India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by MarcH »

Singha wrote:Shiv, I believe the typhoon can just about fire one paveway weapon now and self-guide it. earlier it could release the weapon but a tornado had to guide it. the next step is more spooky - releases multiple weapons and guide them in parallel (not sure how its done but tornado is said to be able to do it). makes sense I suppose with weapons being released from upto 50km away now, you better release multiple weapons in the first pass and get home ... not turn for a second pass when defences are hunting for you.

perhaps they showed IAF what it could do now, and also the roadmap for future.
After reading this, I think there is a hughe misunderstanding. The EF can drop and selfdesignate bombs since 2009. Rafale was the one to play catch-up. The Damocles Pod has been declared operational last autumn, one and a half years later than Litening on EF.
Over Afganistan Rafales were always accompanied by Super Etendards/ M2K for target designation.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by Karan M »


Belongs more to the Su-30 thread, but have attempted to reply here itself..
weight for weight, size for size US/Europe have had better radars and smarter weapons for decades
rdy2/apg63/apg73/ps05 vs the clunky sets like kopyo, zhuk on mig29 etc. Rus lacking the miniaturization and electronics made an attempt to overcome this using brute force approach of larger apertures. well when the west scaled up the aperture they are still way ahead as the apg77 and apg79 show (and hopefully the rbe2 aesa an captor-E mashallah)
I'd disagree here because its just a case of differing priorities. The Russians are smart engineers and probably amongst the best (if not the best) at applied engineering, apart from theoretical concepts and R&D, where they excelled at as well. Most (not all though) "clunky sets" actually worked well within their limitations and for what they were intended for. The Russians just did things "differently" since they had conscript crew & wanted to keep technology functionally maintained at differing bases with more spartan infra (and hence more rugged) and also because they relied more on large numbers of specialized craft for special purposes. The west, thanks to a bunch of reasons went more and more for the multifunctional approach, which by default meant more and more reliance on technology.

Consider the N001 radar on the Su-27. It did not meet the technology specifications set for it by the Russians themselves but boy, did it work. Even as recently as Cope India, this generations old set was holding its own in Air to Air against APG-63s on US F-15s. Here is a typical example of how Russians did things differently. When you look at the range on the N001 it appears just about "ok" for a large radar, some 100 km against a 3 Sq Mtr target. But then when you compare modes, its actually in default TWS setting. With an onboard datalink supplying info from the ground based radars, the Su-27 pilot knows where the target is, picks him up at maximum range at TWS, the radar autoprioritizes based on speed/direction, the pilot then switches to lock on (without losing track) and fires away.Later for their own upgrade, did the Russians ditch this "antique" set, no, they just added separate processing and added the additional VS/RWS modes, and the range etc went up by a significant amount, also added ground mapping modes and dual target engagement with RVV-AE. The US would have just junked the sets. The APG-63 went for more multifunctional modes & what not. The Russians aimed to use the Su-27 for air to air, working within a specific system, and kept things simple. Even when not operating within that system, the System worked and worked well.

Now, the MiG-29, equipped with but the same radar design, but far less spent on the weapons control system, hence the pilot would lose TWS moment he went to STT and so on, but the Russians put a helpful datalink to compensate. But compared to the Su-27s' functional utilitarian cockpit, the MiG-29 is more of an anachronism, but then again, what was its role? Short range battlefield airsuperiority. Even came up with a perfectly functional HMCS with R-73E, that decades later, without update can still spook the best western fighters. Again, upgraded over the years and made more functional. The Malaysian MiG-29s were fairly nifty.

Then see the MiG-31, created to police the far frontiers against US bombers and the Tomahawk. See videos on youtube, it even has color CRT displays, money clearly was no issue!! A functional PESA, datalinked to other fighters so that four fighters flying in a "wall" can see hundreds of km wide, pick up targets against clutter and attack them with amongst the longest ranged BVR missiles in the world, near simultaneously. And it even has a retractable IRST. And a WSO. This packed into a modified MiG-25 airframe, modified so much that in practical terms it is all but a new aircraft, and even when equipped with very thirsty, monster engines, still has enough fuel for long range! So simply put, different solutions for different needs. Cut to today, the USAF is equipping F-15s with AESA & AMRAAMs to deter cruise missiles. Their "technique", fly a "wall" with "datalinks".

Another thing about the Russians, the incredible standardization. A pilot goes from one MiG to the other, the displays, the controls are mostly in the same places, he adopts very quickly. Spares can be swapped, maintenance crew gets upto speed quick, EMI/EMC tolerance is high making for equipment able to tolerate higher production variances. Now, decades later, look at the IAF, using the same HUD, MFDs etc across Su-30, Jaguar, MiG upgrades, standardizing on common fits wherever possible.

You noted the RBE-2 & RDY-2 - but both IMO don't hold a torch to the Bars on the MKI in actual performance. For all practical purposes, the Bars is a perfect example of the Russians performance at all costs, paradigm. They didn't have access to Tx/Rx chips which could do both functions, so they designed the best PESA - one with its Rx path similar to an AESA with Rx sticks (and hence low noise), and a fairly large aperture coupled to a high power TWT. And they put it in a fighter which could handle the weight. The Bars was in a training mode at Red Flag in 2008, in a heavy EW environment - but they still couldnt jam it, and on several days, it racked up heavy BVR scores. What does that say for the overall performance of the radar.

The Russians only lagged in multifunctional modes - but today, they are pretty much there, look at the Bars itself or even the Irbis. They adopt modern programming languages, not their old Russian style hardware specific languages. We are adopting non Russian weapons to the Bars. We have integrated Litening to the WCS as well, not to mention third party SAR pods.

The ZhukM2 the IAF is getting has, VS,RWS,TWS,RA,CCM - all A2A modes and A2G modes including SAR. They are reportedly now getting to 1m*1m maps if my memory is right. 3M*3M was better than what the Israelis originally had. The Irbis, the latest PESA uses the same technology for A2G mapping as that of the APG-80 for high resolution mapping. Today, with no cold war, foundry tech available to the Russians, and with their own foundries, am decently certain their NIIP AESA will be a performer.

in weapons the scene is even worse - just compare the stuff like harpoon/apache/kepd/j-series to the stuff like kh59 - no stealth, needs a separate data link pod hanging out.
The Russians have several systems in the works or already in trials, for the PAK-FA and future programs. They now have the Kh-35 variants for long range strikes, plus a new tactical series of Kh-38s. Theres a satellite guided bomb as well.

Again, its all about priority. The Russians have a lot of tactical MLRS and even BMs, cruise missiles & long range Apache style stuff has just not been up their creek for a while. Remember after the collapse, they had to prioritize their spending. So they concentrated on their strategic programs for deterrence & left out the funding for expeditionary stuff. But they remain world class in several areas. Take a look at the Kh-31PD - nothing like it in the Europeans kitty for now. Latest variant has 200 km+ range, and multi band seeker. For Antiship work they have Kh-31s, Kh-59 variants and even Kh-35s. The RVV-AE just got updated to a new variant as well.

About the only area where they are lagging in, is the presence of a game changing A2A missile like the Meteor, or the NG multimpurpose missile the US is working on - otherwise, they have been updating their stuff.
in sensor fusion and LPI we know the west is much ahead.
Or is it that we know about the western efforts more because we understand what they write & publicize. The Su-35 has sensor fusion as well, but its been very less reported. The designers note every target is crosschecked and assigned a unique ID - they call it a "passport" which then appears on one of the two huge displays as one. Similarly, Russian PESAs per public info have had LPI attributes for a while - fast beamsteering, low sidelobes, plus specific modes as well. Given the rapid manner in which NIIP has progressed and the amount of effort Sukhoi have gone to for airframe shaping for stealth in the PAK-FA, its a given the NIIP radar will have LPI. At least a couple of the knowledgeable Russian posters who report on the PAKFA have also reported to that effect. It'll be interesting to see what all the Su-30 MKI upgrade includes, we have advanced by leaps and bounds and so have the Russians.
likewise the geophysika sapsan pod is not a export competitor to sniper XR/damocles/litening. same for opto - electronic and SAR payloads incl in UAV and planes.
Yes, this is one area where they are lagging, because they havent invested enough in mass manufacturing high end opto-electronic thermal arrays and even R&D. Even so, when it comes to the basics of design, software & integration, they are fairly capable, because of obvious reasons though, they wont be sold the IR/IIR detectors from the leading foundries in the west, so they have to go for the complete packages.
and that is what WORRIES me about the whole Pakfa thing. I have NO DOUBT in airframe they will do a great job. the AL41 will be a good engine (though not the F135/F136). NIIP tikhomirov would likely make a pretty good new radar. but in terms of all the bits and pieces of sensor fusion and avionics and next-gen weapons the picture looks cloudish to me. I do not see Rus working on the kind of weapons that make a difference like AASM or J-series. rumours of next gen AAMs have remained so - so far. they still seem to prefer brute force and size in weapons over slim, smart and stealthy. they still cannot match the williams intl turbofans or the tiny IIR seekers now proliferating in western systems.
I'd say the FGFA will be every bit as capable as its western peers. Only in a handful of things would we need to put in anything non Russian/Indian, and even there, it'll probably be for logistic or some leading edge sort of stuff.
in the end I hope we do not end up with another nuova MKI - a good airframe and platform but lagging in terms of radar,avionics, network integration and smart weapons vs its closest peer the F-15E.
If you compare the MKI with its closest Strike eagle of the same generation, the F-15K - the MKI actually comes out ahead in terms of most parameters. About the only advantage the Strike Eagles have are GPS guided bombs and the SLAM-ER, even here, we have programs underway (w/Glonass/own efforts) and the SLAM-ER, well we have the Kh-59ME, the Brahmos is planned for and so is the Nirbhay. The network integration part is also not that bad, current MKIs can network upto 16 targets with each other, assign targets & prosecute, all the while sharing radar data etc. The ODL, to be integrated onto all IAF aircraft is even more sophisticated and is linked to the IACCS (seven nodes already funded, a few up and running per reports). The Upgrade will bring new avionics including AESA from 2016 onwards. About the only thing good for a future upgrade, is more thrust but then again - that cuts into fuel, and at typical operating loads, the MKI has a decent TWR. US estimates of the MKI released as JSF briefings show pretty decent performance all around even kinematically.
we are putting a shitload of $$ into pakfa. I hope we obtain written guarantees that Ru and MRCA vendors will work together to put western and indian/israeli weapons on the PAKFA too.
We are doing that for the MKI it'll certainly be done for the PAKFA.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by Singha »

could you let us know what exactly is meant when the RAF says it will get full A2G in 2018? what can the EF do today and what is the addl stuff RAF wants in 2018? that will help us better understand if the hype about EF being 'weak' in A2G is justified or a urban legend.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by SShah »

All in all, Antony has showed a great amount of willingness to fight vested interests so far – he first insisted on conducting 1:1 between MBTs Arjuns and T-90s in order to kill the growing media hype about Indian Army’s dissatisfaction about Arjun. And now his insisting for sticking with idea of selecting only the aircraft that performs the best and suits the most to the requirements of the IAF. Kudos to his honest efforts, persistent approach, his patriotism and commitment towards our nation.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by Karan M »

rakall wrote:
Karan M wrote:
I lean towards A2A bias, so my preference is naturally for the EF, so I am trying my best to be neutral/objective towards the Rafale.

greatly appreciate your informative posts.. from the content of your posts, I have a totally different line of thought leading to a different conclusion..

IAF already has a great A2A platform in Su30MKI - which is very much great in air defence role OR a recce role flying wih SAR pods at medium/high altitude OR as a fighter escort for strike missions covering the strike package from a higher altitdue scanning for bogeys in a lookdown mode.. EF is also good in A2A -- duplication of platforms for the same role.. (Both are designed as primarly A2A platforms with secondary A2G capability)

What IAF needs badly is a variety of strike munitions, and a compatible strike platform able to deliver these munitions effectively.. that is where Rafale's Covert low-level penetration becomes very important.. perfectly fits with the bill (IAF's strike needs) & can either fly with a Spectra equipped Rafale OR a Bars/AESA equipped Su30MKI as the strike escort from a higher altitude..

To complement IAF's existing (A2A) resources and satisfy the strike requirements I see Rafale as a better fit..
I kind of agree, its just that I want whatever we get to be the absolute best. Reason I am stressing on the A2A role as well is because of the PLAAF's burgeoning Flanker force & now the J-20, and in a two front war scenario, we need to have fighters which can do everything, much better. Well, I know its a stretch but I wish there was a "super Rafale with more thrust and a bigger radar" or a "ready tomorrow for A2G EF with all the bells and whistles"...:-)
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by Austin »

negi wrote:The French are relatively the least paki of the lot and they bring in a lot more to the table in terms of the nuke deal
It would all depend on the events at the point in time and how French or Europe will react , the reason French never acted or sanctioned us is because there was nothing we did that would impact NATO interest or French interest , the day we do something serious that would impact French or more particular NATO interest , the French wont hesitate to act , look whats happening in Libya.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by VinodTK »

'Deal of the Century' and a dithering Obama
3. The F-16s and the F/A 18s are both old planes, with known technology. Though they are still champions in their sectors, their digital signatures are known to Pakistan (thanks to President Obama) and, through Pakistan, even China knows. The maneuverability, the assessment, everything is known to everyone in the most heavily militarized and nuclear zone in the whole world. The procurement of them wouldn’t have been any strategic assets to the Indian deterrent. Similarly, the MiGs have a known problem in high altitude warfare, as proved by 1999 Kargil war where the most successful plane was the French Mirage, both for being a high tech high altitude bomber, as well as its secret codes. It was evidently logical to go European.

4. Finally, the deal of $8 billions gave a huge boost to the military sector in U.S., pumping in much-needed money. The 126 fighters could have also given a bigger boost and more jobs, but the result is a little bit related to Obama’s policies too. If you remember correctly, George W. Bush, during his presidency, refused aid and F-16s to Pakistan. Obama, on the other hand, has poured in dollars and weapons. Now obviously, that was a short-sighted step. India is a bigger market which can in no way be comparable with Pakistan. India is democratic and the much-needed counterbalance to a militaristic, theocratic Pakistan and Communist China.
Last edited by VinodTK on 01 May 2011 22:54, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by nelson » ... n+Defence)

livefist poses five questions. at whose behest? :oops:
Last edited by nelson on 01 May 2011 23:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by Karan M »

Another thing, the EF is to have a swashplate AESA, tangible advantages over a fixed one.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by negi »

Austin wrote:
negi wrote:The French are relatively the least paki of the lot and they bring in a lot more to the table in terms of the nuke deal
It would all depend on the events at the point in time and how French or Europe will react , the reason French never acted or sanctioned us is because there was nothing we did that would impact NATO interest or French interest , the day we do something serious that would impact French or more particular NATO interest , the French won’t hesitate to act , look whats happening in Libya.
This is yet another haajmola statement; what do you mean by NATO interest, how many times you have seen NATO actions being driven by anyone apart from Unkil ? There is no such thing as NATO interest, NATO for all purposes is essentially an Unkil appointed bouncer.

You time and again use generic templates to portray geopolitical maneuvering and to be honest they are inaccurate; talking about hypothetical scenarios as to what French would do if we harm are interests is useless talk; if that is the way you wish to argue your point pray tell me what is that India is doing or will do to harm French interests ? And more importantly where/what is the motive ?
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by Kartik »

AJames wrote:I think the Eurofighter, although it has a lot of promise, is a dead end due to the fact that most of its European partners have lost interest. the British want the F35 and won't do much with the Eurofighter. The Italians and Spanish are saddled with huge national debts and so don't want to spend on it, and the Germans who are saddled with paying for loans to the other European debtor countries, are keen on cutting back on orders. Unlike Rafael which has full air to ground and carrier based capability and fully developed systems now, I fear if India goes for the Eurofighter, the Indian taxpayer will be saddled with footing the bill for the necessary development for the benefit of the European companies involved.

Two more possible advantages of the Rafael are that the future Kaveri Mk II being developed for the AMCA by GTRE/SNECMA is about the right size to be fitted in the Rafael as an upgrade, and since the Rafael's radar diameter is 550mm compared with the LCA's 650mm, the same radar can be fitted on both LCA and Rafael. These are potential money savers as well as allowing indigenous supply of these two critical components which is insurance against sanctions in future. The Rafael will complement the LCA well - the former being a very capable ground attack aircraft with the necessary weight lifting and avionics capability to do the job, while the LCA Mk II will be an excellent lightweight point defence aircraft.
You might want to at least get its name right- its RAFALE not RAFAEL (which is an Israeli arms company).
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by rakall »

Karan M wrote:
rakall wrote: greatly appreciate your informative posts.. from the content of your posts, I have a totally different line of thought leading to a different conclusion..

IAF already has a great A2A platform in Su30MKI - which is very much great in air defence role OR a recce role flying wih SAR pods at medium/high altitude OR as a fighter escort for strike missions covering the strike package from a higher altitdue scanning for bogeys in a lookdown mode.. EF is also good in A2A -- duplication of platforms for the same role.. (Both are designed as primarly A2A platforms with secondary A2G capability)

What IAF needs badly is a variety of strike munitions, and a compatible strike platform able to deliver these munitions effectively.. that is where Rafale's Covert low-level penetration becomes very important.. perfectly fits with the bill (IAF's strike needs) & can either fly with a Spectra equipped Rafale OR a Bars/AESA equipped Su30MKI as the strike escort from a higher altitude..

To complement IAF's existing (A2A) resources and satisfy the strike requirements I see Rafale as a better fit..
I kind of agree, its just that I want whatever we get to be the absolute best. Reason I am stressing on the A2A role as well is because of the PLAAF's burgeoning Flanker force & now the J-20, and in a two front war scenario, we need to have fighters which can do everything, much better. Well, I know its a stretch but I wish there was a "super Rafale with more thrust and a bigger radar" or a "ready tomorrow for A2G EF with all the bells and whistles"...:-)

We will also be getting the MKI'sed PAKFA in not too distant future compared to the MMRCA.. That once again will be another platoform optimized for A2A and will be more than a match for the J20 etc.. So the best solution for us right now is to select the best available strike platform..
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by Manny »

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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by SaiK »

If GaN path is shown for RBE2-AESA, then there is no need for nose job changes required.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by Sumeet »

I don't know if people realize that a conformal (probably with GaN TRMs) AESA much like PAK-FA's is in work for Rafale these days in Thales lab.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by negi »

On Rafale vs MKI this is what caught my eye; from Thales press release this year:

Higher module reliability for reduced cost of ownership (no maintenance required on the active array for 10 years)

From whatever I know about RF sources like TWTs and Klystrons from college days is those things have a short life; one of us had to literally hold a fan against one of those things ; that is one area where RBE2 will have an edge over the BARS i.e. high MTBF.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by MarcH »

Singha wrote:could you let us know what exactly is meant when the RAF says it will get full A2G in 2018? what can the EF do today and what is the addl stuff RAF wants in 2018? that will help us better understand if the hype about EF being 'weak' in A2G is justified or a urban legend.
2009: Litnening + 1000 lbs Paveway II + dumb bombs (Mk 82/84)
in testing: 500 lbs Paveway IV
next in line: Brimstone, 2000 lbs GBU 24, Stormshadow

Integration of Alarm to be replaced by electronic attack mode of CAPTOR-E.

Guess that's the reason you don't see much a2g footage of Tiffies from Libya. 1000 lbs bombs are just overkill for rusty T-55's and BTR's. Good news is, they cost only a fraction of AASM's. :wink:
After a week of weapon testing and PR actions Brimstone seems to be the weapon of choice. See here: ... s-raf.html
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by Rahul M »

Sumeet wrote:I don't know if people realize that a conformal (probably with GaN TRMs) AESA much like PAK-FA's is in work for Rafale these days in Thales lab.
aha, details please.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by negi »

^ Thales demonstrated an In Shape GaN X-Band TrX module in a workshop organised by European Space Agency in 2010.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by arthuro »

1) rafale vs Typhoon in UAE from Lcl Grandclaudon :
The Typhoon were inferiors.

Concurrently, November 16, the Rafale gave, according to the french pilot, a memorable beating to the RAF Typhoon - the most recent version - which were also deployed in the UAE for the ATLC. To put it bluntly, Lieutenant-Colonel Grandclaudon said the two air battles - battles with IR-guided missile and cannon - which opposed Rafale and Typhoon gave a score of 7 wins for the first and 0 for the second, the only Rafale considered as having been destroyed flew below the allowed flight floor ! Obviously this statement has immediately raised an outcry among British pilots, relayed by the media and the Anglo-Saxon specialized blogosphere, including claims that the Typhoon did not fly as such during the fighting, but simulated "red" attackers, MiG-29 and Su-27 in that case. So, the 1/7 Provence squadron leader made a point to recall that 2 of his Rafale were also"red chest" (MiG-29 index "Charlie") when they shot down 4 "blue" Typhoon - flying as Typhoon - while being reduced to use virtual russians AA-10C missiles to be guided by the Rafale until the impact on their target, which forbade to shoot multiple targets at once . For Fabrice Grandclaudon, the limitations of the "red" plastron role don't prevent a weapons system to show its real capabilities, because the pilots are taking advantage of the real human-machine interfaces and sensors on board, one of the Rafale has benefited from a refresh of its tactical situation by his teammate via Link-16. In other words, even if some of them simluated Su-27, the British pilots virtually shoot down were using the sensors and the avionics of their Typhoon and not those of a Su-27! And the french pilot to recognize, with great sportsmanship, that the Typhoon pilots who had been opposed to the Rafale the week preceding the ATLC were young and relatively inexperienced, as the French already benefits from lessons learned from 3 operational detachments in Afghanistan (one year of presence in all) and 4 of its pilots had participated in Red Flag 2008.

Some advantages that make the difference.

However, he heavily emphasized the performance of the french system in the field of arms data fusion, from his point of view the main reason of the superiority obtained. Instead of each sensor to display its studs (aircraft detected) on a specific screen, forcing the Typhoon pilot to operate an intellectual gymnastics , annoying in combat stress, to check if the plot of its corresponding screen of electronic warfare was or was not the one visible on the radar screen or IRST, the Rafale's systems present to the pilot a single plot on a screen, the system automatically compares the plots provided by the various sensors on board and decides if it is or not the same plane. The french pilots have also appreciated the agility of the antenna of the electronic RBE2 radar - The Typhoon has for now only a mechanical antenna - allowing to refresh the situation in the whole volume monitored. But they insist, for close combat, on the perfect controllability of their Rafale, thanks to the excellence of FBW, to the extreme limits of the flight envelope.. To point the nose toward the target and to design it to the weapons system in the absence of a viewfinder-HMD while operating at very low speed. What are not necessarily capable of the main opponents of the Rafale ...
Well obviously, one should not rejoice in excess. The extremely positive results of these meetings have been obtained in special circumstances. The pilots had been set specific roles by the commander of the COMAO device and were therefore not free to exploit in depth all the potentials of their weapons system. The results have been different perhaps in other circumstances (nevertheless, some time ago, another meeting between Typhoon and Rafale, in Corsica, was also turned into "massacre" at the expense of the first 8 losses to 0 ). But, simply put, the EC 1 / 7 pilots are particularly satisfied with their stay in UAE. Their demonstration has , aptly, made a strong buzz [noise] among the aviators of the region and troubled the Anglo-Saxons until now convinced of the utter superiority of their planes. A disturbance also compounded by the loss - virtual of course - of an F-22 gun shot by an UAE Mirage 2000-9 flown, this time, by a French experimented pilot. Really, when everything goes wrong ... P
post n°1372 for full report ... ews/page92

2) rafale vs Typhoon from captain Romain :

Let’s talk now about the results of this exercise. Your squadron commander speaks of " to have put sheets" to the British participants equipped with Eurofighter with a ratio of 7 victories for 1 defeat, with degraded armament on the side of the Rafale. What is called degraded armament and which were the rules of engagement?

During an ATLC engagement, 2 Rafale engaged, using their whole system but simulating a weapon that requires taking more risk than normal, 4 Eurofighter. The 2 Rafale killed the 4 Typhoon which used all their normal capacities, without loss.
The rules of engagement were "beyond visual range".
(For the experts, the Rafale had then simulated the use of a semi-active missile while the missile normally used by the Rafale is an active missile, which allows to take cover more quickly after a shot.)

What are the differences between the two weapon systems, whether in terms of sensors and situation awareness for the pilot?

All have always dreamed of hundreds of Mirage F1 and Mirage 2000 pilots became reality in the Rafale. It is the result of a long common adventure between Dassault and the French Air Force. The Rafale is the culmination of decades of experience in military aviation.
Finally, the Rafale fighter is a very complete aircraft:
The rafale is extremely maneuvering and thus awesome in dogfight. For example, confronted with a Eurofighter, engaged in a within visual range combat with a neck to neck start, we know we need a few dozens of seconds to validate a 'gun kill'.
In BVR air combat (beyond visual range, ie at ranges of several dozens of kilometers), the Rafale system provides synthetic information coming from multiple sensors. This information is therefore more accurate. We can do without 1 or 2 sensors during a whole combat while remaining extremely dangerous for the enemy. This gives us access to new tactics of particular interest.
And with an greater extension than the previous generation aircraft, the Rafale carries twice more air-ground weapons.
The AASM, the new auto-powered GPS French bomb, gives a Rafale the ability to replace several Mirage while being more efficient and taking less risk.
The Eurofighter is a plane built for aerial combat and it fares worse than the Rafale, which is a versatile aircraft (air combat, bombing, reconnaissance).
post n°1592 for full interview ... ws/page107
Cne Romain:

The Rafale merges the informations coming from its sensors to give a very reliable and clear picture to the pilot. It's already a considerable advantage over previous-generation aircraft, including EF and Gripen. When the pilot decides to fire a air to air missile, the missile leaves the aircraft taking automatically into account all available informations.
When the radar is not used, the missile can use the OSF (a TV camera coupled with a laser rangefinder), the informations provided by another aircraft via the MIDS, a heat source detected by the OSF or a MICA IR, or finally a localization by SPECTRA. Faced with these sensors, stealth is useless and we know, thanks to our tests ,that our missiles are very effective in such context.
post n°384 full response ... 55&page=13
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by SaiK »

source coding is important to integrate with DRDO AWACs system and other net centric platforms we are planning to build/acquire.

some GaN related thales dev pdf ... 9_0256.pdf

33-37% efficiency increase /40-50W modules - check the test results for the hybrid version
Last edited by SaiK on 02 May 2011 00:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by NRao »

Rahul M wrote:
Sumeet wrote:I don't know if people realize that a conformal (probably with GaN TRMs) AESA much like PAK-FA's is in work for Rafale these days in Thales lab.
aha, details please.
Aug, 2010 :: Thales delivers First AESA radar for the Rafale F3
The current RBE-2AA is using GaAs technology but more efficient GaN modules are in the pipe for the next major Mid life update of the Rafale. In a recent interview in Aviation Week, Thales head of electronic combat system, Pierre Yves Chatiel, explains that those modules, using the Thales Cloud architecture, could be used as conformal antennas on the aircraft sharing the same aperture as the main antenna. However, this will requiered between 5 and 10 years of developpement and 1 billion € of funding.

AWST :: July, 2010 :: Activating AESA

For true geeks:

Thales Components And Technologies for T/R Modules
Last edited by NRao on 02 May 2011 00:53, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by Sumeet »


From my earlier post
Sumeet wrote:
Well guys if you want to know about:

Ongoing X-Band AESA for Rafale
MMIC technologies current GaAs and future GaN based from Thales
Corechips and MEMs RF Switch
Future Shared aperture conformal AESA much like what is being done for PAK-FA/FGFA.

Thales components and technologies for T/R Modules -- Technical Paper from Y Mancuso of Thales Group

X-post from an earlier post:
Lots of papers here to get some idea of AESA radar's future right from horse mouth. I will keep people updated on more news on AESA development from EADs and Thales.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by NRao »

The AWST article states that the conformal AESA could be available in 2020 for the Rafale F4 and in 2025 for mid-life upgrades for the rest of the Rafales.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by suryag »

Does the MIL std avionics bus architecture extend to radars or is it limited only to Stores management system? If the radar interfacing with the central mission computer is according to some std bus arch our own AESA which is coming on board in 2013(may be it is delayed) from LRDE could be adapted to be used in the Rafale's nose, might need usage of a new configuration of T/R modules to fit the nose ?
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by SaiK »

basically what goes into AMCA, the core technology backup come from PAK-FA and MMRCA offers.


^^frontier.. why more teen techs? the more teens multiply, more teen pregnancy issues we have to handle! :twisted:
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by svinayak »

VinodTK wrote:'Deal of the Century' and a dithering Obama
3. The F-16s and the F/A 18s are both old planes, with known technology. Though they are still champions in their sectors, their digital signatures are known to Pakistan (thanks to President Obama) and, through Pakistan, even China knows. The maneuverability, the assessment, everything is known to everyone in the most heavily militarized and nuclear zone in the whole world. The procurement of them wouldn’t have been any strategic assets to the Indian deterrent. Similarly, the MiGs have a known problem in high altitude warfare, as proved by 1999 Kargil war where the most successful plane was the French Mirage, both for being a high tech high altitude bomber, as well as its secret codes. It was evidently logical to go European.
There are problems with this kind of commentary.
"most heavily militarized and nuclear zone in the whole world. " is due to several decades of funding of the military for dictators in the region. The end result is India is trying to catch up to replace outdated MiGs with more current technology. 40 Years of slow procurement is being finalized now and India has to deal with the situation.

Missile proliferation due to US China clash with NK and Pak
Nuke proliferation due to US China clash
Last edited by svinayak on 02 May 2011 04:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by Sumeet »

Yep Rafale promises technologies that can go into our own PAK-FA/FGFA, LCA MK X, AMCA and future 6th generation UCAV.

1) Airborne Electronic Attack:
Thales already have AESA Electronic Attack pods to carry out offensive jamming of ground radars of enemy IADS integrated with Rafale. [I don't know if they have a fully matured system here, but again more work can be done and this is an area we should be happy to cooperate with France]
Thales Airbone Electronic Attack Pod based on AESA and DRFM

2) Next generation FSO and new (infra red technology based) MLD for Spectra is also in making along with GaAs based RBE-2 AA [Active Array Radar]. These were suppose to be part of Rafale F3 [Guys correct me if I am wrong on this]

3) Multifunction Active Array (RF Sensors) Data Fusion and Network Centric Attack Mechanisms:
In addition to all these [from point of view of long term development of Rafale] conformal array is in making; there is a parallel effort in coming up with mechanisms and software to best utilize data fusion from multifunction Active Array and to facilitate Network centric warfare based on that.

Following paper describes some mechanisms that have Thales patents.

Toward Common Radar & EW Multifunction Active Arrays
THALES Airborne Systems – FRANCE

Abstract— Military Air platforms are fitted with Fire Control or Surveillance Radars, usually operating in Xband, Electronic Warfare Systems (EWS), and some radio links. Each of these systems is dedicated to a particular task and the cooperation is reduced to a minimal exchange of information between them mainly for avoiding mutual disturbances. Major system performance enhancements are to be expected thanks to close co-operations of one sensor to each others and thanks to the sharing of resources, especially in the field of multifunction AESA antenna sharing. The future co-operations can be ordered in four levels. The levels one to three lead progressively to a multifunctions sensor. The last one is the deployment, on a single or multiple platforms, of compact multi-functions sensors on a network basis. Another area of co-operation is the realization of R.F. functions such as “ad-hoc” communication functions using the Radar or the EWS multifunction R.F. and antennas.

When it comes to aircraft building following are key components:

1) Engine
2) Fly by Wire system
3) Sensors, EW, CNI & Data Fusion [both RF and E/O]
4) Airframe Design & Aerodynamics

On number 1 we have active cooperation with Scnema on Kaveri. The future M-88-4 ECO depends on funding. France will be happy to share cost with India. And India can look into how to make this mutually beneficial.

On number 3 Thales is again looking out for funding [both for R&D of conformal array and Data fusion and network centric electronic attack] and there is an opportunity for us to share the funds there and work out a deal in our mutual benefit.

As far as china is concerned it needs engine, Sensor, CNI, EW and Data fusion technologies from EU/France more than complete platform itself. By funding the growth of these technologies in France we can put them out of reach of China. I doubt if US will ever let Eurofighter nations transfer anything of this sort to China. US exercise enough control on them via JSF and other means.

So in short we not only benefit ourselves by cooperating with France/Thales but also potentially lock out china from getting hands on these coveted technologies.
Last edited by Sumeet on 02 May 2011 03:45, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by shyamd »

^^ +1

It ensures PRC won't get anything. Good. They are really desperate right now and they are giving us access to things that unkil isn't prepared to share.

Rafale tech will feed into soo many of our indigenous platforms - so not only will Rafale protect us, it is an investment in our future. I just don't see unkil feeding their tech into our projects - if anythin they would restrain and slow our learning curve (I mean look at their policies of late - they stop even Israel from helping us, fund movements in our country to slow us down).
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by Manny »

I am seeing different reasons for why the F-18s were rejected. This is every excuse hoping something would stick.

The reason that the US is an unreliable partner and that they would hold off on spares etc during a crisis is very real and very valid. However, this is not a new development. It was known already going in. So why go in without clearing this up in the first place?

The most important and disturbing thing in all of this is, how India has acted so stereotypically as we have been accused of by our enemies.. Kind of sneaky. Why did not India openly and honestly speak about these concerns with the Americans? Americans like to deal with issues face to face. Openly and honestly. Anything less is sneaky. Why not tell the Americans to their face, that unless the US can do this and this and even make legislative changes if necessary, its not possible for India to even consider the US aircraft? I am not saying the India did not talk about these to the Americans. I do not have all these information. But I am going by all these various reasons spouted by the media.

My objections is not that these US aircrafts were rejected..but by the way it was done. Something stinks.

Everyone keeps saying the US is not a reliable partner. The Q is, Is India a reliable partner?
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by Virupaksha »

Manny wrote: The most important and disturbing thing in all of this is, how India has acted so stereotypically as we have been accused of by our enemies.. Kind of sneaky. Why did not India openly and honestly speak about these concerns with the Americans? Americans like to deal with issues face to face. Openly and honestly. Anything less is sneaky. Why not tell the Americans to their face, that unless the US can do this and this and even make legislative changes if necessary, its not possible for India to even consider the US aircraft? I am not saying the India did not talk about these to the Americans. I do not have all these information. But I am going by all these various reasons spouted by the media.

My objections is not that these US aircrafts were rejected..but by the way it was done. Something stinks.
:rotfl: :rotfl:
India is not America. So America should learn how to deal with India. America should undergo all the "accent neutralisation" and "business etiquette learning" for India.

If America is found wanting on those issues, then it is America's problem, not India's.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by Manny »

I totally understand where you are coming from. You feel America is the enemy unlike China etc.

I get that feeling from your schadenfreude laughter. ;) Must feel really good to stick it to the Americans eh? :lol:
Last edited by Manny on 02 May 2011 03:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by Virupaksha »

Manny wrote:I totally understand where you are coming from. You feel America is the enemy unlike China etc.
and you think Pakistan is not an enemy (F-16s) :rotfl:
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by NRao »


I hope you are right on all fronts.

However, FGFA is already "in the works". What the French have to offer and can be incorporated should be in the pipeline. Not too much can change to impact that machine.

As far as the AMCA goes, it was my impression that it is a fly-by-light machine. IF that is true, then much of the Rafale technologies will have to be "uprated" for a much, much faster environment. That is a totally different beast. I would assume that even a Rafale will be a gen behind in most respects (not a knock). The claim on the AMCA is that it will be better than what is out there today!!!! Tall? Perhaps. As far as I can tell, the AMCA means, without a doubt, back-to-the-drawing-board (I like that). And, the impertinence in me says that when the time comes for a mid-life upgrade for the IAF Rafales, it will be the AMCA technologies that will be used. Sorry.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by Ravi Karumanchiri »


In light of all the handwringing over the MMRCA down-select to the Rafale and Eurofighter; and especially because of all the tears being shed over the exclusion of the F-18; I have updated the comparison table that I had earlier prepared for the Rafale and Eurofighter, to also include the F-18 in the side-by-side comparison. Just by comparing the specifications and performance, it should be obvious – on numerous counts – why the F-18 didn’t measure-up to the eurobirds in the MMRCA contest.

You can find this updated table in the same place as the older one, on page three of this thread, or by clicking here ... 9#p1077789

I have also added more information; particularly concerning the canons on these three warplanes. IMO, this also gives added favour to the Rafale, which can even use its gun in an anti-armour role (unlike the F-18), particularly when considering the new ‘self-destroying’ ammunition being developed for the 30mm shell, which – I think – are not being developed for either the Eurofighter’s 27mm or the F-18’s 20mm cartridges. (FWIW, the A-10 Thunderbolt (warthog) also uses a 30mm shell for the fantastic anti-armour work that it does.)

I think, almost certainly, eventually, someone will develop something like the AHEAD anti-aircraft rounds for aircraft use, and the Rafale will have a truly novel weapon system for A2A combat.

In time, I will update the table again, and will make another post like this one when the new information is online.


I’d like to congratulate the IAF/GoI-MoD for deciding to pick between the Rafale and Typhoon. This seems like a technically sound decision, for a wide variety of reasons pertinent to warfighting. I also think it was geopolitically correct, over the long term (although, I don’t want to get into all that here and now).

FURTHERMORE, with all due respect…

Personally, I’d like to see this particular thread progress without another mention of any plane that wasn’t down-selected. Such posts are – after all – now OT for this thread. Respectfully, I think we should all move on, and focus our attention on the MMRCA choice between the Rafale (which I prefer), and the Eurofighter (which has many fine qualities also). Keep in mind, Rakshaks: Unkil’s planes are no longer in the MMRCA contest. JMT
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by ramana »

SShah wrote:All in all, Antony has showed a great amount of willingness to fight vested interests so far – he first insisted on conducting 1:1 between MBTs Arjuns and T-90s in order to kill the growing media hype about Indian Army’s dissatisfaction about Arjun. And now his insisting for sticking with idea of selecting only the aircraft that performs the best and suits the most to the requirements of the IAF. Kudos to his honest efforts, persistent approach, his patriotism and commitment towards our nation.

Yes I take back what I said over the years. I guess he had to build the reputation in order to be there at the right time.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by Sumeet »

NRao wrote:Sumeet,

I hope you are right on all fronts.

However, FGFA is already "in the works". What the French have to offer and can be incorporated should be in the pipeline. Not too much can change to impact that machine.
As far as the AMCA goes, it was my impression that it is a fly-by-light machine. IF that is true, then much of the Rafale technologies will have to be "uprated" for a much, much faster environment. That is a totally different beast. I would assume that even a Rafale will be a gen behind in most respects (not a knock).
Fly by light means it will be using fiber optic cables to communicate electronic signals to control movements of aerodynamic surfaces. It has nothing to do with Avionics/Sensors, their architecture and the interconnect medium (which by the is fiber optic cables for most modern and future fighters) for information/data transfer between each of these components.
And, the impertinence in me says that when the time comes for a mid-life upgrade for the IAF Rafales, it will be the AMCA technologies that will be used. Sorry.
Technologies from Rafale and Thales can be a blessing for AMCA in its beginning stage. Of course 2025-2030+ we should not just be the master in these technologies but also the agent of change and innovation that defines what comes next in these fields.
Last edited by Sumeet on 02 May 2011 04:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: India selects Typhoon and Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

Post by SaiK »

well..things can change.. after Indian deal (iff), france can offer to china whatever it thinks could make money and her policies. we have little control there.