Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

My other feeling is that DT will order the sinking of NoKo's biggest submarine, which is considered to pose an SLCM threat. That is not enough provocation to get Diyar Fatson to go to war (which will be regime-ending) but enough to convey a message of Macchoness. Already notorious sh1ts such as Dan Rather feel that DT is gaining popularity by dropping a few bombs where BO was content to make speeches.

Probably a few hunter-killer subs and Orions on the prowl to do their thing quietly while the surface flotilla gets all the attention.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by chola »

Come on! Somebody drop something! Suspense is killing me.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by komal »

UlanBatori wrote:My other feeling is that DT will order the sinking of NoKo's biggest submarine, which is considered to pose an SLCM threat. That is not enough provocation to get Diyar Fatson to go to war (which will be regime-ending) but enough to convey a message of Macchoness. Already notorious sh1ts such as Dan Rather feel that DT is gaining popularity by dropping a few bombs where BO was content to make speeches.
Yet, they called him Obomber and worse.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Kashi »

ShauryaT wrote:Korea and China are civilizational cousins.
No more or no less that Korea and Japan or Japan and China. Koreans- North or South- still have claims over extensive tracts of China's North East since it was a part of the Goryo kingdom.
komal wrote:Yet, they called him Obomber and worse.
To be fair, BO did win the Nobel Peace Prize. Not sure if DT is getting one anytime soon.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by komal »

Kashi wrote:
ShauryaT wrote:Korea and China are civilizational cousins.
No more or no less that Korea and Japan or Japan and China. Koreans- North or South- still have claims over extensive tracts of China's North East since it was a part of the Goryo kingdom.
komal wrote:Yet, they called him Obomber and worse.
To be fair, BO did win the Nobel Peace Prize. Not sure if DT is getting one anytime soon.
The only drones DT will send into TSP are the ones that are paid for by US taxpayers for use against India.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

Obama O-bombed Pahkeestan. $352 million in aid delivered by ship and cargo plane, $500M in bombs and missiles delivered by Predator and Reaper and F-16. But hey, I am not letting the thread get hijacked. Morbid fascination with the coming trainwreck is far more important.

Nausea time: A Dramatic Moment Aboard Air Force 2 :roll:
After all, how often does one land in South Korea, immediately board a military helicopter and fly over Seoul to get to a destination?
Dumbos missed a great sight: Had they taken the road, as they came off the Causeway connecting Seoul to Incheon, they would have seen the first tall building rising on the mainland, flashing "TRUMP" in a huge neon sign.

Apparently Air Force 2 is a B-757: one of the most uncomfortable and ugliest airliners every built.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

Now WHOTUS/NSC speaks for PeeAllSee as well!
The United States and China both agree that North Korea's nuclear program cannot be allowed to continue, according to US national security adviser HR McMaster.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by ShauryaT »

Kashi wrote:
ShauryaT wrote:Korea and China are civilizational cousins.
No more or no less that Korea and Japan or Japan and China. Koreans- North or South- still have claims over extensive tracts of China's North East since it was a part of the Goryo kingdom.
Kashi: I come from a certain academic perspective when using the above words. The purpose is to demarcate the lines to help understand how the world order is constructed. Towards this, Samuel Huntington does not include Japan as part of the Sinic civilization, as he uses a cultural demarcator and deems Japan to be sufficiently culturally separate from Sinic to have its own cultural zone. Hopefully provides context of the usage.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Kashi »

ShauryaT wrote:Kashi: I come from a certain academic perspective when using the above words. The purpose is to demarcate the lines to help understand how the world order is constructed. Towards this, Samuel Huntington does not include Japan as part of the Sinic civilization, as he uses a cultural demarcator and deems Japan to be sufficiently culturally separate from Sinic to have its own cultural zone. Hopefully provides context of the usage.
I understand where you are coming from. While, I cannot claim to fully understand where Samuel Huntington comes from, I reiterate my point that China, Korea and Japan, though are their own "cultural zones", they are equally similar and/or dissimilar to each other overall. Think of them like three sides of an equilateral triangle. There are many common themes and many distinct elements. For instance, Japan still uses Chinese characters aka Kanji as a part of their alphabet (and most of them in the same), while Koreans did away with Chinese characters, quite sometime ago.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Lilo »

(Han superiority complex + Middle kingdom mindframe) == Korea is the natural balancer of China on the mainland & the sealanes(Korean peninsula will be landward part of the 1st island chain encircling China)

>Korean is an isolated language single pitch system more akin to Japanese while Chinese is a tonal language, food , popular culture utterly different to china.
>Historical memory of Chinese invasions & occupations strongly ingrained into korean culture.
>Combine it with 65 years of US influence likely to persist - China will be utterly incapable of trusting an united strong Korea.
>Most importantly China is led by a communist cabal, Korea is a capitalist democracy.

SoKo's current status
-its a manufacturing+techno economic power
-its softpower by my perception is stronger than that of China as on today.Read up on
the Korean Wave phenomenon.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

All of which can be ended with a 40-minute bombardment from NoKo, which is the big threat. OTOH, I note that CNN already has reporters squatting at the Luxury Hotel 4 RoundEyes in Pyongyang (how many of those do they have at the new Street of Skyscrapers that was unveiled at the latest parade I wonder..) This is to watch the fireworks from the F-117 / B-2 initial HARM wave followed by the attack to short out the power plants. Though with the recent targeting coordination exhibited in Syria, plus the general love of See Enn Enn in certain quarters of DupeeCity, one may expect a 2000-pounder to land smack dead center through the hotel roof down the elevator shaft.

I am sure See Enn also has zoom lenses stationed on the hills well away from downtown Seoul.
(Hence this thread... shamelessly watching in morbid fascination as a mega-tragedy unfolds..)
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

The other point of curiosity is how this is unfolding. GeeDubya was likewise gung-ho about showing PeeAllSee its propah place. Until the EP-3 was eventually returned in pieces in several crates. Statements like
are sure to cause great mirth in Great Hall Of The People. Surely Wee Dong &Co are licking their chopsticks in anticipation of eating the YooEss WHOTUS for lunch.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Singha »

if Noko goes under who is the next proxy for nuclear testing ?

my guess is Iran, after china has goaded the US to attack iran and do some damage, further putting the radical islamists in charge ... who will look to china for arms and protection :twisted:
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

Meanwhile... China regards SoKo with the same love and affection with which US regards noKO.

Equal-equal. US wants China proxy to remove IRBMs, China wants US proxy to remove anti-IRBM defenses.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Atmavik »

can someone tell me how all of this impacts "FATE Changer CPEC"?
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Austin »

Trump Considering "Kinetic Military Action" On North Korea Including "Sudden Strike" ... den-strike
Following Sunday's failed medium-range missile test by Kim Jong-Un, President Donald Trump has been evaluating his response options and according to Bloomberg, which cited a "person familiar with his thinking", is willing to consider ordering "kinetic" military action, including a sudden strike, to "counteract North Korea’s destabilizing actions in the region"

However, before launching another offensive campaign - or war as some would call it - Trump’s preference is for China to take the lead on dealing with North Korea, according to the source.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Gagan »

This whole build-up to NoKo being pest-e-shaheedized might turn out to be one big KLPD

One hopes that No Ko's haramigiri will be called out and their military capability be taken out post-haste by Mr Trump. But one can see that there are behind the scenes down hill skiing and browning of the pants ceremonies going on in both beijing and pyongyang, which I suspect will lead to this whole thing ending in a damp squib
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

WTH is "kinetic action"? Like Pakis going downhill from Kargil? :mrgreen:
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Gagan »

Pakis are multi-taskers.
They were downhill skiing AND browning their pants at the same time.

Imagine the scene from the vantage point of the Indian soldiers on top of those hills...
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

Lavrov has fired the first salvo in bringing out the other side of the narrative. It is quite correct that sanctions have been mainly aimed to starve NoKoreans.
1. The US never ended the Korean War. There was an Armistice/Ceasefire and disengagement at the DMZ. But the NoKos are right in that the US for 70 years maintains a state of war against them.
2. The war itself: Note that NoKos had recently won against the Japanese invaders. Their effort to unite the country was thwarted by the SoKo dictatorship, then bolstered by US invasion. Then the North came visiting Seoul, so SoKo was raped a second time (after the Japanese). Then the Americans invaded and SoKo was raped again. The North was invaded and raped (and I mean that very literally) by the "UN Police Action". Then the UN under MacArthur swept up to the Yalu river, and came "kinetic"ing as fast as they could retreat, which was not fast enough for tens of thousands. Then the Chinese swept through NoKo, and came charging south. I think they again took over Seoul, but then the UN fought back and pushed the NoKo back to the present DMZ.

But no one won the war, so the US still nurses that grudge. There is much truth to the NoKo claim that without nukes they would be eaten up by soKo, Japan and US. The "aid" that one hears about, is mostly show and drama. For instance, NoKo was given a promise that the US would build thermal power plants instead of the nuclear ones if NoKo would denuclearize. But the engineers working on the thermal plants were told very clearly (I heard that on NPR from the engineers, not from Russian propaganda) to **NEVER** finish the job and allow the power plants to open. So its no wonder that the NoKo regime also does its back-and-forth drama.

OTOH, the Korean War is considered a holy part of PeeAllSee history, meriting a whole floor of the museum in Beijing. Culturally, they are not going to sell the NoKos down the river to the RoundEye Capitalist Imperialist Paper Tigers.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Rudradev » ... s-after-us

China, Russia Send Ships After US Aircraft Carrier
The Salt Lake Tribune, April 17th, 2017

Both China and Russia have deployed "intelligence-gathering vessels" (sic) to tail the Carl Vinson CBG it seems.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

Why don't they pool resources and sort-of set up a website to upload the data that they collect I wonder. :LOL
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by KLNMurthy »

UlanBatori wrote:As the Carpenters crooned:
Its Yesterday Once More....

Or, as the Beatles brayed:
Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
And now it looks like they are here to stay
We can only bray that we don't end up as Black Rain, and all of NoKo's No Dongs will fizzle with the best of them.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

V all have 2 "go". I'd rather do that in a flash and come down as rain on whoever, than suffer through The Day After etc wasting time trying to dig up and eat roots as my insides wait for the radiation to dissolve them. Living for past many many saal in a place that is Ground Zero for at least 20MT worth of mijjiles to make sure I vaporize in the Firsht Ishtrike onlee.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by KLNMurthy »

UlanBatori wrote:V all have 2 "go". I'd rather do that in a flash and come down as rain on whoever, than suffer through The Day After etc wasting time trying to dig up and eat roots as my insides wait for the radiation to dissolve them. Living for past many many saal in a place that is Ground Zero for at least 20MT worth of mijjiles to make sure I vaporize in the Firsht Ishtrike onlee.
yeah, that's a bad deal.

You are going to die in agony.
But first, have some roots.
And here's a spade & shovel. You have to dig for the roots first.

probably there's some way to skip the dig-and-eat-roots step.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by komal »

Rudradev wrote: ... s-after-us

China, Russia Send Ships After US Aircraft Carrier
The Salt Lake Tribune, April 17th, 2017

Both China and Russia have deployed "intelligence-gathering vessels" (sic) to tail the Carl Vinson CBG it seems.
I think it is safe to assume what strategic intelligence the DT NSC has not passed onto the Russians, the House Intelligence Committee has. And the vessels are just there to gather technical/tactical information.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

You really have to watch this - for the rabidly hysterical war-drum-beating -By the CNN TalkingHead
United Nations (CNN)Only at a North Korean press conference at the United Nations, can you hear a diplomat say he hoped journalists had a good holiday weekend and then warn of possible thermonuclear war. {The dumbass hasn't read hystery or he would know that Pakistan's convicted woman-beater UN rep did worse back in 2002 }

The press event was held hours after US Vice President Mike Pence {opened his stupid mouth and spouted His Master's Noise}

North Korea's UN ambassador condemned the US naval buildup in the waters off the Korean Peninsula, plus the US missile attacks on Syria. Kim said, "It has created a dangerous situation in which thermonuclear war {interesting choice of terminology saying they already have a weaponized fusion capability freshly arrived from PeeAllSee: then why test an underground test I wonder}
may break out at any moment on the peninsula and poses a serious threat to world peace and security."

The deputy ambassador, reading from a statement, told reporters, "The US is disturbing the global peace and stability and insisting on the gangster-like logic that its invasion of a sovereign state is 'decisive, and just, and proportionate' and contributes to 'defending' the international order in its bid to apply it to the Korean Peninsula as well." {instead of leaving the Democratic Peaceful Republic of Korea to pursue its program of developing ballistic missiles and thermonuclear weapons aimed at Japan and US}
Kim said his country is ready to react to any "mode of war" from the United States. Any missile or nuclear strike by the United States would be responded to "in kind," said the North Korea representative.

North Korea's UN representative said the maneuvers show the "US reckless moves for invading the DPRK (North Korea) have reached a serious phase." The United Nations Spokesman Stephane Dujarric told journalists, "We're obviously deeply concerned about the rising tensions that we've seen in the Korean Peninsula. We call on all to redouble their diplomatic efforts. "
The North Korean deputy ambassador was asked to respond to President Donald Trump's comment that North Korea should "behave better." He declined, {being very well-behaved}.
He denounced the United States for introducing into the Korean Peninsula -- what he called "the world's biggest hotspot" -- its "huge nuclear strategic assets, seriously threatening peace and security of the Peninsula and pushing the situation there to a brink of war."

Dujarric said, "I think the latest launch that we saw over the weekend from the DPRK was troubling. We call on the DPRK to take all the steps necessary to deescalate the situation and return to a dialogue on denuclearization."
North Korea is upset that the UN Security Council will hold a meeting on the situation later this month, with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson presiding. Pyongyang again said it has sent letters demanding its own hearing at the Security Council for alleged US abuses, but they have been ignored by a council which has seen numerous council resolutions violated by North Korean missile and nuclear tests.
Journalists were asked to give their names on a sheet passed around by the North Koreans, but the sign-up sheet was left behind apparently when the news conference concluded.:((
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

probably there's some way to skip the dig-and-eat-roots step.
Sure, but I don't know where I can buy the stuff needed.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

The Brainless calling the Reckless Clueless
We don't know..
For once Cardin spoke the truth
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

SoKoreans say hysteria is roundeye problem

Donkeystani Nausea Alert :P

government agents who stamp your passport (and demand your fingerprints on a fancy electronic device) have the same authoritarian air as in most countries. But they’re a far cry from the grim and determined Customs and Border Patrol agents who have become notorious under President Trump for their rude and insulting behavior toward foreign visitors and refugees.
 For the most part, the US media have been split between lurid speculation about what such a war might look like and gleeful guesswork about whether Trump will send SEAL Team 6 assassination squads to take out Kim Jong-un, the North’s boyish, 33-year-old dictator.

Observers with deep understanding of Korean affairs, such as John Delury, a professor at Seoul’s Yonsei University who recently mapped out a sensible plan for diplomacy with the North in The New York Times, are rarely consulted. And, as is usual with coverage of North Korea, most American reporting lacks any historical context, includes virtually no Korean voices, and is almost universally in favor of the confrontational approach adopted by both Trump and his predecessor, Barack Obama.

As the historian Bruce Cumings pointed out in The Nation last month, the American press assiduously avoids any mention of the horror inflicted on the North by US warplanes during the Korean War, as well as the long history of US military provocations on the peninsula. (His article should be required reading for anybody seeking to understand Kim’s motives; perhaps Chris Hayes, a Nation editor at large, would consider inviting Cumings on his MSNBC show, All In with Chris Hayes, to counter the inflammatory, one-sided discussions on his network.)

Sadly, though, NBC has been the source for the most abysmal stories. On April 13, the network, citing “multiple senior US intelligence officials,” proclaimed that Trump was “prepared to launch a preemptive strike with conventional weapons against North Korea should officials become convinced that North Korea is about to follow through with a nuclear weapons test.”

But the story was widely rebuked as reckless and without foundation. According to South Korea’s Hankyoreh, “reporters covering the South Korean Ministry of National Defense for other US news outlets unanimously dismissed the report as false. South Korean foreign affairs sources bluntly called the report ‘a canard.’” The story was so outlandish that the Trump administration itself was forced to repudiate it, with a National Security Council spokesperson telling ABC the story was “way wrong.”
{ABC or NBC? Hu cares?}

Pyongyang, of course, added its own hyperbole. “North Korea will immediately make its own kind of appropriate super-hardline response according to the kind and the intensity of the American provocation,” the Korean People’s Army declared in a statement on April 14, Hankyroreh reported.

If attacked, the KPA said, it was prepared to strike, including with nuclear weapons, at “all of the bases of evil,” including the US military bases “in South Korea such as those at Osan, Gunsan and Pyeongtaek.” In a swat at Japan and the US bases there, the KPA reminded Trump “that all American bases throughout the Pacific region, including those on Guam, Okinawa and the Japanese main island, are within the sights of our strategic rocket forces.”

The sensational US coverage and the North’s statements convinced many Americans that war was imminent. My 93-year-old father in California, who worked as a missionary in Korea for many years, was deeply frightened by the reports. All last week I received e-mails and Facebook messages from family and friends urging me to come home as soon as I could. My response was always: No worries, ordinary South Koreans are not concerned at all.

 With the exception of a tiny minority of fanatical anti-communists, South Koreans have largely been unfazed by the headlines. “I’m much more worried about anything President Trump might do than the threats of war and retaliation from North Korea,” a friend of mine who teaches engineering at a local university in Gwangju told me over dinner one night. His sentiment is widely echoed throughout South Korea.

In Seoul, people are going about their regular business. “For many South Koreans, the concerns about the North can feel like a rite of spring, along with the rain showers or the cherry blossoms that crowds flock to see this time of year,” two Seoul-based reporters for The Wall Street Journal wrote last Friday. On Saturday, James Pearson, the Reuters correspondent in Seoul, took time out from his extensive coverage of North Korea’s missile tests to tweet that “South Koreans in general are not interested in the fireworks north of the DMZ.” {as long as they have American nuclear umbrella and air superiority}

As if to make his point, that day thousands of South Koreans turned out nationwide for an emotional issue close to home: observing the third anniversary of the Sewol ferry disaster. In 2014, more than 300 people, most of them high-school students, died when the ferry capsized just over a mile from shore. Many Koreans blame their recently deposed president, Park Geun-hye, for the government’s botched rescue of the ship. (She was indicted for bribery, abuse of power, and other corruption charges on Monday.) Park’s cold response to the victims—she was reportedly getting her hair done during the disaster and refused to meet with the bereaved families—was a key factor in the movement to impeach her.

 In fact, preventing a return to conservative, right-wing rule seems to be the dominant theme for Korean citizens. In Gwangju, which was the scene of a violent South Korean military crackdown and massacre in May 1980, the focus is the country’s future after Park’s forced resignation and recent arrest. The sentiment was best expressed by a large sign in Gwangju’s downtown last week (seen in my photograph at the top of this post). It demanded the immediate imprisonment of Park and the chiefs of Samsung, Lotte, and other conglomerates under investigation for bribing her while she was in office.

To be sure, the escalating rhetoric between the United States and North Korea over the past few weeks, as well as Trump’s threats to “do it alone,” have greatly alarmed Korean politicians of all stripes.

South Korea will choose its next president on May 9. The two leading candidates, the liberal Moon Jae-in and the more centrist Ahn Cheol-soo, have wide leads over the likely conservative candidate, Hong Jun-pyo. The United States has been closely following the election with growing trepidation. As I reported last year before Park was deposed, US military officials and analysts have expressed alarm that the left opposition could win this year.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Austin »

North Korean ambassador warns thermonuclear war may break out anytime

UNITED NATIONS, April 18. /TASS/. US is destabilizing the situation on the Korean peninsula and a thermonuclear war may break out in the region at any moment, the North Korean ambassador to the UN, Kim In Ryong told reporters on Monday.

He leveled sharp criticism at the US and South Korea for conducting the war games of unprecedented scope and scale and said they could entail dire consequences for peace in the region.

"As everybody knows, nowadays the US without any hesitation perpetrates military attacks and threatens a sovereign state while claiming "peace by strength," Ambassador Kim said. "The recent US massive missile attack on Syria tells you well of it."

"The US is disturbing global peace and stability and insisting on the gangster-like logic that its invasion of a sovereign state is "decisive, just and proportionate" and contributes to "defending" the international order in its bid to apply it to the Korean peninsula as well," the ambassador said.

"The US introduces into the Korean peninsula, the world’s biggest hotspot, huge nuclear strategic assets, seriously threatening peace and security of the peninsula and pushing the situation there to the brink of a war," Kim said.

"This has created a situation in which a thermonuclear war may break out at any moment on the peninsula and posed a serious threat to world peace and security, to say nothing of those in Northeast Asia," he said.

The ambassador stressed North Korea’s resolve to stay calm in the face of aggressive policies of the Donald Trump Administration, which keeps deploying armaments in South Korea and trumpeting about its intentions to seek peace through the use of force along the way.

The DPRK has never begged for peace but is prepared to take tough countermeasures in order to defend itself with its military might and to move down the pathway it has chosen for itself, Kim said adding that Pyongyang was going to bring the US to account for aftermaths of the Americans’ actions.

"The DPRK’s measures for bolstering up nuclear force are self-defensive ones to cope with the US vicious nuclear threat and blackmail," he said. "They reflect the determination of the army and people of the DPRK to counter nukes and the ICBM in kind."

Kim also said the North Korean authorities had never recognized "the unreasonable resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council against it with the U.S. double-dealing standard."

"The prevailing grave situation proves once again that the DPRK was entirely just when it increased in every possible way its military capabilities for self-defense and preemptive attack with a nuclear force as a pivot," he said.

"As long as the US and its vassal forces scheme to bring down the socialist system in the DPRK, it will further increase its military muscle, protect peace and security of the country by its own efforts and invariably pursue its line in the future, too," the ambassador said.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Austin »

Russia warns US against ‘Syria-style’ actions in N. Korea ... rea/[quote]

Mike Pence’s statement on the US running out of “strategic patience” towards Pyongyang does not contribute to resolving the crisis, Sergey Lavrov said, voicing hopes there will be no repeat of the US strike on Syria in North Korea.

“I hope that there won’t be any unilateral actions like we recently saw in Syria and that the US will follow the policies Trump repeatedly declared during his election campaign,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, regarding the statement made by US Vice President Mike Pence on Monday during his visit to South Korea.

The world has witnessed the “strength and resolve of [President Trump] in actions taken in Syria and Afghanistan,” according to Pence, who threatened North Korea “not to test” this resolve or “or the strength of the armed forces of the United States.”

The Russian foreign minister warned not to take any military actions and stressed that the “risky nuclear and missile endeavors of Pyongyang” violating UNSC resolutions could not be used as an excuse for violating international law and the UN Charter “in the same fashion” as in Syria.

The period of US policy before the current escalation could be hardly described as an “era of strategic patience,” Lavrov added.

“I cannot call the Obama administration’s period an ‘era of strategic patience,’ as the US has been quite harshly limiting North Korea’s capabilities to develop economy sectors related to nuclear or energy areas,” Lavrov said, referring to past US initiatives, many of them backed by the UN Security Council.

Harsh statements do not contribute to peace and stability in the region, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also said, while commenting on South Korean President Hwang Kyo-ahn’s promise to “implement intensive punitive measures” on Pyongyang in case of any “provocations.”

“Our position is well known and consistent. We call on all sides to avoid any actions which might be perceived as a provocation. And we stand for the continuation of coordinated international efforts in existing formats to resolve the North Korean problem,” Peskov said.[/quote]
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

Oh! By the grace of ATM v r still here onlee. No new excitement even on SeeEnnEnn except to say that "tru*** may have to b patient on North Korea". :roll: So he can appear as competent as his predecessors.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by ShauryaT »

:LOL: While we are contemplating WW 3, what do we blokes know. It was all a joke!!

Aircraft Carrier Wasn’t Sailing to Deter North Korea, as U.S. Suggested
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

That coastline shown is absolutely the tip of the Chonch'o Do Penunsula, North Korea, per UBCN CartoGraphic Analysis Division. So to The Knowledgeable, this conveys that the carrier is within easy striking range of NoKo, and is landing / has already landed SF/ SEAL teams to go get the Dear Leadership. :rotfl:

You HAVE to admire the WHOTUS' sense of humor. They had ppl making fiery speeches in the UN, jumping up and down in Pyongyang, Wee Dong calling Gen. Vodkov for help....
Point is, all those people (Wee Dong and surely Vodkov) would (have) know(n) quite well where the carrier group was. So they were all in the joke together???
Or isn't UBCN right, and that IS the NoKo coastline right close enough to "reach out and touch"? This is disinformation/fake news at its very best!!

For once, true class in the WHOTUS. Reduces NoKo leadership and China leadership to panicked buffoons.
Last edited by UlanBatori on 19 Apr 2017 02:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Gagan »

Brace yourself everyone.
Big time KLPD going to happen here.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

If u think about it, releasing that "photo" is the new act of war. Tosses a smoke bomb right into the middle of it.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by Gagan »

Maybe the dates on that USS Carl Vinson photo are wrong?

But if this is just for show, and the VP went to DMZ, then DT has again fooled the media :lol:

He has done this multiple times during the election, gathering the media for his hotel's launch in DC for example, and free live prime time media coverage for the launch, for example :rotfl:

If people hear loud, very loud laughter sounds emanating from the WH, I can understand.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by maxratul »

This thread is a great opportunity to brush up on the Imjin war- the invasion of Korea unleashed by "Taiko" Toyotomi Hideyoshi (the second of Japan's three great unifiers) in the sixteenth century. The korean's (who considered themselves more chinese than the chinese, and were the highest rated vassals to the Ming) get absolutely smashed initially (even their king had to flee the capital) by the war hardened samurai of Sengoku Japan.
However, they start fightback - mainly due to their dominance of the sea with the fabled Turtle Ships and under the leadership of one of my favorite historical figures ever - the legendary Admiral Yi Sun Shin (seriously, read up on him). The chinese send backup forces, and as the invaders get tied down by attrition and guerilla warfare and a hostile populace - they commit ghastly atrocities (which are remembered in Korea even today) and ultimately depart, installing puppet rulers and leaving the countryside to devastation. SO familiar, but the cycle of history repeats itself...

A really good series you might want to look, wish there was something like this for indic content also.
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Re: Morbid Rubbernecking: New Korean War?

Post by UlanBatori »

Gaganji seems to be saying (as I believe) that the photo release is pure piskops. Because you can't fool the Russians and the Chinese who have space assets, about the location of a carrier group. Which also means that the strike coming/underway cannot be uniquely tied to a carrier group. It may be blamed on the SoKos? Whatever damages Dear Chubby's H&D the most. Afraid to post the logical conclusion therefrom.