Internal Security Watch

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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by anchal »

I have a first hand account of the riots in Kosi Kalan. The media is lying that Muslims are the persecuted lot there. The guy who "polluted" the Waju water; offered to fill the tank again. In media, this fact is twisted and Muslims are said to touch the water meant for Hindu temple. It is a blatant lie. But the Muslims kept on pushing the boundaries. They bet up senior people who tried to act as mediator. The only mistakes Muslims made was that they under-estimated the support that neighbouring Hindus from the villages would provide to their bretheren

On SOS from the Hindus in Kosi town, thousands of villagers landed in the town and the situation turned around. Then suddenly news started spilling on all sikular channels. One can be sure if a news is being covered by media; Muslims have got the other end of the "stick"! Deganga remains unheard even now in the presstitute media
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Yogi_G »

anchal wrote:I have a first hand account of the riots in Kosi Kalan. The media is lying that Muslims are the persecuted lot there. The guy who "polluted" the Waju water; offered to fill the tank again. In media, this fact is twisted and Muslims are said to touch the water meant for Hindu temple. It is a blatant lie. But the Muslims kept on pushing the boundaries. They bet up senior people who tried to act as mediator. The only mistakes Muslims made was that they under-estimated the support that neighbouring Hindus from the villages would provide to their bretheren

On SOS from the Hindus in Kosi town, thousands of villagers landed in the town and the situation turned around. Then suddenly news started spilling on all sikular channels. One can be sure if a news is being covered by media; Muslims have got the other end of the "stick"! Deganga remains unheard even now in the presstitute media
Not sure if OT (replying here bcoz it is in the context of Islamism posing a threat to national security), but this is what scares the p-secs and the Islamists the most. In spite of having one of the world's best martial histories Hindus were brain-washed by the leftist education system that they did not have any fight in them and were always to blame given that their dark-temple-idol worshipping gave them the "caste" system whilst the Islamists had "brotherhood". A good example of Abdul Kalam and Shabana Azmi would be thrown to complete the lie. It is no wonder that Narendra Modi evokes such fear and animosity from the P-secs, assorted leftists and the Islamists because he showed the world that he could be politically incorrect and still stay in power.

Sadly only power respects power and Hindus grouping up to save life, property and honour is a good way to ensure communal riots dont happen in the country. This would dissuade Islamists. Similarly a stern message needs to be sent to the Ram Sene hired good types that Hindus will disassociate and not provide sympathy if any provocative action/communal riots is taken in their name.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Sushupti »

Aditya_V wrote:Communal Riots in Akilesh's UP

Two days after riots, Kosi Kalan is simmering with tension, rumours
So, UP is back to pre RJM days when "peacefuls" will riot as per their will and Congi govt will intervene just in time to save them from reaction.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by vijayk »

Sushupti wrote:
Aditya_V wrote:Communal Riots in Akilesh's UP

Two days after riots, Kosi Kalan is simmering with tension, rumours
So, UP is back to pre RJM days when "peacefuls" will riot as per their will and Congi govt will intervene just in time to save them from reaction.
Baldev Chowk resident Kuldeep Singh, a member of the Gujjar community, accused the administration of playing a partisan role in the violence. “Had it not been for our brothers from the nearby villages whom we called to save us, we would have been dead by now.”

Mr. Singh said a large number of people were mobilised from the nearby Jat-dominated villages after rumours were spread that seven girls belonging to one community had been raped by members of another community and that two of them had been killed. No factual basis exists for the rumours, authorities say, and none has so far been put forward by any independent group.

Members of the minority community also accused the administration of being a “mute spectator” of the violence. Local social activist Maqsood said the minority community was afraid and did not trust the local administration. Three of the four killed were Muslim, according to local authorities.
So Mulyam now wants riots to consolidate all Muslim votes for 2014 elections.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by svinayak »

Yogi_G wrote:
Rangudu wrote:Why would the US need a revolution in India? If it wants certain outcomes, the current set up can (and some will say has already been) be easily manipulated to achieve them.
Assuming they do, its a hypothetical question.
Yes. There are the evangelical forces which have been trying the liberation theology about the caste/dalit imaginary oppressed. With growth India has changed the society for the most part.
By revolution they try to get new leadership which will be sub servient
In the words of Alexander Berkman, "social revolution means the reorganization of the industrial, economic life of the country and consequently also of the entire structure of society."[1] More generally, the term "social revolution" may be used to refer to a massive change in society, for instance the French Revolution, the American Civil Rights Movement and the 1960 hippie or counterculture reformation on religious belief, personal identity, freedom of speech, music and arts, fashion, alternative technology or environmentalism and decentralised media.

Theda Skocpol in her article "France, Russia, China: A Structural Analysis of Social Revolutions" states that social revolution is a "combination of thoroughgoing structural transformation and massive class upheavals" (175).[citation needed] She comes to this definition by combining Samual P. Huntington's definition that it "is a rapid, fundamental, and violent domestic change in the dominant values and myths of society, in its political institutions, social structure, leadership, and government activities and policies
How to Start a Revolution

Check this list and see if there is any symptoms of this in various regions in the country.
EJ movement is secret within social setup.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by svinayak »

Yogi_G wrote:Just wondering, can the US, if it wanted to, engineer a revolution in India like the coloured revolutions in Eastern Europe and the ones in Egypt, Libya and the current Syrian one? With a patriotic and civilian loyal army like ours I am sure they wont but wanted to know other's thoughts.
Check this article about How to Bring Down a Nation

See if this applies to India and how long it has been going on.
How to Bring Down a Nation
Colonel Dan, SASS #24025, Life/Regulator

If you were intent on bringing down a powerful rival whose philosophy, as originally founded, was strong, independent and entirely opposite from your own—a country that you would not want to confront militarily—how would you go about it? The answer is simple; orchestrate the society’s destruction from within.

Although possibly taking longer than a military victory and requiring great patience, the damage would be just as effective if not more so. When you destroy from within, you do it by using that country’s own people, no blood is spilled in combat and the physical infrastructure is left intact.

In any country, there are but a few key areas that determine how the citizens mature, live, and develop their beliefs. These are the focal points that must be attacked. In his book, On War, Clausewitz referred to this concept of identifying and then focusing on select points as attacking the center of gravity.

The center of gravity is that key element, if controlled or destroyed, would most hurt your opponent and is the critical factor in achieving your objective. In this case, when taking control of or destroying a country from within, the key is to attack and control the mind of the inhabitants—you must shape the way people view life and the values upon which their life is based. Shape the mind and you control their direction. Control their direction and you can lead them down a pathway to hell.

The centers of gravity I would shape in orchestrating a country’s downfall from within are its perception of truth, its future generations, the political philosophy, its sense of nationalism and of course, the economy.

To shape truth, control the media: Most people absorb what they know about life from the major media centers these days. The media paints the picture for all to see. If that picture is constantly distorted, lies become accepted as truth, i.e. tell enough lies repeatedly and soon those lies are accepted as fact. Spin and concoct, distort and influence using the public platforms such as television, radio and print and you can influence, sway and control the mind of the vast majority of its population in any area you choose. This subversive influence includes pitting one group against another in order to foment internal discord as well as ridiculing, discrediting and challenging moral principles and national values in order to destroy any hint of a strong spiritual foundation or allegiance to a unique national culture. This is a much easier task if many in your target audience have become lazy, ill-educated, ill-informed, unthinking and apathetic.

To shape future generations, control the schools: Incrementally indoctrinate the children with principles that are sympathetic to your philosophy. Make future generations weak in mind, body and spirit. Avoid teaching children the basic facts about their own history, constitution or rights. Teach them that natural aggression is wrong and docile submission is right. Teach them that any basis of a moral foundation, like the principles of religion, is a weakness to be avoided in the name of freedom and also redefine the concept of patriotism to support your views. Teach them to cast off old values and traditions in the interest and name of sensitivity—after all, we wouldn’t want to offend anyone with our old fashioned or traditional beliefs now would we? And guns, guns are wicked, dangerous, and socially unacceptable—an evil that must be eradicated from society—for the good of the children of course.

To shape the political philosophy, infiltrate the government: Whenever and wherever possible place those sympathetic to your philosophy into office at all levels—the higher, the better—so they can sway the direction of the country within every function of government, promising solutions, handouts and benefits for all. In such a way you can tilt legislation toward incrementally increasing the control of and dependency on government—a government that you are shaping. Concurrently, if you can pack the courts with appointed judges who will not hold you accountable to the law and its constitution, you can act with virtual impunity. Infiltration at the highest levels can also be employed to weaken the military through budget cuts, unwarranted restrictions and over commitment, degrading both force morale and effectiveness. A country without a strong military is like a bull without horns or a tiger without claws—defenseless and vulnerable.

To shape the sense of nationalism, dilute the culture and the language: A strong society has at its foundation a unique culture and a common language. Simply put, it is the culture and language which ultimately defines and unites a nation. If you can manipulate these two critical elements through legislative action and social pressure, you can weaken the foundation of any country. How? Introduce and eventually force the acceptance of a multi-cultural concept and refuse to accept a common tongue as the official language. In short, prevent cultural assimilation and undermine any sense of nationalism. Encourage and orchestrate a mosaic society rather than a melting pot and you will eventually mortally wound the national fabric.

To shape the economy, spend, spend, spend and tax, tax, tax: A country with a strong economy is financially independent and its people unlikely to look toward the government for much of anything. If free people don’t depend on their government, that government has limited sway over them. By legislating large sums from the public treasury you accomplish two important goals. First you create dependents of the public and private business that are now subject to conditions, rules and regulations you dictate. Secondly, you are putting that country into unsustainable debt, reducing the value of the currency while undermining its economy. And of course, to support all this spending, you now make the case that the people must “invest” in all these government provided “benefits” so you tax them relentlessly stealing money from their pockets and independence from their lives. Eventually, if you tax and spend enough, you financially oppress the people to the point of serfdom and overload their economic structure to the point of collapse.

Through patient manipulation and clever coordination of these few centers of gravity, you can, in time, weave the downfall of even the most powerful nation, using its own citizens and systems to orchestrate the destruction.

The irony is that in just a few generations, the indoctrinated masses will be convinced this trail which has been shaped for them is truly the enlightened path for mankind and they will unwittingly look forward to the trip! You have thus taken control of a powerful rival without firing a shot or spilling a drop of blood.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Aditya_V »

WOW, if one looks like what the INC has doen since independence and especially since 2004, each parts of the plan have been implemented step by step.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Aditya_V »

Meanwhile, In some corner of TOI news which will not be found on NDTV. Remember DYFI activicts daughter(and next day found to be work of not RSS BD as NDTV had claimed by DYFI activists hired by the GIrl's father) and related reporting on NDTV before 2009 elections- many urban people along with Ram Sene activities voted for INC.
Wonder why these incidents happening in 2012 are being hushed up.

'Moral police' attack pregnant woman, husband
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by svinayak »

Aditya_V wrote:WOW, if one looks like what the INC has doen since independence and especially since 2004, each parts of the plan have been implemented step by step.
Please spread it
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Yogi_G »

Good reads Acharya ji, this is something that the foreign powers can do over a long time period. Let me rephrase my original question, if for some strange reason the current ruling dispensation develops a spine (we samples of it during the Kudankulam incident) and stands up against the US who would be the most likely suitor to betray the nation. The Chinese are trying hard with the leftists which is common knowledge but the Chinese doesnt have the manipulative power that the US has. The EJs come to mind but their true power is not known.

Would it be easy to push armed mercenaries into this nation as was done in Libya and is being done in Syria. Would it be able to engineer civil war in India as easily was done in those nations? We are no banana republic but the past history of the nation where our own kind colluded with the barbarians is not very reassuring.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Sachin »

Aditya_V wrote:Remember DYFI activicts daughter.......
Aah, who can forget Com. K.K Kunjhambu and his daughter. Again this fellow is also from Kasaragod district where moral policing is becoming more rampant. And what does the comrade do, use this to further his nasty agenda. The comrade had nothing to say when it was found out that it was the comrade's own pals who got upset after seeing the "revolutionary activities" of the girl and another boy in the bus. And they bashed up the boy and send the girl back home.

Lookout notice for 2 teenage boys (Another similar case).
Woman Beaten Up While Standing In Que For Liquor (The woman was there to buy liquor for her husband).
Moral policing victim
dies in Kerala
Moral policing claims another victim in Kerala .
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by sum »

Fasih Mohammed not with us, maybe in Saudi custody, Centre tells SC
The Centre on Wednesday informed the Supreme Court that a Bihari youth, allegedly abducted in Saudi Arabia by Indian police, was not in their custody.

In a joint response, the ministry of external affairs, the home ministry and the Delhi [ Images ] police rejected the allegation that Fasih Mohammed was abducted by the Indian police personnel for custodial interrogation and his whereabouts were not known.
On May 13, according to her, a group of Saudi and Indian officials in civilian clothes allegedly searched their house in Jubail in Dammam, confiscated a laptop and a mobile phone and informed them that Mohammed has to be deported as he is wanted in India.
Interesting that the centre says they dont have him in custody...
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by svinayak »

Yogi_G wrote:Good reads Acharya ji,
Would it be easy to push armed mercenaries into this nation as was done in Libya and is being done in Syria. Would it be able to engineer civil war in India as easily was done in those nations? We are no banana republic but the past history of the nation where our own kind colluded with the barbarians is not very reassuring.
British have found out that Indians collaborated with them for more than 300 years.
They will always find some Indian who will collaborate to betray India and this is from experience. Sometimes they find that by trick they can have some Indians to reveal and also betray India. Indians have weakness for money, flattery and also a unique trait to talk to foreigner about their own society. These have been used by social researchers in the west for more than 100 years to identify different Indians who will help them. They have been able to change the identity of several Indians especially using the caste issues and change their loyalty - EJ and Islamist.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by AdityaM »

With Khalistan sympathisers being allowed to commemorate the terrorists of Punjab in Punjab, where are we headed!
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by anmol »

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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Atri »

Post Muslim inspectors, sub-inspectors in areas having higher community count: Centre to states

TOIlet link
NEW DELHI: Observing that the states have not yet fully implemented one of the key recommendations of the Sachar Committee report, the Centre has recently written to all the states reminding them to post at least one Muslim inspector or sub-inspector (S-I) in police stations that fall under areas having high concentration of Muslim population.

In a note written to chief secretaries of all the states, the Union home secretary RK Singh urged them to send a status report on it by the end of this month.

The committee, which was constituted on March 9, 2005, under the chairmanship of Justice Rajinder Sachar to prepare a comprehensive report on the social, economic and educational status of Muslims in India, had in its report in November, 2006, recommended this as an initiative to build confidence among community members.

It suggested that it may be useful to have, at least, one Muslim inspector or S-I in police stations in areas having high concentration of Muslim population "not as a matter to eliminate discrimination but as an initiative to build confidence".

Home ministry following up on Muslim cops plan

Reminding the states about an elaborate note written by the then Union home secretary Madhukar Gupta four years ago on the issue, Singh in his note in March had said: "I would once again request you to take appropriate action in the light of the recommendation and also apprise this ministry about the action taken in this regard".

Singh also asked them to do the follow up exercise again in December and make it a practice to send status report to the home ministry on a half-yearly basis.

Sources in the home ministry said that though a number of states had started the practice to post at least one Muslim inspector or S-I in such police stations, the implementation was erratic and consequently the full compliance was yet to be achieved.

Sachar Committee had made various recommendations which are being followed up simultaneously by different ministries, taking into account their jurisdiction and subject.

"The particular suggestion on posting of Muslim cops is being followed up by the home ministry," said an official, adding the status of implementation of other recommendations concerning overall welfare of Muslims will be discussed in the national conference of state ministers for minority welfare here on Thursday.

He said: "The Sachar Committee report was prepared after detailed and wide ranging consultation with state governments, NGOs, Universities, academic bodies, intellectuals and different bodies of the Central government."
So it begins.. Multiple Surhawardys being appointed slowly.. SP will gladly implement this in UP.. I wish all the resident UP waale bhaiyyas to be careful.. The night of enemy is approaching..
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by devesh »

this is like placing all the elements in place before the storm begins.....I am reminded of the desperate pleas by Hindus in Bihar and Bengal to remove the Muslim govt employees and army units, b/c they simply aided and abetted the ML in their atrocities. once again, we see shades of similar scenario slowly building up.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Charlie »

Missing actress Laila Khan recced Mumbai for LeT in 2011
Mumbai: It has come to light that Laila Khan, the Bollywood starlet who has been missing since last year, recced Mumbai in 2011 along with her stepfather, sister and a family friend, and provided maps and photographs from the trip to the Pakistan-based terror outfit Lakhkar-e-Taiba (LeT), which was then planning a terror attack in the city.
The 'Wafaa' actress's Mitsubishi Outlander was allegedly used to ferry explosives for a bomb blast at the Delhi High Court in September 2011. Laila was accompanied by her sister Azmina Patel, her stepfather Asif Sheikh and her family friend Parvez Iqbal Tak, who allegedly had links with LeT militants.
After supplying the LeT with information on the city of Mumbai, the four received orders from the terror outfit to go to Delhi, to carry out the blast. They then left the city in three separate cars — a Mitsubishi Outlander, a Mahindra Scorpio and a Daewoo Cielo. They reunited at Laila's farmhouse in Igatpuri. At Igatpuri, the four met members of the LeT — Dr Wasim, Major Yasin and Major Gulam. After concluding the meeting, they set fire to the bungalow, to destroy documents and all other evidence. According to sources from the Intelligence Bureau, the four split up at Igatpuri — Tak and Sheikh went on to Delhi in the Mitsubishi Outlander, where they carried out the blast.

They took the vehicle on to Kishtwar in Jammu & Kashmir. The Outlander, with the registration number MH02 AY 7867 was registered under Laila's name. Tak was later ordered by the LeT to take the same vehicle back to Mumbai for his next operation — a blast in Mumbai. However, the Intelligence Bureau (IB) tipped off the J&K police that a car carrying explosives was on its way to launch a terror attack in Mumbai. Based on this tip off, this car was then traced to a garage in Kishtwar, which Tak had rented for Rs 800 a month.
Terror link
Three years ago, Laila had married Munir Khan, a member of the Bangladeshi terror outfit HUJI. It is suspected that it was through him that she came in contact with the LeT. Director Rakesh Sawant, who was working on a project with Laila about three years ago, has also revealed that she would often receive mysterious visitors. "When I went to Laila's house for a meeting three years ago regarding my film, I saw a Kashmiri sitting with weapons in her bedroom. I had even gone to Igatpuri to talk to her about my film, where I saw a similar gathering. When I asked Laila about them, she said they were her relatives," said Rakesh. {Then why did this duffer not report to the police}
On the run?
Shaikh, who unsuccessfully contested the 2008 Assembly Elections, is absconding at present, but the police have detained his close friend Shakir Hussain for questioning. The DIG for J&K (Doda-Ramban Range) Gareeb Dass, said, "Laila, along with her sister, and two others had done a recce in Mumbai. As soon as we got the input from the IB, we located the car, which was supposed to carry explosives to Mumbai. Further investigation is on." "It is possible that Laila, along with her family might have been killed by the LeT men, as they were carrying crores of money with them,” added Dass.

Who is Laila Khan?

Bollywood starlet Laila Khan went missing along with her family from their Mumbai residence. Her mysterious disappearance left the police puzzled as they were left clueless about Laila's whereabouts. Laila Khan aka Sara had debuted opposite Rajesh Khanna in film Wafaa in 2008. A promising film career beckoned her. However, in January, 2011 she seemed to fall off the map along with her mother and three siblings. Rakhi Sawant's director brother Rakesh had launched Laila in Wafaa. During a visit to J&K he was informed about Laila's sudden disappearance by some locals. Rakesh sensed something fishy and reported the matter at the Oshiwara police station.
This is the reason its very difficult to work with or rent property to certain people. Routine betrayal of trust + terror activities.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Sanku »

The frame up against Hindus starts to unravel

Why NIA has FAILED to crack the blast cases ... 120607.htm
On June 1, a Hyderabad court granted bail to Bharath Ratheshwar, an accused in the Mecca Masjid blasts, on the grounds that the NIA had failed to file a chargesheet even after being granted 180 days to do so.

This despite the CrPC making it clear that a chargesheet should be filed in 90 days after the arrest, failing which the accused is entitled for bail unless the investigating agency is able to give sufficient reason for the delay.

On Tuesday, Lokesh Sharma, another accused in the 2007 Malegaon blasts secured bail on similar grounds.

And these are not stray cases. Earlier, the court had granted bail to three other accused in the Malegaon blasts -- Sham Sahu, Shiv Narayan Kalsanghra and Ajay Rahirkar.

While granting bail to these accused persons, Justice AM Thipsay of the Bombay high court had virtually held that there was no evidence against them. They were granted bail after spending three years in jail.
Congress and Chidambaram through NIA has destroyed the lives of 10s of people and have had them spent years behind the bars without a shred of evidence.

Only to create phobia for political ends. :(
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by member_19686 »

‘Love’ ignites communal tension in Uttar Pradesh
Sanjay Pandey Lucknow, June 4, 2012, DHNS

Blossoming love affair between a dalit youth and a Muslim girl has triggered a communal tension in a village in Uttar Pradesh's Muzaffarnagar district, with the dalits being asked to leave the village.

On Sunday, the house of the dalit family, whose boy had eloped with the girl a few days back, was torched and they were asked to leave the village failing which they will have to face serious consequences. As the villagers were trying to douse the flames, a letter asking the dalits to leave the village was recovered from the spot triggering further tension.

According to reports, the boy Prateek had eloped with his lover, a Muslim girl of the same village, last month after a brief affair.

Complaint lodged

The members of the girl's family had lodged a report with the police. The couple who got married, were recovered from Loni area in Ghaziabad district a few days back.

When the duo were produced before a court on Saturday last, the girl, insisted on living with her lover. The court sent Prateek to jail and the girl was sent to “Nari Niketan” (women's shelter).

Members of the dalit community have sought security from the district administration and security personnel in strength have been deployed in the village to prevent any further flare up. A large number of dalit males have fled from the village fearing for their lives.

A case has been registered in this connection. “We have deployed police personnel in strength at the village. The guilty will be sternly punished,” said Arun Sirohi, circle officer.

Against love

The powerful “khaps” (caste panchayats) have declared that will not allow love marriages. Many lovers, in the past, have been subjected to torture and have also been killed by their families. ... uttar.html
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by member_19686 »

Free run for Jihadi Police in Kerala
07/06/2012 00:45:29 HK

'Self Appointed Guardians of Society' Batter Youth, Break Spine

His crime? He looked at a girl in Purdah. And then soon afterwards Vijith(18) found himself being battered by the self appointed Jihadi moral police of the Islamic republic of Kerala. A case for attempt to murder has been registered by the police against the assailants for their attack. The 3 assailants are Sanooj, Ashique, and Faisal. The victim Vijith of Nazerath Bhavan hails from Nooranadu.

Among the 3 assailants, police have remanded Sanooj, who hails from Eruva. A probe is on for nabbing the other two. Vijith who came to the Government hospital in Kayamkulam for paying a visit to his ailing aunt allegedly stared at a girl dressed in Purdah. And soon he found himself being beat-up in the most ruthless manner. Those who stood witness to the shocking incident managed to record the same on mobile phones and needless to say, it went viral via MMS and soon found its way to the world of internet. Taking notice of this atrocious crime, ADGP directed the DySP of Kayamkulam P Devamanoharan to act swiftly. Subsequently, a case was registered against the two for attempt to murder.

Inspite of the happening, Vijith, who feared for his life, did not report the matter at home. However, following with no signs of the pain subsiding and with growing discomfort in his physical being, Vijith finally confessed the matter at home on 1 June. He was rushed to the hospital immediately, where the doctors have announced a broken spine. The fact was discovered following an immediate surgery which was required for his heart. ... 020&SKIN=K
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Sachin »

Two people arrested in the Moral Police case at Kollam (Deepika: Malayalam)
This is a sad joke related to the incident which Surasena reported. Kerala Police has arrested two people in this case. But not for beating up the victim. The arrest is videographing the incident on mobile phones. I really dont know how videographing a criminal act becomes a crime by itself. The arrested people are Vishnu Vijayan (aged 21) and Jithin Mathew (aged 25). No trace of the Muslim youth who bashed up the victim, and the police say they have absconded.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Aditya_V »

Well, they violated the rights of the Minority group.. Well the future in India people keep voting for UPA and its type of parties along with lefties. Since they will have to outdo themeselves each time with increasing promises, it is bound to rise to sense of entitlement like it has in Northern Kerala.

Thanks to UPA and related Media Shehnigans a sizeble section of Minorities now all terror is done by RSS. LIke the Digvijay Singh attending the book launch of 26/11 RSS Ki Sajish.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by sum »

^^ Wow, Kerala seems to be sinking lower day by day!!The caliphate is coming. Even HC has now cleared the way for more "love jihad" by declaring that 15 yr old muslims can be legally wed.

Time for another Moplah rebellion since promised Dar-ul-Islam is so near?
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by vijayk » ... 120607.htm
n what can be only be called an utter embarrassment for the National Investigating Agency, two accused in the Malegaon and Mecca Masjid blasts were granted bail by the courts in a span of five days, due to failure on the agency's part to file a chargesheet in the stipulated period of 90 days, as mandated by the Code of Criminal Procedure. Vicky Nanjappa analyses the failure

The release of two accused just a few days apart, indicates that in both these cases the NIA has not managed to put up a strong-enough case for the courts to take cognisance.
The bails

On June 1, a Hyderabad court granted bail to Bharath Ratheshwar, an accused in the Mecca Masjid blasts, on the grounds that the NIA had failed to file a chargesheet even after being granted 180 days to do so.

This despite the CrPC making it clear that a chargesheet should be filed in 90 days after the arrest, failing which the accused is entitled for bail unless the investigating agency is able to give sufficient reason for the delay.

On Tuesday, Lokesh Sharma, another accused in the 2007 Malegaon blasts secured bail on similar grounds.

And these are not stray cases. Earlier, the court had granted bail to three other accused in the Malegaon blasts -- Sham Sahu, Shiv Narayan Kalsanghra and Ajay Rahirkar.

While granting bail to these accused persons, Justice AM Thipsay of the Bombay high court had virtually held that there was no evidence against them. They were granted bail after spending three years in jail.
While the NIA says that these are complex cases and need a lot of time for investigation, many others feel that the evidence is not coming by because the investigation/re-investigation started off as a witch-hunt for political reasons.

NIA sources blame the current situation on the lack of cooperation from local cops, who form the backbone of any investigation.
"It is definitely under pressure. It was set up with a great deal of hype, and we had all welcomed the formation of a central agency. However, when one looks at the Harshal Vasani case, it becomes clear that the NIA is desperate. Vasani, a Rajasthan resident, had filed an affidavit stating that he was offered Rs 1 crore by the NIA to name a couple of senior Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh leaders in these attacks," he says.
However, there are other opinions. Ganesh Sovani, who represents Malegaon blast accused Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur, says that this is a result of a witch-hunt.

"It is nothing but an artificial investigation in furtherance to fix people for political needs. When then basis of an investigation is such, the NIA is left with very little choice but to fabricate evidence.
But that won't stand for long, because courts these days are cautious while dealing with such cases," he says.
I think if NDA comes to power they have to set up a SIT to investigate Dogvijay, Rahul, Sonia on how they manipulated legal/judicial systems and convict these crooks.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by ramana »

That would prolong the witch hunt and the cycle goes on. Instead they should free the NIA and CBI from Politician control.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Sushupti »

Exclusive: Starlet Laila Khan used LeT funds to double money in Bollywood?

Laila Khan, who made her debut with the seductive bed scene with yesteryear’s superstar Rajesh Khanna in Wafaa (2008), is said to have allegedly diverted a lot of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) funds to Bollywood.

Highly placed sources from the intelligence agencies reveal, “Three years ago, Salma Patel alias Laila Khan married Munir Khan, a member of the Bangladeshi terror outfit HUJI. It is believed that it was through Munir she came in contact with the LeT and convinced their funders to invest into Bollywood films so that they would double their investments which could further be forwarded for terror attacks in Kashmir and across the country."

“Laila also wanted to get into the skin of Bollywood and make a personal rapport with the actresses so that she could invite the damsels to UAE to entertain her Lashkar contacts," adds a source.

Khan went missing last year, allegedly recced Mumbai in 2011 along with her stepfather, sister and a family friend, and provided maps and photographs from the trip to the Pakistan-based terror outfit Lakhkar-e-Taiba (LeT), which was then planning a terror attack on the city.

The 'Wafaa' actress' Mitsubishi Outlander was allegedly used to ferry explosives for a bomb blast at the Delhi High Court in September 2011. Laila was accompanied by her sister Azmina Patel, her stepfather Asif Sheikh and her family friend Parvez Iqbal Tak, who allegedly had links with LeT militants.

Rakhi’s Sawant’s brother Rakesh, who directed Laila in Wafaa reveals that the actress did have certain mysterious contacts, who visited her during shoots too. “Three years ago, when I had visited her home to discuss another film project, I was amused to find Kashmiri men sitting in her bedroom, who had weapons along with them. She claimed them to be her relatives,” said Sawant. ... 81427.html
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by ramana »

There is a Delhi HC blast thread. Please x-post there for completeness....
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by sum »

sum wrote:Bangalore stadium blast accused killed in high-security jail
Bangalore Chinnaswamy stadium blast accused Qateel Siddiqui was on Friday strangled to death inside the Yerwada jail in Pune by his fellow-inmates.

Siddiqui, a suspected Indian Mujahideen member, was allegedly involved in several terror attacks in Delhi, Bangalore and Pune.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Aditya_V »

WTF - were his fellow inmates involved in other cases?
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by sum »

^^ I would guess it would be more of some "patriotic" inmates doing justice their style or might just be a routine argument gone wrong..
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Dilbu »

Or someone wanted to bury some secrets along with the dead man.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by sum »

Interesting article related to above news:
Behind bars, underworld wages a war for 'social justice'
The killing of an Indian Mujahideen [ Images ] operative in Pune's Yerawada Prison coincides with an interesting confession that the Bangalore police have recently received. A man closely associated with an operative of the underworld has claimed that people were being paid to eliminate members of Dawood Ibrahim's gang and Islamic terrorists in prisons across India.

Although the killing at the Yerawada jail may have nothing to do with this confession, this angle may require a detailed probe, says an official of the Bangalore police.

A couple of days ago, one Raghu was apprehended by the Bangalore police while he was on his way back from Bangkok. Raghu is allegedly associated with an underworld operative based on Bangkok called H Manju.

The Bangalore police had earlier found a large cache of arms and ammunition being smuggled out. When they started their probe, the trail led to Manju who, according to the police, is associated with the Ravi Poojary gang.

Raghu, in his confession, told the police that during meetings with his boss, he had heard him say that money was being spent in large amounts to eliminate members of Dawood's gang and the Indian Mujahideen, lodged in various jails in India.

Manju had reportedly talked about identifying these members and eliminating them inside the jail.

According to the police, the underworld seems to be getting polarised once again. The first signs of such a divide were seen during the split between Dawood Ibrahim and Chhota Rajan.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by vijayk »

ramana wrote:That would prolong the witch hunt and the cycle goes on. Instead they should free the NIA and CBI from Politician control.
The purpose of these investigations should be to figure out who started the witch hunt, who gave orders to fix cases, who ordered them to advertise this information before elections.

We can show how innocent people are targeted and use that investigation to free up police/CBI from the clutches of politicians. If the results of the investigation are that there was an effort to tamper evidence, we need to prosecute them.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by SSridhar »

sum wrote:^^ I would guess it would be more of some "patriotic" inmates doing justice their style or might just be a routine argument gone wrong..
IM is just LeT, India. I hope LeT's clout has not extended inside Yerawada.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by nawabs »

States to have Muslim police officers in Muslim-dense areas ... 35580.html
Accepting a key recommendation of the Sachar Committee, the Centre has asked the states to appoint at least one Muslim officer in police stations in areas having high concentration of Muslim population.

In a communication to Chief Secretaries of all states, Union Home Secretary R K Singh asked them to send a status report on it by the end of June. The missive was sent after the Home Ministry found that many states have not yet fully implemented one of the key recommendations of the Sachar Committee report.

The Committee, which was constituted on March 9, 2005, under the chairmanship of Justice Rajinder Sachar to prepare a comprehensive report on the social, economic and educational status of Muslims in India, had, in its report in November 2006, made the recommendation as an initiative to build confidence among community members.

It had suggested that it would be useful to have at least one Muslim police inspector or sub-inspector in police stations in areas having high concentration of Muslim population “not as a matter to eliminate discrimination but as an initiative to build confidence”.

Reminding the states about its earlier communication sent four years ago, the Home Secretary said, “I would once again request you to take appropriate action in the light of the recommendation and also apprise this Ministry about the action taken in this regard”.

Singh also asked the states to follow up the exercise Singh also asked the states to follow up the exercise again in December and make it a practice to send status reports to the Home Ministry on a half-yearly basis.

The Centre sent the communication to the states to appoint at least one Muslim inspector or sub-inspector in such police stations after finding that the implementation of the Sachar Committee report was erratic and that full compliance was yet to be achieved.

The Committee had made various recommendations which were being followed up simultaneously by different central ministries, taking into account their jurisdiction and subjects, officials said.

The Committee report was prepared after detailed and wide-ranging consultations with state governments, NGOs, universities, academic bodies, intellectuals and various organisations of the central government.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by vishvak »

Worth of Jagan, according to TDP (link or link)
Jagan is the actual owner of 822 acres of limestone mines allotted to Penna Cements. The reported turnover: Rs 3,600 crore.

Jagan owns 250 acres worth Rs 500 crore in the name of Tanla Solutions in Ranga Reddy district.

Owns 750 acres in Indu, Stargage, Brahmani SEZ worth Rs 1,500 crore; and 595 acres in Nadargul in Ranga Reddy district worth Rs 1,800 crore.

Owns 800 acres of limestone mines in Kurnool through Penna Cements worth Rs 3,000 crore.

About 329 acres of land allotted to OMC and Anantapur Mining Company owned by Gali Janardhana Reddy are owned by Jagan and the land is valued at Rs 10,000 crore.

Industrialist Indu Syam Prasad Reddy, an associate of Jagan, was allotted 8,844 acres to set up the Lepakshi Knowledge Hub at Anantapur and the land is valued at Rs 1,000 crore.
As usual, secularists are silent while CBI is doing its job at its pace.
Last edited by vishvak on 09 Jun 2012 15:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by vishvak »

In the Economic Times, Chinese checkers on border board: Will India make the winning move?
How accurate is that?
D Roy
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by D Roy »

That has to be the worst apology I have seen yet for a sell out.

Post it in the Managing Chinese etc etc threat where it can be discussed.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by jiteshn »

Mind blogging connections


Swiss company gave $530k to Abhishek Vermas firm in US to stall blacklisting proceedings
Rheinmetall Air Defense (RAD) has been named by India’s Central Bureau of Investigation as having paid $530,000 to a suspected Indian arms middleman, Abhishek Verma to help freeze the blacklisting proceedings initiated by the Indian government against Rheinmetall for allegedly bribing an official of India's Ordnance Factory Board.
On June 8, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrested Abhishek Verma and his wife Anca Neacsu- the Managing Director of Ganton India for allegedly receiving kickbacks from the Swiss arms maker.
From Romania with love: Meet Abhishek Verma's 'mysterious' model wife
a letter dated 11 April, 2011 to Commerce Minister Anand Sharma describes Anca as a struggling receptionist from Romania (until 3 years ago) before she was hired as the Managing Director of Ganton India Pvt Ltd. Documents seized by the CBI during raids on Thursday reportedly revealed that Anca is a director of Ganton USA and managing director of Ganton India P Ltd.

Neacsu is listed as the contact person for Ganton India Private Ltd on a business listings site.

Reports state Abhishek claimed that Neacsu had recommended Zohal Hamid, the alleged victim of the IPL molestation case, for an Indian visa through C Edmonds Allen. Zohal works for Ganton Indian Private Limited and she even represented Abhishek's company at the Arms Expo in Las Vegas in January 2012.
Zohal Hamid (left),with Barkha Singh(Chief of Delhi Commission for Women)

A corrupt arms dealer visiting the residence of the chief of DCW alleging molestation?

This is Sahil Peerzada; fiancee of Zohal Hamid. He received a thrashing from Australian cricketer Luke Pomersbach during an IPL after party. So if future wife works for a shady arms company, who does her partner work for?

Who is Sahil Peerzada?
He has a 4 BHK flat near Amitabh Bachchan's residence. His total income is worth over Rs 3000 crores and boasts of a Dubai connection. So who is Sahil Peerzada. His real name is Sajid Peerzada and he belongs to Sopore area of Baramulla district(the troubled part of kashmir). Peerzada has three brothers Sajid, Feroze, Majid and Lateef. He went to Mumbai for modelling but could not survive since he wasn't well versed with Hindi. His brother Feroze Peerzada lives in Oshiwara, Mumbai. He is married in Suadagar family from Bangalore and has done some modelling in 80's. Sahil married Zeba-- a non discript model living in Versova. He subsequently married Shama Dedlani, who converted for him, but due to his wayward nature, the two got divorced. Sahil gave her a 2000 sq ft showroom outside Cooper Hospital as part of maintenance. Sajid also reportedly got close to model Gauhar khan and the two were engaged. He has political connections as well. He is also said to be close to RCB owner Sidhartha Mallya.

So what exactly does he do to earn 3000 crore a year?

Socialites engaged in diplomatic missions in indian defense sector? Raid all high level social parties on random basis and interrogate everyone. This is outrageous.
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