Internal Security Watch

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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by member_19686 »

ShyamSP wrote:^^ There used to be member named G Subramanyam (spelling?). He used to post these breeding studies and suggest Hindus to outbreed. Of course, for Bradmins it was too much to take. At this rate, after 100 years, you won't have BRadmins but MRullahs. To get membership in MR you need to declare you're Ghazi by posting photo of your fresh kill. :twisted:
G. Subramaniam?

He is still active on IF & many of his predictions have turned out true while his detractors have no answer except to put their head in the sand.
All Muslim leaders unanimously complain that injustice is done to Muslims in India. However, they have a strange definition of injustice. They suggest, indirectly no doubt, that the very fact that India has a Hindu majority is in itself a great injustice to Muslims. How else can one understand the programme of the Mashawarat which demands sovereign rights for the Muslim community? In their own way, Muslim leaders are continuously trying to remove this injustice. One of the methods of ensuring justice is to claim that Pakistani infiltrators in Assam are not Pakistani at all. A second method is to demand the granting of Indian citizenship to those Pakistanis who are illegal residents of Bihar, West Bengal and some other states of India. A third method is to oppose family planning. A professor from Aligarh University was quite frank about this. He said: "Hindus cannot keep us permanently in a minority. Remember the history of Canada? How did the question of Quebec arise? Those citizens of Quebec who are of English origin are Protestants and they practise family planning. But those who are of French origin are Catholics who never planned their families nor are doing so even today. As a result, the number of French-speaking Catholics in Quebec has increased in relation to the number of English-speaking Protestants. Now the French-speaking Catholics have started protecting their own rights and interests. We shall follow the same example. If not today, fifty years hence; if not fifty, a hundred years hence. This country will eventually be swept by an Islamic tide." The professor was quite forthright in expressing his views. There are other leaders of Indian Muslims who say the same thing although they couch it in clever phrases. They say, "Our religion does not permit family planning. Grant us the freedom to practise our religion"

Source: Muslim politics in India by Hamid Dalwai, 1969
Hamid Dalwai was a Muslim himself but a serious reformer and hence ostracized by IM's.
Muslim cleric blames drought on faithless Aussies
Sunday Herald Sun, via the Sunday Telegraph, Australia
Mar. 11, 2007
Liam Houlihan

A leading Muslim cleric has blamed the devastating drought, climate change and pollution on Australians’ lack of faith in Allah.

Radical sheik Mohammed Omran told followers at his Brunswick mosque that out-of-control secular scientific values had caused environmental disaster...

And in a popular DVD selling locally, a foreign sheik exhorts Muslims to take control of Australia by out-breeding non-believers.

British-based Sheik Abdul Raheem Green forbade Muslims from having fewer than four children so Australia would become an Islamic state.

Behind the closed doors of some Melbourne mosques and bookshops, sheiks push for Sharia law, declare Islam at war with the “sick” West and gloat that September 11 boosted Muslim numbers.

At a Muslim information centre in Coburg, extreme literature shares shelves with DVDs by firebrand sheiks from around the globe.

The centre, run by Abu Hamza, serves Muslims in the northern suburbs.

Many CDs and DVDs there feature London sheik Abdul Raheem Green, who is on an Australian Government watchlist.

On one he tells his audience to Islamise Australia through a Muslim baby boom.

“The birth rate in the Western countries is going down. People are more interested in their careers . . . they don’t want to have babies,” Sheik Green says in one DVD.

“So don’t you think, Muslim brothers and sisters, we’ve got a bit of an opportunity here? They’re not having babies any more. So what if, instead, we have the babies? ... ss-aussies
BTW partition itself partly the result of higher Muslim birth rates as they went from 15% around 1800 to 23% by 1940s. In 1881 Bengal had a slight Hindu majority, today in undivided Bengal Muslims would easily be 2/3rds or above.

To understand what's going, go through the website and the book (highly recommended) of Eric Kaufmann:

One of his talks:

Also this blog and website of Michael Blume: ... ns-growing ... -fertility

http://www.blume-religionswissenschaft. ... /wrrr.html

After reading Kaufmann's book, keep in mind his predictions when you come across stuff like this: ... t-TIME.pdf
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by kshatriya »

so numerically speaking, in 50 years or earlier, Does India have another Partion or Do Hindus get overrun ?
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by member_19686 »

kshatriya wrote:so numerically speaking, in 50 years or earlier, Does India have another Partion or Do Hindus get overrun ?
Partition or civil war is inevitable on the current course.

There are counter measures such as raising Hindu fertility, prohibiting abortion (which the shastra-s says is a mahapataka & only permit in cases where the mother's life is under threat or serious health risks) and implementing it, Hindus being armed, demographic redistribution whereby Hindus from predominantly Hindu states such as Himachal or Orissa are settled in states under threat such as Kerala, WB or Assam, settling ex-army guys and their families in such areas, repealing laws which are blatantly against men and which result in the destruction of Hindu family etc.

And no the Indian gov't won't lift a finger to save you or your family, you are on your own as the KPs found out and Bodos are finding out. BTW the only reason Bodos didn't get hit even worse is that they have a lot of AK 47's and other arms left over from their insurgency which they never gave up & were used, the heroic Indian gov't which many forum members look up to for saving civilians was nowhere to be found when BD's were running amok.

There are those who believe in pipe dreams such as gov't implementing 2 child norm, which will only worsen the sex ratio & which obviously won't be followed by the likes we are discussing, only one's who will follow it will be dumb Hindus which will only worsen the situation. Others seek to sell you the pipe dream that "strict law enforcement" will solve all this, well just look at EU which has much stricter law enforcement and is facing the same issues. In any case where do law enforcement personnel come from, I presume they don't spring up from the ground mythically but are drawn from society and what happens when due to differential birth rates the shade of the society becomes increasingly green?

Wouldn't the law enforcement personnel have to be recruited from this part of the society too and do you think politicians can ignore the votes they can gain from this spreading shade of green on the social landscape?

Demographic change destroying once great civilizations has happened many times in the past and is happening today in the modern world. It happened to Rome when over 300 years due to differential birth rates the Christians had grown to millions and powerful enough that Constantine threw his support behind them, it happened to Greece in its declining days when it fell to the robust Romans, and it was happening in Rome which is why Caesar Augustus made a long speech castigating the childless and the unmarried and put them on par with murderers and traitors seeking to blot out the very name of Rome by their hedonism.
The fact is that the people of Hellas had entered the false path of ostentation, avarice and laziness, and were therefore becoming unwilling to marry, or, if they did marry, to bring up the children born to them; the majority were only willing to bring up at most one or two, in order to leave them wealthy and to spoil them in their childhood; and in consequence of all this the evil had been spreading rapidly before it was observed.

Where there are families of one or two children, of whom war claims one and disease the other for its victim, it is an evident and inevitable consequence that households should be left desolate and that states, precisely like beehives, should gradually lose their reserves and sink into impotence.

On this subject there is no need whatsoever to inquire of the gods as to how we are to be saved from the cancer. The plain man will answer that, first and foremost, we must save ourselves, either by changing our obsession or alternatively by making it illegal not to bring up every child that is born.

- Polybius’ Histories, 202-220 BC
Polybius' was a Greek historian whose work describes Roman ascendancy & their eventual colonization of Greece.

Caesar Augustus' passionate speech can be read here: ... o/56*.html

Keep in mind neither ancient Greece nor Rome were universal democracies where your numerical strength matters much more.

In modern times it has happened in India, Lebanon, Malaysia and many other places.

Here is the story of Lebanon:
The French designed Lebanon's constitution on the strength of a 1932 census showing a Christian majority, guaranteeing a slight Christian advantage in political representation. With the Christian population at barely 30% of the total and 23% of the population under 20 - Lebanon's government refuses to take a census - Lebanon long since has lost its viability. The closing of the Christian womb has ensured eventual Muslim dominance.

Precise data are unobtainable, for demographics is politics in Lebanon, but Lebanon's Christians became as infertile as their European counterparts. Muslims, particularly the impoverished and marginalized Shi'ites, had more babies. In 1971, the Shi'ite fertility rate was 3.8 babies per female, against only 2 for Maronite Christians, or just below replacement. Precise data are not available, but Christian fertility is well below replacement today.

Even before the 1975 Lebanese Civil War, infertility undermined the position of Lebanon's Christians . The civil war itself arose from the demographic shift towards Muslims, who saw the Christian-leaning constitution as unfair. Christianity in the Levant ultimately failed for the same reason that it failed in Europe: populations that are nominally Christian did not trouble to reproduce.
In Malaysia the Malays at the time of independence were a slight minority but today they are over 60% and the country is increasingly being Islamized. The Chinese and the Indians had less kids than the Malays which meant their voting power became less so politicians increasingly began to pander to Malay nationalists & Islamists which meant more state sponsored religious and ethnic discrimination against the Chinese and Indians which of course meant more and more chose to leave Malaysia entering a vicious cycle.

You don't have to believe me, just take the time to verify these things for yourself as I did when someone like G. Subramaniam began making his posts.
Last edited by member_19686 on 01 Sep 2012 05:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by RoyG »

kshatriya wrote:so numerically speaking, in 50 years or earlier, Does India have another Partion or Do Hindus get overrun ?
That's a good question. I also brought up the issue a while back but it seemed as though the general consensus was no partition. Islamic governance systems on the Indian subcontinent have generally been parasitic in nature. That is as long as a portion of the population (dharmics) continue to produce knowledge systems, industry, and agriculture they will survive through knowledge and skills appropriation, taxation, and welfare. Islam curtails freedom of thought and expression so generally muslims cannot produce revolutionary ideas and skill sets of their own. An example could be the Chinese-Islamic dynamic of Indonesia and the effect of Balinese Hindus on tourism revenue. Communism is very similar but ofcourse it's not "religious" in a western sense.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by RamaY »

Basically Hindus will build a new slave system where they think they are building the county while the believers fell they have the first right to national resources.

Anyways, as long as Hindus are ashamed for what they are, things will look depressing.

When Hindus assert themselves and live the lives that they truly are, then the entire nation including the religious minorities will progress.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by pentaiah »

My concern is even If Hindus start having larger family size, they would fall prey to poaching by Pope and Mullahs there by negating the purpose.
Strong Hindu society of all inclusive with large family is the anti dote.

Equity to all Hindus nothing new since eons we have been saying "SarveJano sukhino bhavantu" should be our social goal driving the resurgence...

********** Switching gears********

You thought TS Pakis didn't participate in Strengthening Indian Defense industry

Here is a TS Paki stall at the Defense expo in Nai Delli


The day I visitied COAS VKS was there, and also the current COAS, Pallam Raju and his entourage was there but COAS visited seperately.

But I understand MMS very well so this must be part of CBM and to save some money for WKK to travel from Delli to border no?

I was tempted to take his (VKS) photos but refrained as I might be detained where as TSP guys can get free access to every thing in India.... Oh well
Prem Kumar
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Prem Kumar »

One of the targets of this 11 member gang was a Kannada newspaper journalist named Pratap Simha (Twitter handle: @mepratap)

In an egregious article, The Hindu sought to justify him being a target on account of his "virulent anti minority columns"

He threatened legal action against The Hindu and the newspaper has issued an apology in its online edition.

The apology Hindu article URL below & the apology section quoted: ... 845118.ece

In a report from Bangalore published in the issue of August 31, headlined “Journalist among 11 arrested for ‘plotting terror in Karnataka’,” the description of some journalists who were purportedly targeted by the alleged plotters as ones “known for their virulent anti-minority columns” was unfair and unwarranted, and escaped gatekeeping mechanisms that are in place to keep such editorialising comments out of the news columns of this newspaper. That description, as well as the loose and imprecise reference to the “divergent ideologies” of two terrorist organisations are regretted and may be deemed as withdrawn. — The Editor
KanchanGupta and others are asking Sid Varadarajan if he would have apologized, had Pratap not threatened legal action
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Prem Kumar »

One of the hard hitting articles written by Pratap Simha, translated in English: ... e-cowards/

I see this terror plot not as a knee jerk reaction, but a carefully constructed plan (with a fairly high degree of conniving of the Congress party) to stub out the nascent right-wing journalism that's making its presence felt.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by pentaiah »

deemed withdrawn is not same as withdrawn again the pakiness of chindu showing there...
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by sum »

Another peaceful member( and more more unconfirmed) arrested by communal police as part of the ring which a right-wing govt in Karnataka has fabricated:
Terror suspect picked up in Hyderabad
A Hyderabad-link to the arrest of 11 terror suspects in Karnataka emerged on Friday with a special team from the neighbouring state picking up another suspect from the city.

The suspect was identified as 26-year-old Obaid Ur Rehman, a degree student residing at Gulshan Iqbal Colony in Chandrayangutta area of Old City.

Besides Obaid, the visiting team is also reported to have taken along at least four more youngsters even as the Hyderabad police remained tight-lipped over the swift operation by the Bangalore police.

Two of them have been identified as Mohammed Akram, a resident of Hussain Nagar and Khairullah of Teegalkunta.

According to sources, Obaid was picked up from Kanchanbagh Friday evening by a special team from the Central Crime Branch of Bangalore police.

He was picked up based on the confession of the suspects picked up in Karnataka on Thursday.

Sources said that some of the suspects are alleged to have pasted certain posters which spoke of “innocent muslim youths languishing in jails” across Old City sometime ago.

Sources further said that Obaid allegedly had links with the Harkat- Ul-Jihad-Al-Islami (HUJI).

“He is part of the module busted in Karnataka, who were plotting to kill MPs, MLAs and journalists with rightist leanings,” a police official said.

The official added that the other suspects picked up are reportedly members of the Popular Front of India (PFI), a confederation of Muslim organisations in the country, which advocates for minority and underprivileged groups by holding demonstrations and marches.
Glad to see this coordinated inter state action
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Prem Kumar »

How the Ahmedabad blasts in 2008 deliberately targeted children: ... ss_1734284
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by RoyG »

Shouldn't the counter terror operations be secret?
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by sum »

^^ Am actually impressed by the CCB so far. They have managed to swoop into pretty major Dar-ul-Islam's across cities like Bengaluru, Hubali, Hyderabad and picked up these folks before the "Islam Khatre mein Hai" starts and they are roughed up by locals.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by pentaiah »

deleted adds no knowledge
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Prem »

Sanjay Gandhi was on right track to Control the Pestulation . Alas he was removed from the scene. Had he lived few more years, this national security threat would not have reached at this stage. Geedars led by glorious Gaddars giving way to growing garbage . Arambh ho Parchand , Mush kardo Inki Band , Slice part of the Sandh, Tabhi Khatam hoga Gand . Aqal WKK ki hai Mandh, No solution Bina Jung, Holi Khelenge ge Bhujang , Khoon pei ayye tabhi Rang.

In USA they castrate retard criminals. Jihadi must be exposed to similar treatment.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Aditya_V »

Guys, I am no leftist but some of the comments here are going over the top
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Samudragupta »

Aditya_V wrote:Guys, I am no leftist but some of the comments here are going over the top
I would say we are not providing the proper ideas guys....we need ideas Gentlemen and not whining...we all know we have a problem and we need to find the solution....but whinning wont help....

The difference between the conditions of KP's and Bodos is throwing some lights....we all seem to understand the way forward.....and slowly and slowly more fence sitters seems to be getting this idea....
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by SSridhar »

Prem Kumar wrote:One of the targets of this 11 member gang was a Kannada newspaper journalist named Pratap Simha (Twitter handle: @mepratap)

In an egregious article, The Hindu sought to justify him being a target on account of his "virulent anti minority columns"

He threatened legal action against The Hindu and the newspaper has issued an apology in its online edition.
This is how surreptitiously newspapers like The Hindu slip in an adjective or phrase and over a period of time make them stick by consistently calling a person names. How ridiculous it is to suggest that a likely terror-victim invited all upon himself. All terror can be justified this way.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by SSridhar »

4 more arrested in Nanded
"We have arrested four persons, who have links with the terror suspects arrested in Bangalore," ATS chief Rakesh Maria said.

However, Maria refused to divulge any further details.
I am waiting for some arrests in TN.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Anindya »

SS - isn't this the Hindu's way of declaring Pratap Simha wajeeb-ul-qatl ?
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by SSridhar »

Anindya wrote:SS - isn't this the Hindu's way of declaring Pratap Simha wajeeb-ul-qatl ?
Anindya, the Taliban-like targetted assassinations have not yet happened in rest of India apart from J&K.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by member_23629 »

All leftist rags run by journalists with Hindu names have this habit of attaching negative adjectives slyly to any Hindu they don't like, especially right-wingers. They are experts at editorialising every news if they can get a chance to dump on the right wing. "Outlook" is a past master in this game where anything cunning is described as "brahamanical."

These charlatans want to keep stoking the fires in India by creating a false sense of victimhood among Muslims and Congress as their savior. This suits the Congress just fine, thank you. No wonder, this party is the patron saint of all deranged leftists and communists in India. These lefties are the real enemies of Hindus, but there are Hindu traders who fund them and empower them by appointing them editors of their media empires. These businessmen have to be taken to task by the Hindu community.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by vishvak »

Samudragupta wrote:I would say we are not providing the proper ideas guys....we need ideas Gentlemen and not whining...we all know we have a problem and we need to find the solution....but whinning wont help....

The difference between the conditions of KP's and Bodos is throwing some lights....we all seem to understand the way forward.....and slowly and slowly more fence sitters seems to be getting this idea....
There could be more than one solutions. Like having temple-centric distribution system for food-grains, colleges, etc.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by member_19686 »

Samudragupta wrote:
Aditya_V wrote:Guys, I am no leftist but some of the comments here are going over the top
I would say we are not providing the proper ideas guys....we need ideas Gentlemen and not whining...we all know we have a problem and we need to find the solution....but whinning wont help....

The difference between the conditions of KP's and Bodos is throwing some lights....we all seem to understand the way forward.....and slowly and slowly more fence sitters seems to be getting this idea....
I hope by "proper" ideas you don't mean ideas that confirm to liberal sensibilities because liberalism and liberals are what brought us to this point.

Tough situations require tough solutions, there is no easy way out.

And there are more proper ideas proposed here than many empty boasts about nuking Pakis and the like that I see which are considered acceptable as if Paki civilians including kids won't be harmed by that.

Recent history is that the biggest supporters of Partition were IM's, especially from UP and a majority stayed back for reasons other than rejection of their dream at the last moment. Indeed open supporters of partition were allowed to stay put by Nehru and Congress. Their behavior after that has not changed one bit and as they gain in demographic strength due to higher birth rates and illegals, we see the same pre partition behavior pattern from both the secular-liberals and jihadists.

Here is one such super patriotic IM we are always hearing about:
The worst of its kind of administration was never expected and seen in the history of the Indian governments even during the period of the British prior to the independence struggle. Every day the name of foreign rule of Muslims in India, uniform civil code, construction of ram mandir, occupation of Kashmir and war with Pakistan, the Indian Muslims were completely turned their enemies in the whole Indian society.

I am ayub Mohammed, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India, since last 15 years residing in Hyderabad. Graduated in 1983, from Kakatiya University, and completed M.A from Andhra University, in 1985. After wards, continued in law, from Nagarjuna University, from1985 to 88. ... 84732.html
These are the kind of fellows who are having 8 or 9 kids and indoctrinating their kids with the same while Hindus debate what "acceptable" ideas are.

This is the situation today, either we can learn our lessons from the past and do what's required to save ourselves or we can hanker after liberal acceptance of "ideas" which will lead us down the same road all over again.

I see people say no partition again, okay fine but what are we doing to avoid it. We cannot obviously do the same things we did leading up to 1947 and expect different results this time, but this is exactly what we are doing.

I am not saying this to you personally because you may very well think differently on this issue, according to many BRFites the state should take over right to self defense almost completely as your average Hindu is a nincompoop who cannot be trusted even with a kitchen knife. Okay fine then what was the almighty Indian gov't doing when KP's were expelled & when Bodos were targeted.

Here is one of the reasons why the riots didn't take a turn for the worse for the Bodos:
Classified Special Branch figures accessed by Outlook reveal that whether their targets are Muslims or Adivasis, the Bodos have invariably inflicted more casualties than they have suffered. The reason is quite simple—the AK-47s Bodo militias were supposed to surrender after signing the 2003 peace accord but didn’t. An Assam government official disclosed that extremist groups like the Bodo Liberation Tigers (BLT) and National Democratic Front of Bodoland (NDFB) have as many as 350-400 automatic weapons in their arsenal in the four districts comprising BTAD—Kokrajhar, Chirang, Udalguri and Baksa.
What would be a "proper" idea for Bodos, should they just surrender the weapons that saved their lives because the law says so?

The liberal answer will be that Bodos give them up and that others will also give them up which of course is a pipe dream going by history and logic. The British were far more strict when it came to implementing weapons control and yet Ghazis were able to amass 1000s of weapons of all kinds to be used when the time came on unarmed kaffirs as they did in the Moplah massacres and again during Partition (just read Gurcharan Talibs book "Muslim League Attack on Sikhs and Hindus in the Punjab 1947" to see what happened to the unarmed Hindus and Sikhs).

If they do give them up, can the Indian gov't & constitution worshipers guarantee their safety the next time this happens (which it will) in light of the Indian govt's record all over India starting with the case of KPs. If you were living in this area would you do the same and trust the Indian gov't to save you if anything happens?

Or should they just give them up and prepare for their annihilation so that they can uphold the almighty constitution which is now almost on par with a divine revelation like the Koran in the minds of many. There is a famous saying in Telugu which goes "desamante matti kadOyi manushulOyi" (country does not mean soil but people) which I think can be modified to "desamante raajyaangam kadOyi manushulOyi" (country does not mean constitution but people).

We are doing nothing different from what led up to 1947, so how can we expect the result to be any different this time around.

Edit: well what a coincidence illustrating the mindset I mentioned:
Indians Can Find God in Constitution: Justice Kapadia

The Constitution can replace the religious texts in today's times, Chief Justice of India S H Kapadia said here.

"The Constitution should be studied by Indians to know about citizens' rights. If you read it, there is no need to read the religious books as you may find God in our Constitution. Gaining knowledge of the Constitution would be a real homage to Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar," he said, delivering a lecture on `Constitutional Ethics' at Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University here.

Chief Justice of Bombay High Court Justice Mohit Shah was also present on this occasion.

"I belong to the Parsi community and would have never thought of becoming the Chief Justice anywhere (else) in the world. It is only in India that it was possible due to the Constitution," said the CJI...
Last edited by member_19686 on 02 Sep 2012 02:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by RamaY »

Neela wrote: The problem with the brother is that he is stupif/ has no education. Runs with the mob and does some stupid thing in the name of his religion. Then lands in jail and will shit in his pants not knowing what to do. The Muslim leaders from the local mosques to which he was affiliated to - do you think those folks will take the pains to bail him out. How many will the instigating lot bail out? 2? 10? 20?. Me thinks none. That is left to his family. They would have to run to the courts to get things sorted. As it is, having 5+ kids will leave them with nothing. To top it, angry brother fighting for injustice to his religion will add an additional burden to his family. Courts, cases, bail etc - all that costs money. When he eventualy comes out of all this, he has no skills , can do nothing. What does he do? Blames GoI for not doing enough for minorities. And who leads them to get more for free from GoI? The same local leader who instigated them! They deserve the cycle of destitution and poverty .
Well written sob story. But reality is different.

Two examples: In Hyderabad there was a suicide attack in front of police control room. When police arrested some suspects (later it came to know that these were hard core guys), the MIM leadership came out in procession to get them bail. One INC minister Shabbir Ali, very close to YSR ensured that these guys get quick bail.

In another scenario, the peaceful Muslims went bersack after the bomb explosion in Mecca mosque in Hyderabad. Again the MIM and InC leadership ensured that the culprits get easy bails in the name of "innocent youth".

And we must not forget the secular NGOs who bleed at the sight of terrorist uncles getting punished.

There is a well oiled system that creates this jambies and nurtures them to be useful in their sinister plans. This system makes sure that these jambies goes thru certain experiences so they are hardened.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Chandragupta »

Boss let me be very crass here. We can debate the correct course of action till the cows come home, however, in the same time, some believers would have ploughed their wimmens and added a few more faithfuls to this nation's population. How about we do a little experiment? What do you think will happen if you go to a roadside chaiwallah and ask the Yindoos standing there about the impending fate? A third of them would agree no doubt that Muslims are radicalizing & "accha nai ho raha hai" and will abuse Congress & Seculars for this, another third will be visibly upset and take you to be a Hindutva RSSwadi and try and do an equal equal "dharm ko lekar sabhi log aaj kal pagal ho rahe hain, BJP/RSS/SS ho ya Mussalman, logo ko aur kuch kaam hi nai hai", and the left over third will sip their tea, hear the opinions and then go on to discuss office politics and "yeh laundiya dekhi nayi picture me? Gadar maal hai baap".

All of this actually happened with this mujahid.

Fight when you are on a favorable side or wait for it to come - is the ideology of RoP. Why not use it against them? I am not saying that Hindus should use force to control Muslim population while they are still a comfortable majority. But I am saying that it WILL come to violence when the majority vanishes and once Hindus become minority, you just have to look at Pakistani Hindus to understand what is coming your way. Please make your own conclusions.

But rest assured, we are moving at a breakneck speed towards a civil war/large scale riots/second partition. And if somebody thinks otherwise, bliss to enlighten.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Chandragupta »

Mind fart but TFWIW, me thinks in another 80-100 year, India is moving towards a Pakistani model, with liberal secular Hindus living behind high walls, sipping scotch & lighting cigars while average Hindu battles it out with the faithfools on a daily basis in a low intensity civil war intended at dhimmifying the kaffirs. Hindus will cease to become electorally significant once Muslims reach critical mass i.e. 35-40% in population and after that it will be too late for any Hindu consolidation to have a major effect on the political stage.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by svinayak »

Ex-Minister sentenced to 28 years: Justice finally in Gujarat?
NDTV - 2 hours ago
Watch video

This video is in the front page of Googles news. Check it how they are using it for propaganda
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by RoyG »

Acharya wrote:Ex-Minister sentenced to 28 years: Justice finally in Gujarat?
NDTV - 2 hours ago
Watch video

This video is in the front page of Googles news. Check it how they are using it for propaganda
Shouldn't this be in the psy-ops thread?
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by brihaspati »

So now you more or less get the picture of how the Islamists could actually make inroads in the 7th-12th century in the first place. While Ghori retreated from Gujarat, Prithviraj was advised by his "brahmin" minister not to join in the molesting of the retreating forces from the flank. The two forces of eastern Punjab and Gujarat failed to join up and make an example out of Ghori. He should have been caught on the field and treated to all of the classic Islamic niceties Islamics always practice on captives - like slow flailing with liberal application of salt, or hammering in large nails, or slow impalement etc. Well, how can Indic stoop so low! While Ghori had been doing all that stuff, or his successors did even worse in on the plains of north India - Siddharaja Jayasimha was especially keen in showing his secular credentials, by specially protecting Muslim merchant interests - with the merchants now showing epigraphical evidence of having been spies and advance recon for their Muslim masters in the Gulf. Guj fell to Ulugh right after this secularism.

But on the positive side - history shows that such phases of secularism, is almost always connected to Hindu ruling interests who are suspicious and distasteful of their own "lower class/chotalog" Hindu birathers, who are most interested in carrying on their own little dynastic powers in their own mini-nations at the cost of other neighbouring distant "Hindu lands"- like Jayasimha or Jayachand, and who see in the viciously deceptive Islamism a tool to ally with to destroy their supposed Hindu rivals.

What happens though is, as per classic Islamist teachings attributed to the founder - the Kaffir are always divided in their opinion about Muslims, and Muslims should always deceptively use this division to earn sympathy and trust one faction of kaffir against the other. This is the favourite-of-Mao tactic of isolating one small portion of the "target enemy" and use the remainder of the enemy to crush this small bit. At the moment - the tactic is focused at getting official and intellecual sympathy to crush "saffron" nuclei. Once this is seen to be successful, then the Islamists will turn against the very secularists to eliminate them. It happened with Jayasimha's successors, it happened with Jayachand's descendants. Islamists never spared those kaffir who collaborated with them in the elimination of other kaffir - because they realize the betrayal potential of these wonderful mentalities.

Without the Islamist interlude by which the north and central [and even portions of the south] sikularists were wiped off between the 9th and 14th centuries, no Hindu revival from sections hitherto sidelined by the sikularist dynasties - like Hukka-Bukka or Shivaji would have been possible.

The culling is nothing to be scared of or lamented. Its as much a necessary process for eventual realization of the true path as it appears frightening. Through the death of an old order the way is cleared for a new one.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Arunkumar »

brihaspati wrote: ............
Without the Islamist interlude by which the north and central [and even portions of the south] sikularists were wiped off between the 9th and 14th centuries, no Hindu revival from sections hitherto sidelined by the sikularist dynasties - like Hukka-Bukka or Shivaji would have been possible.

The culling is nothing to be scared of or lamented. Its as much a necessary process for eventual realization of the true path as it appears frightening. Through the death of an old order the way is cleared for a new one.
Thanks for the history.
Bji your post has the tone of BG the book, written many years ago. :)
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by RamaY »

vishvak wrote:
Samudragupta wrote:I would say we are not providing the proper ideas guys....we need ideas Gentlemen and not whining...we all know we have a problem and we need to find the solution....but whinning wont help....

The difference between the conditions of KP's and Bodos is throwing some lights....we all seem to understand the way forward.....and slowly and slowly more fence sitters seems to be getting this idea....
There could be more than one solutions. Like having temple-centric distribution system for food-grains, colleges, etc.
1. Undo secularist education
2. Open legal action against persistent anti-Hindu propaganda by media houses and media personal
3. Strict legal action against NGOs that hurt national integration by scaring the minorities
4. Undo secularism after 5 years - declare Bharat as Hindu nation and deny religious conversions. This wil
have geopolitical implications especially Indian sub-continent.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by brihaspati »

arvin wrote: Bji your post has the tone of BG the book, written many years ago. :)
^Not consciously! :oops: But a cold reading of tactical history says - that the saffron should withdraw and consolidate, and in fact pretend friendship with "moderate" (if any can be declared to be so) islamists. Hasten the sikularist versus Islamist confrontation as much as possible.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by RamaY »

^ Bji

Didn't it happen already, resulting the artificial states called Pakistan and Bangladesh?

The problem is that there is no guarantee that new WKKs will be born in the Hindu territory. It will always be the case.

The solution, IMHO, is to ensure that WKKs do not occupy the social consciousness like it happened with buddhism and Jainism (don't get me wrong guys - I am not against these Indic thought processes) and later the current concept called (sic) secularism.

What social and rastra mechanisms are required to ensure that WKKism doesn't dictate education, media, defense, home affairs and foreign policy?
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by vishvak »

US Army rifle being sold to Maoists
“Apart from the M16, we found a bulletproof jacket, Rs 28 lakh in cash, live cartridges for AK 56 and 47, mobile phones and imported pistols.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by member_23629 »

vishvak wrote:US Army rifle being sold to Maoists
“Apart from the M16, we found a bulletproof jacket, Rs 28 lakh in cash, live cartridges for AK 56 and 47, mobile phones and imported pistols.
The EJ connection to Maoists has strong support in US government circles.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by darshhan »

^^ Varunkumar ji, It is just one rifle. Anyway almost every guerrilla worth his salt will prefer a kalashnikov to the M-16. If EJs/US decide to supply the maoists even then it will be kalashnikov. This is what US did in Afghanistan against soviets in 1980's.
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by member_20036 »

Interview with Pratam Simha

SB: Will you continue writing in the same vein or will you tone down and/or change your stance?
PS: In 2007, about 30 people had come to my office to attack me when I wrote that 72 virgins article. If I had to change my writing, I would have done so back then. No question of changing now or in the future because it means abandoningmy convictions. There is no life for me if I give up my convictions.
SB: Among those arrested today were a DRDO employee and a journalist with an English daily. These are people in responsible positions. One of them is a person working in a sensitive organisation like the DRDO. Your take?
PS: You’re right, it is worrisome. But it’s nothing new. Lots of brainwashed fundamentalists hold white collar jobs. There’s that Yahoo techie, affiliated to Indian Mujahideen who sent out threatening emails, a Bangladeshi (?)woman who was caught smuggling sensitive information from ISRO in the 90s, an intern who was caught smuggling secret information from HAL, etc. Indians looked at Muslims with suspicion post-partition because their demands led to the creation of Pakistan. Now, when these incidents keep happening repeatedly, such suspicion is reinforced.
See, it is okay if ordinary people don’t give much weight to things like nationalism, etc. But people working in places like DRDO, army, etc. If they are brainwashed against the nation, it is a cause for anxiety. ... ke-me.html
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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by Anindya »

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Re: Internal Security Watch

Post by SSridhar »

Two Karnataka jihadis met ISI officials in Pakistan

Now, it is very obvious that the ISI tentacles have grown deeper & wider in South India too. We are hurtling towards disaster with liberalized via, Pakistani investments, bank branches etc.
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