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Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 25 Mar 2023 12:24
by sanjayc
Maybe making a Sanskrit exam compulsory for SC judges will bring them down to earth and get us judges more connected with ground realities of Indian civilizational state. Judges will remain alien to Indian ethos as long as they think and write in English

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 25 Mar 2023 17:12
by eklavya
It should be possible to post Indian Army soldiers to the HCI in London for ceremonies duties, etc. A couple of jawans from the Sikh Regiment could be tasked with the flag ceremony (sunrise and sunset), with some nice Indian tunes. Sare jahan se accha, etc. Sikhs are among the most patriotic people in India. Let us make sure everyone understands this.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 25 Mar 2023 17:16
by Pratyush
Don't understand why people are making Sikhs as an issue?

The issue is a few nutjobs who happen to be from Punjab.

The huge Indian flag was the correct response to them.

The rest has to be handled from Delhi. The minister is doing a good job.

Have faith. There will be an appropriate level response to this stupidity from the UK.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 25 Mar 2023 18:30
by Aldonkar
Manish_P wrote:
sanjayc wrote:Many of the Sikh rowdies have been identified as Indian citizens living in UK. They have Indian passports. Hence Delhi police has registered criminal cases and started investigations.
Let them apply for political asylum
The individual who has been arrested for hauling down the Indian flag has been identified as an Indian citizen and an Asylum seeker.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 25 Mar 2023 19:15
by Manish_P
^ no surprise to me. Standard playbook

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 25 Mar 2023 22:30
by dsreedhar
In addition to a few Indians gather on weekend at the consulate and fly big Indian flag and sing patriotic song, there is need to do something more creative.
These consulates should put up some big electronic displays and show the Khalistani history and the mayhem they perpetrated (1000s of killings, airplane blow up, PM killing etc). A slideshow of history. This will educate both the lost younger generation sikhs as well as westerners.
Add in how hindus dedicated their 1st child to sikhism and how khalistanis are breaking this blood bond.

Indian govt should fund these too instead of just spending on repeated repairs from attacks and on security.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 26 Mar 2023 00:05
by VKumar
India should ask all Indian passport holders who participated in the attack on our embassy be deported forthwith. It should cancel the OCI status of others.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 26 Mar 2023 03:50
by Bart S
sanjayc wrote:Many of the Sikh rowdies have been identified as Indian citizens living in UK.
While factually correct, this kind of labeling is not helpful, and plays into the Khalistani's own propaganda where they have usurped the entire Sikh identity and positioned themselves as representing all Sikhs. Please call them out as Khalistani rowdies (thugs would be better for a Western audience) instead.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 26 Mar 2023 04:38
by vimal
Slightly OT but this should be said here to provide another perspective which is based on greed and not ideology.

There is a large scale immigration fraud racket run by Punjabi immigrants in the west. One of the easiest ways to get citizenship or permanent residency is to claim political asylum or refugee status based on persecution. There is a huge racket of gangs and lawyers who sponsor paid articles to spread human rights violation news in the western media which strengthens their case. These groups have now aligned with Khalis and Pakis to create a narrative and more funding. How do I know this? An immigrant Sikh friend of my casually mentioned this to me as one of ways they have been able to get many family members to western countries. They even suggested me to consult a lawyer who could do all the paperwork for a fees. There are a large number of such illegal immigrants in large pockets in various places.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 26 Mar 2023 05:25
by Cyrano
Seems highly plausible to me. That's jugaad export version for you. Shamless scoundrels who themselves deserve the most used Punjabi gaali which I won't repeat here.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 26 Mar 2023 06:50
by g.sarkar
VKumar wrote:India should ask all Indian passport holders who participated in the attack on our embassy be deported forthwith. It should cancel the OCI status of others.
Do you think the UK government will deport any one? They are the only authority that can deport people from UK, and they do not deport guilty Indians. Canceling OCI can be done by the Indian government, but this will strengthen the claim of the Indian citizens that they are persecuted and they can apply for political asylum in the UK.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 26 Mar 2023 10:43
by V_Raman
At the end of the day this is all for the emigration racket that Punjabis are part of. So it is up to UK/Canada to shut this down.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 26 Mar 2023 11:02
by hnair
Please don’t ask for deport to India. They are UK’s problem to solve now and they need to deal with it. If India asks for deportation it will go into a separate legal track in which their silly courts with wig-clowns etc will get too much importance as they bloviate about India’s legal system and finally say no. We saw that from the day they coddled Nadeem, a gross murderer of a business rival, after India asked his extradition.

India’s stance should be simple: UK should live up to its obligations of protecting Indian embassy and if they find an Indian citizen doing a first-rate criminal activity affecting ties with a friendly nation, they should take verifiable and visible action. They should be forced to deport the guy even if he is a citizen, using their own arguments and not based on our demands (which will never be met). That has better chance of happening.

But if they want to keep this lowlife, I say let them. What is the point of stuffing his face three times a day with our tax money in Tihar?

Also build that damn urinal in Delhi or don’t blame if I relive myself at their walls. Indians are like that onlee

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 26 Mar 2023 11:12
by Manish_P
Bart S wrote:.... Please call them out as Khalistani rowdies (thugs would be better for a Western audience) instead.
Please label them as illegal immigrants using imaginary excuse of asylum to leech their way in. That's what getting the white common UKstanis getting hot under the collar right now.

The UK deep state of course is happy as they can use it against Modi/India. But the UK has a functioning democracy and loss of votes is the worry of politicians anywhere.
hnair wrote:...Please don’t ask for deport to India. They are UK’s problem to solve now and they need to deal with it...
Precisely this.

Also tell them we have a few thousands of Rohingyas who are also feeling very insecure and would like to move to a true secular democracy.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 26 Mar 2023 18:28
by Haresh
All they do is moan.
They just cannot accept that the people they so despised are doing so well.

A fresh era for India or a ham-fisted ego trip? Welcome to Modi’s new seat of power ... t-of-power

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 26 Mar 2023 19:32
by chetak
Haresh wrote:All they do is moan.
They just cannot accept that the people they so despised are doing so well.

A fresh era for India or a ham-fisted ego trip? Welcome to Modi’s new seat of power ... t-of-power
This type of a journo is best described as a media tramp

the firm rejection of the relics of the colonial and mughal past is setting the nether regions of several of the gora, as well as, the brown of the species, on fire

these rejected colonial relics, apart from being regulars on the lootyens kabab, sharab, nawab circuit, were also making an extremely decent living with foreign grants, govt aid, and very lucrative fees from lecture tours whilst peddling fantasy based colonial cultural supremacy, as well as, vigorously pushing the hegemony of the imagined intrinsic superiority of the mughal izl@mic refinements over the intellectually complex and intricate predominance of a broad array of Indian civilizational accomplishments.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 26 Mar 2023 20:12
by drnayar
Haresh wrote:All they do is moan.
They just cannot accept that the people they so despised are doing so well.

A fresh era for India or a ham-fisted ego trip? Welcome to Modi’s new seat of power ... t-of-power

not MG btw

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 26 Mar 2023 20:13
by drnayar
the colonial powers are now fighting back by proxy

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 26 Mar 2023 22:05
by hnair
chetak wrote: This type of a journo is best described as a media tramp
Chetak please don’t elevate this cheap anti-Indian anglo-supremacist into a media tramp! These guys are the types who egg on even Americans for removal of American confederate symbols but not their own horrible colonial structure or the undemocratic monarchy.

Authoritarianism, my brown ass.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 26 Mar 2023 22:28
by chetak
hnair wrote:
chetak wrote: This type of a journo is best described as a media tramp
Chetak please don’t elevate this cheap anti-Indian anglo-supremacist into a media tramp! These guys are the types who egg on even Americans for removal of American confederate symbols but not their own horrible colonial structure or the undemocratic monarchy.

Authoritarianism, my brown ass.
Right, saar.

it's the same 'darbari' DNA, the white skin fetish, which promoted mughal, then britshit, and now mamamia mafia.

and, their calling cards remain the entitled arrogance, the superior sneer and the colonial brush off

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 27 Mar 2023 01:00
by Vayutuvan
chetak wrote:schitt for tat response by the Modi govt

the bois played well
There is no public toilet near Buckingham Palace as well. I had a couple of pints of London's pride before visiting the palace. I circled to the back of the palace and did a London's Pride abhishekham on the outer wall ca 1984. :mrgreen:

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 27 Mar 2023 18:06
by g.sarkar
I hope, but do not want to jinx it (where is Dilbuji when you need him?) by mentioning it often. Let me try to express it again: I sincerely hope that after the next election Modiji declares that India will leave the Commonwealth, as it has served its purpose. This will trigger an exodus of the non-White members and end the organization as we know it. King Charles should not be the head of Commonwealth.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 27 Mar 2023 18:48
by SBajwa
Asylum based immigration is not easy as it was back in 1980s-1990s. These days the person must prove a court case, political harassment beyond doubt, hospitalization, torture, etc before being granted a hearing before a judge. It is much easy for people to immigrate to Canada/UK/Australia/NZ on study visa and to USA on H1b visa., or marriage.
Most of the people in USA/Canada/UK/etc who are asking for political asylum from India will definitely be deported. What these people do is they lose all of their Indian identification papers (passport,etc) asking for immigration so Judge hears them and asks for deportation putting them in jail. Then Government of India must provide them with a passport which requires the local police to figure out the persons village, address, family, etc and locate its original papers with local passport office (takes time) and then in 6-12 months the person is deported. Most of them change their names, lie about their village, city, family ,etc. It is not easy to identify them during this "political asylum process". Once they get permanent residency then they reveal their true intentions.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 27 Mar 2023 18:51
by Cyrano
If a person doesn't have any papers, how do they tie that person to India or any other country?

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 27 Mar 2023 21:35
by yensoy
^^^^ Sir but that's why US and other countries have been asking for biometrics from all visa applicants, right? As long as fingerprints are available, it should be easy for US to figure out the person's identity which they can share with Indian authorities if they want them deported.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 27 Mar 2023 22:44
by SRajesh
OMG a jihadi is now the First Minister of Scotland
Equal=Equal given Sunak is PM
Can or should we expect some noises from across the border
And also Cashmore utterances yada yada

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 27 Mar 2023 23:45
by Lisa
Cyrano wrote:If a person doesn't have any papers, how do they tie that person to India or any other country?
It is exclusively dependant on the illegal alien admitting where he has come from AND the county from where he has migrating from, admitting that the said individual is their citizen. Now comes the issue, pukistan regularly says "this individual is not a puki", to force his accommodation in the new country. Western nations have thereafter threatened pukistan with a withdrawal of normal visa issuances until they agree to take back their own citizens who are illegally in the west.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 28 Mar 2023 04:09
by A_Gupta

Imagine telling a colonial officer in 19th century New Delhi that someday both the PM and the First Minister of Scotland would be first generation Punjabi Brits and they'd be talking about abrogating the Acts of Union.


An Indian and a Pakistani are fighting to partition Britain. Total Anglo defeat has been achieved - congratulations to my Punjabi friends on your complete victory over the Empire.


Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 28 Mar 2023 04:12
by yensoy
Rsatchi wrote:OMG a jihadi is now the First Minister of Scotland
Equal=Equal given Sunak is PM
Can or should we expect some noises from across the border
And also Cashmore utterances yada yada
All we want is Scotland to ask for partition from UK.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 28 Mar 2023 05:58
by V_Raman
From - ... ommunities

Of the 1.1 million British Pakistanis, more than one million originate from the part of Kashmir governed by Pakistan.

That is a mind boggling number - so Pak drove out PoK Kashmiris to UK!!

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 28 Mar 2023 06:19
by sanjaykumar
Begana ki shadi mein Abdul diwana.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 28 Mar 2023 07:45
by Aditya_V
V_Raman wrote:From - ... ommunities

Of the 1.1 million British Pakistanis, more than one million originate from the part of Kashmir governed by Pakistan.

That is a mind boggling number - so Pak drove out PoK Kashmiris to UK!!
They are Punjabi speakers from Mirpur area, they were not driven out, they had close ties to the British from pre independence days, they were generally the most educated lot among the Pakis.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 28 Mar 2023 10:33
by Vayutuvan
sanjaykumar wrote:Begana ki shadi mein Abdul diwana.
Begaani shaadi mein abdullaah deewaanaa

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 28 Mar 2023 17:09
by Bart S
V_Raman wrote:From - ... ommunities

Of the 1.1 million British Pakistanis, more than one million originate from the part of Kashmir governed by Pakistan.

That is a mind boggling number - so Pak drove out PoK Kashmiris to UK!!
They are not Kashmiri, they can't speak even a sentence in Kashmiri language. We should stop using their terminology and narrative or at least stop perpetuating it.

These guys are actually from Jammu (Mirpur district of per-partition Jammu) and not Kashmir proper, but Pakis have been calling them Kashmiris to perpetuate the narrative (when these thugs protest and vandalize Indian diplomatic property etc) that they are Kashmiris (when they have no cultural affinity to the Kashmir valley that Pakis want) and are concerned about their brethren etc.

Pakistan occupies only a sliver of what is actually Kashmir, and I am not sure why we keep saying POK when it should actually be POJ (Jammu), POL (Ladakh) etc.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 28 Mar 2023 17:11
by Bart S
Aditya_V wrote:
V_Raman wrote:From - ... ommunities

Of the 1.1 million British Pakistanis, more than one million originate from the part of Kashmir governed by Pakistan.

That is a mind boggling number - so Pak drove out PoK Kashmiris to UK!!
They are Punjabi speakers from Mirpur area, they were not driven out, they had close ties to the British from pre independence days, they were generally the most educated lot among the Pakis.
They were driven out, sort of, when Pakistan built a big dam. However there might have been some accommodation between the Pakis and Brits to enable these folks to migrate at that scale.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 29 Mar 2023 10:32
by kancha
Bart S wrote:
Aditya_V wrote:
They are Punjabi speakers from Mirpur area, they were not driven out, they had close ties to the British from pre independence days, they were generally the most educated lot among the Pakis.
They were driven out, sort of, when Pakistan built a big dam. However there might have been some accommodation between the Pakis and Brits to enable these folks to migrate at that scale.
Oh it was a well considered decision. These were mostly the people that were to be displaced when the Mangla Dam was completed after the signing of the Indus Water Treaty. Incidentally, India had to pay hard cash to make up for the loss of water supplies to Pakistan as a result of the three western rivers going to India! But that is a discussion for a different time.
What the Brits gained was cheap working hands for serving the erstwhile Gora masters. And here we are now! :rotfl:

By the way, another strictly anecdotal input: I travelled through Germany for a couple of weeks a decade ago. During the trip I came across a tourist from Turkey. We got talking and I was quite amused to hear that he was quite at home even in Germany, with so many Turks that were settled there. I dug a bit and he himself volunteered more information. Germany had 'imported' Turkish citizens in large numbers after the WW2 in order to provide labour for the massive rebuilding efforts after all the devastation suffered in the war. Today, 70 years after the war, they still identify themselves as Turks and speak Turkish amongst themselves. Comprising nearly 3% of the German population, this gives immense power to someone like Erdogan even on matters related to internal affairs of Germany!
But like I said, this is purely anecdotal. Take it FWIW

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 29 Mar 2023 15:57
by Cyrano
Its true. I'd say Turks settled in Germany might be a lot more than 3% now. France did the same by importing droves of "half white" workers from its erstwhile African colonies like Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and black workers from many other sub saharan countries. They have settled in and around all major cities like Paris, Marseille etc. Their 2nd, 3rd generation descendants consider themselves French. They are estimated to be between 20-22% - with at least one grand parent born outside EU. Most get by normally, have integrated into and have influenced French culture, Couscous is a favourite dish for the French etc etc, but there is a sizeable portion that is involved in islamic extremism, Muslim Brotherhood, petty and big crime, drugs etc. They also regularly infiltrate leftist protests to indulge in vandalism and arson.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 30 Mar 2023 11:48
by yensoy
Germany and France offer completely contradictory models for immigration and assimilation. Germans for many decades held to the concept of German by blood, much to the detriment of Turkish "guest workers" who remained "guest workers" with little chance of citizenship despite living for multiple generations in Germany. In turn they did not fully commit to Germany, maintaining homes and strong links with Turkey and a distinct identity. France, on the other hand, has believed that any subject of the Republic is a Gaul, didn't matter if they were black or white - and this goes back a long time. This is also very different from UK's concept of commonwealth which was clear about the separation of Britain and the Colonies. Anyway with its vast global territories and a lot of intermixing of races, France offered a much better path towards settlement and citizenship, the only real qualification needed was being able to speak French. That doesn't take away from the fact of racism and glass ceiling, and accompanying ghettoization, but it is in a much better place than Germany and even UK for that matter. Put simply, UK will accept a non-white in the workplace but not into the family, France will readily accept a non-white into the family but less so in the workplace. Germany is neither.

French, like English, is a language that has allowed non-natives to make mistakes as they speak, they are understood and nobody minds; German has to be spoken with the accuracy and precision of a German.

Germany now is facing demographic collapse much like the rest of the advanced economies, and is trying its level best to sweeten deals. Yet it is seriously bureaucratic and will only succeed in bringing over a lower "grade" of people on an average (in terms of source country, skill level, ability and willingness to integrate, willingness to stay on in the long term). Given their marked preference for Europeans, they are flush with Ukrainians (earlier with Poles, Yugoslavs, Russians, Albanians...) the only outlier in recent years being Syrians.

But things are changing very fast because they have to.

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 03 Apr 2023 02:04
by IndraD
LSE cancels Indian elected general secretary on charges of Islamophobia

Karan Kataria
I have faced personal, vicious, and targeted attacks due to the anti-India rhetoric and Hinduphobia. I demand that the
is transparent about its reasoning.

I will not be a SILENT victim of Hinduphobia.

@BobBlackman ... 54657?s=20

Re: Indo-UK News & Discussions- June 2017

Posted: 03 Apr 2023 08:27
by Varoon Shekhar
Awful, first the elected head of the Oxford Student Union, and now the general secretary of the LSE.