Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by Pratyush »

rsingh wrote:^^^
Only problem is that they have a whole population is hostages. It is massive hostage kidnapping operation.
It is in the interest of the hostage takers to keep the hostage healthy. A dead hostage is of no use to the hostage takers.

Unless the objective of kidnapping is to kill the victim itself.

The PRC doesn't have the power to challange the veto of both US and UK alliances at this moment in time.

Let's see what tools the world is ready to use.They have the power tools. Not even Qutar will go against the consensus.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by Cyrano »

We are assuming that the world really cares about the non-gora local population. If they did, then why the 2 decades of presence and bungled retreat without achieving nothing?
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by shyamd »

Just wanted to share a timeline/thread
shyamd wrote: I think consensus within current TSPA establishment is they regret recognising the previous Taleban govt without support of international powers - bad PR and guilt by association. Especially that Taleban was not inclusive last time - this created its own instability. This time TSPA want there to be inclusive govt (with TSPA at the top to veto anything big .... like GOI involvement)

TSPA has outlined 2 core national interest:
1. Vision for future of Afghanistan (particularly the Durand Line border)
2. Role of India in that region

Previous Afghan govts failed on both counts. Right from the start Afghan govt told then senior TSPA officers that they don't recognise durand line.
Also the US was setting up ANDF ORBAT to focus on Pakistan(!).
Taleban takeover of Afghanistan was a necessity in their eyes. But there is no guarantee that they can control Taleban indefinitely.... Question is what is Taleban position on points 1 and 2 above.

TSPA expectation is that instability in places like FATA, Baluchistan and other places will reduce once Taleb take over is complete
shyamd wrote:
Assessment of Security Situation post Kabul takeover

TSPA priority
- TSPA support Taleban priority firstly will be to consolidate, secure and prevent any forces that can launch a counter coup. Apparently Kabul is not completely secure and the Taleban are still continuing operations.
- Negotiations are taking place between Taleban and forces that are capable of resisting thus the general amnesty for former Afghan govt officials (to complete the coup which means the Taleban/TSPA are still worried about resistance forces)
- The other issues is that TSPA know that there are a lot of groups that are not under direct C2 of TSPA - these will need to be dealt with as well eventually

- Consensus for major powers is that as long as Taleban is truly 'inclusive' then pressure will be taken off Taleban - I believe funds of the Afghan govt have been frozen or about to be frozen
- ISI backed troops such as LeT and JeM are playing a significant role. They have two roles - keep control of Taleban gangs going lose/off the chain and prevent forces that can launch a counter coup.

GOI moves
- First priority is securing all Indian nationals, diplomats and other interests of the Sikh/Hindu community. Majority of the work was completed in 48 hours from the green light given by GOI leaders.
- The next will be to re-establish connections with key players (some of whom are in Delhi) and others in central asian states.
- GOI have a choice. Either support those ready to launch a counter coup and make the point that Taleban hold is weak/vulnerable or move to a long term strategy which is to be recon/surveillance/intel focused.

With only around 9% of indian population vaccinated GOI's primary focus is to get this fixed.

Expectation is that we'll be back to stadium murders soon.
Apparently GOI - Taleban meeting was reported in arab press (the one that MEA denied that took place). Taleban said they welcome Indian investments in infra & education as these are for the benefit of all afghans. They also said the Taliban pledged to remain neutral in the India-Pakistan conflict, especially with regard to Kashmir, and affirmed that it has its own future policy on Pakistan.

They have also pledged not to interfere in Uyghur issues in china.
shyamd wrote: Be careful....maybe ISI want us to think that. From speaking to people I'm getting the sense all dirty business (terror training) will be shipped of to Afghanistan from places like Mansehra and PoK. TSP will follow the international community publicly...i.e. if the powers recognise, they will recognise... if they don't then TSP won't.

The impact will be TSPA will come out of FATF and look clean... they'll say all terror planning/training is happening from "ungoverned places".

Iran has close ties with many in Talebs but they aren't trusted.

UAE has approached Turkey for alliance on Afghan file.
Latest summary is:
- TSPA has sent feelers to London and DC on who may recognise the taleban govt. TSPA want to resolve Afg govt issue quickly because there is concern about refugee inflows
- KSA via former intel director Turki al Faisal is re-establishing contacts with Taleban. This is brokered via ISI. Meetings have been held with Mullah Yaqoob (Mullah omar's son) and other seniors. KSA view is better to have a taleb govt who will be more sympathetic vs Iran.
- I'm reminded that Taleban is a coalition of groups that range from anti TSPA, drug gangs, extremists, nationalists, Pro-Pakhtun ethnic groups, pro -TSP backed terror groups like Haqqani Network, former Afg govt officials... PLA is backing one faction, Iran another - particularly those in border districts with Iran... Russia also involved...(rumour has it ISKP was getting $$ from Russians...)... Sorting out and agreeing powersharing between these groups is proving a little difficult. Each person has earned their seat on table... and each country is having their rep on the table via shura council (incl. Iran)..
- Taleban are being asked to repay debts to these nation states like Russia, Iran, TSP, China who supported them over the years.
- UAE cooperating with Turkey/Qatar alliance on Afghanistan...but it's early days.
- Threat of counter coup has largely reduced..
shyamd wrote: Qatar has been shocked by how different the 'on ground' situation is compared to the promises made in Doha. Qatar, US and others in the region were promised a 'transitional' govt and preparations were seriously underway (hence why the ANA was asked to go slow or withdraw and their C2 had collapsed). The talib mil commanders on the ground ignored all of this and carried on incl. entering Kabul despite all promises by the Talib political leaders not to do so.

It is the military leaders who have the greatest influence over the situation.
Abdul Qayum Zakir (now the defence minister of the Taleb govt. He is the leader of Badri 313 ), Mullah Yaqoob (Mullah Omar's son and leader of the military movement) and Haqqani Network (ISI backed) are the key players in control of the situation. Apparently the military leaders are not cooperating with the political members like Stanekzai and others.

GOI stating that once a permanent govt is formed towards year end, they will talk to that Talib govt..
Apparently HQN faction is dominating Kabul (Jalalabad - Kabul axis). Mullah Yaqoob has Kandahar area. Not sure if its psyops but they are saying Yaqoob and Haqqani are not cooperating wrt political settlement. Haqqani wants inclusivity with previous govt but Yaqoob not interested.

UK Foreign Min met TSP/A to discuss Afg. UK and US answer is that what was promised in Doha was not delivered and therefore we are far away from recognizing Taleban Govt.

Not sure if it’s true but ISI chief in Kabul today probably to attempt to sort things out
Latest I’m hearing is that UK is speaking to Tajik Govt to see if they can pressure Ahmad Massoud to join a future Govt in Afghanistan. (Which means TSP is promising west that Doha agreement will be implemented)…
shyamd wrote: Latest SitRep

- GOI is implementing a strategy & plan on Afghanistan that was created earlier this year. Plan was in process of being updated during collapse.
- GOI will not recognise the Taleb govt but will maintain links via Doha and Moscow.
- Intel assessment is that TSPA will turn up temperature in LoC and J&K very soon... There is a gradual redeployment of terror groups towards LoC (with Afghans being spotted).
- Meet held between PM, Def min, Home min yesterday. Number of options have been proposed by the Nat Sec (Defence is an element of Nat Sec) team with dealing with Afghan situation... Range of issues are being managed including how GOI will secure it's interest (i.e. make sure Afghan soil is not used for terrorism which is the top priority).
- My view: Armed forces (IA/IAF) will be making preparations for deployment to somewhere in central asia in coalition with regional powers (if green light provided). I suspect Brigade level operation with some air cover. Primary task will be border security.

- Not discussed but Tajikistan has made their intent clear - they will defend the interests of the Tajik population in Afghanistan. In August, Tajikistan mobilised 100k troops and called up 100k reserves. Russia is supporting these moves and have also joined in drills and are conducting border patrols/exercises. Volunteers have joined up with the National Resistance in Panjshir (with some state sanction)

Also hearing that ANA aircraft from Tajikistan were used to attack Talib positions today in the main road/valley into Panjshir... Sub-valleys are still being held by NRF.

- Russia also calling for inclusive govt similar to UK/US. Ultimately they want someone in charge of Afghanistan and to make sure there is no terror impacting the Central Asian states
- NSA level meeting between India - Russia to be held today to discuss Afghanistan
- Russia will be conducting military drills in all states sharing border with Afghanistan. India may be joining.

Other side matters:
- There is growing feeling in some quarters in Delhi that British intel and ISI were in cahoots on trying to get DC to recognise Taleban..
shyamd wrote:Intel assessment on Afghanistan

- there is a coalition of countries with shared interests (US, UK, India, Russia, central Asian states and China) with respect to terror emanating from Afghanistan that are cooperating.
- meetings taking place more regularly.

- inclusive Govt was always going to be a challenge for the taleban. Lot of intel effort was put in to get the Ghani Govt (and previous Govs) to be inclusive… so ppl were always aware that Taleban will struggle to do this.
- intel guys are very clear that this is a blow to ops… there is no substitute to being on the ground

Delhi is viewing the current situation as a national security crisis.

TSPA are thrilled and celebrating with current situation. Lots of boasting in the region.
I’m told ordinary folks are fearful… many are moving family to Peshawar/TSP or elsewhere. General brain drain.

Couple of points to add. TSPA is shifting resources to Indo-TSP border as well.

The major concern is the economic situation as aid runs out... Taleban will be forced to increase drug production + be at the mercy of financial sponsors... India will face some of the issues.

MEA thinks we should continue infra assistance after 3 months to change Taleban policy....

West is focused on cyber & drones strikes for now.
The diplomatic position of Russia, India and others is that if Afghan soil is used to launch terror attacks - ISI/TSPA will be held responsible as they now own the problem of Afghanistan. This has been communicated to TSPA via multiple emissaries.

Like GOI, Russia does not trust ISI/TSPA/Taleban et al and will seek to ensure Afghanistan isn't used to push terrorists into the region.

Added later: I am told TSPAF fighter jets, helicopters, drones and SSG were involved in a night time raid of Panjshir valley. The silence of everyone incl. GOI means there is some understanding of some sorts...
Intel update on ISI chief visit - 14 Sept 21
- ISI chief turned up in Kabul with officials from 8 of their departments.
- the objective of the visit was to:
(a) support the establishment of the interim govt
(b) draw out the plan of the future defence and security services of the new state.

- TSPA wish to create a professional defence and security establishment at Kabul with proper equipment... (most probably chinese gear)
- The intelligence chief is TajMir Javvad. Defence will be led by Abdulhaq Wasiq from Ghazni province.
- The new afghan military doctrine will be closely aligned to TSPA's.
- The force is expected to be a national force with cadre recruited from all ethnic groups in the country.
- 2 objectives for this force is:
(a) border protection
(b) counter terror
- The new force will be equiped by TSPA and will utilise NATO leftovers like helicopters etc.
- ISI chief was keen to integrate Badri 313 into this new establishment and make it the primary Spec Forces unit.

My view is this is similar to how the british ran the empire - let the locals govern themselves but hold control of foreign policy, Defence & security. Appoint a political resident to monitor the politics..

Iranian FM expected to meet EAM in Dushanbe on the sidelines. He was expected to be in Delhi yesterday but they decided to just have the convo in Dushanbe instead. Speculation that EAM will meet TSP FM in Dushanbe.

Saudi delegation to arrive in Delhi this weekend to discuss Af Pak. UAE Crown Prince and PM spoke about Afghanistan last week.
Update 22/09/21
- PLA undertook recon of Bagram airbase possibly to set up an intel facility alongside Taleb/TSPA
- On US drone basing in India - GOI has asked for some conditions to be met before anything happens... Also accuracy of the drone campaign in general is being questioned.
Added later: TSPA is cool with the drone campaign as long as they get paid... Of course they will try and use it to attack the people they want bumped off.

- ISI chief visit in public to Kabul was partly to begin their internal campaign regarding promotions. Gen Faiz trying to succeed Bajwa. Campaign is in full swing.

- TSPA is deeply worried about the refugee problem (as I've stated above) and now they are even more worried. Part of the worry is that many individuals with armed training may start wrecking havoc by whoever wishes to fund and train them. think about role of TTP.

Al-Qaeda Could Strike U.S. From Afghan Base Next Year, Spies Say
“The current assessment probably, conservatively, is one to two years for al-Qaeda to build some capability to at least threaten the homeland,” Lieutenant General Scott Berrier, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, said at an intelligence conference on Tuesday.
Last edited by shyamd on 22 Sep 2021 22:18, edited 1 time in total.
Y I Patel
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by Y I Patel »

@shyamd, Thanks for the updates!
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by Cyrano »

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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by Cyrano »

Paki FM is saying from NY that there is no refugee crisis at present. Misses oppty to scrape aid dollahs!
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by g.sarkar » ... fghanistan
Taliban founder says strict punishment, amputations to return to Afghanistan
According to Turabi, a Taliban founder, hand amputations are 'necessary for security'
Kyle Morris | Fox News, 09/23/2021

Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, a founder of the Taliban who will control prisons under the new government in Afghanistan, said strict punishment, including amputations and executions, will return.
"Everyone criticized us for the punishments in the stadium, but we have never said anything about their laws and their punishments," Turabi said in Kabul during an interview, which was published Thursday by the Associated Press. "No one will tell us what our laws should be. We will follow Islam, and we will make our laws on the Quran."
Under the Taliban's previous rule of Afghanistan, Turabi served as justice minister and head of the so-called Ministry of Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, a position the Associated Press stated was "the religious police." During that time, amputations and executions were carried out for criminal offenses, including theft and highway robbery.
According to Turabi, those same practices will be brought back.
"Cutting off of hands is very necessary for security," Turabi said, claiming it was a deterrent to theft and other crime.
So Juice and bottled mineral water drinking neo-Taliban are not that different after all.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by chetak »

g.sarkar wrote: ... fghanistan

So Juice and bottled mineral water drinking neo-Taliban are not that different after all.
Gautam sir,

that would be the liberated and repurposed ameriki non halal bottled mineral water, twice blessed and quietly made halal for high ranking talibani afsaran.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by g.sarkar »

And I thought that Mard-e-Momin drank only Zam-Zam Cola (in public that is).
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by Deans »

g.sarkar wrote: So Juice and bottled mineral water drinking neo-Taliban are not that different after all.
They are different. They do press conferences and promise women can attend school - at some unspecified time in the future.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by Pratyush »

A group which has fought for over 20 years against the US backed regime is not going to become soft just because they have come to power.

The length of fighting and repudiation of the Bonn process and violation of the treaty terms with the US has made it impossible for any dilution in its attitude towards the civilian population to take place.

Any senior Taliban leader espousing such a dilution of stance will be purged by the organisation rather finally.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by Manish_P »

Deans wrote:
g.sarkar wrote: So Juice and bottled mineral water drinking neo-Taliban are not that different after all.
They are different. They do press conferences and promise women can attend school - at some unspecified time in the future.
As different as the palatable (to the west) Imran Niazi and the not so palatable General Bajwa, Dean's sir?
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by Ambar »

Communist News Network aka CNN recently did a piece where one of its reporters went to the Bagram Air Base to inspect the former prison. The media savvy taliban 2.0 took the journalist on a guided tour and spoke at length about how political prisoners were shackled, human rights (yes ! taliban talking about human rights!) were abused, inhuman prison conditions, brutal torture against the prisoners etc. The CNN journo lapped all the evidences conveniently provided by the taliban and blamed the pentagon and US Dept of Defense by comparing conditions at the former Bagram prison to the notorious Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Ironically this report of taliban trying to show the deplorable condition and human rights abuses against prisoners in the US Defense run former prison comes the same week when taliban hung 4 prisoners from cranes at city centers in Kabul and Herat :lol:

The more I see the far left western media now eating their own, the more I believe in karma. Until now these leftist big media news were routinely used by US and Europe to attack India and shield those who attack India, but now they are attacking the very hand which feeds them. Slowly but surely the US media's blind hatred of Trump and conservatives has now manifested into a hatred for the US and its uniformed institutions. ... the-world/
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by Y I Patel »

American Military chief Gen Milley met with his Russian counterpart for a long conversation… one of the topics was US use of Russian bases in Tajikistan for “over the horizon”

There are a lot of complications for US to conduct joint operations with the Russians, so a compromise would need to be worked out. Connect the dots! ... 1632767164
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by Pratyush »

The over the horizon strike seems to have become an article of faith in Washington.

But the stupidity of America's withdrawal from Afghanistan and the sharing of biometric information about the members of the security apparatus. How do the Americans think in terms of finding real targets of strikes.

Do they think that Taliban will assist the Americans?

A Taliban that after taking over Afghanistan for the second time has stated that no evidence that Al Qaeda conducted 911 attacks.

I don't think so.

That is, if the Russians agree to provide staging bases to US.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by Y I Patel »

‘Over the horizon’ as a concept will need considerable rethinking on America’s part. The situation in Afghanistan now means that US will be forced to adapt to a role as an equal partner or subordinate - this is a reality that American leaders (political, diplomats, military) have not started to accept publicly.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by g.sarkar » ... 12713.html
Top US general calls Afghan war ‘strategic failure’
General Milley, alongside Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and US Central Command head Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, testified for the first time before Congress since the United States ended its longest war in Afghanistan.
IANS | Washington | September 29, 2021

General Mark Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, has said during a Senate hearing that it is a “strategic failure” with the Taliban back in power and US withdrawal from Afghanistan. Milley, alongside Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and US Central Command head Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, testified for the first time before Congress since the United States ended its longest war in Afghanistan, Xinhua news agency reported.
“It is obvious, the war in Afghanistan did not end on the terms we wanted, with the Taliban now in power in Kabul,” Milley told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday.
“Strategically, the war is lost, the enemy is in Kabul. So you have a strategic failure while you simultaneously have an operational and tactical success,” he said, referring to the massive personnel evacuation since mid-August. Milley and McKenzie said they believed the US should maintain 2,500 troops in Afghanistan, and a quick drawdown from the country could lead to a collapse of the Afghan government and military.
Such comments seemed to contradict President Joe Biden’s words in an interview last month, in which he said no military officials advised him to keep troops in Afghanistan after the withdrawal deadline. Meanwhile, Milley and Pentagon chief Austin stressed that the sudden collapse of the Afghan military was beyond their expectation. “The fact that the Afghan army we and our partners trained simply melted away, in many cases without firing a shot, took us all by surprise,” said Austin.Milley noted that most intelligence assessments indicated the collapse “would occur late fall, perhaps early winter, Kabul might hold till next spring.” Top military commanders pointed to the agreement reached between the United States and Taliban in February 2020, which called for a full withdrawal of the US troops from Afghanistan by May 2021 if the Taliban meets the conditions, had a demoralizing impact on the Afghan military.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by Pratyush »

It seems like the Washington security establishment is living in a parallel reality.

How can people be surprised by the speed of the collapse when all assessments are saying that the US supported Afghanistan establishment would collapse.

When people are sure that come what may, no collapse will happen. Then collapse takes place. That becomes an unforeseen circumstance?

Here's a situation where even the most optimistic prediction said that government will last only till the next spring from the date of withdrawal. Which is at the most 9 to 10 months.

No body is asking about the underlying basis of that belief/ assessment.

If I look at the speed of the collapse and the reason for the same. It is painfully clear that the Afghan government would have collapsed in exactly the same way it did.

But it was not clear to the woke idiots of the Biden administration? Especially that insubordinate idiot Milly.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by Maria »

g.sarkar wrote: ... 12713.html
Top US general calls Afghan war ‘strategic failure’
General Milley, alongside Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and US Central Command head Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, testified for the first time before Congress since the United States ended its longest war in Afghanistan.
IANS | Washington | September 29, 2021

General Mark Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, has said during a Senate hearing that it is a “strategic failure” with the Taliban back in power and US withdrawal from Afghanistan. Milley, alongside Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and US Central Command head Gen. Kenneth McKenzie, testified for the first time before Congress since the United States ended its longest war in Afghanistan, Xinhua news agency reported.
“It is obvious, the war in Afghanistan did not end on the terms we wanted, with the Taliban now in power in Kabul,” Milley told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday.
“Strategically, the war is lost, the enemy is in Kabul. So you have a strategic failure while you simultaneously have an operational and tactical success,” he said, referring to the massive personnel evacuation since mid-August. Milley and McKenzie said they believed the US should maintain 2,500 troops in Afghanistan, and a quick drawdown from the country could lead to a collapse of the Afghan government and military.
Such comments seemed to contradict President Joe Biden’s words in an interview last month, in which he said no military officials advised him to keep troops in Afghanistan after the withdrawal deadline. Meanwhile, Milley and Pentagon chief Austin stressed that the sudden collapse of the Afghan military was beyond their expectation. “The fact that the Afghan army we and our partners trained simply melted away, in many cases without firing a shot, took us all by surprise,” said Austin.Milley noted that most intelligence assessments indicated the collapse “would occur late fall, perhaps early winter, Kabul might hold till next spring.” Top military commanders pointed to the agreement reached between the United States and Taliban in February 2020, which called for a full withdrawal of the US troops from Afghanistan by May 2021 if the Taliban meets the conditions, had a demoralizing impact on the Afghan military.
Yup they have thrown in the towel, strategic failure is another term for defeat. Nothing to gloat about though. There will be more sh&t under the fan soon
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by kit »

Had been shouting for this since the bunnies took over Kabul ., finally it happens ... tes-737447

A number of former Afghan officials, who fled the country along with President Ashraf Ghani after the Taliban takeover last month, have announced the continuation of the Afghan government in exile.

A statement released by the Afghan Embassy in Switzerland read that the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is the only legitimate government of Afghanistan that is elected by the votes of the people and no other government can replace a legitimate one, Khaama News reported.

The statement read that Afghanistan has been occupied by external factors and based on the historic responsibility of the Afghan government after consultations with the elders of the country, they decided to announce the government in exile.

"After the escape of Ashraf Ghani and his rupture with Afghan politics, his first vice-president (Amrullah Saleh) will be leading the country," the statement said.

The statement also said that the three powers of the government namely executive, judicial, and legislative will be activated soon and they have been busy consulting in this regard., as per the report.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by Vayutuvan »

Maria wrote: Yup they have thrown in the towel, strategic failure is another term for defeat. Nothing to gloat about though. There will be more sh&t under the fan soon
Gen Milley actually said it in no uncertain terms. He said something close to "we lost the war".
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by chetak »

Sure, why not

let's have lots of taliban running around in dill, conspiring with khujliwal and the shaheenbagh mohtarmas and pontificating on runditeevee and writing sanctimonious opeds in the toi let

The only traffic on this route will be mostly of undesirables and the shady variety.

this will be used mostly for cargo that the taliban will not be able to get from other sources and "aid donations" going from India.

the taliban also need medical visas and their bills in India will be taken care of by some shady jamat or the other.

all in all, there is much to be gained from not getting involved. The prices of opium have also peaked in afghanistan

Taliban regime requests India to resume flight services between India and Afghanistan, writes to DGCA saying normalcy has returned

Taliban regime requests India to resume flight services between India and Afghanistan, writes to DGCA saying normalcy has returned

The Acting Minister for Civil Aviation and Transport of Afghanistan, Alhaj Hamidullah Akhundzada, wrote a letter to Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) requesting to resume flight services

29 September, 2021
OpIndia Staff

Afghanistan under the new Taliban regime has sent a letter to the government of India requesting to resume flight service between the two countries. The Acting Minister for Civil Aviation and Transport of Afghanistan, Alhaj Hamidullah Akhundzada wrote a letter on September 7 in this regard, addressed to India’s Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA).

DGCA chief Arun Kumar has confirmed having received the letter adding that the ministry of Civil Aviation will take a decision whether to resume the fight or not.

Pakistan and Iran have started operating flight services to Kabul. Out of diplomatic and security concerns, the Narendra Modi government doesn’t seem to be in a hurry. India also doesn’t recognize the Taliban regime.

The Indian government had suspended its flight following the takeover of Kabul by the Taliban on August 16. The last Air India flight from Kabul to Delhi on August 15 had carried 129 passengers. The air space of Afghanistan was declared uncontrolled, and the Civil Aviation Minister of Afghanistan had issued a notice to airmen (NOTAM) that the Kabul airspace had been released to the military.

Now in the letter sent to DGCA, the Taliban regime claims that normalcy has returned hence the flight service can now be resumed.

“The intention of this letter is to keep the smooth passenger movement between two countries based on the signed MoU and our national carriers (Ariana Afghan Airline and Kam Air) aimed to commence their scheduled flights. Therefore, the Afghanistan Civil Aviation Authority requests you to facilitate their commercial flights,” the letter reads.

The Taliban regime is seeking resumption of flights of two of its airline services namely Kam Air and Arina Afghan Airline between Kabul and Delhi.

“As you are well informed that recently the Kabul Airport was damaged and dysfunctional by American troops before their withdrawal. By technical assistance of our Qatar Brother, the Airport became operational once again and a NOTAM in this regard was issued on September 6,” Akhundzada has explained.
Last edited by chetak on 30 Sep 2021 06:27, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by chetak »

Vayutuvan wrote:
Maria wrote: Yup they have thrown in the towel, strategic failure is another term for defeat. Nothing to gloat about though. There will be more sh&t under the fan soon
Gen Milley actually said it in no uncertain terms. He said something close to "we lost the war".
milley is obfuscating.

the central issue is his traitorous calls to the cheeni army chief and assurances to pelosi that he would insert himself uninvited into the nuclear chain of command.

all this was done on mere conjecture and his own unwarranted political ideology that clouded his judgement.

He simply did not have the testimonials to take it up with trump as he should have and that was the only right thing for him to do, given the sworn oath of office that he was bound by, both legally and morally.

no way to overlook that one single act of the joint chief's treachery and he has admitted to doing that

In an emergency, any woke in uniform can say that (s)he will not follow the orders of the commander in chief and open negotiations with the speaker of the VP

is anyone asking why this racist milley did not consult the VP, who is, by their constitution, the next in the line of succession

they should fire his ass.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by Roop »

chetak wrote:milley is obfuscating ... they should fire his ass.
Milley is a raving egomaniac and a dangerous demagogue. Firing his ass is the least that should happen to him. He should also be court-martialled for sedition. Or, more precisely, he and the generals who plotted and schemed with him (mentioned in Woodward's book) should be charged with conspiracy to commit sedition.

Americans would be crazy to let this go with just a shrug of the shoulders and nothing else. That would confirm that the US has degenerated into just a wealthier version of Pakistan. "Pakistan with indoor plumbing".

Added later: The word "treason" has been used by many Republican observers, but IMO there is a legal/technical problem with that -- the crime of treason is specifically defined in the US constitution as "providing aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war". The legal snags with that are: (1) China was not officially an enemy of the US at the time this happened, and (2) in any case, America was not at war with China. I think an indictment of treason would probably fail.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by chetak »

from the above article
“It’s unbelievable that this withdrawal from Afghanistan has put us in a situation where now we are collaborating with Russians and trying to negotiate with them on our occupation of space,”

if true, the delicious irony of this news is mind blowing

the paki jernails must be livid at the thought of precious US$ going to the ummah elsewhere
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by kvraghav »

US request for russian help may be a blessing for india. More s400 and nuclear submarines without sanctions.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by NRao »

chetak wrote:
from the above article
“It’s unbelievable that this withdrawal from Afghanistan has put us in a situation where now we are collaborating with Russians and trying to negotiate with them on our occupation of space,”

if true, the delicious irony of this news is mind blowing

the paki jernails must be livid at the thought of precious US$ going to the ummah elsewhere
Actually, it is not that mind blowing.

First failure was Pakistan declining, which was the 1st and most guaranteed option, based on expectations.

IMHO, the second option that failed was that of a "base" in NW India. Suspect it did not even get to the stage of official discussions, but my guess.

Finally, the current option - of using Russian bases - actually is a win-win. Russia is actually concerned about yahoos entering from A'sthan. No doubt about it. And, if we believe reports that two of the six that entered India were Taliban and that Indian intel has picked up Pushto in their intercepts along the LoC, Russia has to be concerned. (Russia was initially inclined to recog Talibs - they have not closed their embassy yet)

With the G-20 meeting on the 12th of Oct seems to me this is serious business that no one anticipated. I think this is the 1st off beat G-20 meet.

IMHO, it would be most efficient to sanction Pakistan in some way/s. But, I suspect that will be very challenging.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by Pratyush »

Sanctioned Pakistan is not really beyond the realm of possibility.

As the acknowledgement of the scale of disaster dawn's on the swamp and the role of Pakistan.

More than a cosmetic action will be taken by Americans. What shape they will take remains to be seen.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by chetak »

kvraghav wrote:US request for russian help may be a blessing for india. More s400 and nuclear submarines without sanctions.
after the amerikis quit afghanistan, all bets are off.

no one cares about ameriki sanctions anymore, least of all India

one more sanction stunt against India by the amerikis will ensure that India takes a good, long, and hard look at any and every arms purchase from the US from here on out

unless of course, you are a directly affected party like the pakis or the talibs, then you have a lot to worry about.

the amerikis will not forget their afghan withdrawal humiliation in a hurry and will not so easily forgive either the taliban or the pakis, especially not the pakis.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by chetak »

NRao wrote:
chetak wrote:
from the above article

if true, the delicious irony of this news is mind blowing

the paki jernails must be livid at the thought of precious US$ going to the ummah elsewhere
Actually, it is not that mind blowing.
Actually, it is because the amerikis used the pakis to train jehadis to evict the russkis from afghanistan, and now they are using the russkis to target the jehadis in afghanistan, bypassing the pakis.

It's truly popcorn time
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by Dilbu »

Islamabad in a fix over helping Kabul without recognition
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan appears to be facing difficulties in providing technical, financial and expert support to the transition government in Afghanistan in the absence of the regime’s international recognition despite emerging challenges like food crisis in the war-torn country.

At a meeting presided over by Minister for Economic Affairs Omar Ayub Khan on Tuesday, key stakeholders considered various options to support the new Afghan administration through capacity building and technical expertise under crash programmes but the major challenge was how to do that without recognition by the world of the Afghan government.
Informed sources said the meeting was told that the biggest challenge for the Afghan administration was the void created by major exodus of technical and financial experts soon after the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan.The brain drain left major institutions, particularly of technical and financial nature, incapacitated to take over essential services like electricity, medical and financial facilities for smooth operations.

The meeting noted that the SBP management could arrange and provide crash training courses to Afghanistan by inviting their staff to Pakistan. At this stage, the Afghan central bank is incapacitated and requires urgent international reorganisation and capacity building for financial settlements.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by anupmisra »

New rules!

Rules and dress code for Afghan Women
1-Dress color must not be attractive.
2-No use of perfume.
3-women with boots creating noise would not be allowed.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by wig » ... a-59367291

Russia says Tajiks, Afghans amassing troops at shared border, urges solution

The Russian Foreign Ministry on Thursday claimed to have reports indicating troop deployments by Tajikistan and Afghanistan along those two countries' shared border.

"We observe with concern growing tensions in Tajik-Afghan relations against the background of mutual harsh statements by the leaders of the two countries. Reports have appeared about the deployment of armed forces by both sides to the common border. According to information from the Taliban, tens of thousands of special forces units have been deployed in the bordering [northern] Afghan province Takhar alone," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexei Zaytsev.

Moscow, said Zaytsev, calls on Dushanbe and Kabul "to search for mutually acceptable solutions" to deescalate the current situation. Tajikistan's president, Emomali Rakhmon, has refused to recognize the Taliban government, accusing the group of human rights abuses.

Taliban leadership has harshly rejected such sentiments, demanding that Tajikistan stay out of Afghanistan's domestic affairs.

On Thursday, longtime Tajik ruler Rakhmon presided over a military parade near the border. The show of force followed a similar parade near another section of the border Wednesday.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by rsingh »

Russia will NEVER agree to base US forces in Stans. US and EU are fighting undeclared war in Ukraine and Belorussia with Russia. or Russia will negotiate hard. EU is already squeezed by Vlad the terrible. Gas supply is reduced and prices have gone up. Even in local tabloids Russia is cursed everyday. will pay extra 30% for energy but I like to see the fear on bigmouths in EU. :((
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by NRao »

Russia and Iran: Disappointed Friends of the Taliban?
Despite having provided support to the Taliban in their takeover of Afghanistan, Russia and Iran are growing increasingly concerned by the new government’s direction.

Both the Russians and the Iranians helped the Taliban advance at a breakneck pace in May–August 2021. They contributed to funding and equipping them, but perhaps even more importantly they helped them by brokering deals with parties, groups and personalities close to either country, or even both.

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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by Aditya_V »

I guess it was natural especially for Iran as US bases in Afganistan could have been used for Iraq type Invasion
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by nam »

The meeting noted that the SBP management could arrange and provide crash training courses to Afghanistan by inviting their staff to Pakistan. At this stage, the Afghan central bank is incapacitated and requires urgent international reorganisation and capacity building for financial settlements.
Paks want to siphon off money from Afghanistan, but unless the world pays some aid it cannot happen.#

Please give aid to Afghanistan so they can pay for food and training that we will provide.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by g.sarkar »

chetak wrote: after the amerikis quit afghanistan, all bets are off.
no one cares about ameriki sanctions anymore, least of all India
one more sanction stunt against India by the amerikis will ensure that India takes a good, long, and hard look at any and every arms purchase from the US from here on out
unless of course, you are a directly affected party like the pakis or the talibs, then you have a lot to worry about.
the amerikis will not forget their afghan withdrawal humiliation in a hurry and will not so easily forgive either the taliban or the pakis, especially not the pakis.
AmreeKhan is the Khan of all Khans. It can do what it pleases. It can screw Rus in one hand over Krim/Ukraine and then use bases in their land against Taliban. It can sanction Bharat in one hand then expect cooperation over Quad. You are expected to take the moolah and then be quiet. That is what the Pakis have done all these years. And yes, do not forget they have always served biryani to Khan. Khan always expects lots of biryani in Indian Subcontinent, I mean South Asia.
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Re: Afghanistan News & Discussion - April 2016

Post by Maria »

Roop wrote:
chetak wrote:milley is obfuscating ... they should fire his ass.
Milley is a raving egomaniac and a dangerous demagogue. Firing his ass is the least that should happen to him. He should also be court-martialled for sedition. Or, more precisely, he and the generals who plotted and schemed with him (mentioned in Woodward's book) should be charged with conspiracy to commit sedition.

Americans would be crazy to let this go with just a shrug of the shoulders and nothing else. That would confirm that the US has degenerated into just a wealthier version of Pakistan. "Pakistan with indoor plumbing".

Added later: The word "treason" has been used by many Republican observers, but IMO there is a legal/technical problem with that -- the crime of treason is specifically defined in the US constitution as "providing aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war". The legal snags with that are: (1) China was not officially an enemy of the US at the time this happened, and (2) in any case, America was not at war with China. I think an indictment of treason would probably fail.
Neither was the USSR, however they still executed the Rosenbergs for spying.
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