off the plane moments before he was to disembark on honeymoon with his wife.
Ahmed Ali was going to Morocco from Manchester Airport when he was questioned over terrorism and taken off a Thomson flight, he has claimed.
The 39-year-old man who lives in Derby was interrogated for a number of hours by Greater Manchester Police Officers, something he said happened for the 20th time. However, it was the first time he was told to disembark the plane immediately.
Ali said, “I was on the plane and watching a video and my wife was chatting to the people next to her. We were really looking forward to the holiday because it was a late honeymoon :?: for us.”
He added: “I was then tapped on the shoulder by a member of staff who said you need to leave the plane. I asked three times – why? She said the police are outside waiting for you. I asked why you have taken me off the flight. They said follow us and said they would interview me under section seven of the terrorism act.”
On this excruciating discrimination, he said he was recently questioned before he boarded a flight at Heathrow along with his mother.
But the latest incident has caused him to take a firm stand against such behaviour and wished that he was detained so that he could prove in the court that there’s something wrong with such discrimination.
Soon after the incident he posted a video rant on his social media profile in which he compared David Cameron to Hitler, saying that the latter was “oppressing the Muslim people”.
He went on to say, “I’m no threat to anyone. The only person who is a threat is David Cameron and his bigotry. Hitler was an oppressive and a bad person to the Jews and to people in general. Today’s Hitler is David Cameron.”
Ali said he also works for charity and feed white people just out of humanity.
“I explained that I was British. I’m a British Muslim. I go out and feed the homeless in Britain – white people. I’ve been to Cumbria to help people. Before all of this. I’ve been doing it for seven or eight years,” he said.( If he is "so British" why is he flaunting his "pakiness" so openly !)
The Muslim man was not only discriminated against by the police but according to him has also received racist comments on his Facebook profile, calling him a terrorist and someone who has several wives, an allegation he stoutly denies.(taqiyya in action ?)

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 13 Feb 2016 08:15
by arun
Attempt to peddle Mohammaddenism on the new variation of the old theme of it being “The Religion Of Peace”, namely of being a “Religion Of Love” by one Haroon Moghul in a Washington Post Op-Ed seems to have gone badly awry going by the robust opposition to the notion in the comments section.

Very disappointing that the Mohammadden intelligentsia is expending far more effort at peddling the notion to Non-Mohammaddens that Mohammaddenism is “The Religion Of Peace” or “Religion Of Love” in this case rather than taking stern and punitive action against their co-religionists who are indulging in religion motivated violence that is demonstrably more than the religion motivated violence committed by adherents of all other Non-Mohammadden religions combined:

Islam was a religion of love, and the Taj Mahal proves it

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 13 Feb 2016 08:46
by arun
Today I learnt that a word such as “Rorting” exists and means “to take unfair advantage of a public service”.

Editorial in “The Australian” deploring a Mohammadden Schools action of gouging Australia’s taxpayers and diverting funds to promote Mohammadden Councils. Presumably this is all a cultural misunderstanding and the Mohammadden School thought that this was a halal act as the Non-Momin Kaafir Crusader majority of Australia had failed to part with Mohammadden Religion sanctioned Jaziya that is required to be paid:

Muslim school rorts intolerable

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 13 Feb 2016 09:53
by arun
The race to plumb new heights of Mohammadden piousness continues in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Citing Mohammadden Religion, Kohat district officials bans fellow Abrahamic’s following Christism from celebrating religious festival commemorating Valentine who Christist’s consider a Saint:

Pakistan district bans Valentine's Day celebrations

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 13 Feb 2016 10:49
by arun
Strange that some convicts who on average have a higher propensity than the general population to commit acts of violence are attracted to a religion whose adherents claim is “The Religion Of Peace”:

France battles to prevent Islamist radicalisation in jails

Problem of convicts falling prey in prison to idea that it is acceptable to inflict acts of Mohammadden religion motivated violence has been in the news over the past few days and is not restricted to France.

Indonesia, February 5:

Indonesia’s Overcrowded Prisons Are a Breeding Ground for Islamic Extremism

US, February 5:

Grassley raises concerns on prisons using terror-tied groups to vet Islamic chaplains

UK, February 8:

Terrorists could be locked in separate prisons under David Cameron's crackdown on extremism in Britain's jails

UK, February 10:

Majority of Prison Imams Teach Hard Line Islam Study Suggests

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 14 Feb 2016 02:42
by sanjaykumar

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 14 Feb 2016 19:10
by arun
On the Mohammadden Sabbath of Friday, Mohammadden religion motivated group Ansar Dine suicide bombs United Nations Peace-Keeper base in Kidal in Mali killing 6.

While attack was carried out in Mali, suicide bomber was identified by Ansar Dine as a Mauritanian national who shared name with Mohammaddenism’s founder namely Muhammad Abdullah bin Hudhayfa al-Hosni:

Mali Islamist group Ansar Dine claims attack on U.N. base

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 15 Feb 2016 12:52
by arun
Self inflicted Sectarian problem afflicting Mohammadenism on display in Rajasthan’s Udaipur district. Mohammaddens of the Sunni sect and Barelvi subsect exhume corpse buried in graveyard claiming that in life the individual buried was not a Mohammadden of the Sunni sect and Barelvi subsect but while being a Mohammadden of Sunni sect he belonged to either the Deobandi or Wahabi subsect:

‘Wahabi’ or ‘Deobandi’: Dead body exhumed from grave by members of another Muslim sect

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 15 Feb 2016 20:17
by arun
Mohammadden religion motivated group takes "credit" for settingoff a VBIED in Russia’s Dagestan that killed 2:

ISIS claims responsibility for southern Russian car bombing that killed 2, injured 17

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 16 Feb 2016 09:44
by deejay
Does this go here:
RTVerified account
Auto-incorrect: #Google changes ‘Muslims report terrorism’ to ‘Muslims support terrorism’


Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 20 Feb 2016 04:18
by Prem ... 75326.html
A 12-year-old girl, in a white wedding dress and veil, stands beside a man who looks like her grandfather. They are getting their wedding pictures taken by the sea.Passers-by question him and the photographer, one accusing the groom of being a “criminal”.The groom replies: “This is none of your business. I got permission from her parents."
The bride and groom are actors, hired by the KAFA - “enough” in Arabic - Violence & Exploitation campaign in Lebanon. The video has gathered over 1.7 million views and shines a spotlight on the dire plight of thousands of young girls in Lebanon, Syria and around the world who are forced into marriage with much older men every day.The Lebanese National Commission for Women’s Affairs introduced a bill into Parliament in 2015 that would require that a civil judge, and not just a religious tribunal, to approve all child marriages. The bill has yet to be addressed.Maya Ammar, KAFA’s communications coordinator, said: “The scene [video] was supposed to seem shocking because the practice itself is shocking.”

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 20 Feb 2016 05:06
by hanumadu

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 20 Feb 2016 08:16
by arun
Multiple incidents of Mohammadden’s abusing generous hospitality provided by fellow Abrahamic followers of Christism particularly of the predatory sexual variety such as that seen at Cologne during New Year 2015/16, provokes a reaction from a section of Europe’s native population. A Polish magazine named wSieci (the Network) publishes front cover showing a white woman being assaulted by three pairs of dark-skinned male hands under the headline “The Islamic rape of Europe”.

The tragic part of all of this gross misbehavior by adherents of Mohammaddenism in Europe is that Indian’s following Indic religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism will be mistaken for Mohammaddens and become targets of attack by European followers of Christism in Europe :( :

Polish magazine's 'Islamic rape of Europe' cover sparks outrage

The Magazine cover:


Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 20 Feb 2016 08:38
by arun
Jhujar wrote: ... 75326.html
A 12-year-old girl, in a white wedding dress and veil, stands beside a man who looks like her grandfather. They are getting their wedding pictures taken by the sea. Passers-by question him and the photographer, one accusing the groom of being a “criminal”.The groom replies: “This is none of your business. I got permission from her parents."

The bride and groom are actors, hired by the KAFA - “enough” in Arabic - Violence & Exploitation campaign in Lebanon. The video has gathered over 1.7 million views and shines a spotlight on the dire plight of thousands of young girls in Lebanon, Syria and around the world who are forced into marriage with much older men every day.The Lebanese National Commission for Women’s Affairs introduced a bill into Parliament in 2015 that would require that a civil judge, and not just a religious tribunal, to approve all child marriages. The bill has yet to be addressed.Maya Ammar, KAFA’s communications coordinator, said: “The scene [video] was supposed to seem shocking because the practice itself is shocking.”
An Un-Mohammadden proposition likely being pushed by Lebanaons relatively large Non-Mohammadden population. Mohammadden religion does not prohibit marriage to prepubescent 12 year old female children. Indeed given that Mohammaddenism calls on adherents of the religion to follow example of founder Mohammad, marrying prepubescent 12 year old female children would be considered by Mohammaddens as desirable. Recollect that Religion founder Mohammad consummated his marriage with a prepubescent 9 year old female child by name of Aisha. See University of Southern California’s Center for Muslim Jewish Engagement which has a translation of Hadith of Shahi Bukhari, a hadith collection rated very high by Mohammaddens for authenticity:
Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64:

Narrated 'Aisha:

that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death).


Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 20 Feb 2016 09:28
by arun
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace paper by one Cole Bunzel on the ongoing Green on Green Intra-Mohammadden rivalry as the Kingdom and Caliphate battle for the soul of the Wahhabi subsect of Mohammadenism’s Sunni sect.

Article amongst others carries a table on Green on Green Islamic State attacks within Saudi Arabia showing that the chickens of Saudi Arabian policy of financing Sunni Mohammadden groups around the world to intimidate Non-Mohammaddens and Mohammadden sectarian rivals is coming home to roost:


See here:

The Kingdom and the Caliphate: Duel of the Islamic States

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 20 Feb 2016 09:39
by arun
Challenge posed by Mohammaddenism to impoverished Niger:

Islamic Fundamentalism Grips World’s Least Developed Nation

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 21 Feb 2016 19:30
by Falijee
Salman Rushdie: Iranian state media renew fatwa on Satanic Verses author with $600,000 bounty
The announcement coincides with the anniversary of the fatwa issued in 1989
Forty state-run Iranian media outlets have jointly offered a new $600,000 bounty for the death of British Indian author Salman Rushdie, according to the state-run Fars News Agency.
Fars News Agency, which is closely affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), was among the largest contributors, donating one billion Rials - nearly $30,000.
The announcement coincides with the anniversary of the fatwa issued the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic, the agency said.
While Iran's former President Mohammad Khatami said the threat against the author was "finished" in 1998, the fatwa has never officially been lifted.
Ayatollah Khomeini's successor, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said in 2005 the order still stands.
Guess, the so-called fatwa will never be officially lifted; part of the psychological war being waged against him !

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 21 Feb 2016 19:48
by Falijee
‘Israel Is 100% Worse Than Isis’: Prominent British Muslim Activist
Raza Nadim is a spokesperson for The Muslim Public Affairs Committee (MPAC), which is essentially a soft Islamist group based in the UK. You may remember Raza’s fellow MPAC cohort Asghar Bukhari and the case of the missing shoe. Those sneaky Jews. You may also remember Raza’s inability to condemn stoning people to death. Here is his latest pearl of wisdom:
You don’t have to deny all the ills of the Israeli government to recognise that Nadim is offering his opinion from another planet (and orifice) here. And 100%? What does that even mean? Is that less or equal to 9/11 times 100?
... Or worse of all: could this kind of thing actually be the mainstream Muslim opinion? (in my opinion,yes !)

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 22 Feb 2016 03:01
by Prem ... abic-poet/
Islam Can’t Be Modernised’ Says World’s ‘Greatest Arabic Poet’
Adunis Asbar, known by his pen name Adonis, is a Syrian-born writer often considered one of the greatest living poets of the Arabic language. He has come under criticism for comments he made recently about Islam before receiving the Erich Maria Remarque Peace Prize, named after the famous pacifist and author of the classic World War One novel ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’.
Being raised a Muslim himself and having one of the greatest understandings of the language of the Quran, Adonis said: “You can not reform a religion. If they are reformed, [the original meaning] is separated from it. Therefore, modern Muslims and a modern Islam is already impossible. If there is no separation between religion and state, there will be no democracy especially without equality for women. Then we will keep a theocratic system. So it will end.”Laying down a heavy critique of the Islamic world, he added: “Arabs have no more creative force. Islam does not contribute to intellectual life, it suggests no discussion. It is no longer thought. It produces no thinking, no art, no science, no vision that could change the world. This repetition is the sign of its end. The Arabs will continue to exist, but they will not make the world better.”He went on to say the rebels were controlled by interests in America, Saudi Arabia and certain sections of Europe, and stessed:“I have long been an opponent of Assad. The Assad regime has transformed the country into a prison. But his opponents, the so-called revolutionaries, commit mass murder, cut people’s heads off, sell women in cages as goods and trample human dignity underfoot.”
Breitbart London has already reported that attempts to house and integrate Muslim migrants will cost Germans and other European countries billions of euros, and according to Adonis’ opinion it could be a useless endeavour.When asked if he receives death threats from radical Islamists Adonis said: “Of course, but I do not care. For certain convictions people should risk their lives.”

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 22 Feb 2016 09:47
by wig
Hindu priest hacked to death in Bangladesh
In the latest attack on religious minorities in Bangladesh, a Hindu head priest was today hacked to death by suspected armed Islamists at a temple in an area bordering India. Two devotees were also injured.
In a predawn attack, motorbike-borne unidentified assailants hurled stones at the house of 50-year-old Jajneswar Roy on the premises of the Santagourhiyo Temple in northern Panchagarh district’s Debiganj Upazila.
“They (assailants) first hurled stones at the temple prompting him (Roy) to step out. The assailants then attacked him and slit his throat,” a devotee said.
Panchagarh police chief Giasuddin Ahmed, citing local people, said the head priest was preparing for the morning prayers when the attack took place.
The assailants injured two devotees as they fled the scene firing gunshots and hurling crude bombs to avoid being chased.
The injured included a neighbour who rushed to the spot to save the priest but was shot at, Ahmed said. At least nine persons, including two foreigners, have been killed in the past five months in systematic attacks on minorities and foreigners in the country. ... 99515.html

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 22 Feb 2016 19:28
by Virendra
Map of Kurdish areas for reference:

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 24 Feb 2016 15:58
by Virendra
Map of Houthi influenced areas in Yemen:

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 27 Feb 2016 08:51
by arun
Green on Green Intra-Mohammadden violence sees Mohammadden Religion based group Al Shabab attacks hotel and park in Mogadishu:

At Least 15 Killed in al-Shabaab Bombing in Somali Capital

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 27 Feb 2016 09:04
by arun
The horrors of being a Non-Mohammadden “Kaafir” “Dhimmi” in a Mohammadden majority country. Three teenager adherents of Christism, one as young as 15 years old, sentenced to 5 years in jail for mocking Mohammadden prayer in Egypt:

Three Christian teenagers are jailed for five years in Egypt after they mocked Muslim prayers in a video

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 27 Feb 2016 22:10
by arun
Green on Green Intra-Mohammadden religion based sectarian violence sees Sunni Mohammadden Saudi Arabia kill 22 civilians in a bombing raid targeting their Shia Mohammadden co-religionists in Yemen:

Saudi-Led Airstrikes in Yemen Kill Over 30, Mostly Civilians

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 28 Feb 2016 06:17
by arun
X Posted from the STFUP thread.

The world apparently takes a dim view of Mohammadden religion based Terrorism and countries that adhere to Mohammaddenism have been ignominiously relegated to the bottom 6 positions of Henley and Partners 2016 edition of the Visa Restrictions Index.

The world has also latched on to the fact that the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is one of the principal purveyors of Mohammadden religion based terrorism and consequently the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is the near bottom of the pile coming in at 103 out of 104 just beating out Afghanistan for last place. The Islamic Republic of Pakistan even gets beaten by former compatriots, Bangladesh, who come in at 96. India off course is ahead of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan at 85:

Article in the Express Tribune on the matter:

Pakistani passport second worst for international travel

And the Visa Restriction Index itself:

The Henley and Partners Visa Restrictions Index 2016

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 28 Feb 2016 06:39
by arun
X Posted from the STFUP thread.

In Mohammadden majority societies even in death Non-Mohammadden Kaafir Dhimmis face religious persecution. Overwhelmingly Mohammadden Islamic Republic of Pakistan forces Hindu’s to follow Mohammadden death rituals by the State denying Hindu’s infrastructure to follow their own death rituals:

Hindus forced to bury their dead with few and far crematoriums

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 28 Feb 2016 08:59
by arun
X Posted from the STFUP thread.

When Mohammadden religion driven practises cloister away women in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, it is inevitable that deviant paedophilic homosexual rape crops up:

11-year-old gang-raped in Peshawar

This deviant behaviour is no one off event in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Similar incidents of paedophilic homosexual rape have been reported over the past couple of years or so. Indeed I suspect that the incidents of this nature, by standards of prevalence of deviant behaviour, are quite widespread in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan:

Boy gang-raped in Mansehra

7-year-old boy dies after being gang raped by 'influentials' in Bahawalnagar

Lahore: 6-year-old boy killed after rape

Sexual assault: Boy allegedly raped by three men

Crime against children: Five-year-old boy raped

Girl, boy gang raped in Hafizabad

Gruesome crime: Kindergarten boy ‘gang-raped’ by principal, others

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 28 Feb 2016 16:39
by arun
Gruesome tale from Thane on the outskirts of Mumbai of multiple throat slittings claimed by neighbours to have been perfected by alleged murderer’s familiarity with Mohammadden practice of slitting animal throats aka Qurbani/Kurbani.

After piously offering prayer at 3 AM in a nearby Mosque, one Hasnen Anwar Warekar allegedly returns home and proceeds to slit the throats of 14 of his own family members one-by-one and then commits suicide by hanging himself. Family members whose throat Hasnen Anwar allegedly slit includes two infants aged around 3 and 5 months old, 5 other older children and six women:
According to police, Hasnen offered prayers at around 3 AM at a mosque near his house. After returning home, he slit the throats of his family members one-by-one and then committed suicide by hanging himself. …………………………………

Some neighbours also claimed that he was well-versed with the procedure of 'kurbani' (religious ritual of sacrificing an animal), and that is why he meticulously slit the throats of family members.
From Outlook India:

Thane: Man Kills 14 Family Members in Cold Blood, Commits Suicide

Meanwhile DNA reports that Rizwan Patel (56), identified as friend of alleged murderer Hasnain Anwar’s father, states Hasnain (sp?) could not commit this act as among others he offered Mohammadden Namaz prayers 5 times a day:
"Such things were never expected from Hasnain as from his childhood, he was very simple and a good person with a closed knit of friends. He used to go office, and offer namaz five times a day. A person who used to feel scared while seeing blood can never make such mistakes."
From DNA:

Hasnain had a golden heart, say neighbours about Thane man who killed 14 family members

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 29 Feb 2016 05:08
by Hari Seldon

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 29 Feb 2016 10:20
by SSridhar
arun wrote:After piously offering prayer at 3 AM in a nearby Mosque, one Hasnen Anwar Warekar allegedly returns home and proceeds to slit the throats of 14 of his own family members one-by-one and then commits suicide . . .
Those who rape brutally the hapless Yazidi children & women also do so after prayers as the escaped Yazdi women recall.

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 29 Feb 2016 10:30
by arun
arun wrote:Gruesome tale from Thane on the outskirts of Mumbai of multiple throat slittings claimed by neighbours to have been perfected by alleged murderer’s familiarity with Mohammadden practice of slitting animal throats aka Qurbani/Kurbani.

After piously offering prayer at 3 AM in a nearby Mosque, one Hasnen Anwar Warekar allegedly returns home and proceeds to slit the throats of 14 of his own family members one-by-one and then commits suicide by hanging himself. Family members whose throat Hasnen Anwar allegedly slit includes two infants aged around 3 and 5 months old, 5 other older children and six women:
According to police, Hasnen offered prayers at around 3 AM at a mosque near his house. After returning home, he slit the throats of his family members one-by-one and then committed suicide by hanging himself. …………………………………

Some neighbours also claimed that he was well-versed with the procedure of 'kurbani' (religious ritual of sacrificing an animal), and that is why he meticulously slit the throats of family members.
From Outlook India:

Thane: Man Kills 14 Family Members in Cold Blood, Commits Suicide

Meanwhile DNA reports that Rizwan Patel (56), identified as friend of alleged murderer Hasnain Anwar’s father, states Hasnain (sp?) could not commit this act as among others he offered Mohammadden Namaz prayers 5 times a day:
"Such things were never expected from Hasnain as from his childhood, he was very simple and a good person with a closed knit of friends. He used to go office, and offer namaz five times a day. A person who used to feel scared while seeing blood can never make such mistakes."
From DNA:

Hasnain had a golden heart, say neighbours about Thane man who killed 14 family members

Headline of Free Press Journals reporting on the Thane murders alludes to the similarity between Mohammadden religion practice of throat slitting of animals and nature of death of 14 victims with a headline of “Was it a ritual qurbani”.

FPJ also reports that there is “buzz” in the neighbourhood that “Shaitaan, meaning the devil, was behind the midnight massacre“ That should come as something of a relief to Prime Minister Modi and the BJP that this incident will not laid at the Governments door step as yet one more case of intolerance. But then again one never knows if the Nehru-Gandhi family led Congress Party will claim that Shaitaan was influenced by PM Modi and the BJP:

Was it a ritual qurbani

Continuing on the theme of ritual Mohammadden animal slaughter method of Kurbani aka Qurbani, sole survivor of the murders, younger sister of alleged murderer Hasnain Warekar is reported by Mid Day as saying “Bhaijaan ne qurbani ki chhuri se sab ko maara”. Eyewitness who has carried bodies of victims to the ambulance is reported by Mid Day as saying “Hasnain was very interested in offering animal sacrifice during Qurbani Eid. He made exact cuts to slit the right blood vessel in the neck to ensure the victims died”.

See more at:

Thane massacre: Killer used qurbani knife to slaughter family

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 29 Feb 2016 10:34
by arun
X Posted from the “Bangladesh News and Discussion” thread.

Support for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan’s cricket team by Bangladesh citizens during the match against India at Mirpur causes exiled Bangladeshi author Ms. Tasleema Nasreen to tweet "Bangladesh supporting Pakistan is like a rape victim supporting her rapist."

Tasleema Nasreen is also reported by DNA as saying “For those who are supporting Pakistan for 'non- sporting' reasons, Taslima asked why they are not supporting the country that helped Bangladesh get independence in 1971.”.

Presumably the “non- sporting reasons” being alluded to by Ms. Nasreen is the shared adherence of the majorities of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Bangladesh to Mohammaddenism while India which helped liberate Bangladesh from the rapacious and genocidal Punjabi dominated Military of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has a Non-Mohammadden majority. With foregoing kind of religion based acceptance of persecution as long as it is at the hands of fellow Mohammadden, is it any surprise that the world is awash with cases of Green on Green Intra-Mohammadden slaughter in places like Nigeria, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Afghanistan etc. etc.?

From DNA:

Like a victim supporting her rapist: Taslima Nasreen hits out at Bangladeshis supporting Pak against India

More on the same story from TOI:

Bangladesh supporting Pakistan is like a rape victim supporting her rapist, says Taslima Nasreen

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 29 Feb 2016 14:29
by deejay
From Russia with... ... ead-metro/ Graphic images with the report.
Woman in black allegedly holding severed child's head near Moscow metro station detained (GRAPHIC)

Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-20

Posted: 29 Feb 2016 15:24
by Singha
from one of the links above

The Thane police investigating the case suspect that Hasnain might have had sex with his wife before the murder. “When we found his wife’s body, it was naked and her throat was slit. The accused, Hasnain was wearing a shirt and pants, but he wasn’t wearing undergarments,” said a police officer from Kasarvadavli police station. - See more at: ... 7Hf8G.dpuf