West Asia News and Discussions

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West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

Link to last page of previous thread

Qatar rejects deadline demands, saying it does not fear military action https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/ ... ary-action

Canada producing massive oil rattling OPEC oil cut down
https://www.ft.com/content/83bf9a26-5b6 ... df1b0c3220
As Opec glares at the surge in US shale production that is threatening to derail its attempt to balance the oil market, it may also want to cast an eye north.

Canada, home of the world’s third-largest oil reserves, might have seen producers slash capital spending during the three-year-old oil decline, but earlier investments in the country are set to keep pushing output higher for at least the next 18 months.

A forecast released this month by the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers sees the country’s output increasing by 270,000 barrels a day in 2017 and another 320,000 b/d next year.

That combined two-year Canadian increase is equal to almost a third of Opec’s production cuts that it made with allies like Russia at the beginning of this year in an effort to raise prices.
crude oil facing glut, pricing at <$50/barrel in spite of crisis in ME.
Last edited by ramana on 04 Jul 2017 07:24, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added Link to Previous thread. ramana
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

After dead line over Qatar given two more day to comply with Saudi demands after which economic blockade will intensify: UAE not in favour of military action.
Qatar may quit GCC https://www.reuters.com/article/us-gulf ... SKBN19O0I2
They have not specified what further sanctions they could impose on Doha, but commercial bankers in the region believe that Saudi, Emirati and Bahraini banks might receive official guidance to pull deposits and interbank loans from Qatar.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Falijee »

Can "Saudi Money Diplomacy" Work Against Ummah Bro Qatar :roll:

Saudi Arabia’s attempt to silence Al Jazeera is outrageous

It is as if China ordered Britain to shut down the BBC :rotfl:
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Falijee »

Senile Saudi ( King !) No Show At G -20 :roll:

Saudi king cancels visit to G20 summit: Germany
BERLIN: King Salman of Saudi Arabia has cancelled attendance at this week´s G20 summit in Hamburg, the German government said Monday, as Riyadh is engaged in a diplomatic standoff with Qatar. "The government has received official notification that King Salman will not travel to the G20 summit," a spokesman told AFP. The 81-year-old monarch will send Finance Minister Mohammed al-Jadaan in his place, the German news agency DPA said separately. So, the roguish Saudis are sending a non-entity to this Summit ! And the "Young And Brash " Crown Prince is also staying away from this diplomatic meet, lest there is a "palace coup" while he is away !
Recent German media reports have said that the Saudi delegation had rented out Hamburg´s luxury Vier Jahreszeiten (Four Seasons) hotel in its entirety for the king and his delegation. Money and wasted expenditures have never been a problem for Islamic House Of Saud :mrgreen:
Saudi Arabia and its allies the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt have engaged in a bitter row with Qatar, severing air, sea and ground links and cutting off vital routes for imports including food.
German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on Monday travelled to the region, where he was to meet his Saudi counterpart Adel al-Jubeir and visit the UAE before heading to Qatar and Kuwait on Tuesday. Another reported no-show at the Group of 20 meeting will be Brazilian President Michel Temer, who is under pressure at home in a bribery case.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

Saudi Arabia and Qatar Are Still Friends When It Comes to Tankers https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles ... ium=social

As Saudi Arabia leads three other Arab nations in accusing Qatar of links to terror groups and being too close to Iran, one thing is becoming increasingly clear in the oil market: tensions have yet to reach a point where the world’s biggest crude exporter is disrupting its tiny neighbor’s shipments.

The number of tankers that are filling with Qatari crude along with that of Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates actually increased since tensions escalated on June 5, according to ship-tracking data compiled by Bloomberg for the 25 days before and after that date.

The ability to cooperate in the tanker market despite diplomatic ties being cut shows how pragmatism often wins out over politics when it comes to the energy market. Were Saudi Arabia to block shared loadings, the kingdom would have created a logistical challenge for its own clients, forcing them to reorganize dozens of cargoes. Such disruptions can also reduce vessel supply and drive up freight costs.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Falijee »

Even In Saudi Arabia Sycophancy Has Its Limits :mrgreen:

King Salman orders newspaper to suspend columnist for equating him with God :roll:
King Salman has frequently been lauded by columnists in local media, in traditional deference to authority, since the 81-year-old assumed office in 2015. But Ramadan al-Anzi's column in al-Jazirah newspaper describing King Salman as "Haleem", ( "close friend", Ganja Sharif should take due note of the meaning of his favorite dish !) or forbearing, and "Shadeed al-Eqab", strict in punishment - both terms associated in Islam with God - appeared to have gone too far.
Attributing divine qualities or giving individuals any of the 99 names of God is frowned upon in the kingdom, which follows the strict Sunni Muslim Wahhabi school of Islam. The newspaper published an apology late on Saturday. "The phrases and tribute which the author bestowed on the personality of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, are not acceptable, despite what God had bestowed upon him, may God protect him, of the honor of serving the two holy mosques, Islam, the homeland and the people," al-Jazirah wrote. Saudi media reported that the king had ordered that action be taken against the newspaper, but no specifics were given. Am 400% sure, that the 81 year Old ( Senile ) " Head Of The Two Holy Mosques" must be having one of his "bad mood" days :twisted:
In a message to Information Minister Awwad bin Saleh Alawwad, the king wrote that he was "astonished by some of the phrases used in the column", according to Okaz newspaper.
Online newspaper, sabq, quoted the king as saying in his written complaint: "This is an issue that has distressed us, we don't accept it and don't approve of it, recognizing its dangers and the danger of being lenient towards it." If foreign media reports are to be believed, there is no way that this sick monarch could have penned these words. Probably some minion would have brought this to his notice with suggested action :twisted:
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

never underestimate a Umma nation cos it has glossy cover...

Qatar becomes the latest country to ban Wonder Woman movie because of its Israeli star, a month after Gulf states accused the emirate of funding Islamic terrorism

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z4loy0si7B
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

ever since Gulf blockade Emir of Qatar made first public appearance by visiting Qatar museum..sort of monument reflecting Qatari pride putting rest to the rumors that he is hiding in Iran

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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

As usual UK appeasing Saudi...(UK banks already have stopped dealing in Qatari riyal)

Al Arabiya English‏Verified account @AlArabiya_Eng 6h6 hours ago
#BREAKING: TheresaMay emphasizes #Qatar’s need to cooperate with neighbors on countering extremism in phone call with #Saudi Crown Prince
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Singha »

Uk will kiss whichever a$$ needed to keep city of london cash Flows buoyant and arms deals going

Perfect role model of wheeler dealer deep state
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Philip »

Here's Mayday conceal;ing Saudi funding of terrorists so that she can rake in big arms orders.Whay blatant hypocrisy.

https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/201 ... udi-arabia
Theresa May sitting on report on foreign funding of UK extremists
Exclusive: Green co-leader Caroline Lucas suggests ‘astonishing’ delay in publication is down to reluctance to criticise Saudi Arabia
King Salman and Theresa May

Jessica Elgot Political reporter
Monday 3 July 2017 22.38 BST Last modified on Tuesday 4 July 2017 00.45 BST
A report on the foreign funding of extremism in the UK was given to Downing Street last year but Theresa May is still to decide whether to make its findings published, the prime minister has revealed.

The Green party co-leader, Caroline Lucas, said the delay in publishing the Home Office investigation, believed to focus on the influence of Saudi Arabia, “leaves question marks over whether their decision is influenced by our diplomatic ties”.

Since the beginning of her premiership, May has sought to deepen the UK’s relationship with the Gulf, visiting Saudi Arabia as one of her first trips after triggering the formal Brexit process in March, a highly symbolic move.

The whereabouts of the report into foreign funding of extremism and radicalisation in the UK became a controversial issue in the final days of the general election after the terror attacks in Manchester and London Bridge.

It was commissioned by David Cameron and approved by May as part of a deal with the Liberal Democrats to secure the party’s support before a crucial vote on airstrikes in Syria in December 2015.

In written answers to Lucas this week, both the Home Office and Downing Street said the prime minister was personally responsible for deciding whether to release the report.

The Home Office minister Sarah Newton said: “The review into the funding of Islamist extremism in the UK was commissioned by the former prime minister and reported to the home secretary and the prime minister in 2016.

“The review has improved the government’s understanding of the nature, scale and sources of funding for Islamist extremism in the UK. Publication of the review is a decision for the prime minister.”

This week, Lucas resubmitted her parliamentary question on the review’s whereabouts to May, who wrote back to confirm ministers were still “considering advice on what is able to be published and will report to parliament with an update in due course”.

Lucas called the delay “astonishing” and said the government should reveal the advice which has prevented the publication of the report – and whether it was for diplomatic reasons. “The government is sitting on this report but refusing to publish it or give any reason for their continued secrecy,” she said.

The Brighton Pavilion MP said it was crucial to determine if the report’s delay was linked to whether it was critical of Saudi Arabia. “To defeat terror it’s vital that politicians have full view of the facts, even if they are inconvenient for the government,” she said.

During the election, the Liberal Democrat leader, Tim Farron, said Cameron had committed to publishing the report by spring 2016, but the Home Office later suggested it would never be published, calling the contents “very sensitive”.

The Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, and Scotland’s first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, also demanded that the report be published, while the Lib Dem foreign affairs spokesman, Tom Brake, wrote to May restating the party’s demand for it to be made public.

However, despite Farron’s insistence that publication had been part of the deal, both the home secretary, Amber Rudd, and the foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, said the report may never be seen in public.

Lucas said the terror attacks in London Bridge and the Manchester Arena said people were “quite rightly asking questions about routes to radicalisation, and the funding of terror is central to this.

“I urge Theresa May to reveal immediately whose advice they are following as to whether or not to publish this report, and to do all they can to put the facts into the public domain if it is safe to do so.”

Farron said the written statement showed the power was in May’s hands to release the report. “It is a scandal that the government are suppressing this report. The only conclusion you can draw is that they are worried about what it actually says,” he said.

“We hear regularly about the Saudi arms deals or ministers going to Riyadh to kowtow before their royal family, but yet, our government won’t release a report that will clearly criticise Saudi Arabia.

“All this government seems to care about is cosying up to one of the most extreme, nasty and oppressive regimes in the world. You would think our security would be more important, but it appears not. For that Theresa May should be ashamed of herself.”
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by chanakyaa »

Follow is from Saker on DT/Pootin meet on the sidelines of the G20...

I sure hope that I am wrong, but…
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

Qatar walks out of OPEC cutdown on oil output
State-run Qatar Petroleum has said it plans to increase natural gas production by 30 percent over the next several years.

Saad Sherida al-Kaabi, the company's CEO, told reporters on Tuesday that Qatar Petroleum intends to raise production from 77 million tonnes of natural gas to 100 million tonnes a year by 2024.

The announcement comes after the company said in April it was boosting output of its North Field, which it shares with Iran off the Gulf state's northern coast.

"The new additional volumes will be secured by doubling the size of the new gas project in the southern sector of the North Field, which Qatar Petroleum had announced last April," a statement by the company said.

The April announcement meant an end to the self-imposed ban on development of the field that it declared in 2005 to give Doha time to study the impact on the reservoir from a rapid rise in output.
http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/07/q ... 38148.html
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

India invests $11bn in Iran gas sector https://www.rt.com/business/395115-indi ... nvestment/
With increasing gas consumption in India, the country has been looking to diversify its supplies. Iran, which is emerging from sanctions, has been picked for investment.

Iran has guaranteed a "reasonable return" for Indian investors, who are ready to spend $11 billion on the country’s natural gas and LNG infrastructure.

India’s ONGC Videsh plans to invest $6 billion in the Farzad-B field and spend the rest to build a liquefied natural gas export facility, according to managing director Narendra Kumar Verma.

"We have given our best offer to them. Now, it is up to them to agree or not agree," Verma said in an interview with NDTV.

"We have told the Iranian authorities very clearly that some basic returns are necessary," the executive added.

The company expects an about 18 percent return, and Indian companies want to buy all the gas exported from the project, Verma said.

India is the world's fourth-largest LNG buyer. The country has been looking for a role in developing Iran’s Farzad-B gas field since at least 2009. The field is estimated to hold reserves of almost 19 trillion cubic feet.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Philip »

V.good news,cements the relationship further.French giant Total has also signed a huge agreement with Iran defying US sanctions.

Yes,after banning Qatar's goats and camels,the Soothi led Sunni warriors now plan to extend the ban -a little "birdie" told me,to Qatar's avian species,threatening to shoot down any flying intruders of their air space! Apart from Qatar's bul-buls,a rumour going around says that the Soothis are training their Patriot missiles onto the "birds" of Qatar Airways! :rotfl:

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/ ... tic-crisis
Gulf states prepare to ramp up economic sanctions against Qatar
Diplomats speaking before Cairo meeting of foreign ministers indicate Doha could be suspended from Gulf Co-operation Council
Qatar’s foreign minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin al-Thani, at a press conference with his German counterpart, Sigmar Gabriel, in Doha.

Patrick Wintour Diplomatic editor
Tuesday 4 July 2017 14.58 BST Last modified on Tuesday 4 July 2017 22.00 BST
Gulf states are preparing to ramp up economic sanctions against Qatar, as well as widening its diplomatic isolation and suspending it from the Gulf Co-operation Council, senior Gulf diplomats have indicated.

They were speaking before a meeting in Cairo of foreign ministers from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, which have been leading the blockade of Qatar since 5 June, accusing the emirate of supporting terrorism. On 22 June they issued a 13-point list of demands to end the standoff and gave Qatar 10 days to comply. That deadline was extended on Sunday by 48 hours.

The Cairo meeting will assess if Qatar has made enough concessions to the demands, which include ending financial support for extremists, withdrawing backing for the Muslim Brotherhood, closure of the broadcaster al-Jazeera and cutting diplomatic ties with Iran.

The blockading nations are pessimistic about Qatar’s willingness to accept the terms, and they predicted if no agreement was reached, two broadly neutral Middle East countries, Kuwait and Jordan, would swing behind Saudi Arabia against Qatar. Kuwait has been acting as the chief mediator in the dispute.

They added that a stronger economic embargo could be implemented, including disinvestment from Qatar, withdrawal of deposits and possibly a tighter air blockade. Last minute negotiations were continuing involving Kuwaiti emissaries in Jeddah.

The Qatar foreign minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani, speaking in Doha, said the list of demands from countries isolating Qatar “is unrealistic and is not actionable”.

“It’s not about terrorism, it’s talking about shutting down the freedom of speech,” he said at a joint press conference after talks with his German counterpart, Sigmar Gabriel. But he insisted his country was behaving maturely and looking for dialogue.

A blockading state said Qatar’s response has to be fully positive: “If it is half way, or there are grey areas on which we can adhere we can assess the position, but this is about ending support for terrorism.”

Qatar had earlier privately told its Gulf rivals it would not accept controls on its diplomatic ties, funding or media unless other countries in the region agree to the same treatment.

Qatar’s response to the demands, designed to show it feels it is being unfairly singled out, suggests a breakthrough is not imminent.

In an attempt to show that its finances can withstand any long-term economic blockade, Qatar, the world’s leading producer of liquified natural gas, announced a boost to gas production on Tuesday.

The head of the state-owned Qatar Petroleum told a press conference that the emirate intended to produce 100m tonnes of natural gas a year by 2024, up 30% from current levels.

Qatar denies supporting extremists and has defended its warm relations with Iran, with which it shares an undersea natural gas field.

In an attempt to shore up diplomatic support for the embargo, the Saudi foreign minister, Adel al-Jubeir, unexpectedly attended a summit of African Union leaders in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.

The issue is likely to be raised at the G20 summit in Hamburg later this week, which the Saudis are due to attend.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

Inquiry needed into 'Saudi Arabia's funding of Islamist extremism in UK'
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/07 ... remism-uk/
"There is a clear and growing link between foreign funding of Islamist extremism and the violent terrorism we have witnessed across the UK and Europe.

"The key now is to get ahead of the issue and find out the full extent of what has been going on. A public inquiry would go some way to informing the debate.

"While entities from across the Gulf and Iran have been guilty of advancing extremism, those in Saudi Arabia are undoubtedly at the top of the list.

"Research indicates that some Saudi individuals and foundations have been apparently heavily involved in exporting an illiberal, bigoted Wahhabi ideology."

A Government spokesman said: "Defeating the evil ideology of Islamist extremism is one of the greatest challenges of our time. The Commission for Counter-Extremism, which the PM announced earlier this year, will have a key role to play in this fight.

"We are determined to cut off the funding which fuels the evils of extremism and terrorism, and will work closely with international partners to tackle this shared global threat, including at the upcoming G20 summit."
what could be reason behind letting this report out now..?
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by JE Menon »

^^Internal politics of UK
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

Both Trump and Theresa May have spoken to Saudi, Qatar & allies in last 24 hours to go easy and defuse tension asap.

This is almost sure Qatar will face more economic sanctions soon and expulsion from GCC> but military conflict looks unlikely.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

http://www.khaleejtimes.com/region/qata ... ng-country
this news aboutQatar banning expats from leaving country is bogus ...Quoting this article even ET today ran a full page propaganda that Qatar has placed such a ban in place.
Exit permits are still being given easily in Qatar and those who want can leave coutry now.
News source is Khaleej times which is Emirati mouth piece just like Al Jazeera is Qatar's.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

people from countries where Qtr brought down regime using colour revolution are waiting with baited breath for Qatar to collapse..

Bassem‏ @BBassem7 6h6 hours ago
Qatar helped bring freedom & democracy to Libya, now it's our turn to return the favor & bring democracy and freedom to people of Qatar
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

Sanctions are bleeding Qatar

Qatar's stock market has lost $15 billion since the Gulf crisis began https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles ... ium=social
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

March for ‘justice’ by Erdogan opponents in Turkey gains momentum and alarms government

In recent days, pictures of the growing crowds have been passed around on social media, attracting newcomers. The spectacle has provoked an increasingly venomous response from officials, who have started associating the protesters with terrorist groups — a sure sign the demonstration has touched a nerve, organizers said.

The momentum has seemed like a breakthrough for Turkey’s browbeaten mainstream opposition, as its supporters resort to more creative and desperate tactics to meet what they say is President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s stranglehold over the state’s institutions, such as parliament and the courts. But the 260-mile march, which is scheduled to end Sunday, has also risked a violent confrontation with the authorities as it approaches Istanbul, where thousands more people are likely to join the rally.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/mi ... f07043162e
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by chanakyaa »

Natural Gas Politics and Qatar events

The largest exports of Qatar's natural gas goes to Japan and especially Japan's leading electric/gas utility companies.

Chubu Electric Power Co.
Toho Gas Co.
Tohoku Electric Power Co.
The Tokyo Electric Power Co.
The Kansai Electric Power Co.
Osaka Gas Co.
The Chugoku Electric Power Co.
Tokyo Gas Co.

Who is Jera?
JERA Co. was established in 2015 as a joint venture between Tokyo Electric Power and Chubu Electric Power Company. Utility companies need "reliable" and "stable" supply. If Qatar is made becomes volatile, unstable, and perhaps unpredictable, who benefits the most? (Not Jera)

JERA Announces First Arrival in Japan of LNG Produced (not in Qatar)

Could Jera sell LNG to Europe? Sure can..
Jera can freely set supply volumes to Europe markets

Who else is benefitting from this win-win game?
India imports LNG

This is just like Chinese OBOR, only win-win for everyone...except,
Natgas exports in Russia's backyard
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

some where far away ...round 22 between Saudi & Qatar ...dong...!
BREAKING: Nusra (HTS) attacking Jaish Al Islam in Eastern Ghouta now. #Syria
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

In Al Qait which is a Shia dominated province of Saudi: a policeman has died and many injured in bomb attack on police patrol.
Saudi is carrying out displacement (in name of construction and modernisation) of Shias from Eastern Saudi which is rich in oil but full of Shias they are being displaced and sent off to Sunni dominated parts of Saudi.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

We are too rich for Saudis & minions to handle...Qatari FM

Ali Sharif al-Emadi, the Qatari finance minister, told The Times that the state’s huge financial reserves, built on the sale of natural gas over decades, meant it could withstand sanctions.

“We have sovereign wealth funds of 250 per cent of gross domestic product, we have Qatar Central Bank reserves, and we have a ministry of finance strategic reserve,” he said.
“Bahrain and Egypt, they are at junk bond level,” he said. “If you look at Saudi Arabia, they are having genuine issues with their finances.

“We are the fastest growing country in the region, 40 per cent faster than the nearest GCC [Gulf Co-operation Council] country [the UAE].”

Qatar has diversified its economy mainly into services, which are harder to blockade, he said. The Qatar Investment Authority owns much of London, including the Shard, Canary Wharf, Harrods and the former Olympic village.

The precise size of the fund has not been made public, but Mr Emadi’s estimate of 250 per cent of GDP, which is dollars 167 billion a year, suggests that with its other reserves Qatar has three times its national income in savings.

Mr Emadi said that, if forced to choose between the UAE and Qatar, many companies would choose Qatar because it had shown that it would not let politics get in the way of business. http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/wo ... 2709fbf66e
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

https://www.independent.co.uk/Voices/sa ... 24701.html
Saudi-Qatar feud could be creation of Trump's relatives running foreign policy of US
“A close associate of the Secretary of State says that Tillerson was absolutely enraged that the White House and State Department weren’t on the same page.”

“Tillerson’s aides, I was told, were convinced that the true author of Trump’s statement was the UAE ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba, a close friend of Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner. Rex put two and two together ... and concluded that this absolutely vacuous kid was running a second foreign policy out of the White House family quarters. Otaiba weighed in with Jared and Jared weighed in with Trump. What a mess.”
Leaked email correspondence has also shown Otaiba, who has been friends with Kushner since the pair met last June, putting pressure on politicians to close down the US military base in Qatar.

If you consider this when looking at the genesis of the dispute between Qatar and Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the UAE and Egypt it does make you wonder to what extent President Trump has been having his strings pulled by the Middle East alliance.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

now ME is divided in three factions:

Both Saudi & US are weakened by current crisis:
-Inability to get Qatar agree to demands > conveys message Saudi is a weak country
-Shia crescent rises further with Qatar in their fold
-So far those who feared Saudi in Gulf will be tempted to foray in troubled waters
-Trump appears like a clown with US losing clout in ME since US backed Saudi can;t coerce a tiny country into surrender
-Multi polar ME with many axis of power
(silver lining on cloud is it also weakens Pakistan).
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

Boris Johnson flies in to Qatar to discuss Gulf crisis
The Foreign Secretary is meeting with Kuwaiti and Qatari leaders as Kuwait attempts to mediate and find a solution to the deepening diplomatic crisis in the Gulf http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/po ... 30801.html
what will this joker do? He is not taken seriously back in his own country!
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

Qatar produces more than 25% of helium gas alone...!
Sanctions have brought world supply down. Helium gas is used in MRI, medical tech & many physics labs.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by ramana »

IndraD, Good way of looking. Earlier they were two groups
Sunnis and Shia.
Now ethnic nationalism is also there.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Philip »

BoJo."Every court must have its clown".In the UK today,"every clown must have her court".
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by UlanBatori »

I don't understand the KSA-Qatar tamasha any more. Looks like Trump told Saudis that either they broke with ISIS or get bombed to Stone Age. But Qatar has a US base, so go figure! Something does not make sense at all.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by tandav »

Qatar is a very good partner of India and Indian Expats are a very large proportion of the population. I hope Govt of India is suitably primed to protect Indian and Qatari citizen human rights and mutually beneficial business interests. India must provide protective umbrella to nations being threatened by radical islamists in the Middle East and usher an era of a more compassionate Islam moored in the inclusivist ideals of Dharmic India
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

Saudi to hold G20 meet in 2020 :eek:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that Saudi Arabia is set to host the G-20 summit in 2020, reported Al Arabiya on Saturday.

The choice comes after a strong vote from the world’s leading nations who put their trust in Saudi Arabia, with its distinctive place among the world’s top 20 economies.

Saudi Arabia stood out as the least of the G20 countries in terms of ratio of debt to GDP.

By the end of last year, it reached 13.1 percent of Saudi GDP, followed by Russia with 17 percent and Indonesia with 27.9 percent.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by uddu »

tandav wrote:Qatar is a very good partner of India and Indian Expats are a very large proportion of the population. I hope Govt of India is suitably primed to protect Indian and Qatari citizen human rights and mutually beneficial business interests. India must provide protective umbrella to nations being threatened by radical islamists in the Middle East and usher an era of a more compassionate Islam moored in the inclusivist ideals of Dharmic India
Dont be so sure. If Al-Jazeera is a Qatar mouthpiece, then the bile that they have for India shows the kind of hatred towards Indians. I dont know whether they allowed the commies from India to write for them or they themselves have such a policy. Either way, it shows enemity and not the friendliness of atleast the ones who are running Al-Jazeera. Being a small country the number of Indians their and their percentage obviously will be more. But that never means we must not intervene in this situation because of Al-Jazeera. It must be just for our own benefit and Qatar told to stop their anti India tirade.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by tandav »

uddu wrote:
tandav wrote:Qatar is a very good partner of India and Indian Expats are a very large proportion of the population. I hope Govt of India is suitably primed to protect Indian and Qatari citizen human rights and mutually beneficial business interests. India must provide protective umbrella to nations being threatened by radical islamists in the Middle East and usher an era of a more compassionate Islam moored in the inclusivist ideals of Dharmic India
Dont be so sure. If Al-Jazeera is a Qatar mouthpiece, then the bile that they have for India shows the kind of hatred towards Indians. I dont know whether they allowed the commies from India to write for them or they themselves have such a policy. Either way, it shows enemity and not the friendliness of atleast the ones who are running Al-Jazeera. Being a small country the number of Indians their and their percentage obviously will be more. But that never means we must not intervene in this situation because of Al-Jazeera. It must be just for our own benefit and Qatar told to stop their anti India tirade.
The Al Jazeera editorials are indicative of the previous Congress/UPA government foreign policy directives which were beholden to Sunni Islamic interests. A strategic reset is on the cards with the new government and it will take some time for Al Jazeera to reset its equations and start seriously looking at India as the net security provider to the Middle East.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by IndraD »

The mouse that roared: https://www.rt.com/op-edge/395777-saudi ... -iran-gcc/
Stalemate is gradually tipping in favour of Qatar...
The more persistently Saudi Arabia pushes, the faster Qatar will integrate itself into the Axis of Resistance, thus laying waste to the idea behind the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), and then what would left of Riyadh’s influence? Reuters summarized the situation perfectly when it penned: “Arab sanctions stir defiance, patriotism in wealthy Qatar.”

And then of course we have this entity called Turkey that do hold invaluable geopolitical capital. Again, what Qatar lacks in size and political land mass, it makes up in wealth and access.

In other words, Qatar is more than what Saudi Arabia could ever chew - militarily speaking or otherwise.

What we are witnessing is pure political grandstanding and boasting on the part of a dying empire. Saudi Arabia miscalculated when it assumed that it could reduce Qatar to rubble at a moment’s notice.

Sovereign nations are not so easily swayed, especially not when they carry so much lobbying capital. By engineering a crisis within the GCC political echo-chamber, Saudi Arabia has allowed for resistance to become not only desirable but somewhat of an existential necessity.

Let me leave you with this: if Saudi Arabia could not bring the poorest and most unstable nation of the Arabian Peninsula, Yemen, to heel while backed by an armada of military superpowers and a blank check from the international community, do we really Qatar, with billions of dollars at its disposal, to surrender when asked to? Or should we expect the tiny to overcome the mighty? :eek:

The region is undergoing profound changes because of this crisis, and it is now unlikely we can go back to how things were. Saudi Arabia’s candle has been extinguished, all we need now is for the monarchy to realize it is finished.
Many ideas of this article are lifted from BRF or coincidence??
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by UlanBatori »

Wonder what is the reaction in the palaces and harems to the news from Yemen, Syria, Iraq... and now the fraternal buggering between the terrorist puppeteers as they see the puppets disappear from their strings.
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Re: West Asia News and Discussions

Post by Falijee »

Saudi Arabia determined to face whoever dares harm its stability, security: King Salman :((
JEDDAH: According to Arab News, King Salman on Saturday vowed to punish those who dare to harm Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Press Agency reported. Senile Salman can "afford" ( @ the rate of $ 1. Million plus !) to make such ( pro-active ?) statements as he has the useful and relatively youthful Paki Miskeen Raheel ( presently on R&R in Pakiland ) at his side :twisted:
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