Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by RamaY »

shiv wrote:
anupmisra wrote:Didn't this mixed-breed insult the entire Hindu Quam on TV?
Sohail ready to play in IPL if invited
Shame on the Indians if this loser is given a visa and allowed back in.
No Noooo!!!

Allow him in. Let him play. Let him get money and then shame him by playing that clip after he has played and collected money and helped IPL to collect advertising revenue from Pakistan. That is the gora way of dealing with beggar-slaves. The dharmic way is too lame.
Well said Shiv-ji :D
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by Hari Seldon »

By now he should know that he cannot mix GOI positional statements and his personal opinions in the same press conference as people may mis-interpret him and influence unfavourable outcomes for India.
Slightly OT:
Are you referring by any chance to Sri PC's infamous midnight declaration of 9-Dec that setoff the Telangana firestorm? Just wondering only.

More pertinently:
It'll affect the cred of GoI if its mantris can speak personal opinions in front of media cameras without having to explicitly specify which part of the statement is personal and which official.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by RamaY »

Hari Seldon wrote:
By now he should know that he cannot mix GOI positional statements and his personal opinions in the same press conference as people may mis-interpret him and influence unfavourable outcomes for India.
Slightly OT:
Are you referring by any chance to Sri PC's infamous midnight declaration of 9-Dec that setoff the Telangana firestorm? Just wondering only.

More pertinently:
It'll affect the cred of GoI if its mantris can speak personal opinions in front of media cameras without having to explicitly specify which part of the statement is personal and which official.
No Hari-ji. I do not think PC's 12/9 statement is his personal opinion. I was referring to his decades of political experience, nothing specific.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by CRamS »

Were Sohail's anti-Hindu rants even reporetd in the India media?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by SSridhar »

CRamS wrote:Were Sohail's anti-Hindu rants even reporetd in the India media?
For the secular media, that is taboo, I guess.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by SSridhar »

TSP continues to block FMCT
Pakistan is coming under international pressure to drop its demand that the regional control of conventional arms and a regime on missiles be included in the agenda of the Conference on Disarmament’s session this year.
The Pakistani proposal is seen by many delegations at the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva as a new tactic in Islamabad’s efforts to delay the start of international negotiations on a treaty banning the production of fissile material.
But Pakistan, which believes it is at a disadvantage vis-À-vis India as far as bomb grade uranium and plutonium stocks are concerned, says any fissile treaty should not just ban new production but should also address “regional imbalances” in stockpiles, and insists talks cannot begin unless there is agreement on this issue.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by shravan »

7 men injured amid defusing bomb in POK
RAWLA KOT: At least 7 personnel belonging to police and civil defense sustained injuries as they bid to defuse a roadside bomb found in Rawla Kot locality of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) on Wednesday, Geo news reported.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by Gagan »

If sohail tanveer does get to play in India, you can bet the media will pick that up. That video has been recorded for posterity.

The thing to note here is that he used the word "Hindoo" and not "Indian", that will probably save him a whitewash from the media, but the anger here in India will find expression in other ways.

If he had used the word "Indians", you can bet the media would have been demanding his inclusion in the list of 20 most wanted men just about now. :twisted:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by Gagan »

I wonder what did the Bush intezamia said to pakistan to ask it to let the Indo-US nuclear deal to go through at the NSG.

Pakistan had then given its assent without much noise, even though a few shrill reporters in pakistan had tried to raise that issue.

One must suspect that some assuarances were given to pakistan. Given its record, Pakistan would never have a deal like this. It is possible that this was conveyed to them that opening the door to India will allow Pakistan to slip in in the future as an act of = =.

On FMCT, Pakistan's Kushab reactor no 1 is in full flow (50 MW) and two other (No 2 and 3) are coming on line shortly. Pakistan is looking to ramp up its plutonium production by 300% (Still short of the 400% magical number :P ). FMCT will styme their efforts the most. It is possible that the chinese have hand held them to a point, but will not transfer Pu in large quantities for bums, which they must now do on their own.

Hence the takleef.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by amol.p »

Obama to seek 3-year freeze in spending on many programmes

President Obama will call for a three-year freeze in spending on many domestic programmes to save $250 billion by 2020.

The freeze would cover the agencies and programmes for which Congress allocates specific budgets each year, including air traffic control, farm subsidies, education, nutrition and national parks.

But it would exempt security-related budgets for the Pentagon, foreign aid, the Veterans Administration and homeland security,

....so for shri Obama foreign aid is much important than the social programs of his own country. Seems pakis will keep on gettng foreign aid while the poor yankie people keep on sufferring..... :((

http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/new ... 503825.cms
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by CRamS »

Gagan wrote:If sohail tanveer does get to play in India, you can bet the media will pick that up. That video has been recorded for posterity.

The thing to note here is that he used the word "Hindoo" and not "Indian", that will probably save him a whitewash from the media, but the anger here in India will find expression in other ways.

If he had used the word "Indians", you can bet the media would have been demanding his inclusion in the list of 20 most wanted men just about now. :twisted:
I am not sure if Indian media has any shame whatsover. I recall Mush, Kargil notwithstanding gave an interview to Ranan Lurie long time ago in which he pourded filth and vitriol on India, and yet is he is given herrow's red-carpet treatment in India.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by Gagan »

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by Lilo »

Goats sacrificed ‘to ward off evil eyes’
ISLAMABAD: A black goat is slaughtered almost daily to ward off ‘evil eyes’ and protect President Asif Ali Zardari from ‘black magic’. Does this, and the use of camel and goat milk, make the beleaguered president appear to be a superstitious man?

Well, not to his spokesman. “It has been an old practice of Mr Zardari to offer Sadqa (animal sacrifice). He has been doing this for a long time,” spokesman Farhatullah Babar told Dawn on Tuesday.

But his detractors, who want to see him out of the Presidency, would see in his new-found religiosity a sign of nervousness in the wake of the scrapping of the NRO.

One thing is certain: Hundreds of black goats have been sacrificed since Mr Zardari moved into the President’s House in September 2008. His trusted personal servant Bai Khan buys goats from Saidpur village. The animal is touched by Mr Zardari before it is sent to his private house :rotfl: in F-8/2 to be sacrificed.

Insiders say that when Mr Zardari moved into the President’s House, a flock of black partridges were introduced there for their supposedly magical effects.

Unfortunately, the whole flock was electrocuted when a live wire fell on their cage. :rotfl:

A camel, a cow and a few goats kept on the grounds of the presidency, however, survive and provide milk for its worthy resident.

That tradition from celebrities like Mahatma Gandhi(attempt at equal equal with MKG none the less) may be followed for health reasons — as may be the Neem tree that President Zardari introduced there for its anti-septic qualities.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by sinha »

Body count: You created the monster now deal with it
Rehman Malik has said that 1,780 incidents of terrorism occurred in the country since April 2009, killing as many as 2,072 people, local media reported Tuesday.

Malik told the National Assembly, Lower House of the parliament, that the casualties included 565 members of the law enforcing agencies. He said 6,253 persons had been injured in these attacks, including 1,590 security personnel.

About steps taken to control terrorism, he said activists belonging to different banned organizations including 1,762 from Punjab are under surveillance and intelligence agencies arrested 25 terrorists from different parts of the eastern province in connection with suicide attacks. They also recovered 25 bombs.
25 bombs only - the ratios are not good. In biology we learnt about Hermaphrodite plants - who can screw themselves. TSP reminds me of that at nation level.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by Lilo »

khan wrote:
I know this guy Abdul Ruff. IIRC he used to teach Russian at CIEFL in Hyderabad.

I was very young (around 5-6) when I first met him. I remember him as a nice clean cut young guy (no beard) - he might have have had a strange personality, but I was too young to judge him by anything other than his appearance and the way he treated kids.

Then he got married.

What follows is campus gossip. The story goes that he sought a bride thru the classifieds, married her without seeing her face (she was probably in a burqa, he might have sized her up thru pictures). I think it was the working day after the wedding, the the police were there and the bride was gone. If I remember correctly, he had locked her in the house because he didn't want her to leave(probably because it would be Un-Islamic) and she had to either break out of the house or scream for the neighbours.

After that, he became a religious fundamentalist with a huge beard and always wore a skullcap.

Later, growing up, I ran into him a few times and he always seemed to be a nice guy.

Added later:
I am surprised to see the amount of venom he has towards India. In my opinion, this guy has psychiatric issues and is not representative of the general Muslim population - even the more fundamentalist ones (and I have known several).
This guy's bio at zimbio with his pic
Khan, is this the same guy ?
Gerard wrote:There is no such person at JNU. This is a non-de-plume used by a number of Pakistani writers.
After some digging around in other forums i found many contesting his Indian origin. But looking at his article set which often broach over pan-islamist issues against US Israel Europe Russia and what not, I feel though he might be an indian he had appropriated his identity to a sub continental pan-islamist propaganda network spanning Pakistani, kashmiri, Nepali, Bangladeshi news and blog networks.
However the JNU part now methinks, he just made up.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by milindc »

Lives in New Delhi , USA 10005 :rotfl:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by Gerard »

Lilo wrote:However the JNU part now methinks, he just made up.
That photo is probably just some Abdul's boyfriend. The articles come from the same source across the border ("rupee news") manufacturing 'news' and opinion' (and doing a bad job of it). There may be someone with the same name but that doesn't mean he/she/it is the author and that there is no nom-de-plume being used.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by kenop »

Out of curiousity I looked at the JNU alumni website (http://www.jnu.ac.in/AAJ/AlumniMember.asp?searchStr=A) and found this.
Name Passing out Year Degree Centre School Occupation Address Email
A. Abdul Ruff Ph.D SIS 20/28 Near Rest House Colachel Kanl Tamilnadu - 629251

A case of stolen identity?
R Vaidya
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by R Vaidya »

Admin--If this has been already posted then kindly delete it

http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/africa/01 ... index.html

The gun markets of Pakistan
By Suroosh Alvi, Founder, Vice Magazine and VBS.TV
January 26, 2010 6:23 p.m. EST
Editor's Note: The staff at CNN.com has recently been intrigued by the journalism of VICE, an independent media company and Web site based in Brooklyn, New York. VBS.TV is Vice's broadband television network. The reports, which are produced solely by VICE, reflect a very transparent approach to journalism, where viewers are taken along on every step of the reporting process. We believe this unique reporting approach is worthy of sharing with our CNN.com readers. Viewer discretion advised.
Brooklyn, New York (VBS.TV) -- On January 22, 2006, the New York Times reported that all foreign journalists were being banned from Pakistan's tribal areas, which has been called "the most dangerous place in the world." A week before that, the CIA fired missiles remotely from a Predator aircraft into the Waziristan tribal area. They were hoping to eradicate a bunch of al Qaeda operatives. Instead, they killed 18 women and children.
One week before that, I arrived in Pakistan to visit Darra Adamkhel, the massive open-air market located deep in the tribal areas, where a frighteningly high percentage of Islamic holy warriors goes to buy their guns.
Gaining access to the tribal areas was next to impossible. It took months of pre-planning with the consul general of Pakistan in Montreal and top officials in Peshawar. They repeatedly denied us entry because, according to them, the Pakistani Army had too many "sensitive operations" going on in that region. Without my personal advantage (a family friendship with the governor of the Northwest Frontier Province), we never would have gotten in.
The government assigned me and my team a political agent named Naeem Afridi. He was born and raised in the tribal areas. He took care of us while we were there, and he was a godsend. You can't do anything in this part of the world without someone like Naeem.
Our driver stopped at a security point just outside the town center, where we were introduced to the Frontier Agency militia, six angry-dad-looking guys with AKs and sidearms. They became our personal bodyguards, and followed us through the tight warren of gun shops and factories, barren little brick rooms where upward of 1,000 guns are manufactured every day. Most of the work is done by hand.
The vendors are Pashtuns, who are basically the toughest people in the world. They comprised the majority of the mujahideen who kicked the Soviets out of Afghanistan in the late '80s.
These days, the town is rumored to be completely overrun by the Taliban. They purchase the guns, then cross the border to fight the U.S. army in Afghanistan, or they drive through the mountains to the south to fight the Pakistani army.
This summer, I went back to Pakistan, and found that the fuse on this powder keg has become even shorter. The Pakistani army has surged more troops into the tribal areas, attempting to eradicate the Taliban and al Qaeda. The U.S. and British troops are attempting to do the same thing on the other side of the border in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Pakistan itself has seen violence spread to its major urban centers, where extremists have been detonating bombs and taking over police stations.
But at the same time, there is a cultural explosion taking place, a vibrant art scene and metal and rock bands popping up everywhere. The whole situation has become ultra charged by the fact that there are tons of news channels operating uncensored by the insanely corrupt government.
For Pakistan, it's a volatile, turbulent, and fascinating moment in time.

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by sum »

sum wrote:
The longer Delhi takes to get out of its post-Mumbai sulk, the stronger it makes the anti-India forces in Pakistan
The longer Delhi takes to get out of its post-Mumbai sulk, the stronger it makes the anti-India forces in Pakistan.
Dont understand this stance by MOST of our dilli-billis...
Pak has done diddly-squat after 26/11 and we have to make compromises? What is the fig leaf provided to us ( in terms of action taken by Pak) which will lead to these compromises?

If almost all our "top thinkers" are feeling this way, there has to be a reason. Could any guru please enlighten on this?
Any answers, gurus? Im completely dumbfounded.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by kenop »

Gill wants Pak players in IPL
"I have seen the graceful response of some Pakistani cricketers to the IPL auction fiasco. I welcome the remarks and hope there will soon be an opportunity for these boys to play exciting cricket in India," Gill said.
Mr. Gill doesn't seem to have seen some latest reports.
Maybe, they'll think it is time to extend reservations in sports for such gems.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by Sri »

anupmisra wrote:Didn't this mixed-breed insult the entire Hindu Quam on TV?
Sohail ready to play in IPL if invited
Notwithstanding the humiliation faced by Pakistani cricketers in the IPL auction, all-rounder Sohail Tanvir on Tuesday said he has no problem with playing in the Indian Premier League, if invited again and PCB allows him to do so.
I have nothing personal against India
they had a good previous experience of playing in India
When I went to India with the Pakistan team in 2007 and after that for the IPL inaugural season, I was warmly welcomed and treated well by the Indian people
Changing his tune now. Money talks, huh? Shame on the Indians if this loser is given a visa and allowed back in.
Afridi also says he wants to play.... then what the whole fuss is about??? Poor kabaddi guys ... much ado about nothing...

Sridharan Sir: this is what I was saying earlier...
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by SSridhar »

sum wrote: I'm completely dumbfounded.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Sri wrote: Afridi also says he wants to play.... then what the whole fuss is about??? Poor kabaddi guys ... much ado about nothing...
Probably the whole fuss was about two things; One, the Pakistani players, after their T20 win, could have demanded enormous fees much more than they deserve or the franchisees were willing to pay and second, there is a real risk of Pakistani players playing in India, especially Mumbai, as after all the raw emotions of the 26/11 siege will be there, at least as embers, and no one can guarantee safety for them. In IPL-2, some of the Pakistani players were taken to South Africa (except by three teams) though they stayed put in the hotels, with the team owners footing their travel bills. I don't know if they also got paid in the end, partly at least, if not the whole money. The IPL team owners are hard-nosed commercial people, what with one of the owners just completing a course in Harvard on 'Negotiating Skills'. Pakistan, after frequently and disparagingly referring to India as a Bania country, should know it only too well.

Pakistan would convert even quarter chances into catches against India, like how one Mr. Eknath Solkar used to do in the 70s. How can they let go of a huge insult now ? They are also well known for conjuring up conspiracy theories.

Afridi is probably saying things now perhaps because he knows that his game would be up if the team owner released his eMail or telephone conversations (if recorded) on what he demanded. He would at least settle for a lesser amount rather than foregoing it all. WHo will pay him this kind of money, even a 100 or 150 thousand dollars ? His performance has mostly been lacklusture except in one or two matches in the T20 World Cup.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by khan »

Lilo wrote:
khan wrote:
I know this guy Abdul Ruff. IIRC he used to teach Russian at CIEFL in Hyderabad.

I was very young (around 5-6) when I first met him. I remember him as a nice clean cut young guy (no beard) - he might have have had a strange personality, but I was too young to judge him by anything other than his appearance and the way he treated kids.

Then he got married.

What follows is campus gossip. The story goes that he sought a bride thru the classifieds, married her without seeing her face (she was probably in a burqa, he might have sized her up thru pictures). I think it was the working day after the wedding, the the police were there and the bride was gone. If I remember correctly, he had locked her in the house because he didn't want her to leave(probably because it would be Un-Islamic) and she had to either break out of the house or scream for the neighbours.

After that, he became a religious fundamentalist with a huge beard and always wore a skullcap.

Later, growing up, I ran into him a few times and he always seemed to be a nice guy.

Added later:
I am surprised to see the amount of venom he has towards India. In my opinion, this guy has psychiatric issues and is not representative of the general Muslim population - even the more fundamentalist ones (and I have known several).
This guy's bio at zimbio with his pic
Khan, is this the same guy ?
Gerard wrote:There is no such person at JNU. This is a non-de-plume used by a number of Pakistani writers.
After some digging around in other forums i found many contesting his Indian origin. But looking at his article set which often broach over pan-islamist issues against US Israel Europe Russia and what not, I feel though he might be an indian he had appropriated his identity to a sub continental pan-islamist propaganda network spanning Pakistani, kashmiri, Nepali, Bangladeshi news and blog networks.
However the JNU part now methinks, he just made up.
That is him - older, but that is definitely him. The guy obviously has has issues:
Abdul Ruff wrote:(Abdul Ruff, a former employee of Government of India who worked at CIEFL as Reader was forced to quit seeking Retirement benefits mainly because of this nefarious act of the state sponsored remote terrorism and even after his relinquishing his job, the remote terrorism is being unleashed on him. His appeals to Indian government including its President have fallen into deaf ears so far) Entire country has been converted into a big detention camp.
Personally, I would not give his writings any weight, they are the rantings of a deeply disturbed person.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by anupmisra »

Lilo wrote:Goats sacrificed ‘to ward off evil eyes’
A black goat is slaughtered almost daily... Hundreds of black goats have been sacrificed ...The animal is touched by Mr Zardari
This pervert is robbing one paki everyday of his Ayesha.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by shiv »

There is no way Pakistan cricket can be compared with Indian cricket.

Indian cricket produced a profit of 1200 crores last year and PCB is running in loss. Those guys are beggars and they cannot generate a profit from their 2.5 cricket venues. It is only Pakistan's desperate scramble to appear to be "keeping up" with India that they act as if Pakistan cricket is anywhere near Indian cricket.

Pakistan is no more than one more Indian state in size, clout and revenue. Only they are not allowed to vote or elect politicians in the center in India and that bothers Pakis. In a different world the Indian state of Pakistan would have had one more float in the Indian R-day parade to highlight Pakistani culture. Some ganja, a few Hijras and a couple of AK 47s set to some music by wotzisname. A Paki cricket victory over India is like some state winning Ranji trophy - that's all.

Even the worst performing Indian states are doing better than Pakistan.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by anupmisra »

shiv wrote:Even the worst performing Indian states are doing better than Pakistan.
There's an idea. Lets compare the state of Bihar or UP to Pa'astan. I bet many metrics of Bihar/UP are better than the pureland. No insult meant to Bihar/UP.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by James B »

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by harbans »

Comparing Pakistan with a state is also unfair to the state. Take Maharashtra.

Population: 96 Million
GDP (nominal): 150 Billion USD

Population:170 Million
GDP: 164 Billion.

I think the market cap of each of the top 5 Indian companies would exceed Pakistan's GDP..
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by chaanakya »

anupmisra wrote:
shiv wrote:Even the worst performing Indian states are doing better than Pakistan.
There's an idea. Lets compare the state of Bihar or UP to Pa'astan. I bet many metrics of Bihar/UP are better than the pureland. No insult meant to Bihar/UP.
I think Bihar (2nd) is next only to Gujarat(1st) in growth rate and far above National growth rate.. This has happened after two decades of misrule by laloo. Performance during economic downturn is so even more noteworthy. Statistical data may be critically analyzed for loopholes but surely people of bihar, themselves, are understanding the changes on the ground.

At 11.03 per cent, Bihar growth rate only a step behind Gujarat

So comparison is surely not warranted.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by sinha »

This is the real reason Franchisees dont want to use Pakis - everywhere they go they create mess, including their owns
Afridi fumes at lack of unity in Pak team
Cricketnext.com - ‎20 hours ago‎
PTI Karachi: Flamboyant Pakistan all-rounder and vice-captain Shahid Afridi has opened up a new front with captain Mohammad Yousuf and other members ...
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by shiv »

I think a degree of Pakiness must be acquired. When I say the comparison is unfavorable to Pakistan -you guys must learn to leave it at that. It is meant to cause taqleef to Paklurks who will be squirming in denial. Let the actual work of comparing be done by Paklurks who will post anything positive for themselves somewhere else. We can pick that up and tear it apart. :D
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by Gagan »

chaanakya wrote:
I think Bihar (2nd) is next only to Gujarat(1st) in growth rate and far above National growth rate. This has happened after two decades of misrule by laloo. Performance during economic downturn is so even more noteworthy. Statistical data may be critically analyzed for loopholes but surely people of bihar, themselves, are understanding the changes on the ground.

At 11.03 per cent, Bihar growth rate only a step behind Gujarat

So comparison is surely not warranted.
This is Nitish's magic touch.

Earlier as Railways Minister Nitish set in process the transformation of the Indian Railways, for which laloo duly took all the credit. I am afraid, that the same being repeated in Bihar - Nitish doing all the work and laloo taking all the credit. For gods sake, Nitish is camping out with all his babooze in tents in flood affected areas and holding cabinet meetings in far off corners of Bihar so that his ministers can do what is needed to be done.

Not a complete analogy, but it seems that something similar happened in Andhra Pradesh. Chandrababu Naidu did a lot of heavy lifting, unfortunately lost in the next elections. But the time he was there, he was calling up his babooze at 6 in the morning and getting first hand accounts.

Pakistan in comparision is a cabal of beggers. Ever seen a begger on the street? Although they are begging for alms, they have this great sho-sha about izzat. Ever try talking to a begger, and they have this narcissistic fringe to ward off the years of being put down in the dirt and being humiliated - the only thing that keeps them somewhat sane. Pakistan yelling from the roof top is an apt analogy.

It is their fault that they are ill educated and not hard working. Keeping intact their feudal structure and madarsas instead of schools, of teaching their kids the concept of Jihad instead of science and maths. That they thought that not upsetting the apple cart is possible by keeping the people dhimmis. Same thing that Laloo did in Bihar. As finance minister during the fodder scam years someone told me laloo presented the SAME budget year after year changing only the year tag on the budget papers! Although to his credit Laloo did not destroy the fabric of Bihar. The educational institutions may have been dilapidated but still play host to some of the best minds in India. The credit goes to the system that India has in place.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by Philip »

I am sure that had there been some genuine cooperation from the Paki side regarding the prosecution of the 26/11 accused,we would've seen some Paki cricketers in the IPL.The atmosphere is so strained at the street level in India,that it is simply absurd to expect Paki cricketers playing in the "Indian" league,earning fat salaries in the bargain ,while their govt. simply shelters the guilty and keeps on sending across the border more terrorists.Forget it Mr.Gill.People like Gill & co. and PC too should listen to the voices from the street which the IPL team owners have heard well and who do not want huge financial losses.The Indian marketplace simply does not want paki cricketers in India at this juncture.I don't understand why the Pakis cannot understand it either and yes,it is also an insult,a slap in the face to pak,which our govt. has been so scared of doing.Let the people of Pak understand India's anger at the acts of their govt and military and put pressure upon them to assist India ind efeating Paki cross-border terror.We can then talk peace and play cricket afterwards.Congrats IPL!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by Gagan »

I think Afridi suspects - rightly so perhaps, that the Pakistani participation in IPL is not a done deal even yet.

Inspite of the cooing voices that have come out of India, as long as Lalit Modi is in place, there is danger for the pakis.

So Lalit Modi is going to get targetted and he'll be the fall guy.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by SSridhar »

Former RAW Special Secretary says we must talk to Pakistan
A former intelligence official and member of the two-man R.D. Pradhan committee which probed the police response to the November 2008 terrorist attacks in Mumbai has said the resumption of dialogue with Pakistan will help marginalise the terrorists responsible for the incident and is the only way to contribute to peace in the region.

India must be mature rather than “prickly” in its diplomacy. The answer, he said, lay in New Delhi pushing for the creation of a “peace constituency” by encouraging trade and people-to-people contact, especially of journalists, sportspersons, artists, writers, lawyers, human rights activists, film stars and traders.

“The Indian public is, however, quite convinced that the ordinary citizens and intelligentsia in Pakistan are not involved in this. It is only a small misguided group, perhaps with official or semi-official patronage that is waging this terrorist war against India.”

“It is the majority middle class, intelligentsia and divided families who suffer the maximum by strained relations… We need to cultivate this segment by unilateral concessions if necessary by way of visas, facilities for medical and technical education, cultural, sports and film delegations etc.” He added that the “paranoia of our security services that this would facilitate infiltration of subversives needs to be ridiculed as they are already cross over in droves”.
Such are the people who run our show
BRF Oldie
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP) - Dec 30 - 2009

Post by Gagan »

My question is why? Why are people in the government circles so eager to talk to Pakistan?

What do they seek to gain?

The real power center in Pakistan is the cabal of the Pak Army core commanders, a few top babus and some feudal political families. But the Pak Army is the biggest of them all, and the final arbritar in pakistan. The only way to marginalize the militants is to either kill them all, or if the Pakistan Army turns off the tap.

Does GoI talk to the Pak Army at all? The pak army's demands are untenable for india.

Why do these people say things like talking to pakistan will marginalize the militants? Do they recommend GoI indulge in give and take with pakistan? Do they know things that a mango man like me can't see?