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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 16 Jul 2021 05:00
by m_saini
Are we seriously comparing Indian immigrants in UK to Rohingyas? The Rohingyas who were genociding Hindus in Myanmar?

When have Indians started butchering Italians for "supposed" crimes committed by the bardancer and her spawn?

Am I just too stupid or is this shit fooking insane?

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 16 Jul 2021 05:08
by sanjaykumar
Accept and send the rohingyas to panjab. That is the best for all.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 16 Jul 2021 14:41
by Aditya_V
sanjaykumar wrote:Accept and send the rohingyas to panjab. That is the best for all.
Can we send them to Pakjab which starts around 30 Km west of Amritsar??

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 16 Jul 2021 16:41
by Haresh
sanjaykumar wrote:Accept and send the rohingyas to panjab. That is the best for all.
I visited Punjab a couple of years ago. It was Hoshiarpur District. There were bands of beggerdeshi's hiding in the sugarcane fields in the day time and carrying out violent robberies in the night.
Local people had organised themselves, with road blocks and patrols.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 16 Jul 2021 16:58
by SRajesh
^^^ Hareshji
Wait for Punjab elections and if that Shthead Siddu gets the CM kursii:
He might open border on the west with his 'longata yaar' and willing accept Rohingyas/Beedis/and Bihari/Mohajirs left behind by Pakjabi's in Dacca!!
And then its all Balle-Balle for the Sikh/Islam bhai bhai to start na!!

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 16 Jul 2021 20:06
by sanjaykumar
Sardonic, ascerbic, perspicacious and rude.

I am glad I am able to teach to BRF. Or were they always like this, only a certain community needs a reality check?

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 16 Jul 2021 22:30
by sanjayc
Sidhu has no mass base and is more of a stage entertainer. Yet he is dreaming of becoming CM. He is hounding Amarinder Singh and being entertained by Gandhi family. This is surprising. Sidhu went to Pakistan in a much-publicized event, and hugged Bajwa. Is there a connection? Did some deal happen with ISI, in return for propping him up as CM for Punjab by pulling strings with Gandhi family? Creation of separate district of Malerkotla in Punjab (making is Punjab's only Muslims majority district) is also suspicious. This Sidhu guy is an opportunist with no loyalties to anyone. Nehru was like this too. These type of people are dangerous as they are too willing to become cat's paw of any foreign force in return for help in promoting their careers.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 16 Jul 2021 23:19
by rsingh
Sidhu is nobody and congress is in its last stage. Giving undue importance to ISI is not worthy. These are abnormal mutations owhich will be taken care of.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 17 Jul 2021 05:32
by Yagnasri
Mafia Queen family is trying to undermine Captain by siddu the paki lover. Captain himself is having paki concubine/gf in his official residence. Akalis are too much looting gang. BJP is now where. Punjab is ripe for the next round of Khali gang activity.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 17 Jul 2021 09:26
by g.sarkar ... eportation
‘Zero leeway!’ British expats warned of deportation if they overstay in Spain crackdown
THOUSANDS of UK expats currently enjoying the Spanish sun are living under the increasing threat of potential deportation, it has been claimed.
Oliver Pritchard-Jones, Jun 14, 2021

Under the terms of the Brexit withdrawal agreement, Britons living in Spain have had to apply for residency to stay there for prolonged periods. Before this under the EU’s Freedom of Movement rules, they were free to work, live or retire in Spain and other EU countries as they pleased.
That has all changed, and expats who have failed to register face being deported and banned from the country if they have overstayed the 90 days in every 180 days limit.
While many registered - thousands of the estimated 285,000 British expats living in Spain are thought to be living under the radar.
Spain launched its first crackdown after March 31 - when the first 90-day period ended
And as the second 90-day limit fast approaches at the end of the month - Spanish authorities have been accused of exploiting Brexit to kick Brits out.
Tax lawyer Leon Fernando Del Canto told The New European that expats who stay under the radar and chance it “face potential deportation or a ban from the country should they outstay their welcome.”
He added: “There is zero leeway.”
As well as facing deportation, expats who fail to register are being stung with higher taxes.
They must reportedly pay an extra five percent income tax - 24 percent to 19 percent - compared to EU nationals.
The news emerged as furious expats reported being turned down for Covid vaccinations - even when it was their turn.
Others voiced their frustration at the labyrinthine bureaucracy they are required to negotiate in order to get their jabs.
UK and US immigrants are called "expats" to denote extra importance that they want to attach to themselves. Immigrants are from poor countries only. You-tube is full of stories of how UK farms are unable to get workers from Eastern Europe during planting and harvest seasons.
Added later: When I was living in UK, back in the good old days (before EU), I had many British friends who went to Spain for 4 weeks summer holidays often for 20 years. Food and accommodation was cheap and the weather, in comparison to UK was excellent. Many would go to the same village every year and stay there for the duration. The salaries in the UK was low and they could not afford France or Germany for the four weeks.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 22 Jul 2021 19:57
by Primus

Yeah, I remember that too. So many nurses and hospital staff went off to Majorca and Menorca and came back with a tan to the envy of the others left behind. It was the most popular destination for Brits at the time. Spain still is, but perhaps they've started going to other islands now. People working as sales-clerks in grocery stores (one of the lowest paid jobs around) would also be able to afford these vacations, it was so cheap.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 27 Jul 2021 04:34
by Rudradev
Model Citizen Mohtarma (and Labour Party MP) Investigated for Housing Fraud Resorts to Shedding Tears in Courtroom ... 02191.html
Bronwen Weatherby, PA
Mon, 26 July 2021, 1:15 pm

A Labour MP accused of housing fraud wept in court as she described the “traumatic” moment she called police and fled her family home after an argument with her brother during which he claimed she was possessed. :(( :((

Apsana Begum, 31, who is on trial at Snaresbrook Crown Court, said she went to a police station on May 21 2013 out of fear she could become the victim of honour-based violence after her brother followed her to work.

On the same day, the Poplar and Limehouse MP said an argument erupted at her family home in east London when her brother locked her in the living room.

She said: “He told me he wanted me to see an imam because I wasn’t registering their concern about (her partner) Ehtashamul (Haque).

“He thought I was possessed and said he wanted me to get checked.

“I refused and said I’m not under a spell, this is my choice and I just wanted them to support me. But he started reciting the Koran. He had his hand over my head.

“I started shouting for my mum but she wasn’t responding. I didn’t know what was going to happen next.

“I thought he might beat me up.”

Begum said she managed to call 999 and when officers arrived she fled with only her handbag.

A court clerk passed Begum tissues as she said she had to collect her belongings which her family had placed in black bin bags outside their house on Woodstock Terrace.

Giving evidence on Monday wearing a white shirt and grey headscarf, Begum told the jury her Bangladeshi-heritage family disapproved of her relationship with Mr Haque, who is now a Tower Hamlets councillor.

Begum met Mr Haque while doing a community leadership post-graduate diploma. He was seven years older and had been married twice before, and her family did not see him as a suitable match for her.

She denies three counts of housing fraud for allegedly withholding information about her living circumstances to jump the queue for a council house between January 2013 and March 2016.

Tower Hamlets Council, which is bringing the prosecution, alleged it cost the local authority £63,928.

Begum is accused of not notifying the council that she was no longer living in overcrowded accommodation – as she claimed when she applied for social housing – after she moved in with Mr Haque.

She claims she rang the council to notify it for council tax purposes and believed it would share the information.

She said it was a period of “turmoil” due to the breakdown of her relationship with her family and having lost her father months before. :roll:

Begum also claims Mr Haque was “controlling and coercive” and had taken over her “matters and affairs”.

“We had started a new life together – it wasn’t easy but it’s what we had chosen. He said he would tell everyone,” she added.

During an interview with the council’s fraud investigations team on January 21 2020, a transcript of which was read out in court, she said: “I was going through a lot of turmoil at the time, escaping from an abusive situation and later on realising he (Mr Haque) was very, very abusive.

“He told me he was handling my matters and affairs. He had my details, bank details, he was making transfers and all that.” How many sob stories does Mohtarma have? (1) My father had just died (2) My brother wanted me to get checked by an Imam for "possession" because I got into a relationship with Mr. Haque (3) Mr. Haque was also controlling and abusive. She is playing every card in the deck to obfuscate the multiple counts of fraud she has been charged with (except her ace card, "Islamophobia", which she is probably reserving to appeal her conviction)

In response to evidence that her account had been making bids for houses while she was known to be living with Mr Haque, she denied making the bids and said: “I’m shocked to see these records.” :eek:

Asked if the bids could have been made by Mr Haque, Begum said: “It must have been him. He had access to the accounts.”

Last week, Begum’s defence lawyer Helen Law said investigators failed to “join the dots”, including that the complaint about her applications in 2019 was made by a relative of Mr Haque, Sayed Nahid Uddin.

She said she split with Mr Haque after he cheated on her in mid-2016. She added that she had also become concerned that he had a drinking problem.

In November 2016, Begum called police to report that Mr Haque had been following her from her workplace in his car, after constantly calling and texting her.

The prosecution says Begum attempted to gain social housing at first by claiming she lived in an overcrowded three-bedroom house with her family and did not have a bedroom of her own, which made her a higher priority in the queue.

However, according to a social housing application made in 2009 by Begum’s aunt, the house had four bedrooms. Begum insists there were only three when she lived there.
Djinn Architecture... :D

Prosecutor James Marsland claimed she “must have had a good understanding of the social housing system and how it operated” because she worked for Tower Hamlets Homes (THH), a public organisation working with the council to arrange social housing, between October 28 2013 and August 3 2016.

The MP, who sits on the Commons Education Committee, entered Parliament with a 28,904 majority in the 2019 election. And that's why the Labour party will do their best to ensure that she walks away scot-free to cheat the public another day.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 27 Jul 2021 20:15
by Haresh
You can be stabbed for criticising Islam?
Yesterday's bloody events in Hyde Park should horrify everyone who believes in liberty and reason. ... ing-islam/

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 27 Jul 2021 23:16
by ArjunPandit
Haresh wrote:You can be stabbed for criticising Islam?
Yesterday's bloody events in Hyde Park should horrify everyone who believes in liberty and reason. ... ing-islam/
just that they dont surprise. The only thing surprising is the met police didnt do enough to protect her. It's hyde park ..
As for apsana begum..madam has used all tricks in the book....text book of fraud...hope i am not chopped coz of that....just like 26/11

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 28 Jul 2021 15:44
by Aditya_V
West- China have been pretty successful getting Islamic rage against India, while keeping Muslim numbers below the 15-20% threshold at home. China helps them away home but bans them from home.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 08 Aug 2021 16:21
by g.sarkar
Tons of Brits living in Spain, refusing to integrate in any way and demanding to be treated as "Englishmen". They must be costing Spain a great deal of money in health care, as older people cost more than young EU workers living in UK. All that good stuff has come to an end.
British 'expats' in Spain count the Costa Brexit
When article 50 is triggered, the UK will begin negotiating its exit from the European Union – and expats rights to healthcare, pensions and their British citizenship all hang in the balance. Britons living in Orihuela Costa, Alicante – ‘effectively a British enclave’ – give their views.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 08 Aug 2021 17:04
by rsingh
g.sarkar wrote:Tons of Brits living in Spain, refusing to integrate in any way and demanding to be treated as "Englishmen". They must be costing Spain a great deal of money in health care, as older people cost more than young EU workers living in UK. All that good stuff has come to an end.
British 'expats' in Spain count the Costa Brexit
When article 50 is triggered, the UK will begin negotiating its exit from the European Union – and expats rights to healthcare, pensions and their British citizenship all hang in the balance. Britons living in Orihuela Costa, Alicante – ‘effectively a British enclave’ – give their views.
Nop. Not a penny.They worked in UK. They are getting pension from UK. They are living in Spain. They get necessary treatment in Spain which will be paid UK health services. That is back office job. Now this may be changing. Otherwise Spain is known as cheap place according to EU standards. There are Mega retirement home where Germans and other Europeans are sent to enjoy Sun. It cheaper for Germany to park them there and everybody is happy.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 08 Aug 2021 17:29
by Tanaji
That is a 4 year old video before Brexit.

These expats were given plenty of chances to apply for EU residency and they have been refusing it. The chief driver for that is tax: once they become EU permanent residents they have to pay full EU tax. Earlier they were in short of limbo land: paying little UK tax due to non resident status and little EU tax. Some were not registered at all.

The chickens have come to roost and now they have to pay.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 08 Aug 2021 17:56
by JTull
Spain needs them!

At the peak of the crises a decade ago, unemployment was well over 50%. Construction work all along the coast was frozen. Spanish banks couldn't even afford to foreclose the projects as there were no alternative investors. Dole payments were bankrupting govt (if they weren't already).

Expats contribute massively to employment and economy all the way from Valencia to Gibraltar. Income Taxes from expats aren't much of Spanish concerns. Biggest earners are local employee taxes, expat property transactions, tourism, health care (EHIC cards and top-up private care), etc.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 09 Aug 2021 03:32
by Avtar Singh
m_saini wrote:Are we seriously comparing Indian immigrants in UK to Rohingyas? The Rohingyas who were genociding Hindus in Myanmar?

When have Indians started butchering Italians for "supposed" crimes committed by the bardancer and her spawn?

Am I just too stupid or is this shit fooking insane?
Dont be an idiot and dont swear.

No one is comparing Indians to Rohingya... Mind you there is not a shortage of self loathing/stupid Indians.

I am talking about people objecting to the globalist agenda of mass migration to actively change the demographics of particular a country/civilization... The fake liberals are doing this to India as well and the Rohingya are the tools.
You know like India and Hindus have been suffering from for 1600 years

This forum coined the term Londonistan decades ago and that is exactly what is happening,
it will very much affect Indians who will be caught in the middle of 2 jaws of the vice...
White British will be one jaw and the other will be paks/islamic/fake liberals/lefties/commie...
which side will you be fighting on? That is the situation developing.

Try to think/engage brain before going off on nonsense.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 09 Aug 2021 04:05
by m_saini
Edited. Apologies Avtarji and Rakesh saar, will stay away.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 09 Aug 2021 05:15
by Rakesh
Guys, chill please. Request to both, to stay away from this thread.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 09 Aug 2021 19:05
by IndraD ... is-johnson

New poll reveals only 44% in favour of indeoendent Scott against 47% no responders.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 10 Aug 2021 04:20
by IndraD
Morons of Amnesty UK stop operation liberate Princess Latifa of Dubai after she is sighted in Iceland holidaying ... sf-twitter

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 10 Aug 2021 16:06
by Haresh
Exposed: Muslim policewoman who was hailed as a hero for confronting anti-lockdown protesters posted a torrent of racist messages and had regular contact with a suspected female jihadi in Syria ... sages.html

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 10 Aug 2021 16:37
by IndraD
ISI penetration is complete in the UK, they now threaten political exiles from Pakistan at will ... n-hit-list Dissident Pakistani exiles in UK ‘on hit list’

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 11 Aug 2021 23:39
by Rakesh
m_saini wrote:Edited. Apologies Avtarji and Rakesh saar, will stay away.
Sent you email. Please check.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 12 Aug 2021 00:35
by m_saini
Rakesh wrote:Sent you email. Please check.
Replied :)

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 12 Aug 2021 15:27
by Haresh
IndraD wrote:ISI penetration is complete in the UK, they now threaten political exiles from Pakistan at will ... n-hit-list Dissident Pakistani exiles in UK ‘on hit list’
The UK has only just announced sanctions against Belarus ... t-election

When you consider the harm that pak has done to the UK and NATO/USA why can they not impose similar sanctions on pak ?

How many UK troops have been killed/wounded by Belarus ?

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 12 Aug 2021 17:35
by Haresh
Britain isn’t ready for the next wave of returning jihadis ... ng-jihadis

Sudesh Amman: another failure of ‘deradicalisation’ ... ssion=true

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 19 Aug 2021 17:13
by Ashokk
India vs England: Virat Kohli doesn't tolerate his teammates being bullied, he never forgives, says Monty Panesar
"England thought that they would bully the Indian team. 'Let's bully Jasprit Bumrah, the number 11.' But they weren't aware of what kind of character Virat Kohli is. He was observing everything and then came back hard on England. He is a guy who never forgives. He will support his team in every way no matter what. Virat can't tolerate the bullying of his teammates. England started but it backfired and all credit goes to Virat. England were intimidated by the Indian team. On Day 5, when they got Rishabh Pant out, they thought they would get Shami and Bumrah cheaply too. But everything backfired for England. You just can't mess with India. Virat can't take bullying. He will give it back to you strongly," Panesar further said.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 19 Aug 2021 22:21
by Cyrano
Even better the day before destroying English 2nd innings :
London, Aug 15: Indian cricket team led by captain Virat Kohli and head coach Ravi Shastri celebrated Independence Day on Sunday (August 15) at the Indian High Commission in London.

While the Indian team was getting high on Independence Day josh, English captain Root & coach Silverwood hatched the plan to intimidate Bumrah and Shami but those tigers turned around and mauled the English team badly with the bat. By the time the declaration - unthinkable for the English at the start of the day - came they were already stunned. When they started batting 2nd innings, the Indian team was all over them in a relentless squeeze and they collapsed one by one.

At the post match interview Cook could hardly speak, like he had a Bumrah bouncer stuck in his throat. You could see their morale was down in their socks. Kohli & team have a considerable quality edge and a huge psychological edge on their opponents now.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 19 Aug 2021 22:59
by g.sarkar ... ng-jihadis
Britain isn’t ready for the next wave of returning jihadis
Charlie Peters, 3 August 2021

Ever since British jihadists flocked to join Isis in Iraq and Syria, the government has attempted to keep the terrorists away by killing them on the battlefield and stripping the survivors of their citizenship. Those who have slipped through the net and made it back home have faced mandatory deradicalisation programs, or – in the most extreme cases – constant surveillance.
But this costly, ineffective strategy has prioritised the rights and freedoms of returning jihadists over the safety of innocent people. And the approach is now likely to face another test, as the 425 or so Isis fighters and spouses who have returned are expected to be joined by their former twisted comrades, who have had their hopes of freedom in Britain bolstered by a recent High Court ruling.
Last week, the court found that the process of stripping citizenship from a grandmother suspected of belonging to Isis was unlawful because the Home Office failed to inform her that it was doing so.
In camps in northeastern Syria where western jihadists are held by Kurdish authorities, dozens of Britons have faced the same fate of having their citizenship revoked. Now there are fears that at least 28 of these suspected jihadists could use the ruling to secure a return to Britain. Optimism is certainly growing among those who have found themselves in limbo in detention camps after the collapse of Isis. After their passports were cancelled by western governments, many of these former fighters have promoted the idea that they have repented their views and are ready to return to a peaceful life back home. Western jihadi brides, we are told, were 'groomed' or 'brainwashed', or indeed were simply too young to be judged for their actions, and should be given a second chance.
In June, former US ambassador Peter Galbraith secured the release of a Canadian woman in the Al-Roj camp. It was claimed the woman had been 'helpful to law enforcement' while detained in northeast Syria. Galbraith also suggested that the woman intended to assist police in Canada. 'She knows a lot about what went on, and is fully prepared to cooperate,' he said. For people concerned about the wisdom of relocating those who claim to have turned away from the Islamic State, Galbraith had some words of assurance: 'She was part of a group of women who have very explicitly rejected the Islamic State. They’ve been wearing Western clothes, they were not fasting during Ramadan, and they were being threatened. I can reassure Canadians that this individual — I’m not saying for all Canadians...does not pose a threat. I’m 100 per cent confident of that.'

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 19 Aug 2021 23:12
by anupmisra
Ashokk wrote: You just can't mess with India. Virat can't take bullying. He will give it back to you strongly," Panesar further said.
Monty “khali” Panesar trying to make good with India? Money talks, I guess.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 02 Sep 2021 21:24
by Haresh
Major child abuse inquiry accuses most major religions in the UK of 'blatant hypocrisy' and 'moral failings' as report says many have no protection policies in place ... tacks.html

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 03 Sep 2021 03:11
by m_saini
I saw that. Here is the actual report
Child protection in religious organisations and settings Investigation Report
Reading into the report it says:
B.2: Prevalence
....explained that Home Office Counting rules for recorded crime require police forces to flag crime records where the Home Office determines that they have a particular public interest, including offences involving child sexual abuse. There is, however, no additional requirement to record whether the circumstances of the crime involved a religious organisation or setting.[1] As a result, there is no way of reliably knowing how many of the child sexual offences reported to police in England and Wales took place in, or were linked to, religious organisations and settings.
Knowing this, I don't know how then they can say:
Analysis of the data from early 2015 to January 2020 indicates that: of all known institutions where offending had taken place, 11 percent (443 instances) were committed within a religious organisation or setting;
News websites are running with the 11% figure. And also have figures where those religions include Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism etc

Sounds a load of bs or more likely just trying to whitewash Christianity's rampant pedophilia but saying "oh look, everyone does it".

Especially since the constable heading the "Operation Hydra Hydrant*" said;
"We are now having to come to terms, as a society, and we are going to have to recognise and accept, that during the 1970s and 1980s in particular, there was widespread sexual abuse of children taking place."

There was one constant factor: there was an abuse of power … to satisfy their sexual desires

"There was an epidemic of it in the 1970s and 1980s. We do not understand the true scale of it. There is a lot to come out. There are a lot more victims who are yet to come forward."
* Operation Hydrant is where all the data for the report came from.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 09 Sep 2021 17:49
by SRajesh ... 050292.cms
Hardly any coverage in the mainstream media about this here
Imagine if it was any 'Abrahamic faith' prayer hall
The PM would have been hauled over coal!!

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 12 Sep 2021 01:27
by g.sarkar ... 2021-09-11
Britain's Prince Andrew served with papers in US sexual assault lawsuit
Britain's Prince Andrew has been served legal papers in a US lawsuit brought by a woman who says he sexually abused her when she was a teenager.
Agence France-Presse, New York, September 11, 2021

Britain's Prince Andrew has been served legal papers in a US lawsuit brought by a woman who says he sexually abused her when she was a teenager, a court filing showed Friday. The complaint was delivered to the royal's home in Windsor, England, on August 27, according to an affidavit filed in the Southern District of New York.
Virginia Giuffre says she was "lent out" for underage sex by late US financier Jeffrey Epstein who killed himself in a New York prison in 2019 while awaiting trial on sex trafficking minors. Giuffre sued Andrew last month, alleging he sexually abused her at the London home of socialite Ghislaine Maxwell more than 20 years ago, when she was under 18. Giuffre also claims Andrew abused her at Epstein's New York mansion and on Little St. James, Epstein's private island in the US Virgin Islands.
Andrew, 61, has vehemently denied claims he had sex with Giuffre, and said he has no recollection of meeting her, but the allegations have damaged the British royal family.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 12 Sep 2021 08:03
by Hari Seldon
^Terrible, such wanton damaging libellious allegations against the noble royal house of break-windsor. The fheart breaks only.

And whats with cheap these 2-taka tabloids like India Today referring to PRINCE Andrew with commoner pronouns ('e.g., he'), hain ji?? It's almost like his travesty, oops majesty, were some commoner scum, no? Chee!

P.S. Onlee.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 20 Sep 2021 11:26
by SRajesh ... hp&pc=U531
Here we go
The ISIS-bride says she wont divulge names of other Brit-jihadis
So the the earlier drama was just that a 'Drama' to get in!!
Stark warning to our own Security agencies on the Kerala=brides in Afghan???