Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

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Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the China Watch Thread

China sets rules on beards, veils to combat extremism in Xinjiang

BEIJING: China will step up a campaign against religious extremism in the far western region of Xinjiang on Saturday by implementing a range of measures, including prohibiting "abnormal" beards, the wearing of veils in public places and the refusal to watch state television.

Hundreds of people have died in recent years in Xinjiang, home to the Muslim Uighur people, in unrest blamed by Beijing on Islamist militants and separatists, though rights groups say the violence is more a reaction to repressive Chinese policies.

The government strongly denies committing any abuses in Xinjiang and insists the legal, cultural and religious rights of Uighurs, a Turkic ethnic group, are fully protected.

While China officially guarantees freedom of religion, authorities have issued a series of measures in the past few years to tackle what it sees as a rise in religious extremism.

New legislation, passed by Xinjiang lawmakers on Wednesday and published on the region's official news website, widens existing rules and will come into effect on April 1.

Workers in public spaces like stations and airports will be required to "dissuade" those who fully cover their bodies, including veiling their faces, from entering, and to report them to the police, the rules state.

It will be banned to "reject or refuse radio, television and other public facilities and services", marrying using religious rather than legal procedures and "using the name of Halal to meddle in the secular life of others".

"Parents should use good moral conduct to influence their children, educate them to revere science, pursue culture, uphold ethnic unity and refuse and oppose extremism," the rules say.

The document also bans not allowing children to attend regular school, not abiding by family planning policies, deliberately damaging legal documents and "abnormal growing of beards and naming of children to exaggerate religious fervour".

A number of bans on select "extremist behaviours" had previously been introduced in some places in Xinjiang, including stopping people with head scarves, veils and long beards from boarding buses in at least one city.

The new rules expand the list and apply them to the whole region.

While Uighurs have traditionally practiced a more relaxed form of Islam, the popularity of veils for women in particular has grown in recent years in what experts say is an expression of opposition to Chinese controls.

After a period of relative calm, there has been a rise in violence in recent months in the Xinjiang's southern Uighur heartland and a large increase in security.

Chinese President Xi Jinping called for a "great wall of iron" to safeguard Xinjiang during the annual meeting of China's parliament earlier this month.

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

X Posted from the Oppression of Minorities in Pakistan thread.

42 Christists told by the Mohammadden public prosecutor of Lahore in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan that they will be acquitted of the crime lynching 2 men if they renounced Christism and accepted belief of Mohammaddenism.

AFP via Christist radio station, Radio Vatican:

Pakistan: prosecutor offers accused Christians acquittal for conversion
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

X Posting from STFUP thread article link along with time line on Green on Green Intra Mohammadden belief driven sectarian persecution resulting in members of minority Mohammadden Ahmadiyya aka Ahmadi sect falling prey to fellow Mohammaddens belong to larger sects:
Falijee wrote:Cousin of Nobel laureate Abdus Salam gunned down in Nankana Sahib
A history of persecution

In December, a charged mob of around 1,000 people had besieged an Ahmadi place of worship in Chakwal. Two people were reportedly killed and one injured in the attack.
In 2015, an enraged mob had set an Ahmadi place of worship on fire in Punjab's Jhelum district.
In 2014, 11 Pakistani members of the Ahmadi minority were reportedly murdered.
In 2013, seven members of the community were killed.
In 2012, 19 members of the community were murdered over the year.
In 2010, militants had attacked two Ahmadi places of worship during the Friday prayer service. According to government officials, the death toll was 80, but the community spokesman put the toll at 95.
In 2008, two leading members of the Ahmadi community were gunned down.
In 2005, eight people were killed and 18 others injured when three men on motorbikes opened fire on them as they were offering prayers. In the same year, all Ahmadi students were expelled from a medical college in Faisalabad.
In 2000, unidentified gunmen opened fire during prayers, killing five worshippers and injuring several others.
In 1995, two members of the community were stoned — one of whom died — in Peshawar.
In 1984, Ahmadis were restricted from 'misusing' the epithets, descriptions, titles, etc reserved for certain holy personages or places of Islamic origins. Ahmadis could not call themselves Muslim or propagate their faith.
In 1974, the then Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s regime amended the constitution to include the definition of a Muslim and listed groups that were consider non-Muslim.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

X Posted from the “Oppression of Minorities in Pakistan” thread.

At Parachinar in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Mohammadden Sabbath of Friday sees a Green on Green Intra-Mohammadden sectarian based demonstration of the IED Mubarak variant of the IEDology of Pakistan. Suicide bomber in a car targets mosque aka imambargah used by members of the minority Shia sect of Mohammaddenism killing 11. :

‘Suicide blast’ near Imambargah in Parachinar kills 11, wounds over 100
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Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the China Watch Thread

Terror threats transform China's Uighur heartland into security state

KASHGAR/HOTAN: Three times a day, alarms ring out through the streets of China's ancient Silk Road city of Kashgar, and shopkeepers rush out of their stores swinging government-issued wooden clubs.
In mandatory anti-terror drills conducted under police supervision and witnessed by Reuters on a recent visit, they fight off imaginary knife-wielding assailants. Armoured paramilitary and police vehicles circle with sirens blaring.

China says it faces a serious threat from Islamist extremists in this far Western Xinjiang region. Beijing accuses separatists among the Muslim Uighur ethnic minority there of stirring up tensions with the ethnic Han Chinese majority and plotting attacks elsewhere in China.

A historic trading post, Kashgar is also central to China's One Belt, One Road (OBOR) Initiative, President Xi Jinping's signature foreign and economic policy involving massive infrastructure spending linking China to Asia, the Middle East and beyond.

China's worst fears are that a large-scale attack would blight this year's diplomatic setpiece, an OBOR summit attended by world leaders planned for Beijing in May.

State media say the drills, and other measures such as a network of thousands of new street-corner police posts, are aimed making everyone feel safer.

But many residents say the drills are just part of an oppressive security operation that has been ramped up in Kashgar and other cities in Xinjiang's Uighur heartland in recent months.

As well as taking part in drills, shopkeepers must, at their own expense, install password-activated security doors, "panic buttons" and cameras that film not just the street outside but also inside their stores, sending a direct video feed to police.

For Uighurs like the owner of an online multimedia company facing one of Kashgar's main streets it is not about security, but mass surveillance.

"We have no privacy," said the business owner who, like almost everyone Reuters spoke to in Kashgar, did not want to give his name. "They want to see what you're up to."
A Chinese security source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters the new security measures in Xinjiang were not politically motivated, but based on fresh developments and intelligence. He declined to elaborate.

The Xinjiang government and the State Council Information Office, which doubles as the Communist Party spokesman's office, did not respond to requests for comment.
China routinely denies pursuing repressive policies in Xinjiang, and points to the vast sums it spends on economic development in the resource-rich region. Xinjiang's gross domestic product last year rose 7.6 per cent, above the national average.

Religious re-education

Since ethnic riots in the regional capital Urumqi in 2009, Xinjiang has been plagued by bouts of deadly violence.

The incidence of attacks reported in state media have actually declined markedly, both in frequency and scale, since a spate of bombings and mass stabbings in Xinjiang and southwestern Yunnan Province in 2014.

But Chinese state media say the threat remains high and the Communist Party has vowed to continue what it terms its own "war on terror" against spreading Islamist extremism.

In Xinjiang, this can also be seen at weekly flag-raising ceremonies that Uighurs, a Turkic-speaking people who formed the majority in Xinjiang before an influx of Han Chinese, are required to attend to denounce religious extremism and pledge fealty under the Chinese flag.

At one such event witnessed by Reuters in Hotan, a former Silk Road oasis town 500 km (300 miles) southeast of Kashgar, more than 1,000 people filed onto an open-air basketball court where Party officials checked their names against an attendance list and inspected their dress and appearance.

"Best you take this off or I'll send you to re-education," said one female official, pulling back the black hijab worn by a middle-aged Uighur woman to expose her forehead and hair.

Hotan authorities offer 2,000 yuan ($290) rewards for those who report "face coverings and robes, youth with long beards+ , or other popular religious customs that have been radicalized", as part of a wider incentive system that rewards actionable intelligence on imminent attacks.

Xinjiang lawmakers this week approved legislation extending a prohibition on "abnormal" beards and the wearing of veils in public places across the whole region. The new rules come into force on Saturday.

This month a video purportedly released by the Islamic State group showed Uighur fighters training in Iraq and vowing that blood would "flow in rivers" in China.

"Grid-style" surveillance

The architect of the anti-terror drills and other new measures in Xinjiang is Chen Quanguo, appointed Communist Party boss in the region in August in what analysts said was an implicit endorsement of his hard-line management of ethnic strife in neighbouring Tibet.

Chen has made his mark swiftly, culminating last month in what state media described as mass "anti-terror" rallies across Xinjiang's four largest cities involving tens of thousands of paramilitary troops and police.

One of Chen's most visible initiatives has been to build thousands of what the authorities call "convenience police stations" across Xinjiang and hire some 30,000 new officers to man them.

They are present on almost every intersection in Kashgar, typically just hundreds of metres apart, in what Chen calls a "grid-style social management" system he pioneered in Tibet.

Local state media have praised the initiative as a new benchmark in community-based policing. Critics, including Uighur and rights groups, say the real purpose of the convenience police stations is to spy on the population.

Citizens are encouraged to use the stations to charge their mobile phones, have a cup of tea or shelter from the elements.

"I don't know anyone who has been in there," said one Han Chinese taxi driver, who only wanted to be identified by his surname Huang, suggesting few have taken up on the offer to huddle beside the riot police and soldiers that occupy the stations.

But Huang, reflecting the region's simmering ethnic tensions, added that the increased security made him feel safer.

"Some people think it's too much, that it's just a few Uighurs," he said. "But if they chop your family, then you'll know."

Economy or security?

James Leibold, an expert on Chinese ethnic policy at La Trobe University in Melbourne, said the focus on security runs counter to Beijing's goal of using the OBOR initiative to boost Xinjiang's economy and improve its integration with the rest of China, because it would disrupt the flow of people and ideas. "Those two are just fundamentally at odds," he said.

Spending on security in Xinjiang is rising, jumping nearly 20 percent in 2016 to more than 30 billion yuan ($4.35 billion), according to state media.

That can be seen in the metal detectors and airport-style security checks in place at major public areas, including Kashgar's ancient Id Kah mosque, bazaars, malls and hotels.

Police spot document checks are carried out on pedestrians, with mobile phones inspected for extremist videos or use of banned chat applications like Telegram, WhatsApp and Twitter. Mobile internet speeds have been slowed from 4G to 3G.

"There's maybe 5,000 people making trouble, but the rest of us, 10 million of us, pay the price," one Uighur man in Kashgar told Reuters.

Reuters was tailed closely by local police in Kashgar. A reporter returning to his hotel at 1 a.m. found officers waiting in the lobby.

When asked about the reason for the security one of the officers said Kashgar's preparations for OBOR were of paramount importance.

"When you see military and police vehicles patrolling the street in your country, what do you think it's for?" he said. "It's for safety. Kashgar will be a hub for travel. Everything must be good."

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by IndraD »

video has emerged of Arab employer letting her African maid fall from 7th floor while she screamed for help. Very disturbing! ... 4091331584
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

X Posted from the STFUP thread.

Editorial in Express Tribune, a newspaper in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, recognises the seemingly magical allure of the Mohammadden “Sabbath” of Friday for committing acts of violence by adherents of Mohammaddenism by starting with the words “Given the propensity of the bombers to choose to strike on Fridays, the holy day of the week for every Muslim everywhere …….”

I find it very dissonant that adherents of a belief that touts itself as being a belief of peace somehow permit themselves on their Sabbath to find no peace but instead get instigated into committing acts of violence, that too targetting adherents of their own Mohammadden belief:

Another Friday, another bombing
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Singha »

IndraD wrote:video has emerged of Arab employer letting her African maid fall from 7th floor while she screamed for help. Very disturbing! ... 4091331584
How did she get into this situation?

The employer may be a spoilt brat but i bet 99% of women will freeze and not offer a hand and fight to pull her in...the sharper and more rural ones mght run to fetch help. A lot will just freeze and scream
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Lisa »

The Lord be praised. He has so many ways to work! :)

Prince Charles biography

For its lead, the Mail says a new biography of Prince Charles reveals that he tried to halt the American invasion of Afghanistan to "honour" Ramadan, the Muslim month of fasting. It says he made the plea to the US ambassador to London four weeks into the military operation in 2001. According to the paper, the startled envoy explained it would be rather difficult to halt a military invasion already in full swing and asked the Prince "Sir, are you really serious?"
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Singha »

Reminds of the round and square bullets..round for good christians and square for heathens like turks and moors. Both would kill just the same faithful or not ... fense-Gun/
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Falijee »

"Islamic Grooming " For Abduls And Ayeshas In Xinjiang, China !

China Uighurs: Ban on long beards, veils in Xinjiang
China has banned "abnormal" beards and full-face coverings in the remote western region of Xinjiang as part of tighter "anti-extremism" regulations that also prohibit rejecting state media. And yet Pakistan had no hesitation in naming the New Islamabad Airport in honour of the Chinese President - the oppressor of the Muslim Chinese !
Xinjiang is home ot about 10 million Uighur Muslims, who have said they routinely face discrimination.
The new legislation took effect on Saturday and lists a wide range of restrictions, including rejecting or refusing "radio, television or other public facilities and services", marrying using religious rather than legal procedures and "using the name of Halal to meddle in secular life of others". It is high time that Pakistan and Saudi Arabia take up the cause of their "oppressed Muslim Brethren " in the next meeting of the OIC :mrgreen:
Many Uighurs complain of cultural and religious repression and discrimination by China . Beijing has denied the accusations.
Earlier this month, Chinese President Xi Jinping called for a "great wall of iron" to safeguard Xinjiang, referencing the military response following the pro-democracy protest in Tiananmen Square in 1989.Rights groups have said that Chinese religious restrictions on Muslims may have driven more than 100 to join ISIL.Friendship or no friendshp, the Chinese are ruthless when it comes to suppressing any challenge to the power of the Communist Party !
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Falijee »

Islam Coming To A "Goodwill Store " Near You :eek:

FBI, DHS investigating Muncie Goodwill incident where suspect yelled ‘allahu akbar’
MUNCIE, Ind. (WISH) — The Federal Bureau of Investigations and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security executed a search warrant on the apartment of a man recently charged after attacking several people in a Muncie Goodwill store.24-year-old Khalid Bilal was arrested on March 25. Bilal is accused of attacking a clerk at the Goodwill in the 5000 block of West Hessler Road and threatening to kill the clerk if she didn’t convert to Islam. Investigators said Bilal tried to strangle her.
unless otherwise denied, these kind of reports usually fit the pattern !
Bilal has now been charged in Delaware County with eight felonies and seven misdemeanors.
The United States Department of Homeland Security was notified of the arrest two days later. DHS requested a search warrant of Bilal’s Muncie apartment because he “showed signs of radicalized behavior in the March 25, 2017, incident and is a danger to the community.” DHS said he is a Saudi Arabian national. What more proof is needed that this "strategic ally" of Massa is more likely a "strategic enemy" ; IMO, the Saudis have "financially" got the US by the bxlls :mrgreen:
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Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Peregrine »

Cross Posted on the STFUP Thread

Haj subsidy is albatross around our neck, say Muslim leaders - Mohammed Wajihuddin

The Quran clearly commands that Haj is obligatory on those who can afford the expense. So it always rankled many Muslims that India's government subsidized their most important of pilgrimages, to Mecca. Now that newly-elected UP's Waqf and Haj minister Mohsin Raza has spoken against the "misuse" of Haj subsidy+ (earlier union minister for minority affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi called it a blot on Muslims), the issue of Haj subsidy is back in the spotlight. Most Muslims wants to do away with the subsidy which the sangh parivar has called it a "tool of minority appeasement." Well this the Legacy from our Late PM J L Nehru. The Saudis protested at this practice as well as the Celebrating the "Birthday of the Prophet of the Religion of Peace". Nehru disregarded it. In addition Nehru appointed and continued "forever" of the Indian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia to be always a Muslim.

In 2016 the government gave nearly Rs 405 crore subsidy for one lakh pilgrims who travelled to Mecca through the Haj Committee of India. This year, after the restoration of the country's Haj quota cut by 20% by the Saudi authorities in the last couple of years, the total Indian Haj quota is 1.70 lakh (1.25 lakh through Haj Committee while 45000 through Private Tour Operators) but the Haj subsidy is bound to reduce. Why? The government is complying with the Supreme Court's 2012 order directing the government to abolish Haj subsidy over a period of 10 years.

"The subsidy amount goes to the airfare for Haj pilgrims which is much higher than the normal airfare for a return journey to Jeddah from India. Subsidy is an albatross around Muslims' neck and must end ," says Yusuf Ahmed Kherada of Al Khalid Tours and Travels. "Get a global tender for Haj travel and the airfare will reduce."

A five-member committee, headed by secretary of Parliamentary Affairs Afazl Amanullah, is looking into whether subsidies have benefits and if pilgrims can travel paying less if there is no subsidy at all. "It is true the Supreme Court wants subsidy to end by 2022 and we are taking a wider perspective of the Haj policy," says Kamal Farooque, a member of the panel.

Raza, many allege, was ill-informed about Haj when he said: "We will only let deserving persons who don't have means to go on their own, to go. If a person is a multi-millionaire he should not make the pilgrimage on government money." "Haj is not for those who can't afford it and multi-millionaires make the pilgrimage through Private Tour Operators where the journey is not subsidized," explains senior Shia scholar Maulana Zaheer Abbas Rizvi. "We don't want Haj subsidy. Let the government end it as per the Supreme Court (2012) order but politicians should not mislead the public."

Continuing something Allah didn't command for Muslims is anachronistic and the community Muslims
justifiably don't want it.

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

X Posted from the STFUP thread.

Mohammadden Cleric in Sargodha in Islamic Republic of Pakistan occupied Punjab intoxicates and kills 20 fellow Mohammaddens. It would seem that this Mohammadden Cleric failed to get the message touted by prominent Mohammadden political leaders like Pervez Musharrah, Asif Ali Zardari, Nawaz Sharif, Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, Recep Tayyep Erdogan, Mahatir Mohammed etc. that Mohammaddenism is a belief of Peace:

20 killed by shrine custodian in Sargodha: police
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

X Posted from the STFUP thread.

Mohammadden Cleric in Sargodha in Islamic Republic of Pakistan occupied Punjab intoxicates and kills 20 fellow Mohammaddens. It would seem that this Mohammadden Cleric failed to get the message touted by prominent Mohammadden political leaders like Pervez Musharrah, Asif Ali Zardari, Nawaz Sharif, Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud, Recep Tayyep Erdogan, Mahatir Mohammed etc. that Mohammaddenism is a belief of Peace:

20 killed by shrine custodian in Sargodha: police
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by saip »

Then if we do away with Haj subsidies, what will the Government do with all those Haj terminals at the airports?
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Peregrine »

saip wrote:Then if we do away with Haj subsidies, what will the Government do with all those Haj terminals at the airports?
saip Ji :

With the phenomenal Increase in Air Traffic in India all Air Ports will need more Toilets. Voilà!
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Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Peregrine »

Alter the savage mindset
Islam is a religion that attaches great importance to peace and all its principles are based on peace, patience, justice and perseverance. All that Islam aims at — spiritual progress, intellectual development, character building, social reform, educational activities and above all missionary preaching — can be achieved only in an atmosphere of peace and harmony. Nowhere in the faith is it allowed to resort to violence, hate and massacre against the innocent population, rather it has taught tolerance and peace. As it is stated in Quran, “Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from error” (Al-Quran 2:256). This and many other instances reveal the peace-loving principle of our religion which abhors violence and merciless killings. But, unfortunately, violence in the name of religious extremism and jihad has gotten too far in many parts of the world,including especially Pakistan.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by sanjaykumar »

Islam is a religion that attaches great importance to peace and all its principles are based on peace, patience, justice and perseverance. All that Islam aims at — spiritual progress, intellectual development, character building, social reform, educational activities and above all missionary preaching — can be achieved only in an atmosphere of peace and harmony. Nowhere in the faith is it allowed to resort to violence, hate and massacre against the innocent population, rather it has taught tolerance and peace.

The East Bengalis, Baloch, Balwarstanis, Ahmadiyya, Shia, Hazara, Kalash, Christian, Jew, Sikh and Hindu all nod their assent.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by ranjan.rao »

Singapore orders Indian imam's expulsion for remarks against Christians, Jews

"Islam, like all other religions, enjoins peace and kindness towards others, and our religion is what should unite us as a community," said the statement.

No tolerance in Singapore lah. Was there a red shift of whips on his hips?

So now mullah has become Indian.

India should learn this no nonsense approach from Singapore.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by RCase »

sanjaykumar wrote:Islam is a religion that attaches great importance to peace and all its principles are based on peace, patience, justice and perseverance. All that Islam aims at — spiritual progress, intellectual development, character building, social reform, educational activities and above all missionary preaching — can be achieved only in an atmosphere of peace and harmony. Nowhere in the faith is it allowed to resort to violence, hate and massacre against the innocent population, rather it has taught tolerance and peace.

The East Bengalis, Baloch, Balwarstanis, Ahmadiyya, Shia, Hazara, Kalash, Christian, Jew, Sikh and Hindu all nod their assent.
In fact it is not just restricted to the above set of peoples, the whole world is seeing how 'peaceful and tolerant' are the followers of this cult.
Cartoons of the prophet or Islamic god. People lynched, murdered, beheaded, buildings torched. Tolerance and peace!
Plow truck into unsuspecting pedestrians and mow them down. Tolerance and peace!
Shoot people at a bar drinking in Florida. Tolerance and peace!
Shoot people at a Christmas party in San Bernadino. Tolerance and peace!
Stab and kill random tourists in London. Tolerance and peace!

Major dictionaries are in the process of updating their definitions for these words in the English language.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by SSridhar »

ranjan.rao wrote:Singapore orders Indian imam's expulsion for remarks against Christians, Jews

. . . . . India should learn this no nonsense approach from Singapore.
Singapore has also been on the edge in the last six months or so after several terror plots were smashed in and around Singapore, especially after some Indonesians were found to have targetted some missiles at Marina Bay a few months back. Some Bangladeshis were found supporting terror back in BD from Singapore and some IS recruitment had even taken place. Security at entry points has been tightened. There are frequent messages in the media about terrorism and being aware of the surroundings. A man was arrested yesterday for leaving a small bag unattended at an MRT station.

To add to the above post, the following from Straits Times
District Judge Jasvender Kaur sentenced him to a $4,000 fine after considering the aggravating and mitigating factors of the case.

She rapped the imam for not being sensitive when leading prayers in the mosque.

"Having lived in Singapore since 2010, you would have been aware of the fact that Singapore is a multiracial and multi-religious society and that it was necessary for you to be sensitive and not to say anything in your sermons that may undermine the harmony that exists among the different races and religions," she said.

"This incident demonstrated that comments made, albeit irresponsibly or thoughtlessly, to a small group of people, can easily be uploaded onto the Internet that provides access to a potential audience of thousands and sometimes millions," she added.

"Your strong sense of remorse and the active steps that you have taken to contain the harm caused are compelling mitigating factors."

The imam, who turned up in court with Muslim, Sikh and Buddhist leaders, was calm when the sentence was read.

He said through a volunteer after the hearing that he expects to lose his job and be sent back to India.

Shortly after the session ended, the Ministry of Home Affairs said in a statement that the imam will be repatriated. The phrase he recited, it added, "was and is unacceptable in a multiracial and multi-religious society".

"The action against Nalla has been taken with some regret," it said.

"Nalla has worked diligently as chief imam at the Jamae Chulia Mosque over the past seven years, attending to the needs of his congregation, and reaching out to other faiths. He has not been deliberately malicious."

"Nevertheless, what he did was wrong. And he has admitted it. Given the nature of the breach, action had to be taken,"
added the ministry.

"The fair and impartial application of the law protects all communities, including Muslims and other minority religious communities. The Government has taken firm action against persons from other religions as well."
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

ranjan.rao wrote:Singapore orders Indian imam's expulsion for remarks against Christians, Jews

……………{Rest Snipped}…………….

India should learn this no nonsense approach from Singapore.
Singapore has certainly shown the path forward by showing that secularism is best served by not appeasing minority communal supremacist behaviour brought on by a dhimmi-like fear of belligerent behaviour that would be triggered by acting firmly against belief inspired hateful nonsense spewed out against some religions.

Per Channel News Asia (Linked below) besides fine and being deported, Mohammadden Cleric Nalla Mohamed Abdul Jameel was also forced by a possible 3 year prison term, to apologise to “Christian, Sikh, Taoist, Buddhist and Hindu representatives” besides apologising to “Rabbi Moderchai Abergel at the Maghain Aboth Synagogue on Sunday to extend his apology to the Jewish community in Singapore - which the rabbi accepted“. Then again the Singapore District Judge who presided over the trial was reported as being a Jasbendar Kaur, who going by name would be a female Indian origin Sikh.

This case thus has all the ingredients to fan the narrative of Mohammadden victimhood by being mischaracterised as a Christist, Sikh, Taoist, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish and Sikh plot to malign Mohammaddenism and it would be indeed prudent for our Government to keep a close watch on Nalla Mohamed when he is deported back to {Tamil Nadu?} India:

Imam fined S$4,000 for promoting enmity with remarks on Christians, Jews
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Javee »

Now this genius will be deported to his native village in TN and now some one will have to keep an eye on him,
In a written apology, Mr. Malik said that the chant was taken from a text he found at his village. “ I had recited the additional supplication in Arabic, which was taken from an old text that originated from my village in India. It was not an extract from the Holy Koran,” he said. ... epage=true
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

Moving on from issue of handling deported Mohammadden Cleric Nalla Mohamed Abdul Jameel from one end of India (ie: Tamil Nadu) to another end of India (ie: Jammu & Kashmir) and another Mohammadden related problem albeit with a Bangladesh and Myanmar twist …………..

Appears that for Bangladeshi descent Mohammaddens who had illegally migrated into Myanmar, India presents a better habitat than Myanmar. Bangladesh origin Mohammadden illegal migrants into Myanmar who have illicitly infiltrated into India from Myanmar are now attempting to make permanent their illegal residence in India by fradulently obtaining Aadhar Cards.

Looking forward to our Government ensuring that the demographic composition of Jammu is not changed by influx of Bangladesh origin Mohammadden illegal migrants from Myanmar that would result in Hindu’s and Sikh’s being ethnically cleansed from Jammu just as has been the unfortunate case of Kashmiri Hindu Pandit’s in the Kashmir Valley:

Rohingya Muslims in Jammu possessing Aadhaar cards sets off alarm bells

Meanwhile New Indian Express report, also datelined today, on worries of involvement of Bangladesh origin Mohammadden illegal migrants from Myanmar in acts of Mohammadden Terrorism in India:

As Lashkar woos Rohingyas, govt seeks to deport them from J&K
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by arun »

The St. Petersberg Metro (suicide?) bomb attack which took place on Monday April 3rd and killed 14, could likely be an act of Mohammadden Terrorism. The Guardian reports that Kyrgyzstan’s Intelligence Agency, State Committee for National Security, says perpetrator of the attack “could be” Krgyz born Russian Citizen with the decidedly Mohammadden sounding name, albeit of a Russified variety, of Akbarzhon Jalilov. Per the Guardian the “could be” seems to have come up as “It was still unclear whether the bomb was a suicide attack or whether the attacker managed to flee, leaving the bomb on the train”:

St Petersburg bomb suspect is Kyrgyz-born Akbarzhon Jalilov, Kyrgyzstan says
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Falijee »

It Is Now Confirmed That "Moderate Malaysia " Has Joined The "Sharia Club "

Girls as young as nine are “physically and spiritually” ready for marriage, a Malaysian MP says, also claiming there’s “nothing wrong” with females marrying their rapists. It comes after Malaysia failed to criminalize child marriage in a recent law
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Falijee »

India's apex Shia Muslim body wants ban on triple talaq, issues fatwa against cow slaughter
New Delhi: The All India Shia Personal Law Board (AISPLB) has joined forces demanding a ban on triple talaq and called for resolving the highly-vexed Ramjanmabhoomi-Babri Masjid dispute through an out-of-court settlement.
The AISPLB, according to news agency ANI, adopted three resolutions on Wednesday including a fatwa against cow slaughter, a move to ban triple talaq and out-of-court settlement for the resolution of the Ayodhya dispute.
Importantly, the AISPLB issued a fatwa banning the slaughter of cows in India during its executive committee meeting in Lucknow. The AISPLB decided to issue a fatwa after seeking a clarification from Ayatollah Sheikh Basheer Hussain Najafi, a top Shia cleric from Iraq.
The AISPLB fatwa against cow slaughter comes just a day after the Dewan of Ajmer Dargah and an influential Sunni Islamic spiritual leader came down heavily on the practice of triple talaq and called it “un-Islamic” and something which was against the Holy Quran. He also called for a legislation which would ban the slaughter of all the bovine species in India and announced a personal decision to have given up beef along with his family members.
Abbas had recently paid a courtesy visit to the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath, to express their demands concerning the Shia community members living in India.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Lisa »

The women who sleep with a stranger to save their marriage

"Women pay to marry, have sex with and then divorce a stranger, so they can get back with their first husbands." !!!
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by ranjan.rao »

Falijee wrote:India's apex Shia Muslim body wants ban on triple talaq, issues fatwa against cow slaughter
New Delhi: The All India Shia Personal Law Board (AISPLB) has joined forces demanding a ban on triple talaq and called for resolving the highly-vexed Ramjanmabhoomi-Babri Masjid dispute through an out-of-court settlement.
The AISPLB, according to news agency ANI, adopted three resolutions on Wednesday including a fatwa against cow slaughter, a move to ban triple talaq and out-of-court settlement for the resolution of the Ayodhya dispute.
Importantly, the AISPLB issued a fatwa banning the slaughter of cows in India during its executive committee meeting in Lucknow. The AISPLB decided to issue a fatwa after seeking a clarification from Ayatollah Sheikh Basheer Hussain Najafi, a top Shia cleric from Iraq.
The AISPLB fatwa against cow slaughter comes just a day after the Dewan of Ajmer Dargah and an influential Sunni Islamic spiritual leader came down heavily on the practice of triple talaq and called it “un-Islamic” and something which was against the Holy Quran. He also called for a legislation which would ban the slaughter of all the bovine species in India and announced a personal decision to have given up beef along with his family members.
Abbas had recently paid a courtesy visit to the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath, to express their demands concerning the Shia community members living in India.
With right leader a right political environment follows automatically. In "Guns, Germs and Steel" Jared diamond beats this idea to death that politics drives the economics and rest all follows.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Falijee »

"Halala" Is Absolutely " Kosher" In Malsi :mrgreen:

The women who sleep with a stranger to save their marriage

A number of online services are charging "divorced" Muslim women thousands of pounds to take part in "halala" Islamic marriages, a BBC investigation has found. Women pay to marry, have sex with and then divorce a stranger, so they can get back with their first husbands.
Farah - not her real name - met her husband after being introduced to him by a family friend when she was in her 20s. They had children together soon afterwards but then, Farah says, the abuse began.
"The first time he was abusive was over money," she tells the BBC's Asian Network and Victoria Derbyshire programme."He dragged me by my hair through two rooms and tried to throw me out of the house. There would be times where he would just go crazy."Despite the abuse, Farah hoped things would change. Her husband's behaviour though became increasingly erratic - leading to him "divorcing" her via text message."I was at home with the children and he was at work. During a heated discussion he sent me a text saying, 'talaq, talaq, talaq'.""Triple talaq" - where a man says "talaq", or divorce, to his wife three times in a row - is a practice which some Muslims believe ends an Islamic marriage instantly. Cruel practice in the "Golden Days of Islam" being grafted into the 21st century :x
It is banned in most Muslim countries but still happens, though it is impossible to know exactly how many women are "divorced" like this in the UK.
"I had my phone on me," Farah explains, "and I just passed it over to my dad. He was like, 'Your marriage is over, you can't go back to him.'" :roll:
Farah says she was "absolutely distraught", but willing to return to her ex-husband because he was "the love of my life".She says her ex-husband also regretted divorcing her.This led Farah to seek the controversial practice known as halala, which is accepted by a small minority of Muslims who subscribe to the concept of a triple talaq.They believe halala is the only way a couple who have been divorced, and wish to reconcile, can remarry.
Halala involves the woman marrying someone else, consummating the marriage and then getting a divorce - after which she is able to remarry her first husband. What is the logic behind this clearly disgustive practice, if someone can state !But in some cases, women who seek halala services are at risk of being financially exploited, blackmailed and even sexually abused.
'Desperation'One man, advertising halala services on Facebook, told an undercover BBC reporter posing as a divorced Muslim woman that she would need to pay £2,500 and have sex with him in order for the marriage to be "complete" - at which point he would divorce her.The man also said he had several other men working with him, one who he claims initially refused to issue a woman a divorce after a halala service was complete.There is nothing to suggest the man is doing anything illegal. The BBC contacted him after the meeting - he rejects any allegations against him, claiming he has never carried out or been involved in a halala marriage and that the Facebook account he created was for fun, as part of a social experiment.In her desperation to be reunited with her husband, Farah began trying to find men who were willing to carry out a halala marriage.
"I knew of girls who had gone behind families' backs and had it done and been used for months," she says. "They went to the mosque, there was apparently a designated room where they did this stuff and the imam or whoever offers these services, slept with her and then allowed other men to sleep with her too."Image caption Khola Hasan says halala services are "abusing vulnerable people". Shut the mosque down, put the imam and the other "particiipants" in jail :evil:
But the Islamic Sharia Council in East London, which regularly advises women on issues around divorce, strongly condemns halala marriages. (taqiyya in action :roll: )"This is a sham marriage, it is about making money and abusing vulnerable people," says Khola Hasan from the organisation.
"It's haram, it's forbidden. There's no stronger word I can use. There are other options, like getting help or counselling. We would not allow anyone to go through with that. You do not need halala, no matter what," she adds.Farah ultimately decided against getting back with her husband - and the risks of going through a halala marriage. But she warns there are other women out there, like her, who are desperate for a solution.
"Unless you're in that situation where you're divorced and feeling the pain I felt, no-one's going to understand the desperation some women feel.
"If you ask me now, in a sane state, I would never do it. I'm not going to sleep with someone to get back with a man. But at that precise time I was desperate to get back with my ex-partner at any means or measure.". And what happens if there is an "offspring" by that "halala action"!
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by LokeshC »

It would be a dark but hilarious movie plot if it were fiction. But truth is stranger than fiction.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Falijee »

Not Sharia Compliant :eek:

Saudi Arabia bans 50 names owing to religious contradictions
The interior ministry of Saudi Arabia has banned 50 names owing to the fact of their contradiction to the religion or the culture of the Kingdom.
After the orders being issued, the parents within the Kingdom will reportedly no longer be able to name their children by names such as Linda, Alice, Elaine or Binyamin. Violators will be lashed on Jumma Day in the public square ? :mrgreen:
Apart from western names, a few religious names have also been banned because of the fact that the Kingdom considers them inappropriate, or blasphemous.According to Gulf News, the list of names issued by the ministry fall into three categories, those that offend perceived religious sensibilities, those that are affiliated to royalty and those that are of non-Arabic or non-Islamic origin. Should not scarce human and financial resources be diverted to more productive use like how to reduce the Saudi deficit, create non-oil related industries etc etc . But I guess that in this way, PhD's in Islamic studies can find "work" and their minds are not diverted to IT :mrgreen:
Moreover, there are also some names that do not fit into any of mentioned categories however have still been banned by the Kingdom. Not to worry. The "fertile Islamic minds" will create a category :mrgreen: !
The full list of ‘banned’ names as reported by Gulf News include Malaak (angel), Abdul Aati, Abdul Naser, Abdul Musleh, Binyamin, Naris, Yara, Sitav, Loland, Tilaj, Barrah, Abdul Nabi, Abdul Rasool, Sumuw (highness), Al Mamlaka (the kingdom), Malika (queen), Mamlaka (kingdom), Tabarak (blessed), Nardeen, Sandy, Rama (Hindu god), Maline, Elaine, Inar, Maliktina, Maya, Linda, Randa, Basmala (utterance of the name of God), Jibreel (angel Gabriel), Abdul Mu’een, Abrar, Iman, Bayan, Baseel, Wireelam, Nabi (prophet), Nabiyya (female prophet), Amir (prince), Taline, Aram, Nareej, Rital, Alice, Lareen, Kibrial and Lauren. The Kingdom "reserves the exclusive rights" of adding or deleting the list based on how the King's mood is on a particular day :D
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by tandav »

Breaking! potential terror attack in Stockholm.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by anupmisra »

Falijee wrote:Not Sharia Compliant :eek:

Saudi Arabia bans 50 names owing to religious contradictions
...Rama (Hindu god),.. Maya,.. Randa ( 8) )
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Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Peregrine »

Truck crashes into Stockholm store; Swedish PM calls it possible 'terror attack'

STOCKHOLM: A truck crashed into an upscale department store in central Stockholm on Friday, killing at least two people, according to Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven, who said all indications were that it was a terror attack. One person was arrested.

People in the downtown area fled in panic, and the country's intelligence agency said a large number of people were injured. Swedish radio put the death toll at three.

"Sweden has been attacked," Lofven said. "This indicates that it is an act of terror."

The incident happened a few metres from the Indian embassy but Indian ambassador to Sweden Monika Mohta said all the embassy staff members are safe. "I saw two people lying on street and heard loud noises. Helicopters are flying in the area," she said.

Narendra Modi ✔ @narendramodi : We condemn the attack in Stockholm. My thoughts are with the families of the deceased & prayers with those injured. @SwedishPM - 3:46 PM - 7 Apr 2017 953 953 Retweets 2,813 2,813 likes

Swedish broadcaster SVT said shots were fired at the scene, though it wasn't clear by whom and police said they could not confirm that.

Live television footage showed smoke coming out of the upscale Ahlens department store on Drottninggatan Street, which the truck smashed into. The department store is part of Sweden-wide chain. The building includes several stores at street-level.

"We stood inside a shoe store and heard something... and then people started to scream," witness Jan Granroth told the Aftonbladet daily. "I looked out of the store and saw a big truck.''

Photos from the scene showed a beer truck sticking out of the department store, and Aftonbladet daily reported that Swedish beer maker Spendrups said one of its trucks had been carjacked earlier Friday.

Friday's incident is near the site of a December 2010 attack in which Taimour Abdulwahab, a Swedish citizen who lived in Britain, detonated a suicide bomb, killing himself and injuring two others.

Abdulwahab rigged a car with explosives in the hope that the blast would drive people to Drottninggatan - the street hit Friday - where he would set off devices strapped to his chest and back. The car bomb never went off, and Abdulwahab died when one of his devices exploded among panicked Christmas shoppers.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for Friday's attack, but vehicles have been common weapons in recent extremist attacks. Last month, in an attack claimed by the Islamic State group, a man drove into a crowd on London's Westminster Bridge, killing three people and injuring many others before stabbing a policeman to death. A fourth person, a woman thrown into the Thames by the force of the car, died Thursday.

The IS group has also claimed responsibility for a truck attack that killed 86 people in Nice, France, in July and another that killed 12 people at a Christmas market in Berlin.

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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by Prem » ... ld-phobia/
When the Mongol khan later discovered the depraved criminality of Achmath (or Ahmed), one of his Muslim governors, Polo writes that that the khan’s
attention [went] to the doctrines of the Sect of the Saracens [i.e., Islam], which excuse every crime, yea, even murder itself, when committed on such as are not of their religion. And seeing that this doctrine had led the accursed Achmath and his sons to act as they did without any sense of guilt, the Khan was led to entertain the greatest disgust and abomination for it. So he summoned the Saracens and prohibited their doing many things which their religion enjoined.
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Re: Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis (9-8-2014)

Post by RCase »

anupmisra wrote:
Falijee wrote:Not Sharia Compliant :eek:

Saudi Arabia bans 50 names owing to religious contradictions
...Rama (Hindu god),.. Maya,.. Randa ( 8) )
I guess Ramadan, Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Azha (sounds like Idol) etc. should be banned too.
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