Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2011

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by rohitvats »

^^^ and given the penchant of TSPA to use hammer to swat flies ala scorched earth tactics, it is not long before bulk of TSPA will be sucked into the quagmire of CI Ops.....and TSP will be torn asunder by the forces such a situation will unleash....Afganistan will look like Disneyland in front of TSP faced with entire FATA up in arms!
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by shiv »

chetak wrote: Look at the sheer panic our consulates have already created within the paki army and the ISI.

And India does not have 10,000 Afghan consulates as Pakis think. Only about 8000. :D
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by rajanb »

Latest from across the murky side of our western border:

US, Pakistan top brass fire risky salvos
By Karamatullah K Ghori
What has long been rued by all and sundry (not by me) as a trust deficit between the United States and Pakistan - supposedly allies in the "war on terror" - now threatens to bring down the whole edifice of the cooperation that the civil and military leaders of the two countries have painstakingly built and tried to hold since the US invaded Afghanistan in 2001.
Both the Americans and the Pakistanis are walking a tight rope and testing each other's wits. However, this is a risky venture, to say the least, especially when the stakes are so high. Any unraveling of US-Pakistan ties could have a devastating impact on Obama's plans to walk out of Afghanistan with some face-saving.
Threats not working for the PA, so mollify by attacking Kurram.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by SSridhar »

Suppiah wrote:ISI killed Shahzad...Unkil knows for sure now..
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/05/world ... istan.html
From the above,
Obama administration officials will deliberate in the coming days how to present the information about Mr. Shahzad to the Pakistani government, an administration official said.
Now, that brings out a few things. One, the US government is planning to enlighten the civilian administration of Zardari what it may not know about its own PA & ISI. That's very similar to how Rajiv Gandhi had to educate Ms. BB about the nuclear programme of the PA because she herself was not briefed on that by Gen. Mirza Aslam Beg and she had no access at all to the Kahuta Labs etc. Two, the US may be using this as a pressure tactic against the PA, threatening to discredit it especially when the entire journalistic community has been accusing the ISI of its involvement. This will add grist to the mill. Third, the 'how to' part might mean that the information presented to GoP could be suitably tailored or diluted depending upon any settlement the PA tries to reach with GoTUS. Fourthly, the fact that such a likelihood of US presenting evidence against the PA is being leaked out means that the rift between the PA and the US is indeed wide at this point of time.

In any case, what can the poor civilian government do even when the US presents the entire truth about the murder of SSS by the ISI ? These days, the PPP, by a strange reversal of roles, has come closer to the PA.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Sri »

The matter of Nawaz and Altaf coming together is huge. It's like BJP and left coming together. This cannot be happening, until unless there are serious doubts on survival of PPP in power and tactics it will employ to stay in power.

Other indicators are resignation of Marvi Menon from senate. She was a PML Q stalwart. Resigning from hard fought seat is almost unthinkable in politics. The thing is slowly PPP ship is getting abandoned. Misrule is there but the timing is interesting. If going by politcal chankiyan it was ok to wait for PPP to complete 5 years and then let it fry in electoral oil a few months ago then these new developments are really interesting. Martial Law or not it seems almost certain the Zardari / Gilani are going to face some major political challenge in near future.

Ex Foreign minister Qureshi is the man to watch. He is close to army and has Prime ministerial ambitions. Whomsoever he joins next is my bet on who is going to occupy the Sadar House. Right now he is having pappi jhappi session with Imran khan.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Suppiah »

Look like the army has to choose between one party that is openly terrorist supporting (Nawaz & Brothers) but completely untrusted by army and another that is not so openly pro-terrorist and is also held in suspicion by army...

I think the years of creating a PM out of nowhere with Imran is gone...so army is left with few choices..

Interesting developments, may lead to some mango crates being delivered or incidents involving vehicle doors/vents..
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Suppiah »

MKB and BR were celebrating the end of Baloch insurgency...perhaps a bit prematurely...5 sent to 72..

http://www.dawn.com/2011/07/05/blast-ta ... illed.html
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Sri »

It is difficult to answer whether Imran Khan will be able to become PM or not. Many Pakistani columnists have all but written him off. Not because he lacks appeal in Pakistan. He surely has a huge following in urban centers and specially in Lahore. But many people doubt that he has the political maturity to convert this following into votes. He takes extreme positions and is generally considered impractical in his approach. He is a pure idealist and hence even though he gets full marks in his intent but he losses out grandly in his political immaturity.

If Qureshi joins him formally then this brings in some much needed maturity in his camp. Over and above that, Qureshi is a heavy weight in Multan and brings some much needed vote bank from an area where Imran has virtually no foot print. Having said that Imran / Qureshi duo together still lack the political machinery required to actually catapult them to a win. Support from PML Q, BNP and other military sponsored parties will be the key.

Putting Imran on throne right now looks difficult. He has virtually no representation in National Assembly. So getting PPP out by extra constitutional means and putting him on the PM's seat is ruled out. Best way forward is to engineer a mid term pol. That is why I said that PML N / MQM grand alliance is very interesting. PML N's hope will be that anti PPP vote will come to them. Whereas MQM and PPP are perpetually locked in Sindh and hence MQM could be confident of winning anti PPP vote in Sindh. Ideologically MQM can support Imran but may be they want to test his strength before they make any move in that direction.

All in all a mid term poll right now suits everyone except PPP.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by chetak »

Sri wrote:It is difficult to answer whether Imran Khan will be able to become PM or not. Many Pakistani columnists have all but written him off. Not because he lacks appeal in Pakistan. He surely has a huge following in urban centers and specially in Lahore. But many people doubt that he has the political maturity to convert this following into votes. He takes extreme positions and is generally considered impractical in his approach. He is a pure idealist and hence even though he gets full marks in his intent but he losses out grandly in his political immaturity.

If Qureshi joins him formally then this brings in some much needed maturity in his camp. Over and above that, Qureshi is a heavy weight in Multan and brings some much needed vote bank from an area where Imran has virtually no foot print. Having said that Imran / Qureshi duo together still lack the political machinery required to actually catapult them to a win. Support from PML Q, BNP and other military sponsored parties will be the key.

Putting Imran on throne right now looks difficult. He has virtually no representation in National Assembly. So getting PPP out by extra constitutional means and putting him on the PM's seat is ruled out. Best way forward is to engineer a mid term pol. That is why I said that PML N / MQM grand alliance is very interesting. PML N's hope will be that anti PPP vote will come to them. Whereas MQM and PPP are perpetually locked in Sindh and hence MQM could be confident of winning anti PPP vote in Sindh. Ideologically MQM can support Imran but may be they want to test his strength before they make any move in that direction.

All in all a mid term poll right now suits everyone except PPP.
Imran or qureshi?

Both are equally bad for India.

Despite female anchors in India constantly panting and wetting their knickers for imran. :lol:
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by jrjrao »

Suppiah wrote:ISI killed Shahzad...Unkil knows for sure now..

http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/05/world ... istan.html
This story explains why all corpse commander meetings in Pindi HQ during the last year have begun thusly:


[Step 2] Immediately after step 1, all commanders drop their pants, put on surgical gloves, bend over, and give each other a thorough prostate exam. After all, one never knows in which musharraf has the scheming Uncle Sammy hidden the CIA bug of the day...

Meanwhile, here is one "Dr. Ghayur Ayub", who writes that Saleem Shahzad was done in by "a large number of foreigners working in private firms like Blackwater and Xse recruited by CIA/Mossad, who entered Pakistan through the generous visa providers of our foreign missions".
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by SSridhar »

Sri, I have an entirely different take on the developments in Pakistan. I do not foresee either a mid-term poll or a military putsch. MQM and PPP are in the process of consolidating their vote banks in the Sind, which is their backyard. Each party attributes the violence in Karachi on the other. The PML-N has little following there and therefore it is natural for the two to come together at this juncture though past history is very bitter between these two as MQM has suffered enormously in Nawaz Sharif's hands. MQM & PPP had an on-again, off-again kind of relationship in the last two or theree years. They broke-off and re-aligned because of the compulsions of the number game. Now that PPP has come to understanding with the PML-Q, it will be able to easily overcome the opposition in the Parliament against a combined onslaught of MQM & PML-N even if their alliance does take place. Remember that except for talks between PML-N & MQM, nothing yet has happened. PPP also has the support of others like JUI-F. In Sind too, the PPP has 90 out of the 168 seats in the provincial assembly and hence the PPP faces no crisis there either. The initiative for the coming together of PML-N and MQM appears to be the approaching Senate elections in c. 2012. The PML-N wants to increase its strength and deny PPP seats which, if it doesn't happen, make the PPP more formidable.

In today's political Pakistan, Chaudhry Shujaat of PML-Q is again the leading power broker. While, one does not expect any large-scale floor-crossing from the PPP, PML-N or MQM members, the only party that has within itself all the turncoats is the PML-Q (and its faction in the Punjab Provincial Assembly, the PML-Q Unification Bloc). These are unscrupulous members who can be easily bought and sold. It is these people who are currently providing stability to Shahbaz Sharif in the Punjab Assembly where PML-N falls short of a simple majority otherwise. The rest of the PML-Q is with the PPP now.

Makhdoom Qureshi saheb is an ultra light weight in Pakistani politics. He has no independent mass base outside of PPP. The PA of these days cannot rig elections or induce floor-crossing in the National Assembly as cavilierly as it used to do before 2008. Especially in present circumstances, political parties must be wary of seeking PA's support. For similar reasons, especially after the Abbottabad debacle, the PA cannot hope to seize power in a bloodless coup as it always happened before. There is powerful opposition to the PA in the form of lawyers, Punjabi Taliban, the media (including the Urdu press, the barometer of the public sentiment) and world opinion. The PA may itself not be able to successfully prosecute a coup, as in the past, without a part of it joining openly with the Taliban.

Imran Khan is a national hero and attracts crowds therefore but has been singularly unable to translate that into political power.

My conclusion is therefore that the present stalemate will continue unless something very dramatic happens. These political re-alignments are not part of dramatic changes in the current circumstance, IMHO.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by A_Gupta »

Pak Chai Ghar
The Idyllic 1990s in Parachinar:
http://pakteahouse.net/2011/07/05/child ... arachinar/
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by shiv »

jrjrao wrote:
Suppiah wrote:ISI killed Shahzad...Unkil knows for sure now..

http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/05/world ... istan.html
This story explains why all corpse commander meetings in Pindi HQ during the last year have begun thusly:


[Step 2] Immediately after step 1, all commanders drop their pants, put on surgical gloves, bend over, and give each other a thorough prostate exam. After all, one never knows in which musharraf has the scheming Uncle Sammy hidden the CIA bug of the day...
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by shiv »

Where's that news item that Pakistan has 14,000 trained terrorists to fight India? :roll:
The buggers will die of old age. I don't suppose Paki would have planned a pension for those monkeys? I mean I expect that Pakis would have thought that they will all die anyway and their wives can be "saved" from being widows.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Suppiah »

Hope they put their talents to good use within TSP...like the dogs reared by Michael Vick, they are unfit for anything other than fighting....
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Lalmohan »

shiv wrote:Where's that news item that Pakistan has 14,000 trained terrorists to fight India? :roll:
The buggers will die of old age. I don't suppose Paki would have planned a pension for those monkeys? I mean I expect that Pakis would have thought that they will all die anyway and their wives can be "saved" from being widows.
just like the SS ran a parallel army to the wehrmacht, the ISI runs a parallel army to the TSPA
this is ISI Division Kasmirlande, loosely fashioned on SS Nordland - full of TFTA northern volk
prizes will be given if anyone can match known tanzeem names to

SS Charlemagne
SS Das Reich
SS Totenkopf
SS Horst Wechsel

(I'll stop there, since there are many more!)
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Rajdeep »

shiv wrote:Where's that news item that Pakistan has 14,000 trained terrorists to fight India? :roll:
The buggers will die of old age. I don't suppose Paki would have planned a pension for those monkeys? I mean I expect that Pakis would have thought that they will all die anyway and their wives can be "saved" from being widows.
http://www.rediff.com/news/slide-show/s ... 110705.htm
Pakistan has kept 12,000-14,000 fully trained Kashmiri militants in reserve and would use them, if needed, in a war with India, according to a former militant commander.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Samudragupta »

Pashtuns in Pakistan, regardless of their spread, are still a visibly unassimilated ethnic group who proudly retain their culture. If Pashtun officers get nukes and point them at Islamabad, that'd be for Islamabad to deal with, but I'd suspect that Islamabad would do the same thing it did in 1971, by stripping Bengali officers of duty (remember, Bengalis were 55% of Pakistan's entire population, but that didn't keep Islamabad from cleansing them out of the army)

As far as northern Afghanistan is concerned, the current political divide means that nobody even has to formally declare independence, because as long as the Pashtuns and nonPashtuns of Afghanistan continue to live in separate worlds and political dispensations, it means that the Pashtuns will naturally gravitate towards each other. The Afghan conflict of the 1990s offers ample evidence.

You saw what happened when Pakistan tried to get their longtime pre-Taliban Pashtun stooge Gulbuddin Hekmatyar to accept the Durand Line - even a stooge like him refused. This is one of the reasons Pakistan yanked support from Hekmatyar and created Taliban. No Pashtun will accept the Durand Line which artificially splits them. That's why a desperate Pakistan is hoping to swallow the whole of Afghanistan, because it knows it can't pry the Pashtuns on either side of the non-existent Durand Line apart from each others. Stealing the sovereignty of Afghanistan and subordinating it to Pakistan's will isn't going to solve the problems of the region. Kashmir is only a downstream symptom of the Pashtun problem, as I've already established, and as such it can't remove the Pashtun problem which is the ultimate root cause of Pakistan's behaviour. Constantly squawking about Kashmir is merely Pakistan's way of diverting everyone's attention away from the real root problem, which is why I feel it necessary to draw attention right back to that root problem that Pakistan doesn't want us all to talk about.Pretending that Kashmir is the real problem is just escapism and unwillingness to face the root cause. I can see why Pakistan wants to escape and hide from the real problem, because it's not something they can easily deal with. However, trying to shift blame for the underlying Pashtun problem onto India by claiming that it's really Kashmir as the problem, simply isn't going accomplish anything.

The Pashtun problem is the preceding problem - it's the root cause of all of Pakistan's external conflicts: conflict with Afghanistan, conflict with India, conflict with the Soviets, conflict with the USA.

By ducking the real problem, Pakistan is only going to make its conflicts worse, until external adversity completely overwhelms it. Currently, Pakistan is counting on China to save its butt, however Pakistan's pursuit of increasing Islamist jihadism as a solution will only eventually set all of Central Asia on fire, including Xinjiang. Eventually China will turn against Pakistan, just as Islamabad's previous patron the USA likewise has begun to turn against it. Pakistan will of course refuse to accept blame even then, and will finally even blame China, which it currently calls its "all-weather friend". The "all-weather friend" won't stay so friendly after Pakistan has set Xinjiang on fire.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by arun »

Joe Klein in an article in Time Magazines “Swampland” titled “Pakistan Is Not Our Ally”.

Comments section has a fair sprinkling of those tracing descent to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan:
President Bush said on September 14, 2001, that our enemies were those who funded and harbored terrorists. Pakistan does both. The Pakistani military has played us for suckers for a decade. It’s time to cut them loose.
Read more:

Pakistan Is Not Our Ally
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by ramana »

Folks all this is schadenfruede.

Until US does take some concrete action this is all venting to let of fake steam.

For starters they can ban cooperation with TSP till ISI goons are dismissed and arrested in this particular S^3 case as it s a basic human rights issue.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Rahul M »

Lalmohan wrote:
shiv wrote:Where's that news item that Pakistan has 14,000 trained terrorists to fight India? :roll:
The buggers will die of old age. I don't suppose Paki would have planned a pension for those monkeys? I mean I expect that Pakis would have thought that they will all die anyway and their wives can be "saved" from being widows.
just like the SS ran a parallel army to the wehrmacht, the ISI runs a parallel army to the TSPA
this is ISI Division Kasmirlande, loosely fashioned on SS Nordland - full of TFTA northern volk
prizes will be given if anyone can match known tanzeem names to

SS Charlemagne
SS Das Reich
SS Totenkopf
SS Horst Wechsel

(I'll stop there, since there are many more!)
you mean LET is like waffen SS ?
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Lalmohan »

keepers of the ideology - check
highly militant - check
highly committed - check
state within a state - check
spewing hatred and war crimes - check

yup, so far so good...
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by chetak »

Lalmohan wrote:keepers of the ideology - check
highly militant - check
highly committed - check
state within a state - check
spewing hatred and war crimes - check

yup, so far so good...
Did they train with dogs??
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Dilbu »

Rahul M wrote:you mean LET is like waffen SS ?
Like a B grade parody of waffen SS.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Nihat »

Acharya wrote:
Nihat wrote:The longer Pakis keep their collective heads in the sand regarding Kashmir, the better for us. They only make our job easier, just like East Pakistan where they did all the damage and we came in to finish it off. When the shit hits the fan, we'll be there to laugh !!!
The Pak strategy is a psy ops strategy. It is to keep the people of US to support them and in their grievence. Check how uneven and other keep telling Indians that India can become great with "solving" kashmir.
It is a tag team of Uncle and Pak with global media to talk about "kashmir" all the time. It has no bearing on the state of affiars of Pakistan and its economy.
Sure the Americans "encouraged' Pak obsession of Kashmir at various points of history but Pakis were the ones who took this obsession to another level altogether, their attitude towards this very small piece of land is ridiculous.

I disagree that Paki obsession with Kashmir has no impact on their state of affairs or economy, because they have found their "identity in Kashmir" and willingly mortgaged the whole nation and sold themselves to the highest bidder from time to time, according to Pakis Kashmir proves the viability of their own nation and existence of 2 nation theory (half rubbished by 1971). TSP will do anything and everything to get a victory in Kashmir as a loss or no movement will mean that the last excuse for the existence of this shambolic nation has fallen.

This is why I had mentioned that Paki's remaining glued to Kashmir and parroting it is good news for India as it means that they will continue to sell themselves everyday to achieve an nonviable goal which will and is leading them to decay everyday.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Lalmohan »

actually there is something to be said for propagating the idea that LET are some Waffen SS wannabe buffoons, it will crystallise the image more clearly in western minds - but important to emphasize the buffoon part
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Prem »

http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/07/ ... 9E20110705
Pakistan Taliban leader "isolated," facing splits: report
Reuters) -
The chief of the Pakistan Taliban has been isolated from his militant group for more than a year and is rapidly losing control, a newspaper reported on Tuesday, a day after the military said it had launched an offensive in the northwest.Associates of Pakistani Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud and intelligence officials in Islamabad say Mehsud's position is tenuous following the defection of one of his top commanders last week, Pakistan's Express Tribune daily newspaper.
The defecting commander, Fazal Saeed Haqqani, who was the Taliban leader in the Kurram region on the Afghan border, told Reuters in late June that he left over the group's "brutal" attacks on civilians. Haqqani has pledged to fight against the Pakistani Taliban and U.S. troops in Afghanistan."It looks as though he is just a figurehead now," the Express Tribune quoted one of Mehsud's associates as saying of the Pakistani Taliban commander."He can hardly communicate with his commanders in other parts of the tribal areas ... he is in total isolation. Only a few people within the TTP know where he is."The Pakistani Taliban, or Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), is an umbrella alliance of about 12 militant factions strung out through the northwestern Pashtun lands along the border.It is the biggest threat to the Pakistani state and is behind many of the suicide bombings and other attacks across the country.Several more Taliban commanders in Kurram, where the army has just launched an offensive, might desert Mehsud soon and the military was seeking to split commanders from him, the paper reported."You will see more of his boys turning against him and this is exactly what we desired and have been working on," an official who deals with counter-terrorism operations told the newspaper.Haqqani's brother also said there was dissent in the top ranks."We got some indication that several commanders are not happy with Hakimullah and they may join us," Adil Rehman, who acts as a spokesman for his brother's faction, told Reuters on Tuesday.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by ramana »

It could tie in with the LeT attack on Chabad House in Mumbai.

I think we need to be more innovative and less imitative. This unveiling of LeT is just another step in the mutual "dance of the seven veils" between US and TSP.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by RSoami »

Comparing LeT with Waffen SS does not sound nice at all...
Its like comparing mercenary terrorists with soldiers.
A more apt comparison will be with Sudani Janjaweed who indulged in genocide...Except that the LeT do not have as much freedom to kill.

My 2 paise
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by RamaY »

On Beebs (BBC) news today some Paki (of course) was saying that Pakistan is the food-bowl of Indian Sub-continent :eek:

So I asked wiki-maama.

Wheat Production 2009
India 80.7 Mil Metric Tons
Pakistan 24.0 Mil Metric Tons

and Pakistan is not even in the top 10 Rice producing nations
India 136.6 mil Metric Tons
Bangladesh 28.5 mil Metric Tons

I forgave that paki for not calling Indian Subcontinent - South Asia.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Mahendra »

He most certainly meant food begging bowl of the Indian sub continent
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by RSoami »

..."He can hardly communicate with his commanders in other parts of the tribal areas ... he is in total isolation. Only a few people within the TTP know where he is."...

That means he is fully operational and the Pakis have no idea where he is. And are very scared and now desperately looking for him.

Go Hakimullah :twisted:
or whatever your name is. :mrgreen:

Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Theo_Fidel »

Dilbu wrote:Like a B grade parody of waffen SS.
Reminds one of 'Allo Allo' and the little pink SS tank. :)

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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by shravan »

Toll from Karachi firing rises to 12

ten people alone were shot to death in Orangi Town, Kati Pahari and Qasba Colony areas, SAMAA reported.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by shravan »

US drone kills four in NWA

MIRANSHAH: A US drone strike late Tuesday killed at least four people in North Waziristan on the border with Afghanistan, local security officials said.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by shravan »

Two soldiers killed in Miramshah bomb attack

MIRAMSHAH: Militants set off a roadside bomb targeting a military vehicle in the Pashtun tribal region of North Waziristan on the Afghan border, killing two soldiers and wounding 15, intelligence officials said.

A similar attack on a military convoy in the same region earlier in the day wounded three soldiers.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by A_Gupta »

RamaY wrote:On Beebs (BBC) news today some Paki (of course) was saying that Pakistan is the food-bowl of Indian Sub-continent :eek:

So I asked wiki-maama.

Wheat Production 2009
India 80.7 Mil Metric Tons
Pakistan 24.0 Mil Metric Tons

and Pakistan is not even in the top 10 Rice producing nations
India 136.6 mil Metric Tons
Bangladesh 28.5 mil Metric Tons

I forgave that paki for not calling Indian Subcontinent - South Asia.
It is not how much a country produces, but how much it has as surplus, available to export that makes it count as a "food-bowl". Nevertheless, I believe Pakistan is a fail on that measure as well.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Dipanker »

shiv wrote:Where's that news item that Pakistan has 14,000 trained terrorists to fight India? :roll:
The buggers will die of old age. I don't suppose Paki would have planned a pension for those monkeys? I mean I expect that Pakis would have thought that they will all die anyway and their wives can be "saved" from being widows.
Originally it was from this CARLOTTA GALL piece in NYTimes:
Pakistani Military Still Cultivates Militant Groups, a Former Fighter Says
Pakistan has 12,000 to 14,000 fully trained Kashmiri fighters, scattered throughout various camps in Pakistan, and is holding them in reserve to use if needed in a war against India, he said.
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Prem »

http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2011/07/ ... .html?_r=1
Afghanistan Won't Fire Back on Pakistan: Karzai
KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's security forces will not respond with military force to weeks of cross-border shelling from Pakistan, President Hamid Karzai said Tuesday, as the Afghan parliament called on him to sever ties with Islamabad over the issue. Some 300 people also protested against the shelling in Asadabad, the capital of eastern Kunar province, demanding an end to the shelling and calling for revenge. Hundreds of rockets have hit Afghanistan since early June, officials say, and killed dozens of civilians, infuriating Afghans from ordinary villagers to the top echelons of power. A top Afghan police general last week offered his resignation over the government's response to the attacks, and there have been at least two demonstrations. Karzai said his Interior and Defense Ministers had sought permission to open fire if more rockets landed. But the president said he had refused because returning fire risked creating more innocent victims in Pakistan. Afghanistan never wants to harm civilians in Pakistan with its response," Karzai told a joint news conference in Kabul with visiting British Prime Minister David Cameron
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Re: Terrorist Islamic Republic of Pakistan (TSP): June 30, 2

Post by Prem »

http://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/Joh ... -landscape
Most dangerous nuclear threats to US
The two, possibly three, most dangerous nuclear powers for the US today are Iran, Pakistan, and possibly North Korea. (PINOcchio Axis)
Over the years, rule in Pakistan has veered between civilian and military, and its stability has been in question. With a pathological fear of India, it has balanced its alliances between the US and China. Internally, it has hedged its bets between pursuit of some terrorist factions and cooperation with others.
Pakistan is concerned that whoever comes out on top in Afghanistan not plunge that country on its western border into tumult. The US shares that concern, but for a slightly different reason: It wants to forestall any chaos in Afghanistan that might destabilize Pakistan and cause its nuclear arsenal to fall into the hands of Islamist extremists.