The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

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The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by vishal_g »

AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan
CHIDANAND RAJGHATTA, TNN 20 September 2009, 09:15pm IST
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by PratikDas »

AQ Khan will keeping moaning to get his pension increased. IB4TL!
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by Anujan »

Why is "NPA" posting in BRF and whats with the "E" at the end ? Is it NPA-Enhanced version ? No wonder he doesnt like hilale-bakistani al photochori
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by enqyoob »

4 reasons that should be obvious, but have anyway been confirmed, this thread needs to stay open, and stay near the top. Please post away, anything u can dig up on this topic from the past 1,700,000 years. The world searches for headings of articles that sound like topics of interest to them, and this is a good way to educate the duniya.

Try Googling "Terror Trader Khan" U may c what I mean.


Do increase ur post count by posting stuff relevant to this topic - there can't be that much shortage, hain? No more IB4TLs, pls. Ever heard of IB4PD?
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by enqyoob »

Pakistani nuke dealer A. Q. "Xerox" Khan a free man

Er... as the person who gave him his name, I take great pride in his achievements and Duniya-wide fame. :mrgreen:
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by Sudhanshu »

hahahhaha :rotfl: laho willa kuwait .. yeh kya ho gaya Pakistan's father of nuclear bomb.

Short documentary film named "Photochor-Khan" is not authenticated.
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by enqyoob »

And, Bismillah! Where do I find the name Xerox Khan? (sorry, admins, exception to the Rule here). Posting from the Unmentionnabal:

Why do Pakistanis need the space between their ears, when a BakPak can take an IED quite well?
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by enqyoob »

What A.Q. Khan Knows. How Pakistan's Proliferator Could Help in Pyongyang. By Selig S. Harrison. Thursday, January 31, 2008
Musharraf wrote in his memoir, "In the Lyin' of Liar," that the former czar of Pakistan's nuclear program provided "nearly two dozen" prototype centrifuges suitable for uranium enrichment experiments to North Korea -- a charge flatly denied by Pyongyang.

"Why don't you invite A.Q. Khan to join the negotiations?" North Korea's U.N. representative, Kim Myong Gil, asked with a broad smile over lunch recently. "Where is the invoice? Give us the evidence."

...John Bolton and other opponents of the denuclearization agreement reached with North Korea last Feb. 13 are seeking to undermine it by reviving the CIA's 2002 assertion that Kim is operating a secret weapons-grade uranium-enrichment plant. Unless Pyongyang reveals the plant's location and dismantles it, Bolton argues, the denuclearization accord should be scrapped.

U.S. negotiator Christopher Hill counters that it was never clear whether such a plant existed. ..North Korea imported certain equipment that could be used for uranium enrichment, notably aluminum tubes from Russia. "It would require a lot more equipment than we know that they have actually purchased," he said, to make the thousands of centrifuges needed for a weapons-grade enrichment facility.

... Regarding the aluminum tubes, the CIA has satellite photos and a bill of lading, and the North Koreans are seeking to prove that the tubes were not used for uranium enrichment. But for the centrifuges, Pakistan has not provided any documents or details that back up Musharraf's claim.

Why is Musharraf determined to keep Khan under wraps?

The official answer in Islamabad is that Pakistan's (so-so-virginity) would be affronted by letting U.S. intelligence agents cross-examine him. ...

Many Pakistanis say Musharraf is stonewalling because he and some of his army generals collaborated with Khan and fear exposure. Another possible explanation is that the documentary evidence does not exist. .. Musharraf changed his position on the centrifuges and invented the "facts" in his memoir to curry favor with the Bush administration;

This explanation cannot be dismissed, since in a February 2004 New York Times interview Musharraf "emphatically denied" U.S. reports of Pakistani nuclear technology transfers to Pyongyang.

Selig S. Harrison, director of the Asia program at the Center for International Policy, has visited North Korea 10 times and is the author of "Korean Endgame: A Strategy for Reunification and U.S. Disengagement." He has covered Pakistan since 1951, including for The Post.
IOW, poor Xerox is getting blame for PRC transfers of ready-made weapons to NoKo for testing. Like they did 4 Paki testing.
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by vijyeta »

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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by vijyeta »

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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by shravan »

Nuclear "A. Q. Khan" Bazaar Timeline

Fresh from receiving his doctorate in metallurgy, Khan starts work at Amsterdam's Physical Dynamic Research Laboratory, where he helps develop an advanced centrifuge to enrich uranium.

Khan meets secretly in Islamabad, Pakistan, with Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. Khan offers to contribute his nuclear expertise to the country's nascent atomic-weapons program. Bhutto sends him back to Amsterdam to covertly gather information and set up a procurement network.

Dutch officials suspect Khan of passing classified information and material to his homeland, but the C.I.A. persuades the authorities not to arrest him. He is transferred away from sensitive work. Khan moves to Pakistan, where he begins to build an enrichment facility based on plans he stole.

A secret U.S. State Department memo declares that there is "unambiguous evidence that Pakistan is actively pursuing a nuclear weapons development program" centered at Khan's plant southeast of Islamabad. The same year, Khan is convicted of nuclear espionage in absentia in a Dutch court.

Khan and some of his suppliers sell the first batch of nuclear technology to Iran in a clandestine meeting in Dubai and receive $10 million in cash. This marks the start of Khan's transition from a buyer to a seller of nuclear goods.

An Iraqi memo indicates that a middleman representing Khan offered nuclear technology to Saddam Hussein on the eve of the first Gulf War. The Iraqi government, suspecting a sting, turned down the offer.

Khan initiates a second phase of sales to Iran, providing advanced centrifuges for enriching uranium.

Expanding his nuclear trafficking, Khan strikes a deal with Libyan strongman Muammar Qaddafi to build a complete bomb-making factory in the North African country, with a price tag in excess of $100 million.

Pakistan explodes six nuclear devices, which were made with enriched uranium from Khan's labs.

Along with extensive shipments of equipment through his black-market headquarters in Dubai, Khan provides Libya with plans for a nuclear warhead based on Chinese designs.

Khan appears on Pakistani television to confess his illegal nuclear dealings with Iran, North Korea, and Libya. The statement is part of a deal in which Pakistan's Dictator-President, General Pervez Musharraf, would pardon Khan and place him under strict house arrest.

In July, Pakistan eased some restrictions on the disgraced scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan, the developer of the country’s nuclear bomb, who confessed to having run an illicit global nuclear-proliferation network, officials and news media reports said Monday.
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by shravan »

Nuclear "A. Q. Khan" Bazaar Facts & Opinions

The Man Who Sold the Bomb - The Merchant of Menace

The Wrath of Khan

Exposing A.Q. Khan's Nuclear Legacy

Unraveling the A. Q. Khan and Future Proliferation Networks

Pakistan's nuclear hero, world's No. 1 nuclear suspect

A. Q. Khan's China Connection

A Tale of Nuclear Proliferation: How Pakistani Built His Network



A. Q. Khan, Godfather of the 'Islamic bomb': Hero or Proliferator?

A. Q. Khan's Secrets

The Rise and Fall of A. Q. Khan

Behind the Nuclear Cabinet of Dr. A. Q. Khan

The A.Q. Khan Illicit Nuclear Trade Network and Implications for Nonproliferation Efforts

The Nuclear Shopping Mall: A. Q. Khan and Iran

Pakistan: inside the nuclear closet

New Players on the Scene: A. Q. Khan and the Nuclear Black Market

The AQ Khan Revelations and Subsequent Changes to Pakistani Export Controls

NONPROLIFERATION: The Pakistan Network

A. Q. Khan and Iran

A. Q. Khan and Libya

A. Q. Khan and North Korea

Nuke Bazaar

Iran Was Offered Nuclear Parts

The Point of No Return

Documents Indicate A. Q. Khan Offered Nuclear Weapon Designs to Iraq in 1990: Did He Approach Other Countries?

Pakistan Now Says Scientist Did Send Koreans Nuclear Gear

Network of Death on Trial

Proliferation Unbound: Nuclear Tales from Pakistan

New York Times Stories on the Global Nuclear Proliferator

On the trail of the black market bombs

Why He (A. Q. Khan) Went Nuclear

Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan warns to unveil sensitive issues if maltreatment continues
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by shaardula » ... 29#p641529
Anujan wrote:Okay, so I finished the book "Shopping for Bombs" by Corera. This is the second half of the review, the first half of the review is a post above this post in the book review section.

My initial impressions first:

This book is a out and out chronicle of AQK's path to perdition. Other juicy details, infos, analysis about the non-proliferation regime etc are added on as a supporting artifacts to enhance AQK's story. So if you want to read it, please dont expect a comprehensive analysis of spread of nuclear weapons, the policy shortcomings, commissions and omissions by Unkil which resulted in the spread. Severely lacking still, is any sort of analysis about the motivation and weapon capabilities of the countries which were the recipient of Khan's help (including Pakistan itself. There is zero info about Pakistan's weapons capabilities. More on this later). With this focus (on AQK's story), as background, this book IMHO has two severe shortcomings. Two central questions have not been addressed satisfactorily

1. Was Pakistan a party to proliferation ?

The author wriggles around this while simultaneously making statements about C130 planes being chartered, but stating that there is a possibility that the military did not know. He mentions that KRL employees were always shadowed by Paki intelligence agents, but there is a chance that ISI didnt know. The most damning proof is that Beg and Karamat floated a plan to peddle nuclear capability and use the money to fund Jihad in A'stan and JK (which the author claims did not materialize), but when Pakistan was found peddling nuclear secrets, the author readily accepts that it might be because of AQK's personal greed and gain. This comes across as total BS. For example:
By the end of 1990s he went even further. Khan Research Laboratories was setting up booths around arms fairs around the world and advertising its willingness to sell both conventional weapons and centrifuge technology...The Pakistani government also got into the act. An advertisement appeared in local Pakistani newspapers in 2000 offerring specific nuclear expertise and material.
But Pakistani guvrmand wouldnt know. In the latter part of the book though, the author does bring in the fact that accepting Pakistani state's involvement, would mean that the US would be unable to pursue GOAT by giving out Baksheesh.
Even when he was army chief (Mushy), AQK's work was run through the former president's office in the 90's he explained. Mushy may have been trying to shift blame, but in doing so, he also acknowledged that Khan had not been acting alone and indeed did have the backing of some parts of the state.
2. Why did it take so long to bring AQK down ?

This looks like cuckooland and completely unbelievable. I am not the one usually given to conspiracy theories, but it all sounds like one huge conspiracy by Unkil and the west, to try very hard to look away till Pakistan had the bum. I am willing to buy the Zia era omissions and commissions, but what about the '90s ? The same 90's when GB-senior was making noises to PVN about CRE in India. Some of the happenings were incredible. in 95, for example, Unkil found a nuclear site in Iraq with documents which had a letter which stated
"We have enclosed for you the following proposal from the Pakistani scientist Dr AQK regarding the possibility of helping iraq estabilish a project to enrich uranium and manufacture a nuclear weapon...he is prepared to give us project designs for a nuclear bomb"
Apparently pakistan was confronted with this, and then pakistan denied it and Unkil and IAEA were satisfied with this response and did not pursue it further. A Paki was caught in 2001 Britain trying to export aluminium to AQK. A search of his records showed that he had sold several dual-use materials before. His legal defence was arranged through the Pakistani embassy and he got a 12 month suspended sentence, because the court determined that
"he did not know the role of AQK in Pakistan's nuclear program".
Unkil and the west seem to have woken up, *only after they realized that AQK was selling his ware abroad* and that conflicted in a big way with Unkil's foreign policy objectives. Glimpses of this are throughout the book. For example, the author says that excess procurements by AQK were thought as supplying a separate secret Pakistani enrichment facility and that the international community were taken by surprise when they discovered that it was actually meant for Libya and Iran.

3. A lesser rant is that the author takes great pain in protraying AQK as a "nationalist" but not "islamist". I suppose only the bearded ones are Islamists. For example the author quotes Khan of saying
Efforts to curtail the development of Muslim world, which the western powers see as a potential threat to their monopoly
And several other Ghazi like rantings.

Some juicy excerpts -
The Pakiness of AQK:
Khan summoned together a group of accomplices...They went to a building on some prized land that housed the Institute of Behavioral Sciences in Karachi. It was a busy time of the day, and about 40 mental health patients were waiting for examination....Khan's group confronted the security guards...and adopted postions in a somewhat dramatic battle order. Khan summoned the officials from the institute and told them that the building had been taken over....
In court, Khan's lawyers would defend him "the plaintiff is a national hero...It is pertinent to point out that the plaintiff deserves great respect and trust in the society"
To Rakshaks wringing their hands about "Quasab is not Pakistani". This has a looooong history:
The Pakistani reply that there was a lack of specificity to complaints was not just used over Khan but over all issues such as support for Taliban, for training camps in (Pakistan occupied) Kashmir, and problems over the line of control with India. British diplomats felt the argument was used whenever Pakis knew what the problem was but wanted deniability to continue pursuing something considered to be in the national interest
A joke here:
Powell told reporters that he had talked to Musharraf about the subject {AQK} and Pakistan's leader had given him a "four hundred percent assurance that there is no such interchange taking place now" :rotfl:
About Amritraj (he did not threaten to bomb pakistan to the stone age. The reality is lot more funny and sinister)
Armitage pointed to a decoration sitting in his office that he had recieved from the government of Paksitan, and said that if Islamabad did not help now (after 9/11), he would send it back and no American would ever want another decoration from Pakistan :rotfl: {Mahmood Ahmed immediately had a brown pant. Kinda reminded me of Al Paccino saying in Godfather, "You broke my heart Fredo, you broke my heart !" causing Fredo to get brown pants and downhill ski. Ultimately Paccino kills Fredo.}
AQK's insurance policy (AKA why he is still alive):
Since he returned to Pakistan from the Netherlands in 1976, Khan kept a diary....Khan kept volumes upon volumes of diaries in a large metal trunk...the current whereabouts of the diaries are unclear, although they are believed to be out of the country.
About Paki bum:
The designs were for a bomb that would weigh around 500 Kgs, not the latest, most advanced Pakistani design...Many of the notes were in Chinese, some in english. The latter were apparently from Pakistanis who had attended seminars given by weapons experts in China in the early 80s. One note said "Munir's (of PAEC) bomb would be bigger"
I am on to my next book "America and the Islamic bomb : the deadly compromise" by David Armstrong. Will post reviews and impressions soon.
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by shaardula » ... 73#p647273
Anujan wrote:Halfway through the Book "America and the Islamic Bomb: The Deadly Compromise" by Armstrong and Trento.
THIS IS THE BOOK RAKSHAKS SHOULD BE READING !! The authors are very subtle with a supple, complex and information-filled narrative. But we are getting ahead of ourselves.

Earlier I had posted a review for "Shopping for Bombs: Nuclear Proliferation, Global Insecurity and Rise and Fall of AQ Khan" By Gordon Corera. To recap: Corera's book is psyops and WKK rolled into one. He has written a story of a pakistani renegade james bond who surprised the morally upgright west. The west was in a dilemma as to what to do, and somehow took AQK down with great heroism. Along the way, Corera has a few good things to say about how the bomb is not a Islamic bomb and the Paki guvrmand is completey (doe eyed) innocent about proliferation activities. If you think that you are going to get the same psy-ops from "America and the Islamic Bomb", you are in for a pleasant surprise. In page 2 of the Book the author says
The protrayal of Khan as a lone wolf operating out of government control provided the media and the public with a major diversion from the truth...The unpleasant truth is that what is known as the AQ Khan scandal is, fundamentally, a scandal of US foreign policy...The gravest dangers now confronting the west---Islamic terrorism and nuclear proliferation--- are, in short, the ba$tard children of foriegn policy decisions made long ago.

The author has no compunction in calling a spade a spade, and liberal use of profanities. However, it is not just a fact filled indictment of western perfidy. He outlines the domestic compulsions, political expediencies and foreign policy objectives which led to such decisions, while pointing out that the decisions, invariably put short term gain ahead of long term objectives. He traces the roots of nuclear proliferation to "pro-business" republicans, with their capitalism privatization mantra, who wrote laws prohibiting US government from Nuclear power generaiton, and private industries to own and operate reactors. This spawned a spate of private industries worldwide, who were suppliers of sensitive nuclear technology. All the while singing the non-proliferation song. This is the "raw material" AQK would use, to procure components for the Pakistani bomb. The author tries to point out that the bomb was always a "Islamic bomb". The participants were islamists of two kinds (a) Those who would not compromise anything for Islam (b) pragmatists (like Bhutto), who was normally an islamist, but could hide the tendencies when he had to turn his charm on. For example, when Bhutto announced plans to pursue a bomb (in 1972)
The scientists broke out in cheers. They danced and shouted "Allahu Akbar !", "Allahu Akbar !" {Imagine Dr Prahlad yelling "har har mahadev" after Agni IV go-ahead.}
Neither does he mince any words about the knowledge of the Pakistani government about proliferation. He points out a logical progression of government help to Khan's procurement activities
Khan enjoyed the full backing of the Pakistani government and its diplomatic corps for his purchasing campaign. Military aircraft were requsitioned for shipments of large or senstive equipment and PAEC officials were provided with diplomatic credentials and installed in Pakistani embassies in the west to facilitate purchases for the bomb program. Diplomatic pouches were sometimes used to smuggle proscribed items
The west's perfidy and deception is repeatedly pointed out without mincing words. For example
AQK has long boasted that Pakistan's enrichment program remained hidden from the west for nearly three years. Western officials have largely substantiated the claim. It is, of course, false; but has been a useful fiction for all concerned. It has allowed AQk to portray himself as a wily scientist who outwitted western intelligence agencies...and it has permitted the west to plausibly explain why it failed to prevent Pakistan from developing the enrichment capability.
On the other hand, the author does paint a complex picture of political compulsions. US-Pakistan relationship had deteriorated after Butto's hanging. However, Iran had a revolution and a band of armed fundamentalists had taken over Mecca to overthrow the Saudi royal family. Rumors had spread in pakistan that Mossad with CIA's help had orchestrated the operation and an angry mob gathered at the US embassy in Pakistan and set it on fire. This had two consequences, (a) US pakistani relationship hit a new low (b) The muslim anger against the US had to be deflected. Hence Brezinski and Carter had a masterstroke. They would help the mujahideen against the Soviets and deflect muslim anger against godless communists. This would result in Pakistan being a reliable ally after the loss of Iran while counter balancing Soviet-leaning India with Pakistan, whose proliferation activities would be tolerated. A same situation arose after 2003 Iraq invasion. No WMDs were found, so the Bush government, desperately looking for progress along the proliferation front, took down AQK network and presented it as a great success. However, they did not ask for access to AQK nor prosecute his crimes fully, because skeletons would have started to tumble out from the cupboard.

Some juicy excerpts:
The Paki tendency to use baksheesh on their army has a long history
The United states had begun to question the wisdom of its alliance with Islamabad. American development aid had done little to improve Pakistan's fundamental economic and political weakness, while US military assistance had helped create a Pakisani defence behemoth that Islamabad could not sustain without continued american support....By 1957, (Eisenhower) concluded that US alliance with pakistan had been a "terrible error" (his words) {10 years after partition, Pakis were already showing sings of being...Pakis. Zia made us bad onleee is just an excuse}
The author makes an interesting point that the pakis had anticipated in 1965 that they cannot wrest JK from India if India had a nuclear weapon. So try tried a war, and failed. Then they hit upon an idea that they might be able to wrest JK from India if pakis had a weapon, and so started GUBO to tallel than mountain fliends.
The CIA report (in 1965) predicted that Islamabad might seek "tangible assistance" from China in the form of fissionable material, technical aid or even a completed weapon. It was a prescient assessment
Some interesting snippet here
{Khan had written to a scientist at Urenco asking him for drawings}. Veerman showed Khan's letter to his FDO supervisor. He was later picked up by Dutch security and held for two days. Government agents reportedly accused Veerman of spying, but veerman turned the tables, accusing them of allowing dangerous technology to leave the country. The agents finally sent Veerman home, telling him to keep his mouth shut "You many not talk about this anymore, it is dangerous for Holland"
Why Carter served only one term :shock:
Carter's mass firing at the CIA headquarters became known as the Halloween massacre. Many of the covert officers had been George HW Bush's subordinates when he was CIA director. When Bush ran for office, Carter found himself with scores of former high level intelligence officers doing everything they could to remove him (carter) from office. Led by Theodore C. Shackley, the CIA's associate deputy director for operations, many of these officers formed what would be a renegade CIA accountable not to the president, but to his political opponents :shock: . For a complete account, see Joseph Trento "Prelude to terror: The Rogue CIA and the Legacy of America's Private Intelligence Networks"
Will post the rest of the review once I am done.
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by enqyoob »

Even more popular than BRF??? :eek:
Nuclear Secrets 5 - Terror Trader Khan
Publisher: BBC Television
Screen Format: 4:3, Format: NTSC, Audio: Dolby Digital
Version: Hong Kong
US$ 14.50 (£8.55), Stock Status: 1-5 days shipping
Language: English, Subtitle: English, Traditional Chinese
No. of Disc: 1, Release Date: 02-Apr-2009
The cat-and-mouse tale of an out-of-control nuclear scientist and the CIA. How one man created the Islamic Bomb and then set up a terrifying nuclear bazaar. On April 4 1975, a young scientist worked through the night carefully copying a sheaf of blueprints from the offices of the Dutch nuclear company, Urenko. Each was marked Top Secret. The thief was Dr A Q Khan, a Pakistani nuclear scientist working in the Netherlands. His job gave him access to the designs of one of the key parts of the nuclear process centrifuges. These are hollow metal tubes that spin very fast to enrich natural uranium to produce nuclear fuel.
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by jaladipc »

Nice thread.

Anyways, I love to see people investigating more and more facts about Khans proliferation.But every one is continuously failing to pull the right strings.
Khan was infact a mere door knob where people utilize to pass through from one room to other.Means Mr.Khan acted as a proxy for the main proliferators.I myself before jumping on to rotate the rusted knob again,I would like to pull two hidden strings.Probably people might have forgotten them with the passage of time, but the secret documents and autobiography reveals a lot about a notorious president of US who is at containing Soviets before giving them an access to IOR .Inorder to checkmate soviets, he gotta have to checkmate their main ally/friend/whatever i.e India. With an improving relationship between soviets and India ,the possibility of the dual to play a major role in the IOR went trivial.And with a prime minister like Indira US failed to play a proxy hard ball numerous times.Then decided to use its proxy pakistan to a major extent while its trading partner china to a certain extent.
It was then Us president Nixon and Richard Helms who planned to contain India after looking at the geopolitical scenario of the sub-continent.Helms played a major role in leading the way for pakistan to become a nuclear state.He was most successful in getting the due from every successive president and of whom Nixon played a major role.It was because of Helms that led the US to cast a blind eye over this proliferation network.US started gathering the pakistani nationals working in the nuclear field as soon as the US-China supported pakistan broke into 2 in the 71 war.After knowing that India planning tests to deter the threat from US and china ,US followed the short-cut--"No dust on our hands,but things need to be done" to support pakistani nuclear program without the knowledge of outside world.Be it a lucky US or an unlucky Khan,Khan felt in the eyes of CIA.CIA utilized him to the extreme to arm pakistan with few nukes.Supported in the exchange of prints between china-pak and gave sleeping pills to the rest of the world.
As I said before,it was this unlucky Khan who appeared as a money tree for the pakistani leaders and generals.Hence the start of nuclear wall-mart by pakistan in the name of Khan.
So people,if Khan is to be blamed then US,China,UK has to share the blame as well along with Khan.
Bottom line is:US is an opportunist.It just plays a different ball game at different times.If for gods sake pakistan happened to be an anti-US country at that time, then US wont even have let the pakistan to smell Uranium oxide and forget the enriched Uranium.
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by govardhanks »

THE AQ KHAN thread :evil: :P
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by RameshC »

AQ Khan nails Pakistan's nuke lies

WASHINGTON: An angry, humiliated, and wounded A.Q.Khan has finally made public and official what has long been suspected: his nuclear proliferation activities that included exchanging and passing blue-prints and equipment to China, Iran, North Korea, and Libya was done at the behest of the Pakistani government and military, and he was forced to take the rap for it. ( Watch Video )

''The ******** first used us and are now playing dirty games with us,'' Khan writes about the Pakistani leadership in a December 2003 letter to his wife Henny that has finally been made public by an interlocutor. ''Darling, if the government plays any mischief with me take a tough stand,'' he tells his wife, adding, ''They might try to get rid of me to cover up all the things they got done by me.''

But Henny was unable to play hardball because Khan had also sent copies of that letter to his daughter Dina in London, and to his niece Kausar Khan in Amsterdam through his brother, a Pakistan Airlines executive. Pakistani intelligence agencies got wind of it and threatened the well-being of the family, forcing him to recant and publicly take the blame for the proliferation activities in a humiliating television spectacle engineered by then military ruler Pervez Musharraf.

However, a copy of the four-page letter reached Khan’s long-time journalistic contact Simon Henderson in 2007. In fact, in the letter, Khan tells his wife, ''Get in touch with Simon Henderson and give him all the details.'' Henderson says when he acquired the copy of the letter, he was shocked. His acquaintance with Khan goes back to the late 1970s, but it was never intimate, and consisted of an occasional interviews and conversations, and seasonal greetings.

Describing the four-page letter as ''extraordinary,'' Henderson says in numbered paragraphs, it outlines Pakistan’s nuclear co-operation with China, Iran and North Korea, and also mentions Libya. Some of the disclosures are stunning , and in one para that is bound to embarrass Beijing, besides implicating it, Khan writes about how Pakistan helped China in enrichment technology in return for bomb blueprints.

''We put up a centrifuge plant at Hanzhong (250km southwest of Xian),” Khan writes. “The Chinese gave us drawings of the nuclear weapon, gave us 50kg of enriched uranium, gave us 10 tons of UF6 (natural) and 5 tons of UF6 (3%).'' UF6 is uranium hexafluoride, the gaseous feedstock for an enrichment plan.

On Iran, the letter says: ''Probably with the blessings of BB [Benazir Bhutto]...General Imtiaz [Benazir’s defence adviser, now dead] asked me to give a set of drawings and some components to the Iranians. The names and addresses of suppliers were also given to the Iranians.''

On North Korea: ''[A now-retired general] took $3million through me from the N. Koreans and asked me to give some drawings and machines.''

Henderson does not explain why he waited nearly two years since he got hold of the letter to make it public. But he writes sympathetically about Khan’s travails in Pakistan, where he is held largely incommunicado under house arrest. The Pakistani government and the military have repeatedly rejected and challenged court orders to free him, and an episode last month, where Khan was freed just for a day on court orders before Islamabad locked him up again under pressure from Washington, appears to have precipitated the leak of the explosive letter.

Henderson’s Sunday Times expose also implicates the U.S and other western powers, who he says, basically shoved Islamabad’s rampant proliferation (while blaming it solely on Khan) under the carpet in order to get Pakistan’s cooperation in the war on terror. The move also saved Washington from huge embarrassment since it was basically asleep on the watch when Pakistan began its nuclear proliferation and then winked at it when it was discovered, all the while lavishing billions in military supplies on its unstable client state.


Henderson also implicitly defends Khan from charges that he profited from proliferation activities, as alleged by deposed military ruler Pervez Musharraf. Khan, he says, is adamant that he never sold nuclear secrets for personal gain. So what about the millions of dollars he reportedly made?

''Nothing was confiscated from him and no reported investigation turned up hidden accounts. Having planted rumours about Khan’s greed, Pakistani officials were curiously indifferent to following them through,'' Henderson writes.

According to Henderson, much was made of a ''hotel'', named after Khan’s wife, Henny, built by a local tour guide with the help of money from Khan and a group of friends in Timbuktu. But it is a modest structure at best, more of a guesthouse, he says. A weekend home at Bani Gala, outside Islamabad, where Khan went to relax, is hardly the palace that some reports have made it.

In fact, says Henderson, Khan was close to being broke by the summer 2007, when he was finding it difficult to make ends meet on his pension of 12,200 (Pakistani) rupees per month. After pleading with General Khalid Kidwai, the officer supervising both Pakistan’s nuclear weapons and Khan, the pension was increased to $2,500 per month and there was a one-off lump-sum payment of the equivalent of $50,000. Hendersen says he has copies of the agreement and cheques.

Henderson’s 3000-word expose also reveals a couple of intriguing tid-bits that should interest the world’s strategic community, including New Delhi. Besides details of the Pakistan-China nexus, he says Pakistan tested only two devices in its 1998 tit-for-tat nuclear tests that followed India.

While Pakistan claims it conducted six tests to be one-up on India’s five tests, Western experts and seismologists have long said they recorded only two signals for devices that measured between two and four kilotons. Khan also states clearly that China gave Pakistan designs for the nuclear bombs.

In fact, in one colorful passage in his article, Henderson describes how Khan was warned by a Chinese counterpart about the Pakistani Army. On a visit to Kahuta, Li Chew, the senior minister who ran China’s nuclear-weapons programme, tells Khan, ''As long as they need the bomb, they will lick your balls. As soon as you have delivered the bomb, they will kick your balls.''

Henderson himself seems deeply conscious of any perception that he is close to Khan or that he is a cat’s paw for any country. ''Any relationship with a source is fraught with potential difficulties. One doesn’t want to be blind to the chance of being used. Government officials and politicians in any country are seldom interested in the simple truth. They all have their particular story to tell. In this context, I am frankly amazed that Khan has chosen me to be his interlocutor with the world,'' he writes.

But Pakistani authorities were clearly aware that he and Khan had been in touch and Khan may have managed to smuggle a copy of the letter implicating Islamabad to him. Henderson says in a court document that Khan was asked to sign when he was promised freedom, there is a line that read “That in case Mr Simon Henderson or anyone else proceeds with the publication of any information or material anywhere in the world, I affirm that it would not be based on any input from me and I disown it.” That line was eventually deleted and replaced with a more general prohibition about unnamed ''specific media personnel.''

In other words, stand by for a flurry of denials. ... 034825.cms

:rotfl: funny part is China got enrichment tech from PAk in exchange for bomb stuff.
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by harbans »

Who is Li Chew?
''We put up a centrifuge plant at Hanzhong (250km southwest of Xian),” Khan writes. “The Chinese gave us drawings of the nuclear weapon, gave us 50kg of enriched uranium, gave us 10 tons of UF6 (natural) and 5 tons of UF6 (3%).'' UF6 is uranium hexafluoride, the gaseous feedstock for an enrichment plan.
Did the Pakis put up a plant in China or is it the Russian built ones at Hanzhong under IAEA that provided the uranium and UF6?

How could that happen?
Kersi D
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by Kersi D »

With the possibility that the BRites and other "ites" will call me printable and unprintable names I say one thing

AQ Khan was a true patriot of Pakistan. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Which Indian scientist or engineer will leave his cushy job in vilayat and come to his "third-world" super power for the sake of this type "transfer of technology" ?

NONE. :(( :(( :((

Kersi D
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by Kersi D »

US and Pakistan have been playing this sort of nudge-and-wink game since last 20+ years.

I was working in a German company when we burst a few nukes, IN OUR TERRITORY. My senior German colleague was aghast, more so when he know that soon Pakistan will do the same thing. My simple answer was that for last 10+ years, it is western world more than Pakistan, who always said that they (Pakistan) do not have any any nuclear weapons.

Did Pakistan make these nukes overnight ? Too bad.

Or did someone give the nukes overnight to pakistan ? Too Too Bad.

My senior German colleague never discussed this topic with me again.

BUT.... Sorry to say but there were a lot of other (Indian) senior colleague who agreed with the white skins lest they get a lesser bonus.

Kersi D
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by Kersi D »

US and Pakistan have been playing this sort of nudge-and-wink game since last 20+ years.

I have been thinking on this issue over past years, much before 1998-99. When will US and other goras accept the reality of a Pakistan nuclear weapon ?

Only when a nucelar weapon, designed and made in Pakistan, is exploded by a terrorist group (also designed and made in Pakistan) in Europe or US preferably.

I wonder what will happen then ? Will US & NATO & others nuke Pakistan ?

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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by jaladipc »

US does has every minute information about pakistani nuclear arsenal and its nuclear program.It is just playing around with India for business and to get close with India.And it is unfortunate that we Indians are like this onleee.We will embrace the one who calls our enemies bluff(with out knowing reality).If the leaders who are ruling the nation are really born in India then(and nationalist),then they wont lick a nation who gave a nuclear status to our western enemy in particular.
Kersi D wrote:
AQ Khan was a true patriot of Pakistan. :roll: :roll: :roll:

Which Indian scientist or engineer will leave his cushy job in vilayat and come to his "third-world" super power for the sake of this type "transfer of technology" ?

NONE. :(( :(( :((

I agree with you Charr.
Khans patriotism was tapped by US.But on the edge of reality,Khan was really unfortunate and made no fortune while Pakistan asa nation and pakistani leaders ,US made fortunes.
Raj Malhotra
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by Raj Malhotra »

Has the full text of AQ Khan letter been re-produced anywhere?

Also gift of 50kg enriched uranium from china to pakistan would mean that Pak centrifuge technology was not working enough to produce "weapon level" enriched uranium.

would 50kg (weapon?) level enriched uranium, translates to 6-7 chinese bombs with pakistan?
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by Philip »

The shameful manner in which the US tried every trick in the book to prevent Pak from testing after India's P-2 tests ,was not so much as to prevent Pak from going officially "nuclear",but to cover up the fact that it had turned a blind eye to Pak's N-perfidy all along and by default had actually aided and abetted it! This is because the US wanted to know what the Chinese N-designs were like,plus they calculated that Pak's nukes would be avialable to them due to the fact that the Paki military,the "crore commanders" ,were on the US's payroll and had ben for decades.The US is trying to castrate India's military capability in the same manner as it has done with Egypt vis-a-vis Israel,by also selling Egypt inferior US military hardware.It hopes that it can bribe,seduce or armtwist Indian decision makers to buy US eqpt. so that both India and Pak would have the equivalent of the Ambassador car in their inventories,neither having a major advantage over the other and therefore unable to score a decisive victory over each other and be forever beholden to Uncle sam for eqpt.,spares and serve as vassal states providing a vast pool of mercenaries to fight US wars like the "Buzzards of Oz"!

In the Indian subcontinent,Pak is the US's "Israel".Let us never forget it.
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by jaladipc »

In the Indian subcontinent,Pak is the US's "Israel".Let us never forget it.
Neither the Brfites nor the nationalists all over India never forgot the well blown fact,but our leaders does.
At the end of the day these nationalists and defence enthusiasts decisions and opinions doesnt matter.What matters the most is the sold out juntas decisions.
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by Gerard »

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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by sawant »

Everyone in the whole wide world knows this... its only us and our netas who are naive enough to feel sorry for Pakistan... part of it is our older generation's wanton love for Lahore and Karachi which never seems to end... when will they realize what kind of snakes now slither in those dark recesses.... jeopardizing our future and our kids future ... IAEA etc are all a sham to prevent countries like India frm gettin nukes and remain toothless... The UN is even now like the League of Nations... rigged by the Big 5 ... only when a nuke lands on our head, that we will learn... the world will simply pay sympathy and our netas will be happy to get some and feel proud abt themselves...
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by vishal_g »

Look, US and the rest of the world knows everything about Pakistans nuclear programme, from where they got the nuks and where they have stored them. Still, they are not stopping Pakistan from increasing its nuk warheads.

The main advantage for Pakistan is its strategic geographical location.

For the military supply to NATO forces in Afghanistan, Pakistan is the frontline state allowing transit to this supply from Karachi to Afghanistan through Khyber pass.

China has a major interest in Pakistan. It is developing a deep sea port in Gwader in Balochistan province. Using this port they can tranfer the oil from gulf to china through pipes or by road route through Karakoram pass in Northern Areas of Pakistan (Northern Areas of J&K).

Unless and untill these area get separated, no one will stop Pakistan.
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by vishal_g »

Original Column link about this thread from The Sunday Times, 20 SEPT. 29. ... 839044.ece
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by vishal_g »

Original Column link about this thread from The Sunday Times, 20 SEPT. 2009. ... 839044.ece
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by ramana »

Gerard, That bit about 50kg HEU is quite damning. Can we figure out how many CHIC4s it can support?

And the note about Munir's bum is bigger!
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Re: The TERROR TRADER: AQ Khan blows the whistle on Pakistan

Post by Gerard »

Ayatollah Jeffrey Lewis claims 15 kg HEU for the DF-2 missile warhead (CHIC4)