In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

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In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack, I believe GOI will take the following action:

1) Lot of hot air and bleating but no visible action in the foreseeable future.
2) Heavy shelling of PA positions across LoC, but no more
3) Significant covert strikes on select targets deep inside Pakistan.
4) Significant covert + conventional (IBG, IN, IAF) strikes deep inside Pakistan
5) Aar-paar ki ladai
Total votes: 187

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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by pankajs »

^ Saar

Undie is fast loosing its relevance in the general population even though its agenda does play well within a certain section. Don't let is agenda driven *debates* make your blood pressure go up. Social media is going to further erode their grip on agenda driven narrative.

If you go by the *forgot-the-name-US-agency* polls Modi is comfortably placed to win 2019 even with all the mud thrown at him these past 2-3 years. His brand remains pretty solid and population expectation remain positive. With such a combo an incumbent hardly ever gets thrown out provided there is no major goof up from now. But he needs to prepare for an attack about 6 months before 2019 elections.

The other positive from that poll was that he scores the highest amongst he youth and that too amongst the grad+. Our future leaders in all walks of life are going to come from this pool and Modi's popularity with this group bodes well for future. If he is able to get 10 years at the helm, a lot of the *old* guard would have retired and the nation would be in the hands of these youngsters.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by partha »

I am no military expert but I think there can never be a perfect state of preparedness. This opinion expressed by the likes of Ajai Shukla that Indian military is not prepared to respond to Uri attack is not convincing. Also being outside military and Govt, one can at best be in doubt regarding how well prepared the military is. How is that Ajai Shukla is so categorical in stating that military is not prepared? I just feel the likes of him are enjoying a sense of schadenfreude regarding tough options before Modi. Even if Modi chooses the military response option, Shukla and his friends will be the first ones to pick on irrelevant details and criticize. Sure, Sachin scored a double century but why did he waste 14 balls, hain?
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by g.sarkar »

I can only go by history. India will give a befitting reply at her own chosen time. I hope this reply happens before this kalpa has ended.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by JayS »

shiv wrote:I can only state on here what my thoughts tell me so I am not trying to change anyone's thought process or opinions, just laying open my own thoughts.

I repeat - let me assume that we have a great leader, a fantastic bold thinker who dares to do the unthinkable or the difficult. And this leader is put in place of Modi. This leader has at his command all the Indian armed forces with their strengths and areas of deficiency. 1.5 million men in arms and this leader has to send them to war against Pakistan at the end of which several thousand young men and women will be dead. Children will have lost their fathers and parents their sons.

If they win, our great leader will get credit. If they don't win then the leader will get the blame.

But my mind asks me a question" What the heck does "win" mean. What is 'victory" against Pakistan? If our leader is really great he has several options to deal with this question

1. He can take the really difficult option and define victory as "breaking up Pakistan" and demand that his armed forces deliver Pakistan in 4 pieces with whatever they have today starting today because the leader must appear that he is strong and is responding strongly to a Paki attack on Uri.

Here a few problems crop up. The armed forces may complain that they can't do it because of various reasons. or the armed forces may say "OK we will do it - but even after 2 months of fighting they do not manage to break up Pakistan and realize that it was a mistake. If that happens what can the leader do? He is after all a great leader. He cannot fail. Does he risk war or not?

2. Our great leader may then say "Ok we cannot break up Pakistan in 3-4 weeks so what else can I do?" He is told by his supporters "retaliate strongly". He asks the armed forces to hit Pakistan hard without actually entering and attacking Pakistan. he is hailed as a great hero and Pakistan goes whimpering to the UN and shows images of villagers in PoK being blown up by Indian artillery. At this stage he declares victory and stops. He even wins the next election. But after 6-7years again, Pakistan, with its army intact, people full of hate, starts hitting India again. But our leader is already a great man and is leaving office. It is the next leader who has to deal with Pakistan and show that he is as great as the previous one

3. Alternatively our great leader may turn spineless and chicken. he may say "First let me stop diplomatic contact. Let us call off trade. Let us highlight Pakistan atrocities. Let us try and build international consensus about a problem we face in a situation where no one gives a damn about us. But if no one gives a damn now, they will have even less sympathy for our view in case of war. So let us at least tell every nation about what we think of Pakistan and what we hope to achieve.

What any individual leader does depends, literally on the "stars". But the above three scenarios are what my mind tells me are the only options any leader can take. But as leader it is his prerogative to choose what he wants. I can only watch and wait for the next election to decide whether I want my great leader again or not.
My expectation from a great leader on this front is - Work on all fronts across the board towards the grand strategy of breaking up of Piggistan in a time bound manner (say a 5yr or 10yr plan) - Political/Economic/Diplomatic/Covert warfare. Prepare the military meanwhile with man and material for a quick decisive war. Device strategy on how to tackle US/China before they can jump in. Device strategy for after war plan for solution of the problem once and for all (demilitarization of newly independent states, making sure they have a proper democratic set-up and do not fall to radical Islamic path a al BD, even turning them back to Indic mind set etc etc). But meanwhile keeping a tactical plan for quick response on any and every attack (may not be military always but it should have retribution for specific attack written all over it - anything ranging from assassinations of top PA officers to grabbing chunk of land from bakis, or damaging strategic assests such as some F-16s or a submarine) on our soil to make cost of asymmetric warfare with India too much to sustain. In Maitya's words
some well-aimed and widely-published jhapads.
Yes its not a ultimate solution, but its part of the solution until we go for the kill.

I think Modi is doing part 1. Though I am not sure if he has put a time line or not. But I am disappointed on second part - particularly after Pathankot. Even a immediate high-level meeting of 3 chiefs, NSA, RM, PM, BSF, RAW, IB would have sent shivers down piggistan's spine. But all we had was a insipid meeting chaired by HM.

Nonetheless, I will continue to support him, because he is still a far better option when considering all the things a PM is suppose to take care of. I will not vote him out because he didn't do everything and instead let those who do nothing come forth.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by JayS »

shiv wrote:
Interesting points.

Actually Kargil seemed to follow the text of an article by Lt Gen (?) Javid Nasir in a Paki army journal that the Indian army is tired and will not be able to fight back. That apart it is part of Paki army ethos to display bravado and mock and taunt India and claim that Indians are weak or cowardly and will not be able to hit back. But claiming such things is dangerous without having a serious "plan B" of what they will do if the cowardly Indians do hit back. Pakistanis have made this error of judgement more at a strategic level rather than at a tactical level.

At a tactical level many accounts of battles with Pakistanis in both land battles and air battles show that they do attack, expect retaliation, prepare defences against retaliation and counter attack after beating back the retaliation. This latter behaviour is part of good military training and causes casualties among Indians. So it would be unwise for Indians to expect "typically stupid" Pakistani behaviour. The report I saw a few minutes ago of F-16s in Skardu suggests that Pakis expect some retaliation

The former behaviour of mocking kafirs and not having any plan B is actually astounding - but bravado and talking about the superiority of Muslim forces against Kafirs could be part of delusional religious indoctrination. Although there are accounts that this indoctrination multiplied manifold after the Zia era in 1974, accounts from the 1965 war also have examples where Pakistani soldiers "saw" green jinns leading forces and even Air Cmde "Nosey" Haider who lead a successful air raid on Pathankot in 1965 recounts in his autobiography that he had asked for each pilot in that raid be offered a bucket of cologne just before take-off so that they may smell sweet for houris in jannat in case they were halaled.
I agree that Bakis are typically tactically smart but strategically fools. And perhaps the main reason for that is the slow reaction time from our side and lack of "on the toes" posture all the time. I guess its in our genes so can't do much about it.

I also agree we should not assume Bakis are fools and we should not assume they are just partying after such attacks and totally off the guard. But thinking everytime that "this is exactly what Bakis want us to do, and its trap, so we should refrain from any rash action" is IMHO is just finding excuse on the Politicians part and a false hope on citizen's part thinking we will retaliate later on time of our choice. The later never comes sadly.

Even in Kargil, we never really punished Pak for their bravado. We merely defended ourselves. Punishment would have been some lasting scar on their face and I don't mean some imaginary H&D thing, but some real material damage. Again one might say we were not in a situation to do much at that point of time, a point which I am ready to concede on. But even after 16 years we have not even built the will or the killer instict to punish Piggistan in true sense. Seems like its happening. Lets see.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by Philip »

The views of PS on a channel about the unpreparedness of the armed forces who've been starved of urgently needed eqpt.,ammo,weapon systems,etc.,plus a policy of what mil action to take against Paki cross-border terror,strikes a chord.The UPA was totally delinquent in its attitude towards Pak and did F-all after 26/11,because it was totally unprepared for a war with Pak.It's leaders were too busy swindling,scamming and stealing from the poor of the nation! The NDA began on the same route that ABV bravely took,all in good faith.However,it should've learnt its lesson from the manner in which ABV and India was betrayed-Kargil. After Pathankot there is little excuse that it can offer for not having an immediate mil response
in place,ready for the next attack. In fact our counterattack should've begun whole the Uri attack was still going on!

The IAF and IN should have the capability to launch an attack within an hour of the order being given.The IA can immediately commence arty firing,MBRL salvoes and launch cross-border penetration by whatever forces,special forces of even armour if need be.For this to however take place,the needs of the armed forces must be met asap.The GOI should send immediately mil teams to Russia,Israel and elsewhere to stock up on much needed ammo,extra aircraft,armour,lease of subs,warships,missiles-esp S-400 BMD SAMs,so that we can call Pak's nuclear bluff.

Installing a Baluchi govt-in-exile in India is another must.There can be no going back on Pak from now on.AS someone mentioned,the Baluchis,Sindhis,tribal crowd must get India's full support for their independence from now on.Pak needs to be broken into small pieces and liberating Baluchistan with the assistance from Afghanistan and Iran is the need of the time.A Paki military that is engaged on three fronts,Afghanistan border,Baluchistan and the Indian intl border and LOC will be in dire straits if the three fronts can be coordinated.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by Varuna »

Karthik S wrote: Why will they do this? Skardu is less then 100 km from LoC.
Pakis are paranoid about SeePack (CPEC). The kamandus think Uri incident will be used for disrupting their game changeing SeePack in GB.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by Aditya_V »

Varuna wrote:
Karthik S wrote: Why will they do this? Skardu is less then 100 km from LoC.
Pakis are paranoid about SeePack (CPEC). The kamandus think Uri incident will be used for disrupting their game changeing SeePack in GB.
The squatters on GB think they rights- Bast*****, making deals using our land.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by shiv »

From Lt Gen HS Panag (read whole via link) am posting only an excerpt ... nd-to-189/
The above approach at best will only achieve the aim of immediate retribution and impose caution on Pakistan, but it is unlikely that it will achieve the political aim of preventing Pakistan from pursuing its long term strategy of perpetrating 4GW in India. It is my considered view these options must be exercised in the near future, in order to assuage public emotions and for the sake of morale of the Armed Forces. However, the operations must be restricted to J&K for international acceptability.
The Indian parliament resolution on J&K dated 22 February 1994 makes it incumbent upon the Government to take all measures, diplomatic and military, to recover the territory of J&K under illegal occupation of Pakistan. Pakistan is using the territory under its illegal occupation to wage a proxy war in J&K. It is only a matter of time before the ISIS entrenches itself in J&K, actively-facilitated by Pakistan. Our diplomacy must convey this to the world and create the conditions to justify a J&K-centric limited war despite the nuclear backdrop. We should adopt a strategic defensive posture in the territory outside J&K and declare the same to the world. If Pakistan escalates the war outside J&K, we should decimate its Air Force, Navy and Mechanised Forces.

Contrary to what every doubting Thomas feels, we have the capacity to do this. Nuclear brinkmanship will come into play after seven to 10 days. By that time, the Line of Control in selected areas could be pushed back 10-15 km and we would be threatening operational/strategic objectives. All launch pads that facilitate infiltration would be in our hands. This option will not only bring Pakistan to the negotiating table, but also China will force it to come to the negotiating table as the China Pakistan Economic corridor would come under threat. Peace would be on our terms.

We have the capacity for a J&K-centric cold start proactive strategy while being on strategic defensive outside J&K.
The government must clearly spell out the political aims and strategic limitations, and leave the rest to the Armed Forces. Since the diplomatic conditions have to be created, no timelines need to be specified. However, taking into account the strategic situation in South Asia, such an option is best exercised just before the onset of winter.
Last edited by ramana on 21 Sep 2016 21:46, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added bold and underline. ramana
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by Christopher Sidor »

SwamyG wrote: Looks like you would be happy only if Modi slaps Nawaz. BJP is a political party, not a party of Sanyasins. It has to stay in power to get its points across, no body respects a party that does not have/share power. Congress stood for corruption and bad governance across all spheres of life. Hence BJP sloganeering makes sense as it reaches the people.
I would be happy if Modi were to take back what is ours and if possible also dividing Pakistan up. This is irrespective of who is the PM, President, CEO of Pakistan. If he gets to slap the PM/President/CEO of Pakistan on the way that also would be great.

So BJP is a political party and for it staying in power with PDP even when PDP has undone all the good work done by our security forces is justifiable. Next we will say since BJP is a political party it is justified in staying in power even if Gellani is made the CM of J&K and he seeks independence from India. After all BJP are not a party of Sanyasins, just a party of people who want to stay in power, to the hell with our soldiers getting burnt by terrorists from across the LoC or to the hell if the whole system goes toss. We are putting the good of a party in front of the good of a nation.

So our dislike for Congress is so great that we are willing to have a incompetent and spineless as our PM. The ability of our armed forces to strike at Pakistan is directly proportional to the leadership NM provides in this crucial junction. If he is going to follow the same rule book of Congress then I would rather have the original guy in the PM seat and not an impostor. Why should we want to go for the clone (i.e. BJP or Congress-B team) when I could go for the original? And if I am going to get the same policies then why did we vote for Congress. It is like replacing Ravana with Kansa just because Ravana abducted a woman and Kansa did not.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by rgosain »

Philip wrote:The views of PS on a channel about the unpreparedness of the armed forces who've been starved of urgently needed eqpt.,ammo,weapon systems,etc.,plus a policy of what mil action to take against Paki cross-border terror,strikes a chord.The UPA was totally delinquent in its attitude towards Pak and did F-all after 26/11,because it was totally unprepared for a war with Pak.It's leaders were too busy swindling,scamming and stealing from the poor of the nation! The NDA began on the same route that ABV bravely took,all in good faith.However,it should've learnt its lesson from the manner in which ABV and India was betrayed-Kargil. After Pathankot there is little excuse that it can offer for not having an immediate mil response
in place,ready for the next attack. In fact our counterattack should've begun whole the Uri attack was still going on!

The IAF and IN should have the capability to launch an attack within an hour of the order being given.The IA can immediately commence arty firing,MBRL salvoes and launch cross-border penetration by whatever forces,special forces of even armour if need be.For this to however take place,the needs of the armed forces must be met asap.The GOI should send immediately mil teams to Russia,Israel and elsewhere to stock up on much needed ammo,extra aircraft,armour,lease of subs,warships,missiles-esp S-400 BMD SAMs,so that we can call Pak's nuclear bluff.

Installing a Baluchi govt-in-exile in India is another must.There can be no going back on Pak from now on.AS someone mentioned,the Baluchis,Sindhis,tribal crowd must get India's full support for their independence from now on.Pak needs to be broken into small pieces and liberating Baluchistan with the assistance from Afghanistan and Iran is the need of the time.A Paki military that is engaged on three fronts,Afghanistan border,Baluchistan and the Indian intl border and LOC will be in dire straits if the three fronts can be coordinated.
Philip one of the things that no one mentions is the role of the UPA in delegitimising and disregarding the plight of the Pandits from J and K and in particular not recognising the expulsion as ethnic cleansing. This recent attack has prompted one the community's representatives to mention to me that many Pandits would prefer their properties to be leased to recently retired servicemen who have served in the area. Apparently the IA discharges thousands of men who have experience of the terrain and area, and loses that experience.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by ragupta »

Christopher Sidor wrote:Shiv and Rudradevji none of my posts were meant at you personally or against you as an individual. For the past 2 years all around me people have been saying that this PM is a Feku. I did not believe it when Vijay Mallya was allowed to escape to a luxurious exile in London with no attempt being made to get him back. I did not believe it when BJP's ruling partner in J&K led the state to ruin. I did not believe it when a very competent RBI governor was hounded out by our PM and our FM to benefit their industrialist cohorts. I did not believe it when Pathankot happened. But I was wrong. We all were wrong. This PM is turning out to be a bigger incompetent than even when Vajypee was. He is all hot air who is not concerned about our forces and our country. With this attack it has been proved that BJP is nothing more than Congress-B team. And just like in cricket this B team is incompetent as compared to the A team.
You have axe to grind against a party, this thread is not political discussion, choose a different thread, you are blind to your hatred, cannot see anything else. you make it so obvious. you are not interested in Indian response to terrorist attack, but more interested in attacking Indian and BJP in particular, your love for kangress is clear, so be it. Your rant qualifies for ignore list. rest in peace.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by Chandragupta »

Shiv guru makes sense. Victory against Pakistan only means break up of Pakistan so that it ceases to exist. Anything less than that is a waste of men & material. I doubt that the Armed forces are prepared for a long war such as this given the 10 year UPA rule and also if there is a military-politico appetite in India for a war that may well go on for months and may turn nuclear. As much as it is humiliating and saddening, the correct option is to cook Pakistan in its own juices. I just hope Modi & team fasten this process & add spices to the mix.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by Christopher Sidor »

There is another option too a better option, Let Pakiland survive and convert it into another Somalia or better still what Lebanon was in the 1990s.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by shiv »

Chandragupta wrote:Shiv guru makes sense. Victory against Pakistan only means break up of Pakistan so that it ceases to exist. Anything less than that is a waste of men & material. I doubt that the Armed forces are prepared for a long war such as this given the 10 year UPA rule and also if there is a military-politico appetite in India for a war that may well go on for months and may turn nuclear. As much as it is humiliating and saddening, the correct option is to cook Pakistan in its own juices. I just hope Modi & team fasten this process & add spices to the mix.
That said - there is an article by Lt Gen HS Panag that I posted earlier and he says we are fully capable of taking PoK & should do it "at a time of our choosing" but preferably before winter.

He also says that some immediate retaliation will be good for morale but will not have lasting benefit
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by Christopher Sidor »

Ideally we should not be looking at retaliation. We have to remove the problem at its core. That implies
1) Reclaiming our territories lost in 1947.
2) Eliminating this contraption called "Land of Pure" from the map of the world Or let it survive as Somalia does.

There is an issue with retaliation, which the Israel's experience shows, it does not end the circle of violence. Moreover the people who are responsible are either in Rawalpindi or Islamabad or somewhere in Western Punjab and not in PoK. These guys get away free. What happens is that leaders are not punished rather foot soldiers are. Killing the foot soldiers is of no consequence. The Leaders can get more people from where the foot soldiers come from to replenish the ranks. Hence it is important that Leadership be targeted. That includes PA, ISI and JeM/LeT/Hizb leadership.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by TKiran »

OT but couldn't resist responding to your post, how come China doesn't have any terrorist problems, can't we use the same technics of China? (Please don't say China has terrorists problem, PLA does not get hit, they have effectively controlled the terrorists)
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by shiv »

TKiran wrote:OT but couldn't resist responding to your post, how come China doesn't have any terrorist problems, can't we use the same technics of China? (Please don't say China has terrorists problem, PLA does not get hit, they have effectively controlled the terrorists)
With respect - you are making a statement that you claim is a fact and then asking others to support you and not contradict you. I see your question like a man who sees a photo of Kashmir - serene and peaceful and says "there is no terrorism" in Kashmir.

The short answer is that the Chinese themselves are terrorists. They support and fund the Paki army. The Paki army funds islamic terrorists who attack everyone, like communists

The Chinese cultural revolution was like communist terrorists taking over China from 1966 to 76. That may seem like history but I saw it live in the papers. 30 million were killed. Later there was a Tibetan rebellion. Arms were supplied by the US from India. Untold thousands were killed. More recently there has been Uighur terror attacks regularly reported.

Why not PLA? China is a police state where criminals are caught and shot summarily. We would have to do this - I think Geelani and co would have been among the first to be shot. But that said the Chinese way is supported by people like Yechury and the Kerala commies. Islamist terrorists and communists use violence as part of their agenda and as long as one agrees with them one might live. You will notice that both Islamists and Communists accuse Hindus of being killers That aside China is a closed state where news does not escape other than what they want to publish

I think you are just deluded or misled at the very least about what you say of China. But these are my views. You have to ask yourself what techniques the Chinese use and whether those techniques can be used at all in India and why they cannot be used.

Too many Indians (I am not accusing you) like to say that Amreeka is "law abiding" but Indians are not. This is not true. There are laws and under Indians laws what the Chinese do simply cannot be done. If we break our laws we might as well throw away the constitution and dissolve India as we know it
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by asgkhan »

All this kadi nindan, dossier exchange, giving evidence, doing rudaali drama in front of UN/US/Three bit cuntries, passing befitting reply, time and place of our choosing is nothing but crap.

History clearly has shown that strength respect strength, there will never be a perfect opportunity, some of the justification given is laughable, akin to saying I will go to gym first as my neighbor has molested my wife, I will gently slap him after 6 months when I have sufficient biceps/weather is good/the stars in my horroscope are all aligned.

The world is laughing at our impotence while pseudo-admiring the restraint we have shown.

BJP is pathetic, all those 'analysis/talks/pptgiri' by Doval on youtube and the fawning posts made on esteemed Modi & co by the fanbois is of no use in view of this naked aggression shown by the inbreds next door.

Do something goddammit, arm the **** out of the Balochis, give them high class IED training, let them loose on the lizards and the inbreds. For every soldier we loose, get 100 baki/cheeni heads on a platter.

Instead Idiots are crying to UN, giving statements to rundeetv, presenting evidience to the inbreds. Chullu bhar paani mein doob maro. Bunch of gutless/spineless/ball-less retards.

They have the blood of our soldiers on their hands and other than issuing dusted statements copy pastad out of MMS nursery rhymes book, not a word of actionable statement.

What is the difference b/w manmoorakh singh and our leadership hain ?

Pathetic !!
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by Gagan »

The baloch have adequate IED training OK? Why is india needed for that?
Who blows up the Sui gas pipelines every month hain ji?
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by sivab » ... terrorists
Exclusive: Uri Avenged, Spl Forces Cross LoC; Kill 20 Terrorists

At least 20 terrorists have been neutralised in a daring cross-LoC operation by the Indian Army in response to the Uri attack.
Two units of the elite 2 Paras comprising 18-20 soldiers flew across the LoC in the Uri sector in military helicopters and reportedly carried out an operation that killed at least 20 suspected terrorists across three terror camps in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK).
Casualties suffered, including those injured by terrorists, could be as high as 200, sources said.

Military sources revealed to The Quint, which confirmed this information from two other independent sources, that the operation happened during the intervening hours of 20 September and 21 September.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by sivab »

Kolahoi ‏@PawanDurani 3m3 minutes ago
Kolahoi Retweeted Harini Calamur
I insist that news is correct and those killed were Pakistan regulars
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by sivab »

Aviator Anil Chopra
Elite Para Commandos of Indian Army already in PoK. 3 militant camps targeted. PM @narendramodi was in MO Ops room till 2230 last night. Wow
Aviator Anil Chopra
Retd Air Marshal of Indian #AirForce, Test Pilot. Member Armed Forces Tribunal
Last edited by sivab on 21 Sep 2016 22:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by pankajs »

Saar choose one thread . wonlee.
Mrityunjoy Kumar Jha ‏@Mrityunjoykjha 2h2 hours ago

As @PawanDurani hv bn saying .. There were PAK army jawans .. So action has begun ..
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by Prem »

Sivab beat me to this good news!
Hope IA go for control over Haji Pir Pass.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by jivana »

@#$%^&*( :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

WTF is this? Why are these pandus putting the lives of the Para Commandos at risk. Let them come back home safe and sound, then gloat all you want.

This is f---in treason! :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by sivab »

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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by Sicanta »

jivana wrote:@#$%^&*( :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

WTF is this? Why are these pandus putting the lives of the Para Commandos at risk. Let them come back home safe and sound, then gloat all you want.

This is f---in treason! :evil: :evil: :evil:

Given this Gov. track record, it is safe to say that these leaks are authorized.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by Karan M »

If this news is correct. Finally - a leader with cojones. This in its own way will be as momentous as ABV taking India officially nuclear. Now only hope Indian public has the maturity to recognize this & continue to support such actions.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by suryag »

this is BS sab miley huey hain ji, IA, PMO, journos, twitter and brown shalwar army
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by SaiK »

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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by anupmisra »

Question: Why did al bakistan declare a no-fly zone at or around the same time this covert operation took place?
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by Manish_Sharma »

Karan the trouble with us the public is that we forget these things very quickly, in May '98 Vajpayee did the test and streets of Delhi was full of dances and crackers, but just 6 months after that congis used their nafed and onion aadtees to take the price 100 rs. kilo and suddenly BJP lost Delhi state to congis.

Personally I feel that NaMo should do the war in December 2018, and 20 tests end of January, as the elections would be round the corner, no need to worry about sanctions etc. But by their nature congis and lefties will have not much time to turn the tables, while public mood will be jingoistic and anybody anti-war , anti-test, anti-BJP will be seen as pro-enemies.

Lets's see how it works out !
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by Bheeshma »

Awesome job. But I still want hits on the pakjabi heartland. These ******** don't care about some kashmiri sods. the DHA's in Lawhore and karachi must be targeted by no state actors. Like 65' don't hit them where they expect it.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by RoyG »

Manish_Sharma wrote:Karan the trouble with us the public is that we forget these things very quickly, in May '98 Vajpayee did the test and streets of Delhi was full of dances and crackers, but just 6 months after that congis used their nafed and onion aadtees to take the price 100 rs. kilo and suddenly BJP lost Delhi state to congis.

Personally I feel that NaMo should do the war in December 2018, and 20 tests end of January, as the elections would be round the corner, no need to worry about sanctions etc. But by their nature congis and lefties will have not much time to turn the tables, while public mood will be jingoistic and anybody anti-war , anti-test, anti-BJP will be seen as pro-enemies.

Lets's see how it works out !
War in 2018 and 20 tests? There is a limit Manish. Even for you. :lol:

Why are there 3 threads on this topic? We should merge all of them.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by Manish_Sharma »

^Ok Roy ji,

Let me limit it:
1.) December 2018 only a LIMITED 1 month war
2.) Only limited number of thermonuclear 19 tests

We will see BJP coming back with 360+ seats.

Also if we did the war thing now and the tests, then the momentum will peter out by 2019, plus sanctions will give financial problems.
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by Vamsee »

Suman Sharma's tweets are interesting... not sure if she knows something or just trying to get some twitter fame......
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by sivab »

Sumann Sharrma ‏@SumannSharrma 33m33 minutes ago
Companies of 2 and 9 Para Special Forces conducted ops
Sumann Sharrma ‏@SumannSharrma 23m23 minutes ago
This is just a small trailer , lots to follow . Could even be pre-mature Diwali !!
Sumann Sharrma ‏@SumannSharrma 7m7 minutes ago
Op is over. Air lifted back to parent location early morning without injury
Maj Gen SK Sinha ‏@SKSk785 1h1 hour ago
@TheSherni It is trailer main film is due :)


Aviator Anil Chopra ‏@Chopsyturvey 52m52 minutes ago
Sums up the situation. The sher has got up. Just wait and see

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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by Sicanta »

^^^ :) :)
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Re: In response to the Uri Terrorist Attack...

Post by krisna »

emotions help propel for action,but it is calm reasoning which makes the end results pleasing.

raw emotions is needed definitely to help get that extra edge in action .

hope diwali continues for long. :evil: :twisted: