Possible Indian Military Scenarios - Part IV

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Post by Shankar »

The small caravan of six camels prodded on over the blazing burning sands .A small retinue of loyalist followed their leader with unquestining obedience -for them moving on has become a way of life and success or failure of a mission ceased to of any importance long back they day they had to leave their second home in Afganistan . The network of terror that they have created still did its work and blood and guts of ordinary people still spilled over the sands of saudi arabia or pavement of tel aviv or sometimes in the railway stations of Madrid or in the tube of London sometime in the plush financial empire of New york . Differernt groups took credit and sometimes the acts went without name .

For the tired old man it was just a game -a game to test the resolve of free world -how far the world wil go to stop this madness or how mad they will become to stop this unique epidemic . Failure of star dazzle siege didnot bother him much after all these kind of reverses were expected and there were always the gullible waiting to join the cause and flow of money never stopped .

Like those debating the formation and structure of GLOBALFORT on the 50 th floor of united natins security council -he also knew it would be a hard and long battle - and only those with greater capacity to bear pain will prevail .

What he did not know that it will be not him.
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Post by Cybaru »

just a small note, we might need two different threads, where one can do possible scenarios and possible reactions from enemy forces & this one which has become a story/novel thread.
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Post by Shyam_K »

Shankar wrote:Any terrorrist taken prisnor shall be executed after interogation .Ther will be no trial for those who are physically caught in perpetuating an act of terror .
Don't think this would ever happen, atleast not as a sactioned policy of a world body. There is too much risk of abuse of power and related human right issues.
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Post by Shankar »

Shayam - This is policy followed by most of the special forces of the world form delta to sas/sbs to shin bat .Maybe that is not acknowledged in public but the unwritten rule is followed most of the times . Was just reading a superb book on counter terror opearation by SAS/SBC with british paras in siereleone titled "operation certain death" and there it is mentioned in a particular operation against RUF teros official number of rebels killed was 4 the actual dath toll was close to 40 +. Special forces just dont like taking prisnors and after 9/11 it is even less likely that they will do so.

Cy baru - a series of military scenarios linked to each other by a common factor in this case various units of indian armed forces facing different situations may make it sound like a "novel" but it stays a series of scenarios neverthless .In fact may be it makes it more readable. some of the best "novels "as you call it also happen to be the best string of military scenarios ever fictionalised like " red storm rising " or "hunt for red october " .

Detailing the geographic span of modern day terrorism is may be nessecery to better understand the problems faced by those respnsible in countering it and also nessecity of multinational operation in a remote corner of the globe when a single nation may not have the resources available at the right time .

That is why in Siereleone IAF operated sideby side with RAF in rescuing 500 UN peace keepers which was not a fiction but a hard ground reality .That is why today russain special forces are training with indians or us forces sweating their way in jungles of mizoram . The dynamics of fighting terrorism is changimg swiftly and operation like the one i tried to portray in star dazzle episode of so called "novel" may become a reality very soon.

Thanks for your comments any way
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Post by KSandy »

your scenarious are very interesting as always and that everybody here accepts. Some have given minor nitpicks and it was good to see your way of clarifying them in the next episode of the scenario.

One thing though that i have noticed in all your scenarious is sudden death. I mean, the way the scenario starts and progresses, we can have a graph showing excitement and anticipation going skywards. but the climax always has been ended so soon that the graph really looks like the end of a cliff, which is why i say Sudden Death.

I would like more of action in the future conflicts, 20% introduction, 30% history and location acclamatization, and 50% of pure action.
That would make the scenarios much more thrilling.
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Post by Shankar »

Sandy - well i agree to whatt you say but in any well planned operation the time taken to understand a hostile situation and planning that goes into getting the logistics together in terms of men and machine and weapon systems and developing a suitable tactics to bering all of these together into a coherent is many times more than the time it takes to actually do the "hit" or action as you call it .

For example in an imaginary air strike against a well defended airbase the planning and logistic arrangement may take weeks but the actual strike over the hostile airspace may last not even an hour .The whole
idea is to minimise exposure of friendly forces to fire and bringing in an overwhelming force to bear on the hostiles in a very short time period.

Which Sandy in real terms means "sudden death" as you have correctly sumarised.

This is more true incase of special forces ops - like when the SAS took control of Iranian embassy in london in full view of TV in couple of minutes

Thanks for the feedback and in next episode shall try to put more of "action" in final phase .

Dubai air show photos pl dont forget
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Post by KSandy »

Shankar wrote:
Dubai air show photos pl dont forget
Definitely. i have started the countdown. Coincidently my neighbouring office has a stand in the exhibition so i am in touch with them. will ask them also to take some photos.
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Post by Shankar »

Dr Laura Smith 55 is acknowledged as the worlds leading expert in radio isotope source identification using advanced computer systems with matching software and duly supported by ultra sensitive equipment like dual beam spectrmeter and spectrophotometer to identify the source of any radio active chemical like uranium and plutonium from the level and nature of trace impurities still retained in the purified product . This morning she has recieved a sealed packet from the dept of defense with a cryptic request to identify the source of sample . It was a small packet of 1000 gms sample of plutonium oxide recovered from the cruise liner Star dazzle after the sucessful rescue of the hostages by indian marine commandos.

As she carefully prepared the sample for analysis and fed it into the dual beam comparitive mass spectrophotometer which will vaporise the sample and then check its spectrum band more particularly its impurity contents as indicated in different colour bands and their thickness corresponding to different atmic frequencies of the contaminating elements and the spectrum so obtained shall be compared with existing database of all known sources of weapons grade as well as reactor grade plutonium and the computer will identify the source of this particular sample withan accuracy level of nearly 99.999 percent more simply almost flawlesly .

Los alamos national laboratory ,one of the premium nuclear laboratories in the world is located at the base of jamez mountain in new mexico. Established in 1943 is managed by university of california on behalf of US dept of energy .The stated mission objective is national security thru safety of nuclear weapons in US stockpile and prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction. While much of the work done by them is highly classified like the analysis being done now by Dr Laura strangely lot of their work is also available on the net being unclassified .

The advanced computing resourse facility set up recently by the dept of energy and supported by the depts office of science and defense programmes.

15th july 1945 los alamos physicist Joe Mckibben threw the switch which usherd in the nuclear weapons age detonating the worlds first nuclear bomb.

Dr Laura came back with a cup of machine dispensed coffee and waited as the supercomputer checked the radioactive samples spectrum with its own gigantic database at a mindboggling speed and after about 7 minutes flashed the identification code of radioactive material source and country of origin and also date of its processing and also the source of the parent uranium from which was born about a year back .

There was no surprise in the ressult as the print out rolled off the printer ,she snatched off the paper and briskly walked towards the director room for a verbal report o her findings .

She will never be privy to what her report will initiate or its final outcome -for her it was a job to be done and she did it well .
Aditya G
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Post by Aditya G »

Has someone authored a piece on COIN operations? Kindly gimme a link. Thanks
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Post by bhavani »


I am just nitpicking a bit.

I dont think during such hijacks, The terrorists will leave the passengers to sleep inside thier cabins in below decks, i think they will atleast get the inusrance of about 100 passeengers always with them so that if any commandoes take any chances it gets dangerous.

Remember beslan. How the children were herded into a small location. It becomes easy to control.
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Post by Shankar »

Kareen khan was at his polished best .The occassion was a huge press conference with all representatives from all the worlds media on the ongoing war with india and pakistans covert or overt support in war on terror .In his field marshals uniform he looked very smart if somewhat self concious .

CNN -Mr president is it true indian air force has total dominance over the skie of pakistan
KK - That is not true .With their numerical superiority they have some locational superiority but overall pakistani airforce is fully capable of depending its air space
BBC - Sir is it true you will are prepared to use your nuclear weapons if the indian army advances any more than their actual ground postion line as on date
KK - We reserve the right to use any weapon system to save the integrity of our nation
NDTV - Mr president - ther are unconfirmed reports that plutonium seized from luxery liner Star dazzle is of pakistani origin .Your comments please
KK - The world knows my comitment to war on terror . I will never allow pakistani soil to be used for any such act let alone supplying fissile material
NDTV - But sir i never said pakistan supplied the plutonium only it was suspected to be of pakistani origin
CCNTV - Sir when do you think this avoidable war will come to an end
KK - I did not start this war - indians did - so please put this question to indian prime minister .
NDTV - Mr president - may i respectfully point out that INS Brahmaputra was sunk by your submarine in bay of bengal without provocation which started this hostility
KK - It was a legitamate act of self defense

It was at this point the Reuters news broke over the wire

It has been confirmed beyond doubt the plutonium used during hijacking of luxerliner star dazzle have been sourced from AQ KHAN LAB in pakistan .

The press conference ended in utter chaos as the reporters rushed out to file in thier reports and a red faced president exited quickly to his private office

Unlike in public appearences the president of united states was niether jovial nor easy going when closeted with his closest advisors .He was dead serious and very very angry . The confidential report from los alamos was on his desk and he needed to decide which will avenge the death of many us citizens in a far away seas by a random act of terror and also put to risk more men and women of the armed force in harms way .To complicate matters an intense war was being fought in the region at the very moment and his strongest ally in the part of the world (atleast publicly) was hands in glove with the terrorist kingpin

- so what options do we have?, asked the most powerful man on earth
- sir we have quite a few
1) we can nuke the pakistanis nuclear facility to oblivion in 30 minutes
but that will cause massive radioactive contamination in the subcontinent
and middle east puting to risk our carrier forces in the gulf and land forces in afganistan
2) we can ask the pakistani president to surrender all weapons of mass destruction forthwith
3)we can launch an iraqi style invasion under the mandate of united nations with a clear warning to pakistan use of wmd will bring retaliation in kind . But this will take time atleast 3 months and will nesseciate relocation of our forces from iraq and afganistan .
4) we can carry out a jont operation with the indians to secure the pakistani nukes and defang its military capability completely . This is the most attarctive option since it will involve minimum risk of american lives and the election is due next year . Our role will be mainly limited to providing specialised weapons and some aerial support while indian army takes on the responsibility of securing the nukes along with some elements of our special forces .

The president thought no more than 15 minutes and a short discussion on the options at last he spoke to the secratary of state and gave the nessecery instructions .

The begining of end of pakistani nation state has just started .
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Post by Shankar »

The air india flight AI102 from new york via london arrived 2 hrs behind schedule . Dipak Sareen indian ambassador to US came out of the first class section and with his diplomatic passport and all was whisked thru the immigration and customs formality to the waiting Honda city which took him straight to PM s residence .He was not carrying any luggage barring a thick sealed manila envelope bearing the seal of President of United States .

Inside the full cabinet commitee on security was waiting having recieved advance intimation of this visit from state department . As the prime minister opened the sealed envelope and read thru the letter his face tightened up noticably and then looked at a number of supporting documents and maps attached with the letter

The meeting started and unlike usal cabinet meetings ther was none of the bohemie and back bittings or suppressed psychopancy - everyone realised this was not the time for it - a decision need to be taken on the fate of a nation and implementing it will invariably put your own in grave risk .

Breaking convention it was decided to include the leaders of opposition in the decision making loop .At the end of the day surprisingly an annoynomous decision reached . The prime ministers principal secratary drafted out the reply and indian ambassador took the return flight AI 101 to new york via london and then the shuttle to washington d.c.

The indian prime ministers reply endorsed by the entire cabinet commitee on security and the leaders of opposition was on oval office desk next morning .
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Post by Shankar »

Vice admiral Baker read the mobilisation notification signed by the secratary of navy 3 times to make sure what he is reading is correct and then set the innumerable cogs of logistics and deplyable platforms in motion.

His first call was to rear admiral John smith in charge of Nimtz carrier group which was expected to berth for refueling within 36 hrs and her aircrafts expected in less than 24 hrs .

Second call to Major general David harris who was the defacto commander airgroup on Diego garcia which included 16 B1 lancees and 36 B52 h heavy bombers

Third call to Rear Admiral Carlton jones ,often called the best naval aviator in united states navy ,commanding the Carl vincent carrier group in northern arabian sea at the moment

Final call to his friend from Malabar ex days vice admiral Khanna in Mumbai who also happened to command the the most powerful fleet of indian navy including the newly aquired russian carrier Vikramaditya . A short conversation later a meeting was fixed at the tourist city of Thiruvanthapuram two days hence .

In a strange development in the kashmir valley the chief minister declared a cesation of counter insurgency operations in the valley for next 15 days as a good will gesture to misguided militants . All special forces personnel on duty was allowed 15 days leave and told to report to home base on board a special military train . The trains destination was known only to a very few senior railway officials who personally did the track switching etc at critical juctions and they never discussed what they did next day.

There was a considerable lull in air strike operations for the next few days as ammo started running low . THE il-76 sorties were cutdown by more than 50% and AN-32 supply fl;ight by almost 30% .

Various pakistani army units breathed a sigh of relief and started strengthening their defensive positions and regrouping their residual airpower .

INS Virat got the urgent signal to return base forthwith for one quick overall and then join the western naval command at Mumbai. No explanation was available nor any where expected .
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Dragon Fire -- HUmPhry Hawskly

Post by b_karan »

The scenerio some what look similar to "Dragon Fire -- HUmPhry Hawskly" except the absence of CHINES element.
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Post by Shankar »

Kareen khan looked over the mornings briefing notes and was confused.Why were the indians scaling down the offensive operations ? .There have been no major arty strike also for the last few days .Navy sources report indian navy appear to be rolling back their blocakade line and heading for base . Reports have just come in that Virat have berthed for short overhaul at cochin shipyard . Indian airforce seem to scaling down thier strike missions too . Looked as if the indians have had enough of war and thier economy cannot take any more .Whatever it is atleast it gave the pakistani forces a chance to recoverfrom the murderous onslaught of last few weeks starting with the devastating strike on karachi naval base where the russian heavy bombers and indian naval strike aircraft ruined all pakistani dream of becoming a great maritime power .

May be it is time test the indian resolve a bit more . Maybe it is time to flash his nuclear card one more time somewhat less ambiguously than during kargil and maybe the indians will go back to international borders -thought Field marshal kareen khan .

That is what was expected out of him and he did not dissapoint his adversaries.

- Air Maritus annonces the arrival of flight MA 3456 from Male .Pasengers departing for male on flight 3457 are requested to complete thier immigration and security check and await departure call ---

Vice admiral Khanna waited expectantly fior his american friend to come out and flashed a big smile as the lean muscled american admiral with 3 of his deputies came out of the immigration in civies . They looked more like a group of back packing tourists in thier colourful shirts and shorts but any careful observer would have noticed the close cropped hairs and the alert scanning eyes and the unusal rolling gait of a naval aviator .

The IAF AN-32 was waiting other side of the tarmac already preflighted
and pilots strapped in . As the navy gypsy came alongside the the rear clamshell doors the crew came to rigid attention as the two admirals came aboard . The props strted turning even before the clam shell closed up and started taxing even before the passengers have started boarding the air maritus return flight .

The flight to cochin was uneventful with a clear winter weather and green paddy field of kerala turning golden.
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Post by Shankar »

Rear admiral Carlton jones glanced at the projected force deployment map of norther arabian sea for the top secret operation yet to be named with the sole objective of of securing pakistans nuclear weapons in asingle go and neytarlise as much as possible of its heavy offensive capability .While indian airforce and its special forces will no doubt bear the brubt of any reprisal the the risk to us carrier groups operating in the region and the special forces in afganstan along with their nato teammates also will be exposed to considerable harm if something should go wrong . The importance of implementting a strict need to know and ensuring strike timming is perfected was of paramount importance .

Compared to this the two gulf wars and kosavo was nothing -here was a known nuclear weapons power who has demonstrated its intent to use its capability even against unarmed civilians time and again and what they will do us/indian forces if given the chance bent on taking out thier nuclear teeth does not call for much imagination . Just on this carrier ther is more than 5700 men and women most of them under 30 .

But once he looked at his ship she made him feel confident . At just under 1100 ft length and displacing 97000 tins and capable of a top unclassified speed of 32 knots ( close to 40 knots achieved during builders trial) she was designed to face a nuclear strike in the vicinity. The twin nuclear reactors generated the motive power to turn the 4 5bladed screws allowing the giant ship to be incredibly aile if need be. The flight deck and hangers were crammed with aircraft of all possible variety and vintage from the vetern tomcats to newer super hornets to the ugly looking e-2c haweye and the anti submarine sea kings and ofcourse the plethora of helicopters . The four steam powered catapults allowed launch of one aircraft every 20 seconds on a sustained basis allowing the capability to launch the entire air wing inless than an hour if the ship is dealt a crippling blow and that much time she will give her crew before sinking by virtue of her thousands of water tight compartments which cricrossed her internals like a giant honeycomb .

Apart from the books and standard navy intel he didnot know much about INS Vikramaditya with who his ship will be pairing up in the comming mision barring The mig 29k s are formidable air to air fighters and indian pilots are as good if not better than many of us combat pilots as demonstrated during a number of joint exercise like in gwalior and kalaikunda. The vikramaditya also packed considerable anti missile punch in form of barak 2 anti missile system whcih should come in handy along with his escorting cruisers aegis controlled sm3s should the pakisatn decide to launch a korean missile at the carrier group .
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Post by eswarpr »


Can I have your e-mail address, or could you kindly send me an e-mail at eswar dot prakash at gmail.com?


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Post by Shankar »

Col Rahul scanned the sky with his high powered field glasses and next to him sprawled on the dusty ground was Major Ranjit checking up the proposed spread of para deplyment once again on his laptop . The large exercise ground looked different with scale models of different buildings some very unusal shape and roads and access ways marked in between. The whole complex was surrounded by tripple wire cartina wires and some of the army guard dogs ,ferocious looking shepards and dobbermans patrolled the space between two layers along with thier handlers. In the distance he could see the SA-6 batteries also ready for any aerial infiltration attempt .In the outer most layer were a dozen T-55 s facing outwards and the whole set up essentially replicated essentially the target and expected fortifications .

Major Ranjit was the score and time keeper .

The mirage 2000 s took even the vetern special forces colonel by surprise . Taking off from Maharajpura air base they have travelled east tuned and dropped to less 100ft at more than 200 kms and then gone full speed dash . 5km from target they zoomed up-split into groups of two and attacked individual sa-6 launchers from 3 different directions at time spacing of less than 30 seconds .The neutralisation of air defense " took less than 2 minutes " .One of the Mirage 2000s got a possible hit from one of the sam crews in the and "ejected " Other five escaped into distant horizon and then came back again to target the shilkas and then flew of to thier home base .

It was a costly "success" -decided Colonel Rahul as he once again focussed on t the distant horizon where the sky met the perched brown earth.

The 4 IL-76 large even at 18000 ft as they came 4 abreast at exaxctly the same altitude and at 2 kms from target the mixed bag of special forces troopers both indian and us strted toppling out of its back .The sky suddenly filled with mushrooming square shaped skydiveres chutes as the one by one the individual groups opened up at 3000 ft and strarted aiming for the designated landing zone .

Once the landing zone perimter was secured the C-130 and the An -32 s came on at less than 500 ft and dropped even further as they approached the heavy drop zone ,the rear clams opened and twin parachutes pulled out the 105 mm indian field guns and the jeep mounted RCL guns along with a couple of 120 mm mortars and at last a pait of tracked BMP 2 s .

The whole operation took 37 minutes .

Not good enough and this is the third time -30 minutes was his deadline and he intend to keep it . He really was not sure why this 30 minute deadline is being enforce by army top brass or the funny shape of buildings with lot of underground linkage which was to be his target -that he will know but not now.

It is said a solid fuelled ballistic missile takes minimum of 30 minutes to come to launch readiness -Col Rahul was not exactly aware of that.
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Post by alexis »


But once he looked at his ship she made him feel confident . At just under 1100 ft length and displacing 97000 tins and capable of a top unclassified speed of 32 knots ( close to 40 knots achieved during builders trial) she was designed to face a nuclear strike in the vicinity.
What kind of tins are these????Weighing 1 ton each? :wink:
Rahul M
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Post by Rahul M »

whatever be the contents of those tins,tomorrow the chinis are going to report on a "top secret " report that US carriers use tin cans for their construction. :rotfl:
hope they use this advanced tech for their new carier. :twisted:
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Post by p_saggu »

Whatever else they may be used for, they are not used to bust :lol: TIN pot dictators like our goody Mushy
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Post by Shankar »

Wing comander Srinath looked back at the impressive line up of Mg 27s lined up behind him 36 air craft strong carrying everything from dumb iron bombs ,cluster bombs ,anti radar missiles and rocket pods . Ofcourse all of them were practice rounds divided in six aircraft flight groups ,as he completed his preflight inspection - no hydraulic leaks ,tyre pressure o.k. ,clean air intakes ,no visible control surface damage ,all safety pins off and the airframe looked good too as he climbed up the aluminium step ladder into the cockpit .

All down the line the his teamamtes were doing the same and a formidable armada of ground strike formation was about to test its capability in a real life situation

- tower- Silkworm flight - permission to start engine
- clear to start engine silkworm flight

The R-29B turbojet started with a whine and soon changed to a throaty roar as jet fuel got injected into the combustion chamber under pressure. Srinath almost stood on the brakes as he switched on the hydraulics and tested flaps for smooth operation within a few minutes the rpm guage stabilised and exhaust temperature was upto minimum .The air took on a shiny sheen as the hot exhaust mingled with cold desert air outside

- tower-silkworm - request permission to taxi
- roger that silkworm taxi to and hold short of runway 27

Slow speed taxing is perhaps one of the most diffcult things in a mig 27 ,though Srinath as he carefully inched the throttle a notch forward and the powerful 17000 +lb thrust engine pushed the nearly 20 ton fully loaded aircraft quickly to 30 km/hr max safe taxi speed up the taxiway .Aclick on his R/T confirmed his wingman S/L Desouza was doing the same .

The Mig 27 family essentially an improved version of vetern Mig 23 group
of aircraft formed the bulk of ex warshaw pacts ofensive ground strike capability .Capable of carrying a wide variety weapons from electrooptically guided air to surface missiles ,precision guided bombs to its 6 barreled Gsh 30 6 gun the 36 aircraft in todays formation could deliver over a single target more than 150 000 kgs of ordanance within 30 minutes if need be - and todays practice run was just to confirm that capability .The laser rangefinder onthe duckbill nose allowed these migs to deliver its deadly cargo with pinpoint accurace and considered a major threat to NATO armour in the plains of germany all thru the cold war .

The Mig 27 first flew in 1972 and then various modifications upgrades followed in form of Mig 27 D /Mig 27 M Mig 27 k and the indian variant Mig 27 L also fondly named as Bahadur .

- Tower -silkworm flight - ready for take off
- Silk worm - standby - USAF C-5 flight on finals-low fuel

The train of 36 aircraft stood still and their pilot fumed and thought some unprintable adjectives on the ATC every minute burning hundreds of litres of precious jet fuel cutting on their loiter time over target

( what they did not know was this delay was also carefully built into the practice scenario to make it more realistic and also the incomming C5 s a good practice of landing in a congested airbase and inadverantly givingthe US pilots a good view of the indian airforces total strike potential on limited notice )

The giant C-5 Galxies landed in quck succession .Srinath thought the runway actually vibrated as they touched down on numerous wheels and extra low undercarriage . As they turned off the runway towards the bomb dump the clerence to take off finally came

-Silk worm flight -cleared for immediate take off
- roger that tower - silk worm rolling

One last check -rpm ok- exhaust temp ok -hydraulic pressure ok -runway clear except a few small birds in distance . As he smoothly advanced the engine throttle all the way to stop still holding down the brakes and then a sharp release of the brakes and the aircraft lurched forward pushing him back into the seat . The air speed indiactor quckly started rolling down

- 10-30 -70- 110- 150- 180- 210- 210 - 220- 230 km/hr

He could feel the controls come alive in his hand as the lift built up and the bird wanted to fly -a series of small jerks tarnsmiited thru airframe confirmed the air speed indiacator that it is time to rotate as he pulled forward the control stick and she hesitated a moment before lifting nose into her element and then in one determined broke free of allground restraints .The vibration died down immediately as Srinath quickly slapped up the undercarriage lever and the three lights turned red . The thud confirmed undercarriage up and locked .The altimeter started rolling down on the tape type panel as he adjusted the head up dispaly panel for correct contrast against solar glare. .Aslight nudge on the stick and the powerful aircraft banked away fromthe runway still climbing and at 500 ft as he pulled back on the stick the air speed quickly went to 600 knots as he punched off the after burner and adjusted the wing sweep angle to 45 degree . The fire range to Pokharan was almot 200 kms away and the "defenders" were waiting .

Behind him the silkworm flight took off in sequence and split up getting ready for a multi axis co ordinated strike on the " defended" target .


The loud speaker blared in a ghostly voice as alert pilots rushed out to their aircarfts each carrying 2 R-77 and 4 R-73 missles apart from usal 150 rounds in their Gsh 30 1 air to air guns . The ground crew quickly connected the power hoses as the shelters filled up with noise of starting jets . The wheel chokes were quickly removed as the 6 mig 29s came out in the open .Their mission " shoot the hell out of the bandits " . Known as perhaps the best air defense aircraft in the world Comparitively less agile Mig 27s will not be a problem for them but they were not prepared for the scale of strike and in the end it is classic russian air strike tactics of using massive numerical superiority that may and will win the day albiet at heavy cost to the "intruderes" .
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Post by Indrajit »

Great stuff Shankar,keep it up.One thing,those MiG-27 are not the upgraded ones I presume. :-?
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Post by Shankar »

Adetachment of airforce police quickly surrounded the C-5 s as the engine noise died down and massive rear ramp opened to ground . Inside were quite a few extra long crates containing quite a few extra heavy and extra long GBU 28 2500 kg bunker busting bombs a surplus from gulf war days .Designed essentialy to penetrate and explode inside hardened shelter and thier penetration capability is claimed to be more than 20 ft of reinforced pre stressed concrete .

Their delivery van was parked nearby -8 jaguars in desert sand camo .The trolleys carried them inside the protected shelters and loading of the massive penetrator bombs strted in earnest
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Post by Shankar »

The develpment of GBU28 was one of the fastest in US history . The project objective was to hit deep inside iraqi comand and com bunkeres during gulf war 1 and at a low cost . So it was required to maximise use of existing material .The bomb casing is essentially artillery tubes filled with shock stabilised explosive so that it does not detonate onimpact but explossion can be triggered by the time delay fuse built in. tHE Tritonal high energy explossive was selected because of its comparitively high resistance to shock detonation and quick burning capability . Approximately 300 kgs of this high energy explossive is filled in each bomb weighing over 2000 kgs rest is hardened low alloy steel designed to contain the explossion for a fraction of a second before releasing the energy in most effective way upwards . Spring loaded fins automatically deploy when released from aircraft to give the much needed terminal guidance accuracy .

A total of 50 GBU 28 was delivered -which was expected to play a critical role in the comming days by severing the pakistani command network and exposing their men on ground to a savage joint attack not seen since second world war but much more precise and systematic.

The C-5 galaxies took off within 3 hrs flying all the way home .The take off was spectacular as the monstrous aircraft used the last inch of available runway space before lifting off gracefuly in a low climb angle . Villagers lining up the air base perimeter could not really believe that something so large and ungainly can actually fly . The engine noise was comparitively muted and the galaxies will be discussed in rajastani village gatherings time and again slowly gaining size and speed till it became almost a folklore . IAF pilots too watched spell bound wishing we had something like that .
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Post by Shankar »

Located in the sparsely populated part of great rajastan dessert the pokhran range came to prominance first in 1974 and then after 14 yrs in 1998 for during multiple nuclear weapon tests . What is not so well known that it also includes in its fold an extensive air-ground weapon testing range regualarly used by indian air force for live fire exercise as well as to perfect low level strike mission in a near realistic terrain situation.

Wing comander Srinath decided to loose some more altitude as he neared the target zone ,at the slightest forward movement of his hand she responded obligingly putting her nose down justa wee bit more and the artificial horizon indicated wings perfectly level as the altimeter roled up a few notches more to settle precisely at 72 ft above ground level . Looking at the rolling sand dunes was both mesmersing and dangerous but rinath had not much option as he scanned the horizon and instruments alternately the aircraft controls becoming an extension of his personal self which almost obeyed his wish . The got air comming up from the dessert floor made the sprint mighty uncomfortable more like riding a maruti over the potholed roads of Jodhpur than a supersonic aircraft at 20 times the speed and weghing 20 times as much - Thought Srinath as he switched on the laser designator and entered the target zone of the range .

The fulcrums dived from the sun opening up with a salvo of R-77 s followed up by a quick turning dive into tail position of the ingressing floggers - 6 "kills " recorded. But the mig 27s were too close to the ground and the fulcrums were too fast they had too options deploy air brakes and loose precious energy or take a wide angle turn and loose precious time they selected former -as the air speed bled off to 400 knots the fulcrums turned in unison right up the hot tail pipes of the floggers and loosened off the 12 odd R-73 s even when they were half way thru their turns -courtesey the helmet mounted sights .

The the unthinkable happened .Srinath who have finished with a perfect direct "hit" looped up and back rolled over and opened up with his gsh 30 6 at point blank range on the lead fulcrum -it had no chance and off she went out of the game . The others tried to repeat the act but was not so effective as the agile fulcrums quickly lit up their afterburners and went vertical . 2 other 29S were however judged kiled /damaged and then the escaped fulcrums came out of thier vertical climb and launched last of thier heat seekers at the escaping Mig 27s claiming 4 more kills .

In all in a 36 -6 engagement profile 10 mig 27s and 3 mig 29s were killed which was not bad for either side but may prove way too expensive for the strike team in a real battle thought the team leader wing comander Srinath as he lined up for his approach to home base .

- tower silkworm 1 request permission to land
- silkworm flight cleared to land on runway 34 -wind 5 knots south east

As he cut power to 65% the air speed indicator quickly scrolled up to 180 knots -flaps to 35 degree -air speed 170 knots -throttle up to 70% power - -lower undercarraige - air speed 160-155 knots -sticks up 5 degree -air speed 150 knots - sink rate 500 ft/min -altitude 200 ft -100- 75-50-25 -touch down - brake chute deploy - cut power - apply wheel brakes and turn off main runway -all dome in less than a minute and the bird was home
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Post by Shankar »

two level below ground in the artficial sun of neon lights final touches were being given to the surprise offensive . One probelem that came up was how to remove the "booty " once secure . At nearly 20 tons each the lead lines stainless steel containers which stopre the enriched uranium 95% pure and plutonium extracted from spent fuel of Khushub reactor and stored for machining and safe keeping in AQK LAB had to be moved out quickly . The russians have graciously agreed "reprocess them once again and give back the entire lot in less concentrated reactor grade form back to the "owning nation" once the hostilities are over .

The nerve centre of pakistani nuclear weapons research and development also happens to be the main storage depot for all the ready to use warheads mainly enriched uranium type with a few plutonium based implossion devices added recently . To an outsider it appears just like any other reserach laboratory with lush green lawns and square shaped buildings with well marked car parks and interconnecting roads . The security is tight but not overwhelming and visits are permitted with prior permission .

It may seem surprising to many at such apparent lack of safety safeguards and casual approach to penetration prevention the reasons for such an approach is far from obvious .

The main complex is all underground .Burried beneath high impact resistant stell plates more than 50 mm thick and a pre stressed concrete more than 5 mtrs thick what shows up on the casual satelite overpass is a huge decoy . The lush lawns and neat roads and the perfectly allighned buildings with its spanking new analytical instruments are for visitors only .

The convoy of Kareen khan stopped near the car park and as his personal security staff made a circle around him one of the trucks in the car park moved back and the access trap door opened silently into which the president of pakistan stepped in quickly as it closed back withing 10 seconds and the truck came back to its original position. The presidential convoy left with blaring sirens to themain gate of the lab.
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Post by Shankar »

The hydraulically operated thick doors closed smoothly and the internal lights came on automatically . As Kareen khan placed both his palms on the scanners and placed his right eye on the laser operated retina scanner the system quickly confirmed his bio metric identity and issues a security pass and the elevator strted its downward journey with a whoosh . When it stopped with barely a jerk once again kareen khan had to look at the eye scaner and the door on other side opened into the ultra modern access control center . The walls were lined with banks of monitors connecetd with close circuit high defination cameras covering every sq cm of the sprawling laboratory complex and special material storage area .

The vast underground complex is in the shape of a giant U with spurs running of in both direction housing individual processing centre and at the end of the tunnel a further hardened steel door controlled access to the fissile material storage and warhead area and very few people ever knew it existed barring those directly responsible.

The complex housed everthing form the numerous ultra high speed maraging steel gas centrifuges to the solvent extraction plant for removing plutonium from spent reactor fuel to the ultra high precision
co ordinate controlled CNC lathes to the high explossive lens fabrication unit used to initiate the implossion of precisely machined plutonium hemi spheres all working seperately but in synchronisatio to produce the nuclear teeth of pakistan .

Kareen khan liked to visit this place as often as he could particularly as the war was not going well for pakistan and continiuos american pressure to cap and close down this particular facility since pakistan-north korean-libyan nexus became known world over . But so far he has resisted the pressure but latest intel sources have sounded a vague warning -something about a joint us-india strike possibility and that made him quite worried . His plan was to remove the finished warheads and a sizable portion of the fissile material to the lawless north west for any evantuality but then that is more easily said than done . What with those damned indian satelites and foxbats always on the look out for a nice photo shoot and the 24 hrs coverage by the US spy in the sky sats giving direct realtime feed back on almost evry inch of sensitive pakistani teritory . But something need to be done and done quickly -thought Kareen khan .

Unknown to him somewhere not more than 500 kms to west the wheels of destiny have already started turning this time it will grind very fine .

The six giant Mi 26 s stood on the tarmac like oversized beetles . Today was an exercise run .They will be escorted by 4 su-30 s all the way to Mahe -make a quick pick up of extra heavy loads (concrete blocks ) and haul them back to pathankot all in the space of 2 hrs . They were not fly at more than 300 ft and at max speed so that the fancy sukhois dont have to fly too many circles around them during ingress and egress .

Squadron leader Dileep ahuja wanted to fly those twin tailed birds himself in his NDA days but during mental aptitude test the instructors assigned him to the chopper .He was a good pilot but not aggresive enough thought they and so this massive trash haulers was his lot .

- Tower - donkey flight - request permission to start motor
- Roger that donkey

Dileep flicked on the circuit breakers and pushed the engine ignition . The extra powerful D-136 engines started with a characteristic backfire and then quickly transited to smooth whine as the massive 8 bladed rotors started turning -no undue vibration -tail rotors ok and the sound became horrendous as the main rotors picked up speed to lift off ,ground crew moved off as far as then can to escape the tornado like down wash as the twin 10000 shaft horse power engines came up to full military power.

Mi-26 is the largest helicopter in the world and that too by a big margin over the second largest.The gross take off weight is morethan twice that of C-47 chinook and internal payload area larger than C-130 Hercules. Develpment work was started in 1970 and first flight took place in 1977.Quite a few modifications were required and the first model joined the soviet military in 1985.

At a stated max take off wt of 56000 kgs and with main rotor dia 105 ft it is always a "pleasure" to fly the mi 26 thought Dileep ahuja as he recieved the take of clearence on R/T . A mini toranado engilfed the take off zone as the ultra heavy helicopter moved a few mtrs forward ,dipped nose and took off like a lumbering giant which it was .

The process was repeated 5 more times and then the donkey flight formed up -no close fancy flyimg for these chopper they arranged themselves ina loose diamond formation and angled forward in a slow bank to starboard . The flankers swooped down on the formarion and threw a protective cordon around in a series of lazy 8 moves as the whole formation moved south east
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Post by Shankar »

Colonel Rahul watched intently as his deputies manhandled the large stell boxed loaded with concrete to the up loading area . There were six such boxes and they were placed 100 ft down a nearby ravine .After securing the area the special forces team were tasked with the impossible to lift those heavy boxes up to the heli pad and hook up all in a space 0f less than 60 minutes .

The last attempts ressulted in toatl failure .the tough special forces from two countries could not even get the boxes out of the ravine in the alloted time and the Mi 26 s did not wait more than 5 minutes in hover .

Nessecity they say is the mother of all inventions an so it was today . There were several hydraulic loaders used by indian airlines in gwalior to laod passenger baggage when gwalor was used by civilian flights way back in 1990s nad the mirage 2000 s were being inducted . Once the commercial flights stopped the hydraulic loaders were left behind and rusting away to glory like so many govt assets all over the country .

The air force engineers hearing their problem suggested use of the baggage loaders and also helped them make it operational overnight by change of some seals ,tyres and a few rusted bearings in return for some out of town promised "friendship activities" which did not merit a serious analysis at least not on colonels level .

The loaders were now hooked up to the trucks and the heavy trucks quickly pulled up the boxes up the guley and to the helipad as the pulsating throb of Mi 26 s filled the sky as came in low and went into hover the hooks were quickly pushed into pre assigned slots and within 3 minutes the first chopper lifted off very very slowly with heavy underslunch load and the soldiers held onto the guide ropes to prevent the box start pendulaming at low altitude which can pitch over the heavy chopper . As the Mi 26 gained altitude the guide ropes were let go and the large beetle noses over ever so gently and was on its way . The second Mi 26 came into position .

The whole operation took 57 minutes .The second piece of puzzle was finally in place
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Post by Shankar »

Vice admiral Baker was thoughtful as he tooked at the keyhole satelite iamgery of the target area .The photo anaylsts have marked out the dense ring of croatle air defense missiles and multilayer of radar controlled anti aircraft guns all arond the small town ship . Even assuming 50% of those are decoys extensive air defense supression activity wil be required before the indian team goes in with their large choppers and transporters -thought he . Add to it the vast number of portable sams like stingers and anaz which should be there .There is only one way to ensure the safety of the mission in areasonable full proof manner he decided as he looked out into the sprawling base and the neat row of bomb proof hard shelters as one of their residents came in to land with earth shattering roar of its eight engines .There is no way to avoid the use of saturation bombing -The B-52 H turned off the runway and cut power as it approached the parking apron in all its majesty .

He picked up the secured tripple encrypted sat phone first to take clearence from pacific comand and then talked briefly with the carrier group commanders .

The 32 hornets and 12 Mig 29k earmarked for the mission of escorting the heavy bombers planned to start their own practice against IAF mirage 2000 s over arabian sea 200 kms off the coast of Goa .

The third piece of giant puzzle was in place .


Kareen khan had one more look at the defensive deployment around the sensitive installation. With a soldiers eye it was not difficult for him to identify the lacunas and he quickly moved to rectify the situation to Brgadier Khushoob

- requisition and position a regiment of T-55 s around the outer perimeter -the indians may be crazy enough to launch an entabee style raid to disrupt our production scedule

- wheel out 2 Nodongs into souther forst area and keep evrything ready for a launch within 30 minutes .You may load the warhead but do not feed the target co ordinates and flight path -shall let you know details within a day .

- double the number of croatle launchers from the fersh consignment we have recieved .

- The radar intercept room should be double manned from now on no break in survilance is permitted

- The stinger teams will have to be given the authority to shoot at anything flying within 10 kms of this facility Please issue the nessecery NOTAM thru airforce authorities . From now on this area is a strict no fly zone even for PAF aircraft .

-you are to personaly supervise implementation fo these orders and submit an actio taken report within 24 hours .

-yes sir replied a tensed up brigadier Khushoob as he thought the commander in chief may be is loosing the cool . He was dead wrong ofcourse .Kareen khan s soldiers instinct has not lied but he could not be faulted for the magnitude of comming disaster simply because he was not awre of american indignation of their citizens killed and world reaction to a nuclear blackmail .

Too little -too late
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Post by Shankar »

Air commodore T Bhasin sat quitely in the front row as the squadron leader carried on with latest intel brief .Around him was the all squadron commanders from jodhpur IAF station and al the Mi 26 pilots . The left corner was occupied by the USAF /USN pilot group with the usal extra casual but very alert attitude .

-Gentle men we have a diffcult situation inthe target area .It is estimated at least 24 cratle launchers are placed in 3 concentric circles around the target .Recent sat images show some more being added in between in random fashion .

We can assume there would be an equal number if not more man portable sams like stingers independently located in random fasion just inside the target zone

Humanit sources confirm presence of more than 72 radar controlled anti aircraft guns just outside the perimeter wall .

4 F-16 s are always on combat air patrol equipped with mostly sidewinders some of 9x variety and we suspect the 50 odd AMRAAM they recieved recently is also depoyed with falcons in this area .

The us pilot group visibly squirmed at the last piece of information

It is believed the PAF will defend this target with everything it has got since this forms the basis of their national identity . We can expect they wil throw in atleast the last ful stenght squadron of falcons and two squadrons of mirages from nearby bases and may be call in the reserve from north west .

Our sources indicate that a missile launch with nuclear warhead is a clear possibility during the strike in progress .

That is all gentlemen -air commodore please .

Air commodore Bhasin stood up the outline strike plan and the room erupted in a volley of questions
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Post by alexis »

Nice build-up..........
Waiting for the Grand Finale
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Post by Shankar »

Air commodore T Bhasin opened his power pont presentation with a broad target list

-Khan research laboratories -Kahuta
- Chagai hills nuclear test facilities
-Pakistani Ordinance factory -Wah
- Heavy water coled natural uranium fuelled reacor -Karachi
- Chasma 1 light water reactor
- Chasma 2 light water cooled reactor
- Pakistan atomic researh reactor originally designed for highly enriched uranium operation then modified to run with low enrichment grade uranium- Rawalpindi
- Pakistan atomic reaserch reactor 2 heavywater cooled natural uranium fuelled reactor -Rawalpindi
- Sihala ultra centifuge design and testing facility
- Golra protype ultra centrifuge plant
- Uranium enrichment facility -Wah
- Pinstech plutonium solvent extraction facility -Rawalpindi
- Baghalchar uranium mine
- Dera Ghazi khan - uranium mine
- Isa khel uranium ore processing plant under trial operation
- Quobul khel uranium mine and ore processing
- Lahore uranium milling plant

The objective gentlemen is not only to take out the fissile materail storage and live warheads but also to completely destroy the pakistani nuclear infrastructure in one go over a six hour of intensive air operations . Apart from Kahuta where joint us-indian special forces will operate to secure the ready warheads and consequently call for close air support od a highly precise nature rest of the targets will attract essentially saturation high altitude air-ground strike of heavy tonnage and will be essentially carried out by B-52 detachments operating out of Diego garcia . They will be escorted in southern pakistan by USN F-18s and F-14s and in northern pakistan by IAF Su 30 mki s operating out of Chandigarh and Pathankot .

Kahuta air strike will be handled By IAF Jaguars and Mig 27s and the military airlift part by IAF An 32/Il 76 fissile material removal by Mi 26 contingent who will be flying out of Pathankot only after the area is fully secure . Top cover will be provided by Mig 29s out of Ambala .

2 phalcon no 1 and 3 will be deployed and consequently awac support will be available all thru out the mission. Refuelling stations will also be available to both USAF and IAF aircraft from the 4 IL-78s in designated safe areas .

Since most of the hornet and tomcat fleet will be in extended mission over hostile teritory INS Virat will joining the Carl Vinson carrier group and INS Vikramaditya will be joining the Nimitz carrier group to bolster the fleet air defense capability and act as war wastage reserve for the entire duration of the mission which may extend to more than 12 hrs though we do not anticipate that at this moment .

Phalcon 1 will be the overall command post and two indian and us airforce generals will be present to provide command decisions . Phalcon 1 will always be over indian air space and escorted by su-30s . Phalcon 3 will be operating in hostile airspace in the later satges of the mission particularly during warhead and fissile material removal and act as alternate comunication link and helpline in the sky to both air and ground forces .

Now here are the individual air tasking orders ------
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Post by Shankar »

The kahuta nuclear complex is admitably the hardest target in pakistan . The air defense of kahuat assumed top most priority after israeli attack on iraqs nuclear reacot near Bagdad -an osirak type nuclear reactor called Tammuz 1 .It was reported israeli airforce had contingency palns drawn up for a similar strike on kahuta complex too eiether from indian bases or flying long distance over the seas with air to air refuelling. It was also reported israel built up a full scale mock up of the complex at nagev dessert for the airforce pilots to train on .Israeli awacs were to do a broad frequency radar jamming during the strike itself . However this plan was never implemented so its authencity remains to be verified but it did alert PAF to the threat situation .

President Kareen khan went over the details of air defense ground environment plan once again -something in his gut tols him of the coming disaster but still he could not put his finger on the exact problem so he kept on analysing the security threat from all angles .

The air defense of pakistan involves all the four command headquarters namely
1) HQ NORSEC based on PAF base at Chakla and under operational command of northern air comand
2)HQ CENSEC based on sargodha and under operational command of central air comand
3)HQ WESSEC based on PAF base at Samungli and under operAtional command of central air command
4)HQSOUSEC based at PAF base at Faisal and falling under the operational comand of souther air command .

Aicrafts available for interceptions missions in case of a large strike before the start of hostilities are no longer valid particularly after the devastating raid on Masroor and Sargodha but still sizable albeit at 35-45% strength
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Post by Shankar »

- So what are the chances of a radio active contamination aftera sucessful air strike and what if the mission is not a complete sucess ?asked the soft spoken prime minister of india

The senior radiation expert from BARC took his time as he collected his thoughts on a momentous question which might very well have a direct impact on the fate of a nation

" sir , the modern nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons are designed to be inherently safe that is they will not explode and release radiation into atmosphere if not specifically programmed to do so . The reactors operate under a series of automated safeguards which will sut down the nuclear reactor in eben of over temperature ,vibration , coolant circulation failure etc . The chances of an acciedental radiation leakage in any significant quantity is negligible in case of a precision air strike "

The same is true for ready nuclear warheads . They are designed to with stand enormous pressure and temperature .It will not explode even if put in fire or hit by a bullet . It cannot automatically arm itself to explode by shock or heat . It is designed to withstand enough g forces if idverantly dropped from a height of 60000 ft . All that will happen is the arming circuit will get damaged and the weapon rendered useless .

" Sir " The air chief interjected " we are not planning a destruction of the reactor core itself ,our object is to destroy the supporting infrastructure like process plants ,precision machine shops , storage and fabrication facilities and finally remove all the ready weapons and fissile material stock to a "safe" location .The americans are going to strike the uranium mines and test facilities so that it will be very difficult for them to restart their programme again and then we are not going to allow the to do that as long as the political support exists for such preemptive action like israel did in iraq.

-what if they manage to launch a missile or two at our capital ?
- sir the chances are remote if it happens we have to depend on our PAC 3 /S-400 /akash systems . But then that can happen even if we do not strike .
The logic was irrefutable and the prime minister of india accepted it as he signed the final ops order and the defense minister counter signed it .

" operation VAJRA was a go at last.

US ambassador to made a courtesy visit to the president over breakfast .No aides were present and the discussion was not made public . However some sources within the presidential palce reported that the us amabassador took pains to explain to the visibly shaken president -any escalation of the present conflict over the nuclear threshold will be considered a hostile act on humanity and the world commnity will look on such an act extremely unfavourably and that community includes nuclear powers like US and Russia all of whom will not hesitate to use any means at their disposal to ensure such act is never repeated

As he franticaly tried to contact Bejing -strangely the lines were all down .
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Post by JCage »

Man this is way too Clancyish, joint ops with Unkil against TSP who predictably does the most stupid things it can. As if.
And the luverly world community is outraged. Please.

Am sorry to say this, but the story has lost any semblance of reality.
BRF Oldie
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Post by JTull »

JCage wrote:Man this is way too Clancyish, joint ops with Unkil against TSP who predictably does the most stupid things it can. As if.
And the luverly world community is outraged. Please.

Am sorry to say this, but the story has lost any semblance of reality.
I agree. You can see people's reaction by how many hits this thread gets. I think the original thread broke all records in the BRF.
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Joint ops with Unkil

Post by Rien »

I'm not exactly a pro US booster .. and joints ops with Unkil against Pakistan are not exactly impossible.


I think maybe BR needs to change its mind on the Democrats. I think it is a great shame John Kerry didn't win the presidency. He and I and probably the other jingos in BR think alike.
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Post by JCage »

Boss read what the thread has come to, and the ludicrous theme of the International community giving a flying...if you know what I mean...if only life were so easy and the Pakis so stupid...vile yes, but cunning as well..
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Post by Shankar »

The 24 B-52H lined up on the taxiway getting ready for a routine minimum interval take off perfected in cold war days . Their long flight will take them west of Maldives and Srilanka then enter indian airspace near Thirvanthapuram a short eastern detour over Pune onto Udaipur-Pthankot and then west once again to thier respective targets deep inside pakistan . The IAF flankers were supose to join them some where over Punjab and escort them all the way in . Hope they are on time thought Lt col Tim Rogers as he rolled the lumbering giant bomber into the hammerhead -the junction where the taxiway meets the main acitve runway 13 steching almost the entire length of the small tropical island .

- Condor flight -cleared for minimum interval take off -fly runway heading-climb 35000 ft -turn left 310 -contact eagle 1 at altitude -good luck and good hunting

Col Tim rushed thru his 29 pint check list second in line for take as the first stratofortress lined up for take of . The bigest difficulty in this kind of massed take of is always visibility and air turbulance on the runway created by the preceding bomber . In practical terms it means a very rough take off roll and initial climb out and that is definitely ot a comforting experience.

The cloud of black smoke from the black powder cartiges still hung in the air and that was bolstered by the exhaust of 8x24 j-57 turbo jet engines running on 50% plus power level .

Smoke filled the runway as the lead bomber went to full take off power and started rolling .Col Tim checked his digital watch for a cursory 12 second wait as the smoke and black soot almost engulfed his aircraft . The burnt rubber marks on runway looked even more dirty under the circumstances as his navigator Lt col Rebeca counted out the seconds at 5 he pushed all the eight throttle lever smoothly forward . The massive aircraft shuddered as more than 48000 kgs of thrust pushed it along the runway centre line to its take off point . A quick glance at the water injection panel all lights were out which meant deionised water is being sprayed into the compressor section of the eight pratt and whitneu engines J-57-P-19W turbojets and ressulted in temporarily increasing the available takeoff power by close to 15% . As runway centre line dots started moving faster. Keeping the aircraft on centerline was a big problem as the wake turbulance from the earlier flight hit the massive airframe continious bursts.
- 85 knots-called in the navigator and still climbing the air speed indicator seemed to be on an extra slow drive -125 knots and atlast the B-52 has atlast reached comitment speed no more aborted take off now thought col Tim as he removed his hand from throttle and tightened his grip on the control yoke -his navigators hand slid up the throttle quadrant and firewalled it .The lead bomber took off from the end of the runway and that wing tip vortexs worsened making control even more diffcult
at last the cheeful voice of his navigator called out

160knots - V2 -rotate and col Tim was mighty relieved to finally pull back on the stick and the B-52 moved into flight majestically with its full wt of fuel and weapons totaling nearly 200000 kgs into the dark clody skies over indian ocean for a 7 hrs journey to combat and hopefully another seven hour back to base