J&K News and Discussion-2011

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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by ramana »

Please read and deconstruct his arguments:

W Habibullah was senior IFS officer who specialized in Kashmir affairs.

My Kashmir: The Dying of the Light By Wajahat Habibullah, Penguin, Rs 499

Wajahat Habibullah began his lifelong affair with Kashmir while travelling to the valley with a busload of Bengali tourists. He wants his readers to gauge the splendour of the valley from the fact that its first sight was enough for the raucous crowd to instantly fall silent. Unlike his companions in their ubiquitous monkey-caps and shawls, Habibullah had the opportunity to see many more shades of the beauty and the darkness of the valley. He was posted in the valley in three phases as a civil servant, and was required to visit it often in the capacity of an advisor to the Central government and other institutions. His first-hand experience as an administrator, the friendships that he formed there, and his love for the people of this troubled land inform this rare piece of scholarship.

Habibullah insists that it is not so much Partition and the accession issue as Kashmir’s lived experience as part of the Indian nation that has complicated the problem. What has made this experience bitter is India’s misplaced assumption that the Muslim-majority population of Kashmir would automatically veer towards Pakistan. This perception stems not only from India’s lack of understanding of Kashmir’s inclusive form of Islam but also from its flawed reading of history. Habibullah argues that the Kashmiris were undoubtedly a religious people, but they could not have been entirely comfortable in a nation formed under the leadership of Punjabis, who had been their oppressors since the time of Sikh rule. It was Kashmir’s middle class, not the vast Muslim peasantry, who rooted for Pakistan.

{Is this really true? Does anyone deny the 1953 Abdullah's dalliance with foreign powers? And just because he is Muslim does that condone treachery? WH is right that KAshmiri peasants are more looking at Dilli then Silamabad. Time and again TSP troops were unable to find shelter in the hills and vale of kashmir since 1965 war. However the urban kashmiris brought up on GOI largesse are not the same. They are driven by ummah idelogoy.}[/url]

When Habibullah joined service in Kashmir in the 1960s, the valley was moving closer to India. It had taken time to overcome the shock of the dismissal of the Sheikh Abdullah government in 1953 on suspicion of planning a secession. The valley seemed eager to respond to India’s attempt to bring administrative conformity. In a few years, however, the initiative was lost. India’s dependence on a corrupt elite to run its writ, the denial of basic rights to the Kashmiris, and a persistent suspicion of Kashmiri intentions grounded the momentum.
{The corrupt elite were also kashmiris and not any outsiders. So whats teh real story here? The corrupt elite were Sheikh Abdullah's brother in law and his coterie. Is the real story about the SA being replaced by his brother in law? Right now Omar Abduallh is invovled in a party worker dying while present at govt house!}

As a cog in a gigantic machinery geared to retain power, Habibullah watched in horror as peasants were strip-searched, people were woken up and arrested and youths roughed up for no reason, while the henchmen of the local politicians were allowed to go scot-free. As a returning officer in Srinagar, in his second posting in Kashmir during the watershed 1977 elections that brought Sheikh Abdullah back to power, Habibullah saw a manipulative State machinery in full swing. A way was always found to hoist a friendly government to the chair in Jammu and Kashmir.

Despite the criticism lobbed at officers with a straight back, men like Habibullah never lost an opportunity to make a difference. Habibullah guesses that his success in persuading a victim of a massacre to accept compensation helped bridge the gap between the people and a discredited government. His dogged persuasion also helped break the Hazratbal impasse in 1993. Habibullah’s retelling of his success stories, which often sounds as if he is blowing his own trumpet, is intended to show that a sincere effort to reach out is never rebuffed. He almost pleads for such efforts to be made since time is fast running out for the state.

{What is the hurry right now? As far as other India knows Kashmir gets a lot of funds sent to it from Centre yet still claims discrimination. So again whats the real story?}

Habibullah fears that a radical, exclusivist Islam is taking over the people’s movement in the valley. The trend was evident in the insurgency of the 1990s, when terror groups, sponsored by Pakistan, sidelined the secular insurgent groups such as the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front. Habibullah senses the spread of Wahabi Islam and sees its portentous shadow in the apparently rudderless stone-throwing skirmishes of recent times. He stridently calls for greater engagement with Kashmiri society, particularly with the long-ignored Hurriyat leadership, which, he insists, is separatist only in perception. This leadership, save a few exceptions, is not averse to finding a solution within India’s borders. India needs to engage the separatists in a comprehensive dialogue with the people and even allow them to interact with Pakistan because, Habibullah says, the Hurriyat leadership believes that it is impossible to leave Pakistan out of the equation. Although leaving Pakistan out may not be an option, Habibullah seems to have too much faith in Pakistan’s understanding of the changing contours of the problems and preferences of the people, who no longer wish to be with Pakistan. Pakistan has undoubtedly shown its willingness to compromise time and again, but when push comes to shove, can it be trusted to abide by the “will of the people”, ignoring the call of realpolitik?

{Hurriyat is US creation and waxes and wanes as US decides to get Dilli to kowtow. So no chance of Hurriyat getting involved until US decides they are not relevant.}

Habibullah acknowledges that Kashmir is trapped between Pakistan’s search for identity and India’s sense of nationhood, and that the contesting sovereignties make a resolution difficult. To overcome the stalemate, he suggests a host of measures — from encouraging America to play the role of mediator to opening up the borders with Pakistan, :mrgreen: :mrgreen: promoting travel and trade, foreign investment in Kashmir and the withdrawal of armed forces from some areas. The people, he says, could explore the idea of azadi by participating in local government without insisting on independence. Kashmir could be given greater autonomy, a more solid right to information and, above all, an assurance that its people’s dignity will not be trampled on.

{He does not give examples yet makes the same assertions that the seapratists are making.}

All this is a tall order. The crisis in leadership, to which Teresita Schaffer refers in her foreword to the book, is going to make things even more difficult. India, Pakistan and Kashmir lack the towering personality of a Sheikh Abdullah or a Nehru to push these measures through. Schaffer suggests that Habibullah treads on this problem lightly. Perhaps not. It just gets lost in the epic tale that he tries to weave together with his own experiences.


First of all Teresita Schaffer is not a disinterested scholar. She is a US govt adviser! Its her buddies that sustain Hurryiat. her advice is to make Hurriyat a relevant US tool to exert pressure on India.

Thank god there is no tall leader otherwise by now poor Kashmiris would ahve been murdered in TSP just liek the Baloch, Pashuns and Sindhis!

Mr Habibullah is not seeing things clearly in Indian interests nor even kashmirifolks interest.

As we see TSP disintegrating its unconsionable to advocate throwing the Kashmiries into their lap as a sacrifice for Indan "stability".

Neither the US nor Schaffer will be there to reap the sad whirlwind when it comes.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by svinayak »

ramana wrote:
My Kashmir: The Dying of the Light By Wajahat Habibullah, Penguin, Rs 499

{Hurriyat is US creation and waxes and wanes as US decides to get Dilli to kowtow. So no chance of Hurriyat getting involved until US decides they are not relevant.}

{He does not give examples yet makes the same assertions that the seapratists are making.}

First of all Teresita Schaffer is not a disinterested scholar. She is a US govt adviser! Its her buddies that sustain Hurryiat. her advice is to make Hurriyat a relevant US tool to exert pressure on India.

Thank god there is no tall leader otherwise by now poor Kashmiris would ahve been murdered in TSP just liek the Baloch, Pashuns and Sindhis!

Mr Habibullah is not seeing things clearly in Indian interests nor even kashmirifolks interest.

As we see TSP disintegrating its unconsionable to advocate throwing the Kashmiries into their lap as a sacrifice for Indan "stability".

Neither the US nor Schaffer will be there to reap the sad whirlwind when it comes.
Indians need to watch out if Hurriyat will be used as a conduit for wahabi Islam into India and
UP muslims toeing the line of the US and Hurriyat.
They would try to expand the virulent wahabi islam as long as possible and by all possible means inside the Indian society.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Anindya »

Sachar of the Fai fame has stepped into the Kashmir graves issue - not surprisingly, public discussions around this are being organized, with other Fai-connects such as Navlakha, who claims Google was not around in 2005.
Former Chief Justice of Delhi High Court, Justice Rajinder Sachar today described as "horrible" the discovery of unmarked mass graves in Kashmir, and asked the government to devise a mechanism to unravel the truth behind them.

"This episode is horrible and calls for persecution of those responsible for it. It is a failure of the total system that there are mass graves in Kashmir and nothing is being done," Sachar said speaking at a public discussion organised by a civil rights group in the capital.

At the discussion titled 'the mystery of disappearances and discovery of mass graves', spokesperson of International Tribunal on Human Rights in Kashmir, Khurram Parvaiz, claimed that unmarked graves were present throughout the state.

"More than 8,000 people have disappeared over last two decades. The SHRC has ample evidence that these graves belonged to locals," Parvaiz said.

Earlier, social activist Gautam Navlakha told PTI that the appeal by the J&K State Human Rights Commission to the state Government to reopen the Kunaposhpora mass rape case was a welcome step
http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report_ju ... -k_1602277

Also from a while ago, we also have the following on Sachar
Under fierce pressure of the protesting youths, Rajinder Sachar allowed a few interventions. Further shocks awaited us. To an observation from a Kashmiri Hindu, Sachar brazenly declared that the nation should be grateful to those who centuries ago forced the Kashmiri Pandits out of Kashmir. He extended a sadistic logic behind his assertion, “we would have otherwise been deprived of persons like Nehru.”
Last edited by Anindya on 23 Oct 2011 05:56, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Anindya »

Some hypotheses on Geelani's about turn...
SRINAGAR: A strange thing happened in Srinagar four days ago. Syed Ali Shah Geelani, the Hurriyat hawk, suddenly decided he wouldn't mind talking to the Indian government.
The reaction from New Delhi was stranger - complete silence. Geelani waited for an invitation that never came. For Kashmir watchers, this was just another small chapter in the chess game that passes off for India's Kashmir Policy.

Geelani's new approachability came within days of the centrally-appointed interlocutors submitting their report to the home minister P Chidambaram. Dileep Padgoakar, Radha Kumar and M M Ansari spent an entire year trying to make contact with the separatists, both the moderates within the motley band as well as the hardline Geelani faction, without success.

The composition of the central team was also a combination of the cross currents of Delhi's Kashmir policy. While Padgoankar and Ansari were selected by the home ministry, Radha Kumar was handpicked by the PMO. It's said their subsequent bickering and infighting reflected this faultline.

It's an open secret in Kashmir that for most of the moderate Hurriyat leaders in Srinagar, the nudge to ignore the central team came from their minders in the Intelligence Bureau, known here as the "Agency". In Kashmir the Agency is the Indian version of the Deep State, the guardians of the national interest, seeing political initiatives as irritants by well-meaning amateurs. It's the Agency that handles some mainstream parties, guides and finances sundry moderate separatist groups and pays for the upkeep of dozens of obscure dailies.

The dozen visits by the interlocutors threw up many such twists in the plot. On the one hand, the central team was trying to shore up mainstream parties like the PDP and the National Conference, encouraging some MLAs to float their own parties to "widen the political space", and on the other hand, it was being checkmated by the very agencies of the ministry they reported to.

...Yet others see it as a classic ploy by the Deep State, a subtle threat to either come to the table now or be ignored.

The speculation here is that Geelani's statements are the result of back channel negotiations between the PMO. This is only getting strengthened by the discordant noises coming out of the home ministry in Delhi. Despite Geelani pointedly not referring to his five-point formula, dailies are full of "sources" in the home ministry saying the five- point formula is unacceptable.
This year most of his strike calls have not evoked much response, and his focus on social issues, like banning mobile phones for women and co-ed education, have lost him respect from the average Kashmiri. Sources in his inner circle concede that all this has perhaps led to the perception that Geelani had withdrawn from active separatist politics. In Kashmir, the shadow of Pakistan always looms large. Here again Geelani is on a sticky wicket. His reported advice to Pakistan's foreign minister Hina Rabbani that Pakistan must put its house in order, reflects the confusion in the man who now finds no takers for his "Kashmir Banega Pakistan" slogan.

The growing distance is made clear from his recent snub to United Jehad Council chief, Syed Salauideen. In his press conference on Thursday, he said, "We take our own decisions here."
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/indi ... 457802.cms
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by ramana »

No he got orders to get involved and get a seat at high table or else his backers cause will be lost.

When the guy has no support on the street then how can he be part of the process? In other words he is irrelevant to the game.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by rohitvats »

The day Kashmiris decided that the fight for 'azadi' was a fight of a kashmiri 'muslim' and not ethnic kashmiri, the very day it lost all chance of ever winning this game. While people may cringe about the interlocutors, I see no change in the GOI Kashmir policy...GOI has manged to remove tge gun as a factor in the discussion and the so callled seperatists are but mere puppets - of either Pakistan or as ramana garu says, Uncle Sam. In due course of time, uncle sam will also be pushed to leave the table completely and pakistanis have ensured that their country is going to become history as a nation sooner than later. Yes, there will be ups and downs and idiots like omar and PDP, but then, all this is part and parcel of any nation state. More so ours. Key is economics. the more tourists visit kashmir, the better. Let the local kashmiri understand what he stands to gain by being close to the bosom of Mother India....Maa is all giving and all nurturing. But then, she can be Chandi as well...Kashmiris have seen the latter role..let the new generation see the former.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by shyamd »

^^ Well said. Economics will ultimately cause the wider population get rid of 'azadi'. We had record numbr of tourists this year in the valley.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by CRamS »


What about TSP? As long as TSP exists in its current form, with PakiJabis able to challenge India through terror & nuke blackmail, how do suppose any transformation in J&K can take place?
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Airavat »

Dr Subramanium Swami lighting the lamp at the Accession Day function at Jammu on Sunday.

Dogra rulers extended borders of country up to China, Russia: Dr Karan Singh
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Anindya »

Bitta Karate - happily settled...says something about what has become acceptable.

http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/indi ... 476811.cms
SRINAGAR: After spending nearly 16 years in jail on militancy-related charges including killing of several Kashmiri Pandits, a former militant is all set to marry a bureaucrat next week. Farooq Ahmad Dar alias Bitta Karatay, now a leader of a faction of the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), will exchange wedding vows with Kashmir Administrative Service (KAS) officer Assabah Arjumand Khan on November one.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Anindya »

From http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/indi ... 480991.cms
Was Hizbul Mujahideen chief Syed Salahuddin, who is based in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, part of the conspiracy to bomb Delhi High Court on September 7?

According to sources, Wasim Malik, the medical student from Kishtwar who is emerging as the key conspirator in the blast, had approached Jehangir Saroori, a senior HuM commander in Kashmir Valley, to get the blessings of Salahuddin. And indications are that Salahuddin may have given the go-ahead for the bomb blast after much prodding, sources said.

A source told TOI, "Hizbul Mujahideen supremo Syed Salahuddin may have given the go-ahead for carrying out the attack on the high court. And through Saroori, he may have provided two bombers to the main conspirator Wasim Malik." Sources said there was yet no final confirmation if Malik, who was sent to 14-day judicial custody on Monday, got a definite go-ahead from Salahuddin. But it is confirmed that he was in touch with Saroori.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by ramana »

Next the NIA will wonder if Kiyani was part of the bomb plot!

Off course he is look at the raw material.

Syed Salahuddin is in no position to go to the toilet with out permission from TSPA and to think he gives go ahead is height of gullibility.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by wig »

Former terrorist/militant to marry bureaucrat
After spending nearly 16 years in jail on militancy-related charges, including the killing of several Kashmiri Pandits, a former militant is all set to marry a bureaucrat next week.

Farooq Ahmad Dar alias, Bitta Karatay, now a leader of a faction of the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF), will exchange wedding vows with Kashmir Administrative Service (KAS) officer Assabah Arjumand Khan, on November 1.

“Yes, we are getting married,” said Karatey, adding the two knew each other and decided to get married.

Karatey was a front-ranking commander of the JKLF in the early stages of militancy in the Valley. He was arrested in 1990 on charges of several militancy-related crimes. Karatey was released on bail by a TADA court in 2006 after spending 16 years in prison.

Assabah, who qualified the KAS examination in 2009, is currently posted as a trainee in the General Administrative Department.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Rudradev »

This mass murdering pig Bitta Karate killed not one, but *many* Kashmiri Pundits during the ethnic cleansing of the Valley in 1989-90. People whose only crime was being Hindu in an Islamic paradise. He was a trained martial arts expert who would beat his helpless victims savagely, sadistically, before killing them.

Equivalent filth from the Balkans have to hide in shabby holes, and live in squalid anonimity for years and decades until finally they are turned over to the Hague like common criminals.

In Mainovadi India, Bitta Karate gets to marry a government servant and live in peace, while the loved ones of his victims live in refugee hovels far from their homeland. In Mainovadi India, Bitta Karate's cause is advocated by peace-loving "interlocutors" appointed by the Maino government, while Kashmiri Pandits are either ignored or occasionally thrown symbolic scraps like mongrels on a garbage heap. In Mainovadi India, Bitta Karate's fellow Muslims have first rights to all the country's natural resources while the remaining 800 million of us must consign ourselves to suppress our identity and quietly accept a secondary status... after all, we don't want to be known as "Hindutva terrorists", do we?
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Aditya_V »

Rudradev wrote:This mass murdering pig Bitta Karate killed not one, but *many* Kashmiri Pundits during the ethnic cleansing of the Valley in 1989-90. People whose only crime was being Hindu in an Islamic paradise. He was a trained martial arts expert who would beat his helpless victims savagely, sadistically, before killing them.

Equivalent filth from the Balkans have to hide in shabby holes, and live in squalid anonimity for years and decades until finally they are turned over to the Hague like common criminals.

In Mainovadi India, Bitta Karate gets to marry a government servant and live in peace, while the loved ones of his victims live in refugee hovels far from their homeland. In Mainovadi India, Bitta Karate's cause is advocated by peace-loving "interlocutors" appointed by the Maino government, while Kashmiri Pandits are either ignored or occasionally thrown symbolic scraps like mongrels on a garbage heap. In Mainovadi India, Bitta Karate's fellow Muslims have first rights to all the country's natural resources while the remaining 800 million of us must consign ourselves to suppress our identity and quietly accept a secondary status... after all, we don't want to be known as "Hindutva terrorists", do we?
Most important he did this under the orders of Hurriyat participants and Pakistani Army, yet our media is full of glowing references to these...

Hundreds are in jail for Gujarat riots, many in Orissa riots.. But ULFA, Maoists, TSP army, Hurriyat, Dawood etc never pay for their crimes. Yet Modi not in jail is constant crying point.

It seems GOI and state machinery is only focused on removing the only possible opposition party which can remove the ruling dynasty and its cronies from power.

All other crimes are Kosher now.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by vishvak »

From http://thekashmir.wordpress.com/2006/10 ... f-kashmir/
BK: Let me think. First murder I committed was of Satish
NT: Satish who?
BK: Satish Kumar Tikku.
NT: Satish Kumar Tiku. Who was he?
BK: I got the order from higher up to hit him and I did that.
NT: Who was he?
BK: A Pandit boy.
NT: Was it just because he was a Pandit boy?
BK: No. He probably belonged to RSS.
NT: So what? Is belonging to RSS a crime? Does it mean that if someone belongs to RSS you will kill that person?
BK: As I told you, I used to get instructions from higher ups to kill that particular person. If someone else would have gotten the same order, he had to kill that person.
We judge the pseudos by our standards, but these are the true standards of pseudos. Once words like RSS are mentioned, any Hindu is a fair game for anything. Pseudos just have to say RSS etc. and that is all it takes to collect all legitimacy like human rights off the person.

Psuedos should be treated with standards of pseudos, not Dharmic standards.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by sum »

^^ 3 separate grenade attacks and drive by shootings today in J&K ( 2 in Srinagar, 1 in Anantnag)...temperatures seem to be getting raised by the masters of these pigs.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by shyamd »

^^ I think its due to the success and elimination of HM guys over the last month. 3 high ranking terror leaders were killed. So these could be termed as revenge attacks.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by rohitvats »

^^^Which will prove army's point about need to keep AFSPA.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by sum »

^6 Another grenade attack today injures 4 civilians.... just shows that the handlers still have a good grip and are able to rachet up the heat at will ( though agencies seem to have ensured that the only heat is such small stuff and nothing major)
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Pratyush »

J&K: 5 injured in grenade blast; 2 LeT militants nabbed

Well all those who want the removal of ASFPA will just claim that it was conducted by the Army.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by ramana »

Its not AFSPA but Omar Abdullah who should be removed. He is helping the terrorists at crucial times when they are down and out by his ill ocndiered remarks and corruption.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by shyamd »

^^ Yeah apparently army told him clearly today that they cant let their guard down just for him to get political gains. If AFSPA is dropped, the separatists willt take the entire army to court.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by rohitvats »

During a debate on Times Now yesterday, one of the panelist - an ex-IA general sahab - made a very interesting comment: If the state/central government thinks that the situation has become normal in the valley, then please remove the army from the area(s). But you can't have you cake and eat it too i.e. keep the army w/o the protection of AFSPA. If you need IA, IA needs the cover of AFSPA to operate.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Stan_Savljevic »

Rohitvats, that has always been what the Army has been saying. The AFSPA is necessitated by the failure of the state police machinery. All the states that have used AFSPA (Manipur, J&K, Nagaland, Arunachal Pr., Assam, Tripura, etc.) have used it out of their own free will and because their state machinery could nt cope with disturbances to internal security. And they get this power from the democratic exercise where people elect the government. Ergo, its a full circle of people grant power to govt, govt elects to use AFSPA, AFSPA gives judicial umbrella. There is no role for the Army in being cussed at. Nor has the GoI or MHA bulldozed this option on the state govts. The MHA only provides guidelines on how Central forces can be invoked to fill in the gaps, this is what AFSPA is. When the respective State Governments obfuscate these facts with their state people, they are looking at vote-bank politics and scapegoating for convenience. If the AFSPA goes, the Army also goes. The Army cant function without the judicial umbrella that is needed.

The very people who are sitting their backsides on Justice Jeevan Reddy Commission recommendations are partners and power-sharers in the Central Government. If all was well, why not just go implement those recommendations instead of passing hundred sound bites. Replacing AFSPA with UAPA should be done if the power holders believe in such bs recommendations, they should nt yakkitak endlessly.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Anindya »

vishvak wrote:From http://thekashmir.wordpress.com/2006/10 ... f-kashmir/
BK: Let me think. First murder I committed was of Satish
NT: Satish who?
BK: Satish Kumar Tikku.
NT: Satish Kumar Tiku. Who was he?
BK: I got the order from higher up to hit him and I did that.
NT: Who was he?
BK: A Pandit boy.
NT: Was it just because he was a Pandit boy?
BK: No. He probably belonged to RSS.
NT: So what? Is belonging to RSS a crime? Does it mean that if someone belongs to RSS you will kill that person?
BK: As I told you, I used to get instructions from higher ups to kill that particular person. If someone else would have gotten the same order, he had to kill that person.

Muzaffar Raina of the telegraph whitewashes out this interview and says the following:
Dar has a controversial past and is blamed by Pandits for creating a fear psychosis among them that led to their exodus. He is also accused of killing several Pandits before his arrest in June 1990, for which he spent 17 years in jail. He has denied the charges.
http://www.telegraphindia.com/1111027/j ... 673029.jsp
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Aditya_V »

rohitvats wrote:During a debate on Times Now yesterday, one of the panelist - an ex-IA general sahab - made a very interesting comment: If the state/central government thinks that the situation has become normal in the valley, then please remove the army from the area(s). But you can't have you cake and eat it too i.e. keep the army w/o the protection of AFSPA. If you need IA, IA needs the cover of AFSPA to operate.
Exactly please see my post above, this is the army position and correct position. TSPA wants these kind of mentally draining HUman rights lawsuits against the Army.

Rather take the army out of the valley. use the police into counter terrorism rather than guarding politicians and face the consequences.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Anindya »

From http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report_se ... my_1603813
Separatists in Kashmir have joined the chorus with its arch rival the pro-India National Conference to corner the security forces over the suspected terror attacks in the Kashmir valley on Tuesday.

Cutting across their ideological lines, both moderate and hard-line factions of the Hurriyat Conference have taken the fight a step ahead demanding international probe into all attacks including the grenade blasts attacks in Srinagar.

“It has been long time stand that there are more than 100 agencies working overtime in Kashmir. All these attacks at public places and in the civilian areas are suspicious. We reiterate our demand that there should be international probe into all these incidents to unravel the truth”, said Ayaz Akbar, spokesman of the Geelani-led hard-line faction of Hurriyat.

Not the hardliners, even moderates have sharpened their attacks against the security forces in Jammu and Kashmir. “Mustafa Kamal’s party is on power. They have information and institutions under their command. And Kamal’s statement might be based on the specific inputs. It can’t out of blue. I agree what he said”, said Syed Saleem Geelani, spokesman of the moderate faction of Hurriyat.

Kamal on Tuesday said there is not a finger of suspicion but a strong possibility that those very people who have said there is absolutely no question of withdrawing Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) might have carried out the attacks. However under pressure from his party, Kamal later modified his statement to give escape route to party leaders who are serving in the government.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Jarita »

^^^ It is highly likely that this is by design of UPA leadership. Consistent moves have been made to weaken Indian sovereignity
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by ramana »

Omar Abdullah is playing a dangerous game. Kashmir needs IA presence to take care of the security because of terrorists armed from TSP. The area needs the Disturbed Areas Act to be invoked so IA can be deployed and the AFSPA invoked.
True some areas arre queit now and may be police functions can be resumed. Most likely the consensus was to revoke it partially. Omar wants to appear as one who stood up to IA and had them removed even thoguh he knows its going to be revoked anyway. This way he appeals to some of the hardline separatists. However it has made the terrorists bolder for they think they can get away. The IA can't act and neither can Omar as the police is not yet ready. In a way they have outed his uselessness.

To understand what he is doing watch for Mufti's response.

The MHA which is backing Omar can send its officials to take over law and order?
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by svinayak »

They can do a district level AFSPA order so that quiet district the IA can withdraw for a short while.

This can difuse the situation and also provide some space for JK govt
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by ManuJ »

Anindya wrote: Muzaffar Raina of the telegraph whitewashes out this interview and says the following:
Dar has a controversial past and is blamed by Pandits for creating a fear psychosis among them that led to their exodus. He is also accused of killing several Pandits before his arrest in June 1990, for which he spent 17 years in jail. He has denied the charges.
http://www.telegraphindia.com/1111027/j ... 673029.jsp
How stupid can this journalist be, who doesn't even know the difference between 'accused' and 'convicted'? So Dar spent 17 years in jail just because he was accused, but never convicted?

Just when you thought the journalist couldn't do worse, he adds "He has denied the charges"!

Since this story made it to the front page of the newspaper, it means that even the top-most editor of the newspaper is completely incompetent.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by ramana »

Chidu again.
2G and now Cashmere.

Is there any thing he is not involved in?
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Airavat »

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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by A_Gupta »

Alert: New York City Asia Society Anti-India meet on J&K:
http://asiasociety.org/calendars/arundh ... se-freedom
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Aditya_V »

A_Gupta wrote:Alert: New York City Asia Society Anti-India meet on J&K:
http://asiasociety.org/calendars/arundh ... se-freedom
Funny these people talk about how Middle class and scheming and cheating India's poor and should feel ashamed that they are comparatively well off , while they Jet set around to NY and west and hosting expensive parties.
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Re: J&K News and Discussion-2011

Post by Anindya »

Kashmir’s 'mufti azam' summons Christian priest to explain alleged conversions
SRINAGAR: Mufti Bashir-ud-din - J&K's official " mufti azam", or head Muslim clergyman - issued fresh summons to a leading Christian priest, CM Khanna, on Friday, asking him to appear before his court to explain his activities of reported conversions of young local boys and girls at his church in Srinagar. Khanna said the mufti was annoyed with him because he had expressed his inability to help the mufti in the admission of a boy to a Christian missionary school.

Talking to TOI, Mufti Azaam Bashir-ud-din said: "Our shariat court had summoned the Christian priest, CM Khanna, to appear personally today at 11am but he failed to appear. Now we have issued fresh summons to him for personal appearance on November 12."

Mufti Bashir-ud-din said: "I have received the complaint that the said priest, CM Khanna, is involved in converting young Muslim boys and girls to Christianity. This warrants action as per Islamic law. So we summoned him to appear before the shariat court to explain his position."

The mufti claimed to possess a video cassette purportedly showing Reverend Khanna urging young Kashmiri Muslims to embrace Christianity and asking them to take a dip in a pond inside the church near the cricket stadium in Srinagar.

"I will take all necessary measures in exercise of the powers vested in me by Islamic shariat," the mufti said when asked what course he would take if the priest failed to appear in his court.

"It is a matter of grave concern that Christian missionaries active here should be running an organized and integrated campaign to convert young Kashmiri Muslims to Christianity," he said.