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Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 14 Sep 2015 20:35
by ramana
We can first clean up #Bhaiwood and confiscate Dawood Ibrahim and his backers properties. All that is in GOI hands.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 14 Sep 2015 21:15
by Baikul
Just to add to what people have said on this thread, a chaiwala claims that a Bakistani offer to 'accidentize' Dawood is already on the table and passed on to the NSA. Not send him over, mind you, just halal him in private. Thing is, Chhota Shakeel is already believed go be the go to guy for all anti India ops, so losing Dawood is not going to be a big deal for the Bakis. Take it FWIW.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 15 Sep 2015 23:07
by ramana
The key is to let DI and CS take care of each other. For instance TSP considers DI expendable because CS is there.
So its in DI's interests to accident CS or vice versa.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 19:22
by sunnyP
Indonesian police officials said that they have arrested a wanted criminal from India in Bali but there was little clarity on whether it was gangster Chhota Rajan, who has been on the run for decades, or serial killer Mohan Kumar better known as 'Cyanide Mohan'.

Acting on a tip-off from Australian police, Indonesian authorities detained Rajendra Sadashiv Nikalje better known as Chhota Rajan on Sunday as he arrived in the popular resort island of Bali from Sydney, Bali police spokesman Heri Wiyanto told AFP. ... 82876.html
VK Singh played key role in Chhota Rajan arrest?

MoS of External Affairs VK Singh was in Indonesia right before the arrest of Chhota Rajan, and if reports are to be believed, he has played a role in the arrest.

CNN-IBN quoted sources as saying that Singh was in Indonesia to ensure cooperation between the two countries and played a key role in the nabbing of one of the most wanted gangstaters.

The news channel is reporting that Singh let the operation. ... 82912.html

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 19:53
by member_28985
Does his arrest get us info on Dawood?

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 21:06
by ramana
Reuters also reporting Chhota Rajan arrested in Bali, Indonesia..... ... K420151026

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 21:31
by abhijitm
ashbhee wrote:Does his arrest get us info on Dawood?
No. If true means D gang and ISI finally won the long gangwar.

Many believe Chhota Rajan was an indian "asset" against the D gang.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 22:06
by ramana
Chhota Rajan's history ... 543774.cms

Looks like he is from Vardarajan Mudaliar lineage.

So what gives?

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 22:11
by hnair
If it is Little R, then Oz made a deal with bakis and gamed this for plausible deniability

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 22:15
by abhijitm
There were rumours RAW helped Rajan to escape in Bangkok.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 22:26
by skaranam

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 22:31
by abhijitm
It means many things

Our assets in Indonesia are not up to the mark.
Most likely this is a surrender to be safe. Means ISI has better assets than RAW in that region.
ISI came really close. So probably this is our panic tip off.
Lot of damage control needs to be done from our side.
Lets watch and wait if he "manages" to "escape" again this time.
Handing him over to Mumbai police means only one thing... end of CR. D gang has Mumbai Police in their pockets.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 22:33
by abhijitm

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 22:50
by ramana
I wonder if Chhota Rajan did not surrender earlier for he was unsure of police protection. Also the two Mumbai cops who arrested the hit team look like Pawar plants or working for DI gang.

Anyway what are those two officers doing nowadays?

DI should really worry what will Doval do next.

Also if CR was on flight from Australia, it speaks volumes of Aussie police benign atmosphere for Indian gangsters.

Something to take up at next meetings with Australia.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 22:52
by Austin
Chai pe charcha is D was getting close on him and many of his gang member defected and he was facing threat from his own gang member so he has surrendered.

I think he will be perfectly safe in Indian jail and can run his business from there , D infulence on Mumbai police has wained over years , may be in court police will use him as witness against D

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 26 Oct 2015 23:41
by chaanakya
The photo coming out of Indonesia indicates CR is very relaxed.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 02:28
by ramana
From twitter CR was carrying valid Indian passport in the name of Mohan Kumar issued in 2008.

Wonder which consulate issued the passport.
To me reeks of David Headley fiasco where the Chicago Consulate escaped any scrutiny.

Turns out Mohan Kumar was name of a Karnataka criminal who used to kill people with cyanide.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 04:09
by ramana
TOI is speculating all sorts of things about why CR was arrested.
Something is wrong in Mumbai.
Its in the grip of Dawood Ibrahim.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 11:33
by Atri
Mumbai Police did not know of this surrender. Consider this development with dismissal of Rakesh Maria from the position of Mumbai Police Commissioner. Mumbai Police is DI men. Including "shaheed" vijay salaskar and other luminaries.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 11:37
by chaanakya
ramana wrote:From twitter CR was carrying valid Indian passport in the name of Mohan Kumar issued in 2008.

Wonder which consulate issued the passport.
To me reeks of David Headley fiasco where the Chicago Consulate escaped any scrutiny.

Turns out Mohan Kumar was name of a Karnataka criminal who used to kill people with cyanide.
Sydney consulate. Ktk Police did BC in 2008 Wonder which party was in Guv.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 11:38
by Supratik
We need to wait for clarity. CR is RAW man. So something is going on.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 11:42
by partha
Jingo CT:

Intel agencies have taken CR to protective custody to protect him from reprisal attacks from DI gang since they are planning an op to take out DI with a team of CR's men.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 11:45
by deejay
Supratik wrote:We need to wait for clarity. CR is RAW man. So something is going on.
I was wondering on this. CR is RAW man is in my opinion speculation. CR may have been used at a few occasions possibly but keeping him as a permanent RAW asset seems far fetched.

On similar lines I was wondering what will the Pakis do now? They are so convinced CR is a RAW man that his arrest will confound their posturing. What is the new line they will take?

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 11:52
by Atri
CR is a gunDA. He allegedly helped out R&AW to do some of its dirty work. Nothing more. The association is deep and old. Perhaps DI too was/is similar R&AW man. There are camps in intel agencies which root for their touts which are assigned to them. ... 6#p1280876

A state needs to be involved in criminal activities too - to control it. Organized crime is wonderful tool in the hands of state to do things which cannot be done overtly.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 12:18
by Supratik

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 12:24
by Austin
^^ Yes that makes sense and what I mentioned in earlier post

Rajan men have defected him in past and he is not known to be generous with money to his people unlike D.

CR is better off in India in our jail for his own safety and he can become an approve for government in return for some lower sentence no death penalty etc.

He got luck quite a few times and he cant stetch his luck for ever specially when his own men betray him

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 12:28
by sum
partha wrote:Jingo CT:

Intel agencies have taken CR to protective custody to protect him from reprisal attacks from DI gang since they are planning an op to take out DI with a team of CR's men.
Love this CT and hope this is true :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 12:33
by partha
Something like that has actually been attempted before. Ask chacha about Krachi and Vicky Malhotra.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 13:35
by Manish_P
IMVHO if that was so then he would not have been brought in, in such a public manner

In that shadowy world, doing such a thing is akin to turning on the flood lights

Anyway if CTs are in the air then another one doing the rounds is that the Big D has gone under in a permanent way and this is some sort of preventive op for when the other Chotta tries to do some high visibility stunts to show he is now king

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 14:39
by sudhan
There was an article a few weeks (months) back, one of the TV channels spoke to Chotta Shakeel on phone. He was chiding CR for not facing him like a man or something. He claimed that his shooters have entered Australia to track him down and that CR keeps running away from a fight. Looks like the danger got close and India decided to remove the 'asset' from Aus. Though CR is just a bloated goon on the run, I think the NSA wants 'certain interested parties' to see how India protects its assets.

Seriously, I think its time to snuff out the vermin like DI and CS with extreme prejudice. Nail them when they leave Toiletistan to cool their Mushies in the ME.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 14:40
by Singha
chota shakeel is the real king of of the d-company. big D is a MMS type figurehead and probably has many ailments from a debauched lifestyle.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 15:06
by Philip
I watched the "A" show last night only because it dealt with CR's capture. The Torquemada of Indian telly,Arnab G,inquisitor insultamus supreme,went about his torture of the panelists in typical fashion,never giving them an opportunity to clarify completely and did not shut up loudmouths who wanted to prevent others from speaking. It was "his way or the highway".However,from the chaos one could clearly discern the foll facts:

That organized crime in India,like its counterparts abroad,the mafia et al,enjoys huge patronage from local politicos,cops,intel agencies,Hollywood/Bollywood,celebrities,sportsmen,etc. Just as it happened in the US where games were fixed,cops were bent,where even the Kennedy family had shady mafia ties; organised crime thrives from their support and feeds upon them,so too is the same in India.Keeping "D" and mobsters like CR safe from punishment and away from prying eyes,is the name of the game. The rest is all kabuki. Like one Ottavio Quattrochi,a great tamasha is made to find the elusive alleged criminal-who usually is living it off in luxury abroad in full view of INTERPOL in a safe haven.

Gangsters ,terrorists,etc.,on the run usually hide in countries where they have strong support.The LTTE diaspora enjoys the protection of states like the UK,Canada,the EU,etc. Dawood enjoys a lavish lifestyle in Pak,India's mortal enemy,who will never give him up because he is of such immense help to them in waging war against India,every which way.From orgainising terror strikes,to dumping counterfeit money,gold smuggling,you name it ,he does it. Given the enormous piles of money these outlaws sit upon,it is the easiest thing for them to compromise run of the mill cops,babus,politicos and even make the upright turn away in frustration,seemingly powerless to counter such a criminal cancer.

It was an act of great naivety of the then GOI to have earlier sent 3 Bombay cops (:rotfl:) to bring back CR from Thailand,from Thai police custody.Naturally, he escaped .Thailand is a country where the army and uniforms are the de-facto rulers,not much different from their Paki counterparts.Money talks,the criminal walks! Had we been more astute,we would've sent a high-level team from the MEA,RAW led by a senior minister ,with a team of commandos to bring him back.Such a delegation would've made the Thais realise that he was that important to India and that they would risk impairment of relations if they connived to let him loose.

There however does seem to be a new gameplan as far as Mr.M's admin. is concerned.In his tours abroad,he speaks ad nauseum about combating terrorism and is relentless about the cross-border terror from Pak. One can sense that behind the scenes there is a concerted governmental effort to bring some of the worst anti-Indian entities to book. CR's capture could not have been possible in a causal fluke detection that one "R.Kumar' was in fact one of our most wanted mob leaders. India,Oz and Indonesia have clearly all been in the loop. The fun is going to be when CR "spills the beans" in a poss. deal with the GOI,or when "his beans are spilled"!.Exposing Maharashtra's corrupt politicos,cops,Bollywood stars,cricketers,babus,etc.,is going to be great fun,that is if CR does not "suicide" himself while in an Indian prison!

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 19:48
by panduranghari
Atri wrote:CR is a gunDA. He allegedly helped out R&AW to do some of its dirty work. Nothing more. The association is deep and old. Perhaps DI too was/is similar R&AW man. There are camps in intel agencies which root for their touts which are assigned to them. ... 6#p1280876

A state needs to be involved in criminal activities too - to control it. Organized crime is wonderful tool in the hands of state to do things which cannot be done overtly.
Atri saar,
Did you write the post you alluded to writing up in the above link?

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 20:26
by ramana
Should be wary of cooks and butlers!
If it isn't the butler who did it, its the cook!

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 27 Oct 2015 23:09
by Klaus
deejay wrote:
I was wondering on this. CR is RAW man is in my opinion speculation. CR may have been used at a few occasions possibly but keeping him as a permanent RAW asset seems far fetched.

On similar lines I was wondering what will the Pakis do now? They are so convinced CR is a RAW man that his arrest will confound their posturing. What is the new line they will take?
CR's protege Santosh Shetty is still active in SE Asia. Oz can only be a refuge for such assets, looks like they did not want a Bangkok type shootout in Newcastle/Sydney.

Not much is really known about Chota Shakeel, who seems to be a shadowy/saturnian figure & the real power behind the D throne. CS & Tiger Memon remain poorly understood & at large.
I would say that the Modi admin has put in a lot of effort to make sure that ISI influence in SE Asia has been checked/contained.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 28 Oct 2015 04:00
by Prem
ramana wrote:Should be wary of cooks and butlers!
If it isn't the butler who did it, its the cook!
This is why No Paki cook is ever hired by ME Royal Honchos.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 28 Oct 2015 08:50
by brvarsh
One Japanese investigative journalist has claimed DI being a US/CIA asset along the same line as David Hedley was/is and might be the reason why it won't let India grab or neutralize him. Wouldn't it be a better strategy to focus on Chhota Shakeel instead? Snatching him will not only kill D-company but will make D what Rajan is today - an ex-mafia with no real teeth left.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 28 Oct 2015 09:54
by Singha
ndtv. looks like he has no gang or fangs left and just wanted to escape and retire.

BALI: Chhota Rajan, the most-wanted gangster arrested in Bali after a two-decade chase, may have planned to escape to Zimbabwe, his interrogation has revealed.

In an exclusive interview to NDTV in Denpasar in Bali, Police Commissioner Reinhard Nainggolan said: "He asked us to release him as he wanted to go to Zimbabwe. He said that he lived in Australia and before that in Zimbabwe and wanted to go there. He was looking to escape."

Rajan, kept at a local police station away from the media, is very nervous, the officer said. "He is looking scared. He keeps smoking constantly. He said he didn't want to go to India as his wife and father had died."

Rajan's wife Sujata Nikalje, however, is alive.

He has also been found to be medically fit, which contradicts speculation that one reason the gangster wanted to return to India was because of his liver and kidney problems.

"We have conducted medical check-ups and the reports were all clear. He has no health problems and he hasn't told us too," Mr Nainggolan said.

The 55-year-old crime boss, wanted in India for at least 17 murders and cases of arms smuggling, drug trafficking and extortion, was arrested on Sunday as he stepped off a flight from Sydney.

The police say that seven of their officers and five from immigration went up to Rajan and arrested him after his details matched with a 20-year-old Interpol red corner notice.

"In Australia, a red corner notice is not sufficient to arrest a person. But under Indonesian laws we can. Now within 20 days we will have to deport him back to India," Mr Nainggolan said.

The Bali police had been tipped off by Australia about a murder convict traveling on an Indian passport and using the name "Mohan Kumar". Rajan's actual name is Rajendra Sadashiv Nikalje.

The police commissioner found Rajan's claim of a holiday in Bali suspicious, given the Interpol notice and the threat to his life from his boss turned arch rival, terrorist Dawood Ibrahim. "As a detective, I don't believe he was here for a holiday," he said.

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 28 Oct 2015 11:09
by Philip
Media reports today say that he was apprehended over 2 weeks ago and advised to surrender rather than be bumped off by the D-Co.,which had been "casing the joint" in Sydney. Some say that our R&AW along with the IB was responsible for the same in interacting with the Oz and Indo authorities. If true,then this is exactly the approach that yields results.It won't ever with Pak,but can be used to leverage the rest of the world in punishing Pak for sponsoring and harbouring terror.That is if the US will cooperate,but from the last visit of Sharif to the White House,nothing appears to have changed the US's attitude towards Pak,looked upon as a troublesome,but lovable rogue (state)!

Re: Dawood Ibrahim & Underworld Watch Thread

Posted: 28 Oct 2015 12:30
by Sachin
Klaus wrote:CS & Tiger Memon remain poorly understood & at large.
Considering he is the elder brother of the terrorist who hung - Yakub Memon who was 50, this fellow would pretty much aged by now. My feeling is that during the time of execution there would have been some mistakes done by this chap, which the intelligence agencies would have been eagerly waiting for. After all it was his brother who is going to hang, so some chatter with fellow Jehadis, relatives or underworld folks in Mumbai would have happened.