2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

about time to hit this BIF created treacherous and janus faced monster right where it hurts

Exclusive: Read the full story behind why Prasar Bharati decided to terminate its association with PTI and save Rs 10 crores annually

16 October, 2020
OpIndia Staff

Exclusive: Read the full story behind why Prasar Bharati decided to terminate its association with PTI and save Rs 10 crores annually
PTI can now rest in peace

The Prasar Bharati has finally terminated its arrangement with the Press Trust of India (PTI). Earlier, it was announced that the government of India institution will be reviewing its arrangement with the PTI following its interview with the Chinese Ambassador wherein the news agency was accused of providing a platform for the Chinese to run their propaganda.

Prasar Bharati displeased with PTI interview with Chinese Ambassador
Sources within Prasar Bharati had stated that the ‘anti-national’ coverage of the PTI does not make it feasible for it to carry forward the relationship. People had pointed out that the ‘interview‘ appeared as a press release by the Chinese Communist Party in the wake of the ongoing conflict between India and China at the Line of Actual Control.

Sun Weidong placed the entire blame of the clash at Galwan valley at the feet of the Indian Government and yet, the PTI did not bother to counter the claim with actual facts from the ground in any manner. He claimed that “Indian side violated the consensus and started provocation which led to escalation of the situation.”

In the same ‘interview’, Weidong also claimed that Indian soldiers attacked the Chinese troops which led to the clash. Concurrently, he accused the Indian Government of numerous other violations. Throughout it all, the PTI allowed the Chinese ambassador to peddle his propaganda without making the slightest bit of effort to counter it.

The format of the ‘interview’ also attracted a lot of criticism. There were only three questions that was posed to the Chinese ambassador without any counter-questioning. Therefore, it did end up looking like a press release in the end. Sun Weidong was at complete liberty to oeddle the party line without any fear of being questioned on his dubious claims.

PTI received crores of funds from Prasar Bharati
The PTI has been receiving fees from the public broadcaster for decades, which run into crores. PTI is said to have received nearly Rs. 200 crores since the 1980s in public funding with no public accountability. Prasar Bharati sought greater transparency into how much the PTI charges private organisations in comparison with the public funding that is sought.

PTI confirmed it is a private entity in response to RTI inquiry
It is also pertinent to note that the PTI had submitted to the Central Information Commission, New Delhi a few years ago that it was a private entity and thus, outside the purview of the RTI Act. It was also said that no government institutions are under any obligation to subscribe or pay for the news services offered by PTI. Thus, while some have been crying victim, Prasar Bharati is fully well within its rights to terminate its contract with the news agency.

The CIC report on the matter said, “The PTI in its communication dated 05.10.2012 reiterated that they do not fall under Section 2(h)(ii) of the RTI Act since PTI is a private, nongovernmental organisation which does not receive any funds from either the Central or the State Government in the form of any subsidy or funds. The PTI has further emphasised that it is not even benefited by any direct or indirect finance or funding from any Government agency.”

It added, “As a company incorporated under the Indian Companies Act 1913, the PTI stated that it is not promoted by any agency of the Government but is a ‘not­for­profit­company’, which does not pay dividends to its shareholders who are owners/proprietors of newspapers of all scale. It is categorically specified that neither the Government nor any of its agencies hold any shares in PTI.”

Long History of Fake News by PTI
The PTI has a long history of peddling fake news. Moreover, their fake news always appears to tilt in one direction and has the potential of denting the prospects of only a single political party. Be it the Surgical Strikes or the anti-CAA protests in Uttar Pradesh, fake news peddled by the PTI always hurts the prospect of the Hindutva oriented party.

During Delhi assembly elections this year, PTI had completely misreported the share of candidates with criminal records from various parties. While AAP had 51% candidates facing serious criminal cases, PTI reported it as only 25%, misquoting a report by Association of Democratic Reforms (ADR). Similarly, they had also changed the numbers for BJP and Congress.

In 2017, Press Trust of India had claimed that the UP government had drastically cut the budgetary allocation for secondary and higher education in the state. In that instant too, they had reported wrong numbers. In the same year, PTI had come out with a news feed which claimed that the former Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar had planned the 2016 surgical strikes in the Pakistan occupied Kashmir due to an “insulting question” of a TV news anchor, which was completely false.

These were just a few example of fake news by the news agency. They regularly published fake, misleading and slanted reports, which are widely carried by the media houses.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by SRajesh »

Aditya_V wrote:Looks like IMF is in with BIF, the claim the BD per Capita Income is Higwash, The Taka has depriciated like the Indian rupee and given Electricity consumption etc. it is clear that Per capita Income using a lot of factors like population growth, 2020- they are predicting BD economy growth- how?

They have also over estimated India population and underestimated BD population. Looks like tailormade hogwash for Pappu- actually the Gap will be more than 35%. Yes Businesses in India are going through real tough times especially with Covid related Lockdowns, but BD is not immune.

This is a clear BS report.
I am not an economics student and struggle with the 'Fiscal Deficit' :rotfl: :rotfl:
But can some explain the IMF prediction that in the next fiscal India will achieve >8% growth
So what kind boom we have achieved!! or going to achieve!
Is this based on the freeing up of the 'Agri' sector and potential growth there!!
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Aditya_V »

OK, as per IMF report BD population growth from 2014 suddenly drops to 1.04% From 1.23% constantly every year from 2014 to 2020, Indian Pop growth Average is 1.19% per year.

The corresponding Per Capita Income growths in 2014 to 2020 for BD are 14.06%, 11.72%, 12.29%, 11.62%, 8.61%, 9.28%, 3.96%. The BD Taka was 76.5 to the USD in Jan 2014 and now is around 84.85,

For India 2014 to 2020 growth rates of per capita Income is USD is 8.57%, 2.02%, 7.88%, 14.41%, 1.22%, 4.58%, -10.55%. THE INR was 62.7 in Jan 14 is now 72.96.

IMF is smoking something, I dont think BD is growing at 15% to have these numbers
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Aditya_V »

Quite Frankly IMF numbers dont seem to add up. They through in that 8.8% just to seem apolitcal. Thier numbers make no sense.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

when you have clowns like gita gopinath and raghuram rajan and their commie ilk pulling strings at the IMF, what else did you expect other than a Modi hit job. :mrgreen:
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Aditya_V »

I agree but the general Junta here and world needs to know these reports don't reflect reality their Chaddi removal should be done publicly.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Primus »

Jarita wrote:There are couples coming up tomtoming how their interfaith marriages are so great post the #Tanishq drama. The joke is on them. The kids almost always follow the dads religion and have Islamic names.

It's perfectly ok to live respectfully and in a civilized manner as coexisting communities. However, our kids have to warned early on about marriage alliances. That does not work out for any heathen group. The complexity and intricacy of our frameworks and philosophy are lost.

And yes, while this may be controversial, this capitulation of Hindus to the abrahamic faiths of their partners is a complex of media/eduction brainwashing, 0 grounding and knowledge of dharma in early age, breakdown of Jaati and joint family, outsourced parenting etc, BUT a very important factor is the attraction of the simple/ visible and binary. Our brains have lost that training of our ancestors so it's easier to capitulate to the black and white.
And yet there are silver linings here and there. A very close friend married an Englishwoman before moving over. He is a brahmin. Both his boys have been brought up in the Hindu tradition, including upanayan ceremonies, both wear the thread, do not eat beef. They have Anglo first and Indian middle names - that is a completely different topic though. They are now in their 20s. The English wife sits with them for all the pujas although she is still not a converted Hindu. She does observe Christmas and they have a tree and all that, but she is not church-going.

All of this is because my friend is a staunch Sanatani. He grew up in the Ramakrishna Mission schools and had his 'training' early on.

I do agree, that most other instances of inter-faith marriages in my extend circle have followed the 'norm' that we see. The problem is not the marriage itself - falling in love is a matter of the heart and there is nothing you can do about it. Those of us fortunate enough to have fallen for our own kind (like myself) would probably not understand this. However, once your heart is committed, it seems that most Hindus fear rejection on the grounds of faith and since we do not inculcate enough of a value in remaining steadfast, they convert easily. After all, most of us consider ourselves and our faith to be 'above all this dogma'. Which is precisely why we fall prey to the conversion process - if it does not matter to you, but it matters to the other party, you will take the easy path and convert. Most such Hindus will claim they are doing it in name only, i.e. they really do not believe in the new religion but are doing it for expediency in their relationship. But the follow on is that their kids will be brought up in the new faith and by that time it is too late - they then surrender and embrace their spouse's religion wholeheartedly, if you can't beat them, you join them.

I've always told my kids - you are free to fall in love and marry anybody, but please do not convert. Love should not require the sacrifice of your faith and your culture. Your parents are and should be just as important to you as your spouse's are to him/her. Their feelings should also be taken into consideration. I've seen mothers of Hindu boys crying for years over their son marrying a Christian and seeing their grandkids brought up Catholic, while the boy seems blase' about it. The happiness of his mother-in-law (and thus his wife) is more important to him.

The problem with a compromise is the children of these marriages. Once there are grandchildren, the parents of the couple get involved and then the real tussle starts, with the Hindu side invariably losing out. Again, a lot depends upon how strong the faith is. I've seen many Jewish/Gentile couples where the kids were brought up truly secular, holidays on both sides being observed and celebrated but that is somewhat rare. Once a kid is baptized into the Catholic faith, all is lost. I know of only one family where the mother is Catholic, father Jewish and the kids were not baptized.

It's a very common problem with Indians abroad, esp in the US. What we need to do is to educate our children in our values and tell them repeatedly that faith is not a trivial matter and that even if we do not go to the temples or pray regularly, our dharma is important, nay, vital to our being. It's alright to marry a non-Hindu if you do fall in love, but do not convert as it would be very painful to us and if you have children, let them grow up understanding both faiths and let them decide when they are adults. This is the most difficult part of course.

There is no easy answer.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Jarita »

I do agree, that most other instances of inter-faith marriages in my extend circle have followed the 'norm' that we see. The problem is not the marriage itself - falling in love is a matter of the heart and there is nothing you can do about it. Those of us fortunate enough to have fallen for our own kind (like myself) would probably not understand this. However, once your heart is committed, it seems that most Hindus fear rejection on the grounds of faith and since we do not inculcate enough of a value in remaining steadfast, they convert easily. After all, most of us consider ourselves and our faith to be 'above all this dogma'. Which is precisely why we fall prey to the conversion process - if it does not matter to you, but it matters to the other party, you will take the easy path and convert. Most such Hindus will claim they are doing it in name only, i.e. they really do not believe in the new religion but are doing it for expediency in their relationship. But the follow on is that their kids will be brought up in the new faith and by that time it is too late - they then surrender and embrace their spouse's religion wholeheartedly, if you can't beat them, you join them.
I really respect your honesty but the very concept of falling in love is a matter of heart is Media and Bollywood fluff. If a person is grounded in ones values, they would fall in "love" with someone with similar values because that alignment is crucial is gaining common ground. Think how impossible it would be for you to fall for some Abrahamic fanatic, however beautiful/ talented etc. This is a topic deserving of the GD thread but I simply do not buy this argument of falling in love cannot be helped and is automatic. If it is with someone who is misaligned with the value system then it is lust and give it a year and it will wear off.
As for your friend. It's still a loss for civilization and not something to be celebrated.

ve always told my kids - you are free to fall in love and marry anybody, but please do not convert. Love should not require the sacrifice of your faith and your culture. Your parents are and should be just as important to you as your spouse's are to him/her. Their feelings should also be taken into consideration. I've seen mothers of Hindu boys crying for years over their son marrying a Christian and seeing their grandkids brought up Catholic, while the boy seems blase' about it. The happiness of his mother-in-law (and thus his wife) is more important to him.
Please just tell them that they cannot marry a non-Hindu. Giving any sort of permission is opening the door. It worked out pretty well in our family. There was an episode of a relative flirting with a ROPer and family intervention really helped (lots of talking, emotional stuff etc). The answer is NO. If we value our civilization, our ancestors and their souls that still seek redemption then NO. Don't even give them that choice. There are plenty of families outside India that come back and get married or marry within the group and do it successfully. Marriage is a crucial decision and the work starts years before. That door should never be opened.

Sorry to be preachy but grounding in childhood really helps. We were literally rounded up and told what dos and don'ts were pretty early on. If drugs are a no no, this is also a no.
Nothing wrong, nothing wrong with this
https://arrangedmarriage-hinduism.weebl ... athur.html
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by vijayk »

Paul wrote:https://thefederal.com/the-eighth-colum ... ar-behind/
Hindu nationalism is rising in Tamil Nadu. Can BJP be far behind?
Prabhakar Tamilarasu
6:59 AM, 14 October, 2020
Tamil Hindu, Hindu nationalism, Hindutva
There is a growing tribe of Hindu nationalists in Tamil Nadu aggressively working for their “rightful place in the state" | Image - Eunice Dhivya
Growing up in Coimbatore’s Saibaba Colony, a middle-class neighbourhood, 27-year-old Prakashan* boasted of an ‘entourage’ of six close friends in college. That number came down a few years back to just two after Prakashan found a new ‘mission’ in life—to be proud of his Hindu roots.

Some of those friends still don’t know what changed Prakashan’s worldview. The guy who once loved science, his social media timelines are now full of laments about the “unfair perception about Hindus, especially Brahmins” like him.

“Wake up Tamizh Hindus. Don’t let adharmics rule and ruin our glorious Tamil culture. #TamilsAreHindus,” reads one of his posts.

Prakashan is part of a growing tribe of Hindu nationalists in Tamil Nadu aggressively working for their “rightful place in the state”. His social circle includes 44.6k followers who have been working hard for past many years to ‘enlighten’ Tamils about the ‘divisive’ Dravidian politics and consolidate savarna identity.

“Tamil Hindus should take pride in their faith and culture. Instead most of them are brainwashed into laughing at their own [Hindu] culture in an attempt to sound woke,” says one of Prakashan’s followers in the comment section of his post.

The growing network of Hindu nationalists in Tamil Nadu is not only a social media phenomenon but a reflection of the fact that Hindutva politics is gaining heft on the ground in a state that otherwise prides itself in the Dravidian movement that kicked off more than a hundred years ago.
Hope some day this happens in AP too
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

life is a funny thing and there are no guarantees.

you pays your money and you takes your chances.

In the end, you are responsible for your decisions .. and more often than not, one often ends up paying the price for a non standard compromise or choice.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by srin »

KLNMurthy wrote:
chetak wrote:this is twitter's idea of democracy in america.

so, imagine the havoc that jack the crack is capable of creating in India :mrgreen:

Seems Jack al Twitteri has a death wish.

At this rate, Section 230 which classifies Twitter et al as platforms and not publishers (subject to accompanying liability) will soon be history. And that will effectively kill Twitter, from the liability insurance alone.

Even Dems will have a hard time not agreeing to take action on a medium that censors a House body.
This being Bharat Rakshak forums, I looked at the applicability in the Indian context, and based on the Section 230 description above, we also have something similar. The role of Twitter is that of an intermediary. So Section 79 of Information Technology act guarantees immunity from liability provided it is a passive actor and doesn't act (block or censor) on its own. There are also intermediary guidelines. Twitter or FB are on thin ice theoretically. But enforcement in India is a different matter. I'm not talking about the Judiciary, but the present Govt whose track record in these matters isn't inspiring (even when the affected people are its own supporters).
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

Big Tech Is Behaving Like Big Brother In The US Election; India Needs To Cut Down Twitter And Facebook To Size Before It’s Too Late

Big Tech Is Behaving Like Big Brother In The US Election; India Needs To Cut Down Twitter And Facebook To Size Before It’s Too Late

Arihant Pawariya
Oct 15, 2020

Big Tech Is Behaving Like Big Brother In The US Election; India Needs To Cut Down Twitter And Facebook To Size Before It’s Too Late
Twitter and US election.

Tech firms must be asked to stay neutral and to not allow any censorship except of posts which fall foul of the country’s laws.

India needs to read the riot act to Big Tech. It can’t be allowed to behave as Big Brother anymore.

Hundreds of thousands of Twitter and Facebook users — from US President Donald Trump to Republican senators to the common man — were left shocked and surprised when they couldn’t repost the New York Post story about email leaks of Democratic Party’s presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

The story by the Post hints at possible corruption by Hunter Biden, who is alleged to have used his father’s influence to stop investigation into a Ukrainian firm, which had appointed Hunter to its board in 2014.

“Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post,” the article censured by Twitter and Facebook says.

It goes on the reveal the contents of emails shared between Hunter Biden and executives of Burisna, which had hired the former on a reported pay of $50,000 per month.

Prima facie, the story is legitimate and professionally executed by the Post. There was absolutely no reason for the companies like Facebook and Twitter to censor it. Nonetheless, it’s not the job of these tech firms to decide what story meets journalistic standards and which one does not.

Moreover, the alacrity with which these two have actively tried to stop the story from being shared on their platforms is a cause for concern. ‘Big Tech’ has crossed a red line with its latest action to muzzle speech only and only because it has great potential to hurt chances of Joe Biden, the presidential candidate they are presumably supporting against Donald Trump.

Twitter is not only not allowing anyone to share the link of the article by the New York Post, it is also locking accounts of those who are sharing screenshots of the story. None less than the personal account of White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany was locked yesterday by Twitter for sharing The Post’s cover story on emails which link Joe Biden to his son’s job at a Ukrainian firm.

Big Tech companies like Twitter and Facebook have been playing Big Brother for a long time. From limiting reach to locking accounts to deleting followers, they have deployed many tricks to censor speech they don’t like. But all this was done stealthily until recently, leaving a lot of room for conjecture and allegations which could be denied by these platforms easily.

However, of late, Twitter has become more brazen in its attempts to stifle free speech which doesn’t suit the ideological views of its top executives. This is the reason why Donald Trump’s tweets have been labelled and fact-checked while all sorts of absurd claims by his opponents are allowed to have a free run.

Twitter has shown little interest in banning or censoring Islamic leaders who openly spout anti-Semitic views. This is just one example. Fake stories on Kashmir, Citizenship Amendment Act, propaganda by China’s state-run news portals faced no action either. There are just too many instances to list here which prove beyond doubt the biased ways in which Twitter has been operating for quite some time now.

This is not necessarily because Twitter or Facebook executives approve all the misinformation they don’t censure. It only shows how they are cherry-picking on certain individuals who hold views different from those held by liberals employed by these Big Tech firms.

These tech companies are essentially pipelines which allow for flow of information from premiers of countries to paupers in the power hierarchy and not without reason were once hailed for democratisation of discourse but are fast degenerating into intolerant spaces which are hellbent on preserving and promoting left ideology.

By its latest drastic act of blocking people from even posting the link on the platform, these tech giants have crossed the red line. If India doesn’t wake up and act now, we will soon see these firms deploy same tactics to suppress speech uncomfortable to the people in charge of their operations in India. As Swarajya pointed out in this piece, overwhelming majority of the top hires by these companies in India are leftists.

The solution here is simple and straightforward. Indian government should convey to Twitter, Facebook, Google et al, in no uncertain terms, that it will not allow intervention of foreign platforms in its local politics as that would be “prejudicial to its sovereignty“, an excuse India has used to ban scores of Chines apps.

These tech firms need to adopt a policy of non-alignment as far as political ideologies are concerned. They must be asked to stay neutral and to not allow any censorship except of posts which fall foul of the country’s laws.

India needs to read the riot act to Big Tech. It can’t be allowed to behave as Big Brother anymore.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

Ulta Chor Kotwal Ko Daante: Why Congress’ Bluff On Social Media Behemoths Needs To Be Called Out

Ulta Chor Kotwal Ko Daante: Why Congress’ Bluff On Social Media Behemoths Needs To Be Called Out

Swarajya Staff
Sep 3, 2020

Ulta Chor Kotwal Ko Daante: Why Congress’ Bluff On Social Media Behemoths Needs To Be Called Out

Top management of social media giants in India is comprised of people committed to the Congress-Left ideology.

That the Congress is alleging the exact opposite only shows that its ecosystem wants nothing less than complete and unquestioned control of social media in India.

“The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during the war was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing,” said Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda in chief of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany at a Nuremberg rally in 1934.

Over the years, what Goebbels was complaining about ironically got attributed to his own genius. “Accuse others of doing what you yourself are guilty of” became a Goebbelsian tactic.

But this is an old trick (in Hindi we call it ’ulta chor kotwal ko daante’) and has gained prominence in recent times in the age of diplomacy and political correctness where appearing holier-than-thou is the currency even if one is playing dirtier than his adversaries.

Though all parties and politicians can be held guilty of deploying this tactic, the Indian National Congress is master at this due to its long track record of being in power.

It has successfully used it against the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in branding the latter communal while itself passing the most sectarian laws.

It accuses the BJP of fascism when the Congress is the only party that presided over Emergency, a period where gross violations of human rights happened.

It accuses the BJP of being casteist while playing the worst caste-based politics itself. And on and on it goes.

So, one wasn’t surprised when the same Congress party recently accused Facebook of favouring the BJP when it’s an open secret that all top social media platforms of importance such as Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc are populated by leftist woke crowd in the United States who are ideological travellers of the Congress party and have no love lost for the BJP.

Even most of the Indian officials appointed to top positions by these social media platforms have nothing but contempt for the ruling party.

No less than the Managing Director of Facebook India Ajit Mohan admitted to a Parliamentary Committee on Wednesday that he not only earlier worked as a consultant with the Kerala Congress but also worked for the UPA-2 government in the Planning Commission and Ministry of Urban Development.

In the run-up to the 2019 Lok Sabha election, Manish Khanduri, Facebook's then head of news partnerships for India, joined the Congress and was immediately rewarded with a ticket from a constituency in Uttarakhand. Despite suffering a huge electoral defeat, Khanduri was elevated as the coordinator of the party’s social media unit.

The International Fact Checking Network Committee head at Facebook, Kanchan Kaur, has been accused by the BJP of using “derogatory language” repeatedly against the BJP as well as Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The same committee approved Alt-News, an Islamo-Leftist propaganda website caught spreading fake and selective information, as a credible member while rejecting Right-wing and centre-right organisations like OpIndia and FactHunt.

Professor Kaur appeared for a webcast discussion with Alt-News founder Pratik Sinha in May, whose hate for Modi needs no introduction. The webcast was officially supported by Google.

Not just that, in 2018, the Congress was outed as a client of Cambridge Analytica, the disreputed UK-based firm which misused data of millions of Facebook users for election purposes.

Between 2014 and 2018, Head of News, Politics and Government for Twitter India was Kashmiri journalist Raheel Khurshid who was often accused of bias against the pro-BJP accounts while freely handing out the coveted ‘blue tick’ to the Leftists. When he was appointed in 2014, many had pointed out to his old posts alleging his anti-Modi, anti-Hindu and pro-Kashmir separatists stances.

When some Twitter users started exposing the political leanings of Mahima Kaul, director of Policy at Twitter India, she deleted her old tweets praising Rahul Gandhi and Congress and showing hateful comments against Modi. “Bombs, quakes, deaths are all second to Narendra Modi’s ambitions. ****** aam aadmi,” one of her deleted tweets read.

It goes without saying that no one lost their plum job at these social media giants for being pro-Congress and anti-Modi. But one instance of a Facebook employee, Aankhi Das' refusal to take down posts and profiles alleged to be problematic by the Congress-Left ecosystem was enough for the Congress top guns to turn apoplectic with rage.

From Congress trolls to Rahul Gandhi, all started accusing Facebook of politician interference in India and siding with the BJP. Talk about tolerance. It is perfectly fine as long as Congress and Left-leaning persons are at the helm of affairs in these social media but how dare a platform refuse to oblige Congress‘ order of taking down BJP-leaning posts.

But that’s the Congress’ tactic. While the BJP is teflon-coated and doesn’t react unless it is repeatedly shaken to the core, Congress goes all in at the slightest transgression against its interest. Even in the opposition, it shows the ruling mindset while the BJP despite being in power keeps displaying the opposition mentality.

But this time around, it seems even the thick-skinned BJP got irritated by Congress’ tactics of blaming others for doing what it is itself a master at.

Union Minister for IT Ravi Shankar Prasad wrote a scathing letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg alleging that in the run up to 2019 general elections “there was a concerted effort by Facebook India management to not just delete pages or substantially reduce their reach but also offer no recourse or right of appeal to affected people who are supportive of the right-of-centre ideology“.

”The above documented cases of bias and inaction are seemingly a direct outcome of the dominant political beliefs of individuals in your Facebook India team,” Prasad added.

The Minister further said that the Facebook India team “is dominated by people who belong to a particular political belief”, an ideology which has been comprehensively defeated at the ballot by the people of India. However, people of this disposition are trying to “discredit India's democratic process by dominating the decision-making apparatus of important social media platforms“, Prasad said.

He also drew attention of Zuckerberg towards the fact that Facebook employees have been found abusing the Prime Minister and senior Cabinet Ministers of India while working in Facebook India and managing important positions. Moreover, Prasad rightly raised the issue of Facebook outsourcing fact-checking to third party shady fact checkers with no credibility and who are regularly fact-checked by public on social media.

Prasad got to the root of the matter of why the Congress and Left were using ’ulta chor kotwal ko daante’ tactics. He said that the ‘entrenched vested interests aren't satisfied with the shrinking space for one side of the spectrum in India and want to throttle it completely. The spate of recent anonymous, source-based reports is nothing but an internal power struggle within your company for an ideological hegemony.” (emphasis ours).

The perception of pro-BJP bias in Facebook (despite the completely opposite reality) is being created so that the Left can stamp out any neutral or centre-right voices working for the platform.

Sadly, Prasad’s letter only stops at listing grievances with no threat to correct course and stop the bias altogether.

The Minister should’ve told Zuckerberg in no uncertain terms that the Indian government will not allow intervention of foreign platforms in its local politics because that would be “prejudicial to its sovereignty“, an excuse India has used to ban scores of Chines apps.

The message to Facebook should have been of non-alignment with any ideology, to stay neutral and to not allow any censorship except of posts which fail foul of Indian laws. Zuckerberg would’ve got the message as he read another government order banning 118 Chinese apps.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by kvjayan »

Since this unfortunate "inter faith" fiasco is very much in the public domain now, the report could not be avoided. But, cleverly couched under a secular headline:

"Family members of girl kill 18-year-old youth in Delhi".

So, we are informed that the girl’s family was against her friendship with Rahul as they belonged to different faiths. Very carefully worded news report so not to offend the sensibilities of the other faith.

https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/De ... ce=taboola
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by AshishA »

Jarita wrote:
I do agree, that most other instances of inter-faith marriages in my extend circle have followed the 'norm' that we see. The problem is not the marriage itself - falling in love is a matter of the heart and there is nothing you can do about it. Those of us fortunate enough to have fallen for our own kind (like myself) would probably not understand this. However, once your heart is committed, it seems that most Hindus fear rejection on the grounds of faith and since we do not inculcate enough of a value in remaining steadfast, they convert easily. After all, most of us consider ourselves and our faith to be 'above all this dogma'. Which is precisely why we fall prey to the conversion process - if it does not matter to you, but it matters to the other party, you will take the easy path and convert. Most such Hindus will claim they are doing it in name only, i.e. they really do not believe in the new religion but are doing it for expediency in their relationship. But the follow on is that their kids will be brought up in the new faith and by that time it is too late - they then surrender and embrace their spouse's religion wholeheartedly, if you can't beat them, you join them.
I really respect your honesty but the very concept of falling in love is a matter of heart is Media and Bollywood fluff. If a person is grounded in ones values, they would fall in "love" with someone with similar values because that alignment is crucial is gaining common ground. Think how impossible it would be for you to fall for some Abrahamic fanatic, however beautiful/ talented etc. This is a topic deserving of the GD thread but I simply do not buy this argument of falling in love cannot be helped and is automatic. If it is with someone who is misaligned with the value system then it is lust and give it a year and it will wear off.
As for your friend. It's still a loss for civilization and not something to be celebrated.

ve always told my kids - you are free to fall in love and marry anybody, but please do not convert. Love should not require the sacrifice of your faith and your culture. Your parents are and should be just as important to you as your spouse's are to him/her. Their feelings should also be taken into consideration. I've seen mothers of Hindu boys crying for years over their son marrying a Christian and seeing their grandkids brought up Catholic, while the boy seems blase' about it. The happiness of his mother-in-law (and thus his wife) is more important to him.
Please just tell them that they cannot marry a non-Hindu. Giving any sort of permission is opening the door. It worked out pretty well in our family. There was an episode of a relative flirting with a ROPer and family intervention really helped (lots of talking, emotional stuff etc). The answer is NO. If we value our civilization, our ancestors and their souls that still seek redemption then NO. Don't even give them that choice. There are plenty of families outside India that come back and get married or marry within the group and do it successfully. Marriage is a crucial decision and the work starts years before. That door should never be opened.

Sorry to be preachy but grounding in childhood really helps. We were literally rounded up and told what dos and don'ts were pretty early on. If drugs are a no no, this is also a no.
Nothing wrong, nothing wrong with this
https://arrangedmarriage-hinduism.weebl ... athur.html
I agree with this sentiment. Btw a few years back, I had also fallen in love with girl from Nepal. She had a Hindu sounding name and I had no reason to suspect otherwise. We had met online. And we were found that we one the same alignment on many things. Things went fine for a year or so. But then one day she mentions she is Christian. I was quite fine with that. After all, at that time I was quite ignorant of the way world works and thought everyone thinks the way I do. She was also okay initially. But then she hit a rough patch. And then she turned to the Church/Jesus to seek solace and that totally changed her personality. After that she became a rabid Evangelist. And then she tried to convert me. During that time, I had started embracing Hindutva so I started countering all those BS about Jesus coming to save me, dying for me etc. I quickly found myself outmatched due to my poor knowledge of vedas, Gita, Puranas etc while she had byhearted the Bible. I tried to bridge my knowledge by reading books and searching online but as it wasn't quick enough as she had started spamming emails after emails. Then I realized, it was a lost cause. I gave up trying to bring her into the fold of Hinduism or even find a middle ground and after some formal words cut off all communication.

But this encounter left me wiser. First of all I realised from what the girl had told me, Evangelists converted 100s of villages/towns in Nepal in the last 15-20 years. They are probably no better than those rice bag converts we so much hear about and probably looking to convert even more people. Then I realized that due to the disease of Secularism, Hindus don't even know their own religion. They haven't read single book on Gita, Purana etc. So when the other side tries to convert them when they are at their weakest, they don't have the means to even fight back. I also realized the extent the other side can go to convert. Many are even killed because they refuse to convert. So I agree that interfaith marriages should be a no-go zone unless the other side decides to come into the fold of Hinduism.

Btw before this Tanishq ad blew up, I had repeatedly seen Pakis, Islamists use the word Interfaith all while morphing photos of various Hindu women and putting out some sick sexual fantasy on twitter etc. Is it a coincidence that those Tanishq guys used the same word? I don't think so.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »


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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by sudarshan »

AshishA wrote: ...
Thx for sharing. You did the right thing, and I commend your good sense, because falling "out of love" is not an easy thing. While you already did yourself and the country a great service by not falling for all that, you can still help out by sharing your experience with friends and warning them about the dangers.

This didn't happen to me, but it happened to some close friends and relatives. Which prompted me to think of countering it. I realized that it is not necessary to be thoroughly well-versed with epics, Puranas, Gita, Vedas, etc. (although that would help much more). In many cases, it is simply necessary to be in touch with the fundamentals of one's faith. This thinking and the logical results from it are what I summarized in one of the threads in this forum, starting with this post: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7200&start=202

If that entire train of posts is too much to follow, then the TLDR summary would be in two or three posts starting with this one: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7200&start=282

The idea is to have a strong sense of the basics, and how they differ from those of the opposite side. This is much easier to share with others (and hopefully convince them), part of the problem is that the opposite side each has just one book to memorize, while we have dozens. But we do have a strong advantage, which is what I was trying to summarize.

Again, mucho impressed with your action, it was the right thing to do.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

One just simply fails to understand why there wasn't any meaningful action being taken till now. Sending one officer can't bring about this changes. I'm looking at GJ BJP. Does GJ BJP really think that people are dumb? Stop sleeping with criminals before the worst happens. Especially green ones left over from congress days. One dawood was more than enough.
GujCTOC against Jayesh Patel and his gang members including a builder, JMC councilor and newspaper owner
https://www.deshgujarat.com/2020/10/16/ ... re-nabbed/
Jamnagar Police has registered a case against notorious mafia Jayesh Patel alias Jaysukh Ranpariya and others under GujCTOC (Gujarat Control of Terrorism & Organized Crime Act). District Superintendent of Police (DSP) Deepan Bhadran and Range DIG Sandeep Singh in their briefing said 8 persons are arrested while others are yet to be arrested.

Range IG Sandeep Singh told media persons: ‘Since long time, Jayesh Patel and his aides would in pre-planned conspiracy, through an organized crime syndicate, would issue threat to land owners, real estate developers and other businessmen and extort money. This was a crime syndicate operating in organized way. The Chief Minister and Minister of State for Home have given strict instructions to destroy this anti-social activity and a syndicate. Taking note of this, under the guidance of DGP Ashish Bhatia, various teams of Police have been created and the entire procedure has been kept discrete under complete secrecy.’
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Shame on any Hindu for being associated with anything turkish.
Turkish channel blurs Radha Krishna murtis while telecasting a dubbed version of Hindi serial
https://www.opindia.com/2020/10/turkish ... -tv-shows/
Turkish broadcasters are reportedly ‘Islamizing’ Hindi TV serials by barring depiction of Hindu symbols on these shows. In an attempt to bring these shows into conformity of Islam, the Turkish broadcasters are now blurring the images of non-Islamic symbols that are often depicted on these TV shows on the pretext of violating principles of Islam.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Primus »

Jarita wrote:
I do agree, that most other instances of inter-faith marriages in my extend circle have followed the 'norm' that we see. The problem is not the marriage itself - falling in love is a matter of the heart and there is nothing you can do about it. Those of us fortunate enough to have fallen for our own kind (like myself) would probably not understand this. However, once your heart is committed, it seems that most Hindus fear rejection on the grounds of faith and since we do not inculcate enough of a value in remaining steadfast, they convert easily. After all, most of us consider ourselves and our faith to be 'above all this dogma'. Which is precisely why we fall prey to the conversion process - if it does not matter to you, but it matters to the other party, you will take the easy path and convert. Most such Hindus will claim they are doing it in name only, i.e. they really do not believe in the new religion but are doing it for expediency in their relationship. But the follow on is that their kids will be brought up in the new faith and by that time it is too late - they then surrender and embrace their spouse's religion wholeheartedly, if you can't beat them, you join them.
I really respect your honesty but the very concept of falling in love is a matter of heart is Media and Bollywood fluff. If a person is grounded in ones values, they would fall in "love" with someone with similar values because that alignment is crucial is gaining common ground. Think how impossible it would be for you to fall for some Abrahamic fanatic, however beautiful/ talented etc. This is a topic deserving of the GD thread but I simply do not buy this argument of falling in love cannot be helped and is automatic. If it is with someone who is misaligned with the value system then it is lust and give it a year and it will wear off.
As for your friend. It's still a loss for civilization and not something to be celebrated.
I am assuming you live in India, please correct me if I am wrong. Things are so much different when you live outside of a majority Hindu community. Imagine growing up in a town where you are perhaps one of a handful of Indians, if not the only Indian family. All your classmates and friends in the neighborhood are non-Hindus - mostly Christians or Jews. As a child growing up in America you are taught and accept very soon, that an ideal society is secular. Indian kids here do not see themselves as any different from white folk, despite what all the media would have you believe.

The same thing happens when you move to a land outside of India and most of your work colleagues are white. You spend all day with them, possibly socialize with them. If you are single, you absolutely do. It is only a matter of time before you find one that is attractive and that maybe a physical thing at first - yes, love is often lust to start with - but soon it becomes a matter of the heart. If you have never fallen in true love, you wouldn't know this.

ve always told my kids - you are free to fall in love and marry anybody, but please do not convert. Love should not require the sacrifice of your faith and your culture. Your parents are and should be just as important to you as your spouse's are to him/her. Their feelings should also be taken into consideration. I've seen mothers of Hindu boys crying for years over their son marrying a Christian and seeing their grandkids brought up Catholic, while the boy seems blase' about it. The happiness of his mother-in-law (and thus his wife) is more important to him.
Please just tell them that they cannot marry a non-Hindu. Giving any sort of permission is opening the door. It worked out pretty well in our family. There was an episode of a relative flirting with a ROPer and family intervention really helped (lots of talking, emotional stuff etc). The answer is NO. If we value our civilization, our ancestors and their souls that still seek redemption then NO. Don't even give them that choice. There are plenty of families outside India that come back and get married or marry within the group and do it successfully. Marriage is a crucial decision and the work starts years before. That door should never be opened.

Sorry to be preachy but grounding in childhood really helps. We were literally rounded up and told what dos and don'ts were pretty early on. If drugs are a no no, this is also a no.
Nothing wrong, nothing wrong with this
https://arrangedmarriage-hinduism.weebl ... athur.html
No, you are not being preachy, but I don't think you understand the dynamics of social relationships outside of a strict hierarchy like we still have in India. You may be able to dictate terms to your children in India - who and when to marry, where to live, what job to take up etc. They are still 'obedient' enough to accept your decisions. In the West it is bound to backfire. You cannot tell your children anything. You are fortunate if they take your advice on any thing. This is despite you paying for their college and other things. It is not that they are disrespectful, but that they are fiercely independent. They will listen to you but may not always follow your suggestions. Any attempt at coercion will result in a broken relationship where they will ignore you and do what they please. You've then lost your kids. I've seen this happen time and again. You cannot buy loyalty to yourself by paying for your children's college expenses and taking them on holidays. The prudent parents will accept this reality of life. It sounds strange to Indian parents - my relatives kept asking me why can't I force my son to get married, after all, he has a girl friend. Very difficult to explain that the decision is his to make and I can only suggest, not enforce.

As I said it is not an easy situation, at least not in the West. From what I am seeing it is also not easy in India any more either. In my time it was unthinkable for somebody to marry outside the caste or clan or region. Heck, when my parents married, they were not even allowed to see each other, the family members decided the match for them. Now within my own very conservative extended family the younger generation is marrying people from other parts of the country and of different castes - albeit all are Hindus. They meet at work mostly and fall in love, the family agrees and the wedding is celebrated with the usual gusto and all the blessings.

Still, marriage between Hindus/Sikhs and Muslims in particular remains a very thorny problem.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

It's not an NGO if it's spending tons of money on various administration tasks. It needs to be looked at from the perspective of both percentage and money. Percentage value can be lower but high volume of money moving around can still generate lot of funds.
Admin expenses, dependency on local transfer and word clouds: An analysis of Foreign Funding to Indian NGOs with graphs and charts
https://www.opindia.com/2020/10/analysi ... nd-charts/
In this short article, we will provide a series of data points that will help break down the nature of foreign funded non-profits in India. This is intended to serve as a reference for all discussions on the subject.
Basic Facts

A total of 21918 entities filed FC4 returns for the financial year 2018-2019
10336 reported having received no funds from abroad at all
16557 reported having received no funds from other FCRA NGOs within India.
5361 NGOs received some funds from other FCRA NGOs within India.
5033 relied on transfers from other FCRA NGOs within India for more than 30% of their foreign fund inflow.
3341 reported having spent more than 20% of their total inflow on administrative expenses.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

One needs to start a thread on Yogi's achievements. Modi had lot easier path in GJ compared to UP that Yogi inherited.
In 3.5 years of Yogi govt, Encephalitis deaths reduced by 95%, CM says it can be wiped out in another 2 years
https://www.opindia.com/2020/10/yogi-go ... educed-95/
Yogi Govt Revives Two Rivers, Working On 17 Other Endangered Rivers In The State

https://swarajyamag.com/insta/yogi-govt ... -the-state
The Yogi Adityanath government is working on the revival of as many as 19 rivers that were almost dead and could well have been termed as endangered.

Two of the rivers, Mandakini and Tamsa, that have mythological significance, have already been revived while work is on for the remaining 17 rivers.

These rivers include Tedhi, Manorama, Pandu, Varuna, Sasur Khadedi, Sai, Aril, Morva, Naad, Karnawati, Baan, Sot, Kaali Poorvi, Dadhi, Eshan, Boodhi Ganga and Gomti.

According to the Chief Minister, "Every river or a water source has its own bio diversity and it is very essential for maintaining a balance in the environment. If a river flows naturally in its acquisition area, it is boon rather than a bane for the population.

"Besides maintaining the water level of the land masses around it, it also assists in the livelihood of thousands of people. The death of a river deprives us of many such benefits and for a healthy and prosperous generation, it is very important to have rivers keep naturally flow along the landmasses."
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Ambar »

Harassment of Republic TV continues in Maharashtra, now Mumbai Police have detained Republic's Pradeep Bhandari for over 12 hrs now, taken away his phone and have not allowed his lawyer to meet him. Ofcourse, as usual the 'Editors guild' and those who fervently scream for "free press and freedom of expression" are mum and gleefully supporting Mumbai Police' action against Republic. Two bitter lessons from this entire ordeal (a) Even a two-bit political party like Shiv Sena knows how to ruthlessly use state machinery against anyone who crosses them where as BJP may rule a state for 2 decades and yet plays defensive game waiting for dharma and karma to take its course and (b) What will it take the center to begin hitting back ? Do corrupt officials like Param Bir Singh fall outside of home ministry's reach ? Doesn't the center have enough information about the ill-gotten wealth, passports, foreign investments of these crooked officials ? Maybe its time Fadnavis uses Narayan Rane's presence in BJP and borrow some lessons from Congress on how to counter Uddhav's dictatorship.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »


Why few days back a hindu woman was beheaded by her Muslim husband in UP .. we already forgot .. but we read with wide open international news #parisbeheading will be international news.

But india is a so called secular right
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by dinesh_kimar »

Ambar wrote: BJP may rule a state for 2 decades and yet plays defensive game waiting for dharma
This has been expressed a no. of times in SM platforms, and there are some theories floating around.

1. The Law will take it's own course, they are doing the right thing by using legal route.

2. It's a Chanakian strategy, the criminals will cook in their own goose, so just sit back and enjoy.

3. Bureaucracy is complicit, in go-slow mode, hence no action.

4. Same old guard of Congress now make up the BJP, unwilling to take action on their friends.

Recently, this one was overheard in a public park , two strangers were out for a walk, speaking in Kannada, the gist goes like this," There's a certain pied piper who calls the shots, and is extremely unwilling to get his hands dirty in public. He ochestrated others to do it , a massive wave of public resentment which sweeps away everything in its path, a popular movement where the blame can't be pinned on anyone."

Having seen the Berlin Wall on TV, the Gulf War, the breakup of USSR, one can conclude that if such a person does exist, he must be extremely intelligent politically , and extremely ruthless.

Such a person would keep useless underlings in important posts , who would sit idle in an emotionally surcharged atmosphere, while he worked away ceaselessly in the background, striving to achieve his goals.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Gujarat: Cow offered as bait to a lion for filming illegal show in Gir, five detained after video goes viral, main accused Mayuddin Kadri absconding
https://www.opindia.com/2020/10/gujarat ... ow-in-gir/
A day after a shocking video of a live cow being offered as a bait to a lion from Gir Sanctuary in Gujarat went viral on social media, the forest officials detained five men and launched a manhunt for the prime accused Mayuddin Kadri who is on the run.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Unfortunately this is an example of GoI going out with a policy without a stick in hand. Both of this should have been dealt with in various other manners and not just by sending notices. They were obviously not going to comply and laugh at GoI by knowing very well about the notice tamasha timeline compared to festivals. Better to shut them off before Diwali sales to send a strong message that GoI means business here when it comes to chinese.
Amazon, Flipkart Get Notice From Govt For Non-Declaration Of ‘Country Of Origin’ On Specific Products
https://swarajyamag.com/insta/amazon-fl ... c-products
All e-commerce firms needed to comply with the norm to tag the 'Country of Origin' on all items being sold on their platforms by September 30.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Ambar »

chetak wrote:Image
The clown in blue muffler is 'Bhim Army' chief Chandrashekar Azad Ravan (yes, Ravan). He has a pathological hatred towards Hindus, he orchestrated many riots during anti-CAA protests, one of the architects of jai bhim-jai meem BIF nexus, he is also the self proclaimed supreme leader of all dalits in India. He roams around in Range Rover, Toyota Fortuners and flies using chartered helicopters but talks of fighting for the oppressed.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

diyear tanishq :mrgreen:

Anindya@AninBanerjee·Oct 17

Look into the eyes of the family of that school teacher tonight and tell them benefits of multiculturalism.

Lesson From Tanishq Flop Show: Focus On Customers, Not Unsustainable Virtue Signalling
Ganesh Arnaal
Oct 17, 2020

Lesson From Tanishq Flop Show: Focus On Customers, Not Unsustainable Virtue Signalling

The reaction of Tanishq brand managers has been elitist and reeks of snobbery.

They appear to be angry that their customers are not able to appreciate their 'finer' sensibilities.

The Ekatvam product range advertisement by Tanishq depicting a Hindu girl in an inter-faith marriage with a Muslim had to be hurriedly withdrawn after being severely criticised in social media by many Hindus for promoting one-sided secularism. The ‘wokes’ and the liberals are angry that an advertisement promoting amity and love between communities is being criticised. They are upset that Titan is bending to appease the majority community.

The Tanishq episode raises important questions. What kind of advertising works? Should brands stick to celebrity endorsements highlighting just the product qualities? Should advertisers stay clear of social messaging? If they do want to comment on social issues, what are the boundaries?

All advertisements should pass the dharmic test.

Before the left liberal bigots start fuming, let me explain dharma.

Dharma is not about right and wrong, good and bad, moral and immoral. Dharma is that which upholds, that which sustains. And adharma is that which is not sustainable.

One may ask why should advertisements pass the test of dharma?

Advertisement is a tool used by the producer to communicate with the public at large. Through the advertisement the producer seeks to inform, entertain and cajole the unsuspecting public to pay money to buy her product. Once an advertisement is released and is in the public domain, it becomes public property. The advertiser must be prepared to face the consequences of her communication. It may be met with appreciation, hostility or indifference.

The aim of every advertiser should be to avoid generating hostility among the audience. No advertiser would want to hurt or upset his audience, even inadvertently, as it is unsustainable. It will only lead to an inevitable pushback and diminution in brand value. Hence, every advertiser should ensure that his communication passes the dharma test.

Successful brands use advertisements over an extended period of time, to build a narrative around the core values of the product. Some brands get celebrities who are supposed to embody certain values to endorse their brands. Other brands use social messaging to promote sales.

While celebrity endorsements are reliable, they tend to be predictable. Tedium sets in fairly quickly forcing the advertiser to either change the advertisement or the celebrity or both regularly. There are very few celebrity endorsements which have succeeded over a long period of time.

In the 1980s, the Thums Up brand relied heavily on the larger than life persona of Sunil Gavaskar. With the advent of Gavaskar, India had shed its losing streak and started to win a few matches. The brand started showing Gavaskar playing his glorious cover and straight drives with the jingle, ‘Happy Days Are Here Again – Thums Up’.

After a precipitous loss of form when Gavaskar made his famous comeback, the brand came up with ‘ Sunny Days Are here Again – Thums Up’ which was an obvious play on Sunny, Gavaskar’s pet name. Over the years Thums Up had so closely identified itself with Gavaskar that when he went past Don Bradman’s 29 Test centuries, it was just sufficient to say ‘Thums Up Makes It Great’.

The social messaging approach to advertising is very exciting and is a very high-risk, high-reward game. There have been some extraordinary successes and some spectacular failures.

That adorable little girl won a million hearts with ‘I Love You Rasna’. HMT watches had a great tag line, ‘If You Have The Inclination, We Have The Time’. LIC got it so right with ‘Zindagi Ke Saath Bhi, Zindagi Ke Baad Bhi’. I wonder if the last one will ever require to change. ‘India Comes Home In A Maruti Suzuki’ and ‘ Amul - The Taste Of India’ are other examples of brilliant copy writing.

While the above are examples of stellar successes, we have several social message advertisements which had to bite the dust because of wrong or indifferent messaging.

Sometimes, a product fails to deliver on the promise made by the endorsing celebrity. MS Dhoni had endorsed Amrapali real estate. When Amrapali cheated thousands of home buyers, it was not just the real estate developer who was sought to be punished. People raised questions on the responsibility of the celebrity before endorsing a brand. As a result, MS Dhoni’s brand image did suffer.

Pulling out its Ekatvam campaign, Tanishq issued a statement saying, "The idea behind the Ekatvam campaign is to celebrate the coming together of people from different walks of life, local communities and families during these challenging times and celebrate the beauty of oneness. This film has stimulated divergent and severe reactions, contrary to its very objective. We are deeply saddened with the inadvertent stirring of emotions and withdraw this film keeping in mind the hurt sentiments and well-being of our employees, partners and store staff."

An obviously incensed Tanishq needs more time to introspect and to understand what went wrong with its campaign - why emotions were stirred and sentiments hurt. The bland statement is not an apology.

Tanishq appears to have been baffled by the reactions its advertisement triggered. The inability of Tanishq’s brand managers to comprehend negative sentiments is only to be expected. The brand managers at Tanishq and the advertisement agency handling the creative of Ekatvam product range are alienated from the ground reality of Hindu-Muslim relations. Their reaction is elitist and reeks of snobbery. They appear to be angry that their customers are not able to appreciate their finer sensibilities.

We have been fed with this nonsense of ‘all religions are the same’ for far too long. The elite among us have imbibed the idea of sameness. The sameness theory needs a reality check.

Discussing sameness, Rajiv Malhotra once famously asked Mark Tully, “do you want me to be same as you or will you be same as me?” While the elite believe in the sameness of all religions, the common man is only too aware of one-sided sameness. While a Hindu will readily accept the divinity of Jesus or Mohammed, no Muslim or Christian will ever accept the divinity of Krishna or Rama. The best offer so far is that Rama is Imam-e-Hind. Mind you Rama is not even a prophet to them, leave alone an avatar.

The Quran [2.221] requires a woman marrying a Muslim man to convert to Islam, while a Muslim woman marrying a Hindu man is not required by any Hindu shastra to convert to Hinduism. In the perverted Nehruvian Idea of India, it is the inherently liberal Hindu who must prove his secular credentials every day by accepting the false equivalence between Hinduism, Christianity and Islam.

Till 2019, yes surprisingly even between 2014 and 2019, Hindus had to accept the Nehruvian Idea of India. Now that the New Idea of India is slowly finding expression post-May 2019, the essentially liberal Hindu is refusing to accept one-sided sameness. She is now refusing to accept sole responsibility to keep India secular. She has started demanding mutual respect in inter-faith matters.

Muslims and Christians have a historic opportunity to reassess their relationship with Hindus. They can either openly acknowledge the differences and stop claiming minority benefits under the idea of sameness, or reform and accept mutual respect as the founding principle of New India.

The elitist and essentially ignorant brand managers working for large corporates should desist from venturing into the inter-faith domain. Their ekatvam is unsustainable and hence represents an adharmic worldview. In the New India, all are equal, so long as they are able to accord mutual respect to each other.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by sudarshan »

Ambar wrote: The clown in blue muffler is 'Bhim Army' chief Chandrashekar Azad Ravan (yes, Ravan). He has a pathological hatred towards Hindus, he orchestrated many riots during anti-CAA protests, one of the architects of jai bhim-jai meem BIF nexus, he is also the self proclaimed supreme leader of all dalits in India. He roams around in Range Rover, Toyota Fortuners and flies using chartered helicopters but talks of fighting for the oppressed.
Interesting that all these "Dalit activist" clowns keep adopting the name of Ravan, and then keep going on and on about "Brahminical patriarchy." That Gauri Lankesh for one, now this specimen.

Ravan was a Brahmin from his father's side, his mother was of asura descent. So Ravan was the original "Brahmin patriarch" (his pater being Brahmin and all).

If the activist argument is that Hindus reject Ravan as a Brahmin because of his mother's side lineage, then that means Hinduism is no longer a patriarchy.

So by adopting Ravan as a "Dalit icon rejected by Hindus," these clowns ensure that Hinduism can either be a Brahminical matriarchy (rejecting Ravan as a Brahmin because of mother's lineage) or a non-Brahmin-chauvinist patriarchy (accepting Ravan as a Brahmin due to father's lineage, but still regarding him as the epitome of evil), but not both :-?.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by shaun »

Aditya_V wrote:Looks like IMF is in with BIF, the claim the BD per Capita Income is Higwash, The Taka has depriciated like the Indian rupee and given Electricity consumption etc. it is clear that Per capita Income using a lot of factors like population growth, 2020- they are predicting BD economy growth- how?

They have also over estimated India population and underestimated BD population. Looks like tailormade hogwash for Pappu- actually the Gap will be more than 35%. Yes Businesses in India are going through real tough times especially with Covid related Lockdowns, but BD is not immune.

This is a clear BS report.
Certainly , have a look . We want prosperous neighbors but not on papers
https://mobile.twitter.com/arvindsubram ... 4772058116
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Safe and sound.
Amit Shah performs aarti at Mansa temple
https://www.deshgujarat.com/2020/10/18/ ... sa-temple/
Mansa: Like every year, Amit Shah on the first day of Navratri festival performed aarti at Goddess Bahucharaji temple in Mansa in North Gujarat on Saturday.Union Home minister and Lok Sabha member from Gandhinagar constituency, Shah is on private visit to city and staying at his Thaltej based residence
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

Not sure for what GoI hasn't banned twitter so far. Twitter doesn't get any official money from china as it doesn't operate there. So it can show chinese border way past Tibet and not worry about loosing money. However, it is somehow still clearly worried about chinese. GoI should ban this clandestine IT outfit.
Twitter Shows J&K As Part Of China After Users Enter Leh As Location In Live Broadcast
https://swarajyamag.com/insta/twitter-s ... -broadcast
After Chinese phones blocking weather data for Arunachal and Ladakh, now Twitter shows Leh as part of China
https://www.opindia.com/2020/10/twitter ... -of-china/
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by Kaivalya »

darshan wrote:Not sure for what GoI hasn't banned twitter so far. Twitter doesn't get any official money from china as it doesn't operate there. So it can show chinese border way past Tibet and not worry about loosing money. However, it is somehow still clearly worried about chinese. GoI should ban this clandestine IT outfit.

Darshanji - maybe because Twitter is less damaging to india than indian presstitutes. If we cannot clean house internally why take up bigger undertakings. Twitter and the rest ( Facebook, Google etc ) are all pushing their limits in khan land. Let the fight settle down otherwise we might get in the middle of another crazy fight. Freedom, Free world , Free press etc. As much as all these things are ill defined, the leftists have usurped it effectively
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

once any ad has been put out in the public domain, it quintessentially becomes public property in the sense that anyone has the absolute right to react to it, interpret it, criticize it and dislike it if they are so inclined

any professional ad person, sitting pretty much at any rung on the lucrative ad food chain starting from conception, to creation, to production, to commissioning, to driving it on any customer appropriate platform, to the ultimate delivery of the ad in terms of timing and context, and in a format that is palatable and enticing to the customer to buy so as to produce profits through increased sales has to really know their onions and be aware of the prevailing social mileiu and the counter factual ramifications of visually setting the product ads to catch the eyeballs and aid in the formation of significant recall potential and product imprint.

if the messaging is delibrately multi focussed with different and unpalatable facets of historically incompatible and unpopular narratives being mixed up, then headwinds start to build, and sailing against the prevailing winds become downright counterproductive.

confusing ads like those for thums up using gawaskar and imran khan or the parle-g ad using a sardar and a muslim in the same frame is not about inclusiveness as is being peddled by woke liberals but more about the broader acceptability of a cheap mass consumption product that was seeking a wider mass market.

tanishq is a niche luxury product that prides itself on being exclusive and is not meant for nor is it affordable by the mass market.

the woke screaming about the demise of interfaith compatibility constructs is actually more about the great fear that is now rapidly consuming an influential narrative setting minority that has lost its money making and influence peddling mojo.

interfaith compatiability is to the Hindu cultural universe what halal is to the global food industry. It is a powerful weapon that is being used for the quasi legal control over religion mandated concepts of cultural monopoly and food consumption that can insidiously be imposed on a majority under the guise of "protecting" minority rights.

What Tanishq Didn't Get: It's 2020 And Hindus In India Shouldn't Need To Be Grateful That They Are Allowed To Do Hindu Things

What Tanishq Didn't Get: It's 2020 And Hindus In India Shouldn't Need To Be Grateful That They Are Allowed To Do Hindu Things

Venu Gopal Narayanan
Oct 18, 2020

What Tanishq Didn't Get: It's 2020 And Hindus In India Shouldn't Need To Be Grateful That They Are Allowed To Do Hindu Things


In that Tanishq ad, what was most galling was the manner in which the mother-in-law patronisingly deigned to break from her rigid Islamic norms, for once, to condescend to the girl’s Hindu traditions.

Even more galling was the girl’s gratitude, at being allowed to become Hindu again for a brief while.

The Titan Company – a subsidiary of the Tata group – was in the news for all the wrong reasons this week, after Tanishq, its jewellery division, released a syrupy pseudo-secular advertisement which got the public’s goat. Share prices took a hit, dropping nearly 3 per cent, and brand Tanishq was skewered so badly on social media, that the company was forced to withdraw the ad and issue an apology.

That, unfortunately, only made things worse, because now, people objected to the tepid, defensive tone of the apology; as a wag put it, this was an apology of an apology.

Then, on cue, came the news that a Tanishq store in Gandhidham, Kutch, had been attacked. Naturally, no one specifically blamed evil, Hindutva types for this heinous crime, but two and two got you four every time.

That fakery went away only after Mayur Patil, SP of Kutch (East), held a press conference in the store to demonstrate that no such attack had taken place. All in all, it was awfully poor timing for Tanishq, coming as the ad controversy did, barely a month before Dhanteras – an auspicious day preceding Diwali, when Indians traditionally purchase jewellery in record volumes.

So must we ask: what’s the fuss about? Why did so many people react so strongly to the Tanishq ad? How did the Tanishq honchos get it so wrong? And, most importantly, what might the Tata group do to prevent future such blunders?

The ad itself is lavishly crafted, and shows a Muslim mother-in-law affectionately leading her heavily-pregnant Hindu daughter-in-law through their opulent mansion, to a surprise godh bharai ceremony (a Hindu baby shower rite) on their well-manicured lawn.

Taken pleasantly aback, the girl softly asks her mother-in-law about the need for this ceremony, when Hindu rituals do not take place in that household. The genteel mother-in-law fondly replies that keeping a daughter happy is a kind of ritual too.

Wealth and privilege pervade every scene, and the ad ends with shots of the pregnant girl being adorned with stylish gold ornaments, from Tanishq’s latest, high-end collection. A closing voiceover and tagline says it all: ‘Ekatvam by Tanishq – The beauty of oneness’.

On the face of it, Indians should have collectively chirruped at this luxurious example of Hindu-Muslim unity, and, charged by renewed secular zeal, enthusiastically rushed in droves to buy out their nearest Tanishq store. Titan share prices should have shot up by 15 per cent. Instead, the opposite happened.

One set of analysts put this unexpectedly-negative response down to the usual set of reasons: Islamophobia, Hindu bigotry, majoritarianism, fascism, intolerance, or what have you.

Others accused the ad of whitewashing ‘love-jihad’, legitimizing it, or even, of indirectly promoting it.

A third set seethed at the care taken to not offend Muslims, which they interpreted as bias – there were no idols shown anywhere (a major lacuna, since, as everyone knows, a standard Hindu rite can’t commence without a firm okay from the elephant-headed one, usually after he’s been supplied with a modaka or two).

All fair points, perhaps, and reflective of individual inclinations or emotions, but the deeper reason why so many people responded so instinctively, so indignantly, and so similarly, to the advertisement, actually lies in the brief exchange between the Muslim mother-in-law and the Hindu daughter-in-law.

Whether they realise this key point or not, subconsciously, what was most galling to offended viewers, was the manner in which the imperious mother-in-law patronisingly deigned to break from her rigid Islamic norms, for once, to condescend to the girl’s Hindu traditions which were otherwise banned in that home.

Even more galling was the girl’s gratitude, at being allowed to become Hindu again for a brief while; a point which the ad-makers reinforced repeatedly, through shots of her appreciative glances towards the older woman.

So, what was intended as a preachy social message of communal harmony ended up as a grating example of submissive Hindu thanks, for overbearing Muslim generosity, and left incensed viewers pitying the caged fate of the pregnant girl. The price of her love for a Muslim boy, by the ad’s script, was the abandonment of her religion, and her customs.

Makes you wonder what the advertising agency which made this ad was thinking. Did they honestly think that people would clap at the plight of a young woman denied her way of life post-marriage? Were they plugging jewellery or ideology? Did they spare a thought for legendary British adman David Ogilvy, who coined the stellar marketing phrase, ‘The consumer isn’t a moron. She’s your wife’?

But in reality, it is not the ad agency which is to blame; the final responsibility lies with the Tanishq management, since it is they who approved the advertisement. And it is Tanishq, which will have to bear the cross of having tried to pass off ‘noblesse oblige’ as sanctimonious secularism. This is the crux of the issue.

(‘Noblesse oblige’ is a French term which translates directly as ‘nobility obliges’. Its dictionary definition is: ‘a notion of aristocratic responsibilities’; the idea that people born into the nobility or upper social classes must behave in an honourable and generous way toward those less privileged. This is what the Muslim mother-in-law in the ad did, and this is what rankled most.)

Now, in a normal, pluralistic household, be it inter-faith, inter-caste or inter-race, the mother-in-law shouldn’t have to act out of the ordinary; she shouldn’t need to graciously accommodate her daughter-in-law’s way of life. And she surely wouldn’t need to be lauded for that. In fact, who is the mother-in-law to say which religious beliefs or rituals a daughter-in-law may follow or not, particularly in an allegedly-harmonious, ‘secular’ home?

Shouldn’t the daughter-in-law be automatically free to practice her beliefs and rituals in such an atmosphere? Why should one need to take permission from one’s in-laws, to practice one’s faith? How insulting and humiliating are such restrictions? It is these egregious contradictions which made the Tanishq ad come apart at the seams.

By the ad, thus, it was as if this was ‘Be nice to Hindus week’, and that made the mother-in-law’s noblesse oblige unpalatably condescending to those many who erupted online.

Lost in their bubble of wooly-headed idealism, the ad-makers probably failed to realise that no one needs to be nice to anyone because of their faith, or caste, or race. Those days of selective decency are long gone. On the contrary, an image of a Muslim mother-in-law, grandly conceding the conduction of a Hindu ritual in her household, for once, and just for once, only rekindled painful racial memories of what life for the kafir was like under a Sultan’s yoke.

No wonder so many of the online apoplectic retorts referred to Tipu and the Mughal Raj.

Bottom line: No one likes to be pitied.

The point, then, is that being nice to someone merely out of generosity to their faith is actually insulting. Such arrogance has no place in a humane society, where people are anyway meant to be civil to one another regardless of identity.

Yet, evidently, that is not so in the creative departments of some advertising agencies. Nonetheless, the reality that exists outside such offices today, instead, is a momentous nationwide effort to rid our land of exactly these stigmas, cultural separatism, and prejudices.

A lot of that boils down to undoing the ills of partition, like eradicating identity politics, vote-banking, or a lingering hankering for the two-nation theory; and the sooner marketing executives understand that, the better. This Hindu-Muslim divide is real; it is an unfortunate legacy issue that should never have arisen in the first place, and it will be bridged only when ‘Amar Akbar Anthony’-style secularism becomes inconsequential.

But apparently, little of that seems to have gone into the ad brief. As a result, a famous Tata brand abruptly lost a great deal of arduously-built up street cred, simply because someone tried to blend their personal politics with commerce.

Consequently, one option is for a senior functionary at the Tata group level to have a long chat with the Tanishq team, while others recast marketing policies more suited for an actual India that is, rather than for an imaginary India of vacuous, liberal dreams. If you’re as big as Tata, you need to be that much more aware of the pulse of your market.

The reason is that India is now enlightened enough to differentiate between Ratan Tata – whom most view as a bonafide Indian hero, the Tata group – which remains the pride of India, and a few senior executives of Tata’s Tanishq division, who were unfortunately deracinated enough to commission and approve a poorly-conceived advertisement.

Also, we mustn’t forget that the bulk of Tanishq outlets are franchises, and that the hefty investments of these innocent franchise owners cannot be held ransom to an ideology they might not even support.

So, in conclusion, there’s no point trying to hide behind the advertisement. It is exactly what true pluralism isn’t; indeed, it resonated adversely with a significant section of the target audience precisely because of that – because it was pure aspic, and aspic isn’t aspirational. That is how a great product was ironically scuttled upon its launch, by its own makers.

Therefore, the management of Tanishq can either stuff such needless noblesse oblige in their pipes and smoke it, or wake up, step out of their time warp, get in touch with a majestic awakening taking place in India, and remember that profit trumps politics every time. Secularism doesn’t sell in India anymore; only pluralism does.
Last edited by chetak on 18 Oct 2020 19:53, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by sanjayc »

Brilliant article! ^^

Tatas have been getting their marketing wrong lately. Tata Nano was positioned as "world's cheapest car." The customers read it as "car for poor people who cannot afford real cars" and that sank the product, with women saying they won't be seen dead in it. Didn't Tatas comprehend that cars are an aspirational product in India (or anywhere else in the world) which are bought to uplift one's status in society?

Then this stupid Tanishq ad. Now apparently, another ad is going around by Tata Cliq where a Hindu guy is shown abandoning Yoga as boring and running towards a Christian e-marriage which apparently is much more exciting and cool. Marketing dudes at Tatas are really snorting something. But most likely explanation according to me is that some Muslims and Christians are in decision-making positions at Tata marketing department and its ad agency, and choosing themes to convince Hindus to leave Hinduism (in short, they are evangelizing by using Tata funds). They are mixing their religious prejudices against Hindus with their job and screwing Tata.
After Tanishq Love Jihad ad, Tata Cliq releases ad denigrating Hinduism, calls Yoga ‘boring’ while promoting Christian e-marriages
The theme of the ad is that Yoga is an old practice and ought to be discarded for the new and 'hip' trend of a Christian e-marriage.

https://www.opindia.com/2020/10/tata-cl ... d-tanishq/

I saw a Twitter post about how the creative head of Tata's ad agency is a Christian, and all the ads he has been releasing for all the brands that he handles have strong anti-Hindu themes. In the guise of advertising, he is practising Liberation Theology, leading Hindus towards light.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by chetak »

sanjayc wrote:Brilliant article! ^^

Tatas have been getting their marketing wrong lately. Tata Nano was positioned as "world's cheapest car." The customers read it as "car for poor people who cannot afford real cars" and that sank the product, with women saying they won't be seen dead in it. Didn't Tatas comprehend that cars are an aspirational product in India (or anywhere else in the world) which are bought to uplift one's status in society?

Then this stupid Tanishq ad. Now apparently, another ad is going around by Tata Cliq where a Hindu guy is shown abandoning Yoga as boring and running towards a Christian e-marriage which apparently is much more exciting and cool. Marketing dudes at Tatas are really snorting something. But most likely explanation according to me is that some Muslims and Christians are in decision-making positions at Tata marketing department and its ad agency, and choosing themes to convince Hindus to leave Hinduism (in short, they are evangelizing by using Tata funds). They are mixing their religious prejudices against Hindus with their job and screwing Tata.
After Tanishq Love Jihad ad, Tata Cliq releases ad denigrating Hinduism, calls Yoga ‘boring’ while promoting Christian e-marriages
The theme of the ad is that Yoga is an old practice and ought to be discarded for the new and 'hip' trend of a Christian e-marriage.

https://www.opindia.com/2020/10/tata-cl ... d-tanishq/

I saw a Twitter post about how the creative head of Tata's ad agency is a Christian, and all the ads he has been releasing for all the brands that he handles have strong anti-Hindu themes. In the guise of advertising, he is practising Liberation Theology, leading Hindus towards light.
surprise :mrgreen:

tanishq's brand manager mansoor khan, is from the other minority

a sickular jugalbandhi.
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Re: 2020 Strategic and Political Analysis-1

Post by darshan »

I continue to believe that honchos from parent group would have came out in a second to do damage control in all other scenarios where involved parties were non Hindus. Even if that includes chinese if for some fortune the ad agency had put out anti chinese ad with Diwali coming up and to encourage local buying.

Various entities like Chetan bhagat didn't dream up about remarks they made. They heard in their elite circuit and parroted. Many big entities from Tata would have made such remarks in that same elite circuit.