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Post by Anujan »

The Turks haven't learned the British way of denying past atrocities
In his book Late Victorian Holocausts, published in 2001, Mike Davis tells the story of famines that killed between 12 and 29 million Indians. These people were, he demonstrates, murdered by British state policy. When an El Niño drought destituted the farmers of the Deccan plateau in 1876 there was a net surplus of rice and wheat in India. But the viceroy, Lord Lytton, insisted that nothing should prevent its export to England. In 1877 and 1878, at the height of the famine, grain merchants exported a record 6.4m hundredweight of wheat. As the peasants began to starve, officials were ordered "to discourage relief works in every possible way". The Anti-Charitable Contributions Act of 1877 prohibited "at the pain of imprisonment private relief donations that potentially interfered with the market fixing of grain prices". The only relief permitted in most districts was hard labour, from which anyone in an advanced state of starvation was turned away. In the labour camps, the workers were given less food than inmates of Buchenwald. In 1877, monthly mortality in the camps equated to an annual death rate of 94%.
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Post by Gerard »

In the Islamic Emirate of England, Held Wales, Occupied Scotland and English-Administered-Ireland...

Oxford bishop backs Islamic call to prayer
The Bishop of Oxford has supported plans to broadcast the Islamic call to prayer over part of the historic city.
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Post by vsudhir »

Who knew UQ was such a devoted admirer of PRC methods...

Prisoner Organs to be taken without consent (Telegrapgh, UK)
Gordon Brown has thrown his weight behind a move to allow hospitals to take organs from dead patients without explicit consent.
Don't property rights on dead bodies pass onto immediate families, sir? Of course PRC is far more advanced onlee. Live prisoner organs are also thug-e-state property onlee.
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Post by Gerard »

In the Islamic Emirate of England, Held Wales, Occupied Scotland and English-Administered-Ireland...

We want to offer sharia law to Britain
Clare Dwyer Hogg and Jonathan Wynne-Jones report on demands by senior Muslims that sharia be given legal authority
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Post by Gerard »

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Post by Gerard »

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Post by Gerard »

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Post by Gerard »

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Post by Rye »

Brown announces India aid package
Note that all this "aid" is going to Bihar -- the border state next to Nepal.

The British EW%^W$%s are going to be starting up "NGO"s that provide covert support to the Maoist elements in the region.
JE Menon
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Post by JE Menon »

Something I noticed... Gordon Brown is visiting India... Hardly made the top headline news in any of the channels . NDTV for instance was going on about Cricket for about 10 mins as the number one headline before moving on to Gordon's visit. About 5 yrs ago, forget 10, we would have heard about everything from Gordon's shoe colour to the menu to the contents of his toilet post dinner...

Another snippet, Gordon was on some programme on NDTV with a lot of other big shots from Indian industry, government etc... Kapil Sibal (he of SoniaG is like Jesus or Buddha - i forget which - fame) said we need to learn how to make money like the Brits. He said something to the effect of look at the Brits how they made money from the business of empire... much to the amusement of all present, including Gordon... times have changed eh?
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Post by Lalmohan »

i believe UK GDP/head has overtaken US GDP/head recently... although PPP wise US remains ahead

UK economy has been slowly slowly growing and delivering more or less stable life and attracting a lot of migrants
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Post by Neshant »

Hard to believe the UK being ahead of the US in anything.

Maybe they have had some success in attracting rich guys like mittal but i doubt if they have got the kind of consumer base or industries the US has. Don't know what their R&D base is like however.

I think mittal has annoyed the indian govt. After backing him and speaking out in his favor to win the Arcelor takeover, he has given India relatively little in return. I believe India gave up on him and instead backed Tata's takeover of Corus as a result.

Tata is a true 'son of the soil' and India will give him preferential treatment in any deal involving access to the Indian market. In some ways I think mittal was stupid to make public statements that he invested in china rather than India because of a "small difference" china offered. In doing so, he destroyed any goodwill between his company and the Indian govt which represent over 1 billion consumers.

Now mittal's son is talking about sponsoring some Indian team to the olympics or something but its really too little too late.
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Post by Lalmohan »

GDP/head and not PPP

and why can't UK be ahead of US? Is there a law against it? or just the opinions of the NRI-in-amreeka? ;)
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Post by Vipul »

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Post by sanjaykumar »

Something I noticed... Gordon Brown is visiting India... Hardly made the top headline news in any of the channels . NDTV for instance was going on about Cricket for about 10 mins as the number one headline before moving on to Gordon's visit. About 5 yrs ago, forget 10, we would have heard about everything from Gordon's shoe colour to the menu to the contents of his toilet post dinner...

We're getting there, we're getting there.
SK Mody
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Post by SK Mody »

"Political correctness" started out as rebellion and and ended up being institutionalized. The author fails to distinguish between these two facets. First he writes:
The continual attempt to soften and sanitise the harsh realities of life in the name of liberalism, in an effort to suppress truths unwelcome to the PC mind; the social engineering which plays down Christianity, demanding equal status for alien religions.
and in the very next paragraph:
The selective distortions of history, so beloved by New Labour, denigrating Britain's past with such propaganda as hopelessly unbalanced accounts of the slave trade, laying all the blame on the white races, but carefully censoring the truth that not a slave could have come out of Africa without the active assistance of black slavers, and that the trade was only finally suppressed by the Royal Navy virtually single-handed.
A contradiction no? If someone were trying to "sanitize the harsh realities of life", shouldn't they have sanitized their accounts of the slave trade?

But no fear. The institutionalized version of political correctness will soon ensure equal amounts of sanitization for everyone's story and everyone's point of view. The "principle of equal sanitization".

Me, emotional ignoramus asking - did "political correctness" start out as a rebellion of sons against their fathers during the time when the british empire was at the height of its power (1920's maybe?). In US was it a reaction of the German immigrants against the victory of the anglo-saxons?
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Post by svinayak »

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Post by Philip »

One area where the Brits top the losing vital data!Afterthe ernormous scandal of losing almost the entire population's vital financial data,a bonanza for fraudsters,along comes the missing data of 6 lakh potential recruits for the British armed forces! Read on.

UK loses data of 6 lakh military candidates
Press Trust Of IndiaPosted online: Sunday, January 20, 2008 at 2319 hrs Print EmailLondon::The personal details of thousands of would-be recruits to the British armed forces have been lost, making these individuals potential targets for terrorists.

Top US official helped Pak steal N-weapons secret: report

The personal details of 6,00,000 people interested in joining the armed forces have been lost after a laptop belonging to a Royal Navy officer was stolen, the Ministry of Defence has said. It follows the loss of 25 million child benefit records and the details of three million learner drivers in the past few months.

The latest data loss incident is potentially the most serious as recruits to the armed forces are targets for terrorists. As such, it puts these individuals at risk not only of identity theft, but at a significant security risk.

British Defence Secretary Des Browne will be closely quizzed on the theft by the lawmakers next week and the opposition may step up pressure on him to resign.

Though the laptop was stolen from a vehicle in the Edgbaston area of Birmingham on January 9, the theft was only made public on Friday.

The government said that the laptop contained information on 6,00,000 people who expressed an interest in joining the Royal Navy, Royal Marines and Royal Air Force, the Daily Telegraph online of Britain reported on Saturday.
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Post by sum »

New terror laws unveiled
How much ever we laugh on the British regarding their dhimmitude, they atleast propose something which would never even be dreamt of by our spineless,appeasing politicians....
We remain the only terror hit country which is actually making terrorist's life easier by repelling/softening existing laws!!! :roll: :roll:
And then, to add salt to injuries, the news of rewarding jihadi families (as announced by hon."leader of the year" PM)leaves me tearing my hair out in frustration :x :x :x
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Post by Johann »


The basic approach in the UK since 1998 has been three-fold;

- to continuously toughen the legal framework against jihadi activity and individuals whenever and wherever public opinion supports it.

- to tighten up immigration from the Muslim world.

- to make concessions to Islam the religion as a concession to Muslims already in the country to take the sting out of the first two.

All of these things have been happening simultaneously.

The third element isnt just a concession to Muslims - it is even more than that a concession to the diminished, but still significant numbers of people in the media/academic/legal/social sectors who subscribe to, or are sympathetic to extreme interpretations of multiculturalism.

There are a significant number of secular and progressive Muslims in the UK who absolutely hate the third element - but sadly the extreme multi-cultis dont really care about their opinions- they want to win over the mullahs, the street louts and Islamists.

The third element will end only when the British population as a whole feels that the elites were wrong, and that costs outweigh the promised benefits.
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Post by vsudhir »

Johann wrote:Sum,

- to make concessions to Islam the religion as a concession to Muslims already in the country to take the sting out of the first two.

All of these things have been happening simultaneously.

The third element isnt just a concession to Muslims - it is even more than that a concession to the diminished, but still significant numbers of people in the media/academic/legal/social sectors who subscribe to, or are sympathetic to extreme interpretations of multiculturalism.

There are a significant number of secular and progressive Muslims in the UK who absolutely hate the third element - but sadly the extreme multi-cultis dont really care about their opinions- they want to win over the mullahs, the street louts and Islamists.

The third element will end only when the British population as a whole feels that the elites were wrong, and that costs outweigh the promised benefits.
Aah, Johann... this is well trod territory in India, at least.
Pls lookup the 'tackling islamic extremism in India' thread by Shiv. Its earlier avatars contained valuable info on how the macaulaite dhimmi elite in India that is an obstacle in tackling islamic extremism.
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Post by Johann »

V Sudhir,

Quite right.

Whatever the disagreements within the politically active class about the nature of Islam, its role and rights in the public space etc, the failure in India to build consensus around the obligation to public safety and public order for a different national security framework is more than a little frightening.

On the other hand regardless of ideological differences about the nature of Islam, etc politicians in the UK cant escape public pressure to protect lives and property from Islamist violence, whether from terrorism or rioting. That is why counter-terrorism legislation gets tougher, while toilet blocks in prisons (which are filled with ever more Muslims) are re-aligned to meet the Mullahs specifications. Sensitivity to Islamic demands on food, Christian symbols, etc are meant to convey the message 'we are anti-jihad, but not anti-Islam'.

Time will reveal to all whether such an approach can retain coherence.

The Indian situation is far more frustrating and explosive (literally) because of the deadlock within the political scene, the sharp polarisation within the non-Muslim educated classes, and the general weakness of the rule of law. The experience of dhimmitude, the far, far larger Muslim vote all play a role in that.
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Post by prashanth »

Sarkozy's Visit

I wonder why the western media try to paint tar on India. :evil: .this report is from reuters UK. It has very little to do with Sarkozy's visit.
Every year, rebels call for the boycott of India's Republic Day and often carry out attacks on security forces and government buildings to protest India's founding as a republic, but few incidents were reported this year in the run-up to the parade.
Separatist violence has declined in Kashmir since India and Pakistan, who claim the region in full but rule it in parts, launched a peace process in 2004. But people are still killed almost daily in fighting between militants and soldiers. :evil:
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Post by Rudranathh »

India-UK share 'a strategic partnership of equals'
Tuesday, January 22 2008

New Delhi, Jan 22: British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on Monday said that Britain and India shares “a strategic partnership of equals."

“We support India"s candidature for the permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC)," Brown said while addressing a joint press conference here with his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh. “The trade (bilateral) has increased to 100 per cent in the last five years and it is increasing at a rate 20 per cent per year," Brown added.

Talking about counter terrorism Indo-Britain joint efforts, the British Prime Minister said: “The cooperation between Indian and British intelligence agencies should be strengthened."

Manmohan Singh told reporters that the international community can not ignore a country like India," adding, “Both the countries (India and Britain) have agreed for joint efforts to counter terrorism."

“This summit (Indo-UK fourth summit) has given a fresh momentum to our strategic partnership. India and Britain have also agreed over nuclear cooperation," Manmohan Singh added.

“Both sides underline the importance of joint international efforts in countering terrorism which is not justified under any circumstances. They agree to intensify mutual exchange of views, experiences and practical cooperation in the fight against terrorism, both through bilateral channels and in multilateral forums," the joint statement issued after India-UK Summit said.

The statement further said that both countries “shall strengthen cooperation through the Indo-UK Joint Working Group on Counter-Terrorism. Multilaterally, the two countries remain committed to pursuing as soon as possible agreement in the UN on the Comprehensive Convention against International Terrorism"

The UK reiterated its support for India"s “full membership of the Financial Action Task Force."

On climate change, both sides recognised “the need to find effective and practical solutions to address concerns regarding climate change and its implications for human kind."

Both countries have expressed their satisfaction “over the successful outcome at Bali that reaffirmed the relevance of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), including its provision and principles, in particular the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities."

In the field of bilateral cooperation on climate change, the two Sides expressed satisfaction over the announcement of a UK-India Agreement on the second phase of UK-India Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Study.

India and the UK will also collaborate on “a project piloting implementation of programmatic clean development mechanism (CDM) in India this year to jointly explore the potential of this to facilitate up-scaling of carbon market investment in accordance with India"s future development priorities."

The two countries also recognised the importance of research and development collaboration on “low carbon energy technologies and welcomed the broadening dialogue between the two countries on clean coal technologies and other power generation technologies."

The two sides have strongly “emphasised the potential of civil nuclear energy to be a safe, sustainable and non-polluting source of energy, which could make a significant contribution to meeting the global challenge of achieving energy security, sustainable development, economic growth, and limiting climate change."

“The UK supports the India-US civil nuclear co-operation initiative with all its elements, including an appropriate India specific exemption to the Nuclear Suppliers Group Guidelines," the statement said.

Prime Ministers of both countries have shared the “hope that Pakistan would see an early return to stability and prosperity and recognised the importance of free and fair Parliamentary elections on February 18."

They also agreed that the process of national reconciliation and political reform in Myanmar should be “inclusive, broad-based and taken forward expeditiously, so as to bring about genuine reconciliation and progress towards democracy."

“The two Sides underscored their commitment to the Strategic Partnership launched in 2004 and reaffirmed their shared conviction in the values of democracy, fundamental freedoms, pluralism, rule of law, respect for human rights and multilateralism in the international political and financial architecture as the means to tackle global challenges effectively," the joint statement issued after India-UK Summit said.

On economic and commercial front, the statement said: “Bilateral economic linkages are strengthening through increased trade and investment flows. The two Sides acknowledged the potential for greater collaboration especially in hi-tech (ICT, life sciences, nano-technology etc.), research, advanced manufacturing, infrastructure, energy, healthcare, agricultural products and processed foods, higher education and other service sectors."

This meeting reviewed various aspects of bilateral trade and received valuable feedback from businesses on both sides on measures that could further enhance bilateral trade and investment flows.

“India and the UK have agreed to cooperate in developing collaboration between Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), entrepreneurs and venture capitalists.of professionals across a broad range of sectors of interest to both sides," the statement said.

Both sides took note of the large opportunities in the infrastructure sector, in the context of the massive infrastructure development programme being undertaken in India.

Both countries also noted the role played by people of Indian origin in Britain. Through their hard work, dynamism and entrepreneurial talents they have made an enormous contribution to the strengthening of bilateral ties.

On education, the two sides recognised that the UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI), launched in April 2006, was playing an important role in fostering such contacts.

Both sides have agreed to establish an Education Forum to work towards an early conclusion of an Education Partnership Agreement; to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding on an India-UK Higher Education Leadership Development Programme to develop leadership skills in Indian and UK universities.

India and the UK see considerable potential for growth in Research, Science and Technology collaboration. They share the vision for further strengthening their partnership through new and existing initiatives and agree to widen discussion to all research funding bodies in both countries through the India-UK Science and Innovation Council mechanism.

The UK"s proposal to establish a Research Councils UK (RCUK) office in India is a welcome development that would lead to enhance collaboration between the two countries. - ANI
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Post by Rudranathh »

Support for India's claim to UNSC seat good for UK
Tuesday, January 29 2008

London, Jan 29: British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has reportedly revealed that his government's policy in supporting India's candidature for a UN Security Council seat, is part of the country's longstanding policy.

"It is not a country-specific policy, but our longstanding policy," the Dawn quoted Brown, as saying. Commenting on the Kashmir issue, Brown said he was happy to see the progress being made on the front and the reduction in militancy there.

According to the paper, Brown also told Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf that his government would consider giving development-related aid to Islamabad provided the forthcoming February 18 elections being held in a free, fair and transparent manner and visible progress is seen towards ushering a democratic system of governance.

Brown's reply came in response to a question on whether Britain would enhance its economic assistance to Pakistan and also provide Pakistan with enhanced access to its market in view of the worldwide recognition that the root cause of growing extremism in Pakistan and other poor Muslim countries was their poverty.

Musharraf said he had fruitful talks with Brown and was thankful for Britain's enhanced economic cooperation with Pakistan and its enhanced assistance in the social sectors.

He said he had also briefed Brown on the scenario he believed would unfold beyond the February 18 election and how the peaceful transition would take place followed by the setting up of a strong democratic government.

Answering a question, the president said the Taliban and al Qaeda menace cannot be controlled in a matter of five days.

"It is going to take a long time and we have a long fight on our hands but so far we are winning the war," the paper quoted Musharraf, as saying.

When the president arrived at the 10 Downing, he was greeted by 1,000 to 1,500 flag waving and slogan chanting protesters who were shouting "Go Musharraf Go."

The crowd was waving flags of the PPP, PML-N and Tehrik-i-Insaaf and was being led by Asma Jehangir of the HRCP, PPP's local leaders and a delegation of the PPP sent from Pakistan by PPP co-chairperson Asif Ali Zardari to organise protests. The delegation included Chaudhry Abdul Majid, Chaudhry Yaseen and Chaudhry Latif. Ghous Ali Shah of PML-N, Imran Khan of PTI, his former wife Jemima Khan and Lord Nazir Ahmed were also there with strong presence of their supporters.

Some 50 workers of PML-Q were also waving pictures of President Musharraf and shouting slogans of 'We support Musharraf'. - ANI
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Post by Rudranathh »

These pakis are weird. They want to kill soldiers protecting them and the country they are living in.

Terror mastermind admits plot to kidnap soldier
Tuesday, January 29, 2008 21:39 [IST]
London: A 37-year-old terror mastermind today pleaded guilty to plotting to kidnap a British Muslim soldier to behead him "like a pig" and plans to supply equipment to terrorists operating on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

Parvaiz Khan intended to seize the unnamed Muslim serviceman from a night club in Birmingham and behead him, the Leicester Crown Court was told. Three other men - Basiru Gassama, 30, Mohammed Irfan, 31, and Hamid Elasmar, 44, have admitted to other offences connected with the plot.

Khan also admitted to intending to supply equipment, including computer hard disks and night vision devices, to terrorists on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border. He pleaded guilty to the plot earlier this month, but his plea can be reported only now as the trial of two others, Amjad Mahmood and Zahoor Iqbal, began today.

Thirtytwo-year-old Amjad Mahmood and 30-year-old Zahoor Iqbal have denied involvement. All the men were arrested in a series of raids in Birmingham in January 2007.

The jury was told how Khan intended to kidnap the soldier while on a night out, behead him in a lock-up garage and then release footage of the killing on the internet. Nigel Rumfitt QC, prosecuting Mahmood and Iqbal, who both deny two offences relating to the plot, told the court that Khan had planned to seize the serviceman in Birmingham's Broad Street entertainment quarter.

"He would be taken to a lock-up garage and there he would be murdered by having his head cut off like a pig," he said.
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Post by Rye »

Serving in an kufr enemy's "anti-islamic" army is probably considered a shade worse than plain old apostasy (which is punishable by death in the Shariat).
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Post by shyamd »

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Post by ashish raval »

Another classic example of British Raj ... 746731.cms

see how vehemently Indian media deftly tries to downplay Indian students meritrocacy alonside pretenting to give him a support. This is becoming a common feature now a days. In the name of giving voice to Indian student in media they continuously questions him on everything without a hint of word on english girl's merit.
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Post by Rudranathh »

Rye wrote:Serving in an kufr enemy's "anti-islamic" army is probably considered a shade worse than plain old apostasy (which is punishable by death in the Shariat).
Islam prohibits muslims from living in an country which is not ruled by sharia. So what were the 3 muslim men doing in an kufr country in the first place?

Trying to live on the free social benefits that the british gov provides?

These 3 wannabe murderers should have migrated to saudi or pakisatan and lived under full blown sharia and should have implemented their devilish plans there.
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Post by Rye »

Rudranathh wrote:
Islam prohibits muslims from living in an country which is not ruled by sharia. So what were the 3 muslim men doing in an kufr country in the first place?
Islam says a lot of contradictory things and that is well known and not even surprising since that is a common feature with other "word of God" texts.

The more interesting thing, IMO of course, is the selective invocation of diktats and fatwas to create a "standing example" for other muslims in Britain -- the only reason they are going after this muslim for joining the UK army is to discourage other UK muslims from turning over to the other side before UK comes under the spell of the Shariat.
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Post by Singha »

the justification these emigrants from failed islamic nations use is not that
they are fleeing failure or seeking better money (which is kinda haram to leave a nice flourish islamic land for) but planting the Flag of Islam on virgin territory. no sir, pakistan or saudia is doing just fine.
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Post by pradeepe »

Singha wrote:the justification these emigrants from failed islamic nations use is not that
they are fleeing failure or seeking better money (which is kinda haram to leave a nice flourish islamic land for) but planting the Flag of Islam on virgin territory. no sir, pakistan or saudia is doing just fine.
Spot on Singha. Changing times require changing strategies.
Had they headed out west with with the same charm as exhibited by our favorite rage boy, they would have been tossed out on their behinds.

This is the new face/tactic of what is essentially a vanguard action.

In a drawn out and distributed onslaught like this its inevitable that the good actors meaning the RAPE sometimes buy into their own facade. A few buy in for good, but most revert back at the first rapine opportunity.
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Post by Gerard »

Don’t teach children patriotism[quote]Patriotism should be avoided in school lessons because British history is “morally ambiguousâ€
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Post by sanjaykumar »

There is nothing ambiguous about it.

But patriotism does not neccessarily mean an uncritical acceptance of past behaviour. There is an enormous amount of pioneering work done by Britain in the last 2-3 centuries, in science, technology , laws etc.
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Post by Gerard »

In the Islamic Emirate of England, Held Wales, Occupied Scotland and English-Administered-Ireland...

Multiple wives will mean multiple benefits
Husbands with multiple wives have been given the go-ahead to claim extra welfare benefits following a year-long Government review
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Post by Gerard »

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Post by Gerard »

Christian - Muslim sectarian conflict
Hospital porter fired in crucifix row
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Post by Gerard »

Quarter of Brits think Churchill was myth: poll
Indian political leader Mahatma Gandhi and Battle of Waterloo victor the Duke of Wellington also appeared in the top 10 of people thought to be myths. Meanwhile, 58 percent thought Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's fictional detective Holmes actually existed
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Post by Singha »

UK proceeding along desired lines.....parliament ruled by islamists and streets ruled by a mix of yobs, morons and islamist streetfighters.