Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Atmavik »

Falijee wrote:In the past week or so, we have read, heard or seen of Pakistanis becoming Power- less , Water- less and now - the lastest ! Clue- Less ; ( conspiracy theory against Pakistan?) when are Pakis going to be "Air- Less" ! That will "solve" the Paki Problem once and for all :mrgreen:
Pakis r truly Shame - less
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

11 Chinese on way home shifted to Karachi from Quetta
The after effect.
As whereabouts of two Chinese nationals kidnapped in Quetta’s Jinnah Town on May 24 are still unknown, 11 Chinese nationals living in the same vicinity of the city have been shifted to Karachi for their departure to China.
Since the kidnapping the 11 Chinese nationals — three men and eight women — had been living in the Jinnah town under tight security.
officials of the Chinese consulate in Karachi met these 11 people earlier this week and after discussion it was decided that they would return to their country
He said two families of South Korean nationals also lived in Jinnah Town, adding that after the kidnapping they were being provided security by the police. He said the South Korean nationals had been living in Quetta for four years.
I suppose the bon homie is wearing out. But I am not sure if the correspondent has the nationality of the S. Koreans right. Could they be N. Koreans? ... rom-quetta
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

anupmisra wrote:11 Chinese on way home shifted to Karachi from Quetta
The after effect.
As whereabouts of two Chinese nationals kidnapped in Quetta’s Jinnah Town[*][/color] on May 24 are still unknown, 11 Chinese nationals[*] [/color]living in the same vicinity of the city have been shifted to Karachi for their departure to China.
[*] The fear of becoming Wajib-ul- (pork !) cutlet in the Land Of The Pure ! :mrgreen: [/color] ... rom-quetta
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Senile Sartaj Distances Paki Govt From ( Pompous) Raheel :roll:

Raheel Sharif’s appointment with coalition won't affect foreign policy: Sartaj Aziz
Advisor to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz yesterday assured the Senate that Pakistan would adopt a balanced policy in line with the recommendations of the Parliament with regards to its participation in Islamic Military Coalition.In response to a Calling Attention Notice, the advisor said the 34 members countries alliance was announced in December 2015 but later it was redefined as Islamic Military Coalition as clarified by the Saudi Foreign Minister.Sartaj Aziz said it was also clarified during the process of framing mechanism that every member would be free to decide its participation in any activity by its free will and without any compulsion.Any member can opt for an area like training, consultation or military action as per its desire.So, the Pakis are still "hoping against hope " that the Iranis would change their mind and accept the Paki offer of an "honest broker" to solve the Sunni-Shia divide. The Shias (Iran) have rejected them. The Sunnis ( Saudia ) put them in their (Ghulam !) place- by snubbing them - at the recently Islami Summit. So, IMO, they have become like the proverbial kutta, na ghar ka , na ghat ka :mrgreen:
Replying to questions by Senator Farhatullah Babar, he said no Terms of Reference (ToRs) or programmes and mechanism had been developed for the coalition by now.Therefore, there is also no question for ratification.“The government remains committed to take Parliament into confidence prior to ratification of any such ToRs or mechanisms.” ( face saving Echendee !) He said any informal statement by an authority or official cannot be taken as ToRs or the mechanisms. “The formal position is that no ToRs or purposes have been yet finalized.”He explained that Pakistan’s policy on this matter is as per guidelines of the Parliament on April 10, 2015 and “We are having a balanced position in our relations with friendly countries yet we remain committed to maintain territorial integrity of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as well as protection of the Holy Places.” Although being the sole atami takaat in the whole Islamic world, observers noticed that they ( the duo of Raheel and Ganja ) were totally ignored by POTUS and the Saudi King . In fact, I would go further and say that now the billions plus dollar arms deal is "done deal ", Raheel role ( as a showpiece ) has been "served" . He will again be "paraded around and exhibited to foreign audiences " as and when needed, unless he himself cannot take it anymore and returns in disgrace to Pakiland again ! Paying him "salary" of $ 1 million + is no problem for the ( "there is no tomorrow") :mrgreen: Saudis
When chairman Senate Mian Raza Rabbani questioned with regards to Saudi King’s statement about Iran, the advisor said Iran has been mentioned in the resolution, but it does not mean that all countries are joining for an action against Iran.
“These are hypothetical questions as there would be choice for members to join an activity.” He said it is a sad situation that Muslims nations are confronting one another and in such a situation we shall have to be extra careful. :(( Echendee soothing balm !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Another "Hot Scandal" Involving UK Pakis !

Fears of 'another Rochdale' as police probe 200 cases of child exploitation in West Yorkshire town where girl, 13, was raped by gang who 'lined up' and took turns to attack her :evil:
Police in an area where a gang of Asian men ( they should stop using "Asian" and use the word "Pakistani" or "Bangladeshi" or other specific ethnicities where applicable !) were jailed for repeatedly raping a 13-year-old white girl are investigating 179 new sex crimes involving 165 suspects, it was revealed today.West Yorkshire Police have said today that more than 100 young victims are being supported in Keighley and Bradford.The force says there are 179 crimes where child sexual exploitation is believed to be a factor under investigation in the city.
Drug dealer ringleader Arif Chowdhury - who is on the run - and his friends terrorised the vulnerable teenager and orchestrated most of the other sex attacks by Asian men he knew. Chowdhury, 20, who would rape the schoolgirl while laughing in her face, managed to fly to Bangladesh while on bail in 2012 - a country with no extradition treaty with Britain.
The ringleader of the Rochdale child sex ring is continuing to fight his extradition to Pakistan at taxpayer expense.Shabir Ahmed - who told his victims to call him 'daddy' - was the head of the gang portrayed in the shocking BBC drama Three Girls last month.As the programme shone a further spotlight on the scandal, it emerged that Ahmed - who was jailed in 2012 - is still trying to stay in Britain. Hope British authorities change laws and deport these shameless Pakis !
Of the nine men convicted over the scandal in 2012, only Shabir Ahmed, 64, who was caged for 22 years, and Mohammed Sajid, 40, who was jailed for 12 years, remain behind bars.Mohammed Amin, 50; Abdul Qayyum, 49; and Hamid Safi, 27, were all jailed for five years or less and have now completed their sentences.Adil Khan, 47; Abdul Rauf, 48; Abdul Aziz, 46; and Kabeer Hassan, 30, are all believed to have been released on licence after going beyond the half-way point of their sentences.The other three mounting the case against deportation are Adil Khan, Abdul Rauf and Abdul Aziz. All are common -sounding names from the Land Lund Of The Pure !!!

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Amber G. »

Falijee wrote:
Amber G. wrote:To experts - Why this is a news? We all know Paki's are clueless and there is always a foul stench in any Pakistan. Yet the headline:

Authorities clueless as foul stench afflicts Karachi residents
Amber G.-ji:

"Problem solved"- As usual ( not by brilliant Paki scientists ! ) by "foreign experts" ! Read on and "enjoy" the fresh breeze now
Here is why 'strange smell' engulfed Karachi
The headline IS REAL!!! One can't even make such thing up .. :rotfl: :rotfl:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Amber G. »

Falijee wrote:In the past week or so, we have read, heard or seen of Pakistanis becoming Power- less , Water- less and now - the lastest ! Clue- Less ; ( conspiracy theory against Pakistan?) when are Pakis going to be "Air- Less" ! That will "solve" the Paki Problem once and for all :mrgreen:
From Pak wheels dot com.. Here comes the "Air-Less"
<< The original 4X Airless >>
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Pakistan High Commissioner does not rule out Nawaz-Modi meeting at Astana next week

" Trial balloon" being floated ( via the Indian Media !) by this double -faced smooth and savvy speaking Pakjabi . GOI should "reject this offer" and should not fall for his "syrupy sermon" . This HC has been known to speak "two languages" , for the same kind of message , depending on whether his "audience" is Paki public, Indian public , Paki media or Indian media. The "soft sell" is "reserved" for Indian media . The "hard approach" is when he becomes an "Agent for the Deep State" !!!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Amber G. »

Atmavik wrote:
Pakis r truly Shame - less
I happened to see this >>>These Two Shameless Sisters Are Stain At the Name of Pakistan"... (Actual headline of the photo).
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Pakistan works to stay off list of terror-friendly nations

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has frozen the accounts of 5,000 suspected terrorists, taking about $3 million out of their pockets , but Islamabad could still come under scrutiny at a crucial June meeting of an international watchdog that tracks terror financing.

Analysts and government officials say political foot-dragging and sympathetic supporters throughout Pakistan makes it difficult to cut off the money supply to banned terrorist groups.

Next month in Spain, the Financial Action Task Force will update its assessment of "high-risk and non-cooperative jurisdictions," Alexandra Wijmenga-Daniel of the task force's communications department said in an email. She did not offer any specifics.

The 35-nation intergovernmental organization was formed in 1989 to combat money laundering. After 9/11, it also took on the role of fighting the financing of terrorism. Getting on the task force's "black list" could hurt a country's ability to borrow, if its banking system is considered a money laundering haven.

In 2015, Pakistan was exempted from its scrutiny after a similar session applauded the country's progress in tackling both money laundering and terrorist financing.

However, concerns have been raised by the resurrection of banned groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba under new names. Also worrying is the relative ease with which groups such as Jaish-e-Mohammed appear to operate+ , openly running Islamic seminaries and fundraising.

"The government has to find a way to completely ban individuals and groups (suspected of terrorist activity) from operating. This is the only way,"
said Muhammad Amir Rana, director of the Islamabad-based Pakistan Institute of Peace Studies.

Still, Pakistan's National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA) has begun the painstaking work of devising anti-terror financing policies, freezing bank accounts of known terrorist groups and identifying those that have resurfaced with different names, according to its director, Ishan Ghani.

NACTA was established in 2013 through an act of Parliament; four years later, Ghani says it is "still in its formative stage."
When he took over NACTA 18 months ago, it had a staff of only 25, including drivers, despite a government promise to bring in about 800 people with the job of curbing money laundering and terrorism financing. Ghani blamed the slow start on a lack of government commitment and jurisdictional battles within the bureaucracy.

Since taking over, Ghani has increased his staff to 100, gotten a budget of 1.8 billion rupees ($15.7 million) and is updating a list of individuals suspected of terrorism. He also has devised a sweeping policy on which new, stricter laws can be enacted.

He said its current lists are outdated, with several suspected terrorists either dead or in jail, and the job of identifying individuals suspected of links to terrorism rests with Pakistan's four provinces.

The names have been slow in coming, Ghani added, blaming outdated systems, political foot-dragging and a lack of focus on counterterrorism+ despite military and police operations against suspected hideouts - particularly in Pakistan's tribal regions that border Afghanistan.

Politicians have been reluctant to shut down some of the reconstituted terrorist groups+ because of the local support they enjoy and the votes they bring in. Other groups, whose stated purpose is to wage war with neighbour India over the disputed Kashmir region, survive because of their suspected links to Pakistan's military and intelligence.

Still, Ghani said he has had some success pressing provincial lawmakers into action.

Ghani recounted an incident last year during the holy month of Ramadan, when devout Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset and fundraising often goes into high gear. He received reports that outlawed groups with terror links were openly raising cash. He put all four provinces on notice, warning them to stop the fundraising.

This year, NACTA is circulating a list of acceptable charities to which the faithful can donate those "not affiliated with terrorism," he said.

Hasan Akbar, executive director of the Islamabad-based Jinnah Institute, said Pakistan has made some progress tackling money laundering, "shutting down businesses that had a sweep not just in Pakistan but in Dubai and the United States."
There even has been progress against those groups that resurface under a new name.

"Organizations have been banned, but also in the last year funds have been seized of even those groups emerging as replacements for the banned groups," Akbar said.

Still, individual donations and support from small businesses provide a steady income to banned outfits that is difficult to track, he said.

"Challenges still remain in sectarian and jihadi groups where they get individual donations from traders and merchants in urban and rural areas," he said. "How do you stop that? That base of support is still there. This is hard to document."

Rana, of the Pakistan Institute of Peace Studies, said banned organizations also collect money in mosques outside the country, then return home with the funds. Saudi Arabia is particularly lucrative, and the fundraising by outlawed sectarian, anti-Shiite groups is done openly, he said.

"Many banned organizations have very traditional methods of collecting money. They go to Saudi Arabia or the United Kingdom, for example, and go into mosques," he said, adding that the fundraiser usually is given a few minutes to speak to the congregation and asks for donations.

Ghani said that among the policies he is crafting is one to regulate cash transfers, a widely used practice in Pakistan. The policy will require anyone transferring 1 million rupees ($10,000) or more to identify the origins of the money.

"Today, you could carry 50 million rupees around in your car and no one would say anything, but we are coming up with a policy and laws that will require an explanation and the disclosure of the money trail," Ghani said.

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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Only a month's water left in Hub Dam for Karachi

KARACHI: Hub Dam, one of the major water supply sources for Karachi, is left with water reserves sufficient for a month or so only.

After reaching the highest level of 306 feet last year, the dam’s water level is now around 285 feet, just 11 feet above the dead level which is at 275 feet. The dam supplies 100 million gallons per day (MGD) of water to the city.

Karachi Water and Sewerage Board (KWSB) spokesperson Rizwan Hyder told The Express Tribune the the dam was currently supplying around 50MGD of water to the city.

The dam reached its dead level last year in February when supply to the city came to a halt until July 2016, when the Sindh government installed water pumps to fetch water from the dead level.

However, the dam’s level rose to 306 feet after rainfall in the catchment area in July and August, enabling it to supply water to the city so far.

The KWSB official had forecast at the time the dam at 306 feet was able to supply water to the city for a year, saying it would then depend upon the rains.

The dam, Hyder added, supplies water to Lasbella district, district west of Karachi and a small chunk to the irrigation department.

He added that after dam’s supply is at halt, district west is supplied with water through the northeast Karachi line which carries 80 MGD of water from Pipri. It manages to fulfill water needs to district west which consist of Baldia town, Site, Orangi and Manghopir areas.

It was in 2013 when the dam reached its highest capacity of 339 feet. Last year, it could only manage to reach 306 feet to be able to supply water for at least a year.

Met officials say they do not expect they do not expect any rainfall until July in the catchment area of the hub dam which lies in the Lasbella district and Kirthar region.

Abdul Rashid, a spokesperson of the Pakistan Meteorological Department, said they were observing the climate and currently did not expect any pre-monsoon rainfall. Nonetheless, the department is certain the area will receive moderate rainfall in July.

Attempts were made by this scribe to contact senior officials of the KWSB including the chief of bulk water supply to acquire more details. However, the spokesperson said the KWSB MD had not allowed any official to respond to the media except the spokesperson.

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by partha »

Falijee wrote:Pakistan High Commissioner does not rule out Nawaz-Modi meeting at Astana next week

" Trial balloon" being floated ( via the Indian Media !) by this double -faced smooth and savvy speaking Pakjabi . GOI should "reject this offer" and should not fall for his "syrupy sermon" . This HC has been known to speak "two languages" , for the same kind of message , depending on whether his "audience" is Paki public, Indian public , Paki media or Indian media. The "soft sell" is "reserved" for Indian media . The "hard approach" is when he becomes an "Agent for the Deep State" !!!
Paki high commissioner also does not rule out Modi handing over Kashmir to Nawaz Shariff in Astana next week.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Another " Joh La-Whore Mae Gandhu , Woh Cardiff Mae Bhi..... Story ! :evil:

Pakistani asylum seeker is jailed for attacking British wife he married to get a visa with a hammer (but judge REFUSES to deport him)
A Pakistani asylum seeker who smashed his wife with a hammer when she forgot to cook his dinner has been allowed to stay in Britain. Mohsin Akram, 21, repeatedly beat Mariam Hussain while drunk at their home in Cardiff. He battered her with first one and then two hammers, shouting 'you've had your chance to be a good wife' as she begged him to stop, saying that he was hurting her. The brute treated the 20-year-old, who he met on Facebook and married to get a visa, as a prisoner in her own home.
The behaviour of this individual is a "mirror image" of Pakistan's behaviour as a nation. The sense of entitlement, the resort to violence in his case ( and terrorism in the case of the nation !) if things don't go their way !
Months of abuse culminated in the assault in their one-bedroom flat in the early hours of December 24 last year. Full-time mother Mrs Hussain told a court how she was 'bruised all over' in the 10-minute sustained attack before she managed to escape and call for help. She raced out of the first floor flat and pleaded with three girls for help, who hid her in a doorway and called police.
During the course of the assault, Akram also smashed an Amazon fire seven tablet belonging to Mrs Hussain which was her 'only link to the outside world'. He was jailed for 15 months at Cardiff Crown Court on Friday after pleading guilty to Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm (ABH) and criminal damage - but the judge decided not to deport him . Strange, very strange !
Defending Akram, Andrew Kendall suggested the injuries Mrs Hussain sustained following a '10-minute assault' with two hammers should have been drastically worse.He claimed Akram fled Pakistan after his schizophrenic brother burned down the family home in Lahore, destroying a copy of the Quran in the process which enraged locals.Sentencing Akram, Judge Tom Crowther said: 'On the night of December 23 last year you left her and your infant son :roll: ( is that his "meal ticket" to stay in Bartania ?) at home to go out socialising. 'When you came back, you were plainly intoxicated and aggressive.
Akram was jailed for 15 months after pleading guilty to Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm. He also pleaded guilty to production of a Class B drug and criminal damage and was in breach of the community order imposed in 2015. Akram was given a restraining order which states he must not approach Mrs Hussain contact her directly or indirectly or go within 50 yards of her address. Mrs Hussain is furious a judge chose not to exercise deportation powers and she is calling on the Home Office to review his asylum status once he is released from prison. Speaking after the sentencing, Mrs Hussain, who has filed for divorce, said: 'The judge could have said he is to be deported but didn't. There are so many reasons why he should be deported. 'He is an asylum seeker but actually went out of the country last year. He has the stamps on his passport, how can they let an asylum go there, come back and continue life as normal. Considering , Britain (still) lenient laws regarding deportation , this rascal may not meet the "legal standards" required for deportation. If, such is the case, the law needs to be changed ASAP :evil:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Shrewd, Dehati Ganja Will Go Scott Free Again - If False Lie Is Believed !

Rehman Malik’s FIA inquiry over Hudaibya Paper Mills Has No Official Records, Lacks Legal Standing : Documents
ISLAMABAD – It has emerged that there are no official records of the inquiry conducted by former Director Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), Rehman Malik that levelled some serious allegations against the Sharif family. The ‘inquiry’ often mentioned in the media as proof against Sharif family has no legal status, according to the FIA’s letter which dates back to 2000.The Musharraf government had prepared a money laundering reference against PML-N leaders Mian Nawaz Sharif and Mian Shahbaz Sharif in 2000 on the basis of a statement recorded by one of their trusted lieutenants, Senator Ishaq Dar.
The Musharraf government had prepared a money laundering reference against PML-N leaders Mian Nawaz Sharif and Mian Shahbaz Sharif in 2000 on the basis of a statement recorded by one of their trusted lieutenants, Senator Ishaq Dar. Senator Dar’s handwritten statement, given before a magistrate back on April 25, 2000, had alleged that Sharif brothers used the Hudaibya Paper Mills as cover for money laundering during the late 1990s.The reference was prepared on the orders of then President Pervez Musharraf, but it was shelved after the Sharif brothers went into exile in December of the same year. Every Aam Abdul and Ayesha in Pakiland knows that the "source" of Ganja's wealth is massive corruption. So, now there is an "escape route" for him, based on a technicality :evil:
Responding to the request, the FIA, in its letter, repudiated the legal standing of the inquiry terming it a ‘personal inquiry’ that was not conducted under the standard rules of FIA. The letter went on to state that the inquiry conducted by Rehman Malik was not even registered and nor was it followed by a legal notification.Revealing the ‘futile’ nature of the inquiry, the letter further said that it was not conducted by any governmental institution and therefore has no official record. Am sure that Ganja's lawyer will seize on this over-sight to make it look that there is "no proof of corruption"!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Bart S »

A_Gupta wrote:
Anindya wrote:Is this a genuine demand letter - or is it fake?
Appears to be genuine. Note the language in the news-item matches the language in the letter. ... iling-baby
The only visa India should give is for the PMA folks to get treated in a mental asylum!
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by partha »

Bart S wrote:
A_Gupta wrote: Appears to be genuine. Note the language in the news-item matches the language in the letter. ... iling-baby
The only visa India should give is for the PMA folks to get treated in a mental asylum!
With the issuance of the visa to the baby, PMA again demands for immediate issuance of visa to other patients who are anxiously waiting for their medical treatment in India.
F Off.
Try "requesting" nicely.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

UAE Embassy Clarifies Confusion With Reference To " Paki Visa Ban" .

No 90-day tourist visa ban for Pakistanis, clarifies UAE
No 90-day tourist visa ban on Pakistan, clarifies UAE Embassy in a statement, reported Nawa-e-Waqt. United Arab Emirates rejected the reports that regime has put a 90-day visa for Pakistan.The UAE embassy called such news baseless and fabricated.A message has been sent to Pakistan foreign office with regard to this issue and asked for investigation for this news, UAE Embassy source said.The UAE authorities further stated that there is no visa ban of any category on Pakistan.Such kind of news are being spread from Pakistan and an action should be taken against individuals who spread such news. IMO, the Emiratis are, in the spirit of Ummah Brotherhood just "toying" with the "poor Pakis" :twisted:
Earlier reports emerged that Arab regime has ended provision of 90-day visas to Pakistanis and nationals of Philippines, UAE Viral reported Thursday.The immigration authorities in Dubai have circulated a memo ordering all travel agencies to stop accepting 90-day visas applications filed by citizens of Pakistan and Philippines.The revised policy is to come in action starting from June 1st and all the applications received until May 31st would be processed as per previous rules and regulations. But then in the true spirit of Taqqiya, you are allowed to lie, specially when the opposite party ( in this case the "Ghulam " Pakis ) are perceived to be "Indians" and not "True Muslims" AKA Arabs :lol:

PS: IMO, instead of "clarifying" the matter, the UAE mission in Pakiland has further "muddied the water" [ "action should be taken ( beheading?) against individuals who spread such news"]
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Amber G. »

Sorry if already posted.(by Ahmad Raza Naseer)
.Trump Takes the Air Out of Pakistan's Islamic Balloon Rocket
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by JE Menon »

From the above:

They even reported that the cricket-star-turned-politician Imran Khan blamed Nawaz Sharif of “failing to take a stand for Pakistan and other Muslim communities in Iran, the disputed Kashmir, and Palestinian territories.”

The above bolded is a first isn't it? I haven't seen such a reference elsewhere. Which persecuted community in Iran is Imran referring to? The Sunnis, Arabs, Balochis?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by arun »


Imran Khan was not talking about not about a persecuted community in Iran. He was talking about US President Trump’s criticism of Iran at Riyadh and the need for the Mohammadden Terrorism Fomenting Islamic Republic of Pakistan speaking up for a united "Ummah", Check out extracts from Dawn article datelined May 22:
The PTI chief, speaking to the media, accused the prime minister of failing to take a stand for Pakistan and other Muslim communities, including Iran, Kashmir and Palestine, during his interactions in Riyadh. ……………………….

The PTI chief said that when Trump lashed out against Iran and called for the country to be isolated, Prime Minister Sharif should have taken a stance and said that such a move would be against the interests of the Muslim world.

During his speech, Trump had accused Iran of fuelling “the fires of sectarian conflict and terror” and called for its international isolation.

"He [the prime minister] should have spoken about the parliamentary resolution which was unanimously accepted by all parties and which said that Pakistan would work to bring the Muslim community together," Khan said.

He added that since Nawaz was representing Pakistan at the summit, it was his duty to emphasise that Pakistan does not want Iran to be isolated.

"We had an opportunity, but he kept silent," the PTI chief said. "We do not want the Muslim world to be divided," he added.
From here:

Imran criticises PM Nawaz Sharif for 'ineffective' tour of Saudi Arabia
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by JE Menon »

Thanks arun, it is clear in the Dawn report, bu the Hudson report properly twists the quote: ... oon-rocket

>>This caused the army-backed hyper-nationalist Pakistani media to fly off the handle and become enraged at their own prime minister. They even reported that the cricket-star-turned-politician Imran Khan blamed Nawaz Sharif of “failing to take a stand for Pakistan and other Muslim communities in Iran, the disputed Kashmir, and Palestinian territories.” <<
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the CPEC & OBOR, Chinese Strategy and Implication Threads

Sri Lanka for sale?

On May 29, the BBC asked, “Is Sri Lanka up for sale?” According to the BBC, “Sri Lanka is allowing Chinese firms to take over key assets, as it struggles to repay loans it was given by China”. In 2007, the EXIM Bank of China began funding Sri Lanka’s Hambantota Port. The port was completed at a cost of $1.3 billion. The Chinese financed and built the 900MW Norochcholai Power Plant at a cost of $1.35 billion. In 2010, Beijing lent Sri Lanka $200 million to build an airport. In 2012, China lent an additional $810 million.

In 2011, the Mahinda Rajapaksa International Cricket Stadium was built at a cost of Rs700 million. In 2013, the Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport (near Hambantota) was built at a cost of Rs26 billion. The Southern Expressway was built at a cost of Rs776 billion. The Hambantota Sports Zone was built at a cost of Rs15 billion. In 2013, China lent to Sri Lanka and built $272-million railway.

Between 2008 and 2015, China lent $6 billion in aid and loans. Fast forward to 2017. The port of Hambantota now lies, more or less, abandoned. The Rajapaksa National Tele Cinema now lies, more or less, abandoned. The Mahinda Rajapaksa International Cricket Stadium now lies, more or less, abandoned. The Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport now lies, more or less, abandoned.

Lo and behold, Sri Lanka is having trouble repaying the debt incurred to build the port of Hambantota. As a consequence, Beijing has now taken over four of the seven container berths on a 35-year lease. Beijing is also acquiring 15,000 acres around Hambantota.

Lo and behold, Sri Lanka is having trouble repaying the debt incurred to build the coal-fired Norochcholai Power Plant. On April 17, 2017, the power plant broke down. On March 13, 2016, the power plant had ceased operations. In 2012, there was a leak in one of the boilers. Sri Lanka wants China to take over the power plant.

Lo and behold, Sri Lanka is having trouble repaying the debt incurred to build the Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport. Sri Lanka offered China control over some of the largest projects – including the Mattala International Airport and the Port of Hambantota – in return for debt relief.

According to Forbes, “Sri Lanka has a debt problem. After more than a decade of taking out huge loans to build large-scale infrastructure – most of which hasn’t yet produced adequate returns – the country is now struggling to make payments, and is looking for another way out”. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe is prepared to give control of large projects to Chinese companies. But according to Forbes, China’s Ambassador Yi Xianliang has clearly told PM Ranil Wickremesinghe that: “We are not interested. We want our money, not your empty airport”.

Sri Lanka is having trouble repaying its debt. Sri Lanka now owes $58.3 billion to foreign lenders and 95.4 percent of Sri Lankan government’s revenue is now going into debt-servicing.

According to the BBC, “We don’t like our land being given away to China,” says fisherman Aruna Roshantha, adding that “Not just China, if any country comes and takes land from Sri Lanka, we don’t like it. The government should protect our land, not sell it”.
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Security forces 'kill dozen IS fighters' in Balochistan raid

QUETTA: Security forces on Sunday said they had killed around a dozen Islamic State militants in a three-day raid prompted by intelligence reports that the group were holding two recently kidnapped Chinese nationals.

The operation took place in Mastung district of Balochistan and targeted the hideout cave of a group of IS commanders, a senior security official said.

“Some 12-13 IS commanders have been killed after intense gun-battles and the area was cleared late Saturday,” he said, but added that the Chinese pair were not recovered from the scene despite the presence of the vehicle used in their kidnapping nearby.

Security forces also seized six suicide jackets, a cache of ammunition, explosives, detonators, solar panels and food rations, a second security official said, adding the cave was a base used by IS to plan attacks across the country.

The two Chinese workers were abducted last month in Quetta.

One Chinese woman managed to escape as the men began firing in the air to scare off onlookers.

A passer-by, Muhammad Zahir, was shot as he tried to prevent the abduction.

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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Ganja's Gang Hints At Goonda-Gardi If Things Do Not Go Their Way In The So-Called J.I.T. Probe .

PML-N to go to masses if not treated as per law: Kirmani
SLAMABAD - Special Assistant to Prime Minister Asif Kirmani yesterday said PML-N would go to the masses besides approaching the superior judiciary if they felt they were not being treated as per law.
Kirmani said justice should be provided to the PML-N and Sharif family. “If any treatment above the law was meted out to us, we will go to the people’s court,” :roll: (Aka "staged demos" ) he said.
Malik further said that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had admitted to the mistakes his party had committed in the 1990s but now he wanted to take all the political stakeholders on board. :roll:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

1,000 year old Hindu temple in Karachi now used as toilet for tourists
Showcasing a great loophole in the promises of Pakistan government regarding the upkeep of Hindu temples and other sites of religious importance, there lies the dilapidated Shri Varun Dev Mandir in Manora, Pakistan. The temple’s caretaker’s repeated request to the concerned authorities for preserving this 1000-year-old temple of great historical temples have fallen to deaf ears.
According to caretaker Jivraj, he had written to the Manora Cantonment Board (MCB) for the record of the temple’s ownership. However, he was told there was no record as such. Furthermore, MCB said that since the temple falls under the jurisdiction of the country’s Navy, there was nothing that MCB could do. Now, the decadent structures of the temple lies in its ruins only to be used by tourists to the nearby Manora beach as toilets. As has been said many times, Pakistan democracy, and" Paki concerns" for minority rights is a farce !. As a world famous author had noted in his books about Islam : anything before the advent or conversion of people to Islam is irrelevant or historically unimportant. This is a good example of this belief !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Former Paki PM Accuses Ganja Sharif Of Tapping Judges Phone Calls

PM in a habit of tapping judges’ phone calls: Shujaat
LAHORE: Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q) President and former prime minister Chaudhary Shujaat Hussain has deeply regretted criticism on judiciary by former Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) senator Nehal Hashmi. He said that giving statements against judges and tapping their phones calls had been the practice of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. He said that he would produce proofs of telephone recordings in a press conference tomorrow (Monday). Shujaat said that Nehal Hashmi's had given the statement at the behest of others, and he was being made a scapegoat. To stay in power for so long in the murky and dirty politics of Pakistan is no mean feat for this "shrewd dehati politico" ( Nawaz) ! Therefore this accusation should not be lightly dismissed :twisted:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Now It Is The Turn Of "Sindhi Ayeshas" To Join Anti-Terrorism Operations.

Sindh police recruit women for antiterror operations
KARACHI: For the first time ever in the history of Sindh police, more than 40 women have been recruited in the Counter-Terrorism Department and Rapid Response Force of the law enforcement agency to take up the challenge of combat operations and intelligence gathering, said officials and documents reviewed by Dawn on Saturday. Similar efforts in KP and Pakjab province have yielded "rich results" in the stated goal of empowerment of Paki women :mrgreen:
Not only women from major cities but also from rural backgrounds have been selected after various tests, interviews and medical examination, the officials said, adding that they would receive training from Pakistan Army. Taking into consideration the conservative nature of Paki society, the Ayeshas need to be assured, that the training will not be imparted by Abduls !
It is worth recalling here that the percentage of women in police remains below two per cent though the country’s legislatures adopted several laws in recent years for protection of women’s rights. This is all BS! You hear daily media reports of how Pakistani women are treated by their male counterparts . Just the other day, a male TV anchor had to apologize to a Paki Ayesha, the way he dismissed her in front of thousands of viewers .
“It’s the first such kind of batch of the Sindh CTD as we have recruited women for our specialised unit. And I tell you that they all will be doing the same job being assigned to male team members. They will receive physical training, intelligence operation and combat training from the army.”He said that the CTD needed services of women personnel in the neighbourhoods where cultural bindings and certain lifestyles prevented its male members to operate freely, thus affecting the overall scope of its operation. Whether these female policewomen will be taken seriously by their male counter-parts remains to be seen :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Falijee wrote:Ganja's Gang Hints At Goonda-Gardi If Things Do Not Go Their Way In The So-Called J.I.T. Probe .

PML-N to go to masses if not treated as per law: Kirmani
Kirmani said justice should be provided to the PML-N and Sharif family. “If any treatment above the law was meted out to us, we will go to the people’s court,” :roll: (Aka "staged demos" ) he said.
Falijee :
Methinks Ganja is between a Rock (Gen Bajwa) and a Hard Place (J.I.T.). PML(N) pussy cats will stop purring when the Two get together and start to put Ganja through the "Nutcracker". No way will Ganja survive! As such Ganja must find a way to survive the "Twin" Onslaught.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Dubai Based Bearded Abdul Bent On Breaking Records :mrgreen:

This Pakistani Has Set The Record For Being The Fastest Texter In The World
Remember the Pakistani guy who set a new world record by being the fastest person to identify all the elements in the periodic table just a few months ago? Well, just like he promised then, he is back at it again and has just been recognized by Guinness World Records for making another record as a fast texter!
A memory-genius and a very humble person by nature, Abdul Basit currently resides in Dubai. He holds a B.A. degree from Bahauddin Zakaria University, Multan, and is an MBA (MIS) from IBA, Karachi. He is married, has three kids, and earns his living as a mental-calculations and memory trainer at an American institute. Don't these American outfits have dress codes ? It seems that "beard" is a de-jure even for highly educated Pakis !
Abdul Basit is determined to continue breaking records. His next goal is to memorize the most decimal places of Euler’s number, an irrational number that is considered to be very important in the field of Mathematics.You can also catch Abdul Basit on his YouTube channel, NumberTainment, a video hub for anyone looking to learn quick mathematical tricks and the art of mental calculations. Apart from "breaking records" he has a nice side business as well !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Lisa »

^ Guinness World Records, is Guinness halal?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by arun »

X Posted from the Oppression of Minorities in Pakistan thread.

In the Land of the Pure, Mohammadden physician who was fasting for Ramazan refuses to treat Christist sanitary worker as he was impure ie: Na Pak, leading to the death of the Christist sanitary worker:

In yet another incident exposing the lack of conformity to safety rules and the alleged apathy of medical practitioners, a sanitary worker suffocated to death on Thursday in Umerkot. The deceased, 30-year-old Irfan Masih, fell unconscious along with three other sanitary staff while cleaning a manhole on Chorr Road in Umerkot.

He died hours later in the government hospital in front of doctors who were allegedly reluctant to treat him because Irfan was drenched in sewage sludge. The other three sanitary workers, Faisal Masih, Yaqoob Masih and Shaukat Masih, were referred to Hyderabad and later Karachi for medical treatment.

All of the workers fell unconscious while cleaning the central manhole, which had already claimed the lives of two sanitary workers, 25-year-old Krishan Gujrati and 28-year-old Nawaz Masih, in September 2012. Local residents pulled out the staff from the manhole and shifted them to the hospital.

“The doctors refused to treat him because they were fasting and said my son was ‘napaak [unclean]’,” claimed Irshad Masih, the mother of the deceased. …………..
From here:

Sanitary worker dies in Umerkot after fasting doctors refuse to touch his 'unclean' body
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Fully Posted on the PESW Thread

Cement exports continue to slump, this time down 45%
LAHORE: Sales of cement in the domestic market accelerated 10.90% in May 2017 while exports continued to plague overall performance of the industry as shipments to overseas markets plunged 44.58% in the month.
It was the fourth massive decline in exports, which dipped 45.69% in February, 60.39% in March and 50.75% in April.
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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Trump responds to UK attack with apparent criticism of London mayor

LONDON: US President Donald Trump tweeted on Sunday about a militant attack in London, which killed seven people, quoting London Mayor Sadiq Khan telling Britons not to be alarmed, in what appeared to be a criticism of Khan’s response to the incident.

“At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is “no reason to be alarmed!” Trump tweeted.

Earlier Khan had said Britons should not be alarmed to see a higher police presence on the streets of London following the incident.

Last year Khan was elected mayor of the city to become the first Muslim to head a major Western capital.

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Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

When numbers are used as an economic shield
There are three kinds of lies — lies, damned lies and statistics, according to Britain’s former prime minister Benjamin Disraeli.
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

Two Hazara people gunned down in Quetta
Unidentified armed men opened fire and killed a Hazara man and woman in Quetta's Spini Road area on Sunday evening.
Spini road is considered to be one of the most sensitive areas of Quetta city where people belonging to Hazara community have been frequently targeted in the past.
Green on green violence. ... -in-quetta
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by RCase »

How come the London Bridge attack has not yet showed up the involvement of 'asians'?
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Boycott Of Fruit Vendors During Ramzan Called Conspiracy Against Pushtuns By ANP MP Bushra Gohar.

#FruitConspiracy: ANP’s Bushra Gohar terms #FruitBoycott a conspiracy against Pashtuns
People around the country are observing a three-day strike against fruit vendors for overcharging during Ramazan.The boycott has however met with mixed reactions from the public. Some ardently support it while some believe it is targeting poor sellers instead of wholesalers and retailers who are the real culprits behind excessive prices.However, Bushra Gohar, senior vice-president of the Awami National Party (ANP), has come up with a new ‘theory’ that claims to discern the ethnic propaganda behind the boycott.
Giving the campaign a conspiratorial guise, Gohar shared a post on her Facebook wall that accused the campaigners of conspiring against the Pashtun fruit vendors who make the 90 percent of fruit market in the country.
Calling the campaigners ‘prejudiced pimps’, the post implored people to get united against the conspiracy.These types of rhetorical posts by prominent leaders in the past have done nothing but fueled ethnic hatred and grievances in the country. IMO, it may be wrong to totally blame the price rise on the small vendors - who just happen to b poor pushtuns. They are as much a victim in the growing Pakjabization of Paki society !
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Ashokk »

Champions Trophy encounter: Pakistan concedes to India in one-sided contest
In an interview yesterday, Sarfraz had said Pakistan will be "playing differently" and spectators would see some "out of the box things".

"We have definitely have a plan... you will see us doing some new things which have not been tried against India before," he said.
Typical paki bravado followed by rapid downhill skying, of course.
Comments are hilarious
Giving 74 runs in last 6 overs is definately out of the box. :mrgreen:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Another Example Of Chinese Colonization Of Pakistan .

Balochistan to give Chinese firms mining rights, says official
QUETTA: Balochistan wants Chinese companies to kick-start a boom in its mining industry by including the sector into Beijing’s Belt and Road initiative, a senior provincial mining official said.Beijing has pledged $57 billion for the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a flagship Belt and Road project that first focused on Chinese firms building roads and power stations but is now expanding to include setting up industries.Mineral extraction is a deeply contentious issue in Balochistan, as the province remains the country’s poorest despite its vast mineral wealth. Like the previous East Pakistan, Balochistan has been a virtual colony of Pakistan, ever since its annexation into Pakistan !
Although it has a significant natural gas industry, large-scale mining has failed to take off. Foreign firms have been put off by security fears and a high-profile litigation case with Canada’s Barrick Gold and Chile’s Antofagasta over Reko Diq, one of the world’s biggest undeveloped gold and copper mines, in the province. Which has been handed over to Chinese interest. Ditto for the management of Gwadar Port, which has also be taken over by a Chinese based Company .
Balochistan’s top mining official, Saleh Mohammad Baloch, said the plan was for Chinese companies chosen by Beijing to team up with local firms to mine marble, chromite, limestone, coal and other minerals, and set up steel mills and other plants. If the Baloch Freedom Fighters allow them to exploit their land . :mrgreen:
He said the province wanted the projects to be set up close to the source of raw materials and near the CPEC roads that would connect western China with Gwadar. A profit-sharing formula will also be negotiated, he added.Mr Baloch said the finer details of the province’s proposals were being worked out in Islamabad, where officials were finalising plans for special economic zones and greater integration of Chinese companies into Pakistan’s economy. Not only the Balochis but all Pakistanis are alarmed at the details that are currently being discussed behind closed doors between the Chinese and the present Govt .Even the National Assembly Of Pakistan is not a privy to the so-called seven pillars of the CPEC Plans !
He cited the Saindak copper and gold mine, operated by a subsidiary of state-run China Metallurgical Group Corporation, as an example to follow. The mine has been given export privileges and enjoys big tax breaks. However, extraction of precious metals, such as copper and gold, would not fall under the CPEC remit, he pointed out.
“As far as precious metals are concerned, we will go for competitive bidding internationally,” Mr Baloch said. Balochistan is seeking formal expressions of interest by international companies for an exploration block in the Tethyan belt, which boasts big copper and gold deposits. The H4 block has estimated deposits of 148 million tonnes.“Chinese, Australian, Turkish (companies)...are all interested,” said the mining expert. International Mining Companies are going to think twice, before they invest their money here! They have the example of the Reko Diq Gold Mines, where the Paki Govt reneged on the agreement !
Barrick Gold estimates a $3bn investment would be needed for the mine. Mr Baloch said he could not comment on the Reko Diq case because of legal cases. :roll:
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Re: Sunni Terrorist Fragments of Unstable Pakistan - March 17, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

Ashokk wrote:In an interview yesterday, Sarfraz had said Pakistan will be "playing differently" and spectators would see some "out of the box things".
The only "out of the box" thingy I see are the smashed 90s era boxy TV sets with their innards spilling out on paki streets.