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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 23 May 2016 10:43
by SSridhar
Kashi wrote:^^ But aren't the Afghan taliban chiefly dependent on TSPA and ISI to carry out their activities in Afghanistan? Now that TTP is in a retreat, there's less likelihood of TTP and Afghan Taliban joining hands, at least in the short term. So the TSPA can tell the "good" Taliban to either accept it's choice of emir or face the music, within and across Pakistan's borders. The "good" taliban may have to think long and hard on that one.
True, no doubt. But, the Afghan Taliban had never been totally under PA/ISI's control. There were instances of serious differences, most especially on the Durand Line and Pashtun nationalism. By the same token of your argument, the Taliban can also buck off the Pakistanis because, if the Taliban do not help, there is no 'strategic depth' at all. The Pakistanis would feel completely naked in Afghanistan especially with respect to India & Iran. The Taliban also have many sources of support from the Middle East. Besides, there is an important indirect source of support from China. China befriends everyone in its fight against the Uyghurs, whether it is Fazl-ur-Rehman of JuI or the Emir of JI or the Taliban. China would not let the PA/ISI shrug off the Taliban so easily, especially when it is part of the QCG to bring about peace.
The "good" Talibs would particularly take a long hard look at the reports that both the civvies and the "boys" were informed about the drone strike (also confirmed by the Paki FO themselves). Yet unlike in the past, there were no covert or overt warnings to scoot before the national bird came calling. This could mean any number of things.
I think that FO report about Pakistan being informed on the drone strike is ambiguous. No sensible government would pre-inform Pakistan of its impending attack, most especially on a prized Pakistani possession such as Mullah Mansour. They were post-informed because the strike took place on Pakistani soil.

As I said in the Afghan thread, taking out Mullah Mansour is a hard slap across the PA/ISI face, nothing less. Again, my humble opinion.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 23 May 2016 10:57
by Kashi
SSridhar wrote:I think that FO report about Pakistan being informed on the drone strike is ambiguous. No sensible government would pre-inform Pakistan of its impending attack, most especially on a prized Pakistani possession such as Mullah Mansour. They were post-informed because the strike took place on Pakistani soil.
I wonder if the Paki FO's quick confirmation of having received the communique from John Kerry was also aimed at cocking a snook at the "boys" by the besieged Nawaz and his coterie. The probably decided that should there be a blowback, they'll not let the "boys" put all the blame on them, but put it out in the open that COAS Sharif too was a part of this communique.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 23 May 2016 12:50
by SSridhar
Taliban Chief Targeted by Drone Strike in Pakistan, Signaling a U.S. Shift - Mujib Mashal, NYT
Has a picture of the wreckage.
After months of failed Pakistani efforts to broker peace talks with the Taliban, an American drone strike against the leader of the Afghan militants signaled a major break with precedent as the United States circumvented Pakistan in an effort to disrupt the strengthening insurgency, officials said on Sunday.

The Afghan intelligence agency said Sunday that the Taliban leader, Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansour, had been killed in the strike in the restive Pakistani province of Baluchistan. The United States announced the strike Saturday but could not confirm that Mullah Mansour had been killed.

Although there was still no official reaction from the main Taliban spokesman, some Taliban commanders on Sunday denied the reports, saying their leader was not in the area of the strike.

Even if Mullah Mansour was not killed, the attack was significant, as it is believed to be the first American drone strike in Baluchistan, the de facto headquarters of the Afghan Taliban, after years of such attacks in other Pakistani and Afghan areas.

The death of Mullah Mansour, who was consolidating his authority over a fracturing Taliban as the militants made major gains on the battlefield, would throw the insurgency into its second leadership crisis within a year. Still, it was unclear whether it could create any significant breathing space for the Afghan government of President Ashraf Ghani, which has struggled to bring the insurgency into negotiations.

Even with no clear successor to Mullah Mansour, the issue of peace talks has long been seen as deeply unpopular among the Taliban’s most senior leadership.

The strike in Baluchistan was also seen as a signal that the Obama administration was growing less patient with Pakistan’s failure to move strongly against the Taliban insurgency. While Pakistan’s powerful military establishment has quietly cooperated with the C.I.A.’s campaign of drone strikes against Al Qaeda and the Pakistani Taliban in the northwestern tribal areas, it has refused past requests from the spy agency to expand the drone flights into Baluchistan, former American officials said.

The United States and the Afghan government have long pointed at the Taliban sanctuaries across the border in Pakistan, particularly in Baluchistan, as the main reason for the resilience of the insurgents despite a campaign against them that, at its peak, involved nearly 150,000 international troops.

But until the strike against Mullah Mansour on Saturday, consecutive administrations in Washington had resisted the temptation of going after Taliban sanctuaries out of fear of angering Pakistan. Instead, American officials focused on pressuring the Pakistani military to force the Taliban’s leadership into joining peace talks with the Afghan government.

Pakistani officials were alerted to the attack against Mullah Mansour only after the strike, said a senior American official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss confidential operational details.

Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement Sunday denouncing the attack as a violation of the country’s sovereignty. The stance echoed Pakistan’s anger over the American raid that resulted in the death of Osama bin Laden in 2011. Then, too, the United States informed Pakistan of the raid only after the fact.

The Foreign Ministry said in the statement that a man carrying a Pakistani passport with the name Wali Muhammad, who entered from Iran on Saturday, had been targeted in the strike, along with his driver. It was not immediately clear if either was Mullah Mansour.

American officials say President Obama authorized a strike against Mullah Mansour weeks ago as it became clear that the new leader of the Taliban had little interest in peace talks. Months of efforts involving Afghanistan, Pakistan, China and the United States to initiate face-to-face talks led nowhere, with Mullah Mansour only intensifying his attacks.

The opportunity on Saturday, after a closer surveillance of his movements was activated, presented itself relatively quickly, in a matter of hours, and the military acted using the earlier White House authorization.

It took the Afghan government until noon on Sunday to state that Mullah Mansour was dead. The Taliban brushed it aside as propaganda along the lines of similar claims in December. The Afghan government, at that time, said Mullah Mansour had been killed in fighting between rival Taliban factions, also in Baluchistan.

“Akhtar Muhammad Mansour, the leader of the Taliban group, was killed around 3:45 p.m. yesterday as a result of an airstrike in Dalbandin area of Baluchistan Province in Pakistan,” the Afghan intelligence agency, the National Directorate of Security, said in a statement. “He had been under close surveillance for a while, until his vehicle was struck and destroyed on the main road in the Dalbandin area.”

Mullah Hameedi, a top Taliban military commander in southern Afghanistan, confirmed a strike in the border area but denied that Mullah Mansour had been there. “We are going to persuade Mullah Mansour to publish his audio record to confirm he is alive,” he said.

The United States did not offer confirmation of its own. “We are confident, but at this point we do not have indisputable facts that he is dead,” said Brig. Gen. Charles H. Cleveland, a spokesman for American forces in Afghanistan, said on Sunday.

Secretary of State John Kerry, speaking on Sunday in Naypyidaw, the capital of Myanmar, was the first senior official to talk about the attack. He repeatedly referred to Mr. Mansour in the past tense.

Asked if Pakistan had been kept in the dark about the operation until it was complete, Mr. Kerry would not say “when we communicated.” But he indicated that he talked with Nawaz Sharif, the Pakistani prime minister, on Sunday morning, after the strike was announced.

“We have long said that Mansour posed an imminent threat to us and to Afghan civilians,” he said. “This action sends a clear message to the world that we will continue to work with our Afghan partners.”

Pakistan’s relatively muted reaction, similar to its standard protests against drone strikes by American forces, might be due to the fact that, according to Taliban commanders in recent months, Mullah Mansour had repeatedly resisted Pakistani officials’ pressure on him to join negotiations.

“Mansour has not been cooperative in making progress on peace settlement discussions with Afghanistan,” said Seth Jones, an expert on Afghanistan at the RAND Corporation. “One red line for Pakistan has historically been a failure by Taliban operatives to accede to Pakistani priorities.”

Mullah Mansour rose to the Taliban leadership after the death of Mullah Omar in 2013 was revealed last summer. A former aviation minister lacking battlefield expertise, he ascended through the ranks of the insurgents gradually but was seen as a crucial figure in the Taliban’s regrouping after an initial defeat following the American-led invasion in 2001. Once he rose to the movement’s No. 2 position, he began a campaign of sidelining rivals and creating a monopoly over resources and decision-making.

After a very public leadership confirmation last summer in front of large gatherings of Taliban in Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan, Mullah Mansour had limited his movements, Afghan officials said. While the reason given to his subordinates was security — he narrowly missed an attempt on his life, attributed to dissidents within the Taliban ranks, in December — keeping the leader at a distance from the commanders followed a pattern that became routine under Mullah Omar.

A persistent question over whether Mullah Mansour would strike a peace deal with the Afghan government was his deep involvement in narcotics, a trade that has prospered in insecurity. The United Nations, as well as the Afghan government, has described Mullah Mansour as resembling the leader of a cartel rather than an insurgency that has relied on religious justification for its long war.

“Mullah Mansour was involved in smuggling and the mafia besides the leadership responsibility he had, which is why he was in favor of continuing the war to better run his businesses,” said Jawid Kohistani, an Afghan security and intelligence analyst. “That is why he wouldn’t cooperate for the calls for peace talks.”

When Mullah Omar’s death was revealed last summer, Mullah Mansour was a strong, though not unanimous, candidate for the job. But even as the Taliban under his leadership remained a formidable and violent force, Mullah Mansour struggled to unite the ranks. He quashed breakaway groups and sought to buy the support of other skeptical commanders, all while maintaining a publicity campaign that portrayed him as the head of a united command.

Much remains unclear about the succession if he is dead.

One leading candidate would be Sirajuddin Haqqani, one of Mullah Mansour’s most feared deputies, who has largely been running battlefield operations in recent months. While closely linked to Pakistan’s spy agency, Mr. Haqqani would struggle to gain the support of the wider Taliban as his small but lethal network has only in recent months fully integrated into the larger insurgency.

Whether or not Mullah Mansour resurfaces as he did the last time he was reported killed, the United States’ expansion of its drone campaign into Baluchistan suggests “that the U.S. is losing patience with the promises of Pakistan,” said Husain Haqqani, a former Pakistani ambassador to Washington.

“The Taliban insurgency will probably continue, but Pakistan has another chance to dissociate itself from backing the greatest threat to Afghan stability,” Mr. Haqqani said.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 23 May 2016 13:05
by Bhurishrava
I know this is a serious thread and doc saab willbe upset but thisone sounds v nice. ... te-actors/
After Pakistan protests drone strikes, US claims their drones are non-state actors
India today welcomed the American decision to hold an investigation into the drone incident and urged both Pakistan and America not to let “non-state actors” derail the peace process between the two countries.

Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2016

Posted: 23 May 2016 15:28
by Peregrine
X Posted on the PESW Thread

Pakistan yet to benefit from Russia’s pivot to Asia as trade falters: report
KARACHI: Russia is the largest country in the world by area and the 10th largest in terms of gross domestic product. But Pakistan’s bilateral trade with such a major regional economy has been minimal of late, averaging out at $420 million a year since 2004.
But the problem is more acute — the trade between the two countries in 2015 failed to meet even the modest standards, languishing at a mere $381m compared to $454m in 2014, according to a recent research report prepared by the Pakistan Business Council (PBC).
Cheers Image

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 23 May 2016 15:52
by Falijee

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 23 May 2016 17:02
by Gagan
Ashraf Ghani is reported to have fairly advanced stomach cancer.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 23 May 2016 17:10
by Gagan
The only result this 72ing of mansoor is going to have is that the talibs, haqqani are going to run to both the ISI and the US and start crying for guidance and protection.

ISI is the big local goonda. If the US does not show and keep reminding people that is is the ultimate power, then these local pipsqueaks start acting like big boys.

US has to keep reminding both the ISI and the talibs at regular intervals, who is the big boss, for there to be peace onlee.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 23 May 2016 17:17
by Falijee
US forces will continue to go after threats on Pakistani soil: Obama

" Neighbourhood Goondas " warned ! sover-virginity will be violated as and when Massa feels like it ! :mrgreen:

Alarm bells in Isloo? :roll:

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 23 May 2016 17:28
by Gagan
Ombaba confirms that Mansoor is dead

Some Pics: ... ter315.jpg ... 4ef229.jpg

Another thing.
This drone strike was in Ahmad Wal, which is a LOOONG way away from the Iran border (like 500kms plus), but just across the border (like 40 kms) with south afghanistan onlee.
So this might be BS that the SUV was driving in from Iran.

The talibs are hiding in balochistan, they launch off from there and from up north from the areas controlled by Haqqani to create mayhem in Afghanistan.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 23 May 2016 19:07
by Gagan
There is going to be EVEN more rona dhona because Modi's landed in Iran and is signing the India-Iran-Afghanistan transit agreement. India-Iran chahbahar port and Aluminium plant agreements

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 23 May 2016 20:05
by Gagan
Part of pakistan's angst is also likely to be the passage of the "US-India Defense Technology & Partnership Act”, as an amendment to the National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA)

This hasn't yet hit the mainstream Al-Bakistan news yet, but will cause very SIGNIFICANT rona dhona.

Then the space shuttle launch will also cause some angst. Now if only ISRO can release a launch vid...

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 23 May 2016 20:41
by Anujan
So Sherry (of Groper fame) is demanding "I pooch, Why hasnt US attacked Haqqanis for years??!!!"

Pakis are very disingenuous this way. Like how Groper called Osama hiding in Pakistan as "failure of the whole world to apprehend Osama".

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 23 May 2016 20:48
by VKumar
As we retire the MIG 21 and 27, we should pass on a few to our friends in Afghanistan for their security against terrorists just like the F16 is to be used against terrorists.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 23 May 2016 21:45
by vivek.rao
If Khans have any brains, some cruise missile or drone accidentally hits an ISI center or Paki military center by mistake. I mean by mistake.

It happened a while ago during Serbia/Bosnia crisis,chinese embassy was hit by missiles by mistake for supplying information to Milosevic regime.

Some mistakes do happen.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 23 May 2016 21:50
by rsingh
Gagan wrote:Part of pakistan's angst is also likely to be the passage of the "US-India Defense Technology & Partnership Act”, as an amendment to the National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA)

This hasn't yet hit the mainstream Al-Bakistan news yet, but will cause very SIGNIFICANT rona dhona.

Then the space shuttle launch will also cause some angst. Now if only ISRO can release a launch vid...
Bakistani are in a delima show photu of Indian shuttle with danda in pichwada to peacful and gentil bakistani Abdul or not to show. They are horrified..............who evil Yendian thew away a shuttle in space by giving it a danda. :rotfl:

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 23 May 2016 21:58
by Gagan
OMG! Ashraf Ghani says, "With our will we will change geography"
Now what in the world might that mean hain ji?

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 23 May 2016 22:59
by Gagan
vivek.rao wrote:If Khans have any brains, some cruise missile or drone accidentally hits an ISI center or Paki military center by mistake. I mean by mistake
With their munna, massa doesn't even pretend!
Salala check post, OBL, a hundred other telibunnies and retard faujis, all down the drain.

Everyone knows that munna is going to come back on all fours very soon

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 23 May 2016 23:30
by UlanBatori
Prophetic words. A horrible violation of Pakistan's honour and dignity and sovirginity

Mullah whatzit vaporized in his Pakistan sanctuary

Pakistan: Strike a violation of sovirginity
Pakistani officials said they learned of the strike after it was carried out.
"While further investigations are being carried out, Pakistan wishes to once again state that the drone attack was a violation of its sovirginity, an issue which has been raised along with Pakistan's skirts with the United States in the past as well," said a statement from Pakistan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 24 May 2016 00:12
by RCase
Gagan wrote:Ombaba confirms that Mansoor is dead

Some Pics: ... ter315.jpg ... 4ef229.jpg

Another thing.
This drone strike was in Ahmad Wal, which is a LOOONG way away from the Iran border (like 500kms plus), but just across the border (like 40 kms) with south afghanistan onlee.
So this might be BS that the SUV was driving in from Iran.

The talibs are hiding in balochistan, they launch off from there and from up north from the areas controlled by Haqqani to create mayhem in Afghanistan.
If this was a drone strike, wouldn't the body be in pieces? From the pictures, shouldn't the body be totally charred? It almost seems like the body is decapitated.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 24 May 2016 00:21
by Prem
Gagan wrote:OMG! Ashraf Ghani says, "With our will we will change geography"
Now what in the world might that mean hain ji?
He means the same thing which Doval sir told BSF to prepare for patrolling 264 Km long India Afghan Border in GB. PRC inserting PLA in the region precisely because of this fear of Munnastani ki Shamat Aaye scenario . India has the legal right and Afghan have the Abbu right to manage that area.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 24 May 2016 01:46
by Gagan
Looks like the first of the cheeni diesel-electric subs has started construction in Karachi, or will do so soon. These kilo copies are conventionally powered, but the paki media-walas and walis are bragging that these are nuclear boats.

Now some of the fanboy pictures and diagrams on the net show this design may carry an SRBM / MRBM in the conning tower, it remains to be seen if the cheeni will give the pakis SLBM tech

Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2016

Posted: 24 May 2016 01:54
by Peregrine
With its marriage to the Taliban and its extramarital affair with the US, Pakistan is playing with fire
Mullah Akhtar Mansoor, the leader of the Taliban group, was allegedly killed at around 3:45 pm on May 21st. He is said to have been killed in a US drone airstrike in Dalbandi, Balochistan. This is the most significant American incursion inside Pakistan ever since the Navy SEALs incident in 2011, in which the al Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden, was killed.
Pakistan seems to be playing with fire at the moment.
As for the US, things might be moving at a slow pace, they are still moving forward. But Pakistan will be paying the price of rescuing the US in the on-going Afghan war. In the larger context, Pakistan seems to be witnessing a diminishing role in this region. A gloomy future lies ahead for Pakistan, unless it completely shifts itself towards independent policies, disassociated from US objectives.
History has proven that the US doesn’t spare even their most loyal puppet regimes. Pakistani leaders must ponder upon what future they aspire to give its own citizens.
Cheers Image

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 24 May 2016 03:06
by Falijee
Pakistan summons US ambassador over drone strike in Balochistan
Going through the motions of protesting..... :wink: (in light of what was being said in Peregrine-ji's post )

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 24 May 2016 05:23
by Kashi
[url=Aoa72]Iran denies Mullah Mansour crossed Iran’s border to enter Pakistan[/url]
Iran on Monday denied reports that Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour entered Pakistan from the Islamic republic before being killed in a US drone strike, state media reported.
Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Hossein Jaber Ansari was quoted by the official IRNA news agency on Monday as denying Mansour had been in the country before the attack.

The competent authorities of the Islamic republic deny that this person on this date crossed Iran’s border and into Pakistan,” he said. :rotfl:
(Insinuating that Paki authorities are incompetent)

“Iran welcomes any positive action leading to peace and stability in Afghanistan,” he added, without elaborating. :mrgreen:
(Endorsing garbage disposal)
Coming so soon after the tripartite agreement, Pakis will soon run out of burnol.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 24 May 2016 07:10
by Baikul
Waiting for the claim that the strike on Mansour was actually sanctioned and valorously assisted by Pakistan as part of their glorious leadership role in the global war on terror. This is the real inside story.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 24 May 2016 07:12
by Anujan
Falijee wrote:Pakistan summons US ambassador over drone strike in Balochistan
Going through the motions of protesting..... :wink: (in light of what was being said in Peregrine-ji's post )
US ambassador should be told in very strong terms that such a violation of sovirginity can never be tolerated, Pakistan cannot be seen as a weak country and can make life for US very very hard.

After he has been politely requested for more aid and more discounts on the F16s.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 24 May 2016 09:20
by svenkat
Al Qaeda leader Bilal Lateef alias Yasir Punjabi and 13 other suspected militants who were killed in two ‘encounters’ with the Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) of police in Multan and Muzaffar­garh this week had been in the custody of law enforcement agencies for the past four months, sources said on Friday.

CTD personnel gunned down eight suspects in Nawabpur, Multan, during a shootout late on Wednesday night and six, including Yasir Punjabi, in Mondka Chowk, Muzaffargarh, in the early hours of Friday morning.

A source in an intelligence agency told Dawn on Friday that the suspected terrorists were arrested by the Bahawalpur CTD in joint operations with the Military Intelligence (MI) and the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) from different parts of Punjab during winter.

The sources claimed that Yasir Punjabi, a resident of Lahore, was head of the Punjab chapter of Al Qaeda and the interior ministry had proposed a reward of Rs1 million on his head. His name was also listed in the police’s Red Book.

Yasir Punjabi and his associates were alleged to be involved in masterminding, facilitating, training, provision of logistics and reconnaissance of targets in different parts of the country.

Yasir Punjabi was wanted in several terrorist attacks on police installations like the CIA headquarters, police rest house and Special Branch buildings in Gujranwala. He was involved in attacking Ahmadis’ worship places in Lahore in 2010 in which more than 90 people were killed.

Yasir Punjabi and his associates were also involved in targeted killing of police officers in Uch Sharif, Muzaffargarh, D.G. Khan and Layyah, and in the assassination of Brig Fazal Qadri. They were also blamed for attacking a religious gathering in Sargodha in September 2014.

The sources further contended that the suspects were interrogated by the CTD, MI and ISI to their satisfaction.

Inspector General of Police Mushtaq Sukhera claimed on Friday that all the heads of terrorist organisations in south Punjab had been eliminated.

He termed the killing of Yasir Punjabi and his associates an important development in the operation against terrorism.

It seems that both US/China are nudging pakistan to do some taqqiya.They realise that pakistans mardangi will cost them severely as the NaMo govt is qualitatively different.Pakhanastans only hope lies in being 'reasonable' with Afghanisthan.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 24 May 2016 09:34
by RajeshA
Gagan wrote:OMG! Ashraf Ghani says, "With our will we will change geography"
Now what in the world might that mean hain ji?
Let's all eat together from the Pizza called Pakistan. #Pakizza

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 24 May 2016 16:07
by Falijee
Frequent flyer ‘Mansour’ used Pakistan airports
QUETTA: Afghan Taliban chief Mullah Akhtar Mansour, believed to have been killed in a US air strike in Balochistan on Saturday, was a frequent traveller and over the past nine years used at least two Pakistani airports for his visits abroad.
Mansour was coming to Quetta from Taftan when his car came under the drone attack, killing him and his driver.
A passport and a computerised national identity card found near the burnt car bore the name of Muhammad Wali. It’s suspected confirmed !that Mansour carried fake travel papers. (provided by the ISI)
“Wali had a Pakistani passport and was travelling on it with a valid visa of Iran and Dubai,” the official told Dawn on condition of anonymity, adding that the passport was twice issued to him from the Quetta passport office — first in 2006 and then in October 2011, after the previous one had expired. “The passport was valid up to October 2016.”
“He visited Dubai 18 times using Karachi airport on valid visas and once from Quetta airport,” said a senior government official. “We have no idea what the purpose of his frequent visits to Dubai was.”
As regards his visits to Iran, he travelled to Iran twice through the Taftan border crossing.
According to Afghan officials, he was involved in the smuggling trade ! Not sure if he declaring his "business income" and was filing an income tax return with Paki authorities :mrgreen:
Meanwhile, Iran on Monday denied reports that Mullah Mansour had entered Pakistan from the Islamic republic before being killed in the drone strike, adds AFP.
Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Hossein Jaber Ansari was quoted by the official Irna news agency on Monday as denying Mansour had been in the country before the attack.
“The competent authorities of the Islamic republic deny that this person on this date crossed Iran’s border and into Pakistan,” he said.
“Iran welcomes any positive action leading to peace and stability in Afghanistan,” he added.
Iran supports the Afghan government in its fight against the Taliban.
The `mystery’ shrouding the identity of the man killed along with his driver in the drone attack could not be resolved till Monday evening as no one approached the authorities concerned to claim the body which was brought to the Combined Military Hospital on Sunday.
“The body is still at the CMH in Quetta and no relative has come so far,” sources said, adding that the body could not be identified because it had been charred when the car caught fire after the missile hit it.
Once the "huppla" surrounding his death cools down, the ISI will claim the body and dispatch it to his relatives for final disposal with a letter in Pashto/Urdu that "more cash is coming after final approval " :mrgreen:
“The government agencies and other officials are investigating the drone attack,” a spokesman for the Balochistan government said in a statement.
The spokesman said that the investigating team would submit its report to the provincial government soon.It is learnt that a sample has been collected from the corpse for a DNA test which will be conducted in Islamabad as Quetta lacks the facility.
It will be interesting to know who will "redeem" the frequent flyer points that the late Mansour accumulated on for his "smuggling business" :mrgreen:

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 24 May 2016 16:20
by jagga
Sooner or later, it will be leaked that Pakis did help in locating Mullah. Congress will release 300 million dollars. Massa and Mullah's (ISI) sleep in same bed.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 24 May 2016 16:24
by SSridhar
Pakistan-born singer Salma Agha seeks OCI card - The Hindu

What is with all these celebrity Pakistanis seeking Indian citizenship?
Pakistan-born Bollywood singer and actor Salma Agha has applied for Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card and her request is being examined by the Home Ministry.

Ms. Agha has applied for the card that gives multiple entry, multi-purpose life-long visa to visit India and exemption from reporting to police authorities for any length of stay in the country, official sources said on Monday.

The Pakistan-born artist is a U.K. citizen {She has already escaped Pakistan. So, why India? We don't want more Headleys.}.

“The Home Ministry is examining her request. A decision will be taken soon,” a source said.

The OCI card gives parity to an individual with Non-Resident Indians in financial, economic and educational fields except in the acquisition of agricultural or plantation properties.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 24 May 2016 17:57
by Gagan
This Salma Agha sang and acted in the movie Nikah and she sang and won the filmfare award for the song "Dil ke armaan aasuon mein beh gaye".
And she's acted in like a dozen indian films.

Her daughter is the perennially in scandal Sasha (Zara) khan, who has a flop bollywood movie, "Aurengzeb" and an MMS scandal to her credit in addition to other such similar appearances.

Both mother and daughter were born in the UK, both hold dual Pakistani and british nationalities.

The mother-daughter duo are quite a organization...

It looks like the Elite RAPEs are seeking to add an Indian nationality to their already dual nationalities. There must be more such cases.
So now there are a few pakistanis who are posted to India from their massaland companies and jump at the opportunity, because they'll be safe in India, make a massa salary, and be close to Pakistan.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 24 May 2016 18:29
by member_23370
OCI card cannot be issued if they hold paki citizenship. GoI should not let riff raff enter India like this.

Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2016

Posted: 24 May 2016 19:33
by Peregrine

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 24 May 2016 20:38
by Karan M
^^ Then they should be bombing the Pakistan Army.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 24 May 2016 21:26
by Falijee
To sidestep Pakistan, India embraces an Iranian port
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was in Tehran on Sunday and Monday to ink a major trade deal between India, Afghanistan, and Iran, which is in the process of unshackling its economy from years of sanctions imposed by the West. He used his public addresses there to evoke the "past glory" of India and Iran's shared history, which dates back millennia, and even quoted Ghalib, an Indian poet who wrote often in Persian.
But behind the flowery language is a keen strategic move aimed at reasserting the potential for economic partnership with India at a time when China has expanded its economic influence across Central Asia. And since India is separated from the "Stans" and beyond by Pakistan, its immutable and hostile western neighbor, the agreement naturally centered on an alternate route: Chabahar, a port which India has been eyeing for many years along Iran's southern coast.
“The distance between Kandla and the Chabahar port is less than the distance between New Delhi and Mumbai, and so what this agreement does is to enable us quick movement of goods first to Iran and then onwards to Afghanistan and Russia through a new rail and road link,” said Nitin Gadkari, an Indian minister who oversees infrastructure development and who accompanied Modi to Tehran. He was referring to a port on India's west coast, and also the North-South Transport Corridor, a network of roads and railways, some built with Indian assistance, which would move goods north from Chabahar.
But even closer to Chabahar is Gwadar, in Pakistan, the focal point of a $46 billion investment China has made in an "economic corridor" through Pakistan that will bring oil from the Middle East to China more quickly and cheaply. While there are certainly other economic imperatives at play at both ports, oil figures heavily in the calculus of their existence. China is reportedly Iran's biggest buyer for oil. India is number two.
India is investing far less in Iran than China has in Pakistan, but Modi positioned the deal as one based on shared values of moderation and tolerance — as opposed to those of their unnamed adversaries.
So, Iran does not "feel guilty" that it did not side with "Ummah brother" Pakistan against India. Here is a good lesson for Pakistan that it just cannot always invoke the name of Malsi to get support
While his statements seemed to carry an undercurrent of antagonism, the deal is as plainly economic as much as it is strategic. India is mostly just trying to grab a piece of Iran's post-sanctions economic growth. India will extend a $150 million credit line to Iran to build the port, and a special economic zone will be established there, in which India will set up numerous factories that can run on Iranian fuel at discounted rates.
"India wants to make sure that China doesn’t start to define these countries' choices by being the only option they have," said Tanvi Madan, an expert on Indian foreign policy at the Brookings Institution.
When it comes to Iran, the Pakis will always ultimately toe the line dictated/ "suggested " by either Saudia Arabia or Massa; they cannot be seen to offend their "fourfathers", at the risk of financial bankruptcy :mrgreen:
Both nations sought an economic partnership long before the lifting of Western sanctions on Iran. In those years, Iran was India's second-biggest supplier of crude oil. While the sanctions were in place, India was free to buy Iranian oil under U.S. State Department waivers for several Asian countries that could not easily break with Iranian supplies, including China and South Korea, but the difficulty of financial transactions with Iran made their oil less enticing. (On the other hand, Pakistan was warned by "US and Saudi Arabia to forget about the IP gas pipeline" at the threat of aid cut-off - not that they had the money to finance that in th first place :mrgreen: !) Trade sank to the point that India imported only 6 percent of its oil from Iran in the 2014-2015 financial year, down from a high of 17 percent.
U.S. officials tried hard to encourage India to seek alternative sources, such as Saudi Arabia, but Iran has been equally persistent in courting India, promising aid in oil exploration in Indian territory and favorable terms for trade in Iran’s big consumer market. And now that many of the sanctions have been lifted, the oil trade between the two countries is back on the up and up. As of April, according to Reuters, India would be importing at an annualized rate that would be its highest since before the sanctions were in place.
. Economically independent and strong nations like India can resist pressure, Aid dependent and financially weak countries like Pakistan cannot; having an Islamic Bomb does not having any bearing in this case ! :mrgreen:
As part of the deal Modi made in Tehran, Indian refiners finally cleared a huge chunk of the $6.4 billion they owe to Iran, (without raising the amount in international market :mrgreen: ) and pledged to quickly transfer the rest.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 24 May 2016 22:02
by Falijee
Chaudri Nisar, Paki Interior Minister ( And ISI Mouthpiece ) - Pontificates On Pakistan's Sover-Virginity !
ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) – A meeting of the National Security Council is to be held during the next few days to take stock of the situation arising out of US drone strike in Balochistan.
This was stated by Minister for Interior Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan while talking to reporters in Islamabad on Tuesday.
He said the meeting would be held on return of the Prime Minister from abroad and after consultation with all stakeholders a clear cut point of view would be placed before the nation and the world.
Will Ganja Sharif be able to participate in the meeting, so soon, after his "medical check"- without any severe effect on his fragile health :roll:
The Interior Minister said irrespective of who was killed in the attack, Pakistan strongly condemns the drone strike, which constituted violations of Pakistan’s sovereignty, UN Charter and international law. He said the justification being offered by the United States is totally unacceptable. :((
The Murree dialogue was also ruined by the news of Mullah Omer’s death, (in other words the news should not have been leaked out by the Afghans!) and now that we were seeing some hope this incident occurred “sabotaging the dialogue process”, the minister maintained.
Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan said DNA tests have been taken (are DNA facilities available in Pakiland ?; is DNA testing "compliant with Sharia Law? :eek: ) and their result would determine whether or not the man killed in the drone attack was Mullah Mansour.He said today relatives of the persons killed in the attack approached for handing over of the dead body.(which from press reports appears to be vaporized :mrgreen: )
The Minister said in the absence of any scientific or legal evidence, the Government of Pakistan was not in a position to confirm as yet whether the killed was Mullah Mansour. :roll:
He said after seven hours of the attack, (ISI provided info) the United States formally informed Pakistan that Mullah Mansour was targeted in the drone strike and killed.

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 24 May 2016 22:26
by anishns
A friend of mine who is Iranian needed to renew iranian passports of his parents while they are in NA. However owing to sanctions no embassy exists in massa or canada.

Long story short, ummah brother Paki embassy in NY plays the role of dalla and can provide such services for Iranians for a whopping bakshish of $400 per passport.

I think Indian embassy should step in and as a gesture of goodwill provide same service for free or a reasonable cost until the embassies do open up.

This will give the pakis even more heartburn :mrgreen:

Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan-Jan 24, 2

Posted: 24 May 2016 22:42
by Falijee
Maulana Diesel ( A.K.A Fazlul Rehman) Plays Mediator Between Dus Percenti (A.K.A. Asif Zardari ) And Badmash (A.K.A. Nawaz Sharif ) In London ! (And in the process gets a free holiday )
Fazlur Rehman advises Zardari to meet PM Nawaz
LONDON: JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman met with former Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari and advised him to meet Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who is also in the city.
Sources disclosed that the meeting between Fazlur Rehman and Asif Zardari lasted for as many as three hours. During the meeting, the JUI-F chief advised Asif Zardari to form a consensus with the government on all controversial issues. Fazlur Rehman stated that Panama leaks should be investigated but specific persons should not be targeted.
Ganja is using "The Maulana" to dislodge Immy from power in KP province; this " talented " Maulana seems to have some "special" power of ingratiating himself with those in power at the Federal level be it Benazir, Mushy, and presently Nawaz !
During the meeting, which was held at the PPP leader's Park Lane residence, Zardari reassured the JUI-F chief that he would not fall for any conspiracy against democracy. Zardari reportedly also said that he would not become a victim of those conspirators who looked for a shortcut to come into power. (he is refering to Immy without naming him !)
However, even after Maulana Fazlur Rehman's insistence, no final decision was reached regarding a meeting between Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Asif Ali Zardari.
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is also in London for a couple of days for a medical checkup. The Pakistani Prime Minister is facing immense pressure from opposition parties who have all jointly called for PM Nawaz to step down in light of the disclosures of the Panama papers and obtain a clean chit from the judicial commission.
London seems to have acquired a solid reputation of hosting all sorts of Paki political rogues ranging from secular dictators (like Mushy), civilian PM (NS) and President (AAZ), targeted politicos (like Altaf Bhai ) and now a Man Of The Cloth (The Maulana)
Is the Maulana "comfortable" in an non-Islamic environment like London where all vices prohibited under the Book are indulged in 24/7- just wondering :mrgreen: