Terroristan - June 20, 2017

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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by SSridhar »

Amber G. wrote:Slightly OT here, but one needs to keep an eye on Indian Newspapers motives for terroristan related coverage..
The headlines that were not – how The Hindu is consumed by agenda peddling
The above article is so very true.

The poison is slowly and surreptitiously injected into unsuspecting and unenquiring Indian minds. That's the idea.

And, The Hindu frequently publishes articles like this latest by Suhasini Haidar who, in this piece, equates the Pakistani falsehood peddled in the UN and India's strong replies exposing those and tags them as 'name calling'. She says that 'reality is in short supply' in exchanges between the two nations at the UN and that it is a case of 'religion disuniting' people.

Suhasini Haidar's articles are always critical of India, blaming India for everything, putting the onus on it for every incident etc. Or, as in the above, when India cannot be accused, at least equate India with Pakistan.

I have always been baffled by the so-called Indian analysts who would want to write articles on India-Pakistan or India-China developments from a 'neutral' perspective as though they are an uninvolved third party keenly observing the situation.

So, I sent in a comment as follows: When Ms. Haidar talks of 'reality being in short supply' or 'religion disuniting' or 'name calling', she is equating the aggrieved with the aggressor. Is she aware of the history or isn't she? Or, does she think that India is as equally culpable as Pakistan? If it is the latter, then she must boldly say why is it that Ms. Sushma Swaraj's address to the UNGA and the replies given by Ms. Eenam Gambhir and Ms. Paolomi Tripathi amount to lowering the 'dignity' of the UN or that of the 'common folk' of India, as she claims. I am at a loss to understand as to what motivates this desire 'to appear neutral' even when facing a duplicitous adversary at whose hands we have not only suffered a trifurcation of our land but who is relentlessly attacking us with wars, skirmishes and jihadi terrorism for 70 years

Obviously, The Hindu's moderator felt it violated their editorial board's norms and couldn't therefore be published. Just look at the comments. They are either way too silly or in praise of the article. None seems to feel the stab inflicted on India by the author.
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by ramana »

Gautam Sen once wrote in 1997, 'The Trouble with 3rd World liberals"
He says they mistake and rebel against Center.
But Western liberals don't.
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by SSridhar »

ramana, absolutely true.

Another troubling thing is that most Indian analysts and editors (in this case, Suhasini Haidar is the Diplomatic Editor of The Hindu) also want to assume the role of a 'liberal'. When an editor becomes that, he/she directly and/or indirectly forces a particular way of representation of news. That leads to false & misleading headlines, giving prominence to assenting news or views, discarding dissenting news and views and the whole paraphernalia.

Anybody else who speaks the truth unsparingly then becomes an 'illiberal' and 'nationalist' (as though being a nationalist is something to be ashamed of) et al.
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

Falijee wrote:Image

Then Young, Benazir With Her American Ex - Peter Galbraith ! Proved to be her "fast friend" and confidante till the very end !
The wonders of plastic surgery and Botox!
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by anupmisra »

OH, cry me a river...just don't call it De Nial.

No more peanuts for Pakistan
Prior to that Afghan war, Pakistan was a cohesive Islamic state, with strong Sufi influences. It may be hard to believe today – but back then we had no ethnic unrest. :rotfl:
Lady, does 1971 ring a bell? ding...ding...ding...ding...ding...ding...ding...
the fates of Pakistan and Afghanistan intertwined once more, with the US looming large in the background. Once more. This time it was the latter that ‘lured’ us into the quagmire next door. :((
And so it was that we got sucked into this gross misadventure
Our leadership has always adopted key words to brush off American belligerence. And it is barely mentioned again until, perhaps, a visit takes places in which demands are made of us to do more. :D
Much like our Indian neighbour, the world’s lone superpower, too, feels that Pakistan-bashing is intrinsically linked to winning votes.
But being cast in the role of perpetual scapegoat has become a little tiring for Pakistanis.
Bluntly put, Pakistanis feel both humiliated and marginalised. :((
Have we not suffered enough for our leaders’ misguided policies?
And still terror reigns over our cities and streets.
Instead of progressing we have regressed :( .
We have endured relentless jibes over our so-called duplicity.
Not only have we lost precious lives, the opportunity cost when it comes to our businesses has been billions of dollars. :cry:
And then we have also dealt with massive influxes of refugees as well as a radicalised society.
Instead we have had to endure the infiltration of arms: from the Americans to the Russians to the Indians. And these are placed in the hands of the merciless.
This is to say nothing of the steady flow of mercenaries, criminals, foreign agents and spies within our borders.
If a Trump White House feels the need to re-evaluate what it sees as the national interest – Pakistan must do the same.
For more than a decade-and-a-half aerial attacks have been used to target jihadi operatives. Failure on this front to achieve any lasting peace has now prompted Trump to formally usher India centre stage.
That our eastern neighbour has been meddling in the immediate neighbourhood is well known. 8)
As a result of President Trump’s disdainful speech on Pakistan – the people of this country are more than happy to exit the Afghan quagmire that was not of our making.
Over the last decade, the Pakistani state apparatus has undertaken the crucial challenge of developing better ties with China and Russia instead of depending solely on the US bilateral relationship.
No longer is Pakistan’s path to be guided by someone else’s war.
The resolve to change the status quo is now visible for all to see.
Belly ache time.

http://dailytimes.com.pk/opinion/28-Sep ... r-pakistan
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Baikul »

Yeh Terroristan hamara hai....
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

After Milli Muslim League (MML), Another Mysterious And Respectable Islamic Party Quietly Joins The Paki Political Scene - The So- Called TLP :mrgreen:

Mystery clouds govt’s silence on TLP
ISLAMABAD - While the interior ministry has objected to the registration of Milli Muslim League (MML) for being a political face of banned Jamaatud Dawa (JuD), it has maintained a mysterious silence about Tehreek Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) – a party raised from the ashes of the self-confessed killer of the former Punjab governor.The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has questioned the registration application of the MML for being an extension of Hafiz Saeed’s JuD – which is facing UN and government’s sanctions for suspected militant activities, but it silently registered the TLP as a political party in July this year without questioning its credentials. IMO, there is some comprehensive plan, hatched by the Deep State to integrate outlawed Islamic Outfits into the mainstream of Paki Politics . TLP is another such example !
The TLP is in the limelight since last year as it glorifies Mumtaz Qadri, the murder of former Punjab governor Salmaan Taseer. The self-confessed convict was hanged after being condemned to death by a trial court and upholding of the sentence by the higher courts. And, if rumours are to be believed, his grave has become "some sort of a shrine" for his "followers" !
Allama Khadim Husain Rizvi heads the TLP as well as the Tehreek Labbaik Ya Rasool Allah (TLR), a religious pressure group whose political ambitions have given birth to the TLP. Rizvi is known for his strong views against the state for hanging Qadri and suspected blasphemers.The TLR was founded on March 1, 2016 — only a day after the hanging of Qadri when a large number of his supporters and sympathisers gathered in Rawalpindi’s famous Liaquat Bagh to attend his funeral, according to TLP secretary-general Waheed Noor.
He said that the TLP is the political wing of the TLR and it was registered on July 26 this year by the Election Commission. “We had applied around three to four months before the registration,” he added.The TLP, :roll: which claims to represent an otherwise peaceful and moderate Barelvi-Sunni school of thought, ( is some sort of a joke being played over here ?) calls for enforcement of Sharia [as per their understanding of it] and the execution of all blasphemers – including Aasia Bibi, a Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy.
Rizvi, the political and spiritual head of the hardline group, openly calls for hanging the blasphemers and bring to book those who hanged Qadri.
Upon receiving application for MML’s registration, the ECP had sought comments from the interior ministry – which kept silent at the time and replied only days after the by-election in which MML candidate secured 5,822 votes.The ministry has opposed the MML registration, quoting a security agency report that “there is evidence to substantiate that Lashkar-e-Tayaba (LeT), the JuD and Falah-e-Insaniat Foundation (FIF) are affiliates and ideologically of the same hue and the registration of the MML is not supported”.
An official of the interior ministry said that the ECP never questioned or asked about the TLP credentials.
The spokesperson said the TLP application was treated as a normal case. About the participation of the MML in NA-120 election, he said that Sheikh Yaqoob contested as independent candidate and not on the platform of the MML as it had yet to be registered with the commission.
“The commission had written to the returning officer that Yaqoob should be strictly barred from using the flag or name of the MML,” he said. Expect more such "mainstreaming" in the future. Maulana Azhar of Jaish and Maulana Ghazi of Lal Masjid are also waiting their turns :twisted:
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

"Real" And "Hard Core" Imran Speaks Out :mrgreen:

Sharifs, their cronies ‘desperate’ for Indo-US appeasement: Imran
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman slammed Sharif family and Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif for being ‘desperate to appease US and Indian lobby’.
In series of tweets, Khan claimed that Sharif and their cronies are desperate to appease US and Indian lobby because all of their loot and properties are stash in the West.He further wrote that their criticism for Pakistan Army continues as part of Indo-US appeasement.“No concern of Pakistani lives sacrificed,” he asserted. No need to guess, but these "outbursts" are for domestic consumption onlee. Foreign reporters, are "entertained" at the Hillside Bani Gala Porch,over beer and whisky (their choice !) with a more "sedate message" about Pakistan and Islam !
PTI chief also stated that Khawaja Asif’s comments about owning the militant groups and that coming from a Foreign Minister undermines the security of Pakistan.“With such a foreign minister, who needs enemy,” Khan said. Imran Khan, always the poster boy of the fauj !
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Najam Sethi's "Sheikh Chilli" Dreams. :D

Sethi reveals new Pak-India bilateral series plan

| Says new ICC plan includes four series against India till 2019 | PCB ready to negotiate new plan with India before taking legal action | Karachi next destination of international cricket return
He said victory in the Champions Trophy proved the world that Pakistan can no longer be set aside and the world has to take Pakistan cricket onboard and for the sake of cricket, international cricket should return to this sports-loving country.“All have witnessed that how much respect and hospitality we extend to our guests. The way, the people thronged the Gaddafi Stadium and remained disciplined and cheered for both the teams, is a clear indication that Pakistanis love sports and know well how to welcome the guests,” Sethi concluded.
PS: One swallow does not a spring make :D
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by SSridhar »

No US delegation will be entertained in Pakistan without mutual agreement
LAHORE: Highly upset with US President Donald Trump's accusations against Pakistan of harbouring and supporting terrorists and playing spoilsport for establishing peace in Afghanistan, Islamabad has set down new rules of engagement with Washington.

As per the new rules of Pakistan's foreign policy, "No US delegation would be entertained without mutual agreement and strict protocol will be maintained with US delegations according to their official status," the Pakistan Foreign Office said.

"On the one hand, you literally humiliate us and undermine our sacrifices in the fight against terrorism, and at the same time, you expect us to entertain US delegations that too at the time of their choosing. This will not work anymore, strict protocol will be followed," The Express Tribune quoted a senior Pakistan Foreign Office official, as saying.

Low-ranked US officials such as the assistant secretary of state will now not be given the privilege of calling on the president and prime minister of Pakistan, he said.

This became evident when Pakistan told Acting Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Alice Wells just hours before her arrival in Islamabad on August 28, to put off her visit.

"The apparent snub was a clear message to the United States that there would not be business as usual in the aftermath of the new roadmap unveiled by President Trump for Afghanistan on August 21 and Pakistan could not be taken for granted any more," The Express Tribune quoted senior Foreign Office official as saying, who requested not to be named.

Acting Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Alice Wells made a sudden plan to visit Pakistan , when she was supposed to undertake a tour of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to discuss the Trump administration's new strategy for Afghanistan.
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Pakistan allocate $4.5 million to protect snow leopards

Some serious "investigating reporting" should be done on this tall, boasting claim, for which the Paki Govt is claiming credit . Whether indigenous (borrowed ) resources were allocated, or as is usually the case, some NGO or some foreign govt probably donated the money, and the GOP is claiming credit ( like the Islami bum !)
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Another "Beg" From World Bank :D

World Bank promises support to expand mortgage lending in Pakistan

When is Pakistan heading for a "complete financial meltdown" :twisted:
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »


Looks like the "Chief Money Launderer" Of Ganja Sharif is on the verge of a "cardiac arrest" :D
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Vips »

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The next Malsi comment I see here will result in a ban.

We do not tolerate such speech on the forums.
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by SBajwa »

by yensoy
^^^^ Our (India and US) trajectories are very different - we are in very different places today and want to move ahead in different ways. I don't see any civilizational level conflict in the next hundred years. US will never take us as equals, and we have our own understanding of civilization so won't see the US as one of the ancients. Challenges happened in the 1940s and 1950s, even as late as 1971 and red lines were drawn, never to be crossed again. So needless negative talk about the US views on India are only counter-productive.
USA is a country made up by immigration. It is the largest Arable land in the world. Indians as a group make the most money in USA. Majority of Indians in USA are highly professional with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) jobs., which are only increasing. So! Expect more Indians to go up in US political (especially North Indians minus Gujaratis) system. The sheer number of 2nd and 3rd generation Indians in USA and Canada (their power, money and brain) will make sure that ties between North America and India keep on getting better.

I see more and more Indian students here in USA studying, getting PHDs and then employment here. Back in 1987 there was 1 indian restaurant and 1 indian store in my city now I have stopped counting (more than 25 restaurants at 20+ indian stores).
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

The Dis - Honorable Khawaja Asif , Then Defense Minister And Now Foreign Minister Of Pakiland, Is A Well Known Purveyor Of Fake News[*] See below :mrgreen:[/url]

Afghanistan offered to exchange Kulbushan Jadhav with APS attacker, claims Khawaja Asif :roll:
NEW YORK – Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif made a sensational disclosure on Wednesday that Afghanistan offered to exchange Indian spy Kulbushan Jadhav with an attacker who targeted Army Public School, Peshawar back in 2014.
Asif made these remarks in a conversation with Asia Society, an organisation working to educate the world about Asia and affirmed that Pakistan was not the reason for problems in Afghanistan.
“The [Afghan] national security adviser told me we can exchange him for the terrorist you have, which is Kulbhushan Jadhav,” the foreign minister added but did not name the security czar who made that bizarre offer. File under "usual Pakjabi boasting" for which this Sialkoti( misogynist) Minister is well known. :mrgreen:
The minister mentioned the admission of the Afghan government that Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan had safe havens on Afghan soil and it operated from there. “The terrorist who killed children in APS in Peshawar is in Afghan custody.” he declared. Lying "through the teeth" :mrgreen:
Asif also confirmed that India was using its presence in Afghanistan to undermine the stability of Pakistan and added that Pakistan had suffered grievously from conflict and instability in Afghanistan.
“Whatever economic development India has achieved in Afghanistan, it is on our [Pakistan] border. India has several [four] consulates on our border and most of the investments they are doing is in the Pashtun area, along our border.” Usually, (like Mush) Paki Officials also add the line that these consulates are "hotbeds" of RAA agents . Not this time though :D

[*]See below

Pakistan makes nuclear threat to Israel, in response to fake news
Pakistan’s Defense Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif tweeted a veiled nuclear threat at Israel, apparently after taking affront at a fake news article where Israel purportedly warned Islamabad against meddling in Syria. So, he has a past record of "lying" :mrgreen:
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Lisa »

What monkey see monkey do - all credits and copyright reserved by Taliban Khan.


Minicab driver admits harassing Jemima Khan

"He called her mobile phone 1,182 times, sent her 203 text messages and sent her "loads" of WhatsApp messages.

Prosecutor Ruxana Ali said the defendant told Khan, who is also known by her maiden name Goldsmith, that he "loved her", "wanted to know her" and asked her "why he could not be friends with her"."

P.S. Sounds familiar?
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Amber G. »

SBajwa wrote: I see more and more Indian students here in USA studying, getting PHDs and then employment here. Back in 1987 there was 1 indian restaurant and 1 indian store in my city now I have stopped counting (more than 25 restaurants at 20+ indian stores).
Just for perspective, there are 11000+ people in bay area alone, graduated just from a small institution(s) in India (IITs) including CEO's of company like Google.
Last edited by Amber G. on 28 Sep 2017 22:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »



Said romeo, sounds to me ( by his name ) to be a PTI supporter. :mrgreen:
Jemima should "complain" to Imran, who will "set him straight" via his legion of other supporters , based in Londonistan :D

PS: Immy should settle this personally on his next visit there !!!. Matter of his Echendee !!!
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Birds Of The Same Feather Flock Together ! Ganja Seeks Help Of "Fellow Badmash" :twisted:

Sharifs seek Malik Riaz’s help for NRO-like deal: sources
LAHORE – A two-hour long meeting between ousted prime minister Nawaz Sharif and real estate tycoon Malik Riaz on Thursday set off speculations that Sharif family is seeking to strike a deal with stakeholders in the current political scenario, Samaa News reported here on Thursday. So, Ganja is exploring all angles, including colluding with well known fraudsters ( like Malik ) to escape the "coming gallows" :mrgreen:
The meeting between Nawaz Sharif and Chairman Bahria Town, Malik Riaz held at Sharif family’s Raiwind residence, and lasted for about two hours.
The meeting was also joined by Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif. "Lazy Eyes" Ex CJP of Pakiland Iftakhar Chaudri- whose "Doctor" son has had extensive "dealings" with this "businessman" and enjoyed the hospitality of this tycoon in exchange for legal favours done by the CJP, should also have been invited to the meet for his "two paisa" worth :twisted:
It was an important meeting in which Sharif brothers discussed various political matters with Malik Riaz. They have reportedly asked Malik Riaz to use his influence and play role for a NRO-like deal, claimed the media outlet. Fine, but what is the quid pro quo from Ganja :roll:
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Gerard »

Moderation note.

Those seeking to make anti-Muslim comments are invited to go elsewhere on the internet. The BR forums are not the place for such bigotry. Those unable to comply will be banned.
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Bart S »

I get the feeling that this whole drama about Khwaja Asif conceding some trivial stuff like 'we need to put our house in order' and the Army/ISI people attacking him for being anti-national, is just a drama for Western/Indian consumption, with Khwaja Asif playing good cop to the Army/ISI's bad cop. Same old two-faced duplicitous strategy from Pakistan. The objective might be to make Asif seem more credible to outsiders and rake up the whole narrative of 'we should support the moderates', while he clearly concedes nothing major of note and sneaks in the substance of the same Army/ISI narratives like USA is to blame, you abandoned us, we dont have the resources, we are taking action but need more time etc, all of which is typical stuff that they say when under pressure to buy time and hoodwink the Americans. Note how he also slyly tried to equate Kulbhushan with the most henious Peshawar school attack terrorist and try and make their allegations against Kulbhushan seem more credible.
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Amber G. »

^^^IMHO, to most Americans Asif looked very churlish.. fake and not smart. I know the moderator was polite but any typical person in audience was not fooled.
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by SSridhar »

I agree that the Khwaja Asif guy is playing the usual Pakistani game. The Terroristanis have long complained of being drawn into the US tactic of using jihadis for its geostrategic needs and then being abandoned once their goal was achieved. Absolute hogwash. There are several holes in this argument.

Long before the Americans used jihadism, Terroristan was the first post-War state to do so. The tribals from NWFP were asked to wage a jihad to wrest J&K in October 1947. They were marshalled and manipulated under jihadi fervour to fight a Hindu ruler first and a Hindu India later. Since then, there has been a non-stop jihad against India and the scope had only gradually widened to the Punjab, Mumbai, North India and in the last few years engulfing the whole of our country.

Secondly, the pious plattitudes of Terroristan notwithstanding, the Terroristanis (both Army & civilians) have colluded, collaborated, funded, trained, managed, planned and executed joint operations with these various jihadist groups not only against India and Afghanistan but also against Bangladesh, Iran, Myanmar and the US for decades now. The Terroristani state of Punjab allocates annual grants to JuD (a UNSC proscribed jihadi terrorist group) from its state budget! A UNSC-designated global terrorist Hafeez Saeed has roamed freely around Terroristan, collecting funds for jihad and giving fiery speeches invoking jihad against India. Just last week , Khwaja Asif has admitted two weeks back that LeT & JeM operated from its soil. And yet, Pakistan has been unable to produce any evidence against them in a court of law!

Thirdly, Khwaja Asif lies about Hafiz Saeed and Masood Azhar being wined & dined in the White House. No, only the Terroristani Army has wined and dined with these two jihadi rogues. There is incontrovertible proof of this. Of course, the Americans are no angels when it comes to entertaining jihadists. They wined and dined with the likes of Lt. Gen. Hamid Gul, Col. Imam (Sultan Amin Tarar) or leaders of Muslim Brotherhood. They published jihadi books for the young children of Afghanistan in the US and distributed in Afghan schools to generate jihadi fervour, no doubt. But, Terroristan cannot absolve itself by citing US misdeeds. The piece of paper pinned to the mutilated body of Col. Imam said it all, that he was an American agent and hence wajib-ul-qitl.

Fourthly, the Terroristanis use a multi-pronged approach against the Americans to have their way with them. Playing good cop - bad cop or making the Americans feel guilty is certainly one of them and they have been successful also in the past. The Clintons (at least that I can think of immediately), many bureaucrats of various Administrations as well as think-tankers have admitted guiltily to 'US washing their hands off Pakistan after the job was over' and therefore sympathizing with the Pakistani point of view and trying to make amends.
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by ramana »

Fifthly, Pakistan Army motto is Jihad-fi-Sabilillah more appropriately Jihad-e-fistula.
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Is Paki Deep State Doing The Bidding Of The Turkee "Deep State" Led By Erdogan . Gain Brownie Points From Ummah Brother :roll:

HRCP calls for immediate release of Turkish family
Lahore, September 27: The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has called for the immediate release of Mr. Kacmaz’s family, ex-director of Pak-Turk school, including two young daughters, who were abducted in Lahore today. The family had been residing in Pakistan for a year, on UNHCR asylum seeker certificate, allowing them to stay in Pakistan till November, 2017.
The family was picked up by over 20 armed people, including some women who were in plain clothes.
HRCP urges the government to immediately release the Kacmaz family and desist from deporting them;
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Karachi_Post Retweeted
Aamir Mughal‏ @mughalbha 17h17 hours ago

Pakistan Army rented out to US for $1.5 bn: Imran http://archive.indianexpress.com/news/p ... an/486186/ … Who need an Enemy when you've Imran (Indian Express Jul 07 2009)

Imran Khan "bats" for the Fauj Again !

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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by SSridhar »

Falijee, I see no contradiction in the above.

Why did he say what he said about the Terroristani Army in c. 2009? Because, at that time, it was forced to fight the Taliban who had advanced towards Islamabad from Tirah valley. He didn't like his jihadi brothers being fought like that.

Read carefully what Imran says now. He talks of 'Pakistani military fighting our enemies on multiple fronts'. Now, who are the enemies? Terroristan military is not fighting the Haqqanis or the warlords of KP. They are pushing jihadi terrorists into India and facing a punishing retaliatory fire from the Indian Army. They are being confronted along the Durand Line. Ideologically, the TA (not PA anymore) are taking on the US. They are protecting the Chinese investments in CPEC. They are helping the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA).So, the enemies an dfriends are clear in the eyes of The Kaptan.

Tell me where is the contradiction here.
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Amber G. »

Falijee wrote:
Afghanistan offered to exchange Kulbushan Jadhav with APS attacker, claims Khawaja Asif :roll:
Afghan NSA Hanif Atmar in an exclusive statement rubbished comments of Pak FM Khawaja Asif on prisoner swap.
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Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on the IWT Threat

Powering into trouble
Then came the court intervention in the Steel Mills deal in 2005, followed by the striking down of the LNG agreement and the Reko Diq case. In other forums, like the World Bank’s arbitration under the Indus Waters Treaty, Pakistan claimed to have scored a victory in the Baglihar dam case, but in reality all that was gained was a reduction in the height of the dam and a slight shrinkage in the size of the pondage. Now once again Pakistan is pushing for international arbitration in two other similar hydropower stations, and is likely to emerge with an equally feeble victory.
Across the board, whether it concerns dealings with the bureaucracy, the courts or the FBR, the state has grown accustomed to acting in a way that international forums find to be arbitrary and in violation of the covenants against which the investment in question has been made. Perhaps we, the taxpayers and the ultimate owners of the state, are being shafted by global capitalism. Or perhaps resort to arbitrary action is increasing because the investors find themselves caught in the crossfire between the contending factions that vie in an endless, and merciless, power struggle to drag each other down in the political arena.
In the case of water disputes with our neighbour, perhaps we fail to get the kind of victories we seek because we are the smaller party that gets unfair treatment. Or perhaps it is because both countries are channelling their territorial and emotional disputes through the mechanisms of arbitration in the Indus Waters Treaty.
In any case, the story remains the same. Another defeat is on the horizon, and unless resort to arbitrary action is not halted, more such defeats are inevitable.
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Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Pakistan ministry seeks ban on new party backed by Hafiz Saeed

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan's interior ministry has called for the electoral commission to bar from politics a new party backed by an Islamist with a $10 million US bounty on his head, a government document seen by Reuters showed on Thursday.

In a letter dated Sept. 22, the ministry recommended that the Election Commission of Pakistan reject the newly formed Milli Muslim League's (MML) application to become an official party as it is "affiliated" with Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), a terrorist group blamed for the 2008 Mumbai attacks that killed 166 people.

"The registration of MML is not supported," the ministry said in the two-page document.

Spokesmen for the election commission and the interior ministry acknowledged the correspondence and confirmed that the letter was authentic.

The United States has designated LeT founder Hafiz Saeed, who currently heads the Jamaat-ud-Dawa Islamic charity, a terrorist. It views him as the mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai attacks and has offered a $10 million reward for information leading to his imprisonment.

Saeed is currently under house arrest. Pakistan's reluctance to press charges against him has been a sore point in relations with Washington and India over the past decade.

The ministry said MML is "ideologically of the same hue" as LeT and its affiliated charities Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) and the Falah-e-Insanyat Foundation (FIF).

Tabish Qayyum, a spokesperson for the MML, said in a statement that the ministry's letter was unlawful.

"MML isn't a bus or truck which needs registration," he said, denying that MML had links with any banned terrorist group.

The ministry's stance appears at odds with what political sources and a retired army general have said is a plan proposed by the military's Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) to 'mainstream' some Pakistan-based anti-Indian militant groups as part of deradicalisation efforts by bringing them into politics.

The interior ministry's letter was written a week after MML caused a stir by winning 5 percent of votes in a parliamentary by-election in Lahore on September 17.

The document said foreign countries have raised diplomatic objections to MML's existence and the interior ministry has sought the opinions of intelligence agencies on the group.

One of the agencies, the ministry said, has warned against letting proscribed and monitored organizations enter politics with a view to gaining legitimacy.

The interior ministry said the security agency has informed it that "given the clamour, philosophy, outreach and modus operandi to operate, it is difficult to believe that MML will tread its own path completely at variance with its mother organization."

"Therefore, they have recommended that since the registration of such groups would breed violence and extremism in politics, as such registration of such groups be avoided."

In the Lahore by-election, Yaqoob Sheikh, who swears loyalty to Saeed, stood as an independent candidate but was backed by MML and had Saeed's colleagues running his campaign.

Saeed's portraits adorned posters promoting Sheikh, who the United States has also designated a terrorist and a senior LeT commander.

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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Moharam Related Or Terrorism Related Who Knows! Blast Injures Five In Peshawar .

Explosion near private hospital injures 5 in Peshawar
An explosion has taken place near a private hospital at ring road in Peshawar, says SSP Operations Sajjad Khan.Atleast five people have been injured.According to media reports minor level explosion took place. Rescue teams have reached the scene and assisting the injured. Critically injured are being shifted to Lady Reading hospital. Police has not confirmed the nature of blast. Security agencies are taking all precautionary measures to avoid any unforeseen circumstances. Security has been beefed up across Pakistan in the wake of 9th and 10th Muharram.
This is a developing story. ie wait for "more action" :mrgreen:
Peshawar which borders Khyber Agency of FATA, has seen some "unrest" these days due to fauj operations there !
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Another Example Of So-Called Civil- Military Discord :roll:

Pakistan ministry seeks ban on new party backed by prominent Islamist
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

I should have said something like this : Imran Khan "bats" for the Jihadis again

-When the Jihadis from the Swat valley descended upon Isloo, he accused the fauj of "renting itself off to the US", thus siding with Jihadis (civilian kind)
-When there was civil-military discord, he sided with the fauj ie Jihadis in uniform, when the whole "society" agreed with Ganja
So, he sides cent per cent with the Jihadis , 100% of the time. A confirmed and hard core jihadi :twisted:
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Pakis "Bask" In "Glory".

Pakistan is the world’s fastest growing retail market, says: Euromonitor :roll:

Go figure it out :lol:
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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Falijee »

Another Chinification Of Pakiland With "Deep State's" Approval :D

Defence ministry clears sale of K-Electric to Chinese firm

The Express Tribune
In an important development, the Ministry of Defence has given a security clearance certificate for the sale of Abraaj Group’s 66.4% stake in K-Electric to Shanghai Electric Power. However, the issue of settlement of over $1 billion dues still remains unresolved. :roll:
Both Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Interior have given the no-objection certificates for the sale of majority shares to the Chinese company, sources in the Ministry of Energy said. However the Ministry of Defence gave the certificate on the condition that the new buyer of K-Electric -the country’s largest integrated power utility company – would ensure power supplies to vital defence installations at all times, they added.
To hell with the " suffering awaam" of Krachi :mrgreen:
Since the Amended Implementation Agreement has also expired, the Privatisation Commission has asked the Power Division to sign a new legal agreement to make sure that the buyer is legally bound to supply electricity to defence installations.
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Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

X Posted on Islamism & Islamophobia Abroad - News & Analysis

This is the treatment given by the Chinese to the Pious Muslim Iron Brothers of the Religion of Peace. Note that there will not be a "Dickie Bird" of this Chinese Ill Treatment of the Xinjiang Muslims by Terroristan or any other Fifty and More Muslim Countries who are Members of of the OIC!

Muslims in China say they are being told to hand over Qurans or face 'harsh punishments'

'Every single ethnic Uyghur must hand in any Islam-related items,' claims exile group

Chinese authorities are ordering Muslims in the country to hand over their prayer mats and copies of the Quran or else face punishment, it has been reported.

Officials in Xinjiang province have warned members of the Uyghur ethnic minority they must surrender religious items on pain of "harsh punishments", according to an exile leader.

"We received a notification saying that every single ethnic Uyghur must hand in any Islam-related items from their own home, including Qurans, prayers and anything else bearing the symbols of religion," Dilxat Raxit, of the exile World Uyghur Congress, told Radio Free Asia (RFA), which is operated by the US government.

The directive also applies to ethnic Kazakh and Kyrgyz Muslims, RFA said. It was reportedly announced via the WeChat social network.

In its update on China in 2016 and 2017, Amnesty International said the communist Beijing government "continued to violate the right to freedom of religion, and crack down on all unauthorised religious gatherings" in the region, and to detain Uyghur writers.

Tension between Uighurs and Han Chinese boiled over in 2009, leading to violence that left scores dead.

Hundreds of people have died in the protracted conflict between separatists and the Chinese government in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, its full name, which sits on China’s far north-western border.

Beijing has blamed the problems on Islamist militants, though rights organisations say the violence is in reaction to repressive Chinese policy. Rebels claim the region has been illegally occupied since 1949.

Peaceful protests have taken place alongside bombings and other violent attacks on Chinese security forces and institutions.

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Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Peregrine »

Want to see end of terror sanctuaries in Pak that target Afghanistan, says Abdullah

NEW DELHI: "Afghanistan hopes to see an end to sanctuaries for terror groups that are fighting us. That will be a very important marker towards peace," said Abdullah Abdullah, chief executive of Afghanistan in an exclusive conversation with TOI.

In New Delhi to open a trade show, Abdullah has been holding talks with Indian mining companies including Tata to explore mining opportunities in Afghanistan. "We are ready to facilitate major Indian companies to be involved in the mining of natural resources, rare earths and precious stones," he said.

The reality of the continuing terror problem in Afghanistan, of course, was brought home when Abdullah had to delay his departure to Delhi after the Taliban shot rockets at the Kabul airport hours after US defence secretary James Mattis and NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg arrived. Condemning the Kabul rocket attack, MEA spokesperson, Raveesh Kumar said it was part of the discussions between India and Afghanistan.

As the new US South Asia policy takes shape, what does Afghanistan want to see? The end of Taliban's Pakistan sanctuaries is on top of the list. "On the economic front, we are looking at building connectivity and business relationships, business deals with others, particularly Indian businesses, e.g. in the mining field."

Addressing the Indian Council for World Affairs (ICWA) later this morning, Abdullah re-emphasised the problem of Pakistan. "We have some serious challenges in our relations with Pakistan. There are (terror) groups which are threatening the security of Afghanistan and based there and continue to be based there...That is a very serious challenge for us. That is a big challenge for the whole region."

Reflecting on how things have changed, he said, "I've been witness to a previous situation when India was building roads but there were concerns expressed about India's presence. Today its a recognition of the role India has played and will continue to play in this region. We welcome the South Asia policy, including the regional aspect of it, for instance, that it is condition-based and not time-based. That in itself is an important shift." Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he said, is a "passionate supporter of Afghanistan."

Afghanistan and India signed a key agreement this week for India to train Afghan police personnel. India already trains ANSF officers. Afghan businessmen also asked for a special economic zone from the Indian government, Abdullah said.

With Iran and Russia taking a different stand on Taliban, Abdullah said, "Iran is an important player in the region and will continue to be so. But their messages are not as coherent as they used to be. This is due to changed realities from outside Afghanistan ... Iran considers Daesh to be a deadly threat. Daesh in Afghanistan can only take root or expand if there is instability and the main reason for the instability is that the Taliban are fighting."

With Russia, it will be tougher. Putin is sending his special envoy on Afghanistan, Zamir Kabul, to New Delhi in October, as the distance between India, Afghanistan and Russia widens vis a vis the Taliban and Daesh.

Responding to Moscow's recent statements, Abdullah said, "I must emphatically deny the Russian perception that Nato in collusion with the Afghan government is helping Daesh. We are targeting Daesh, and their main commanders have been hit. ... There is another line in the Russian argument that the Taliban are not "international".

If there are groups fighting in Chechnya or Uighurs or in Central Asian countries where they want to take Daesh-like ideologies, they are only able to do so because Taliban are fighting. Taliban are providing that infrastructure for them. That reality should not be ignored." Moscow is yet to be convinced.

Daesh, he said, is not always opposed to the Taliban, "In some areas they have worked out their differences and in some areas they remain opposed to one another. Instability is the main threat. It is because the Taliban are still fighting that other terror groups are finding a toehold in Afghanistan."

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Re: Terroristan - June 20, 2017

Post by Amber G. »

Intersting article:

Plain Mr Jinnah, as he called himself, would be turning in his grave at the large number of private vehicles with the number plate of al-Bakistan. He did not even like the name ‘Pakistan’ in the beginning when it came to his attention. The Cambridge-based student, Chaudhary Rahmat Ali, who had coined it, talked wildly of having a number of Muslim enclaves in India — no matter whether the inhabitants of that area were mostly Muslim or not — called Osmanistan, Bangistan, Farooqistan, etc. Jinnah felt that if there was the notion of ‘Pak’ (pure), there would also be ‘Napak’ (impure). He expressed his irritation by calling Pakistan a ‘bad name’ and said: ‘give a dog a bad name and then hang it’. However, his colleagues pointed out to him that the Congress press had gone to town with the name and it would be best to own it now. Reluctantly, Jinnah accepted the name ‘Pakistan’ for the new country.

So what would he think of the new name al-Bakistan, the Arabised version of Pakistan, which one finds on the number plates of cars now. He would no doubt rail against it, pointing out that we are not Arabs and that we have a /p/ sound in both Persian and Urdu, hence the original name Pakistan need not be pronounced with /b/ just because Arabic does not have a /p/...
Are we yielding to the Arabised, extremist worldview, which will usher in more intolerance and increased possibility of cultural authoritarianism? If so, and I suspect this very much, we should cringe every time we see a vehicle with al-Bakistan on it. If al-Bakistan has arrived, how long will it be before we encounter ‘al-Bunjab’? In fact, I wonder why /p/ and /ch/ are not being abandoned altogether. We may lose our moon (chaand), but we will be better Arabs. Anyone for it?