Understanding the US - Again

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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by ramana »

Guys we have the Korea thread.
Can we discuss there instead of here to keep focus?

lalmohan , Thanks.
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by UlanBatori »

Jerusalem is still a split city is it not? No idea who occupied the Arab half since I don't know geography. Jordan? In all this, I think the final solution to the Israel-Philistine problem is that Jordan becomes Philistinestan. Yes, I know, they massacred the Philistines with Pak Terrorist help in 1974, but that is the obvious end-game. A pure Philistine is not sustainable, but one merged with Jordan is. Jordan has been extremely quiet for decades now: what gives I can't figure out. They dodged the 1991 Iraq War, and all conflicts since, and have also dodged any "Color Revolution".
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Lalmohan »

Jordan has been Munna number 1 in order to stay alive ever since the sykes-picot agreement carved up the middle east and the hashemites lost control of the holy mosques; they have assiduously courted the US and made sure they stayed in Munna position. after all they are in a tough neighbourhood and they don't have any black stuff
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by ramana »

Original state creation per UN mandate gave East Jerusalem to Jordan.
Israel conquered it during 1967 war
Begin said never again will Jerusalem be split as long as Israel is there.
Rest Lalmohan described.

They were first UK munnas and then under US after 1967 war.
During the 1967 war the consensus was that Jordan military performed whatever little with elan.
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by UlanBatori »

From Israeli pov, what Trump did for Y1 is what Dubya nuke deal did for Y3, recognizing the ground reality and ending the anachronistic barriers. De facto recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel. The ultimate 4th rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon in the faces of those who would destroy it. This time the mighty Shield of Iron Dome is on the side of David and the stones on the side of the Philistines and Hezbollah and it is no match.

The Arab nations have nothing to offer as long-term solution except hate, as sad as that is for the people caught in the middle. Even KSA may have slowly woken up to that fact, except that it was by funding ISIS as a common interest with the Y1 & Y2.

Incidentally, the donkeys were dead set against the Y3 nuke deal as well, remember? :roll: :rotfl:
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Lalmohan »

looks like Donny prefers Jongaboy to House Bolton
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Mort Walker »

Lalmohan wrote:looks like Donny prefers Jongaboy to House Bolton
This is correct. DT doesn’t like Bolton’s moustache and was the reason he hesitated hiring him.
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by g.sarkar »

https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/14/opinions ... index.html
What Ivanka's smile can't hide
By Michael D'Antonio
Updated 9:02 PM ET, Tue May 15, 2018
(CNN)Ivanka Trump stayed in character in Jerusalem on Monday, blessing her father's decision to open the United States Embassy there. She watched as Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin pulled the cord on a curtain to unveil a plaque. Then, dressed all in creamy white, and with microphone in hand, she beamed her 100-watt smile and welcomed the attendees on behalf of "the 45th President of the United States on America."
At the embassy, various dignitaries struck a celebratory tone. Among them was an American pastor, Robert Jeffress, who has said all faiths, except his, lead people to eternal damnation. "Not only do religions like Mormonism, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism — not only do they lead people away from God," said Jeffress, "they lead people to an eternity of separation from God in Hell."
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Lalmohan »

Mort Walker wrote:
This is correct. DT doesn’t like Bolton’s moustache and was the reason he hesitated hiring him.
indeed, a number of news sources said so several weeks ago... but now Donny is publicly contradicting him re "Libya model"
looks like Mikey-Pee was given the mission to bring back the No-bells P*ss Prize for master but House Bolton is going off-script
Jongaboy clearly doesn't want to get stabbed in the gluteus max by a rebel and shot in a jeep and has :(( to emperor Xi
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by A_Gupta »

Draining the swamp, or destroying expertise?
https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018 ... deep-state

Small excerpt:
During Trump’s march to Washington, he framed his mission as nothing less than regime change: America’s capital was a defeated empire in need of occupation. In the months after the Inauguration, as I watched that rhetoric turn to action, the tactics and personae started to remind me of another experience with regime change. As a reporter embedded with the Marines, I arrived in Baghdad in April, 2003, on the day that Saddam’s statue fell. I covered Iraq off and on for two years, a period in which the U.S. occupation was led from the Green Zone, a fortified enclave in the country’s capital, where Americans lived and worked in a sanctum of swimming pools and black-market Scotch. The Green Zone—officially, the home of the Coalition Provisional Authority—functioned as an extension of the White House, led by political appointees, staffed by civil servants, and attended by waiters in bow ties and paper hats. It was Iraq as the war planners had imagined it would be: orderly, on-message, and driven by the desire to remake the country in the name of capitalism and democracy.

After a year, the Green Zone had acquired another connotation, as a byword for disastrous flaws in the invasion: the failure to stop looters or to restore Iraq’s electricity; the decision to disband the Iraqi Army; the blindness to a growing resistance to the occupation. As the problems accumulated, so did the vacant offices in the Green Zone, because people in Washington were unwilling to join. The Administration turned, more than ever, to loyalists. Officials screening new American prospects sometimes asked whether they had voted for Bush and how they saw Roe v. Wade. A cohort of recent college grads, recruited because they had applied for jobs at the Heritage Foundation, were put in charge of Iraq’s national budget. The rebuilding of the stock market was entrusted to a twenty-four-year-old. “They wanted to insure lockstep political orientation,” Wilkerson recalled. “And what we got out of that was a lockstep-stupid political orientation.”

In the outside world, the mistakes were well documented. But inside the Green Zone the lights and air-conditioning were always on, there was no unemployment, and no one debated America’s role in Iraq. It was rhetoric over reality (“Mission Accomplished!”), and appearances mattered most: the press office distributed rosy, misleading statistics and obscured the dismal progress in restoring electricity and recruiting new police. The philosophy of governance—defined by loyalty, hostile to expertise, and comfortable with lies—created a disaster, even as its adherents extolled American values. Those who recognized the self-delusion and incompetence began referring to the Green Zone as the Emerald City.
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Vayutuvan »

Lalmohan wrote: ... there are many complications of race, never mind religion
Are Persians racially different from Arabs? Inquiring minds want to know.
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Vayutuvan »

UlanBatori wrote:Wonder what happens if Iran decides to destabilize Baluchistan...
It is doubtful in the first place that Iran what's destabilize any region other than Yemen. How would they benefit by destabilizing Baluchistan? They are not going to gain land in the first instance. Their best bet is to maintain status quo vis a vis Baluchistan.
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by g.sarkar »

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/20/us/p ... n=Trending
U.S. Suspends Tariffs on China, Stoking Fears of a Loss of Leverage
By Ana Swanson and Alan Rappeport
May 20, 2018
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration has suspended its plan to impose sweeping tariffs on China as it presses forward with trade talks, a gesture that will temporarily ease tensions between the two nations but rapidly increase pressure on President Trump to secure the type of tough deal that he has long said is necessary to protect American workers.
Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, said on Sunday that the two countries had made progress as they concluded three days of intense trade negotiations in Washington late last week. The planned tariffs on as much as $150 billion worth of Chinese goods are off the table while the talks proceed, he said.
“We’re putting the trade war on hold,” Mr. Mnuchin said on “Fox News Sunday.”
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Philip »

Learn from China.The US blinks when you play hardball affecting its MNCs.India should threaten the same for US goods and services exported to India.
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Lalmohan »

boeing and airbus headed for another round of tiffs... WTO has ruled that airbus receives unfair subsidies... airbus counters that boeing is subsidised by US military budget... has been going on for 30 years+
under current circumstances can expect it to get ugly
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Suraj »

India to raise duties upto 100% on 20 US goods from next month
In a retaliatory move, India has told the WTO that it proposes to raise duties by up to 100 per cent from next month on 20 products imported from the US — such as almonds, apples and specific motorcycles — if Washington does not roll back high tariffs on certain steel and aluminium items.

It may hike the duty from 5 per cent to 100 per cent. “India hereby notifies the Council for Trade in Goods of its decision to suspend concessions or other obligations ... that are substantially equivalent to the amount of trade affected by the measures imposed by the US,” said a communication by India to the WTO.

It further said the proposed suspension of concessions would be in the form of “an increase in tariffs on selected products originating in the US”. It also said that India reserves the right to further suspend substantially equivalent concessions and other obligations based on the measures taken by the US.
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Lalmohan »

today Donny is going to meet with the leadership of the department of justice and supposedly demand that they break from the legal process and procedures and do as he tells them to do. ofcourse, he may not actually do that, but he has tweeted that he will and there is a meeting set for 3pm EST

I am not sure that short of the emergency such things have happened in India, and as far as I can tell never in the US
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by A_Gupta »

https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/pr ... f-new-york
Predators of New York
There’s something about New York, New York City, that is, that is at the root of the Trump phenomenon.........New York City is a liberal city, probably the most progressive big city in the country, as far as it goes. Yet its power structure, its money class includes a whole community of people with extreme wealth who live in a culture in which predation and acquisition is the norm.
Consider a few facts. We know about the Trump family, not even that big a real estate family in the city, despite their pretensions. We know about the deep corruption they are based on. A couple decades ago the head of another of these families was arrested for trying to hire a hitman to kill his business partner. The heir of another of these families appears to be a serial killer. The head of another of these families – sort of a cadet branch from New Jersey – got in a dispute with his brother-in-law and hired a prostitute to have sex with the brother-in-law, film the sex and blackmail him. That guy is Jared Kushner’s father. All three went to prison. That’s just a subsection of the stories which police uncovered, certainly just scratching the surface.

There’s a lot of weird transgressive behavior for only a tiny community of people. Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised.
Indeed, that’s one of the striking things about the Trump Family, in the mafia sense. A lot of the biggest players, maybe even most, were Democrats before Trump came to power. The key is they come from a place where party affiliations are more like factions in a 15th-century Italian city-state than what we think of as modern political parties. It’s about personalities, money, and power.
But a major part of the story is how well Trump did working and directing and playing the New York City press for decades. They ate out of his hand. All the crime and money laundering and crazy bad acts went mostly unreported in the big papers – and this is in the national media capital.
Further useful commentary:
https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/5 ... -Same-Vibe
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Gus »

Using unauthorized communication devices, influencing Justice dept, foreign funding, Pay to Play, seeking approval of globalists like Nobel...lock HIM up :P
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by SBajwa »

UlanBatori wrote:Jerusalem is still a split city is it not? No idea who occupied the Arab half since I don't know geography. Jordan? In all this, I think the final solution to the Israel-Philistine problem is that Jordan becomes Philistinestan. Yes, I know, they massacred the Philistines with Pak Terrorist help in 1974, but that is the obvious end-game. A pure Philistine is not sustainable, but one merged with Jordan is. Jordan has been extremely quiet for decades now: what gives I can't figure out. They dodged the 1991 Iraq War, and all conflicts since, and have also dodged any "Color Revolution".
Check this picture Blue (Jewish) vs Green area

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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by UlanBatori »

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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Lalmohan »

and ofcourse the old city itself is split into "five quarters" - one for each religion and a central region for all religions
naturally none of the Indic religions get their own quarter, which is a shame...
and all along the via dolorosa you can buy religious artefacts from an uninterrupted commercial chain all the way back to antiquity
although it has to be said - Brian is not the messiah, he is just a very naughty boy
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Singha »

the supposed birthplace of christ is a kind of undergroundish church....with various militant sections of christian monks "owning" part of it

The property rights, liturgical use and maintenance of the church are regulated by a set of documents and understandings known as the Status Quo.[1] The church is owned by three church authorities, the Greek Orthodox (most of the building and furnishings), the Armenian Apostolic and the Roman Catholic (each of them with lesser properties).[1] The Coptic Orthodox and Syriac Orthodox are holding minor rights of worship at the Armenian church in the northern transept, and at the Altar of Nativity.[1] There have been repeated brawls among monk trainees over quiet respect for others' prayers, hymns and even the division of floor space for cleaning duties.[37][38] The Palestinian police have been called to restore peace and order.

^^^ it is a place of genuine worship, history and faith ... unlike the uber wealthy palaces and pomp of the vatican... or the whole lavishness of the EJ system.
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Lalmohan »

meanwhile, Kushner gets his security clearance...
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Lalmohan »

oh! trumpie has just cancelled summit with jongaboy
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by SBajwa »

There is an excellent netflix show named FAUDA (it is in hebrew and arabic) with subtitles
It is about how Mossad agents control the muslim areas.

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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Lalmohan »

meanwhile... the taxiwallah has flipped on the pay-off lawyer
out pops a news report about payments from Ukraine for 'meetings' with the WH
suddenly (then) Ukraine dropped charges against manafort
Ukraine get to buy javelin missiles
cash for access?
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by g.sarkar »

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/24/worl ... ummit.html
Trump Pulls Out of North Korea Summit Meeting with Kim Jong-un
WASHINGTON — President Trump has notified Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, that he has canceled their much-anticipated meeting to discuss steps toward denuclearization and peace because of recent “tremendous anger and open hostility” by Pyongyang toward members of his administration.
In a letter dated Thursday to Mr. Kim, the American president left open the possibility that the two could meet in the future. But hours later, Mr. Trump warned that the United States and its allies are prepared to respond should “foolish or reckless acts be taken by North Korea.”
“I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting,” Mr. Trump wrote in the letter, referring to the summit that had been set for June 12 in Singapore. But, he added, “You talk about your nuclear capabilities, but ours are so massive and powerful that I pray to God they will never have to be used.” At a White House bill signing ceremony, Mr. Trump said the United States military is “more ready” than ever to respond to North Korea. He also maintained American sanctions — what he called “by far, the strongest” to be imposed — would continue to exert pressure on North Korea.
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/23/worl ... %20Pacific
U.S. Disinvites China From Military Exercise Amid Rising Tensions
WASHINGTON — The United States has disinvited China from participating in a multinational naval exercise scheduled for this summer, further escalating tensions with Beijing that have spanned from trade to North Korea to the military.
The Pentagon cited China’s rapid military buildup on disputed islands in the South China Sea for withdrawing the invitation for Beijing to participate in the large-scale naval exercise known as Rim of the Pacific, or RimPac. Defense Department officials said on Wednesday that China’s decision to place surface-to-air missile systems and other offensive weaponry on the islands spurred the move.
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Gus »

Lalmohan wrote:meanwhile... the taxiwallah has flipped on the pay-off lawyer
out pops a news report about payments from Ukraine for 'meetings' with the WH
suddenly (then) Ukraine dropped charges against manafort
Ukraine get to buy javelin missiles
cash for access?
manafort hasn't flipped yet and probably won't ever. mortal fear of being poisoned maybe.

cohen ...i am not so sure.
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by g.sarkar »

https://www.cnbc.com/2018/05/24/trump-s ... ation.html
Trump says US military 'is ready if necessary' after Kim Jong Un summit cancellation
President Donald Trump says a "greatly enhanced" U.S. military stands "ready if necessary" following his cancellation of a planned summit with North Korea's Kim Jong Un.
In a letter released Thursday, Trump scrapped a planned historic summit, which was set to take place in Singapore on June 12.
Trump says "nobody should be anxious" and leaves the door open to another summit in the future.
President Donald Trump said Thursday that the U.S. military stands "ready if necessary" following his cancellation of a planned summit with North Korea's Kim Jong Un, ramping up already tense rhetoric exchanged between Washington and Pyongyang. The president, throwing aside his conciliatory rhetoric, called the meeting's cancellation a "great setback for the world." Touting a "greatly enhanced" American military and the power of U.S. allies, Trump warned Kim against taking "foolish or reckless" action. "I have spoken to South Korea and Japan and they are not only ready should foolish or reckless acts be taken by North Korea, but they are willing to shoulder much of the cost of any financial burden — any of the costs associated by the United States in operations, if such an unfortunate situation is forced upon us," he said during an event at which he signed a bill rolling back bank regulations.
The abandonment of the summit reduces Trump administration hopes of soon reaching a peaceful agreement for Pyongyang to give up its nuclear and missile programs. It leaves U.S. allies and lawmakers scrambling to determine how best to proceed, and discern how Trump wants to treat talks moving forward. U.S. stock markets fell after the president canceled the summit.
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by morem »

SBajwa wrote:There is an excellent netflix show named FAUDA (it is in hebrew and arabic) with subtitles
It is about how Mossad agents control the muslim areas.

Shows how the mistaravim in IDF work. Season 2 out on netflix today i think
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Lalmohan »

Gus - agree, manafort wont flip, would have done so by now
Cohen will flip, taxiwallah will drop him in it
some talk of whether Guiliani has flipped (or his brain has)
and of course - the impending dog eat dog clash of the kushners and the trumps is looming
pompeo seems to be hedging his bets
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by g.sarkar »

http://foreignpolicy.com/2018/05/24/tru ... eals-work/
Trump Has No Idea How Diplomatic Deals Work
I worked on international negotiations under Obama — and now I’m watching from the sidelines as the Trump team gets it all wrong.
BY ILAN GOLDENBERG | MAY 24, 2018, 5:32 PM
Earlier this week, the New York Times ran a remarkable story explaining all of the ways in which the Trump administration botched its high-stakes trade negotiations with China. I am not an expert on China and don’t know that much about trade, but I do know a little something about diplomatic negotiations. I was part of the team led by then-U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry that tried and failed to negotiate peace between Israelis and Palestinians from 2013 to 2014, and though I was not on the team that negotiated the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran, I was part of the small interagency group that worked on this issue in the years before negotiations got serious and watched them very closely throughout.
Based on these experiences, what was stunning to learn about the China trade negotiations was how at every step of the way, U.S. President Donald Trump’s economic team did precisely the wrong the thing. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, Director of Trade and Industrial Policy Peter Navarro, Chief Economic Advisor Larry Kudlow, and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross executed a textbook case study in how to not conduct international negotiations.
Failure to prepare
The key to a successful international negotiation starts before getting in the room, with preparation that gets the U.S. team on the same page. This is not easy. Any tough issue, whether it be trade with China or Iran’s nuclear program, is complicated. There are going to be disagreements among U.S. officials on the best course forward. Indeed, it is a healthy sign of a vigorous policy process. The way to prepare is for the national security bureaucracy to hold interagency meetings where the various representatives from the different agencies come together and deliberate, debate, and ultimately decide on the U.S. position and strategy. The negotiators then go out and conduct the negotiations until they get to a point where they feel they cannot make any more progress without guidance from Washington, in which case they call home or come home for further deliberations.
In the case of the China trade discussions, the team included multiple Cabinet officials. And since they clearly had fundamental disagreements, the only person with the seniority to settle the matter and provide instructions was Trump. Unfortunately, he does not bother to engage in the details and break these types of deadlocks, instead often choosing to simply listen to the last person who briefs him. And so the administration was not able to work out these disagreements in advance, and the U.S. negotiating team showed up for talks with the Chinese without a clear unified position.
This is the precise opposite of what we saw from former President Barack Obama, who, especially on the Iran nuclear negotiations, was deeply engaged in the details. Some might justifiably argue that at moments this led to micromanagement. But U.S. negotiators usually knew where the president was, and they knew how far they could go and when they needed to ask for more guidance. What happens when differences inside the team are not settled in advance of talks? As the New York Times reported, in the middle of a session with the Chinese, Navarro and Mnuchin “stepped outside to engage in a profanity-laced shouting match.” When these divisions become apparent, a classic tactic is to exploit the wedge and find the negotiator with the most flexible position, which is precisely what the Chinese tried by zeroing in on Mnuchin. It also created confusion for the Chinese. They did not understand the U.S. position or precisely who spoke for the United States. When that happens, your counterpart becomes very cautious and takes an inflexible negotiating position. If Mnuchin makes a promise, do the Chinese know if that commitment will survive the internal split? If not, they would fear making a major concession, only to see it pocketed by the United States before someone else on the U.S. negotiating team comes back to ask for more.
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by A_Gupta »

https://www.theatlantic.com/internation ... is/554318/
What Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un Don't Know About Their Own Standoff
If the Cuban Missile Crisis is any indication, today’s leaders may be dangerously misinformed about the nuclear crisis.
On October 27, an American U-2 spy plane was shot down over Cuba by a Soviet surface-to-air missile (SAM). When Kennedy wondered aloud why Krushchev would do this, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara answered, “I don’t know how to interpret it.”
In fact, however, Khrushchev was not in control of anti-aircraft forces in Cuba. Rather, Cuban personnel were conducting operations under the direction of Fidel Castro.
That night, Attorney General Robert Kennedy met secretly with Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin at the Justice Department and delivered a two-part ultimatum. The first demand was that the Soviets begin removing the missiles within 48 hours, or the U.S. would attack them. The second demand, which long remained secret, was that firing on American reconnaissance planes must end immediately....

In threatening invasion for actions over which Krushchev may not have had control, Kennedy ominously did not know that the Soviets had deployed 98 “tactical” nuclear weapons with Soviet forces on Cuba. These weapons were to defend Cuba against an expected marine invasion by the U.S. Prior to October 22, local officers were pre-authorized to use them. Neither the existence of these weapons nor the delegation of authority to use them was known to Americans until 30 years later.
Another unknown—or mistakenly known—“fact” also added impetus to an American invasion. The Defense Department told Kennedy that there were “about 8,000-10,000” Soviet “probably military personnel” in Cuba. Calculations of what it would take to complete an invasion followed from this. In fact, the Soviets had roughly 42,000 troops on the island, which also was not known until decades later.
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Gus »

Lalmohan wrote:Gus - agree, manafort wont flip, would have done so by now
Cohen will flip, taxiwallah will drop him in it
some talk of whether Guiliani has flipped (or his brain has)
and of course - the impending dog eat dog clash of the kushners and the trumps is looming
pompeo seems to be hedging his bets
i have no idea why guiliani would say 'kushner is disposable' though..kushner is more in the know than even jr.

the bizarreness keeps increasing but the drip drip nature of it just keeps us zoned out..stuff that would be outrageous are now like ..meh..
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Mort Walker »

Lalmohan wrote:Gus - agree, manafort wont flip, would have done so by now
Cohen will flip, taxiwallah will drop him in it
some talk of whether Guiliani has flipped (or his brain has)
and of course - the impending dog eat dog clash of the kushners and the trumps is looming
pompeo seems to be hedging his bets
It doesn’t matter. When this is all over after the fall, they’ll all be pardoned with the stroke of the pen.
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Singha »

along with the weekly ritual of a school shooting, a new meme emerges....armed citizenry confronting mass shooters and taking them down

https://edition.cnn.com/2018/05/24/us/o ... index.html

two armed citizens responded to sound of shots, by running to their cars and coming back with handguns locked in the trunk.

white house and NRA will be really pleased to see this combative response from the hoi polloi. 8)
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by pravula »

Singha wrote:along with the weekly ritual of a school shooting, a new meme emerges....armed citizenry confronting mass shooters and taking them down

https://edition.cnn.com/2018/05/24/us/o ... index.html

two armed citizens responded to sound of shots, by running to their cars and coming back with handguns locked in the trunk.

white house and NRA will be really pleased to see this combative response from the hoi polloi. 8)
This is a dangerous development. Who do you think SWAT will target when they reach the spot? I would think all armed people.
Cain Marko
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Cain Marko »

^I've always thought this was a bit crazy. People running around with guns in public places. ...how do you know the good guys from the bad? End result is a free for all. Fratricide happens in confusing situations with the best trained militaries, can you imagine what could happen with a bunch of untrained John Wayne wannabes running around all over the place with their six shooters ? :D
BRF Oldie
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Re: Understanding the US- Again

Post by Manish_P »

pravula wrote: This is a dangerous development. Who do you think SWAT will target when they reach the spot? I would think all armed people.
Armed blacks first, then armed latinos, ..
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